HomeMy WebLinkAboutJamesport Nuclear Power Station effects of Jetties on coastal erosionEffects of Jetties on Coastal Erosion at Jamesport Nuclear Power Station Prepared for Town of Southold, New York December, 1977 By J. Douglas Glaeser*, Ph.D. Consultant Geologist 36 Riverside Drive New York, New York 10023 *Certified Professional Geological Scientist No. 4124 'CONTENTS Purpose and Scope of Report. Summary of Results. . . Recommendations. Introduction. . Coastal Processes - Long Island North Shore. Previous Studies. . Littoral Currents... Predicting Results of Littoral Processes· Analysis of Available Data. Profiles. · · Results of Profile'Comparisons.'. Implications of Bluff Retreat Rates. . Sediment Sampling Uata. ~ Sieve Analysis ....... Results of Sieve Analysis. Beach Samples. . % Intertidal Samples. Offshore Samples. Inadequacy of Sediment'samPling--' --- ' Program. Effects of Former Jetties at Jamesport Site. Significance and Implications of Aerial Photograph Comparisons. . . Analysis of Borehole Data from Excavation Site for Intake Structure and Channel. Concluding Statements. Resume of Report Author. . Page 2 · 8 · 9 · 9 9 11 11 · 14 15 16 24 · 25 25 · . 26 . 26 · 30 · 31 32 . 34 .42 · . 44 · 47 · . 48 TABLES Table IA. Horizontal Distance Measured Between Highest Common Points on Profiles . . Table IB. Vertical Elevation Differences and Horizontal Distances Between First Significant Nickpoint on Landward (South) Side of Profiles Table 2. Aerial Photographs of 'Coastal Zone--Jamesport. · 21 22 35 FIGURES ' Map of Jamesport Coastal Zone. Page 10 Diagrammatic Explanation of Littoral Currents Caused by Wave Refraction. · · 12 3. Sand Budget for Jamesport Site- March, 1974 to October, 1975. 17 4. Flow Diagram Explaining Bluff Retreat Process. 20 5. Sieve Analyses of Beach Sediments - Histograms. . . 27 6. Sieve Analyses of Intertidal Sediments - Histograms. 28 7. Sieve Analyses - Sediments from Water Depths of 6, 12 and 18 feet - Histograms. . 29 8. Copy of 1966 Aerial Photograph* Along Jamesport Coastline. · · . . . . ]8 10. 11. 12. 13. Copy of 1969 Aerial Photograph Along Jamesport Coastline Showing Levon Property Jetties. 39 Copy of 1972 Aerial ~hotograph* Along Jamesport Coastline.. 40 Copy of 1974 Aerial Photograph* Along Jam,sport Coastline. · 41 Map of Long Island Lighting Company's Jamesport Property Showing Coastline Width Differences to East and West of Former Levon Property Jetties. · 43 Map'of Borehole Sites Between Proposed Jetties and Sediment Type Recovered from Borings. 45 * Original prints of 1966, 1972 and 1974 aerial photographs are on file in office of Southold Town Supervisor. Copies included in text lack scale accuracy and clarity of those original prints. Copies are inclUded amohg the Figures as illustrations only and originals should be used for any definitive study of coastline and adjoining terrestrial areas. ~ur~ose and Scope of Report This report was prepared for the Town of Southold, New York as part of its response to the proposed construction of jetties which are to extend 800 feet from shoreline into Long Island Sound at Long Island Light Company's property at Jamesport. The two proposed rock jetties, located about 2.5 miles west of Mattituck Inlet, are to be built 924 feet apart to form an intake channel having a bottom width of 700 feet. Dredging of this channel is to occur 12 feet below mean low water at the channel mouth in Long Island Sound and 27 feet below mean low water at the face of the intake structures to be situated at the approximate position of the present shoreline. Three aspects of the proposed jetty construction will clearly change the present balance of wave and littoral current processes at and adjacent to the Jamesport site. 1. Presence of the jetties will disrupt the flow of sediment carried by the littoral current resulting in diminished nourishment and consequent erosion of ad- jacent beaches and bluffs. 2. Dredging of material to form the intake channel and the site of the intake structures is to be used for both backfill and beach enrichment on the east side of the jetties. The sand and gravel fraction of sediment to be excavated and dumped to the east of the jetties is of far smaller proportion to the total volume of sediment to be excavated than shown in description of work presented by LILCO in NANOP-E, Application Number 76-378. In addition, the requisite analyses of sand and gravel grain size distributions do not accompany the work proposal thus impeding determination of the capability of this material to remain on the beaches as replenishment sediment. 3. Because of the accumulation of sediment carried in the littoral current both on one side of the jetties as well as within the mouth of the intake channel, loss of the natural replenishment sediment supplied by an uninterrupted littoral current would result in increased nearshore, beach and bluff erosion along the coastline beyond the location of the jetties. In Application Number 76-378, Long Island Lighting Company states (Appendix A, Part I, Section 5) that as sand builds up both adjacent to and between the jetties, this material will be transferred to enrich the beach east of the jetties. -1- This report contains descriptions, analyses and inter- pretations of the potential impacts of jetty construction at the Jamesport site. The bulk of the data are publicly available and were gathered by Long Island Lighting Company. Much of this data come from the beach monitoring program initiated by LILCO in March, 1974. An analysis and inter- pretation of this beach monitoring program data were carried out by the writer because LILCO had provided little informa- tion concerning the meaning of the results in terms of coastal zone erosion or adequacy of the excavated and dredged material to effectively enrich the beaches to be primarily influenced by jetty construction. In addition, the present report describes changes in the coastal zone between Duck Pond Point to the east and Jacobs Point to the west of the Jamesport site as interpreted from aerial photographs covering the time span from 1966 through 1974. Particular attention is given to the rapid change in coast line characteristics which occurred with construction of two 500-foot long jetties at this same site which were constructed on the property then owned by Levon and subsequently by Curtis-Wright Corporation. A listing of all photographs studied is included with this report and 9"x9" aerial photographs for the years 1966, 1972 and 1974 accompany the report presented to the Town Supervisor, Town of Southold. Xerox copies of those original photographs accompany all other duplicates Qf this report. Summary of Results of this Study and Recommendations Presented to the Department of the Army, New York District, Corps of Engineers. summary of Results I. Extensive coastal and bluffs erosion is presently taking place along and adjacent to the Jamesport property. A. Between March, 1974 and October, 1975, 1,105,567 cubic yards of sediment have ~een lost from this coastal zone. This fact is based on profile comparison studies made by LILCO. No comparative profile data are publicly available subsequent to October, 1975, despite the written commitment by LILCO to provide such data through the present and continuing after construction of the proposed jetties. The ninety profile lines measured between March, 1974 and April, 1975, by LILCO are measured to determine bluff retreat rates. An extreme value ~f 5 to 10 feet of recession are common for the -3- comparison 'period. For the time spans used in this comparison of profiles, sediment quantities be- tween the former jetties have increased significantly in contrast to the overall pattern of sediment loss through the time period shown. This build-up of sedi- ment between jetties is significant for these reasons: 1. This is at the location of the proposed intake structures which is to be situated between the two newly proposed jetties. 2. The present build-up here represents a loss of sand from the littoral current, thus depleting beaches further along the littoral flow directions. The sediment accumulating can be expected to be augmented if new jetties are con- structed. C. Comparisons of bluff retreat rates during March, 1974 -- April , 1975, exceed average retreat rates elsewhere along the Suffolk County coastal zone and bluffs. Thus,~annual retregt rates during the period are 5 to 10 feet per year at the Jamesport site. D. More than half of the profile data to have been pro- vided by LILCO have not been forthcoming. Profiles made on the following dates are now on public file: March, July, October, April, October, 1975 April, 1976 December, 1974 Profile comparisons are available for the following dates: March, 1974-July, 1974 March, 1974-October, 1974 March-December, 1974 March, 1974-April, 1975 March, 1974-October, 1975 II. 1, The following profile data are not yet pub- licly available assuming that the quarterly dates of profile measurements established in 1974 are being followed through the present. July, and December, 1975 July, October, December, 1976 March, July, October, 1977 2. In addition, as noted above, no comparisons of profiles are available for public exam- ination since the March, 1974-October, 1975 comparison in which a net sediment loss from the profiled area totalled 1,105,567 cubic yards. Present retreat rates of the bluffs along and adjacent to the LILCO Jamesport property indicate a finite time period before which the Jamesport Nuclear Power Sta- tion is threatened by direct attack by bluff slumping. Such a threat to the power station would mandate ex- traordinary coastal protection measures requiring excessively high financial expenditures and result in sealing off large amounts of sediment, the loss of which to the littoral current system would further in- crease coastal and bluff erosion and retreat well beyond the area immediately adjacent to the Jamesport site. Previously constructed 550-foot jetties on the former Levon Property have resulted in extensive shoreline ero- sion east of those jetties because of entrapment of sediment carried by the littoral current on the west side of those former jetties. A number of publiclyavail- able aerial photographs document decreases in beach'width to 'the east and west of those 'for~er jetties. The presently proposed jetties will extend 300 .feet further from the seaward limit of the former jetties at water depths of 12 feet below mean sea level. Such jetties would therefore trap significantly larger quan- tities of sediment carried in the littoral current .~incr~asing e~osi0n adjacent t~the"proposed j~t~es. Because the intake channel acts as a sediment sink, there is a potential for an increase in fine sedi- ment build-up here. These fines in addition to those present in bore hole sites J-11, J-12 and J-13 (described in the report) could contain a relatively high percentage of clay minerals. Clay minerals in a reducing environment are known sites of precipitation of some radioactive materials initially carried in solution in very low concen- trations. Thus both surface and ground water -5- movement through clay accumulations at and below the intake channel as well as elsewhere offshore from the diffuser system could result, in time, in a build-up of radioactive materials in these sed-iments. This subject is beyond the scope of this report. It has not been considered in any of the presently available environmental impact statements on the Jamesport site. III.LILCO's proposed beach nourishment programs, based on periodic beach profiles and sieve analyses as well as use of excavated sediment and sand bypass to enrich beach zone to east of proposed jetties,are inadequate to either predict the extent of, or to prevent in- creases in, erosion of that zone. It is not possible with the presently available beach monitoring data initiated by LILCO to predict the long-term extent of coastal erosion and bluff retreat. B. The LILCO beach monitoring program along and adjacent to its Jemesport property was to have included beach profiles and sieve analyses taken at least twice yearly since March, 1974. Sieve analysis data are available for June, 1974 and October, I974 only. No later sieve analysis data have been open for public examination. Also, no written comparative analysis of the signifi- cance of the 1974 sieve analysis data has been presented. As part of this report, the signifi- cance of this data is presented both in terms of the enrichment program and in terms of its inadequacy to statistically characterize the diverse nature of the beach and nearshore sediments. Three sets of data presented graphically in this report represent the LILCO sieve data for June and October 1974. One set of samples (Site 10+00) was taken east of the former jetties. Site 40+00 lies between the former jetties and ~ites 66+00 and 90+00 come from the area to the west. 2. In histograms of beach sample size analyses follow- ing were observed: a® Larger percentages of coarse to very coarse sand and granules were observed on both sample dates on the beach between the posi- tions of the former.jetties. Also, pebble percentages are higher on either side of these former jetties than elsewhere. Appar- ently an energy shadow is created by these former jetties. Histograms of LILCO's sieved samples taken in June and in October, 1974 from mean high water, mean sea level and mean low water show: a. Fine sediment is virtually absent in all samples taken both in June and in October. Medium sands are a minor component of all of these intertidal zone samples in contrast to the beach samples which contain a predominance of medium grained sands. Significant anomalies are observed in the October samples which cannot be clarified without wave characteristics prevailing during the sampling period. The lack of such information makes it possible to interpret the data both as favoring and as negating the value of a sand by-pass sys- tem. These data, without Supporting wave infor- mation, are insufficient and ambiguous. They are unsound for making a geologically intelligent interpretation of their meaning. 4. Histograms from the four sample sites of sediment re- covered at water depths of 6, 12 and 18 feet below sea level indicate: at Between the site of the former jetties, sediment size distributions become finer between 6 and 18 feet water depth in June. The June samples east of the former jetties are dominantly medium grained sand whereas to the west of the jetties, coarser grain sizes prevail. The offshore samples taken in October are gener- ally dominated by medium grained sand on both sides of the former jetties. C. These points must be stressed concerning the inade- quacies of the sieve data. Data come from only four sample sites taken on lines from the beach to water depths of 18 feet. These four lines are perpendicular to the 11,000 foot long baseline along and adjacent to LILCO Jamesport property. The June and October diverT gence in the data indicate that four sample lines cannot be used to characterize this coastal zone, nor is a twice yearly sampling adequate to judge the effectiveness of the proposed by-pass program. Sediments between the former jetties have grain distributions which differ from the other three sets of samples implying jetty control on sediment size at site 40+00. No sampling has been made of various parts of the beach to allow for comparisons of grain size from mean high water toward the bluffs. No sieve analysis data have been made available since the October, 1974, sampling in contradiction to the public statements by LILCO concerning an ongoing sieve analysis program. IV. Borehole data contracted for by LILCO at the proposed excavation around the intake site show that more than half of the material to be excavated and dumped to the east of the proposed jetties is finer than sediment which can remain on that beach. This fact significantly re- duces the enrichment effects of the use of this excavated material. A. It can be assumed that the fine fraction of the excavated sediment will have any 6r all of the follow- ing negative consequences. Increased turbidity of waters in the adjacent por- tion of Long Island Sound during winnowing and removal of the fine sediment by wave action. 2. Potential transport and sedimentation at Mattltuck Inlet and other embayments. Sedimentation of the removed fine sediment in deep waters of Long Island Sound causing potential local decreases in water depth or modifications in bottom configurations. Recommendations Based on the information presently available and developed this repor~ the following recommendations are made to the United States Army, New York District, Corps of Engineers. in Jetty construction permits should not be granted until all profile and sieve analysis data have been made available and have been synthesized to show changes and differences among portions of the coastal zone both east. and west of the proposed jetty site. Data from boreholes and from the sieve analyses indicate that LILCO's proposed beach enri=hment plan is inadequate. Other approaches to beach nourishment to prevent increased coastal and bluffs erosion need to be assessed. This implies that both the proposed spoils dumping and sand by-pass programs require augmentation to prevent increased erosion east of the proposed jetties. Updated detailed surveys are essential to establish quan- titative retreat rates of bluffs and coastal zone at and adjacent to the Jamesport site. On-going bluff retreat rates clearly call for long-term' plans and commitments by both LILCO and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the projected consequences of po- tential erosion and undermining of the Jamesport Nuclear Power Station. If such commitments are forthcoming, they must include means of.replenishing beaches along the Southold shore- line. This is crucial because the body of the information presented in this report suggests the high probability that bluff and shoreline erosion rates will increase along the shoreline if these proposed jetties are permitted to be constructed. fe The quantities of fine sediment shown in borehole data and the probable amounts of fines which will accumulate in the intake channel contain a sufficiently important amount of clay that radionuclide build-up can be antici- pated where chemically reducing condition prevail. Al- though this report does not assess this potential envir- onmental risk, the chemical and mlneralogic components are present to permit precipitation of radioactive ma- terials from Long Island Sound waters. -9- INTRODUCTION Coastal ProCessesU-Lon~ Island's North Shore The coastal sector examined for this study lies between the two relatively small points of land on either side of the Jamesport site of Long Island Lighting Company's proposed Nuclear Power Station. These two points are Duck Pond Point on the east and Jacobs Point on the west. Figure 1 is a com- posite map drawn from 7 1/2-minute quadrangle maps of this study area. The two points are the closest locations to the Jamesport site which would affect wave patterns approaching the shoreline, refraction of those waves in the nearshore zone and littoral drift directions resulting from wave refractions. Contour lines of water depths below ~ean sea level out to the 18-foot depth contour very closely parallel the shoreline be- tween Duck Pond and Jacobs Point indicating that these points are the principal local controls on wave refraction. Previous Studies There is a lack of detailed studies of Long Island's North Shore. The four principal reports concerning that coastline are: North Shore of Long Island, Suffolk County, New York--Beach Erosion Control and Interim Hurricane Study (Survey), 1969, by Department of the Army, New York District, Corps of Engineers. e Erosion of the North Shore of Long Island, 1973, by Davies, Axelrod and O'Connor, Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY Stony Brook, Technical Re- port Series No. 18. Long Island Sound Regional Study, Erosion and Se- dimentation, and interim report, 1973, New England River Basins Commission. Effects of small groins on shoreline changes on the North Shore of Suffolk County, New York, 1974, by Olmholt, New York Ocean Science Laboratory, Technical Report No. 0028. Report %3 listed above calls the 81-mile long shoreline of Suffolk County a zone of critical erosion along which average coastline recession rates are 1 to 2 feet per year and, at a few sites, 3.5 feet per year. That report lists both natural and human causes for these erosion rates. The natural~causes include winds, tides, storm-driven waves and littoral currents. The human causes relate to building of Pond Point Figure 1. Map of Jamesport Coastal Zone -11- shoreline protection structures which inevitably deplete the volume of sand in the littoral current system thus causing increased erosion of unprotected portions of the coastline. Shoreline protection structures which augment erosion else- where along the shoreline include groins, jetties, seawalls, revetments and bulkheads. That report also observes that there is no predominant direction of littoral currents along the shores of Long Island Sound. Littoral Currents Littoral currents are the result of both shoreline con- figuration and the direction from which waves approach the shoreline at any given time. The littoral current flows parallel to the shore within the zone of breaking waves and the current direction is governed by the refraction of waves in the nearshore zone (Figure 2). For example, on a straight stretch of coastline oriented east-west, the littoral will flow westward when wind-driven waves approach from the northeast or east. On the other hand, the littoral current will flow eastward if wind-driven waves approach the shoreline from the northwest or west. Because wind velocities may be higher from one direction than another, wave characteristics such as velocity, steep- ness and length can vary in response to these wind velocity differences. Such differences in wave characteristics have direct influence, therefore, upon three aspects of the lit- toral current in addition to its flow direction; velocity, sediment volume and maximum grain sizes transported. Be- cause of these variations in littoral currents, there is usually a net flow of sediment in the littoral current di- rection related to the prevailing winds over a given time interval. It is because of these variables (and others) in wind and wave characteristics that it is unreasonable to attempt to predict specific littoral current directions as well as volume and size of sediment transported along a given stretch of any coastline based on generalizations or averages for the entire coastal zone such as Long Island's North Shore. Predicting Results of Littoral Processes Types of measurements essential at any specific site, such as are needed at Jamesport, to accurately predict the results of littoral currents on sediment movement along the shore include: Weather and wave conditions--usUally measured at time intervals throughout the 24-hour day. Such measure- ments must span seasons to account for time variations in weather and wave conditions. -12- Di~ec~io-~'°'~-llttoml currents ~sulting from waves breaking at an angle to the shore. ~.~. .~.~u-?. ~ ~o ,~ .~ ~.~ ~t~,~ .:-~ . -~.~..~z~ Net dir~tion "Backwa~ .... S~*' portion of of ~h drift dir~tion ~h drift Sediment movement along the beach occurs in the surf zone as littoral drift and on the beach face as beach drift. (From Anikouchine W. A., and Sternberg, R. W., 1973, fig. 10-4, p. 162 and fig. 10-10, p. 168) "Figure -13- Wave condition~measurements include: 6ffshore wave heights breaker heights breaker types (spilling or plunging breakers) wave period wave approach angle littoral current velocity In addition, periodic changes in beach and nearshore profiles are measured at closely spaced intervals. Ail of this time-series data can be represented on maps and cross sections which then can be compared to one another to show daily, weekly, monthly or yearly rates and amounts of erosion and deposition in the beach and nearshore zone as well as changes in its adjacent bluffs or dunes. The actual time spans between measurements is governed largely by the time frame in which predictions of coastal changes must be made and the degree to which prediction must match actual results of the highly variable factors governing coastal processes. -14- ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE DATA Because it was the purpose of this report to assess the available information on coastline processes and changes at the Jamesport site (past, present and potential future changes should jetties be constructed), the kind of complete analysis of coastline processes discussed earlier could not be carried out. Such data for the Jamesport site, as described in the previous section as crucial to predicting results of coastal processes, simply have not been gathered. The Final Environ- mental Statement related to construction of the Jamesport Nuclear Power Station, written October, 1975, by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission makes no assessment of coastal processes and has no evaluation of the influences of the pro- posed jetties on the coastal zone erosion processes presently taking place at and adjacent to the site. Despite this ab- sence of any consideration of coastal erosion which could result from jetty construction, the New York District Engineer of the Army Corps of Engineers stated in Public Notice No. 8816, dated February 1, 1976, that "his preliminary environmental review on presently available data has determined that the EIS (environmental impact statement) prepared by the NRC (Nuclear R~gulatory Commission) adequately addresses the impacts associated with the proposed installation..." In addition to this significant oversight by the District Engineer in which he based his preliminary review on a doc- ument which included no mention of the physical coastal pro- cesses or the impacts of jetty construction on the adjacent shoreline, there was also a failure to examine and, in Public Notice 8816, assess any of the relevant data which were being gathered by the applicant (LILCO) for the jetty construction permit. LILCO had begun a beach monitoring program in March, 1974 which included a series of profiles taken perpendicular to the shoreline at 90 or more sites along and adjacent to its property of Jamesport. In addition to the profiles, which were being taken four times annually, sediment samples were gathered, apparently twice yearly, to determine grain size characteristics of sediments comprising the beach and nearshore zone. The profiles were being measured to assess net changes in the bluffs, beach and nearshore zone at and adjacent to the site. The sediment sampling was being carried out to assess the possible results of sand build-up at and between the jetties and the effects of dredging the accumulated sand for replenishing the beach to the east of the proposed jetty site. In addition to profiles and sediment sample analyses, LILCO also had cores of sediment beneath the proposed site of the intake channel. Part of the proposed construction plan for this channel and the water intake structures for which it and the jetties were to be built included dumping of the ex- cavated sand and gravel on the beaches to the east as a start -15- to LILCO's proposed beach replenishment program. Because the U.'S. Army Corps of Engineers had not assessed this available data and because LILCO had not provided a comprehensive public file of profile and sediment analysis data with written summaries of what these data showed, the Town of Southold undertook, through a contract with the author of this report, to determine what data were available and what did the data indicate in terms of present or potential erosion at and adjacent to the Jamesport site as a result of proposed jetty construction. Those data, their evaluations and inter- pretations constitute the body of this report. The results of the data synthesis and interpretations constituted the basis upon which the recommendations were organized and pre- sented to the. Corps of Engineers at the Public Hearing, December ~977, in Riverhead, New York on behalf of the Town of Southold. Profiles Starting in March, 1974, LILCO initiated a beach mon- itoring program, one aspect of which was beach profiling. This initial set of profiles extended perpendicular to the shoreline along an 8,100 foot baseline. Along that baseline about 90 profile lines were surveyed' through April, 1976. Each profile line is spaced at 100-foot intervals perpendicular to the baseline and extends from the toe of the bluffs, across the beach seaward to mean low water. Beginning in April, 1975, the baseline was extended from 8,100 feet to 11,000 feet and additional profile lines were added to this extended baseline. Profiles made on the following dates are now (December 8, 1977) on public file. ~ ~ccc-~ March, July, October, December 1974 April, October 1975 April 1976 Profile comparisons showing net changes in volume of material within coastal sector surveyed are available for the following dates: March - July 1974 March - October 1974 March - December 1974 March 1974 - April 1975 March 1974 - October 1975 Assuming that the quarterly measurement schedules of profilesha~e continued since December, 1974, the following profile data have not yet been made publicly available (as of December 8, 1977). -16- July, December 1975 July, October, December 1976 March (or April), July, October 1977 No profile comparisons are publicly available since the March, 1974 - October, 1975 comparison. A profile is simply a cross sectional view of the sur- vey line showing the position and steepness of the slope of each segment of the survey line from the bluff toe to mean low water. By comparing two or more profiles taken along the same line at different times of the year, changes in th~ position or any of the bluff crest or toe, the beach berm beach crest or foreshore can be immediately determined. The gain or loss at various positions along the survey line can be algebraically summed to determine net gains and losses during the time span between the two or more pr6file dates. The algebraically summed area of gain and loss between any two profiles along the same line can be added to the net change in area for all profile lines during the time period measured. This yields a value for net gain or loss in ~edi- ment volume from the p~ofiled zone of any particular coastal sector studied. Consistency of contours between each of the ninety or more profile lines surveyed by LILCO is assumed in making this calculation of net volume change between any two dates for the entire zone of coastline being profiled. This assumption is common practice in determining volume changes and the parallelism of the offshore contours to the shore- line (Figure 1) supports the assumption in the area profiled by LILCO. Results of Profile Comparisons Figure 3 summarizes LILCO's data based on profiles spanning March, 1974 through October, 1975. This sand budget for the Jamesport site for the total time span of available comparisons shows a net sediment loss of 1,105,567 cubic yards. The beach portion of the profiles shows a net gain of 5,355 cubic yards of sediment whereas the offshore portion of the profile shows a net loss of 1,110,922 cubic yards.' This small gain of beach sediment in contract to loss of offshore sediment requires a brief analysis of beach, bluff and nearshore morphology in response to waves, wind, running water and littoral currents. Most profiles of beaches during nonstorm conditions show a convex-upward form resulting from the net movement of .sediment toward the shoreline. This sand and gravel is derived from the nearshore zone and carried ashore by break- ing waves. A part of the sediment carried ashore is from the natural sediment supply moving parallel to the shoreline in the littoral current. The convex upward beach profile de- velops as nearshore bars attach to the beach and become part of SAND BUDGET Data based on LILCO comparisons of 90 profile lines m~asured March '74-October'-75 · Offshore Net Change Time Span Beach I(below mean Iow water) March '74 - July'74 +5853 cu.yds, no data +5853 cu,yds. C 1170.6 DTL)' March '74 - Oct. '74 +6393 cu.yds. - 609,I 18 cu.yds. - 602,725 cu.yd$. f~120,545 DTL) March '74 - Dec.'74 - 17,220cu.yds no. data -30,87.7 cu. yds. · (21~5 DTL) M~rch'74 -Oct. '75 +5355 cu.yds. - 1,110,922 cu.yd$. '-1,'~05,567 cu.vds. (221,1'13.4 DTL') No further comparisons ' 5 cubic yards of sand - I Dump Truck Load (DTL) available after Oct.~75 Figure 3~ Sand Budget for Jamesport Site~ March, 1974 to October, 1975 -18- the beach proper. Under nonstorm conditions the beach will become broader as sediment from these shoreward migrating bars produces on-going accretion to the beach face. The reverse process occurs during storms when steep, short period waves affect the nearshore zone. Under storm- wave conditions, sediment is eroded from the beach face and carried offshore to depths below the limits at which steep, short periods can move the bottom sediment. Erosion of the beach face during storm-wave conditions produces a flat or concave-upward beach profile. Such a profile permits waves to cross the beach and erode not only the backside of the beach but also the bluffs or dunes as well. The sediment removed from the back beach and bluffs or dunes area also moves offshore beyond the influence of steep, short period waves. During this movement of sediment on and off shore during nonstorm and storm conditions, sediment is also being trans- ported laterally parallel to the shoreline in the littoral current. Under natural conditions where an entire coastal sector is not.stabilized by man-made structures, such as groins or jetties, any sand lost from the immediate area as it moves offshore during storms and carried laterally by the littoral current is replenished by the sediment supply from upcurrent in the littoral drift system. It is the presence of jetties and groins, or any structures which prevent storm waves from tapping the necessary sediment storage areas in the backbeach, bluffs or dune areas, which ~ltimately depletes the natural sediment supply from both the littoral current system and the readvance of sand carried offshore during storms back to the nearshore and beach environment to re- develop the natural convex-upward profile of the non-storm beach conditions. Time periods required for. any post-storm recovery of a beach to its normal convex-upward profile may range from several days to perhaps many weeks. It is in this condition of a convex-upward profile, that waves, even during spring high tides, cannot extend shoreward far enough to erode the back-beach area or the bluffs or dunes. Because there is an overall deficit in the sand budget of the Suffolk County portion of Long Island's North Shore, part of the total sediment budget which would aid in naturally replenishing the beaches after storms have subsided is lost from both the littoral current system and from the offshore- onshore transfer of sediment which occurs during nonstorm periods. In order to restore this sediment deficit the natural process is to increase backbeach erosion and under- cutting of the bluffs. Oversteepened bldffs slump in response to undercutting causing a broad fan-shaped pile of sediment to form at the toe of the bluffs. This newly slumped material is then accessible to waves during spring high tides and storms. Bluff slumping is also aided by water~runnin~ 'down the bluff slope from surface runoff and leakage from ground -19- water stored in the bluff sediment itself. Freezing and thawing of surface and ground water also are contributing factors in the slumping process. Figure ~ is a simple step by step diagram illustrating the results of bluffs undercutting by wave action. As sug- gested by the arrows in Figure 3, the process is cyclic and repetitious resulting in an on-going bluff retreat toward the south. It is important to stress that gains and losses in the beach itself will be negligible if annual wind, wave and storm conditions do not change radically whereas loss of bluffs and of sediment from the offshore zone can be sub- stantial. This significant loss of offshore material of 1,110,922 cubic yards measured by LILCO (Figure 3) with a net gain of 5,355 cubic yards of sediment in the beach through the time span of the profile data (March, 1974--October, 1975) demonstrates this point. It is now essential to examine the profile data for the bluffs to substantiate the inferences made above and those suggested in Figure 4. The 90 profile comparisons made by LILCO can be assessed for periods in which comparative data have been made avail- able (listed previously). Comparison data for the period March, 1974, through April, 1975 are compiled in Table lA and 1~. The Table lists the site of each profile line, the gain or loss of sediment at the bluff toe and the distance of southward retreat of the lower part of the bluffs themselves. The reader should be aware that as the angle'of bluff slope decreases, the greater will be the retreat of the upper part of the bluff crest. This decreases in slope angle is pri- marily caused by slumping. The slumped portion appears as an increment to the toe of the bluffs. The last column of data listed in Table I shows the difference in gain or loss of material at the toe of the bluff. The positive figures listed in this last column of Table I, therefore, represent the bulk of material available for redistribution by waves affecting the backbeach area during spring high tides and storms. Wind and running water also aid in redistributing this sediment slumped to the toe of the bluffs across the beach and nearshore environments. Regardless of the process of redistribution, the beach maintains a reasonably consis- tent width for specific gradients in the beach profile. The beach can be thought of as a tank tread in which the beach is the underside portion of the tread which gives the illusion of not moving and the zones of measurable movement lie at its margins, in this case, in the bluffs and offshore zones. In terms of horizontal distance measured between the two common highest points on the March, 1974 and April, 1975, (Table IA)profiles an extreme value of bluff retreat is 22 feet. Many retreat values lie between 7 and 12 feet for the 13-month comparison period. The second portion of TableIB shows both the vertical change in position of the nickpoint Undercut line of waves) Figure 4. Flow Diagram Explaining Bluff Retreat Process -21- TABLE IA Horizontal Distance Measured Between Highest Common Points on Profi Site Distance (ft) * Site Distance (ft)* 10+00 - 7.8 48 - 9.4 11 - 7.8 49 -18.7 12 - 7.8 50 -18.7 13 0 51 + 3.1 13+74 0 52 N.C. 14 + 4.7 53 -22.0 15 - .78 54 - 7.8 16 - 1.6 55 - 7.8 17 - 7.8 56+00 - 5.5 · 18 -10.1 57 0 19 - 9.4 58 - 6.2 20 - 7.8 59 - 9.4 20+32 -11.0 60 + 9.4 21 + 3.1 61 - 1.6 22 - 3.1 62 - 2.3 23 - 9.4 63 + 9.4 24 - 3.1 63+84 0 25 - 1.6 65 - 6.2 26 -11.0 66 + 3.1 27 - 7.0 67 - 7.8 28 - 3.1 68 -12.5 29 - 7.8 69 - 4.0 30 - 4.7 70 - 1.6 31 0 71 - 1.6 32 - 6.2 72 - 3.1 33 - 6.2 73 - 1.6 34 - 9.4 74 + 6.2 35 - 9.4 75 - 4.7 36+00 - 3.1 76 + 4.0 37 - 3.1 77 0 37+10 + 9~4 78 - 3.1 +19 N.C.** 79 + 1.6 +20 - 8.6 80 + 1.6 +70 N.C. 81 -4.7 38 N.C. 82 - .78 39 N.C. 83 - 1.6 40 N.C. 84+00 - 4.7 41 N.C. 85 - 3.1 41+31 N.C. 86 + 1.6 +50 - 3.1 87 + 1.6 42 - 9.4 88 - 3.1 +25 N.C. 89 0 +50 N.C. 90 - 4.7 43+12 + 1.6 90+77.11 - 6.2 44 N.C. *Negative (-) values equal landward retreat 45 N.C. Positive (+) values equal bluff slumping seawz 46 - 6.2 47 - 1.6 **NC = No comparison possible -22- TABLE IB Vertical Elevation Differences and Horizontal Distances Between First ~Si~nificant Nickpoint on Landward (South) Side of Profiles Site Elevation & Distance(ft)* Site Elevation & Distanqe.(ft)* 10+00 11 12 13 13+74 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20+32 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '33 34 35 36+00 37 37+10 37+19 37+20 37+70 38 39 40 41 41+31 41+50 42 42+25 42+50 43+12 44 45 46 47 48 49 +0.1 +0.8 +1.0 -0.8 -1.2 -1.3 -1.6 -0.7 -1.2 -0.5 -0.4 -0.1 -0.4 -2.2 + 2.0 +0.6 - 1.0 -1.2 -1.2 + 0.5 + 1.1 -0.1 -0.7 - 1.1 -2.7 +1.4 +0.4 -1.4 - 1.5 +1.2 -0.5 N.C.** + 1.1 - 0.2 N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. + 2.9 - 2.2 N.C. N.C. - 0.2 N.C. N.C. N.C. +0.1 +2.5 +2.1 -9.4 -4.7 -6.2 0 +4.7 +9.4 +1.6 -4.7 -3.1 -9.4 -7.8 -3.1 -7.8 + 9.4 -1.6 - 6.2 + 4.7 + 4.7 -6.2 -14.0 - 6.2 -6.2 -4.7 -1.6 +3.1 -12.5 +1.6 -4.7 +1.6 -6.2 - 6.2 -12.5 + 1.6 -17.2 +25.0 0 - 1.6 -25.0 -20.3 50 + 1.5 -22.0 51 N.C. 52 N.C. 53 + 1.9 -14.0 54 + 0.1 + 4.7 55 + 0.4 - 3.1 56+00 + 0.6 - 2.3 57 + 0.3 - 3.1 58 + 1.1 - 6.2 59 + 0.4 - 3.1 60 + 0.3 + 4.0 61 + 0.3 - 1.6 62 + 1.1 - 4.7 63 - 1.1 +18.7 63+84 N.C. 65 + 2.3 -12.5 66 N.C. 67 + 1.5 -18.7 68 + 1.4 -19.5 69 + 0.6 -10.1 70 + 1.9 - 7.8 71 + 0.7 - 7.8 72 + 1.6 - 9.4 73 + 2.3 -22.0 74 N.C. 75 + 3.6 -14.0 76 + 1.2 -10.1 77 + 2.3 -14.0 78 + 2.0 - 6.2 79 · - 0.1 0 80 + 0.2 0 81 + 3.7 -18.7 82 + 0.1 0 83 + 0.6 -18.7 84+00 + 0.2 - 1.6 85+00 + 0.1 - 1.6 86 + 0.1 0 87 - 0.4 + 4.7. 88 - 0.3 0 89 - 0.5 0 90 + 0.6 - 4.7 90+77.11 + 1.7 - 4.0 *Negative (-) values Positive (+) values **NC = No comparison equal landward retreat equal bluff.slumping seaward possible -23- for . March, 1974--April, 1975 as well as the horizontal displacement of the nickpoints. This value may be the better measure of actual bluff retreat since the LILCO profiles do not extend to the top of the bluffs nor are they measured to a common elevation above sea level. The extreme value of retreat between nickpoints is 25 feet with concentrations in the 5- to 10-foot range. These retreat values exceed those observed in initial testimony based on four profile sites. -24- Implications of Bluff Retreat.Rates Present retreat rates of the bluffs along and adjacent to the LILCO Jamesport property average 5-10 feet per year, and maximum of 22 feet per year. The plant site as illustrated in public exhibits included in case 80003 is situated 900 feet south of the March, 1974 shoreline and 500 feet south of the 100' contour representing the bluff crest between the shore- line and the plant site. Using the average retreat value of 5-10 feet per year, erosion would bring the bluff crest to the edge of the power station in 50 to 100 years. Clearly, a situation in which coastal erosion would reach the stage of undermining a nuclear power station would. never be permitted to occur even if that station were no longer active when this threatening stage was reached. What would occur instead would be ever-increasing attempts by both Federal, State and municipal governments and by LILCO to construct jetties, seawalls and other protective struc- tures to prevent this threat of undermining. Once the Corps of Engineers has granted a permit to construct the jetties as part of the intake channel there is a clear precedent established to permit other types of necessary protective structures to be built once the power station is construc- ted. This precedent leads to two very obvious consequences. 1. Increased amounts of public and private monies would necessarily have to be committed in the future to prevent continuing erosion of the bluffs at the Jamesport site. 2. Construction of any types of protective struc- tures which would prevent the predicted erosion of the Jamesport site bluffs would increasingly deplete the sand supply capable of moving both on and off- shore during and after storms and in the littoral current system. Present erosion rates would increase dramatically in areas adjacent to LILCO's Jamesport property because of the retention of large amounts of sediments by the structures which necessarily would have to be built. It would be only specula- tion, within the limits of present data, to suggest the distances to which this increased erosion would occur, what the degree of increased retreat rates might be, and what public and private organizations would bear legal responsibilities for the consequen- ces of increased erosion beyond the limits of the Jamesport site. -25- Sediment Sampling Data Seven sediment samples were taken at four sites (which coincide with four of the more than 90 profile lines) by LILCO in June and October, 1974. The four sites (the numbers of which relates to LILCO's survey lines) are 10+00, 40+00, 66+00 and 90+00. These numbers translate into the fact that the four sediment sample lines lie 1,000, 4,000, 6,000 and 9,000 feet west of a zero survey point at the east side of LILCO's Jamesport property. Site 40+00 represents a loca- tion between two jetties which were formerly present along this stretch of coastline. The seven samples taken at each of the four sites were selected from the beach surface, mean high water, mean sea level, mean low water and at water depths of 6, 12, ~nd 18 feet. Sieve Analysis Each of the seven samples taken on both 1974 sampling dates at all four sites were analyzed for grain size dis- tribution using standard sieve techniques. A stack of several sieves each having a screen mesh of diminishing dimensions from the top to bottom of the sieve stack is shaken in a mechanical shaker for a fixed length of time (usually several minutes). The initial weight of the sediment sample is measured before pouring the loose, dried sediment into the top of the stack of sieves. After shaking for a given period, the amount of material retained on each sieve is weighed and this weight, in proportion to the total initial weight of the sample prior to sieving yields a percentage value of that sample retained by each diminishing sieve mesh opening. Thus, an accurate percentage of each grain size range is determined by this type of sieve analysis. In simplest terms, all pebble sized grains remain near the top of the stack of sieves, the medium-sized sand grains fall through each diminishing mesh to about the middle of the stack, while the fine sands, silts and clays fall to the lowermost sieves near the bottom of the stack. Because a sieve analysis characterizes sediment from any type of environment (in this case, from the beach, the intertidal zone and offshore out to 18-foot water depths), it is a simple matter to then determine in what size range the bulk of each sample lies from each site and environment. Thus, one can show what the predominant grain size is, for example, of a beach during calm waves versus during storm waves. The latter represents more vigorous energy and typi- cally coarser sediment makes up the bulk of beach deposits under high energy conditions. As waves become calm, finer grained sand can also accumulate and may predominate the beach environment after post-storm recovery when sand moves ashore to restore the typical convex-upward profile of non- storm beach. -26- Results of Sieve Analysis The results of the June and October, 1974, sediment analysis by sieving are publicly available. The weights and precentages of each grain retained by each sieve mesh used in the analysis are available along with curves showing cumulative percentages of all grain sizes in the samples. Both cumulative curves and the raw weight data are difficult to visualize in terms of sediment size distributions and, in this present report, the data have been presented as bar graphs (histograms), using LILCO's raw data. The follow- ing grain size classes have been grouped and shown in the histograms (Figures 5, 6, and 7): (4-32mm) Pebbles (1/2-4mm) Coarse sand to granules (1/4-1/2mm)Medium sand (finer than 1/4 mm) Fine to very fine sand, clay silt and Figure 5 represents the grain size characteristics of the beach for both the June and October, 1974, sampling dates; Figure 6, those characteristics of samples taken at mean high water, mean sea level and mean low water; Figure 7, from water depths of 6, 12 and 18 feet. Note in each histogram that the June samples are in the upper row of histograms; October, in the lower row. Histograms are arran- ged from east to west (right to left) along the line approx- imating LILCO's survey base line for March, 1974. In addition, the reader should observe that on each set of histograms in Figures 5, 6 and 7, sample site 40+00 cor- responds to the position between former jetties constructed on the Levon property. In what follows, is a brief state- ment of the interpretation of these h~stograms. The signi- ficance of the data portrayed in these histograms is crucial to judging the proposed sand bypass system by dredging from the margins and from between the newly proposed jetties. It also provides some insights into what grain sizes are stable in the Jamesport coastal zone during the June and October, 1974, sampling. The inadequancies of frequency and distribution of sampling as done by LILCO will be dis- cussed following the description of what the histograms show. Beach Samples Figure 5 shows that, in all but one sample (June beach sample at site 40+00), medium grained sand is the predominant sediment size for both the June and October, 1974, samples. Coarse sand and granules dominate the June sample of beach sediment taken from site 40+00 (between the former jetties). Note also that the percent of pebbles is significantly higher in samples from just east and west (sites 10+00 and 66+00) of the former jetty site whereas at the westernmost sample site BEACH SAMPLES GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION [ Neve data from LILCO] Oct. 1974 West t site [] ~ Pebaes s~te 66*O0 & grsnulos (Jo4mm) between former jetties 5s site site Figure 5. Sieve AnalFses of Beach Sediments - Histograms INTERTIDAL SAMPLES Figure 6. Sieve Analyses of Intertidal Sediments - Histograms.. ,4' .4' Figure 7. Sieve Analyses ~ Sediments from Water Depths Of 6, 12 and 18 feet - Histograms. -30- (90+00) as well as at the site between the former jetties, pebbles represent a minor constituent of the total beach sample both for the June and October sampling dates. These concentrations of pebbles on either side of the former jetties, and predominance of granules to coarse sand in the June samples between the former jetties, indicate that those jetties (taken down to the mean low water in the early 1970's) are creating an energy shadow. This energy shadow creates a situation in which coarse sand to pebble size sediment can be transported to those sample sites, but probably is not re- moved during succeeding times of high wave energy. The percentage of fine sand and finer sediment is vir- tually the same minor value in all beach samples for both dates. The inference to be made from this fact is that wave action on the beach is of sufficiently high energy to winnow out fine material from the beach and currents have carried the fines elsewhere. As will be seen later in the descrip- tion of Figure 7, fines are of more than a minor component of the offshore samples taken from water depths of 6, 12 and 18 feet. Intertidal Samples Results of LILCO's sieving of samples from the four sites at mean high water, mean sea level and mean low water are presented in Figure 6. These histograms for both June and October, 1974, show that fine sediment is virtually ab- sent from all samples and reaches only 6% in two October samples from between and just west of the former jetties (sites 40+00 and 66+00). The important contrast between this histogram and that for the beach samples (Figure 5) is the minor amounts of medium sand in most of these intertidal sediments. Medium-grained sand typifies .the bulk of the beach samples shown in Figure 5. In the June intertidal samples, pebble percentages in- crease from mean high to mean low water at the east and west end of the sampled area (sites 10+00 and 90+00) in contrast to the opposite trend of decreasing sediment sizes from mean high to mean low water between the former jetties (site 40+00). The October, 1974, samples from the intertidal zone (Figure 6) show c~nsiderable differences among s~mples sites as well as'contrasts to the June Samples. Samples from sites 10+00 and 66+00 are nearly mirror images of one another. Note that at site 66+00, the pebbles represent 75% of the sample taken at mean low water. At site 10+00, the mean high water sample has 75% pebbles. Interestingly, the mean low water histogram at site 10+00 is nearly the same as the mean high water histogram at site 66+00. This effect of mirror image histograms between the two sites which lie east and west of the former jetties confirms an energy shadow effect produced -31- by the jetties themselves. Because there are no available data on wave conditions for the October sample data, a proper interpretation of this energy shadow produced by the former jetties is impossible. In fact, two completely different interpretations could be made from the data, one of which would be favorable to a sand by-pass system, one unfavorable. The absence of recorded data on littoral current direction and velocity during this sample period has yielded ambiguous results. This ambiguity is even more apparent when the sieve analysis data for June and October are compared at site 40+00 where the former jetties had been constructed. Pebbles dominate the June intertidal samples, whereas coarse sand to granule sizes dominate the intertidal samples taken in October. Higher energy waves apparently were prevailing around the time of the June versus the October sampling dates. Wave data are lacking to support this conclusion. An entirely different interpretation is just as reasonable with this lack of wave data. It is just as reasonable to suggest, based on only the sieve analysis data here shown in the histograms, that the dominance of pebbles between the former jetties in the June sampling is a product of low wave energy and the pebbles are simply lag deposits trapped between the old jetties. The general similarities of the October intertidal samples between the former jetties and at site 90+00 support this second view since both sites are dominated by coarse sand to granule size material. The pre- sence of coarse sand to granules at those sites may be a reflection of the maximum grain size which the October waves were transporting during the sample period. The important point to make here is, that a number of interpretations are possible but, with the proper wave data which should accompany sediment sample analyses, most of those interpretations could be eliminated and a reasonable assessment could be made of sieve data in terms of the value of a sand bypass system. With the limited data available, no geologically reasonable assessment is possible. Offshore Samples The results of LILCO's sieving of offshore samples are shown in Figure 7. Samples at each of the four sites were taken at water depths of 6, 12 and 18 feet (presumably below mean sea level). Pebbles are virtually absent from all June and October, 1974, samples except at depths of 6 feet be- tween the former jetties (site 40+00) and at that depth at the easternmost site (10+00) in the June samples. The large quantity of pebbles (40% for June and 25% for October) support the inference of entrapment of coarse sediment by the former jetties. In contrast, fine sand and finer material is not retained offshore between the jetties for the two sample dates. Fine sediment is more abundant both east and -32- west of the former jetties, particularly in the October samples. Thirty five percent fine material was collected in the October sample at a depth of six feet at site 66+00. East of the former jetties at site 10+00, medium sand represents the bulk of all but one sample taken in June at the 12-foot depth location. This is also true of the October samples from site 90+00 and at two of the three depth positions at site 66+00. In contrast, coarse sand to granules and pebbles dominate the June samples at site 90+00 and at water depths · of 12 and. 18 feet at site 66+00. If wave properties were available for these sample dates, it might be possible to show that a sediment bypass program for offshore sediments (6- tolS-foot depths) could be successfully carried out. However, ~he lack of such data, makes it unreasonable to spec- ulate about the quantities of coarse materials in the off- shore zone both between and west of the former jetties. It is unreasonable because this quantity of coarse sediment is considerably higher than quantities of similar sized materials in the beach itself (Figure 5). This amount of coarse ma- terial could be lag deposits below the limits of calm wave agitation of the bottom sediment or it could be material just previously removed by storm-waves from the beach. Correla- tion of sieve data to beach profiles would be useful in this case in as much as the profiles would be concave downward following a storm and convex upward after a post storm recovery of the beach by onshore transfer of bar sands. Unfortunately, LILCO's June, 1974, sample data do not coincide with the quarterly profile dates for that year and no sediment sample date accompanies the October collection to indicate whether or not sampling was carried out in conjunction with the October, 1974, profiling. Inadequacy of Sediment Sampling Program In addition to the problems associated with the sediment sampling data--namely, lack of data on wave characteristics during sampling and apparent absence of time coordination between sampling and profiling--other inadequacies of the LILCO sieve analyses are also apparent; they are: 1. Data come from only four sample sites taken on lines from the beach to water depths of 18 feet. These four lines are perpendicular to the ll,000-foot long baseline along and adjacent to LILCO Jamesport property. The irregularity in the data indicatesthat four sample lines cannot be used to characterize this coastal zone. -33- 2. Sediments between the former jetties have grain dis- tributions which differ from the other three sets of samples implying jetty control on sediment taken at site 40+00. 3. Variations among samples collected in June versus those collected in October, 1974, suggest that the periodicity of collecting is far too wide. 4. No sampling has been made of various parts of the beach to allow for comparisons of grain size from mean highwater toward the bluffs. 5. No sieve analysis data have been made available since the October, 1974 sampling in contradiction to the public statements by LILCO concerning an ongoing sieve analysis program. The available sieve analyses for 1974 are not themselves adequate to support the proposed dredging and sand bypass system from the west side of the proposed jetties to the east. -34- 'EFFECTS OF FORMER JETTIES AT JAMESPORT SITE Jetties were constructed by the summer of 1969 on property then owned by Levon. The location of those jetties, which extended 550 to 559 feet into Long Island Sound, is generally the same as the 800-foot jetties proposed on either side of the intake channel by Long Island Lighting Company at the Jamesport Nuclear Power Station. Under an agreement with the New York State Attorney General's Office, the owners of that property removed by December 1, 1971, the upper sur- face of these jetties to below the mean low water line at the coast with a gradually increasing depth of the top surface reaching six feet below mean low'water at the north (seaward) end of the jetties. For most of their original length the depth Of the top surface of these former jetties lies between 4.5 feet and 6 feet below mean low water. Because the foun- dations of these jetties still remain just below the water surface the structures continue having an influence upon sediment transport in and out of and parallel to the shoreline. LILCO's profile and sieve data from site 40+00 confirm this control. Thus, the effects of jetty construction at the James- port site have already been tested and the influences of those jetties will be examined below. It must first be mentioned that LILCO's proposed 800-foot long jetties would be built with these additional programs to be carried out. 1. LILCO acknowledges that the proposed jetties would effect the littoral current and they have proposed a sediment bypass method. 2. LILCO agreed-to begin a beach monitoring program using profile data and sediment sample sieve analyses to determine what erosive effects might result from jetty construction. Their monitoring program was begun in March, 1974. Comments and analyses of both the profile data and sieve data have already been made earlier in this report. Because of the absence of wind and wave data to help fully assess the values of the beach monitoring program,. the remainder of this section will simply examine in a qualitative way the effects on the shoreline at Jamesport of the former jetties at this proposed construction site. This qualitative evaluation leads to some specific observa- tions and conclusions concerning the impacts which the pro- posed LILCO jetties might have along the adjacent coastline. The impacts of those jetties must be evaluated independently of LILCO's proposed beach enrichment program because the adequacy of that program, if based on data available from the beach monitoring studies, cannot be properly assessed for reasons given previously. -35- Aerial photographs are the simplest means of making a qualitative assessment of jetty influences. A quantitative assessment of coastal changes using aerial photographs is beyond the scope and intent of this present report. Aerial photographs available for qualitative comparisons are listed in Table 2. Date Flow~. 1966 (May 7 & 11)* Scale 1"=1600' TABLE 2 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF COASTAL ZONE -- JAMESPORT index and Photo No. Available From 6526-994 -809 -848 -1006 Town Supervisor's Office, Southold, New York 1972 (May 6)* Scale 1''= 1320' 2556x2398-34-823 -35-848 -36-851 -37-878 1974 (April 8 & 15)* 4028 2808-1-75 -76 -77 -79 2809-11-423 -424 -425 -426 -427 1961 (May 17) ASA-4AA-53 70-17-196 -198 -200 -203 -205 -209 -21 -23 -25 -28 -30 -74 -76 Marine Resources Council, Hauppaugue,N.Y. (over) -36- Table 2 Continued Date Flown 1976 Index and Photo No. AGC-67-1904 -1905 -1906 -66-1884 -1885 -1886 -65-1860 -1861 -1862 -1863 -64-1838 -1839 -1840 -63-1815 -1816 -1817 -62-1792 -1793 -1794 -61-1770 -1771 -60-1747 -1748 Available From Marine Resources Council, Hauppaugue, N.Y. Other aerial photographs available include 1947,.1961, 1969, 1970 from Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, N.Y., from the Marine Resources Council (Hauppaugue, N.Y.) and from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Office (Riverhead, N.Y.). *Purchased for this report from Lockwood, Kessler and Bartlett, Syosset, N.Y. Original photo prints on file with this report in Office of Southold Town Supervisor. All other copies of report contain xerox copies of those prints. Scale and accuracy of copies not that of print originals in Town Super- visor's Office. -37- An average of 20 beach width measurements made on the 1966 aerial photograph (6526 51-1006) which shows the James- port site with Hallocks Pond about in the mid portion of the photograph (Figure 8),indicates beach width of about 180 feet across the entire area. Minimum width values are about 120 feet and maximum beach width values are about 240 feet. The important observation to be made on this 1966 photograph are the general un~ormity of width across the entire area with no abrupt changes in beach widths. The 1966 aerial photo- graphs (Table 2) were taken prior to jetty construction on the Levon property. Shortly after construction of the Levon property jetties, the abrupt changes in shoreline widths are readily apparent on pho~ographs available at the Department of Environmental Conservation (Albany, N.Y.). Aerial photograph (dated 1969), ASA-2KK-10B was used to measure beach widths along a line extending approximately 3,400 feet to both the west and east of the jetties. Average beach widths to the west of the jetties are 103 to 137 whereas to the east, widths average 34 to 69 feet. A Xerox reproduction of a photographic copy of this 1969 aerial photograph is shown in Figure 9. Not only is the sharp decrease in width apparent in the measure- ment made on the 1969 aerial photograph east of the jetties, but clearly there is a decrease in average beach width from 180 feet (in 1966) to 103 to 137 feet west of the jetties (1969). The aerial photograph for 1972 (2556 2398-35-848) is copied in Figure 10. West of the jetties, average beach widths are 160 to 240 feet; east of the jetties, widths range from 40 to 120 feet. Figure 11 is a copy of the print of aerial photograph 4028 2808-1-75 taken April 8, 1974. Average beach widths west of the jetties are 66 feet; east of the jetties, beach widths average 33 feet. The beach width data cited above must be viewed as indicating relative changes among the time period 1966 through 1974. The values are not absolute widths since tide stage is not given (although can be determined) for each date of photography. Despite this, it is clear that prior to the construction of the jetties, the Jamesport beach was ~latively wide and relatively uniform. Once the jetties were constructed, beach widths east of the jetties range from 1/4 to 1/2 the average widths of the Jamesport beach to the west. Tide stage does not differentially influence these relationships unless there was a significant beach gradient differential between the eastern and western beaches. Equally as significant are the observations made abo~e that beach width to the west of the jetties has decreased by about 25 to 33% of its original 1966 pre-jetty construction width. -38- Figure 8. Copw of 1966 Aerial Photograph* Along Jamesport Coastline. -40- Figure 10. Copy of 1972 Aerial Photograph* Along Jamesport Coastline Figure ~. CopL J~mesport Coa$( -41- Figure 11. Copy of 1974 Aerial Photograph* Along Jamesport Coastline -42- Significance and Implications of Aerial Photograph Comparisons The importance of this qualitative analysis of beach widths at the Jamesport site from 1966 through 1974 is of major importance in ~udging the influence of jetties on an environmentally fragile coastline such as gong Island's North Shore. It indicates that jetty damage is not confined to only one side of these structures. It confirms the fact that littoral drift is not uniform in its flow direction but has caused erosion both to the east and the west of these former jetties. The data presented above for 1972 and 1974 confirm that the erosive process is still active because the jetty foundations remain no deeper than six feet below mean low water. The most important implication of this analysis of aerial photography lies in the fact that LILCO has not in- dicated that any replenishment program is contemplated for the portion of the Jamesport site to the west of the pro- posed 800-foot jetties where erosion has increased since .1.969 when the Levon jetties were in place. The fundamental lack of wind and wave observations coupled with both profile and sediment sample analyses is the principal problem in attempts to predict outcomes of coastal processes at the Jamesport site. One reasonably qualitative prediction that is possible from the photograph measurement data given above is that, with continued nar- rowing of beaches both east and west of the former jetties, the natural replenishment source will be tapped to re- establish an equilibrium in this narrowing beach system. That natural source of replenishment is sediment in the bluffs themselves. Significant bluff undercutting and slumping has occurred and can be expected to continue as long as this deficit in beach material continues. Figure 12 is a map of Long Island Lighting Company's Jamesport property showing coastline width differences to the east and west of the former Levon property jetties. LONG ISLAND SOUND Fi'gure 12. Map of Long Island Lighting Company's Jamesport Property Showing Coastline Width Differences to East and West of Former Levon Property Jetties -44- ANALYSIS OF BOREHOLE DATA FROM EXCAVATION SITE FOR INTAKE STRUCTURE AND CHANNEL The plan map and cross section shown in Figure 13 is taken from public information prepared for LILCO at the Jamesport site. The map shows three borehole sites (J-11, J-12, and J-13) which lie between the proposed jetties. The sediment types in each of the three boreholes are shown in the cross sectional view of the proposed intake channel to be excavated. The excavated channel is to be 12 feet deep at its mouth in Long Island Sound and 27 feet deep at the face of the proposed intake structures at the shoreline. LILCO proposed (in its Alternative A) to dump the excavated sand and gravel portion of this removed material east of their proposed jetties as replenishment material for those beaches. The borehole data indicate that less than half of the sediment cored is coarser than silt and clay. In addition, no sieve analysis is available to indicate what portion of .the cored material listed as gravel, sand, sandy silt is actually of mediu~ sand size and coa~rser. The available sieve data analysed earlier in this report clearly shows that sediments finer than medium sand are lacking (that is, have been winnowed out by wave action) in the June and October, 1974, sediment samples. The information shown in Figure 13 clearly indicates that less than half of the excavated material to be dumped from the channel site to the adjacent beaches will act as a replenishment supply. In its total volume estimates of 400,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel to be available for replenishment, the company has included excavated material from the line of the diffuser system along with that to be excavated for the intake structure and channel (Alternate A). The amounts from the two excavations ha~e not been dis- tinguished in the publicly available data. Clearly the bore- hole data shown in Figure 12, suggest that some portion of the dumped sediment will be quickly removed from the "re- plenished'' beach by the winnowing action of waves and wind. This will add a new quantity of fine sediment to the Sound waters increasing turbidity, adding sediment to embayments and to Mattituck Inlet, as well as causing fine sediment to build up locally offshore in Long Island Sound. A more detailed grain size distribution analysis is clearly needed before permission can be granted to LILCO to dump the sand and gravel portion of the excavated sediment on the adjacent beach. The fact that more than half of the sediment cored down to the base of the proposed excavation contains silt and clay, and that the channel will act as a natural sediment and pollutant sink as suggested earlier in the sediment and profile data from between the former jetties~ a potential environmental hazard clearly exists. Fine sediments which pipes ~J12 Jll t /-Jetty beach replenishment area Intake structures o ~ 400 4oo ~x) IoooP~T BORING PLAN AND PROFILE FOR INTAKE CANAL LILCO Jarnesport Nuclear Power Station 0 500' ....... Jll 113 L-pumphouse north wall ~,--.existing bottom 112 ' ~--~na, sandy gravel, gravelly sand, silty sand ~ silt clay Figure 13. Map of Borehold Sites Between Proposed Jetties and Sediment Type Recovered from Borings. -46- are not oxidized cause the precipitation of some radioactive materials from solution, even where concentrations in the solutions are on the order of a few parts per million. Water- flow through fine sediments in a chemically reduced state allow pick-up and concentration of these small amounts of radioactive material by precipitating them out of the water. The proper conditions are all here at the Jamesport site to allow such a build-up to be initiated and continue through time; namely, waste waters bearing low concentrations of radioactive material, fine sediments, and chemical unoxidized conditions beneath the intake channel surface. Such condi- tions most probably exist elsewhere beneath the surface sediments on the Sound floor as well. This potential envir- onmental hazard effecting burrowing organisms including shell fish as well as man clearly demands thorough investigation. No mention of this potential problem was made in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Jamesport site. -47- CONCLUDING STATEMENTS The necessity for this report is an enigma. The Town of Southold invested in the preparation of this report in which the data analyzed have been available to Federal and State Authorities as provided by Long Island Lighting Company. LILCO has fallen far short of providing the bulk of the essential data and has provided minimal interpretations about its significance to impacts of jetty construction at the Jamesport site. It is part of the mandate for Federal and State institutions to be aware of types of data needed and to require an applicant to display the interpretations and implications of such data. Further, federal regulatory agencies, such as the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, have both the staff and ability to independantly evaluate data of the type analyzed in this report. Also, such agencies must be presumed to be independent of both private and corporate pressures in making their independent evaluations. The summary of .findings, included at the beginning of this report .and developed in detail within the body of the text, clearly shows that the data available do not support the intent for which they were gathered. In addition, it has been stressed that the data are inadequate to make pre- dictive judgments concerning impacts of the proposed jetties on coastal erosion because they are not coupled in time (profiles and sediment sampling, for example, should be carried out concurrently) nor linked to the essential wave characteristics prevailing during data ao~uisition. It is abundantly clear that the Corps of Engineers is not in a position to permit jetty construction because of missing data or ambiguities inherent in the limited ~ypes .of data presented. The recommendations made here on behalf of the Town of Southold, New York, are stated at the beginning of this report. They specify the types of information which are essential in determining the validity of the applicant's (LILCO) request for a permit to construct jetties at the Jamesport site. This report demonstrates some of the im- portant reasons why that application should be rejected in its present form. -48- RESUME DOUGLAS GLAESER Date of Birth: Consultant Geologist July 5, 1934 & Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Geology, Duke University Certified Professional Geological Scientist No. 4124 Office Address and Telephone Numbers 36 Riverside Drive New York, N.Y. 10023 Duke University Marine Laboratory Beaufort, NC 28856 Duke University Geology Dept.,'-Durham, NC 27708 (212) 580-3460 · (919) 728-2111 (919) 684-2206 Consulting~ Research and Teaching Activities Geologic assessments, coastal zone and continental shelf; middle ~$d north A~lantic, eastern United States. Sedimentologic-stratigraphic frameworks, Devonian clastic wedge of Central Appalachian basin and Triassic basins of eastern United States Depositional models applicable to hydrocarbon and uranium accumu- lations. Applications of modern coastal and fluvial systems to ancient sedi- mentary analogues Coastal processes and nearshore environments Tectonic control of barrier island distribution ,Graduate and undergraduate courses taught: Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Geological Oceanography, Coastal Processes, Pleistocene Geology, Geomorphology, Physical and Environmental Geology Previous Positions Associate Professor (1974-1976) Dept. Earth and Planetary Sciences City College of City Univ. of N.Y. New York,. N.Y. 10031 Staff Geologist, Penna. Geological Visiting Assoc. Professor (1973-1974) Dept. of Geology Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Survey, Harrisburg, PA 17120 (1961-1973) Publications Twenty-eight articles, monographs and abstracts (Listed~on pages attached) References Dr. Orrin H. Pilkey Department of Geology Duke University Box 6665 College Station Durham, N.C. 27708 Dr. John M. Dennison Dept. of Geology Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 References (continued) Dr. O.L. Franke Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences City College of City Univ. of N.Y. New York, N.Y. 10031 Dr. John Conolly ERA North America 200 Railroad Ave. Greenwich, CT Academic Background and Degrees Franklin and Marshall College B.S. in Geology Miami University Graduate Research Assistant Graduate Tuition Fellowship Northwestern University Ph.D. in Geology Curatorial Assistant California Exploration Company Scholarship Research Grant-In-Aid, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Elected to Sigma Xi Dissertation: "Provenance, dispersal and depositional environments of Triassic sediments in the Newark-Gettysburg basin E.C. Dapples, Supervisor Invited Lecturer at Colleges and Universities Williams College University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Rutgers University, New Brunswick Indiana Unversity of Pennsylvania Dickinson College S.U.N.Y., Buffalo Duke University Duke University Marine Laboratory Brooklyn College, C.U.N,Y. Marine Sciences Laboratory, Univ. of North Carolina Cleveland State University '1963, Professional Memberships Geological Society of America (Fellow) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists International Association of Sedimentologists Association of Professional Geological Scientists 1952-1956 1956-1958 1957-1958 1956-1958 1958-1961 1964 1958-1959 1959-1961 1960 1961 1965, 1970 1970, 1977 1971 1973 1973 1974 1975, 1977 1975, 1977 1976 1976 1977 PUBLICATIONS J. Douglas Glaeser Glaeser, J.D., 1962, Procedure for quantitative description of detrital sedimentary rocks: Proc. Penna. Acad. of Science, V. 36, pp. 213- 217. · 1963, Catskill reference section and its correlation to other m~asured surface sections in northeast Pennsylvania, pp. 52- 61: in Shepps, V.C., ed., Symposium on Middle and Upper Devonian stratigraphy of Pennsylvania and adjacent states: Penna. Geol. Survey Bull. G-39, 301 pp. Frakes, L.A., Glaeser, J.D., Wagner· W.R. and Wietrzychowski, J.F., 1963,' Stratigraphy and structure of Upper and Middle Devonian rocks of northeastern Pennsylvania: Guidebook 28th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists· 44 pp. Glaeser, J.D., 1963, Lithostratigraphic nomenclature of the Triassic Newark-Gettysburg basin: Proc. Penna. Acad. of Science· V. 37, pp. 17~-188. , 1964, Sediment dispersal interpreted from composition and texture distributions in the Triassic Newark-Gettysburg basin: Geol. Soc. America, Special Paper 82, p. 73. , 1966, Provenence, dispersal and depositional environments of Triassic sediments in the Newark-Gettysburg basin: Penna. Geol. Survey Bull. G-43, 168 pp. , 1967, Bedding-plane slips, wedge faulting and facies changes in the Parryville syncline, Carbon County, Pennsylvania: Proc. Penna. Acad. of Science, V. 40, pp. 95-98. · 1967, Catskill stratigraphy at the Lehigh Gap reference section and its relation to type locations in northeastern Penn- sylvania: Geol. Soc. America, Special Paper 115, p. 266. · 1968, Absence of Pocono Formation at Elk Mountain, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania: Proc. Penna. Acad. of Science· V. 42, pp. 187-189. · 1969, Geology of flagstones in the Endless Mountains region, 'northern Pennsylvania: Penna. Geol. Survey Information Circ. 66, 14 pp. , 1969, Marginal marine deposits in Upper Devonian Cat- skill Formation, northeast Pennsylvania: Proc. Penna. Acad. of Science, V. 43, p. 14. · 1970, Correlation of Catskill sedimentary environments and its economic significance: Geol. Soc~ America Abstracts with Program, V. 2, no. 1, p. 21. Glaeser, J.D., (in press), Global distribution of barrier islands in terms of tectonic setting: Journal of Geology. , (in preparation), Slope sediments in Devonian of Central Appalachian basin; source and reservoir deposits: Joint AAPG/SEPM Continental Slope Symposium, 1978. and Smith, P.C., 1977, Assessment of the geologic infor- mation of New York State's coastal zone and continental shelf and its significance to petroleum exploration and development: New York Stat~ Science Service-Geological Survey, New York State Ed- ucation Department, Albany, 261 pp, (Vol. 1), plus appendix and bibliography (Vol. 2).