HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12203 P 900 .~01 L- \\!Ib Q BARGAIN AND SALE DUD WITH COVENANT AGAlNS".. GRANTOR'8 ACTS (lND1VIDIJAL OR CORPOllAT'ION:) S'I'ANDARD NY8TV 1IlORM.., <:AlfnON; ~ AGlle!MRI<<SHOUl.1UlI! I'IIEl'AllIlDlW AN "I .uoIll1l'l' NelUl\!lltWllDBV ..n~~'lQlllllLLllll,AM:I 1'IJIlCI_lIIlRlIIll!lIIIltlIIIG. TlHSlNDE~E. RllIdedlc Ilupst 1 2002: ....,' --.. / ! Ra.EN SAKAT05l1i111a EI..ENI SAKATOS,......... .J55 nrw Waten .....c Orield. NY 11957 pAffy cffthe first pat!..;md FARRILL HOLDING CORP" 2385 Mail. St...1kIdc. ."'....,...... In' lI'U pAffy oflhe SC'Cond: pIllt. WITNESSETH. IIud .hctp!l1ty clfdla ijntpWt, ina,ll!lCk.a&... of Tan Doll... ... ohr I_Ill ecnsldt:mion, IAwful11'loncy of the lhIlted s... paid bydla plII'Iyaf..__.....IIItIIIIIy.-.. release _the party oftM secomI pIIIt. dIa hens Of .UOllliMslIIId ....of'dIo ,.,."ofdle ~pIIt f~'. AU lMlcertain plot, pillcc Dr~ oflHd, widl1IIIl buiIcr..and ~ ~ CIIldC4, sifUJte, Iyl. "nd be:ins at Orient, TOWI'l ofSoulbo!d, COUllI)' ofSlllfolk IIIId S1lIIlI of'New Votk. SSESCHEDtJLE 'A' ATTAOIEDHERETOANDNADEAl'ARTBI!ReOF The gatl1:or h....,in is the .._ r-r- and .m, 5'_w..ln I)mI ddId 7i(JOllIIId.l'I.lCOldiId1ll10'01 iIll.l:Wr 1213hpS69. J'OGErHn widl.1I tipl, !kle and inremI,lf lilY, oflh. tIIIICY ofdlc "'pm &'-.11/I)' ....._ I"CIlIds .buttilllthe .bovc dacribed ..-_ to the eelIllIr liMsllloloof. J'OGETREII rib thct appuri1lllnm:n aod all the __ aod rfab1:s of lhe pm)' oft'- _ put in .. said ptomlillB. 1'0 HAfi'E AND 1'0 BOLD thct ..-_lIerein pIIIIIld _. pmy orthl11llClCllld put, the Wn<< ~iOI'Ii in1d gs;gn.onm pm)' ofh -.I pIIrt.l'orner. AJY1) IMpart)' of the um put, c.1I\'- - m.1IIIl pmy oflha rUII pm hu 110I *- ar ........lIIlrdlin8 ~by the said Pm11_ hlI", b9n _bcml ill.,. _)'wluItawr, a;oqIl:.~ AND tbe parly of 1m first put, ill c:ompli_ wiIh SeeIicIIlI3 ofdle I.icn Law.~"'lha put)' of die 11m pan will reccivclhc ~0Il rOf mil toIlw)'IllClIIlIIld will hold die dpt to 1'IIClCive.-l COMidcnlioA a........1Ot fund In be: applied nr. fot-thct p.t/potIC of,..,...lIIe~ofllle .~llt_will apply lhc umc first to the pnymcm oflhcCIlII oflhc ~ bcIInllliqanyputof'dIe _I of'w_ for MY Glher plillp05ie. Thct _rd "parly"lIhall be: _uln_hlS ifil mad .....1;... __w__CIf'IIIiI ~"'U1I rc:quir.::l. IN WIT/V/18S WHBREOF.lhc piIt1y oflhc r... JlM ha&4uly_ldCdlhis......dIy llIlll~fInt above written. ~"l::/n~' "~;.g;,,,, ,~~ . EN SAUTOS.nrta MKATOS f(YSlIA___r_OIt_'~ .t- ~~.p . I srI. TB OF NEW YORK ) )..; ) COtil'lTV OJ' SU PFOLK On die 7 day ()( Allpfl.:!.fIOZ, llafoft -. 1he liIIdempIed, ,..-uy lIIIfIIIIId BELEN SAI1CATOS II>'kIa ELENl SAKATOS, Jl'J~ known 10 _01' ~ to _...... of.~ ~1CI1O ~ the in~[viIlIud!..) wb_ 11I8IIUl(., It (JI'C) subectib.d to dlI.wilIma iIIltUl LIIIIlIllll-h~ lD me 1MJ he ~Wl:d the _ m. hi, ClIpBil)'(ics). _Ihal by lais,..,.,""l(I)aadlll.......'!t. dlo iNli"idual(a). or lhe peTIillfI upon bdWfofwhidt the inclmdwll(.)lIClted, _tadlht i.... . DEED - \.. -' \~ "--' NOTARY PUBLIC .. ~ =NlIC......NY ~lWfQIkQy, ~~ e.PlIl5 s.. 2,lllllIll StetioA 115.00 Block 87M 1At ..... Co..., IN'T..... SW'F'Ol.K 'fide N . . Q4 lM,KA T08 To FARRELL JOHN 10 PANTlGO ROAD r.A8T flAM.P1'ON. NY II"' R_ TI1Iis Spfu:e PorUse Of ReelmI OIIIH NnUA___I:>we-.....I_'l'lIllD! ~....."",,,,,_ 4- ,,/. 'l!' . . ~ .,..~ .. ,. .., '" . - .~ "'- ...- -=....-....""........4 1- .. ~-.. jL , ,,,;.-t: . '.' Fideliry N. tioaal Tide JIlSUntDI:e COI1lplUl)' of New York 11TI..t l'ro. (l2.3~ SCHEOUU "'.1 (Doof(./jIdM) ALL Ihal !;erIain pi/)(, p~ o~pi,ral ot jlbid.-$ilUale. lyi/ls IIIld belll& III Oriwm .. TOWIIlIt ScloIdIOkl, Calliit)' of Suffolk _II SID "r New York,lrno-1IlId ,~ lIS f()11ows: !'lot }oll>. 147 on 8 cetUI,n mil., mlilled, 'Map of Orieftl.B)'-n.Sca SecIioa Two, lIilIlInt It ()ri(Im Pollll. T_1I ot Soulhold. :SUffollk COllllJly, Ne.... York _ dewlopld by WoadboIluw. Propc:tlla. Inc. 'NO. 3 Glen lAne; Glcllwood L1indina. New York, Olm W. Van Thy! Md:SmI. Licensed LlMl4 ~ ~ Nn< V.w",. flied in 1I1c0ffir:lt of me ClerlI of II1c COll'nl)' of Suffil4k on Oculber 26,I96ll1S Map NO. 3444. .... TilE l"OLJ(;yro _II ISSUED lIIl'lW 11m ~ wlJJ ImuN tltilUlhlIO-" ~..IIlIIIIl.1 _ l>"".~ iIIIii<:4 11y14w_''-_~ f"Oll Co/yt'6YAlVCllVC ONLY: TOptw WiM""'tIM rlpl. filhttwl__lIfrllllplWfy",fIM/fnI,...,. r{1It_ttlflMltIwti".. ",rlw_ u.p-qf"""''''''Jui~mid~... SCIJU)lJLE..~,1 (~ 1111111111111111111 IIII11II S1JP1L'OLJ: con",.lC cum.. RI!!OO'DDS O..XCB RBCORDDIG PAUl 'Type of l_~t. n&lDSlmm N\.1lIIber of Page.,. 4 TRARSPBR TAX DURDKR: 02-02599 IlH~ I 08/16/2002 bl O!lI 35141 All L~": D00012203 PAD. 900 Dl.tr:i.ct, lGOO hc:Uoal Block. 015.00 07.00 ........ ...... MID ,...... .as IOLI.OIRf $110.000.00 Lotu ," 001.000 o.ad Milo'UDt. Rec_ived the Pol.l.owiDg F... For Ab~ XQl:;r-_t: page,rul.Dg CO. D- C!TY n>-S84 It:P'l Tr-..:fer tax $12.00 $5.00 IS.lIlI $5.00 $30.00 $UO.OO .. _ t JfO JIO JIO JIO NO JIO ._. Paid -'-l1.ag lIIYB BURmw1 _-8'n.ft CeI:'C.CClIp1.. ItC'DI o ,1'.... P.OO $11.00 '25.00 '0.00 '0.00 1'700.00 $l,242.lIO .~ "llIJft: 110 110 110 JID JID JID T':IlAJJ8PBR TAX lII".ma. 02-02599' , TB:IS PAGIl :IS A PART 01' 'fa aBfIIllllillll'.. BdiwaJ:d I'.R--bie C01mt.y Clerk. Suffolk ~ I\!ulllbet of pIIl\e1i TORRENS sm.tll_ Cc::rtific.lc ~ . l'riorOf.' _ ~ I MorlI!r luIrumoeI'Il Dft.oII JIilJrlNt ... 5IUIp .is :D ~ I FiI"'lI IF... I WldIIn& 11"'14 NOIolion l:A.n 11 {Col/ll()') liA.S:n7ISllIe) _ s..b nllal IlP.l.SA C-.ofEiI AI1IdImI Ccnlflld CClll~ Rq;.Copy OIhet 3J7~ s~ 112., ~ SoIl ToIaI GllA,.DTOTAL 101- lQ. JJ RcoJ 1Wpat1 Tilx Scm~ AIlmc1 Vcri1Icaloa Oisl SeaIOll D Ilxt. t,AIII Poo 02029311 1000 011500 0700 008000 .#'~ /P~~ tH POL "'- Initials \~.-' 1 S..is&etIonsfl)*,~:sIRe'- LiI1 Pnan,y Ovmen MailiIIJ ItF.CORD.. RlrrUllN 10: s.np UIIIe ~ 1IILlII'1CU. llSQ. 10 PDrlOO mAD u.tt ............. lIT 11937 I IlElXlIlND .2OIli Aut tiS 091351 .tAII fdNrll P.b111'1t l:l.EJlK OF' 5l.fIF11IC CGIIm' l OWOl.:tlO:S P!lOll Dll~ ~I P11i1lJ...... Non. ,I' AiIIl. - I. &*liDI 1. Addll.... Tk SuIt TOlII - -_1l111ll1Il1dil'.... iII!11!f ptO""d llf . 0'" ..r '''_"1 or NO 1M cIIiIaA GII pIIIlI " I Fund 7m. ..' ....1..""' ,v'" TO 10 ':..1= I Titk Co ..ror.ldIoa Co. Nalllt ~_.._ TIt.. , 44MOo\ Suffolk County ReGarding & ~t Page 3 ThilII'IF film\!; pu1 of W atllld1I:d. ...... . ..... by: (SPEClFVT'YPE~INmWMI!Nr) 1IlD_ tiJIt.._ fAlkJ. ....... .......- 1'IIe~belelnll""--t1c SU'Fa..K COltiITY. NEW~ TO JntllcT~or .iIW....... PA R~i'..eLL Hal .{J1f)jC..... lnlbe VJJJ../\GJ:! ... C~OI:..fJ. '_ or llAMLBT or nlt.i",- "',r '" (jI)Xh'i S TIIRIJ 9 MUST "It TYPED OR PRINTED IN BlACI( INK CN.V PRJOR 1'0 RJrORIlINO OR FlUNG. / ~ .PLEASE TV OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 4739222 ,,- i REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT fTATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD Of ReAL PROPERTY SERVICES' RP - 5217 RP.52J7Rev 3H1 1. Pr_rty ~:o Loc8ti.on STRE=T NUMBER Pl_ Islsnd Road STREET NAME ~:nu"hnld CITY 'JR TOWN nri...nl" VILLAGE IIQ'i7 ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name LJ,,'f.li"lJ . LAST AME I COM~ANY \.-H,.(. L-- LAST NAME! COMPANY , , J ." 1 (' 1---.r ~ FIASTNJl:Me FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other th9n buyer address (at bottom offorml Address L- LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME L-- STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN STi\TE ZIP CODE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed I # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel DE""' lOR L 'ACRES' . (Only if Part of a Percell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 48. Subdivision Approv~1 was Required for Transfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 5. Deed Property Size L FfIONTFEET I X I 6. Seller Name I Sa):atos LAST NAME I COMPANY Belen a/k/ a Iileni FIRSTN"AME L-- LAST \lAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box bel,[)w which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E~ Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment / Amusement I~ Community Service J. Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant land lOA. Property Located within an Agricultural District lOB. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District o o o o 12. Date of Sale I Trtmsfer 12 / 26 / 01 Month D,y Year f -, 02 / i / Month D,y Year 1 1 0 0 0 0 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: A B C D E F G H I ) Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business' , One of the Buyers is also iB Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty Or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Includ~d in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None . 16. Vear of Assessment Roll from which information taken (), / 1 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcets in transfer) 1 ; ; 1,.).,oJ , ., 18. Property Class 13 , J , J I-U 19. Sch?ol Distric:t Name 1 \)~:~\c f- r """ r ,/",\[ ,~ 20. Tax Map Identifier'lsll Rollldentifierls) (If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier(s)) lOOIHUS.0G-07.00-008.ooo ) 5 - 7- 8 I t~I(;1 I certify that all of the items of inConnation entered on this fonn are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willfuJ false statement of material fact herein wiD subject me to the provisions of the penaJ law relative to the making and filing of false instruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY (1 ) // '-/;1"!'.-'(ll" !2. D~'7//l7 -:f.L", C~i "J'~ ~ " LAST NAME FIRST NAME ::2.'3,'('\ STREET NUMBER I M(.&.,", Q.. STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) (::.,~ \ AREA CODE 32i-l.J(,(,O TELEPHONE NUMBER r' , It.::>r,~ ~"O~ CITY OR T N lJ'f STATE Ii"? '<.7 ZII'CODE , S~!L~R;;G~lTL~/ f.l/,:)J/'~ f r~' ~;:<j.~ 1 \:. ~. , .~ ,c({;c.- t> .. . . DATE J---. CITYI1P)VN .~JiS~ ,.~' 1 ... .,. .1 'COPr, '.! ~