HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12220 P 201 L l?dd-O P d-o ( IS- S-"2Lf.20 2'215<111> ' ........ .ad Silt, Dttd wttJI; (A1'nuf5 Apiul (;raafVr-, .\th . 11Idi'rid.... Of' C.'orponItion (;Ol'isnr \'OIilll....W\"&ll.E.'ORF.$Il;XIf<<; TIllS lSS-fRl:"F~'T .1'11IS 1I'''S1'RI'MFSI' SllCllilJ) BL I'SED"~ I.!.W\'[RS OXI.\" THIS INDENTURE, made the ,,~ day of October, 2002 BETWEEN IV AN BABIC and MARA BABIC, being married to racb otber, both residing at 12 So, Buckbhout SI1'ft1.ln1ngton, NY, It!iJJ party of !he first part, JOHN' HAYES alld CLARE Jl HAYES. being married to ratb otbl'r, both residing at 648 John St1'ft1, Baldwin, NY, 11510 pany of tile second parl, WITNl'~SF.TH. that the party of the tirst part, in considcrolion ofTEN lSU),OO) dollars, lawful money ofthc United Slates paid by the pany (If the !>Ccond pari, docs hereby gront and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or succcssors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL tbat tertain plot, piece or partel of land, wilh tbe buildings and improvemenls therl'On erected, situate, lying and Ming in the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANN.:XED HERETO REING AND INTENDED TO BE Ibe saml' premisl'S l'ODvl'yed 10 tbl' pllrtit'S of Ibl' first pan by dl'ed dated ,llInulIl')' 1" 1985 recorded in the Office of Ihe Clerk of tbe County of Suffolk on January 24, 1985 in Librr 9121 pllge 245, TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the pany of the first pan in and to .any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER wilhlhe llppUnenanel'S and all the estate and rillhts of the party of the first pari in and 10 said p'l\.'l1Iises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of tile SCl'Ond part, the heirs or sueecssors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the pany of the first pan ha.~ not done or sulfen..'t! anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whal<'ver, except as aforesaid. AND THE party of the lirst part. in compliance with Scetion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants lhat the pany of the first part will receive the considcl'lltion for this conwyance and will bold the right to receive sueh consideration as a trUSt lund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the co>rt of the improvement, and will apply tile same first to the paymenl oCtile COSt orthe improvement before using any pari ofthe tOlal of the same for any other purpose. The word .'parly" sh311 be construed as irit read "panics" ""henewr the sense of this indenture SO requires. SCHEDULE A TltIe Number: TS-2215413 Policy No. : SIewaIl TIlle IfISlli'8IlC8 Company ALllhat C'8l1ain plot piece or pan:eI of land, siluala, lying and being in the Town of SouthoId, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 172 on a cetlain map entilled, 'Map of 0IIent By The Sea, SecIIon IIr and filed In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 16, 1974 as Map No. 6160, saki lot being more parlicuIarly booIIded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the llOIIheny side of Park VIeW Lane wIlere the same is intersected by the division line between lots 172 and 1730n the above mentioned map, said poinl being dis1anI360.00 feelweslel1y as measured along the nOOherly side of P8f1( VIeW Lane from the comer formed by the intersection of the wesIeI1y side of Plum Island Lane with the llOIIheriy side of Park View Lane; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning along the nor1herty side of Park VISW lane, south '07 degrees 09 minutes 40 seconds wesl185.1lOfeet 10 the division line between lots 171 and 172; RUNNING THENCE along said diviSion line IlOIIh 2 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds west 207.88 feel 10 the division fine between lots 168 and 172; RUNNING THENCE along said division line and along the division line between lots 165 and 172 north 78 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds east 1&6,93 feet to the division Une between lots 172 and 173 first above mentioned; and RUNNING THENCE along said division fine south 2 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds easl234,68 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. DIItrict 1000 &Ic:IIon 015.00 BIocIl 05.00 Lot 024.020 This Schedule A has been made accessible via our web&ite for nwlew onl)' purpcses. The finm Sc:hedule will be included with )'OUr Title Commitment Any dlIlnges made to the Schedule which have not been sanclloned b)' Tillesel\l. Inc. will not be Included in lhe title poIic:y and therefore will not be Insured. laued by, TITLESERV, lNC. (516) 719-?I2OO (2llil) 831-4700 ScIIeduIe A Inc:llJdes Page 1 of 1 j ..1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party oflhe firsl part has duly e1(ccoUled Ihis deed the day and year firsl above wrillen. IN PRF-SKNCF. OF: M~-&~~~~~ ~:. MARA BABIC STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF NlISSlW ) ss; On the _.~t.lt4 day of October, 2002, before me:, the undersigned, personally appeared IV I.N ~;f.RJ(': uud MARA nADle, personally known to me: or prov\.'l1lo me on the ba!ris or satillfaClOry evidence 10 be lhe individuals whosellll1llC., arc subscribed 10 !he within instrument and acknowledged' 10 me thai they execUled l.bc: same in their eUplll:ity, and that by their signatures on the hlstrunlC/lI. the individuals, or the' person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument ' .I . . V>~ Notary PUbl~ I , LVNNE Ill. CONNORS No'.ary Public:. Su.le of New YorK No. 4950882 Oualilled in surlol~ Coo""........... CommissiOn Expires May 8, ~ .;;> " Numbcrofpogc$ TORIUCNS Seri~1 II Ccnif tealc It Prior Clf. It Deed I Munsage Inmum('Jl\ o..'Cd I Mongage Tax Stwnp FEES .} PlIgc I Filinlll'ee Handling TP-S84 - 5. 00. -~-=-- NOOIlion Sub lhlal ",,'J"] () 0 SA-52 17 (County) .:>~ &5-- ~- EA-52 17 {SUllel R.P.TS.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. no Affidavit Cenificd Cory Reg. Cory Other 15- Gr~nd TOI"I 4 DiSlricI Rc:tl 1000 Propen.y TIlX Service A geney Verili~ulion Section Block 1000 01500 0500 024020 6 s..lisfactiunl<lDisdlargeslRele3~s Usl Pmp..'11Y Owner. Mailing Addrelts RECORD 81 RETURN TO: Arnold Simon, Esq. 45 Executive Drive Plain view . NY 111303 REClJRDED 2002 ~l'ov 15 11: 20: 34 Ill! Edward ~_P.~ine CLERKe.:' SUFFOU: ClltJlTI' L 0000 I 2220 p 20: pn 02-!5375 Recurding I Filing Stamps Mon8llie AmI. L Bask Ta\ 2. Addilionall'oL\ Sub TOOlI SpedAssil. ur Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ DUlIl Coonty _ Held fur ^flpnintmcnl Trll1lllrerTa.\ ~_ Mansion Tnx The property ''OvCft'd hy this ml"'lla&" is ur will be improved by a one '1<<' IWO f:unily dwdling only. YES or NO If NO, ,;cc appropriale ta.\ clUWlC 011 PUb'" /I of this instrull1A:Ol. 5 Comm1Udty Pre......tiOD had Consideration Amount :& 200,000 2,500 CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacant Umd x TO TO TO 7 Title Com an Information Cu. Name Titleserv Tille It 1'$-2215413 SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Bargain and Sale Deed (SPECIFY TI'PE 01' INSTRL;MENTl .~ The "remise. herein i, .iluulcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. Nl!W YORK. In lhe Township "r In u.c VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES Ii THRU 8 MU~, BU TYPBD OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONl.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. This flUSo fontls part or u.c altaclled _ Ivan Babic and Man Babic TO John F. Haves and Clarel~D. Haves made by: Southold Orient lc>vet) I 1111 Ifill 11I1 1111111 1111 101 III_~ 1111111111111 SUJTOLK COUHTY CLERK RBC01U>S OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of J:ftII~nt: DEEDS/DOD Number of Page.: 4 '.l'RARSJ!'BR 'lAX NUMBBR: 02-15375 ReClOrded : At: LIBBR: PAGE: 11/15/2002 11:20:34 AM D00012220 201 Di.trict: 1.000 Section: Block: 015.00 05.00 R~UTUD AIm CA"DQED AS lI'OLLOWS $200,000.00 Lot: 024.020 Deed AIlIount: Re~ived the Following ree. I'or Above Xftllt.r\Dent Z....."9?t NO HanclUng NO NYS SuacHG NO !:A-STAB NO Cert.Copie. NO SC'l'lC NO CoIIIm. Pre. he. Paid. $12 . 00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $800.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $3,402.00 Ex-.pt NO NO NO NO NO NO Pap/Filing COB BA-Cft '1'11'-584 RP'1' Tranafe:r: tax 'l'IUUfsna TAX IfUlCBBP: 02-15375 THJ:S PAGE IS A PAaT or '1'BIl INSTRUMDT'1' lEdward P. RoIIlaift11 County Clerk, SuffoU: County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:I! www,orpsstate,nY,lJS Of PHONE 151B! 473.7222 FO;,c:~NSr:.:UJ"LY' L~ 1,3,iS ~I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2 D_llfl<l Reco,ded L1l I I S-L O~ C3 Boo/< I / 22 20~~4 po: ./ (5, I PROPERTY INFORMATION . * _v noN loclrtion ' 'ii?.wn "'kMil6i1 Southold Park View Lane ~~~j0hfb riel"""" Orient JKiMI~ ..N...."m.' L,~M,~~L.~_~ CA1'>, ,<.INT , :~_!lN~ SlATE OF NEW 'fORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERlY :sEfWtct:s RP . 5217 IU'.JJl1ltM:vn 11957 John F. and Clare D Hl'lS1' 'WoW ,-1 ;S:"''<<iMi,';':;Hf^Ii>P' 3 Tall Hilino _. ind.urte whr.'v:t b1;1'I1! 1'<'1:< Sil'i.: :jfiJ to br; Elm! j ti;her \Hij..., bUll!!' iiidd!l!ll;; i..r Lzoo~. (j~ ,*"",; ~, lndkall' tbi!l'ftU1'tItH:' of A$uumot Rolt ~~~~t'f9d Oll~ <tft4 Ii oi 'Pi;o~,ul> Oft 0 P<>r\ o! 11 "'af('~\ " Dnd PtaP<<tv Sit(\' I 185 '''''''''i'1r<fY' ,varies U"h\ I x I !Ofl~.A Ik~l~ N.... Babic il<itfx"'~I"'..'(i;:M;;Ai-i') ll';ii~~'iXMi" 1 van and Mara 1, Ctlec:" _tu .~ biPfaw which most &C(;UrM.ly tle$Cfibu th" Iffll'l of ~ proptrtY .t In. 11m. 6f .al.. A ~ 01111 f,;:"" V 4M'clp,r;t4 R' l' W ') (.ol't,,,~ R1i'I:~:rle~i:;,l ( """""'~IV"",,,'''W 11. Non ReS'rmni;\ VaUlt,! jilnti I SALE IN'ORMATION I 1'1 Sallt C~n"et 0.... !'~""'i,"""'" F (..aMMI!ltIt.al o "~.f;cji*,nl H L"'lcftilinmaN.' A""hMW"lftrlt I ~ en" llH\.tn."'SflIVicl' J. Inttu!i11'i1l1 K f'uhll\;S,..v"", L l(ilt:~1 iOnIy if '-"n of . PowC4lf Cb"l '" they .ppty 4A. f'kl';./'Hl(< Board wii" SuWi'l"~Klr, /i.uI1N)"W i:~w;u 48 Sul)d...;sio,r AJ."il111\'31 W~ Rilt<...invl19r "'r<!IlS1'n lie Piv(,'Ui A.4p(~ lQt SutJd'\I"!i:l(m ",:1." ,'-'hi: i>".,,;ir!tlJ o o o ChKk Uta bo.ut bf;Iow.' they IIpply' II, (h\<('l:NihU type> jlfo(U'1{1fJmi'1o\,I1' 9 Nkw Cr.:r'I&'~'uttla!'l Drt VJl~m.f Lind 1(14 p,.G~!'1V 1lY'..Jrad"oitl1ln an A.:alh.,-,It"(;,,,t),.q'>r~ W8 It./jlii' liW.,:,.;,,')td ifdijl;ll;l&,ufe '\;,!h~ nJza<:h;, lfl{;t Ii\<;' WGP";?"ty '9 J'I:.lU !lgrif;ut,;r41 Oi6V<, o o o o 15.. eNd: OM or mot. of 1"" col'lditkl... .5 ..,1ic8b1e '1'0 1tnIn~: ,Jih: I ~. I 0.2 'Y4W'~ 10. i I 0.2 y"".n ;jw~ '1''''111 A H (' D " F t;t. o-lotl~ol Sal\, .I Tr3n&tef .. 2.0. 0. 0. ~..O"..H.JU I I . l' uti :iak- Pti~'V t~ th(! :,-,101 ~m.:uB'll p~j:;t ',or the WC>pCttV ll)du4inQ: j:w'liUf'liil :pr.o~n'(, lri;~ ;.'.(oi''''\II''1' "1\'" 11e iH re f,,:rm ;)f {lash, Dii'4!-, plQ,WP1V -o~ Vl>Od#. n~ ~r.. 1!u:,mpli()fl ~I l'wd.\,;I>I;,'M.- w \Iii:-,w .J\}' ,'}<<',!1)'1>\ p;eaw n;und 1(', rh\i lItt.#msl wltolf! llbffu 4I1HJIJ1'<! , 3. Fun 511J. PrK:t 14. Indicate IftO V"'. .,.. pel"U)f)" P<<~v ...dUdlid In m. .. ASSESSMENT l\iroRMA'ZtON none w..wk,H,."JL . ^"" n.'ltl.l Hl1mJld ,~fl~t If\e latest Final Asaessmlill1t Ro!l and Tal( Bill lb, Yll,jl" (If Au,,"mem Roll ffOrn whidtirrfOfrtUJtlGl'lbkl1l t7 T~" 4~ V.lue lltlf." pUll'" hit tun,9ferj la.. PI(lptlrty Cl~ _:l, l ,1 H Oy~terp9nds '.!j, ~h(W)~Dlmit:t IlUWlIII' ~ '0 ro.l< Mllp IdltMifiH($; .I Rollli1oltndti!lH't.., (tf ''110'6 than tll),*', ~h lIh..-t with HdffiWl<lf fdt.m#'f1~1$l! 1ooo-o15.00-o.5.oo-024.o.2Q 'M"MM M ~~~M. I L-. Salil 8~"""'1Il"''' k(\ilHi\l:(l$ (<I fQHl1l<;!! nvl..;;r>,,'fJfi &tie- Betwmm l'k11a1erJ CDfnr;;anms m V;'t!'\"V""" ;" BtISif'B;;.J; One of tne Sq"ft1l1 ,~ llho.. s..tl1t(H Buyc'{;r SiHIlJ' .... GO"'>l>'na~m Aiq<.'l'KV 0" i.1/t'lJil'rf i'1stihltKH' (k.." T '/pe not WJmlf't'o (\t~'(jl!,n ill!'ct :1,Jle iSlM"(H"f ThwtlW\ $otH) (if jtl'1l~IHJJUlr Of LIl'M tnM'l Pili), iM&r@. (SP<KJV Utl!{>'oV) Sig!lrt!(;tlnT Cll;JIroa iilf>,opnrty mU\M!>atl t ilulx0:;HI:,m "'!Xl Wit!' i:nlox,n S\!l'e <)r SIl6mC'!i& i$ Ircuo!l":i ,-. Salt! i'fH:loi ';.If! F'>{:lr;lr$ Aff~Chfl!) 541>. P"9) :Sjt.-ut+..' Bt"{1W) ';]0>-":1 1 6 0 0 --.J I CERrlflCA nON f l:I'rtir, that uti: 0( Ow ilmm.l" in:funnation ('nkr-ed #U l!ti~ funa 1Ifi' l.rtW> and QJITt'('t l1n Uw: ~ uf my k.lw-..~ and bdid') and I ulIden-i*1d tftdf Ilw mukq ot llny """UflJi fa>>.' "-lllft;ml',.l uf lTlottrll\l fuethll,.Tcill will Sllbjff1 fUlf to Cherm~jorn<; ur the omJIIlaw ""Wi", II) "'"' Rtuking .md filbl~.p( ('a~ In'''nUltt'RK. ~ td CR<Jl". a&~ ~~~~ M~:~ _ ~, M~. al!v", t'!(;'lJl.t,tn I !~e~_'iL~ 'A.~t..._ Simon. Esq. John St. 516 Baldwin NY I 11510 , 411-;','Qf;f. "l"(C"f?J.::" ~FF; SELLER ~~ ~ . ~~_M, .",,~ . . sn:..f.>\$tn1>A"'",iH ~/ 'Jy/a4- ~ """-,~"~,,,,.-1,r . BUYER'S A TTORNEV Arnold tA;'~"''''>M 476-8800 NEW YORK STATI, COPY