HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12209 P 991 /-., (( ~JDCJ Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenant Against Grantor's Acts p 0Q, TIUSlNDIUlTUU......lhf II'"' dl)'ofSqlcnrikr m")fiI Two l'--..... TWI!) It:TWI!Ei'\I JQ!l;I!I'H GAZZ...., .lSl R~low R:oad. F~ New Vem: I ms pmy (>1.. tmI pm. md JOSEi'~ UOJAH,Y OAZZ..\. I5J.Allt KATHElUNE OAZZ..\.. MOLLY AI\IN G^"A l'O Box 9t9. S op:n !..1M. ~. :'\lY 119~9_ as Ial3ftIS ill ClI_ adI. llIalUllllrnded 0lIIl.1lIU1l inlcmt. ~ oflbc J<<l:dId pall.. WI'nI~. dial * prmy of w f..... pIl!I. illclllllidmltllOlll of$IS.,284Jn CloUIrJ ~ paidb)' 1M. piny o;r lbe .-.md pon. doa llen'lly pm od rc'loR _ me ~. of me -.I plII'l. Ibc ~ .. -- - ~ of tbt ii>N\Y Qrtbt SC'C'01Id put fornft. AJ.L dial ~ plot. pielx Of jmttJ of ~n4. ...... l)'ille IIlI.Il:ImlI ill _ T_ of Soudlofd. Cowuy of Sd01k md StIlt of """"" YlIfk. mown lllld da:ipItc4._ -' by L.d ~ II. 011 ~Map of LWIIt's ElId a, Orieal Poillf'. I"Lrllllll" Va Tv)'l4.s.. ~.od 1Ilcd m 1M Orr.C1t oflJw, Oerk oftbt C~ ofSull'oIk 011 May l, 19n.1llIIda MIp.Ho,. S9OlI. AbIIm:l No. 72H.. The C'm1_ ~ ....Il _ lbeOmllcc;, I _ of ~ IIlI.I qt\U 0'i'I:t ukl.-* IIlI.I mIIeU .. __ OIl _ Imp, 10.. _ pIlhflc b~)' The pmy of tilt fil'1il pm wmlWI .dIaI ~ .. IZ lIlllItI*P 01' la.lIIjJiIiIlIl ptt...l!a.lo .... dial ~ '" "'" juIIplir1Ul :lIP_ _ in ~y Jurisdi.::'",n :lIIId WI I ~\." beelI 11:_ by DO" .l'lIiMsio.. .. )fiI1i I&$l p:IIl ac... &: Ill~ 10 be . ~ of tIiII:: _ ~ KqlIlmt II)' lllc pm)' of .. 11m pm lImill riI IMd dlIwd.lllJ1II97J recorded UIIIl914 Ill.llJu 1S73 pip lOCI. mil Dc:ed. dR:d 611 Sl19lI) Rc.cordod WIH4 altiber 9S09 pop 27S. SC'I'M No. 1000.1 '.IM .,11 l'OClETHU wilh 1111 tip.,. til:lc .. ~ if aIIJ. of lbe JIlII1f of* 11m pm <'l'f,ill mil 10 R)' mIIeU ad .. ~ IMII~~ 101M~ IlIIa thtrIot: TOGI1'Il:E1\ wlllldlr .IlIjI~U,\~IlIe\'t.nd IJllbe_klllll.lrW*<'l'flkJllll1f mlbellm pm in.... III Mid~, TO HAVE AJQ) TO JIOLD \W peen >ICI hcmn JfIIlIiIIIId WIG Ik pmy orlbe -.I pili, lbe ~irs or ~ lIIIliI "11j!llIf>fdw FJ'lYQw\W. kCllnd pm ~>Ð "SI) lbe ~I)' of _ r..... plI'l CQo<__ Ihll lbe pit!)' of lbe Om patt Itu IlOI delle elf ~ ~ ..lItfolby lbe t.airI pmni_ !l.:l\..,~~in.nY"lIj1wlm~,~II~ "SI) 1Jw, p:ItllIof\W!l1liA pI1"~ '" <Q~ wilb,S<<tl\\IIll ofIM IJm 'AW. co-ulblllM.put.l" 0'_ tim put will_i~ - cmlllid.mlloorllbl' Iha cOll~ ad willllolll lbe ri&N 110 _.." .,1'1 (~. altlollllod lobe ~ 11.- fw dw ptIlpllKof payiD,; lbe COIol (I.f' .i!Tlprolll:_ .. willlJlPl) lbe _ frnllll lbe pa)'llWll111r lbe J:OIl or* i..,o;.'IIIUI! .tor. .ms m)' pm of _I0Il1 of Ibr urne f\'lt R)' odlc-t JIUIIl'llIIiI'. >n. word -pmy" s!lIll Jw, cOMWlld 111 If II rad ."pIniar wIlcnewt * _ oflha tadcmun: so rcqWra., IN WITHI\S$ WHl:k!OF, If/l( pany of IIw lint pm" dwly cxmmd Iha deed 1M ell, .1Id )'ClllliniI.bovc \fIfil:tm. Is~'oF. ~1;~.flI'~ $1Wlll OP l'E:\V YO!Ui: I ~~" -" COO~' Of' SlJI'FOLKI On lbe ! 1" ".I" of$epImIbcJ .n lI>e ymr2002 ~ lIle. d1e~1l"n4. ~l)' ~ JOSliPlf GA:12..A. j>ll,IQjQIIy bolIl'I! lOIM Of ~ IiO _0lI\W bIN or u"'~ ~ _ be ..indi..wu.l wborc .... II ~ 10 1M wllNtl i~1 ad ~ 10_ dial be ~(hi!:...., ill belapliCiI)'. ad 1I:\lliI.~. bel s~ anlbe illlllllllMIII. lbe mot....d_!.or 1M pm.mllpcl<ll bcbIlrof~lbe ~.lI:d.~ lbeo...-,. ~~- !~- . -, .. . WI l!. 2 ) "" 111...0( -3 Il!fXOIUl) 2C.Il>> s.p l'IM: 35:20 "' ~ P.Roui.... !URIt f$ SlFFl1.I: ClJlI<TV l l*lC12209 p 991 on 02-014Oi1 TOIUIPS ScIttIl , CBllliale I .... at," Dllcdl ~,I~R>m1 Dec41 MDIlpp lD SluRp FEES ~_' fllm,SIIIDpI . ....' rIM. F. ....... TI'.514 I ........ Amt. -...- I, Baic Tu _.~ 2.~lD $lib ToI8I ~ fA.51 17 (Counl~) fA.s::m (Slm) IU'.T3.A "-of&! ~ !lob TOliIl ..1 QQ....... lipeiIlJ....... Q{ s,..IN'J4 TOT. MTG. TAX 0uaI T_ DIiII.I (:~ Hddr<<~ T__ fIX II J......._ MIIIslofIlD . _ TIlcpoalCi" coc\,uc.1,,,, lhh ~ II. .m be im~cd 11,'. 6IIC or '''''II famll, 11........ cWy. VFS 01 NO I(NO. 'j=In~lUIlU c..... VII,., ?t? - --=- ,l\lf'ldavi' Ccrl.1!ed Cop)' _ Cop)' o.r M'IOII1 GRAND TOTAl. 111M Pruperty TI.lI. Savia: Atp:q VlIrifialclan t>iJt. SeclioCl fl lack LoI SluRp 02036D87 ll)QQ 01500 0900 001018 r DIlle ~ - ..~-- . ~.. . bUU ~;;) I , Sldl$r.aicmJDisc:bara,eslReIWft List ProPerty Owlllll'l Mililma A RECOIW .. RETURN 1'0: , 6 Comnwnl Ptc!se:rv.lion Fund Con.hhnllUon Amount S CPF Tu Due I fb,p.vwd ~ Udll.*RdV 30e.ep"- ,;.. ~ c.*: o.l. Po "Boy.. qlDq 5 O~OV\'~ Q0~~" t-J'I nq.:i<:t TO TO TO , Suffolk . TUIe COIII,,", Jlll'ornuItion Co. Hame n,I._ Recor . & Endorsement lhia pIlF fOl1ll!i pill, Of dlL' 1Il!lII:bI:d ~ GIl {'" of J'1I.(..I(. DeED (SPOOt:y 'IYPti OF 1NS1'lllJ.MI:Il) m_br: ~o~ 14 (:\C"7'7' Q 1'h:..., ,,"If J bm:miuulllllld In SUfJ-'()J;.COUN1Y.NEWYORK. ..5ouT~~ TO '"'C:i"'J>~PI-4 ~HP.~"i ~e?zA ~ In It. TOWNbip or In It. HAMUrr of CR\ CluJ Ao/AJ r- ~fl. 't(#lft loi!iil2..l,!> .....P-A7::7 ~. NV'oJ ~ ~ D ..~.. IK>>G:'S S THRU ') MlIST 81, lYPlIDOR PRINTED IN R1.ACK.INK CN.V PRlnR Tn RFC'ORl1INnnR FIT.'INn 'II~.IIIIIIIIIMIIIIII 11111111111 $U&fiI'ULX COONft 1"!T.2R1( JmC:01mS OITXCE RECORDING PAGE TYpe of In.l:.rlmIlIn t ; OIBDS/DOD V>-" of J?a4e1;: :2 ~R TAX NtJMBBR; 02-01464 RaooEded : At;: LIBER: PAGE: 09/19/2002 04:35:20 1M 000012209 991 Dililtrlct: 1.000 Section: Blocll: : 01.5.00 09.00 EXAMIDD AND ~ AS E'OLI..OIf8 $15,284.03 Lot: 001.018 o.lIcI .lIl.liIliOUnt: beet ved. the Fi'ollow1ng ~a Po:!: Above Inat.nm.nt i'~t NO Bandling NO NYS SDRCHG NO EAi-SUTI: NO cart. COpi_ NO SC'l'H NO Comm.Pra. PO__ Paid $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 &5.00 $3>0.00 $62.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $158.00 I.X8IIpt NO NO NO NO NO NO hge/Fil1ng ~ &A-en 'lP-584 RP'I: Tra:n.afe.r t.ax TRMSFaR 'lAX NlJMB&R: 02-07464 THIS PAGE IS APART OF T'HI IlIIS1:'RUIUVI' EdWiU'd P.Romaine County Clerk, Sut'folit COUnty REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3197 1. Property I Location 1005 I_ANty::, STREET NAME c;tVC> f<.(JP~ 0 STREET NUMBER .)~, t,,-, ,-:) 01] CITY OR TOWN VILLAGE ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name Gp.,-z...::z..p, LAST NAME I COMPANY -:L)":::E.P\->. -z.... D"-\~' \K y,-- FIRST NAME \'\"'-' '-'->\ I p., , LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address LAST NAME! COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN ST~TE ZIP CODE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed /1 # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel DEPTH lOR I 'ACRES' ,-, 2 .'1, I (Only if Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided D D D 5. Deed Property Size FRONT FEET Ixl 6. Seller Name GF\Z..--z.F' LAST NAME I COMPANY -." .>~ \0 \--\- FIRST NAME LAST NAME! COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C . Residential Vacant land D Non-Residential Vacant land E~. Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment / Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property located within an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District D D D D 15. Check one or more of these conditions as appUcable to transfer: 11. Sale Contract Date ---7 Month Day ! Year A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) _Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 12. Date of Sale / Transfer Cj II ! I I Day 10;::J. Year Month 13. Full Sale Price , J ,5,2 f: , , . (Full Sale Price is the total_amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dol/ar amount. '7, 0 ,.b I 14. Indicate t~e value ~ personal I I I I I I I 0 , 0 I 0 I property Induded In the sale, , . ~1ilI_ 16. Vear of Assessment Roll from 10 \ () 1-1 17. Total Assessed Value {of all parcels in transfer} I which information taken ' ; 1'+ ;, () 0 , \ 18. Property Class 1'+ , 1 ,II-LJ 19. School District Name I o 'vi JT/",\. I'l '''D I j'( L 20. Tax Map Identifierls) I Rollldentitierls) IIf more than four. attach sheet with additional identifier(s)) ) Q,JO / j S-: :'j i.IF I --- I certify that all of the items of information entered on this form are tme and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I Wlderstand that the making ~~~J'. ~~w.;~~nt of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the penal law relative to the making and riling of false instruments. " " I );/' BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY J;\,J". ,.f'.'.... ,- BUYER SIGNATURE DATE ) III I ( ',,;l. ri"-,) JC LAST NAME FIRST NAME ~ 10 (::,Q:;:' \J if'. ,",.;;;; STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) AREACOOE TELEPHONE NUMBER STREET NUM8ER Gv"0~\""" CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE N'1 /1 [; ~<:'l ; '4 ( SELLER "'~\I- )()- SELLER SIGNATURE JuJ-:' {>i! c.:--,}' <: '""'1 q,Ii-O.;~ DATE