HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12068 P 357 .. JAN-23-2(J01 , ..10 \...;:-. I".~ ,~ TAX MAP or,sIC;:-l,\ TION Di,!.: 1000 Sec.: \45.00 Illk.; 14.00 Lnl(,); 017.000 16: 14 SC Real Property 631 852 1566 P.03/03 . h>rm ~OO~'~.M'I.2()~I--B...~ain an~ Sale De.~. wilh Coven ani llgainsl Gra. .or's ^c"--In~ividual or C\~'r:.ltlun. f~I"g.lc lthc:cl) CO~St:LT YOU L,\Wl"ER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT..TH,S I:"STRU~IE~T SHOULD BE VSED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS I:"DE:-OTt:RE. m'~e th. 17th day of Au~u'l. two-Ihou,and BETWEES S..\:"Ol" CREEK PROPERTIES. L.L.C.. 455 MacDnn.lld's CrossinB. Box 356. Luurel NY 11948.035/\ t"3tty ",r th~ firM r..n. ;ll'ld ROBERTX, JF.sSUP. re,i~ing at 455 Ma.:D"nald'. Crossing. Box 356. Laurel NY 1194R- 0356. pan~ of Ihe <cc".d p,rt. WITSESSETII. ,hat the party of the li"l par<. in eonsiderotilln of Ten Dollar< and olher valuahlc cQn,ider.tion paid h~' the pany of the second part, does hereh,' granl a!,~ ,:"Ie..e unlo the party of the ,",cond pan. the he;" or ,ucecssor.; and a.,signs oflne party oflhe seeond'p.rrf'cirever. ,\1.1. Ihal cenain pllll, piece or parcel of land:.ilu.le. Ivi"~ a.d btinlta!.'lr,near.Laurel. Town of South'I\':. Suffnlk Cllunlc and Slale of New ytirk, shown and designatetl o'~ "Mnp' t;.t~dgeme'. Park at Laur.;/' l."n~ 1~lan~. Nell! York. D.R. YOlIIIg: SUr\i:Ylir,daltd Marclj'."f~:ti ;4:~~'d f1le~ in Ihe Ofli.c (If the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on Augu.t~. I\)~ 1. a, Map #74~, as 10 all of lot I () :m~ the u~j:leenl westerly one-h:lif ofLol No, 9. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE Ihe ,ume p'e",i~cs eon,'eyed In lhc part;' or t~e lir" P'lrl oy deed d'lle~ J120N9 rccnrded in Ihe Ofliee or Ihe Clerk "I' 'ie COllntv of Sufrolk on blfllOO in Lihn 12047 p~lg~ 096 . " TOGETijER with "II righl. litle and intore,.. if any. of the parlY of the lirsl pan in and III any meels an~ roa~s aoulling lI.e above de~cribed premises 10 Ihe cenler line. thereof: 'rOGETHER wilh the appurtenunces and "lithe e~lale und righls .,1' Iht party of the first parI in an~ 10 ,,,id premi<<,: TO HA VE AND TO HOLD Ihe p;cmi.es hCreln gr:lntcd unlo the panv of Ihe ,econd pan. lhe heirs or sUl.:l:cJ;~ors and assigns of ~hc p~lrty ur th~ ~cc()nd pan. fnrc\'a. AND 1he r,",-rly or the lirsl part c:ovcn:lnts th~t the pan)' of the fir2't I'art has nut done or surfcn.:J anythin~ \oL."hc:rchy ,!.he said prerni!;C~ have been cncumbcn::.c.I in any w.;Iy \\o'halL'!\'cr. cxCcrt tiS aforc!".:1iJ. AND the party ollh.: first rnrt. in cOlnp1iancc with S~ctinn 13 of ,h~ Lien L:lw. C(l,"C:n::mI.!\ Ih;u lhe r'!'Llrty of the first p:lrt \vill rccri\'c the c,:onsidclrlninn for Ihi!rl cnnvc)':lncc an<.l will hold the ri.hllt\ :Cq'l'/C ~uch c()n!'idc~:Hion a.o;; a trust rund to be :applied first for thl! purpose oj" r~ying the C~)!it nf the Inl.rruvcmcnt and \11'111 ::J.rpl)' the same fir~l tn the f'layment or the C(l:rr;.l ('Ir lhr.; inlf'1ro~'cment heron: uSlnc;: any fliln or ~hc tC'lt::a1 (If !hc same fOf any I)(hcr r.urf'ln~t'. 111C wort! "l"ur~y" ~1H.111 be c.:unstfUC:d. a~ if h rcad "r'artic:rr;." u,'hcncver the lfi:cnsc of thi:- intJcnLurc ~Il rc"'\lill~~ IN WITJIIESS WHEREOF. the party of the first p~n has duly executed Ihi, decd the da,' and, c'" first abu'!.'c wriUen. . ~ IN PRESENCE OF, SANDY c"op~r;s. L.I..C TOTAL P.03 01/23/2001 TUE 16:01 [TX/RX NO 5701] 1lJ003 16: 13 Propert!:j w ~ REAL ESTATE SEP 0 b 2000 SC Real N\.lmlxl' or pilges ..~ TORRENS Serial II TRANBl "" TAX SUl'FCU< ClClUNTY 5072 Ctr1.ificllte Il Prior Cl r. Ii Deed I Mortg.agc InSlNmcnt Deed I MOr1Bagc Ta~ Stamp FEES f'jlg(" Filing ,,'ec c; 'J ,/ J 'I3.Jldlin~ T,IJ.~U Noeor.tion f.".5~ 17 tC"w'lI~) " ') /-,/ , ~ub TOil' ~ t:..l\.~.::!17 (Stilt' k.~..I.S,J'. - \ ~ CClmm. of &I. ;U9._ ,\mlob"il C'~nitied (.QP~' Res.. Cop,.' OIhC'r SII/.b Tot'.ll GI\,ISD TOTAl. ---.. M,c-nl rrupcn~' ora:\( Sl..'T'Yicc ^~tnt:~. \'crilil:.i1lil.."n UilOl. SI!t:lian II lcek l.Ll\ fUn 1/00 f 01 ~Jo{) Inirial!j; J.t. 7 Sa[i!::ra~I:('Ins.'Di~hilrgeslR~IC'a5C':; List Property O",rncrs Mailing ,\ddrcs: RECORD &. RETURN TO: C~\c,,~7ier \.:;t..\ll?y, ~~. '1\'.>>-..f 1..A-.lMa...\, S\tp. ~ !<e/lfl.! 33 U .Sec.c-"\c>-5\ . t5.c):~;< 3'78 ~l.f:'(hQ;.JI iJ V f/9o! 'I Suffolk Count 631 852 1566 P.02/03 ZO,O SEP"5 All 9: 32 Co/' ~ N EDWMD P. I\O~1,\!i,c CLEfll1 Qf ;,'J~FOLli CCI]~i'f Recording I Filing S1al1l~5 Mong3.gc AmI. I, DasicTilJl: 2, Additional Tii;< Sub Tot.1 a, SpecJAs.sit. 0, Sp<c.I^~~. n1T. MTO. T^~ Dual Tnwn_ [)ual Cl)UIlI~'_ lIt-hi fur ^~p\II'i{lllmt'n~__ Transrer ,.~,~ -()) ~hln~il'.ln ";:1,'( "h~ prnptrty cO\rel'c!d by this 1110"~i1ltc ill t'lr will be:' ilt'lpl'oved by i1ltnc or twu r;lll1i1r (j""elling only. YES 0, NO IrJ':O.seC' ar~e 13;'( C~I "'3~c.!! _ orlhis insltvmC'nl. Cf'F Tn,\( Due 6 C(Hl'Inumity Pr~scrVlHilll <..'ol'""idc:nltion ^mount $~."': .._._ ~ECEl~.:l.' $ -~_., --y-!- nI roved Vii (JlllI.3Ih.l StY' O~, 7.GGD 16 T~ Ie ~-:';'::,~'. t;_< . F T ?f~E~E;:-(-.~"~',ON r..:u:,~c This P'Il.'C fomlS port erll", aU""hed (SPECIFY 0 INSTRUMENT) .5~~ (~(..k-7rtl~-h'l'j. L.LC.. Ibcprenli..,hcn:ini5sl'1.I:I'edin SUFFOI.K COUNTY. lliE\\' VORK.. In !hc To"nship or S... ~~o I d ---;; \ TO \~\. -S- 6~. In"'" VIllAGE or HAMLET or nll1de 11>': 1l0XES 5 lllRU 9 MUsr IlE TYPED OR Pllrl'<"'fE) IN IlLACK INK ONI. Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILlNli. 01/23/2001 TUE 16: 01 [TX/RX NO 5701] IaJ 002 ,., , PLI;A5e TYPE OR I'FtESSFIRMLY WHE.N WFtmN r.:oJilM INSTRUCTIONS: hiIi:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-222 . ~ REAL PROP~RTY TRANSFER REPORT ! SjrATE Of NEW YORK . STATE 1; ~AL;;~R; SERVICES RP-5217 Rev YJ7 I. P",pe... I Location 45S MacDonald's Crossing STREET NUMBER Southold STREET NAME CITY 0 R TOWN - Laurel VIL.~GE ROBERT S. 11948 ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name JESSUP LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME LAST f\IAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address L- LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME DEPTH IORL 'ACRES' .;.7 I STATE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a Parcel' Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 48. Subdivisi~n Approval was Required for Transfer D 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN 4. Indlcat.the number.of Auesament Roll parcel, transferred on the deed I U.l ('I # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size ~ L- FRONT FEET Ixl 6. Seller Name SANOY CREEK PROPERTIES, L.L.C. LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box bekJw Which most accurately describe, the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family ~idential B 2 or 3 Family A"esidential C Residential Vacant Land D Non.R~sldentlal Vacant Land ~ E ~ Agricultural F Commercial G . Apartment H.. Entertainment I Amusement I ~ Community Se",'ce J Industrial K. Public Service L Forest Check the boxee bolj>w .. they _: 8. Ownership Type ia Condominium 9. New Construction IOn Vacant Land D D D D 11. Sale Contract OMit C / / / c:. 4.- Month Day Vea' ~ / '-.k/ 0<- Month D.y Year 10A. Property Located wi~hin an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a di~losur. notice indicating that the property is!n an Agricultural District 15. Check one or more ~th... c~. lIS appIIc8bIe to transfer: A Sale -Between Relatives or former Relatives B Sale Between Related Com~nies or Partners In Business C One of the Buyers is also ai Seller D Buyer or Seller is GO\lern~nt Agency ,or Lending Institution E D.eed Type not Warranty o~ Bargain and Sale (Specify Balow) F Sale of Fractional or Less t~an Fee Interest (Specify Below) G Significant Change in Prop~rty Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates H Sale of Business is Include<jl in Sale Price I Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) J '~: None 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sale Price L-) , , , 0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total am9unt paid for the property including personal property. This payment may bE! in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the llssumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Pffn1Se round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 10. Indicate the v.... <<.......... ii' - --.- . ,r , 0 , i I I~._~ ~~~~~..~tt.t*u~!-m_f 16. VHr of Auenment Roll from I which information taken ; \' .,1 17. Total Assess8d Vaiue tof aU-'parcels In tr.nsfer} I . . ; 18. Prop....CI... ,01-LJ 19. School D;"rIct Name I \\;\q\\ /(u\rk/LO"j"/ 20. Tex Map _Iffal! Rollldenlilierlsl (II more lban low. a1lach sh... wilh additional i~"'I'1I I / L/5/c( ---/7 ; '-", . \.J I J ~ that the making nt flIIse ins1rumen1s. Y ') li :-z..-Christopher BVYER SIGNATURE STREET NUMSER AREA CODE RRSTNAME ;/"..>eI.k 72J-2~ st> '- TEj.I!P~ONE NUr.1SER / / -- Ys-~ >/b<U-"'-'- (.P/7'.~ I CITYrrOWN ~SSEssOR COP~ ';......,.. ....-i -............ ,. CITY Of! TOWN I f SELLER SIGNATURE DATE