HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12213 P 663 L.12L/3 P0~3 1_ 3002 ._1- 10M. - 8...... 0IId Sale Doc.i. wilh 0:0._....... O""....A.<u-,IQdjridu>! OJ ~l... ~-l .-'IIU'_LAWYU__rllt1ll__-____....._.,,~_y. ,RT THIS INDKNTURE, made lbt 2nd dol' of October . Two ThaIsand .nd Two I~ETWEE.N QWILIlS J. HIlOOBRTY and BlLEIiN L. liNX&cn', his wife residing atB65 North Sea Drive. Orient, New Yor!c 11957 IS-G-::) partyofllUlMt pllr1..l1IllI <DIRl\D QIIlN and BLIZMImI OIIIilN, his wife. residing at 758 Hunt Lane, Manhasset, NeW York. 11030 ~_y of \ho! :sc<:wld p,art. WITNESSETH, tlul1 u.. p""y of t1u, r_ pan.. in considenllioo of tcII dooUnn l1IllI od>cr \-alllllblo COIlIidctllliOll paid by d>e> P""y of lIllo lICll:Oftd pill, doca bcnlby BI'1IIU' and ",Ie_ lIIllO Ihc peny of lilt: sccand pan.. tIu: brirs or SIIC~ aml aHip. of Ihc p,arty of the second pen fQn!Yer. ~,i.L lbal.-in ploe, piece or pmcol of Illr>d, .i_.l)oin; andboinsll. on-. Town of Soulhold. C_y of s..lJoll< .nd SUlCI of Now Vorl<, kdown and desipailed.. Lot 16 on a -m mop enlitled, 'Map ofari.... By.n...se.. SecliOD 2" sod filed I.. tho Office of the Cu.rIc 01' ,be COlInly of Sulrolk On O<tobcr 26, 1961 u ~ No. 3444. bounded .nd .!...ribed .. COIlows: Dll!OINNfNO III . paim on lite southed:r lide ofNortb 80. Drive ollhe diviJion lino bel_ Lou ... _ the leaching .-rea; i'HllNCE oluellut a"",s the .....!body .iideofNorth S... Orivc, 196.00 fOCI 10 the dlvis;o. line............ lGu 16 _11; THENCE duo Soud, 146.02 t....1O tho divilllOllI.... -.. LotI'" and 96; THENCE North 17 dogn:.. IS minute' 30 SOCllndS WOOl, 1$7.75 C= to lhe division une botwcon ........ 16 .nd the t~::aehinl are4; TliENCBNorth IS dol!ftCS 30 mi._ 310 ....oda W.... 143.70 feci 10 t.... _Ihody .Ide of North $00 Orivo. the poi.. or place of BEGINNING. Ileing .md intlmded to be the _ pranises conveyed to the grantocs herein by deed dated October 4, 19711llllde by I!DiWll:l J~ CXMl~ and ~ J. C)Qoll$I<EY, and re<;!Orded NOvember 1, 1971 in Libe.r 7037 cp 329. Said pcunises also being known as and by the street address 865 North Sea Drive. Orient, NeW York 11957. ." 'TOGETHER wilh 011 righ.. rilk Ind Into....I. if ""y. of tbr party of u.. fin" pan; io Ind to uny Ilreeu Incl roacb abuning I.... abovo-desc.ibed J>l"'l'II.i,tes 10 tbr """.....lillOS lhoteof; TOGETHER with tbr "PPunenan= and all the C!ltak and rights C!fllte party J3ftbr /irlll pan in IInclIO hid p.rrmil1'l; TO. HAVEAN.QTO !lOLO tile prcmiRs Iterein palll.ee1 un'. tbr porly of the _ond pan. the heirs l>t ......!SOB. and suisna of 1M pany oftlte second part fOleVf:r. A NO ltiC j;iJq;il~ ~. pin e.w,;,,;n~i.ilMlll;."pany of the f'irsr ""n hal nOI .Iono or suff.",d anything wIt....by tbr ...id premise.l.a... bRii."ricurit~~.~/lI\Y way wha,.""r, excep' at uforo.ai.!. . " AND Ihe p'liny of the fiiOlpotr.'I&OO,mpliuncc wilb Sec,ion 13 of , he Lien Law, cOv"".nt. .hat the pany ufllte nl~ pin will receive tbe considerali.n for lhi. cOnye~.RC' 0",1 willltold th. rillbl to receive sll<:b camider- allioR os a trust fund to be op1"li<:d first for lb. 'p.rposo of payil\jl the <Oil of the improvement and will apply th" UltI<: ficst '0 Ihe paymenl of lhe ,Call of lh. improvemenl bcfo~ u.inll any part olf lho lota1 olf Ibe same for IOY other 1'utpOllO. . The word .~. sh4l1 ~ oo..tru~ lIS if II ~ "p,,"I~~ wheoeYo, tho .eOJ. of this incl~nllu" so ~uir.,_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lito p.ny of the lim pan hal duly ..eoutelllhi. deed tho dayond year finll above written. . , I tf PlliF-:l-UNCE Uf': ~~ frii:~~~!~d:j o<t ....... gAf....1f~~ Aclm4lol8dgel._.! lallen In HnVorl! StnI Slale 01 l\few York. County of Suffolk On the . ;too clay 01 Octobel\' In Iha year 2002 . beloro me. the undarlllgn8d. Jlataonally appall'8d Charl.e$ J. Ilagge.t: t)/'. I> l::ileen [.. Haggerty par!JOnally known 10 me or prOl/ad to me on Ilia baslo 01 oalllllllclo.y lMdence to be Ihe lndlvlduol(o) wIlOoe nomels) 10 (ars) aub4Icribod to Ihe wilhln InotI'IJrnont ancllllOknowtadged 10 ma IlIal lIeIahQ/tllay, _tad Ilia oame' In '1Ilo1harllliarr capaclty(I:..); and llIal by IIlo1harllhalr olgnalura(o) on lIla !nelrumanl. 1Ila 1ndIvIduaI(.) cr 1Ila PlI'IlOn upon behall 01 wIllch Ihe lndIvIdlJlil(a) acted~ Ihe lnallvment. "02- (nbt&y ~blicJ ROBERT D:r....llE Notary PuIltJc, State of NlIW.... No. 010El103l117 Comm~au::~~ Ac:Imowlt.<to-._nllly llliflolcrfbing WJtnus IIlIllln In Hn YMk SIRte ' Slsle 01 N_ _. County 01 On Ilia day 01 . In Ihe year 'lIa undo""gned. paISOnall)' appeotad . balate ma. 1Ila lIIJbacrIblng wlInuo 10 Ihe Iotagoh'll 1natruI1lIInI. with wIlom I am PItlIO.all)' OOllUolntad. who baing by me duly _no did dapoae and 18)'. thai ~ l'II8Ide{a) In 'Ilat~~(.l . 10 be 1Ila lndMduet cIoocribad In and who lllliICuted the ~ InlsIrumam; ltIet said llilbo..ribfllV wlln_ WlI!l preaan\ end .... said 8lClICuta lIle lame: and lIlat oald wllna.. al Ilia aama lime aubacllbed ~ name(.) lie a witnaas th~ Trtfe No.: 0;~-3704-44258-SUFF C:HARU!S J. ~'L lilnd Im.BIlN L. ~ TO (:r::NW:I CIIBIf an:! 1D'.T7'-N'I'!:nl CIIB'iI Dlstrifiutecfby ] Chicato 11tIe JDIIIr1U1t'e Company i I ~ g ~ i ~ J Aalmllll!acflJld.a.rt lIIlaIn 'n HnYDrll Stalll . oa: Slata of New Votk, County 01 . $8: I On Ilia da)' 01 . In Iha year Iha und~ad. ""_II)' appeotad . before me, ""roonally known to ma or proved 10 ma on Iha boalo 01 satlefacloty avt~ to be IIle I~(al wIloIa name(o) 10 (are) aubIcrIb8d lo Ihe wItl'IlI\ !nelturnanl and acknow~ to ma Ilia' lIe1shrllhay lllCaculed Ill. aani. In h/elharllha.r .capaclty(la.). and lila' by 1I1S11lerllhalr lI!IInaluta(a) on tho lnaltumtinl. Itlll 1ndMduaI(0) or Ihe PIIlJDn upOn behall 01 wIlIch lIla IndIvIdual(a) acted, -..1ad lIla IneItument. AcIm.,..lacIgt.~"ant !akan outaIda Hn YDrII Stata . lIlI: . Stela oi , County 01 . as: . (or 1nHl'l OIalrfcl 01 Columbia. Ten1lory. .........ion or Fonolgn Country) . On Ihe day 01 . In the yea' the und~. peracnaNy appeatad . belonlma. p.'~nally known to m. or proved to ma on Ill. tleel. 01 llallslactory lMdenc. 10 be 1Ila lndIvIdual(s) wIlos8 _(a) Is (a..) aubacribad to Ihe wilhln Instrument and KIa.o.;ladgad to ma 111., hllloh.lIllay alCllCuftld the same In hllllh.rllhalr capoclly(',,). Illal by h'8Ihe,/lhel, slgna'ura(s, on Ilia lnaInrmlllll. lIla 1nd"lIIldua~s) or Ihe paraon upon bahall 01 _ tIta lndMdual(slalllad. 8XIIOUt8d the In&lrumanl. and that auch IndMduaIIIlIIlle oucllllpp88_ bofora.1he und81 Si\lo..d In the (add Ill. dly or poIlllcal aublIIiIslon and tIta illite or country or olIIer place Ihe acknowIedgamant _ IIlklml. SECTION IllOCt< LOT COUNTY OR TOWN 015.00 06.00 005.000 Suffolk. Southold Rm.IfIt BY MllIL TO: Gary F. Olsen. Esq. 32945 Melin Road P.O. llc:>>c 706 OJtchogue. NY 11935' ZIp No. Number 01 pag:es3 TORRENS RECORllEI) 2002 Oct lIB to: I II 48 All E<:Nard P.baiN' CI.BlK OF SUFFOlK CUlm l ??oo12213 P663 DT' 02'-10306 Serial II Ccl1ilicalC #/ Prior CII. 1# Deed I Mongagc InslrUmenl b :1J ~ Deed I Mortgage Tax Sl.1mp FEES ~urdjllg I Filing Slamps Page I filing R=c Handling 11'-584 9 Grand Tolal 9.9. ,.. if MOfIgage An1l. I. Basic Tall 2. Additional Thx Sub Total Spcc.fAssil. or Spec. IAdd. TOT. ""rro. TAX Dual TowlI _ Dual County _ Held for AppoinulIenl TllUIsferTax l]if "'l:\._ Mansion Tax The property covered by Ihis fIl()npge ill or will be improved by a on<: 01" IWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appmprial<: l:ax clause on page t/ of Ihis in.'IIrumcnl. 5. J!Q. 5 Notatilln EA-5:! 17 (('ounly) cA-5:! 17 (SIllI") RI'.T.S.A. 5' Suh lOwI ~') '1.0==--" 5. 00 Comm. of 1:.0. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other \5 Sub lCllal ~ IOpO] DIS-.Oo 4 Dtslncl S.:cuon Real Property Tall Servicr Agency Veriliclllion I oc.."OO Bl~k .000 5 CommUDity PI...... ".doll hAd j 02039551 ~~~ RPOl.A. O7-OCT 1000 0150'0 0600 005000 Consideration Amount $ :!J Satisfaclic>nsfDiscbargesfReleases List ProllCJty Owners Mailing Addn:ss RECORD III RETURN Tfr. CPF Tax Due S Improved ~ Vacant Land tJcu.r ~ a~ .fa Il<>ir '7d'- {!~. ,b''f //'T:Jr 7 Co. Name TItle II ~I Suffolk. Countyjtecording & Endorsement Page ':D QIJ 12- ~.J..} t. '1~. _ (:~:i::~: :~=~:I:Nl1 ~~ r:;t ~ SUFROLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In tllcTownsllip of .5,.....", ~J_.J1J t l2;1. a.Je,,:: In tllc VILLAGE . fl au , or HAMLET of O..-t... ',., .:J. BOXES IS lliRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONt. Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR flUNG. (over) This plIge Conns pal1 of the Qll:lchcd made by: IIIII~ III11 n~llllllllllllllllllln Hili 11111111mll~1I mil strlI'FOLIC COUNTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OPFICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of :tJultzu:ment. DBBDS/DDII 1II'uIIIbllr o:f Pages I :. 'l'IUUfSl"BR TAX NtlXBBR: 02-Jl0306 Recorded: At: LJ:BBR: PAGE: 10/08/2002 10.11:48 AM D00012213 663 District: 1000 SectioD: Bloak. 015.00 06.00 1n'''VT1OJlD AND C'BUGJm AS J'OLLOlfS $460,000.00 Lot: 005.000 Deed AIao,mt: Received the Page/Fil:lDg COB BA-CTY 'l'P-584 RP'1' 'l'r_afer tax PollowiDg Fees Por Above IDIJt:ruIII8Dt lbr"""lPt NO HuldliDg NO RYS StDlCHG NO BA-STA'1'II: NO Cert.Copie. NO SC'1'M NO Camm.Prea Fae. Paid $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,840.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,200.00 $8,139.00 Bx"""lPt NO NO NO NO NO NO 'l'JtAR8lPD. TAX 1l'I1IIBD: 0:2 - 1030 Ei 'l'HIS PAGll: 1:S A P.I\R'1' 011' '1"BB 1:NS'1'Jl.lDI:II5T Bdward P.RoaIaine COUDty Clerk. Suffolk CoUDty Pl..E .'.TVPE' 55 FtAMlY WHEN WftlTINGN FoRM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpLstate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 413.j7222 REAL PROIlERTY TRA~ 'C..l>T. AlE.. OF NEW. . YOIIK..+'. STAlE BO~1I""f\EA\,~. . II RP - 5217 1tP-52J,' Ilel' 3H1 " Property I location 'Xi .- <O~ STREET NUMBER /Jo/71, STREET NAME <c" (~)f... "- lor I ...:::::;: S; \>, \J\lJ. C) LJJ VilLAGE ~ ":;:""_d I' ..Q FIRST NAME ZIP CODE Tlr , <'>-1 CITYOR~ --, 2, Buyer L- ()c-,i? .v Name LAST NAME I COMPANY L- Dive.,"" LAST NAME I COMPANY 3. T.x lndicatl!: wher~ future Tax Bills are to be sent BIllIng if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address FI:',-4b-7 "I FIRST NAME LA,ST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME L- STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN ST~TE ZIP CODE r 5. Deed "'-rty Size Ixl OE"," I OR L 'ACRES' .,s.( IOnly it Port of 0 "";'1 Chock os they ~ fA. Planning Board wi1jh Subdivision Authority Exists G. Subdivision Appro+al was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved Wr Subdivision with Map Provided D D D 4. Indicate the numb... of AHeesment Roll parcels transferred on.thedeed # of Parcels ORD Part of a Parcel FRONT FEET ~C NAMElc1.LS""1'1rA11 el~~,. tk. FIRSTNAJVle,.. " (.... ,/<:.eN PlFtSTNAME r, [." 6. Seller Name L- I (,Ac<v I, lAST NAME I COMPANY . 12. Date of sate I Treftsfer Chock itoo box.. -.. os they ~ a. Ownership Ty~ is Condominium E ~ Agricultural I ~ Community Service 9. Nevil' Constructiqn on Vacant Land F.., Commercial J. lnduatrial 10A. Property Located~ithin an Agriculturel District G Apartment K Public Service 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating H Entertainment I Amusement L . Forest that the property ;is in an Agricultural Diatrict 15. Check one or more ofthele ~ons as applicBIJ.Ie to tr&nster... Sale Between Relatives Or Former Relatives Sale Between Related ~panjes or Partners in Business One oftheBuyers is al~ a Seller Buyer or Seller is' Goveri;1ment Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warrant',1 or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less tllarl Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Pr~perty Between Taxable Status' and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price qther Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None D D D D 7. Check the box below which most accurately dncrlbeS- the use of'the,property:"at the-thne of sale: Ine Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family R 85i.OO.. ntial C Residentiaj Vacant !-and D Non-Residential V.unt Land - 11. sa.. ContrMt. Date "i' 110 I 0'- Month Day Year /0 I ,;., IO~ Month Day Year , 1. b ,0 , 0, (.) ,J , 0 . 0 1 , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the proparty including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods. or the assumption of mortgages or othE!r obligations.) Please round to ths nsarest whole dol/ar amount. ,.. ,_. tho voluo of """"'0' 1 ';::'1 0 0 1 --~.'I~I. ... . .... 13. Full Sale Price 16. Veer of AW. . i)6l1t RoB from 101 P;z.1 17. Total AssessedVatue (of aU parcels in transferll which information taken ; ; /,6,0,0 , 18. Property ctass 1 d., I rJ I-U '9, School D'_ Nam. 1 1 C) 'I:'L~C {( 'j i I)N~ ~ + /5-<a-S"' ~,. ,,; 20. Tax Map ldentifiertsll Rollldentlfler(sl (If more than four, attach sheet with adcfrtional klentlfler(sn /000 Il- .i ..I 0,;"0<.) .~< . ...~ Oos.4>OO -~_..---..".~ 1 I ...... I cer1lfy thaI aD of the _ of lnformalion entered on Ibis fonn ant ...... and !""""" <to the besl of my knowledge and beIlef) and I understand that the making of any wiIIfuI f.... s1alemen1 ofmaterlol fa<! herein will subject me to the _ of the oenaIlaw relalhe to the D1llkln3 and IIIlng of f.... ~ls. BUYER'S ATTORNEY OfS'. 00 J... ~~-f,~ ~ Ctttl~/.f 1/[ ( 'iH BUYER SIG~RE I /U/Z/Oh () Se '-' LAST NAME Q:"V-J FIRST NAME ,.- f' t-t,.... p~. DAn; ~. ..... /0" ii. <::gA- ~ STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) b21 7_'1 -'J /1, C, "" STREET NUMBER AREA CODE TELEPHONE:NUMBfR / 'J ' /( I).jr:").:.--'" I .' , f) .....,.- { CtTYORTDWN C., ,1/'1 STATE Ill' 7 ZIP CODE SELLER (If( t ) - '-I' , SELLER SIGNAT)JRE !/,t7y' -.' ~ l OA.TE