HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12441 P 243 parly of tbe IIeCUIld part. wrfNESSETH. th.t ~ ,.rly of the lint part. 'n pIIid by the pIIrly 01 the .econd part" daea hereb or IIQCI:aMh aDd ..ip of, lite perty of the . A.U. INt certain plot. pia-e o~ parr.el of" J-=; I,irtll and beintt in the- . . , at Orient in the Town of Southold. Coy}, n .. Plot No. 89. on a certain Map en~' 1<4.':M Town of Southold. Suffolk Coun ~6v,' Glen Lane. Glenwood Landin ~'i'" Grccnport, New Yorlc"and filed in !h~ 0 I..', 015, 0 as Map No. 3444, ASS No. 3840 \:,\ r Itk 06.00 '. \, ~\ ." , L'oi' 002.0 0 TOGETHER wuh a nght of way over.all as shown on maps ofOnent-By-The:Sca, Scctlons One and Two, Map Nos. 2777 and 3444 as rliW1.n!!~ Omee ofihc SuITolk Coun~Iiik. .';' ~...~" I " ~, !f.{?,"." ",,, Said Premises "'" sold subjcclto: - , I~ /" ":~ ':;.\ l. Any state of facts on accurate survey may show provided n.Jle'?~oes not rcnd~-l title unmarketable. ' ,\'\::.9:~>6lJ~,',.;" ~~ Zoning regulations and ordinances of the Town of Sollthold. '\:;:~'v:;':;o'~~.t'.ji Declaralion of Covenants and Restrictions d8led November 1 S. 1961 undW'kiber~Jiit' 5083, Page No. 219, filed in theOmee oFthe County Clerk. Suffolk Counlyon November 17.1961, " I". I I I I~Xt.:: . f---~--- -----,---- " L 1~441.P.;l43 'T 6li11-~"''''l'.JI.TlI r_____...... .1lII_.......--............t....,.........II... .t'~ /'" .... . ~;.;jJ..,,<.i"-''''''' ~..,. ~.rlslor.rc.. , . . .~ ,me 10013 CONSULT 'tOU" LAW,. IEfOII siGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - TIllS IHSTRUMBn SHOULD II USID IV LAWYIRS ONLY THIS UlDEI'n1JRE, made on ;PEC&-d~ IS....2005 BETWEEN BRUCE D. YUDELSON, FRANK YUDELSON and DA VID YUDELSON, as'TcoanlS in Common. 02DStllv.Ja.b2... e.mct, st. ~, NY II~() I I i I' I' ; , ; puIy .f tho 0... po... uti BRUCE D. YUDELSON, 2D slll m-lcR. ~ I St: :lCLmLS, t-.JLj I neD . dl!l'ation of Ten Dolla,.. .Dd otMr "at.abIe eOMldenl:ioa '-nd releUr unto the parly of Ibe IIlCOIId part, the hein o~~, ' / huildinp .nd improvements thereon erected. .iaute, !Tolk. and Slate of New Y ort, known and designated as 'col-By-Thc-Sea, Seclion Two silu8led al Orient Point. ed and developed by Woodhnllow Properties, Inc.. #3 W. Van Tuyl and SOil, Liccnsed Land Surveyors. e Clerk oFthe County.oFSulTolk on October 26,1961. 2. 3. SUBJECf Propcny is nol subjccl to a Credit Line Mongalle. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE SAME PREMISES conveyed to the party of the firsl pan by deed dated July 17. 1987 and recorded in the SuITolk county Clerk's O.mee on January 7.1988 at Liber. 10508, pagc503. . . " TQt.:a:TIlF.ll with all rip:ht. lillc and inll:'rnl. if "I). ItJ-lht pirt~ allhe .6rsl.~_r_1 in and to any .treet, .nd ruad. abuuin@. the Ahovl' de.erihed Ilranise. tu Ihe Wilier linel tIw.U!fJf: TOG~7HER with the appurleaanca. al,d .11 the CfoIatl!' and rip... of the part~. l)f I~ first pIIIrt in uul tp ".id p~mhlel; TO HA VI:: A~D TO HOLD . the IU1'miflell. herein ~ralll~ UIIII'I thp. Ihllrt~ flf lhe Pet.,,",. parL Ihe hl!'i... or .uCCPMl)rl' .lId ...i,lI,. .,f Ihe part) pf the 1P..:unn pIIrf r"revl!'1. , T' -.Ii .:;/. < r\;'lID the I,art)' nf Ihr firslllllrt cl)ftllanll that I_ .,.rly llf the finl pari hili not dOliI!' (Ir l'ulfcred In)'lhinJ: wbereh~' Ihe .....id pl"f'nliM'tJ han heen cn.:umt.eR'd in an~' way whalcver, excel>>!. .1 aforesaid. ANI) lhl' pIlrl~ nf the lir!lit part. in ("(IInI,liarK.'C with Sf'dinn 13 tlf the Lirn Law. 1.'4.wr.nanlt thallhe "arty of 1m: first plrl will reCt'il'e the I:cm.iderati"n for Ihi" Cnlll't"}'enft and will hnld the rilthl III l'e'"ein such con.identLoII as II lrllll fund tu he a",-lied. fil'Jl Inr tbe- purpoac of payinp; the l"Vll of the implVft'IMlIt and will Ipply lhe Nme ftnt 10 fho payment of .~ ens( Dr the ilDPrtJ1o'emrnt befOrfl uling any paJl of the tnt.1 of Ihl!' ...me for any other }fUrpuN'. The word "party" th.n he r....natruftl a. if it rud "pulieR" whl!'n~ver the RnN!l of IhiA indenture su requirn. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pIIrt)" "f the fir.. pari I... f'uf:ulell Ihi d the dll)' and year first ahove wriUm. "' .::\" Ifill P..ESE"t.:~ It"::"".. " .....' .-. , .~ '- .... ,'. - .:. .:~, '';''-!'" . " !' Uniform Form Certificate of Acknowledgment State of New York County of On the /7"'8. day of /IJ#/lC# undersigned, personally appeared ~",(~ p. Yvp~~o./ personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual (s) whose nome (s) is/ ore subscribed to the'within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ she /they executed the same in his/ her/their capacily (ies). and thot by his/ her/ their signature (s) on the instrument, the individual (s), or the person upon behalf of which" the individual (s) acted, executed the instrument. \ in the year 2t!:)() G , before me, the , A(MP-~c..I<- Notary Public ICAREN A. BROCK I\IDr.ry Public. SllIle of New YorIc No. 01BR490 B8&3 Com Ouelllled 'n SuIIDIIc ~ mlsaion &,.i_ Feb. 8, 'IIl..i:.o I 0 '. cv Q~ t.'~ Uniform Form Certificate of Acknowlodgment StClte of New York County of On the /7~ day of M~ undersigned, personally appeared :J>>v' f) Y vI} f!t.S UN personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual (s) whose nome (s) isl ore subscribed to the within instrument and ocknowledged to me that he/ she / they executed the same in his/ her/ their capacity (ies), and that by his/ her/ their signature (s) on the instrument, the individual (s), or the person upon behalf 01 which the individual Is) acted, executed the instrument. in the year 2<J (J ~_., before me, the ~1Vl./A-~ Notary Public KAREN A. BROCK NclI8ry PuIIIic. Stele of New '\brtc No. 01BR480 8853 Quellfled In SuffaIk Coumy ._ CommiAian Expi....feb. 8, ~O 10 .. . ----- _.~..-...~ . ._-.....,.r.;- . =:.:-...,..- .--- cv 4. ll' ,.'" ACKNQIWLEDCIIIIIN NEW YDI!S ITATII (NIL"" St.le 0' New Yor".Co~ntj'~r . ~!,,~ ~~ . II.: . :",'_' ,-0;..".,;.. 'On 12::/lrJ~.t- ",; .- before me~~he'undenll8cd. p<r5llI1lIIly .j,p....d 1l~~"~"P, y,,-'...I ' 7)#01'<> '. V"O~.,J pet1'OIlllly known to me or pmvtd ID me on tilt bIsis of IIdarK- 101)' evidcnte to be the indivklual(l) whole nunc(s) is <Ml) .._ ",Ihe _ill irulru..... ond _1edFI1O "'" duI hoI~ ......... Ihe .... ill hiIIbodlheir _iIy(iesl. ond ..... by hillhcr/lheir Ii.....-<.) en Ihe ............ Ihe indi- vidus!(s~ or 11>0 _, upon, \xJIslf ,or~which Ihe mividual(.) -: cm5 rtiwfllr'nL -"PubIIo.Sto1eot__ v""._ ,/.2'_' ,. _ No.O'BR4801I063 ~~...--- r Ouo,~I~~':....:~""''''''ll:lwr~..,} _",., _...e.-~ Fe.b 5, 'lDOlt:> ACICNQWL.8DCIIB 0U1'Iai NIW YORK.,ATa ........., Stale 01 CGunty 01 ".: On perSOllllllyoppes.r-d befcm: me. lhf undcniRned. .t." .I..r-.... . ,. -, :1 perionslly known '" "'" or proved OJ "'" en 11>0 balris or U1io- rllClOl'y evidence to be Ihe individual(l) wholle namc(1) is (1ft) subacribcd 10 the whhin inllrument and ICknowlcdJed to me lhsl hoIshoIlhey ellOCllred !he.... ill hiWhedtheir CIpOCity(ies). aDd thIIC by ~r lipabft(S) on the instrumenl.lht: indi~ v_II). or Ihe _ upoIl hebalf at which Ihe indlvWlIII(l) acted. execurrd the insaumenl. and lhat such indiriduall"Dlldt .""", uppesnonee ber.... 11>0 undonIi;oed in (11lMff rlq fW""unc.I ,.wnUiwl...., "'* tII'~""fIffMr pWr-*-'" -....., '1i,,,,,,,,"..DIh "'.....,...... .cb&tw,."...,J ".pia aall 6aIt .... W'na ConIlAJft AUlIfft Cu.R"I'GIl'. Ac:n TITLB No. BRUCE D. YUDELSON, FRANK YUDELSON and DAVID YUDELSOH, .. Tenants in COllmon, TO BRUCE D~ YUDELSON, . I ~ ~ .. ~ . Ii . J! I . . i . t ! ..' , ~ - r- ... .! '" ~" . l~.Y"_" "llllllwnNEII(&J 'SCale or &-'~........ tI'~ I Counl, of 1t ~.,'-. <.A- " . ".: o.i,' 12:::-' f;, -.. r..- hefore me. !he unde"'ianed. - ': pe~IIYappeiu'ed rA.""'~ j/,,'lFtL s~" Ihe IUbscribinl witneP(e.) 10 the forcaoinl insuumenL with whom 1 am personally Kquaintcd. who. being by me duly sworn. did depose! and say thai helsbtJlhe:y Rlide(s) in fi/'- pia.. ., ....rilIrIK'r u jll . orU.1. illrl" rJw ~frHl fA"" SlfffI ......... - ."tJlq,":-~ - _. ' . " thll heI_y _'1 10 be the individual(sJ dclCribed in and who CAtcUted the rore- lOin. instrument; thai aid subsCTibing witncJs(es) wu (were) preserll md saw said ',' "' " -..' "I 'f' '. .. Number ut po:Ig~ TORRI;NS JlEl:ORN:D 2006 I'lor 20 02,40,52 PIt JUdl1h A. Pascde eLERl<. IF SUFFOU: COUtll'l L OOW12+l1 P 243 Dol 1)5-31600 ~rial# Cenilkoh:' II Prior Clf. ## Dcrd , Mongage 'nstrumcnl 1X1.-d , Monsa@~ Tax Stamp Recording' Filing Stamps 3 ~l;ES 1J..lgt' Filinl! Fcc Hondling 5. (X) :{- MOrl~3gl: "mt I. Basic-Tux 2. Addilional T ilX Sub 10011 SpL"CJA~~it. TP-584 Ntllalion EA-52 17 (County) ~/ EA-5:!17(SI3Ie). :~ .__ R.P.T.S.A. < l>r Sut. TOlal Other Suh.lhlUl Grund Tow' ~/. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Tuwn _ Dual CounlY .Held f(,lr Appuintmcnl__ Tr....rer .,,"" e- Mun~i()n Tax The pmpcny ClI\.CI\."lI by this mungagc is nr will be improved hy u nne ur IWl' fumily dwelling. only. YES or NO If NO. see upproprilllc lax clause' un page #_ofIhililin nl....... S-Gl!. 5 Commwty PnHrvation Flmd enmm. llf Ed. 5. 00 Affidavil --1...' :~ledC~ NYS Surcha'llc _~ J!I.- S<<tion Real P't>peny 'foolX Servil.-e Agency Vcrifil..uliun 060510 ~TS RewA A ,........ , ---- Block 1000 01500 0600 002000 Consideration Amount S 20 Jr -&- I( 6 Sali1.fllCtionsIDischargcrJRclea.~s Lisl Property OwncD Mailing Addre~~ RF.CORD " RETURN 11), 1?fZ-t1c..t y. yvp(:r.r.,,) JT/U...~ htIl> iflfMt:-), "'~W YOllle 117{:16 Impmvcd_----v- Vacant Land ~ TD 1U-6 . TO TD -.( Suffolk Count 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name .'itle# & Endorsement Pa e This page furms purl nf the alladk:d /J/Z.././crP. YJV~.o"'; ~ YV'l)t!-<--.r,../ 1>1t1/ , /I Y vO&-t- SOd"J TO p. Yt/f/t-<Z. .'" . , ,SPECIFY TYPE OF IN RUMENTI . made by; The pn:mi~" h~in i" ~iluatcd in SUI'I'OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~ol4 In IhI: Town,;hip of In ."" VILLAGE ll;Ztlc.r nr HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPliD OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (overl 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111I111111 111111111111111111111 I111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of rnstrument. DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 5 Receipt Number I 06-0027676 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 05-31600 Recorded. At. 03/20/2006 02.40.52 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012441 243 District. 1000 Section: 015.00 BXAM:INED AND $0.00 Block. 06.00 CHARGBD AS Lot. 002.000 POLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Pollowing Pees Par Above rnstrument Bxempt Bxempl Page/Piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $6.25 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0."00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $251.25 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR. 05-31600 THrs PAGB rs A PART OF THB rNSTRUMENT THrS rs NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUcnONS: hltp~1 www.orp...tlIle.ny.ul or PHONE 15181 473--7222 FOR CObNTY USE ONLY CU_ Codo I "I, 7, J. f. l.~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT O2.D...__ I-?I<i/.J/~I ~ CI. _ I /,.;{, I.{, ((, J I co. ....I cYi <'f~ I ,,_ PROPERlY INFORMATION STAT! OF" YOIUC ITAn 80MD Of REAL PIIOPIIITY IIJMCU RP - 5217 IO'oUn"'~ "=1 '32, ""'_11 q,{'; fi::I r Po I .v I Vl/f)f"/.S'Of'l ~_ . -"" LlA5T......,a:.ww . ~ 1hZ, V ~ ~- - ..... ~,e.I/c.~ r...-_ IIL'l.PI :P. IMI_/~ ....,- I.T_ ~.....fuIutIT.......tobl.. .... alllhlr IIIII'l ~...... boaDm 01 bmI I - I~_,,:il!~ YUDt7....,o,.J IAIT_'~ :0 fl:._J1J,II'IC 8L.vct' ...,- ~- ~=... I /l"Z", Ixl .. FIlllfO" ~c.DL~'''' ...... I ~h5.,.J ....,.. 'NMII/~ 't:f!!-.!.:-o,/ /YL .... IORI ACIIQI . I.lVYI/Ii'1l'1J ITA" .~ !OnIr.....oI.hrwQCIIRIF:..,..."fIPPIr. 4A.PlMnlnollalrdwWISulxivillonAuthorhyElliD 0 _SWIdIvIIIonApprUWlf_...........for,.,..,. 0 I c...... ~ for SubdMIIon with MIp PIaWiId 0 9,2../Ct'- 1> . ~c. --.---J &, ....... 1M ___ cI .. ~ Hal,.,............ enlhe...... II 'alPllIalIil 0I'l 0 ".l1ofl,PIIra1 D1;1/1) ,... --.---J 1. ChecIlttw...."'"' whleh ~ ___ dMcrIIft.. \1M...... propII'ty ..... t1_ alu. "f.....~- R Zor3f.-,R8IicIInIieI C ~iIIv.c.ntLlincl o Nan.....IdIfn..VKIIIll....ncl I SALE INfORMATION I ',.....eontr.ctone E~_..... F __ G .......... H Etn.rt.InlllMll:' Am.-nlll'l '~'-- J _ K PWIbIicSelvIce L ,_ ca.aII.........t.ro..,...,1fIlPIv: .. OwnerItllp T rPe . CondomInium .. .... ConmucIIan an YICaI'lt Llinc:l 1M. ~""'wldIIn _~ o..c _ Bww........~ IICIlb n&..ting IhIltbeprapll'tW'ilin..Agril:uIJInIDIItrIcI D D D D -.. I .... I v_ " R C D E F G H I J ... _.. 1'-................... to tnnIIIr: .. a.w..n RNttw. m- FannaJ AoIIllveI s.Ie--'~~_or~in8uli'" OMoftheB..............o.S...... &uy. or SalIDr II aav.nmenI Agency or lMIcing htituliorl c..l T-n-IIOI WlirJMty or a.v-...t SUlI&pedtf 8IIowI hie of FNCIlclMI or lAlII thin Fe. I...... (Spadfv ~ Slgnlfk:a.. a.nge in Pwopefty......" T.ubID Sbdu. and s....... ... of BullNIII .. IndudId In &.II Pl'a Other UnuIUIII F8QDrS AlfDc:dng SIlo Prtce ISpeclfy BIlow! ..... 12. DMIi '" ... I ,....... '2..11\ I O~I -.. .... - , . ,0,0. R I , , . IFaG S. Pr1tD IIlh1 taUt _ pIid for.... P"'I*'Y Including perIOftIf PJOI*tV- ThiI...-."*, _In W Iorm of ClIIh,..... prapMty or..... or ltlI-.umplion of ~orDl""~ ,.,...raundlGu..-.r..tto.Wamr.t.-nf. ...-.._-......-_ 1 . . . . . .0.0.01 ........ , t . I ASSESSMENT IHFORMATlON - DIll should nfI8ct EM 111811 Flnad Aswament RaIl and Tile BUll '1............1c. ,,, ::"'DI..=-'':: bom L.-J 1'J. T.. --.. .,....101-'1....... '- ......1 ,.._.... ~~ J . l'-LJ 11,___1 D1Sit.rLlcO'p , 2O.,........~/RoII~rw_....,.............wMr.........~1 d l)(){)- blS.ID,- OlP.\}\)- ~.O:O I 'CEllT1FICAll0N I I anII1m. II ellhettern.fII............ftIItftd an drII.lllrm._lrut_Nn'ft'I flo...... "1fI1~....IIII!f)...I...................... 01 ~ .... ........... III........ tWl....... ... IlIbjed 1M" tIw .........11I1br ......... ....... lllelllllllr........ .... ~Me IRcnaneaIIl. BUYER IUYER"S ATTORNIIiV /2-1'r-tfJr #:M'_' .-- Mn ......- STi t:.Lwt9- '1"l:n- i2.j) . S1IIUT..... wrnll UW -- -..... or IV II '7eo .... ~- "<UR 12.-/r.or '~,r--.r I:L-,r.o""- NEW YqRK ST!\TE COPY ~