HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-02/11/2008PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ,~'~ OF SOUIyo~ °#~ ~l#o# ~~ • ~O ~~'YCmlurv N~~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Monday, February 11, 2008 6:00 p.m. Present were: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson Kenneth L. Edwards, Member Martin H. Sidor, Member George D. Solomon, Member Joseph L. Townsend, Member Heather Lanza, Planning Director Mark Terry, Principal Planner Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer Carol Kalin, Secretary RECEIVED y~-~ ~a.sa v~+ SEP 1 12008 :r-., a 1,.,.- .. ~ •.~~r~ Sa"uihald Town Cierk SETTING OF THE NEXT PLANNING BOARD MEETING Chairperson Woodhouse: Good evening and welcome to the February 11th meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board. For our first order of business, I will entertain a motion to set Monday, March 10, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, as the time and place for the next regular Planning Board Meeting. Ken Edwards: So moved. Martin Sidor: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Chairperson Woodhouse: Tonight we have a number of public hearings scheduled. There will be an opportunity for people who would like to address the Board to do so. I invite you when you would like to speak to raise your hand, I will call on you and then if you would come up to either of the two microphones and state your name, where you are from, sign in or print your name so that we can transcribe it later on, that would be very helpful to us. I thank you in advance. Southold Town Planning Board Page Two February 11, 2008 PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:00 p.m. - Jacobv Familv Limited Partnership -This proposal is for a conservation subdivision of a 10.454-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 46,571 sq. ft. and Lot 2 equals 408,796 sq. ft., inclusive of a 46,049 sq. ft. building envelope and 362,747 sq. ft. of land to be preserved through the sale of developments rights to the County of Suffolk. The property is located at the terminus of Kirkup Lane, s/o Sound Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-125-1-5.1 Chairperson Woodhouse: We are going to be holding this hearing open because we did not receive the maps. Is there anyone here who would like to speak on this matter? Gail Wickham: I represent the Jacoby family; I know Mr. Gorman has been handling the proceedings before you, but I don't see him here. So if there are any questions that you have I will be glad to answer. Oh, he is there, OK. If you have any questions here I can answer them for you. Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you. Hearing none, I will ask for the resolution. Ken Edwards: be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby holds open the public hearing for the Jacoby Family Limited Partnership Subdivision. Martin Sidor: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Chairperson Woodhouse: Before we start the next hearing, on the Agenda there is a change, or inaccuracy, related to North Fork Hardware. I will read the correct one first before we open the hearing. 6:05 p.m. -North Fork Hardware -This site plan is for the proposed new construction of 3,694 sq. ft. of first floor retail, 3,000 sq. ft. of basement storage, 392 sq. ft. of accessory office, and 2,000 sq. ft. of attic storage with 27 parking spaces provided on a 20,002 sq. ft. parcel. The property is located approximately 769' w/o Boisseau Avenue, on the n/s/o NYS Rte 25, known as 54795 Main Road in Southold. SCTM#1000-62-1-3 Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone here who would like to address the Board on this application? Southold Town Planning Board Page Three February 11, 2008 Amv Martin: I am with Fairweather Brown Design Associates, 205 Bay Avenue, Greenport. They are designers of the building and I am the agent for Michael LeStrange. The proposed project is North Fork Hardware. The commercial property is currently known as Eastern Breezes, and the proposed project, well you just stated the parameters, so I don't want to go into that. We basically are proposing a retail sale space in a building that has impact minimized by fact of the depth of the property is what is not seen. The narrowness is what faces the road. We have met with you continually to try to deal with all of the subject matter that is necessary to your approval, and we are here to answer any questions if anyone has them. Thank you. Rosemary Verrecchio: Hi, good evening everybody. I think some of you, maybe all of you, have received a letter that I authored and I would like to put that letter into the meeting record, if possible. Joe Stadler and I are the owners of 54800 Main Road, which is under the ownership title of Internodal Inc., which is our business. It is also an historic building, sometimes referred to as the Daniel Terry House, and it is a building we love. Can I read the letter? (crying) I'm kind of an emotional person. Chairperson Woodhouse: Would you like me to read the letter? Rosemary Verrecchio: I would appreciate it. The only question I have prior to your doing that, is: are we going to address the points that are made in the letter at this meeting? Would we be able to do that? And if not, when would we be able to do that? 1 think I have a grip now, maybe I could read: "We are writing to communicate the following points in protest of the proposed construction of a new building of almost 11,000 s.f. of internal space for purposes of introducing another hardware store into our hamlet and also, as you just stated, some other things, but primarily, as I understand it and as my documentation reveals, a hardware store. While we are sure that you have given great thought to the implications of the new construction, we ask (sniffling) Joe Stadler (continuing): that you consider the following on our behalf and especially for the good and well being of our hamlet. The location is sufficiently near the business intersection in Southold, and the traffic caused by the proposed establishment would exacerbate this condition. There will be delivery trucks of unknown size to provide inventory to 11,000 s.f. space. They will traffic the Main Road and park in the hamlet center, causing congestion. Deliveries during the day are likely to have an impact on the Main Road due to constraints of the parking configuration. This will introduce noise that does not currently exist, and cause disruption to the current business. Deliveries during the night will be noisy and disruptive to human sleeping patterns. This will negatively affect our ability to use the Terry House as a residence, which is our intention after retirement. Currently, the surrounding businesses operate Southold Town Planning Board Page Four February 11, 2008 only during normal business hours. Evenings and nights are currently very quiet and peaceful in this location. There is no apparent loading dock for handling and expediting deliveries. For the normal customer, cars, SUV's, pickup trucks, based on the configuration, the distance behind the cars to the local 711, there is inadequate backup room in the parking lot. The ingress and egress appears to take place solely through a single driveway and on the Main Road, unlike the IGA. This would seem to introduce a number of dangerous driving conditions and tie-ups, both in the parking lot and on the Main Road. The customer traffic of this establishment will not economically enhance the other businesses in the hamlet center by inspiring additional foot traffic. How many times have you gone to the hardware store as part of a usual casual shopping spree? Most of all, not all customers will be on a mission. Given the size of the proposed building, it's likely that many will be trade people. Currently, it is almost impossible for Joe and I and the other folks who visit Internodal's building to safely exit from the driveway due to the proximity of cars parked on the Main Road to the left, which is the west. The visibility of oncoming traffic is nonexistent. It is likely that even more vehicles will park on the street, making it even more difficult and less safe, especially because in addition to the entrance on the parking lot side of the building, there is also an entrance on the street side of the building. Is this intended to be the delivery entrance? Is there really a need for another hardware store in the hamlet or town? We do not want to put Hart's Hardware out of business. The size is ominous and disproportionate to what is on the block. Why is it so big? What types of items are they going to sell? Do they intend to compete with larger scale items already offered by the Riverhead Building Supply Company? There is a potential for back parking in the area to turn into a hiding place for dumping. Witness the Cutchogue Hardware's back area or folks who park and hang out unseen. Is this not in keeping with the current business profile in the hamlet center? Other than the IGA Supermarket, which is a great asset to us all, the hamlet's business consists primarily of small shops of white collar professional businesses. The proposed construction and business type is out of place in our location. They belong on the north road. Should the business not succeed, we will have created another pink elephant of a building in the middle of the hamlet. Are there perhaps any other uses intended for this building? Joe and I thank you for your time and consideration." And folks, I would say, since we purchased our building some years ago, I have made a concerted effort to try to keep our property as historic as possible. I just spent 40 grand stripping my building and not making it look like a new fixture you know so that it would look like the rest of the buildings in our beautiful town. I would just like to keep it looking that way, you know? My opinion. Thank you. ?: What type of business is the Terry House, sir? Joe Stadler: We have a small consulting firm doing software development. So, there's no walk-in traffic. And we hope to make it our retirement home. You know, getting Southold Town Planning Board Page Five February 11, 2008 older, being on the Main Road would be really nice. I like to have a beer sometimes; I can walk down to the corner. Chairperson Woodhouse: Before I ask the applicant to respond, is there anyone else who would like to address the Board on this application? Valerie Scopaz: 56755 Main Road, Southold. Good evening, hello to the Board and Staff. It's very different being on this side of the fence, I have to say. I am here representing myself just as a resident of the Town; I am not representing anyone or any person or any organization. I wanted to ask one question and basically comment on five separate aspects of the plan. The question is: was there any coordination with NYS DOT on the permit? Has that permit been issued? Was there any preliminary coordination with them on the permit? Chairperson Woodhouse: Yes. Valerie Scopaz: Yes, and they've agreed to the curb cut location. Chairperson Woodhouse: Yes. Valerie Scopaz: OK. Thank you. I normally would have sent something in writing, but I didn't have time; I just had a chance to look through the site plan today. There are five areas of concern. The first has to do with landscaping. Many years ago, the Planning Board had a member that was a landscape architect. One of his rules of thumb was that landscape islands or landscape widths should ideally be 8-10' in width. When they are narrower, they are difficult to maintain, particularly in a business district. I noted that some of the landscaping here is only 4' wide; I just wanted to point that out: it was a rule of thumb that we stuck with for close to two decades, and I would hope that you would not reduce it unless there was a really pressing need. The second one is: I noticed that there is no dumpster location shown on the site. Now maybe I overlooked it, but I looked very closely and I didn't see a durnpster location. Any type of use of the property would need some preferably screened location easily accessible by a dump truck. Heather Lanza: It's there, on the northeast corner. Valerie Scopaz: OK, it's shown as a parking space? Heather Lanza: No. Valerie Scopaz: It's an enclosure? Heather Lanza: Yes. Southold Town Planning Board Page Six February 11, 2008 Valerie Scopaz: On the northeast corner? Heather Lanza: Of the building. Valerie Scopaz: And it would be accessible how? From the back? Heather Lanza: From the back parking area. Valerie Scopaz: OK. Could you show me where, because I don't see it? Normally, we try to design dumpsters so that they can be picked up with a truck coming in with a forklift overhead, particularly if you have a large operation. Now I'm looking at this site not as a hardware store, but any potential use in the hamlet business district, which is extensive. You could have a restaurant, you could have a bank, you could have something that generates a fair amount of waste management. So I have some concerns about the accessibility of the dumpster. The third area of concern is the loading area. Given that the travel lane is only 22' wide, what that essentially means is that if there's a truck in there loading, there can be no flow traffic to the back parking area. If you happen to be in the back parking area, you're just stuck there until the loading takes place. Again, maybe a hardware store is considered a light usage of the site, but we have to look 25 more years down the road, and if you had a really heavy use of the site, it's a very awkward situation. The fact that the travel lane is only 22' wide means that anybody who is backing out of a space; essentially, if you have someone trying to back out of a space close to the entrance, and someone is trying to pull in off of (Route) 25, they may be just stuck there; what do they do? Back out? Somebody gotta pull back into the space to let someone in? It's an awkward situation. I can't think of one site plan that was approved by this Board in the years past where there wasn't sufficient pass-through for safety reasons. I would suggest that you look into that. The last one has to do with the parking lot. I notice that the Board has tentatively, you haven't approved the plan yet, but in going through the file it seems that there was a decision made to basically waive close to a quarter of the spaces: 27 proposed; 7 being waived. The math is about a quarter. The additional spaces are shown in the front yard. Chairperson Woodhouse: They are not waived; they are land-banked. Valerie Scopaz: They are land-banked, yes, but for all practical purposes, if you look at where they, in the past when we land-banked parking spaces, the principal behind land- banking was that a small business owner, when they were starting out building a site, wouldn't necessarily have the funds or the need for the total parking to be constructed in the beginning. So, the Board always waived or land-banked those spaces with the understanding that if they ever needed it, or if the building were ever sold to a more Southold Town Planning Board Page Seven February 11, 2008 intensive use, that space was there and available. But the intent always was that that space could be easily put in and it would work. I have a lot of trouble with four parking spaces or five parking spaces head-in off of 25 in this particular location. One of the sketches showed the whole front being paved with a 14' back-up space. I don't think 14' is enough, unless you've got one of those new little mini-Coopers that seat two people and a shopping bag in the back seat. So I don't know how realistic that is. I think the bottom line is that when you land-bank parking spaces, you land-bank them with the understanding that they may go in someday. And if they go in, they really should work well in the district or wherever they are. If Southold had a good municipal parking lot system like Greenport Village, this would not be as much of an issue. But Southold doesn't. It just lost part of its municipal parking lot behind Main Street Cafe with the sale of Rothman's building, which cut off the back part of the parking lot to Travelers Street. I understand you are trying to accommodate business in the area, but I think you need to take a longer view and find a way of land-banking that really works. My suggestion is, I think this site, the proposed building is too large and it should be trimmed down. Because the bottom line is, even if a low uses hardware store goes in tomorrow, in two years it could flip over and turn into something that's much more intensively used. And thei ~ what do you do? You've set a precedent then which, to the best of my recollection, I really sat and thought about this this afternoon; I tried to think over 18 years, was there any time that this Board land-banked spaces that really didn't fit? I can't think of one case. I caution you on that because it would mean that every other business who comes in from this point forward is going to ask for: well, we would like to land-bank. And on what grounds do you decide that well, we can create this land-banking and it doesn't vdork. So I leave it with that, and my suggestion is that you hold this hearing open and give yourself tirrre to explore the issues again. Again, I want to reiterate I am not opposed to businesses in the area. I think having a new business would be good, but I think it needs to be in scale with the area and with recognition that we are going to have future traffic problems at this site. Thank you very much. Mark Terrv: Valerie, care I address the land-banking in the front just for a minute? The rationale for the land-banking in the front was that we'd have several issues in the HB Zoning District, ore being a supermarket that is in short supply of parking if they go to expand their existing building. We also have a shortage of supply of municipal parking down in Southold. The Plarming Board moved the building back to maintain the street wall on that side of the street. If and uvhen in the future discussions with the DOT become initiated, the talk was about head-in angle parking in that particular section and even across the street, which would basically double the number of spaces in that particular area for some of the uses in that area that may need parking if they expand. And the rationale is a broader perspective on planning, not trying to address the parking on the site itself. So that is why you see land-banking in front of that property. George Solorrron: Cross-over easements exist on both sides of the property to the east and to the west, so that in the event there's overflow parking to either side. Southold Town Planning Board Page Eight February 11, 2008 Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there someone else who hasn't spoken who wants to address the Board first on this issue? Herb Adler: 2035 Town Harbor Lane. I think Town Harbor Lane is faced with a similar situation to what you are doing right in the middle of the Town they want to put this, what is it, Southwold development across the street and it'll be chaos down the back corner. Today I came out of Town Harbor Lane, there was a big delivery truck delivering items to the 711. !t was completely blocked from any vision to my left. Luckily as I came up, I had seen a car coming, but if I hadn't looked ahead of time, there would have been no way; I would have been lost, I don't know where; I would have been waiting there. Anyway, I am also a Stakeholder. All this building seems to me completely alien to what we are supposed to be doing as Stakeholders of the Town of Southold. We are trying to develop a plan for the hamlet, the district. This building is just not appropriate in my mind because of the type of business it's doing. We need certain types of business in the heart of the Town, as somebody has said, so that we can have walking back and forth between our buildings. We can support the local stores that are there. Instead, what do we have? We have a lot of mortgage people, real estate people, who really don't need to be on the Main Road in the heart of town. And we can't get people in because there just isn't this ability to go to a few stores and have a time there. You take Lave Lane, there are a number of little stores you can walk in and out; we don't have it in Southold. How are we going to get it? I don't know. But it is something that we really need to do. I think we should think somewhat about what we are doing when we encourage people (there must have been some encouragement for them) to try to do this: put in a hardware store. We've had one for years in town. It's not too hard to get to. As far as I'm concerned, a new hardware store may come here, but until I can r~o longer wall: tyre distance 'to the old hardware store, I will never shop in that store. So, that's what I have to say, and t'r~ank you. Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there someone else who would like to address the Board on this application? Tom McCartl~~y: h1y office is on the North Road in Southold. i am also a Stakeholder and understand and appreciate everyone else's comments. I just wanted to speak to some of Valerie's comments regarding land-banking and some of the things that happen with parking. I happen to own a building on the North Road in Southold which, when it was approved, was a rnuitiple tenancy property and the parking was calculated according to the then Town Code. Some of the units were calculated differently than some of the others because they had different types of uses; as we know office space is one per 100 and retail is one per 200 and so on and so forth. As I sat in that building (and I've been there for the past 13 years), there has not been one day when my parking lot has been full. Not one day. So, I can understand the comments about the parking spaces being land-banked, but I can also understand that maybe there's a need to re-review what the parking standards are in the Town of Southold. What is Southold Town Planning Board Page Nine February 11, 2008 appropriate, and how much is too much paving? Thirteen years: a totally full shopping center has not missed one month's rent from any one of the tenants in 13 years and the parking lot has not been full. I rent out space to the school buses on the east side. The school bus drivers come, they pick up the buses in the morning, they make their run, and they park their cars there. They come back in the afternoon. They come in and out. One side of my parking lot is vacant. And I think that a lot of the parking calculations that we use in the Town of Southold are too much and they are overkill. I wanted to add that, for just tieing in that location for that period of time. I understand that land-banking is a tool, but I also understand in the parking calculations that were used on this particular site, that we didn't use any on-street calculations. You're assuming that no one is going to park on the street. It could have been added to the calculation; it could have said that someone is going to park, just as they do, across the street in front of the IGA or perhaps in front of these folks' house or on the other side, and none of that got figured into the calculations because your Code really doesn't allow it to happen. I understand that municipal parking in the Code is allowed to be calculated if it's within X number of feet of walking distance of the particular property. There's a very good chance that someone is going to be atone of the other local businesses and walk down to this particular shop and pick something up. I don't think that every single customer that goes to the hardware store is going to drive there and go into to the parking lot; they're going to be in and about and around town and it's not all going to be vehicle-related traffic. So, as a Stakeholder, I understand that there are concerns, but think that some of thie issues that are brought up are social issues that are beyond the scope of the Board reyardirig wtro care have a hardware store and who cannot, and what this should be and what this should not be. This is someone who has made a bargain for a piece of property who is looking to put in a use which is allowed under the Town Code, and I think he should be allowed to proceed. Thank you. Chairperson Woodhouse: Tl~rank you. Rosemary Verrecchio (owner of 54800 Main Road): A couple of comments: first of all, (to Tom McCarty) and no offense, but you have a private interest in this. Even though it's probably inappropriate to mention, J dori t understand how stakeholders can represent stakeholder interests when there are commercial interests that you are engaged in simultaneously. I just would say that Mr. McCarthy has a private interest in this, in that it is his real estate deal. Number two: I think that this property smacks of commercial rather than harniet business in its immensity, with the parking being about as ugly an appendage to the Main Road as you could possibly have. I think that in fact the delivery trucks will rrot be going into the parking lot, because of the inhibition of one in/one out driving, but they will be parked in front of the building on the Main Road, they will obstruct traffic as does, and this is true today, and I don't say that Dana should not have his business, but there are 16-wheelers that are parking on the Main Road today. don't think ii should be encourayec. f tl~~ink this business would require similar delivery and I don't believe a 16-wheeler ;:an get in and out of that parking lot. I think that 4,000 Southold Town Planning Board Page Ten February 11, 2008 s.f. as a footprint is outrageous, and I just think for the character of what we are planning here if in fact we are planning anything in this town, that it is completely out of character. And, if it is not a viable business because the folks in Southold ultimately decide to remain loyal to the existing business like the paint store that's been here for an awfully long time and the hardware store and Riverhead Building Supply which in fact probably will be in competition with this business, and the business does not succeed, you're gonna end up with a humongous building of God-knows-what. Empty space, perhaps? I don't know. I think it's completely out of character. Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone else who would like to speak? Would you like to answer some of these questions? Amv Martin (Fairweather Brown): One of the things that's been brought up is this fact that the business may change or whatever the intensity. It is my belief that, if at some point in time the use of the building needs to change, they have to come before you again. It's a Planning Board issue. So it would be addressed at a later time should everyone decide never to go to this hardware store and it doesn't make it, it will be before you again as another use. I believe that the size of the building that has been proposed is something that is acceptable in Hamlet Business (Zone) or we wouldn't have gotten this far. I don't believe because of the way the building has been designed that it will be a blight on the neighborhood. It's a traditional building; it's not a big box; it's an attractive structure; it's going to be shingle-styled in its appearance, maybe a little more, maybe not shingle-styied, but it's traditional. The height of the roof is the second story storage or whatever is hidden in the roof, and it's because of the setbacks that you have asked for; it is not going to be something that has a bad impact on the neighborhood. I think in fact it can be considered and was reviewed by you to be an attractive structure. I am nat sure if anybody else listening wants to speak to this matter, but thank you for listening. Chairperson Woodhouse: Do you want to address the issue of trucks and truck deliveries? Amv Martin: I believe we, rn our meetings with you, have addressed that. Chairperson Woodhouse: Here at this hearing, is there anything you wanted to say in response? Amy Martin: i thin" Michael can tell you what size truck and what time the deliveries are. Michael LeStrange: As we discussed in prior work sessions, the use for trucks is going to be minimal. We are only going to get one delivery a week, and that's usually first Southold Town Planning Board Page Eleven February 11, 2008 thing in the morning. Any other deliveries we might possibly get would be either UPS or Southold Town Federal Express, and they would be minimal. Really, it's a very consolidated effort, everything comes pre-packaged in one shot once a week on an automated system. So, the impact to the Town will be very minimal. I can't imagine any other use in the Town that would have less impact with truck delivery than this. Are there any other issues you want me to talk about with the trucks? Chairperson Woodhouse: The dumpster. Michael LeStrange: For the dumpster we've allocated a space and, as Robert Brown, the Architect, shows, a truck can pull in the back and maneuver, pick up the dumpster and remove it. It's a minimal impact; the delivery once a week, we'll have cardboard boxes that we would collapse, and it reaily isn't a lot of waste coming out of the store. Joe Townsend: Did you Have a meeting with the ARC on this project? Michael LeStranoe: Yes, and they spoke highly of the building, they were very happy with what was done. Ai7d we've gone way beyond our construction costs for putting something up that would be appealing. It is of great concern to us, too, that we put a very beautiful building up, as nice as we can afford to. And we really have not held back on that. We've incurred greater expenses in our development to make it appealing. I am very sensitive to that issue. Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you. Abigail Wickham: I am the attorney for the applicant and I have not been participating in the planning, but I have been in touch with Fairweather Brown's office and I know the extent to which they have reviewed all of these concerns with you throughout the planning process. I'd like to just briefly address the questions that have been brought up regardiny stakeholder comments and cltiaracter of the community because, certainly the overriding consensus of stakeholder groups on the North Fork is that density and small commercial business k~e concentrated in the Hamlet in this particular type of location and trying to keep the outlying areas freed up from that type of congestion, so I was quite pleased when I saw that a small private business owner was interested in coming right into the hamlet of Southold and starting a new business because we are really bombarded from the west with these big outfits that are really creating problems of competition for our local business people. I think certainly Southold is a big enough community that we would hope that those who live in Bayview and the outlying areas in Peconic would want to go to Bart's and places like that and certainly keep enough hardware business local on the North Fork without trying to eradicate any one particular business. As far as the question of hardware ousiness, I think that being a business owner in Mattituck, people would be hard pressed to say that Raynor Suter, who has Southold Town Planning Board Page Twelve February 11, 2008 been in Love Lane for many, many years is not a really integral part of the business community, and that people do like to go in and patronize small businesses like this and putter around and certainly if you're doing your shopping in the Southold area, that could happen. I am also a frequent patron of Cutchogue Hardware and I have to say that the traffic and parking layout on this particular site is far superior to that, and I don't think Raynor Suter has any parking. So, certainly this property has addressed those types of issues that I hope the Board will see and I hope the community will see would be welcome in this cormunity. Certainly, Mr. Adler, I am not going to ask what he would think of another lawyer's office in the middle of town if he doesn't want the (real estate) brokerage and the mortgage brokerage. But I think a small commercial business would be very good here and certainly the applicant does have ties to the local community and will be sensitive to the issues that were raised tonight. Thank you. Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you. Did you want to address the Board again? Rosernarv Verrecchio: !s th,~re a continued guarantee that there would be one delivery a week in the morning, or is that somethiiny that is a hypothetical that may or may not be true and certainly would be unenforceable, number one. Number two, is that delivery a 18-wheeler parked in the front on the street in the morning when there is the height of the traffic, and further, d` we don't need parking lots as has been suggested, then would suggest that if we are going to have a parking lot, that we ban parking on the street to ensure that the traffic along the main road there at the busiest intersection is now eliminated except perhaps after business hours so that when people are exiting their driveways their vision isn't infringed upon by cars being 8' to their left and an inability to see; it's quite dangerous. So, the whole parking issue I think is really needing consideration since I'm hearing we don't need parking lots on one hand because they remain empty, or we do need parking lots because we need to get the traffic off the street. I'm kind of befuddled. I think having a parking lot in the middle of town like that is perhaps sornething that we don't need. Maybe we ought to be using the parking lot that Mr. IvicCarthy suggested was empty, then the folks could walk to the hardware store. Then the setbacF: frorn the east end of the property could be 25' and completely tangential to this, don't we have some sort of a restriction right now as to the building square footage footprint being 3,000 or less? Am I wrong about that? Wasn't there a rnoratorium about that? Chairperson l'Voodhousa: No. This building does meet the Code and it is an allowable use and an allowable size in the Hamlel Fsasiness District. The parking lot that Mr. McCarthy was referencing was i^~is owrr parking lot on the North Road, not near this site at alt. While we might t;e interested in seeing municipal parking lots in downtown areas, that is not the purview of this Board tonight on this particular site. We are here to review this site plan application. In terrns of your question about the truck deliveries, in our discussions on this application, we have insisted that the truck deliveries be restricted to Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirteen February 11, 2008 a morning and the respective owner of this property has assured us that it's part of the business plan and his relationship with the delivery system is once a week morning deliveries. We don't anticipate additional deliveries other than a Fedex or UPS truck, as he has represented. It is not up to us to enforce that; we can't restrict in any way what happens, we can only go by the intended plan that meets our objectives and the objectives of the applicant as we know it at this time. Rosemary Verrecchio: So iYs 'siypothetical. And the fact that Mr. McCarthy's parking lot is empty is because it's a private parking lot. Perhaps not because there is not a need for parking, right? Chairperson Woodhouse: I can't speak for Ivlr. McCarthy, but {can say I think he's referencing the code at the time his building was built, uvhich prescribed a certain number of parking spaces fcr that type of use and that type of building. And I believe he was making the case that the Town Parking Code needs to be revisited at some point in time. Again, that's not for us tonight at this particular hearing. Joe Townsend: A point was raised about the width of the island parking, in terms of maintaining landscaping ari those sites; I was wondering if the planning staff would want to address that? Heather Lanza: The proposed plan has tuue areas of 4' width where we actually expanded the 4' width in the back to 7'. So, the only place where there's 4' is along the western border. Otherwise, they're all uvider than that. It's not an island, it's a buffer strip. Mark Terry: I just want to say that I work with the Hamlet Stakeholder Groups quite a bit throughout the Town, and tl°~ese parcels that the Funning Board is dealing with now are small parcels leftover frorrr historic build-outs of residences along these streets. The business sectors, all or most, are serviced by delivery trucks that have to park on the Main Road, such as the paint store, the pharmacy, even the beverage center down the road, because these weren't designed fo accept the types of deliveries when they were built. If the Punning Board forced this type of structure on businesses, you're going to have an exodus of these businesses from the Hamlet Center (which you're trying to keep vital and have life) to outside of these areas and you'll have a (Route) 58 effect like they did in Riverhead. You will suck the vitality out of the business center. So you have to have compromise in these areas for them to thrive. That's my only point. Rosemary Verrecchio: GranGathering the businesses that have that issue today is very different tf-ran perpetuating thern in an historic town in my opinion. Chairperson Woodhouse: Is, then; anyone else who would like to address the Board or cornmenf? Southold Town Planning Board Page Fourteen February 11, 2008 Valerie Scopaz: I just want to leave you with one piece of advice: if I were sitting on the other side of the fence. It is this: if you are going to change precedents because you feel that the current Code does not permit you to reduce parking because you are working with smaller lots and you don't want to downsize the building, then I suggest you come up with a really good legitimate reason for how you are going to apply the land-banking. Because up to this point in time, it has been that you had to actually show where it would exist. It's just like we did a subdivision: when you do a conservation subdivision, it's not a wishey-wasiiey, we make you go through the whole process of really coming up with credible lots, and that's what you (inaudible) the space on. And the land-banking was done the same way. If you are going to change that and say, "well, it doesn't really matter where they are, they can be anywhere," I suggest you set a policy because your decision on this is going to set a precedent for all future developing within all the hamlets. So that's really what I am saying, if you do feel that strongly that's it's worth waiving a quarter or land-banking a quarter of the spaces and you don't really want to have the room to put them on the site because you're going to provide them somewhere else, document it. That's all I am saying. OK, thanks. Chairperson Woodhouse: Are there any further questions or comments? Is there anyone on the Board who has a question or comment at this time? Arny Martin: Gne thing ttyat confused me from the beginning of this, and maybe everybody doesn't understand i~. 'When you are figuring out the allotted parking, there are parking spaces for unused space. Tl~iere are parking spaces that are allotted for the basement and there are parking spaces that are allotted for the attic, and I just don't know that anybody realizes that that equation comes into the parking when you are figuring it. And I don't believe there are going to be any people who have cars who are going to be in the basement or the attic, and I'm not sure that the general public understands the fcrrr+ula that creates that. ~fhat's all I wanted to say. Rosemary Verrecchio: I don't understand exactly what this gal just said; I forget her name, in terms of there being unused space. My question would be: why would you build a building of almost L/3 of it being unused? Thank you. Brune Semon: to general, what happens is, some of the spaces are indicated as storage. Gbviously, you wouldn't have a patror~ go dovun into storage, which might be the basement or attic. 5o the main thing that was just described by Amy is that there is going to be storage in the basement and additional information broken down. Just to give you an idea of how the parking is broken down, the main space, which is the first floor, uses a calculation of one space per 200 s.f. very simply requires 18 spaces. The basement is using actually the storage space, which is one space per 1,000 s.f., and it still requires tnree spaces, even though there may be nobody down there. Sarne thing for the attic, which is a division of basically one space per 1,000 for storage, and then Southold Town Planning Board Page Fifteen February 11, 2008 he's going to put a very small 392 s.f. office on the second floor, and that requires four spaces. In the case of this hardware store, the owner indicated that he is going to be using the office during the time he is running the store. Basically, it's a duplicated use; however; the parking calculations on the site include all the different spaces added up. Chairperson Woodhouse: Are there any other questions or comments? Hearing none, I am going to ask that on this particular resolution, we read the entire resolution so all that information is before you at this time. First I am going to entertain a motion to close the hearing. George Solomon: So moved Joe Townsend: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: The hearing is closed. Would you please read the resolution in its entirety? Joe Townsend: WHL=REAS, this site plan is for the proposed new construction of 3,694 sq. ft. of first floor retail, 3,000 sq. ft. of basement storage, 392 sq. ft. of accessory office, and 2,000 sq. ft. of attic storage with 27 parking spaces provided on a 20,002 sq. ft. panel; and V'VHEREAS, L=astern Breezes is the owner of the property located approximately 769' west of Boisseau Avenue, on the north side of NYS Road 25, and known as 54795 Main Road, in Southold, SC4M#'i00G-S2-1-3; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2007, the agent, Robert Brown, working on behalf of the applicant, N'iichael LeStranye, subrrritted a new site plan application, and on October 9, 2007, the Planning Board accepted the application; and VVHcREAS, on October 13, 2007, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., referred the application out to agencies having jurisdiction for their comment, and the following agencies responded: NYS Department of Transportation, Town Engineer, Architectural Review Committee, Suffolk County (SC) Health Department, SC Planning Commission, and the Southold Fire District; and Wi-YEREAS, the comments from those agencies referenced above were received and accepted by the Planning Board, discussed with the applicant, and incorporated into the site plan to the satisfaction o' the Planning r3oard; and Wi-rc~~2EA5, are November, 3ti, 2007, the Sauthaid Fire District reviewed the site plan, and responded that there is adequate fire protection at this site; and Southold Town Planning Board Page Sixteen February 11, 2008 WHEREAS, on February 6, 2008, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed the site plan, and certified the retail use as permitted; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the notification provisions; and WHEREAS, on January 11, 2008, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, made a determination that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action, and initiated the lead agency coordiriatior~ process on the application; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Aet, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action. The Planning Board establishes itseYf as lead agency and, as lead agency, makes a determination of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration; Martin Sidor: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All ir. favor? Ayes. Joe Townsend: ana be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Town Code §280-131 B (5)(L-j, reserves the right to review the parking requirements again if a change of use is proposed; Ken Edwards: Second the motion. Chain~ersor~ Woodhouse: Ali .n favor? Ayes. Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the proposed action under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront I~evitaiization Program (LWRP), and has determined that the action is consistent with the LWRP, as detailed in a memo dated January 28, 2008 prepared by the LWRP Coordinator; George Salomon: Seccnd the mctian. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Southold Town Planning Board Page Seventeen February 11, 2008 Ayes. Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to Southold Town Code 280-131 Part I, the Planning Board requires the applicant to agree to the conditions indicated on the site plan drawings, including sheets S-1, S-2, and S-3; Ken Edwards: Second the motion. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVEt~, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Conditional Approval on the site plan drawings numbered S-1, S-2, and S-3, dated January 31, 2008, prepared by Robert I. Brown, Fairweather-Brown Design Associates, Inc., and stamped received in the Planning Department on February 1, 2008. Final Approval of the site plan is upon the submission of revised site plans that incorporate the following conditions, and the submission of the following approvals from other agencies: 1. A separate landscape plan to include a fence and a seven (7) foot buffer of dense evergreen screening along the northern property line, as well as a landscaped area between the sidewalk and the building that includes grass, shrubs and other plants; and 2. A final drainage plan approved by the Town Engineer in writing; and 3. The following items shall be noted on the final site plan drawing sheet S-1: a) All outdoor lighting shall comply with the Town Code and be shielded so that the light seurce is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a n~ranner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries, and be "nark-sky friendly." b) All signs shall comply with the Town Code, and must be issued a permit from the Southold Toovn Building inspector prior to posting. c) As per the landscape survivability guarantee, the applicant agrees to replace any of the landscaping which is diseased or dead within three (3) years of receiving final site approval after site work is completed. Southold Town Planning Board Page Eighteen February 11, 2008 d) The site plan approval requires that all work proposed on the site plan shall be completed within three (3) years from the date of the final stamp of approval on the site plan. e) Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the owner or authorized agent must request, in writing, an on-site inspection by the Building Inspector and the Planning Board. f) Prior to the request for an on-site inspection, the applicant/agent/owner must submit a copy of all required approvals from any necessary agencies to the Southold Town Planning Department. g) If the as-built site improvements vary from the approved site plan, the Planning Board reserves the right to request a certified as-built site plan detailing each deviation. h) Any changes frcm the approved site plan shall require Planning Board approval, and any such changes without Planning Board approval will be referred to the Town Attorney's Office for possible legal action. i) Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board will issue a final sita approval in vuriting following a site inspection, wherein it is determined that the construction complies with the approved site plan. 4. The applicarr: r~~wst receive approva{ tYom'the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) for this site plan. The applicant must submit a copy of the approved plan from the SCDHS to the Planning Board for review. If the approved plan submitted to SCDHS varies from the site plan approved by the Planning Board, the Planning Board reserves the right to review the changes as an amended site plan application; and 5. The applicant must receive a permit from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) far this site plan. The applicant must submit a copy of the approved plan and permit from the NYSDOT to the Planning Board for review. If the approved plan subrrritted to NYSDOT varies from the site plan approved by the Planning Board, the Planning Board reserves the right to review the changes as an amended site plan application. Georac Salomon: Second the motion. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Southold Town Planning Board Page Nineteen February 11, 2008 Chairperson Woodhouse: And that motion carries. Joe Townsend: I notice that change and increased density are issues that concern people who live in the hamlet center and around it. But it is part of our overall attempt to improve the vitality of the downtown area, to encourage people who live near the downtown area so that they will be able to walk from store to store, and perhaps we won't need as much parking as is needed when you have the development outside on the North Road, or not near the downtown area. It is part of a program that has been approved in concept by the stakeholders, as mentioned by Mark Terry mentioned. So, while people may be afraid of change and increased business, I think it is an important step in protecting the prosperity of the downtown areas, so that's why we have, or I have voted to approve this particular project. ***;r*i:*::**********kkk**t*Y~*k:t********** Hearings Held Over from Previous Meetingls: Charnews, Daniel 8~ Stephanie -This proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 23.4004-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 3 acres and Lot 2 equals 20.4004 acres. The property is located on the w/s/o Youngs Avenue and the a/s/o Horton Lane, approximately 375' s/o CR 48 in Southold. SCTM#1000-63-1-25 Chairperson Woodhouse: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby holds open the public hearing for the Cnarnews Subdivision. Georue Solomon: Second t,ie motion. Cl~airpeison Wocrihouse: A.II i,i favor? Ayes. Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries. Cutchogue l=ire District -lhis proposal, for SCTM#1000-84-4-1, a 6.3-acre parcel located on the w/s/o Cox Lane, and the s/s/o County Road 48, known as 5455 Cox Lane in Cutchogue, is for the proposed construction of a new one-story, 25,243 s.f. firehouse facility with a 15,075 s.f. partial basement, and 1,800 s.f. mezzanine. The proposed firehouse will include areas for apparatus bays, offices, ready room, communications office, training rooms, meeting rooms, kitchen and support facilities, bathrooms and storage areas. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty February 11, 2008 Chairperson Woodhouse: This was a hearing held open at the previous meeting; I understand that everybody has now been duly noticed, and I'd like to see if there is anyone who would like to address the Board and speak on this application. Richard Lark, Esq.: Main Road, Cutchogue, on behalf of the Fire District. I am pinch- hitting for Martin Sandlewski tonight because he had to go to the bid opening on this project. I have been told by him that working with Heather Lanza, he has addressed the comments by the Planning Board had relative to the lighting and so on and so forth and to some of the requirements that you had and that, depending on the resolution of the Board tonight, he is prepared to incorporate all those changes and to submit to you the final maps if the Board so approves. I am trere to answer any questions that the Board or anybody else might have on the project as far as the planning is concerned. Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you. Gerry Schultheis: Good evening and thank you. I live at 1640 First Street in New Suffolk. I am also a New Suffolk Stakeholder. Where I live right now, the Mattituck FD will be closer to my i~reuse than the new Cutchogue FD, which is of serious issue for the folks in New Suffolk. I have previously served on a planning board in a village, and the theory we went under is that we believe that municipal planning needs to address the issues of cost, community demographics, natural resources, future growth, and safety of a proposed project. The justification and need for a new firehouse to serve Cutchogue has not been demonstrated. Frequent calls for specific information have not been answered because it has been claimed there is not enough space to provide it in written communication or the representatives at certain meetings just don't have the inrormation to respond with the answers to the questions. If a legitimate need can be presented, the community will consider providing the necessary funding. It seems like the plan of action is to preser~~t the case just days before the vote without providing the necessary time to digest the material presented. From a planning board perspective; it is important that you understand the needs and issues, like any other project that you might consider. We are here today with little or no justification that has been provided for this project to the community. In the present financial times we live in, the cost of the project is excessive. If the firehouse can be built for $7.5 million as might be claimed, the district tax rate fora 30-year bond at prevailing rates will increase 34% to $97 per $1,000 of assessed value. That's over the present rate of $72 per $1,000 assessed vaiue. "fhe increase in the tax rate, just for that firehouse, will be about $25 per $1,000 assessed value. !`~ brings up an interesting question: if you look at Southold; they project over $31 million of assessed value witP~ a rate of a little over $50 per $1,000 assessed value. Cutchogue assessed value is $19.6 million; and their rate without the new frehouse is a Ifitle over $70 per thousand. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-One February 11, 2008 Chairperson Woodhouse: I just wanted to say that ourjurisdiction tonight is not dealing with the justification for the cost or the existence of the building; our Planning Board is looking at the site plan itself and determining whether on that site plan the areas that we have jurisdiction over are being met. Gerry Schultheis: I understand that; but from a planning standpoint, if I look at American Planning Association and some of the criteria... Joe Townsend: May I interrupt you? This is a municipality. It's a separate municipal entity. We have very limited review on a municipality. If this were a private fire department that came in, we could take alf that into consideration; but we have as a Planning Board in this issue, have reduced our purview to several issues, based on functionality of the site, that we are assisting them with. It's not so much, it's not a standard planning review because it's a municipal entity, theoretically it's immune from, they don't have to come before us at all. So, there's a venue for what you are doing, as you pointed out, there's got to be a hearing on this; your points are all well-taken, but as far as this Board is concerned, we certainly don't mind you reading your statement, but keep in mind that we are, we have a very limited review of this project and they don't take into consideration all the economic and other kinds of logistical points you are raising. Gerry Schultheis: I appreciate that; I cc feel that when a substantial increase in taxes is facing the citizens, it's somewhat of a planning issue. Let me move on from the financial, let me get into sane of 'the demographic information that I think do fit within the bailiwick of planning. Looking at the size of the firehouse (I think that's a planning issue); tl-rere's an existing ~iirahouse nova that serves the community well; it's got five bays to stare the equiprrrent. The plans fo. ~che new firehouse have five double bays, basically 'ten bays as compared to five. The question I would ask is that, that's a 200% increase in square footage for equipment storage. Last tirne I looked at planning figures, I thought that over the next couple of decades, without taking into consideration the efforts to preserve land, the town thought maybe it would grow 20%. If in fact the town is going to grow 20%, why is 200% more equiprent area needed? Kerr Edwards: The Board of Corrrrriissioners is the expert in the field (inaudible). We are not experts, they are. Chairperson Y~'Voodhause: What we would be locking at is: does the size of the building on that particular lot meet the Cade, and is that a building that can be built to that size. And Yes, it can; it meets those a iteria. That is the extent of our review about the size of the building. Gerry Scnuiiheis: OK, so you don't care whether it's needed or not. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Two February 11, 2008 Chairperson Woodhouse: Don't say we don't care. As individual taxpayers we would have an opinion as to whether or not something is or is not needed. But in our role here as Planning Board members, we can only look at the criteria for planning that's under our jurisdiction. In this particular case, both Joe and Ken have outlined to you what that is. We can look at: is there adequate parking for the size of the building; is there enough space on the lot for a building of this size; is the lighting compliant with our Codes; is there adequate ingress and egress to the site; movement around the site is under our purview. TI-re other issues that deaf ~vitl~ the economics, the need, the justification: those are not issues before us. Joe Townsend: This was confirmed to us by the Town Attorney at the beginning as what we could review. Gerrv Schultheis: So the demographic that most of the population in Cutchogue is south of 25 doesn't matter from a Planning standpoint? Chairperson Woodhouse: It doesn't come under our Gerrv Schultheis: Whose does it? Chairperson Woodhouse: Perhaps the Town Board. But mostly in this particular case, it would be the fire department and the community and their assessment and their determination by a vote. Gerrv Schultheis: I'd hate to be the poor person who's having a heart attack and the emergency vehicle can't get there because there's a train coming and the fire engine can't get down Cox Lane. George Salorrron: i do believe that they are not closing the other one on New Suffolk Avenue. Gerry Schu~fheis: No, ti7ey intend to keep both of them George Solomon: Exactly. So, I don't see why you're worrying about whether something is going to come from Cox or whether iYs going to come from New Suffolk Avenue. That's not our purview of what we are reviewing. That's something that will be determined by your fire district and your vote as a resident of New Suffolk and Cutchogue. Gerrv Schultheis: Is the issue of extending a water main of interest to you folks? Chairperson Woodhouse: ties it is. But that is a decision that has already been made, that the water main is being extended to that location. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Three February 11, 2008 Gerrv Schultheis: Which opens that area for future development, which might not have happened if that didn't happen. Chairperson Woodhouse: Again, that's a Town Board decision. Gerry Schultheis: OK. All right, I understand what you are saying. Joe Townsend: I t~rink you've got a very interesting comment, but most of the issues that you've addressed here are not ~roithin the scope of what we are allowed to look at relative to this application. Corry Schultheis: CI<, I appreciate that. There's just a lot of frustration on people's part because the questions have been asked and no answers have been provided. Nothing. That'll happen 3 or 4 days before the vote. Chairperson Woodhouse: 1+Ve do have your loiter. Thank you for submitting it. Cerry Schultheis: t)K, i appreciate the tirne. Thank you. Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you for coming. Is there anyone else? Jane Broderick: Cox Lane, Cutchogue. I would like to open by saying Mr. Schultheis, I read your excellent corrrmentary in the Suffolk Times and I agree with it 100%. Perhaps vve can talk after the rrreeting. I think what these good folks are trying to let us all know unfortunately is they can't help us on a capital expenditure project that is going to affect the specific taxpayers. I have been legally notified, which was nice. I have had a chance to review the plans, and I don't know if you have them in front of you or if Mr. Lark carp address them, but i do have some specific planning things that I would like to discuss if this referendum does pass. That is, number one: looking at the Fire Dept. zone, `cause that's where I pulled it off their site: the Cox Lane entrance, which is directly adjacent to my home and then the other residents slightly north of that entrance, a good part of the parking is there. i don t understand why on over 7 acres, this big parking lot that I do firmly believe is for a catering hall, based on the size of the meeting hall, it does abut a bar and a commercial kitchen. I don't understand why a good number of the parking places are next to the only two residences that abut this property. They are not behind it, and They are certainly not for the majority on the other side that abuts next to the vineyard. The vineyard is not going to be calling the police at night complairrirry because there are drunks in the parking lot making noise or throwing up after whatever parties are head or, nonetheless, I don't understand why all of the parking places are right next to the only two residential properties there. That's number one. l-o cut to the chase, I still don't understand wtry a 25,000 sq. ft. one-story building is neeUed ai this property. 11r~ not going to get: into issues that we can get into with other Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Four February 11, 2008 community members, but everybody knows that atwo-story building is cheaper to build; you have less of a foundation, you have less cement, bla-dee-bla-bla, you could still do the number of bays. If they feel that a second fire station is necessary, I really think that they should be looking to do some serious modifications for atwo-story building and not a one-story. So, those are my comments that are relative towards planning. Having taken a look at it, I do object to the size of the meeting hall, I do object to what I think is the long-term plan for this site, but I do object mainly to where the parking is situated. Thank you for your patience with all of us from Cutchogue that are losing our minds, and hopefully not our tax dollars. Thank you. Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you very much. Would anybody else like to address the Board? George Solomon: lvlr. Larlc, would you like to answer the question about the parking? Richard Lark: No comment. Chairpersoi; Woodhouse: The majority of the parking is behind the building on the left side of the building. Jane Broderick: No, at the entrance to Cox Lane. It's on their website. Chairperson Woodhouse: No, that's not where it is. Heather, are you bringing in the site plan'? Jane Broderick: Again, with all due respect, if I could pass to the Board what is on the Cutchogue Fire Department website, which Chairperson Woodhouse: You need to look at the site plan that we are reviewing right here and point out where your home is. (Heather Lanza & Jane Broderick review the map) Richard Lark: (inaudible) Jane B3~oderick: If there is sucn a necessity for a second emergency structure at a cost like this, I don't understand why parking is glutting up the ingress and egress. Thank you. Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone else who would like to address the Board on this application? Hearing none, I will entertain a motion to close this hearing. Ken Edwards: So moved. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Five February 11, 2008 Joe Townsend: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Chairperson Woodhouse: The resolution, please? Mr. Solomon? George Solomon: WHEREAS, the agent, Martin Sendlewski, on behalf of the applicant, submitted a site plan application for approval on December 18, 2007; and WHEREAS, this site plan, for SCTM#1000-84-4-1, a 6.3 acre parcel located on the west side of Cox Lane, and the south side of County Road 48, known as 5455 Cox Lane in Cutchogue, is for the proposed construction of a new one-story, 25,243 sq. ft. firehouse facility with a 15,075 sq. ft. partial basement, and 1,800 sq. ft. mezzanine. The proposed firehouse will include areas for apparatus bays, offices, ready room, communications office, training rooms, meeting rooms, kitchen and support facilities, bathrooms, and storage areas; and WHEREAS, the building will consist of 4,140 sq. ft. of assembly space to accommodate up to 276 people; 26,200 sq. ft. of storage space, 4,930 sq. ft. of office space, and 6,848 sy. 1t. for miscellaneous purposes including bati~rooms and mechanical rooms, for a total building space area of 42,118 sq. ft., and requiring parking spaces to accommodate 114 cars; and WHEREAS, the Cutchogue Fire District is t".e owner of the subject property; and V`~tiEREAS, on PJovember 15, 2007, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and responded "The proposed use for a Fire District building is a permitted use irr this AC District and is so certified": and VVHcRE-AS, on December 18, 2007, the ?tanning Board accepted this application; and WHEREAS, on Decerber 20, 2007, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the architectural drawings and made recommendations and the Planning Board accepted these recommend,;8ions at their Work Session on January 14, 2008; and Wi,Es~EAS, on Jecerncer 2E, 2007, the Cutchogue Fire District responded, after review, stating a new fire hydrant was not necessary at the site due to the proximity of existing fire hydrants; and Southold Town Planning Board Paye Twenty-Six February 11, 2008 WHEREAS, on January 4, 2008, the Planning Department suggested revisions to the site plan, and on January 7, 2008, the Planning Board reviewed the revised site plan submitted by the applicant; and WHEREAS, the Cutchogue Fire District Board of Commissioners, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 c), conducted a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action, made a determination that the proposed project will not have significant adverse irnpact on the environment, and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, on January 10, 2008, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the site plan materials and provided comments, and the Planning Board accepts these comments; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the notification provisions; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Town Code §280-131 B (5)(b), reserves the right to review the parking requirements again if a change of use is proposed; Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor? Ayes. Georae Solomon: and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to Southold Town Code 280-131 Part I, the Planning Board requires the applicant to agree to the conditions listed beiovv; Joe Townsend: Second. Chairoerson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. George Solomon: ana 'oe it r~rtner RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants approval on the site plan prepared and certified by Martin F. Sendlewski, AIA, Arcutecf-Planner, dated February 12, 2008, and authorizes the Chairperson to endorse the site plan with the following conditions listed on the plan: Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Seven February 11, 2008 1. Native shrubs and trees shall be planted in sufficient density to screen the parking areas from the view of passing motorists on Scenic CR 48. Cedars and other native plantings shall be chosen over non-native plants. The shrubs shall be planted in a natural pattern, and ahedge-like arrangement shall be avoided. 2. All outdoor lighting shall comply with the Town Code and be shielded so that the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in sach a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries, and be "dark-sky friendly." 3. All signs shall comply with the Town Code, and must be issued a permit from the Southold Town Building Inspector prior to posting. 4. As per the landscape survivability guarantee, the applicant agrees to replace any of the landscaping which is diseased or dead within three (3) years of receiving final site approval after site work is completed; 5. The site plan approval requires that all work proposed on the site plan shall be completed within three (3) years from the date of this resolution. E. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the owner or authorized agent must request, in writing, an on-site inspection by the Building Inspector and the Planning Board. 7. If the as-built site improvements nary from the approved site plan, the Planning 3oard reserves the rignt to request a certified as-built site plan detailing each deviation. 8. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board will issue a final site approval in writing following a site inspection, wherein it is determined that the construction complies with the approved site plan. Joe Townsend: Second. Chairoersen WoodhcusE: All in favor? Ayes. Chairperson "Noodhouse: That motion carries. Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Eight February 11, 2008 CONSERVATION SUBDIVISIONS, STANDARD SUBDIVISIONS, RE- SUBDIVISIONS (Lot Line Changes) Final Determinations: Kaloski, Michael -This proposal will subdivide an 8.30-acre parcel, SCTM#1000-102-4-6.2, into 2 lots where Lot 1 equals 2.02 acres and Lot 2 equals 5.35 acres in addition with a lot line change that will transfer .402 acres from SCTM#1000-102-4-6.2 to 1000-102-4-7.1. Following the transfer, SCTM#1000-102-4-7.1 will equal .918 acres. The parcel is located on Alvahs Lane, 2,056' n/o Main Road (NYS Route 25) and s/o Middle Road (CR 48) in Cutchogue. Martin Sidor. WI-IL=REAS, this proposa', wili subdivide an 8.30-acre parcel, SCTM#1000- 102-4-6.2, into 2 lots where Lot 1 equals 2.02 acres and Lot 2 equals 5.35 acres in addition with a lot line change that will transfer .402 acres from SCTM#1000-102-4-6.2 to SCTM#1000-102-4-7.1 which, following the transfer, will equal .918 acres; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional final approval upon the map prepared by Stanley J. Isaksen Jr., LS, dated June 11, 2002 and last revised November 15, 2006; and WHEREAS, the parcel is subject to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, dated August i"L, LGC7, piled with the Cifice of the Suffolk County Clerk, Liber D00012519 and Page 299; and WHEREAS, the parcel is subject to a Grant of Drainage Easement and Conservation Easement, dated May 31, 2007, filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk, Liber D00012537 and Paye 804; and WHEREAS, all conditions have been rnet; be it therefore RESUL\/ED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants final approval upon the plat prepared by Stanley J. Isaksen Jr., LS, dated June 11, 2002 and last revised November 15, 2006 and authorizes the Chairperson to endorse the maps. Joe Townsend: Second Chairperson Woodhouse: Pai in favor? Ayes. Cnairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries :kYr':ckkk*f:*********k****'k**f**************** Southold Town Planning Board Page Twenty-Nine February 11, 2008 GosslUpson -This proposal is for a re-subdivision (lot line change) that will merge SCl"M#1000-3-6-3.6 with the adjacent properties to the east and west, where following the transfer, SCTM#1000-3-6-3.2 will equal 6.09 acres and SCTM#1000-3-6-2 will equal 2.60 acres in the R-120 Zoning District. The properties are located on the s/s/o a private right-of-way, w/o Chocomount Drive on Fishers Island. Ken Edwards: I will offer the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposal is fora re- subdivision (lot line change) that will merge SCTM#1000-3-6-3.6 with the adjacent properties to the east and west where, following the transfer, SCTM#1000-3-6-3.2 will equal 6.09 acres and SCTM#1000-3-6-2 will equal 2.60 acres in the R-120 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, an application for a re-subdivision (lot line change) was submitted on September 10, 2007, including the map prepared by CME Associates, Engineering, Land Surveying & Architecture, PLLC, dated August 6, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Planning Bcard reviewed the application at their Work Session on September 17, 2007 and determined that the proposal will reduce density by one building lot; and VVF-~'~REA;, on November 2U, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board waived the public hearing for this project; and WHEREAS, on November 20, 2008, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional final approval on the surveys prepared by CME Associates, Engineering, Land Surveying & Architecture PLLC, dated August 6, 2007; and VVHL=REAS, all of the conuitions have bean met; ae .t therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval on the surveys prepared by CME Asscciates, Engineering, Land Surveying & Architecture, PLLC, dated August 6, 2007. Joe Townsend: Second Chairperson Woodhouse: All iri favor? Ayes. Chairperson Woodhouse: TI"iat rnotion carries Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty February 11, 2008 Savits. Barry -This proposal is to subdivide a 12.454-acre parcel into three lots, where Lot 1 equals 1.23 acres, Lot 2 equals 1.034 acres and Lot 3 equals 10.19 acres, inclusive of a .73-acre building envelope and 7.854 acres of subdivision open space. The property is located on the a/s/o Sound View Avenue, approximately 932 ft. n/o Mill Road, in Peconic. SCTM#1000-68-4-16.1 Joe Townsend: WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a 12.454 acre parcel into three lots, where Lot 1 equals '1.23 acres, Lct 2 equals 1.034 acres and Lot 3 equals 10.19 acres, inclusive of a .73-acre building envelope and 7.854 acres of subdivision open space; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2007, the applicant submitted seven (7) paper prints and five (5) mylars of the final map, prepared by Stanley J. Isaksen, L.S., dated August 12, 1999 and last revised December 20, 2006, each containing an up-dated Health Department stamp of approval; and WHEREAS, by letter, dated February 7, 2007, the applicant requested a waiver of the final public hearing; and VrJHEREAS, on March 12, 2007 the Southold Town Planning Board waived the final public hearing for this project; and WHEREAS, on January 29, 20C8, the Southold Town Eoard approved the Grant of Agricultural, Scenic, and Conservation Easement and authorized Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the easement which was signed on February 5, 2008; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 24U-44 of the Southold Town Code, the Planning Board approves arrd accepts the Grant of Agricultural, Scenic, and Conservation Easement, dated November 12, 2007 filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk, Liber D00012540 and Page 137; Martin Sidor: Second. Chairperson WOOdhOUSe: All in favor'? Ayes. Joe lbwnsend: a,yc be it further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board approves and accepts the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, dated August 12, 2007, filed with the Office of the Suffoik County Clerk, Liber D00012520 and Page 782; Martin Sidor: Second. Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-One February 11, 2008 Chairperson Woodhouse: A!I in favor? Ayes. Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, the Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the proposed action to the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and determined that the action is consistent vrith the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; Martin Sidor: Secand. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board Y,ereby grants Final Piat approval, upon fie map prepared by Stanley J. Isaksen, L.S., dated August 12, 1999 and last revised December 20, 2006. Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor? Ayes. Conditional SketcY~ Determinations: Colonv Pond, Inc. -This proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 13.540-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 equals 35,567 sq. ft.; Lot 2 equals 336,916 sq. ft., inclusive of a 4'!,424 sq. ft. building envelope and 295,492 sq. ft. of open space; Lot 3 equals 30,471 sq. ft.; Lot 4 equals 30,029 sq. ft.; and Lot 5 equals 29,358 sq. ft. in the R-8C toning District. The property is located on the s/s/o Colony Road, approximately 470' e/o Bayview Avenue, in Southold. SCTM#1000- 52-5-60.3 George Solomon: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 19.825- acre parce± into fire lots vriiere got t equals 40,571 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 40,436 sq. ft., Lot 3 equals 40,337 sq. ft., Lot 4 equals 40,000 sq. ft. and Lot 5 equals 40,000 sq. ft. in the r~-80 Zoning District; and ~VHERe=AS, an application for sketch approval was subrnitted on June 9, 2006 and included the submission of a Yield Plan and Existing Resources and Site Analysis Plan (ER<iAP); and Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Two February 11, 2008 WHEREAS, the Planning Board reviewed the Yield Map and the Existing Resources and Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP) at several Work Sessions after the initial submission and required that the maps be revised to conform to the requirements of Sections A106- 11(A) and (B) of the Town Code; and WHEREAS, on October 29, 2007, the applicant submitted a revised Yield Plan prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, dated October 13, 2005 and last revised on August 22, 2007, depicting a total of five (5) lots; and WHEREAS, on October 29, 2007, the applicant submitted a revised Existing Resources and Site Analysis Flan prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler P.E., dated June 29, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the revised Yield Map and ERSAP and Sketch Plan at their work session on January 28, 2008 and determined that the maps conform to the requirements pursuant to Sections A106-11(A) and (B) of the Town Code; and bVHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board initiated the SEQRA coordination for this application on July 11, 2006; be it therefore RESOLVED, that'.he Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, establishes itself as lead agency for the unlisted action and, as lead agency, grants a Negative Declaration for the proposed action; Joe ~~ownsend: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. George Solomon: and be it further RESULV'ED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accept the Yield Plan prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin Ili, dated October 13, 2005 acid last revised on August 22, 2007, and the ERSAP prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler, P.E., dated June 29, 2007; Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor? Ayes. George Solomon: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grant Conditional Sketch Approval upon the map entitled Road and Drainage Plan of Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Three February 11, 2008 Colony Pond, dated April 4, ?_006 and last revised .tune, 29, 2007, prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler, P.E., subject to the following conditions: Submission of proof that the parcel is not encumbered by an existing easement along the western property boundary. 2. Submission of the application and fee for preliminary plat approval. The preliminary rr~ap should contain the following revisions: a. Depict a 30' wide natural vegetated buffer on Lots 1 and 3 adjacent to Colony Road. ~n Lot 1 the natural buffer shall run for a distance of 320' east/west (less areas to locate the subsurface sanitary system as shown). On Lot 3 the natural buffer shall run for a distance of 255' east /west. The natural buffer shall be shown on the Preliminary Plat and be labeled °Natura! Buifier". b. Depict a 100' ~lon-disturbance/non-fertilization buffer landward from the boundary of the wetland area. In addition, include the following language in a draft covenant and restrictions to be submitted to the Planning Board. Vegetation within this area shall remain in its natural state in r,erpetui'iy Permitted activities within the buffer are limited to the removal of dead diseasea trees that are hazardous to life or property. Notwithstanding the above the Nun Disturbance/non-fertilization Vegetation buffer area rriay be supplemented with additional native vegetation suoiecfi to review and approval of the Southold Town Plannina Board and Southold Town Trustees. The construction or placernent of structures is prohibited. The clearing of any kind is proirioited e;ccept to establish a 4 foot wide unimproved, natural access patt+ located within the 10 foot pedestrian access easement over Lot 2. Pu•suant to Chapter 2%5 Wetlands and Shorelines the access path roust be reviewed by the Southold Town Trustees and other jurisdictional agencies. c. The title of the map be arr+ended to read "Standard Subdivision of Colony Pond°. d. Show ttte locaticr~ of street trees pursuant to Section A108-45 of the i~ovdn Lcde. i'rovide the planting details, including the species and size at p~antiny. Subrission of six (o} copies of the preliminary road and drainage plans. 4. Submission of a draft Bond Estimate. Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Four February 11, 2008 5. Submission of a Draft Road and Maintenance Agreement for the 25'-wide right-of-way. 6. Submission of a Draft Open Space Easement pursuant to Section A106- 49(C) of the Southold Town Code for the Open Space Area located on Lot 2. LWRP Coastal Consistency Review by the Town of Southold. Submission of a permit or Letter of Non-Jurisdiction from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Southold Town Trustees for the proposed project. 9. Submission o±r Draft Covenants and Restrictions containing the following clauses: a. Road and Maintenance Agreement language. b. There shall be no further subdivision of any of the lots on the approved subdivision rnap, in perpetuity. c. There shall be no changes to any of the lot lines without Planning Board approval. d. -there shall b~ no storm water run-off resulting from the development and irnprovement of the subdivision or any of its lots shall be discharged into the wetlands or Hashamomuck Pond in any manner. e. There sha!I be nc residential structures permitted on the Lot 2 Open Space Area. f. Pursuant to Chapter 236, S*.onn Water, Grading and Drainage Control Law of the Sout~°,oki -i own Cade, ail storm water shall be retained on-site. g. Prior to ar~y construction activity, the project will require a General Permit for the storm water run-off from construction activity (GP-02-01) administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation under Phase 11 State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systern. h. By this Declaration, future residents of the lots that comprise the subdivisior•~ are advised thGt the lots may be subject to the noise, dust and odors normally associated with agricultural activities pursuant to Article XXII, Farmland Bill of Rights, of the Southold Town Code. 10. Subrnssicn cf the Fark and ~'iaygreund Fee in the amount of $28,000 ($7,00;1 for each new got created). Ken Edwards: Seccnd. Chairperson Woodhouse: All irr favor? Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Five February 11, 2008 Ayes. Chairperson Woodhouse: The motion carries. SITE PLANS Set Hearings: Brewer Yacht Yard -This amended site plan is for a new accessory 45' x 25' open air pavilion on a 9.6-acre parcel in the Marine II Zone located on the corner of Manhasset Avenue and Sandy Beach Road, known as 500 Sandy Beach Road in Greenport. SCTM#1000-43-3-2. Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, this amended site plan is for a new accessory 45' x 25' open air pavilion on a 9.6-acre parcel in the Marine II Zoning District; and WHEREAS, Brewer Yacht Yard is the owner of the property located on the corner of Manhasset Avenue and Sandy Beach Road, known as 500 Sandy Beach Road, in Greenport, SCTNi;~~;000-43-3-2; and WHEREAS, on Aprii 26, 2007, the ayent, Ted Angell of Alpha Consulting, working for the applicant, Brewer Yacht Yard, submitted a new formal amended site plan for approval; and WFIEREAS, on July 25, 2001, the Southc;d Town Engineer reviewed the site plan materials and replied with comments requiring amendments to the site plan and the Planning Board accepts these comments ar+d notified the applicant to incorporate the char+ges into a revised amended site plan; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2007, the agent Ted Angel of Alpha Consulting submitted a foundation plar+ prepared by OCG Architects, LLP and certified by Mark D. Geiselman, dated September 14, 2007 and last revised October 10, 2007; the plan was accepted for the file and the agent was notified to transpose the drainage onto the site plan and submit a copy for review by the Town Engineer; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, March 10, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. for a public hearing on the arnended site plan prepared by Daniel S. Natchez & Associates, dated Auyust 26, 2003, with additions by Alpha Consulting, date received April 26, 2007, with the following condition: Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Six February 11, 2008 Agent, Applicant or Owner submit a minimum of six (6) copies of the amended revised site plan detailing the drainage change on or before March 5, 2008 to the Planning Department for review by the Town Engineer. George Solomon: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries. ik**i:**i:*********i**************ir************* Seifert Construction -This proposed site plan is for construction of a new building 3,965 sq. ft. (38'x78' plus a 38' x 6' porch overhang) with approximately 2,191 sq. ft. of warehouse, 773 sq. ft. cf display area, 228 sq. ft. of porch and 773 sq. ft. of second floor office to be used as an office, warehouse/custom cabinet workshop on a 11517.67 sq. ft. parcel in the LI Zone located approximately 520' w/o Pacific Street on the s/s/o Sound Avenue, known as 11780 Sound Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-141-3-44 Joe Townsend: WHEREAS, this proposed site plan is for construction of a new building 3,965 sq. ft. (38'x78' plus a 38' x 6' porch overhang) with approximately 2,191 sq. ft. of warehouse, 773 sq. ft. of display area, 228 sq. ft. of porch and 773 sq. ft. of second floor office and the builci~ng will be used as an office, warehouse/custom cabinet workshop on a 1151 i'.67 sq. ft. parcel in the LI Zorie; and WHEREAS, Sei~e~t Construction is the owner of the property located approximately 520' w/o Pacific Street on the s/s,'o Sound Avenue, known as 11780 Sound Avenue, in Mattituck, SCTM#1000-141-3-44; and WHEREAS, on June 25, 2007, the agent, Patricia C. Moore, Esq., working for the applicant, Seifert Construction, submitted a nevv formal site plan for approval; be it therefore RESOLVED, that tl ie Southold Town Planni~ iy Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (6 NYCRR), Part 617.5 -C-7, make a determination that the proposed action is a Type II and not subject to review; Ken Edwards: Second the motion. Chairperson VJOOdnouse: i4il in favor? Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Seven February 11, 2008 Ayes. Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, March 10, 2008 at 6:05 p.m. for a public hearing on the site plan set S-1 - S-4 & Three A-1 pages prepared and certified by Mark K. Schwartz, Architect, dated December 18. 2007. George Solomon: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Chairperson Wood~~rouse: l { iat oration carries. Punta Winerv -This new site plan is for the alteration and expansion of existing buildings into a new winery totaling 6,304 sq. ft. which includes 267 sq. ft. of office, 347 sq. ft. of retail, 3,249 sq. ft. of tasting room, 671 sq. ft. of storage area, 1,770 sq. ft. of production area and stone terrace with 25 parking spaces on a 3.7431-acre parcel in the A-C Zone located on the n/s/o Old North Road, approximately 286 ft. w/o County Road 48, known as 19110 Old North Road, in Southold. SCTM#1000-51-3-4.11 Ken Edwards: I will offer the following: WHEREAS, this site plan is for the alteration and expansion of an existing building into a new winery totaling 6,304 sq. ft. which includes 267 sq. ft. of office, 347 sq. ft. of retail, 3,249 sq. ft. of tasting room, 671 sq. ft. of storage area, 1,770 sq. ft. of production area and stone terrace with 25 parking spaces on a 3.7431-acre parcel in the A-C Zone located vn the n/s/o Old North Road, approximately 286 ft. w/o County Road 48, Souti-:old, SCTM#1000-51-3-4.11; and WHEREAS, Claudia Purita is the owner of the property known as 19110 Old North Rosd in Southold; and WHEREAS, on October 1'I, 2007, the agent, Nancy Steelman of Samuels & Steelman Architects, working for tl~e owner, Ciaudia Purita, submitted a site plan application for approval; and WHEREAS, on January 15, 2UU8, the Southold town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmentai Giuality Review Act (6 NYCRR), Part 617 Article 6, initiated the SEOR lead agency coordination process of the Unlisted Action; and Southold Town Planning Board Page Thirty-Eight February 11, 2008 WHEREAS, on January 17, 2008, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation responded with no objection to the Town of Southold Planning Board assuming lead agency status, additionally noting that the applicant be advised that "if the proposed project is located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands or within 100 feet of regulated freshwater wetlands, a permit is required from this department" and the Southold Town Planning Board accepts this for approval; and WHL=REAS, on Ja~;uary 24, 2008, the Suffolit County Department of Public Works responded with no objection to the Town of Southold Planning Board assuming lead agency status and the Southold Town Planning Board accepts this for approval; and WHEREAS, on January 24, 2008, the Suffo!c County Department of Health Services responded with no objection to the Town of Southold Planning Board assuming lead agency status, additionally offering the following comments: • Application is pending under HD Ref. # C10-07-0014. • Pending "Town SEORA Declaration." • "Approval from the Office of Pollution Control." • "The SCDHS maintains jurisdiction over the final location of sewage disposal and water supply systems. 1 he applicant. therefore, should not undertake the construction of either system without Health Department approval" and the Southold l"own Planning Board accepts this for approval; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2008, the Suffolk County department of Planning responded with no objection to the Town of Southold Planning Board assuming lead agency status and the Southold T"own Planning Board accepts this for approval; and WHEREAS, on February 7, 2008', the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed ar~d certified the site plan vdith "the proposed use winery is a permitted use in this AA=C District" ar~d the Srutl7oid Town Pla,~ning Board accepts ti~is for approval; and WHEREAS, on February 11, 2008, the Planning Board has not received any additional comments or objer•,tions to the proposed action; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that on February 11, 2008, the Southold -town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action. The Planning Board establishes itself as lead agency and, as lead agency, rnakes a oetenr~inatiorz of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration; Geerge Solomon: Second Chairperson Vvoodhouse: All in favor? Southold Town Planning Boarcl Page Thirty-Nine February 11, 2008 Ayes. Ken Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, March 10, 2008 at 6:10 p.m. for a public hearing on the site plan set Pages 1-6 prepared by Nancy Steelman of Samuels & Steelman Architects, dated October 8, 2007 and last revised December 14, 2007, with the following condition: Ngent, Applicant or Owner submit a minimum of five (5) copies of the amended revised site plan detailing the landscape changes on or before March 5, 2008 to the Planning Department for review. George Solomon: Second. Chairperson V'JCOdiiOUSe: i~~~i In faVCi~ Ayes. Chairperson VGOOd'nous,:: ~ l~~at motion carries. *k*x*Y*Y****k*********************** SITE PLANS -STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT Lead Agency Coordination: Harbes Family Win_yr -This site plan is for the addition of retail winery and wine production facilities to an existing farrrr stand. The existing farm stand, Building (Bldg.) One, consists of a retail area, roof-over area, display preparation area & walk-in storage area. The proposed retail winery and wine production facilities will be incorporated into existing agricultural buildings as follows: BIdg.Two -wine tasting room of 373 sq. ft., BIdg.Three -wine-making facility of 572 s.f., Bldg. Four -wine tasting room of 3,198 s.f. with a deck addition cf 4,~3' s.f., and Bldg. Ten -wine tasting room of 326 s.f. Other existing buildings on the site include a Farm Office of 292 s.f. (Bldg. Five), storage shed of 192 a.f. (Bldg. Six), resciooms of 121 s.f. (Bldg. Seven), Frame Shed of 68 s.f. (Bldg. Eight), Farm Office of 102 s.f. (Bldg. Nine), and two greenhouses of 3,007 s.f. each (Bldgs. Eleven l~ Twelve). In addition.. the ste provides existing parking of 28 spaces and new parking of 46 spaces a!ony with a rrew loading area far trucks. The overall property is 15.61 acres in the A-C Zone located at the n/w corner of Sound Avenue and Hallock Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM #'s 1000-120-1-4 & 1000-112-1-7.1 Southold Town Planning Board Page Forty February 11, 2008 Martin Sidor: be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, initiate the SEAR lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action. George Solomon: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Chairperson VVoodnouse: I will entertain a motion to adjourn. George Solomon: So moved. Ken tdwards: Second. Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor? Ayes. Cnairperso~~ W'oocnouse: We are adjourned. l-here bei~ig rio further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Linda Randolph, Transcribing Secretary // rilyn W odhouse, Chairperson RECEIV~:D *~-~-~/ /~-b-aP~ SEP 1 1 2008 $dutlso aw+n L er