HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12236 P 446 J , .. '. L 1') 1'7 ';> '2/ .~ L./lo f-(-,;, 15-7-8 .. . rooy 005 - BarlJaln Pnd SMile Deed with Co..enanl ...iOII Gnmltll". ",cl" Indlvlcl:ulll.lf CI1Ip>r1llif1n (Sin,le SherI) INYB11.J 8OO~1 CONSULT ,"OUK LA W".:R .t:JfOKI::: SmNI~G THIS IN!.'TRUMENT - THIS 1NS'I'llUMENT SJIOUI.D HE USt:D IIV LA WYEILCit ON..l" d- 7:JiIL- day of THIS I:'IlIDEN"nJKIo:. m:adc the UETWF..:I~ ORIENT POINT HOLDING CO., INC. Z385 Main Street Brldgehampton, New York J 193Z <.() .. C'15/I'J4!ClI'ili:. .;n the ye.., Ol-DD~ pany of the: first pan. 3nd ORIENT PLUM LLC 549 86th Street BrooklY[I, New York IIZOII party of the ~(,"d part. WITNKSSI.;nl.lhBI tb: p:.ny of lhe- fim part. in com.ideration ofTen Dollars and other Yuluable considerutinR paid by the pany orlhe .!OeC'Und pan.. does hereby groot and ~Iease unto lbc part)' orthe .!'.COORd r>>arl,. Ihe heirs or ,:ucceSSOD. and llS5iaRll of the puny of the second pan forever. AI.L thar ce"lrtain phx. piece OJ' parcel of land. with the buildings ond improvtmenLolO lhcram erected. silWll:c. lying ond being in the at Orlenl:, Town of Soulhold, County of Suffolk Bad State of New York. being more partleularly bouuded and described as set forth lu Sehedule A aunexed hereto; BEING and intended to be the same premises eonveyed to the Grantor herelu hy Deed /'rom FarreU Holdlug Corp., dated December Z7, ZOOZ and recorded In the om"" of lhe Suffolk County Clerk_ . -.. . --. g .$/IIIULTfqN6oU,s Co. '7' Ikvt€Wn-~. TOG......TlU:R willi all right. citleand inren:'!Ot, ifan)".ofthe party orche- first parlaf. in and 10 any SlreCI!I and roads abuCting the above-deJCcribc."lI premises to lhe center lines. thereof; l'OC;KTHER with lhe appurtenances and all me estate WId rights oflbe pan)' at 1M- first part in and to said premise!;; 1"0 HA VE ANI)"ra HOLD the premises herein gnmled untn the p:llTy orthr sC:~(lnd part, the heirs ur 5UL"Ccnars and assigns of die pm1y of the sCC'nnd part forever. AND lh~ party of the first p:u1 covcnOJltll rhor the pony of the firlu poIn hu.'i not done or s.urrcr'C'd an)'1hing whereby the "aid premises have been incumbned in 1lIl)' way wh:never. except III aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of me Lien Law. COVcn3J1ls thallhe party nfthe firsl part will n:cehle the' C'(l~idera.lion fur thi" conveyance UAd will hold the right to receive such c."f.lOsidcr.uion a5 u trust (und 10 be:' applied fir~ for rhe J:IUrpo5e "f payi.ng rhe cost of th~ impmvenlent and will appl)' the some first to the payment of Ihe COllit of Ih~ improvemC'nl: before using any purt ,,(the total of Ihe same for :any olher purpo5C'. The' word ..puny" 5hall1;1e construed :as ,if it reo'" "parties" whenever the 5C'n.~ or this indenlun: so require,". IN WITNt:SS WH..:H...:O..... the party al"the firsl p:a.rt hao; duly exC'Cutcd thi:llo ()ct:'d the d,.'1y and }'C'ur fina above' written. ~~ xa. ~res EPH G. FARRELLpR., P Idenl IN PKE.'iENCE: OF: 'I; . \. ",,,,", .... Fidelity National Title Insurance Company or New \' ork ~_._.'..__._-..-.- -. -- --------. ----- ---. .------...--.-- ] ~:----.:.. _. .. ..___ ....:.. _. ~. __ .___ ':I'JIJ.,EI'i'.9..92-m!~-:4L406-~l)fL_ .___._____ __._ __.____._ SCHEDULE A-I (Dat:rlpllo1l> ALL thai certain plot, piece or parcel of land, silU8Ie, lying and being aI Orient in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, known and designated as follows: PLOT NO. 147 on a certain map entitled, "Map ofOrienl-By-Thc-Sea Section Two, situate at Orient Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and developed by Woodhollow Properties, Inc. No.3, Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York, Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, Greenport, New York", and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 26, 1961 as Map No. 3444. - --- - .---- THE POUCY TO BE ISSIIED under IhL, commilmenl will ilUU/'e the lide 10 such buildings QIf(/ improvements an Ihe premise., which b).'law CONlilute real properly. FOR CONYEYANCING ONLY: Together wllh aillhe righ( title and Interest oflhe party oflheflrst pari, of in UIId 10 III.! land lying in 1M Slree, in front of QIf(/ adjoining said premises. SCIIEDULE A.-I (Ducriplitm) 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Titlcll Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa This pall~ 1,)mlS part of \he llltached '-06. 6-...D (SPECIFY TYI'E OF INSIRUMENr) " . [.i2 Number of pages TORRENS Serial H ' Certificate It_ Prior or It Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortga~ Tax S.amp t'EES ~ Page I filing Fee _M_ '-.:) --- ~5-_ I land ling TP.584 Notation lOA-52 17 (County) _5 _ ~.5 _ }.- --- Sub Total d7 EA-52 17 (State) It.P.T.SA Comm. of Ed. _----2. O~ Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy OIhcr _/:5 _ SubTotal GRAND TOTAL Real Property T.." Service Agency Verilicalion Out. Section Block Lot 03006261 1000 01500 0700 008000 ~~ Initials ~~ 7 SatisfactionslDischa";gcslRcle85CS-Li.i1 Propeny Owners Mailing Addres RECORD" RETURN TO: Stamp Date IV 1c...}JDLA'..s ATAAN~/L,~. c.f r 0 .f31!... oA:-D w" y a I\}.D f? LC~ l'J~w YJ;>RY-, "^fIlA)!&- 9 O{ZI"':A1t fr.INT' -----1Jt} I \[J I/'J G-. ~. 1 N ~ . RECORDED 2003 F~b 21 09:58:54 RM &!w.rd P.Romai"" CLERK OF SUFF€l.K COUNTY L DOOOl2236 P446 DTI 02-28016 RKording I filing Stamps Mortsase AmI. I. ltasic Tax 2. A.Jdilionol Tux Sub Tolal Spec.lAssit. Or Spee,/Add. (' TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_ Dual Counly_ Ilcld for ApP",nionment _ 8't)() . Tmnsfer Tax Mansion Tax The propeny (."Cwcrt:d by this monguge is or will be improved by a one ur Iwo family dwelling only. . YES urNO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page 11- _ of III is inslrument. 6 Communi! cP'.... Tax Due Improved v.can~ ~~ ID 1'1) TI) TO, ~ mode by: , The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. '-~ () u"1"'N 0 L--lJ OA/€.Mf' f'L U IY1 LL c:... In \he Township of In lhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of TO o R I~"J-r- 110XES 5 TI IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRlNJE) IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FII.JNG. COVERI 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111 11111 1111111111111 111111111111 1111111111111 SUFFOLK COtI'NTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD NulIIber of Pages. 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-28016 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 02/21/2003 09:58:54 AM D00012236 446 District: 1000 Section: Block: 015.00 07.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGBD AS rOLLOWS $200,000.00 Lot: 008.000 Deed Amount: Received the Pollowing Pess por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SORCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00. NO EA-STATB: $25.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $800.00 NO CODIlII.Pres $2,500.00 NO Pees Paid $3,402.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-28016 THIS PAGE IS A PART 011' THE INSTROJI:&:NT Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . T PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE QNl_V C3. Book I ~-f,1,3,~U L;) 1.,( (le-31 Month Day Year j, or-: ~ ~3, b C4. Pagel Lf, '-f, (p, 1l.1'_5217N:e>'J1'J7 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWIS Code *. . , ',I " - ; C2. Date Deest Recorded STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROP~RTV SERVICES RP - 5217 PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. r~~~~:~ I '6.20 ~_ {) \-..c v.- \ S\ ,,-.Q STREETNUM~<R STAEETNAME SCLL't\n."!61 UTYORTOWN Or.\~v'LjJlc<"'- LLL IAST'IAMEI20MP"N" FIRST NAME ~L(.\-'1.<::"'" Ort e.......-r VILLAGE L__~ 7IPCODE' 2. Buyer Name tAST NAME t COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Billing Address Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sert L If olhe- than auyer address (<,t bottom of form) _J L....STNAMIOICOMPANY ""STNAME ~TiEEI NU~BEP. AND ~TF\EE.T NAMe ~___L. HA'IE LIPCODE CITVOR TCWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment J D Roll parcels transferred on the deed L__ --'------'-.LJ # of Parcels OR Part of a P(lrcel lOnly if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Tral1sfer 4C_ Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided D D D 5 Deed Property Size i X L__..__ J OR l----,--- ~~" . '~ONT Fr(T ACRES 6. Seller Name Or'.....-r _f:1.~iu(~\~, lAST ~AME /COMPANY flFlSTNAME ....J Co. Jv'L I L-____ lAST NAUE I r.OMF'ANY __..J fl~STNAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use ot the property at the time of sale: Check the ooxes below liS they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant land 10A Property tocated within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the voperty is in an Agricultural Districl D o o o A~onefamiIYHe5iden;ial B ':2 or 3 Family Residanti,,1 C Residential V"~art I.and o 'lon-Residential Vacant laf1d E~Agr:CWI!Uraf F Commercial G Apa'lment H '=ntertainment I Amusement I~ C:Om.mUnitV.Service J Industrial K PubhcServ,ce L Forest I SALE INFORMATION I 11_ Sille Contract Date 15. Check one or more of th_ condmo~s as upplicable to transfer: I / Vlonlh Day Y"'ar r;z I /D D2> Monlh bay Y",ar A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between "l.elatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One ot the Buyers is also a Selier Buyer or Seller IS Government Agency or lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale lSoecify Below) Sale cf Fractional or less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxabl0 Status and Sale Dales Sale of Business is In~luded in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sllle Price (Specify Below) None 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sale Price L~,:J.. o. () 0, 0 0, 0 0 I , , . (Fuli Sale Price is Ihe total amount paid for the property if1cludif1g personal properly. This paymem may be in the lore-n of c~sh, other property Or goods, or the assumPtion of r'lOrtgages or ot.ler ~lbligatj0T1s.1 Plea:,e round 10 the nearest whOle dollar BmOUIlt. 14. Indicate the value of personal property included in the SilIle L n.O 0 I , , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16 Ye~r o~ Assessr:oent Roll from l ,') .........11 17. Total Assessed Value lot all parcels in transfer) ~.----'--- which Information taken ----l~ _, l:4..bb , , 18. Property Class 10, /.! I..L..J 19. SChool D;strict Name I C> l~Td- Po /J..J',S 20. Tax Map Identifierls) I Rollldentifier{s) m more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier!s)] I 00\) n I,~ \.X) -~- 07. \JV {) \)(?"U:i) L-___ 1__- - CERTIFICATION I certiFy that all of the items of infnnnlltion t!ntered 011 this form are true and correct (to the ht!st of my knowledge Wid bclicO and I understand that the making of any willful false stalement of material fact herein will subject me to the pruvil'iions of the nellal law relath;e to the making and 8ling of faL<!e instroment.... BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY CK,,_ 'J., ~c (" L, U#,. i':'. , Uut<..r:A <J-U<t.. ,. te BUvERSrG"ATURE j ------ S "-{ CJ ?s ~, +t.\. STREHNUMBI:R STFEET N'.ME<AFTE'ISALEI A'\1.I.MAtL U\STNAME .2, I N\~i-lO(A'S F1flSTNAM€ S-k"CT' ;Ll:l.. AFlEACOOE 91/-;),,55':;- ITLEPHONENLJMllfR 12,0'\,. k Lei il CI,...OR 101'1," t- ~?i [ NEW YORK ,,^TI' COpy ( I ::tee1 :!1PCOOE I ) 'fJ I. Xv-c.._