HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12415 P 490 , .- ! l:.i /; ) 1/-" i l I'lL . . JJ OI/j:Jv().~'oll , .-, '., ~-:>. ~ / .~)-{I-).~) CClNII&.T 'RIIa LMWU:......... '11II........ ..n.........,.IHCXI.D. UMDM'''''''_ GNLV , 4" ;rHIS INDENtURE,........ .t'f dlry '" August, 2005 IIE'IWEEN ADAM C. WRONOWSKI residing at 10 Pearl Street. Mystic Connecticut 06355 and JESSICA WRONOWSKI residing at 55 Oakland Drive. Oakdale. Connecticu.t 06370 .' POllY "'ttootnt......nd J&A REAL ESTATE LLC, a Connecticut limited liability company with its principal place of business at 2 Ferry Street. New London, Connecticut polly"'...-...... WITllESIElH, .... ... POllY '" Iho ftnl ...... .. _lion '" .... __ Ind alhot _ .._..lion pold br ... _ '" lIIo ....nd ...... _ hIrIby "m.. _ ond _..... lIIo _ 0111II _ pert..... ""01.' 1n..ncI....oftMpertyolthtMClDl'K'lplrlfcnvw. .-u. that CIIItaIl plot. pIKII 01 puall of IInd. oMh the bulkilng1 and _,..........mot... tharoon enIdId. ...... i'I"lI ond bolng .. ... Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and more particularly described on the attached Schedule A. TOGETHER ..... .1 rWd. .. ... ....... . any, of'" p.rty of thI.. pili In and ID any .... and ro_ .1laIIIlg....- - _..... _.... _ TOOETHER _.. _ ond .a Ihrt ..... and ... 01 tho pM)" tJI tile f'nt: PI'" In Iftd ID Mid ~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD .. ,..".... hlr. IIIIIIIed r.no u. pertr' 01 1M IIeCCIftd ..It. u. ... 01 ........ and luigna of the putr of IhlIIOOftd PlItt tD..\III'. AND tho polly d", IIrIl po., in _ _ _ 13 "'... lion ~. _ _1Ia POllY "'... ... pint WI .... the COl__.IIof. for IhIa ClDIMI)'II'" and w111M111:1 1M ..... 10 ntCllNlM auch ~_Jb" ... bUll: fI&nd to bllppIoctfhl: for'" p.IrpOM oI~" 001I 01 1M ~..,tandMl.PlllVthI...... IIdlIO .. poyrI'Wll 01 the COlt at ... Irrlprcw..- bIfol'O uUw q Plrt fIIlM teal 0111'IO IM'IlII fDr ~ ohr purpoN. The ward -..v w. blI CIOnIIruDd .. III: rwd ......... w.ttGncM:tr IhI .... of tN. IndtntLn 10 -_. IN ""'TlESS WHERIiOF. .... puIy ol .... fhI part hu duly eucuIIId thII cIeod tM .y and )'lNIr flrIt above _n. ~;n~ 8IIndrd NY.D ':'.U FGrm IDlW -Ck*Iun c..t-lJflr'cwmAolflOlMlclgrnllllC ~....~ rorm 2211 - SCHEDULE A ALL that cartain plot., piece or parcel gf land, with the J:>l:llldinqs and improve.ants thereon ereated, sit.uate, lying an4 bainq at. orient, TOWJ1I of Southold, county ot Suffolk and ltb:te ot New York, and being bou~ded and described as follows: BmrNJaNC at a moJIumaDt set. on the !lortherly line of land now or rOrBIerly of George E. Lath_, Jr. and Betsy Lath8lll, at the Bouth_eterly oorner of land now or fo:naer1y of Betey LathiIID and 'the .ou'thwellterly cor~l.r of land !lor or formerly of CEORG:&: B. LATHAM, Jr.; . RtlNN:mG 'l'IIENCE along land conveyed or. to be convayed by 8aid Georqe .E. Latham, Jr. and Batsy Latham to Ceorge E. Lath8lll, Jr. the followin9 two cours_: (1) On the extension sout.herly of the east.erly line of said land hOW or formerly of Betsy La1:hmll, South 27 degree. 45 lllinute. 50 secona East 330.0 fe.t; thence (2) South 48 degrees 08 minut.. 10 second. Bast. 155 feet more or 1esll to ordinary hiqh water mark of Gardiners Bay; THENCE southwe.terly along eaid hiqh water mark 230 feet. t.o land of unknown owner; '!'BENCE along .aid land and alonq land now or formerly of Nathanson North 34 degre.. 23 III1nut... 40 secondS W.st. 569 feR, more or 1__, . THENCE continuing' along said lan4 now or formerly of Nathanson the following three course.: (1) South 62 degree. 01111inut.1I 40 secona West .68.0 feet; (2) North 28 degr.es 14 minutea 10 eecondJI We.t 14.0 f.et; (3) South 61 degreBs 30 minutes 40 .econds Weat 15.5 feet to the easterly terminus o~ Main Road; 'I'BENCE alonq said easterly terminus North 30 degrees 15 minutes o seconds West 16.87 feet to a monument and .land of Lonq %sland Lighting company; THENCE al~g said land of Lonq Ieland Lighting Ca., land of Willig C. Wy.ocki and .aid other land now or forme!:'ly of Betsy LathiUII North 63 degrees ~6 minutes 40 .econds 2a.t.,297.0 feet to~. point or place of BEGrRNrNG. BEING AND rN:rmmED to be ~e same pr8lllises conveyed to the grantor herein by Deed dated Hoveml:ler 9, 1978 and record.d in the Suffolk County Clerk'. Office on Novamber 13, 1978 in Libar 8532; page 31. 1'OG,,-nsJSK WITH all right, title and interut in the Grantor, if any, herein and to Gardiner'lI Bay and ths lands under the waters thereof adjacent.to tbe lialll pr_is8JI, dong with any riparian rights. SUbject to riqhts of others over "traVeled roaa" as shown on attached survey, and IIUbject to any recorded eas_ants allowing others to use said road. , SUBJECT '1'0 and reserving a 20 foot Right of way, for all purpos.., over the northerly .ide of tbe SUbject pr_is.. in ~.vor of pr_is.. immediately to the north, now or ~ormerly of Betsy Lath8111 and now or formerly of William G. Wysocki and another; The northerly side of said . riqht of way being described as follows: BEGIlOIrNG at a monWllllnt at the easterly terminus of Main state Road (Route 25) which corner aarks the intersection of tb. south_terly corner of land of the Long reland Lighting .company where it inter..cts w:U:b the Hain State Road (Route 25). RtDlNIIlC THENCE Harth lli3 deqre.. 46 ..inut.s 40 ..CODU Bast 297.0 feet to a monument now or formerly of Morris. -. ..' 10 ...-'OIrLYWII..,... ~ - . IT........ IN WMYmlK 1lTA1J;: .., 8lIIr Df Now Vork, CUtIlIy d Crthe' dayaf InL...,... bBfO"e m,. \he WIden gned. petIO..." ~ pelWJnlJly 'n:\tIltn lo me or PfOdd to rM an IN t.... ~ NtlllllcIary ewdonc:Ir ID bIIlne IIdNldulkl)..... nalM(l) . (.re)Mblcl'lDedtoU.wdtllnl~.-1d~1o ,.. thlt hItIIMIIMy eHGWld tne WM In h.".,.,.,., cepecllyC...) .nc IhII br tnIhorm. r a.gr:.bnc-J 01'1 U. 11'1IburnarI,:he Irdvidulll(l), orb petIOn I.GOn t.nart DI_!lIllh thllf'IdI~I(.)&dIld 0IftlQ.'*i dw qL"UJMl'II ,. gMlon Indorna. c1lnchr-clu&l t11ll1'lg clu'lowlW;...._...) &abfolNNVortc.Co&.nIy'~ en.... dayaf nu.,... 1:lIfcn,....~perla"...,~rIICI pel'MnIry known 10 ITW DI prowecI :a me on the be.. or u:afllc:l0IY ~ 10 bt the hd......a: tlrt'IDM rwme(a) II 1..)~tlec:tDIte."'nlnlltru:'llll'll.na~1e:IgHI to me IhII htIInMrWy ...1CUMd :r. IIIII'lr 111 ...,...,AhH CI:lKI:)"CIHJ. WIll IbIt br INt1ierIlhe\l 1tlran<11 on IN nt"\mel'lt" the ftIvlC.JIl(I), art.. peraon l.r.:lOI1 blIhd of Whlcn .... .ndrn:IuI1(1) ao:eG, eJDKWIc the 11'IIb\ln'ert. 1..........,..."lCl aft'.. oflnctv-" glOl'glCkno~nQ 1D_U~ONLyw.....1N."- 1.0 -.-aunm.NMW.ICIITATI .....["'''''''~CoI....... Te"'lory,,,,Fao91COL""j" Connecticut 55: New London On~ ~Ij dlycf Auaust in...,..., 2005 ~nw. ttJ. un:ar'9*I =-IKIW"IPPCOIrt'd Adam C. Wronowskl And Jessica WronowslCf - "rmMly known t:t nw III' prCl\Md to rno en Int DIU 01 HtIIfIcIory IIYidInot- :a been. rdIVIdtal(I) WhaM nlma(l) .1 (Irr) ~1:wG lDU.wfItwllnlll1.mlntand.._b..4-.dID"-IhII....,.,twr ..~tIW"""I'I,.,..,It'eIr~).1n:l 1h11 bv ~""'r agnE1n(l) l'r. .. 1"IIruNnI, IhI n:", c~ac-J. OI:h1t pe:IOn upon be'*' 01 which U. nCvIduII(l) 1CMd, OICtc&IIed lhe nlrurr....... 8I'lCI EhllIUCh IndMdlllI,.,.ee I:J:ltIlppura-.:e beI!cn IN Ul'1derwgl"R I"Ilha City of New London ~... or, or.....paIiIIcII wtdv:IiDn) ) _. J QUITCLAIM DEED TlIleNo. 3001-/6 7J597 TO ITMDoUlD .... G11l111Wvo.lC lOUD 011 TlTLI WIIlI_.,.. ""'-.. Firat American rille Insufllnce Company of Naw YOI1c , Ol!l1RICT 47380Z SECTlON 015.00 Ill.OCK 09.00 LOT 003.005 COUNTY OR 'I'OWl Southold STREET ADDRESS 130 Point Road __ el Requutvl FinIt_ 11110 1.._ ConlpMy 01 New YO/lc II .",. -n.oJes 1./:5 e.-oad Sf-+ P. 0.80 ~ JIb,u l-U/don, C ,bl,a;Jo-oo Sg Aim: DI""" Gbier 7 nile Company Information Cu. Nome Flrsl American TIlle Insurance Co. TiI1.11 3001-107597 ~"utTolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUME.1IlT) , _.11 , ~--, . , Number of pages TORRENS Serial II Cenilicate II Prior Ctf. " Dec,d . Mongage In~"UUmcnl 21:= Deed I Mongage Tax Stamp FEES Pagc I Filiing Fee Handling 5 JllL 5 TP-584 Notalion Ei\-52 17 (Counly) -5 ~ Sub TOIIII a1- EA-5217 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A.. Comm, of Ed. 5. ..ll2.... Affidavil Cenilied Copy t9-1 :f' cf/..f~ - Reg, COPl' Sub Total /5 Orand TOlal Ower 4 I Di~1ric:t 1000 Seclion Real Propeny Tax Servic Agency VerifieDliOl 015.00 Block 09.00 LoI 003.005 5 01500 0900 003005 O~S:3;~~05 1000 RcwH A -OCT-'I 61 Sali!~facli~nlDiSChargeslRelease Lisl Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD'" RETURN TO: ' TobIn, CarlK'rry, O'MaDey, RlIe)', Selinger, P.C. 43 Broad Street P.O. Box 58 New London, CT 063Z0.0058 Ann: DIana Glover This page forms pan of Jhe auac:hed RECORDED 200S Oct 19 04:23:41 PM EdUard P.Ro.aine ClERK t;F SUFFOLK COUlnv L 000012415 P 490 DTI 05-11620 Recording I Filing Slamps Mortgage Am!. I. BllSic Tnx 2, Addilional Tnx Sub Total Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. 1'01", MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinlmenl ~ Transfer Tnx ~ , - Mansion Tax The property covered by lhis mOlgagc is or will be improved by a one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page II uf Ibis' Sl nl,- Communit Preservation Fund Consideralion Amounl $ CPFTax Due $ Improved Vacant Land / 9' /0 . TO TO TO made by: Adam C. \VrQnowskl and """sIca WronowlkI The premisis herein is SilulllCd in TO SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In Ihe Thwnship of SODthold In lhc VIu.AGE J&A R...I Estat.. LLC ur HAMLF.:I' of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK ISK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 1111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDI:NG PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt Number . 05-0110021 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-11620 Recorded. At: 10/19/2005 04.23.41 PM LI:BER: PAGE: D00012415 490 District. Section: Block. Lot. 1000 015.00 09.00 003.005 RYa.MINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO &:A-CTY $5.00 NO &:A-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $242.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR. 05-11620 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THB INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County '- PLEASE TYPE OR. PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http://.w-.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUljTY USE ONL V CI. SWI~ . . ~ ~. REAL PftOPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I .~?, '<" !l?9,r I C2. Dn.Deod -.- I.t!?, I {f I <(....>1 C3._ ~,yo /,STcu_1 ,.,..-;r-:.or PROPfRTY INFORMATION STATE OF NEW VOlIIl STATE BOARD OF REAL _RTV SERVIeU RP - 5217 .!'-An....."" 1.1''''_1 130 POINT KlN> "-.... ...... ..... 1TMl.1 NoWIi SOO'l1U.D ORIENT 11971 cnv QlIllOWIf ""..... ..- 2. ..... J & A D~l Estate T,rr N...,. LAlr..,..,t:aIII'Nft' '.'NAIII' LMlNAMr.IC'.DtII'NN FlllSr..,..... .. T.. --..... ruan Tox III~... ID bo - I J & A Real Estate LLC ..... .-....__101_.._. Add..- I.AIT lIME 1_ ~.,., I. ....,... l 1TN!!T_1l oUIDSTl1Ul "UWE. an""...... iTATi' ..- .. IndIInt the nu........ 01 A_ _.t RaIl ....... traneferNd on 1M cIMd 11 'oIPercoI. OR 0 Pal1of.P.n:eI ..DMd r I X I ......... - FIIl)t."TPeT DE"'" ........ L Wronowski NImO LAlI..".,COllIIPANY L I~~ LMI I lOR I agU' 2.4 6 I (Only' Port.. 0 Po_ _ _1Iloy_ u. PIonrUno 8000d _ SabdMol... Aulharity ElOslo 0 .. Sulxlivilion AQprov. WII Roqulrwd for T..... 0 c.. Pllra1 "ppnwod lor SubcIvWan with Map Provided 0 Adam C. ......NMI"t M.~,..a 7. Check the ItIax b.ow wNch most KCUNt.lv ....... tM De of '1M praperty .. 'M time at ..Ia: ..... 08 I il:.Y I 05 v_ ChecII .... bo... billow II thllV'_1r- .. Owmnhip Ty.. .. c:o..m"klm . ~ Communlry Service .. New ConIlruc:lion on Vacant lM1d J Indullri.1 1GA.. Property LOCIlICII wfthln 11'1 AgricullUrll DlIIriGt K Publ~_ 118._-.-........Nldlo:ollno l ForoIC ItW 1M pIapefty " in II'l Agricullu'lI DiIrrict ,.. a.II; _........ of... ........._ _......... to ~ A 8010__",__ B S. BItwaan Raam.d eomp.,. or PMn.. in Bu..... C One of tM Buyen II .Iso . Sell.. D Buyer or Sell.. it Government Agency Of' lIndIng institution E Deed Type noc W.r.....cy or 8lIrgaIn ancI 5DIe CSpadfy Below) r Sale of FnlcdanIii or Leu thin ftI. InlllFIIt (SpIcify BIIowI Q S18n1lic1m Chlnoe ... Proporty BalWOII1 TIXabIo StIIu. Met Sill C.. H _.r_Is_InSaloPrico I 0Ih0w """""'I f..... A_no 8010 _ 'Spodrv BoIowl J llano quit claim o o o o A~ 0.. F..... ..._iol Ii 2 or 3 family Relldential C "-Identlai YKanI Land D _._Iio,_Lond SALE INFORMATION 1 1. "II ContJrMt DatI r: ~ AO""""o' r Co",""rclai G ___ H Errclftlinmenl 'Amwemsnt 12. Date of 811.. I Tr..... 13. full.... ,.,... L, . . , 0 , n I , , . tFuU s.a. Prlce.!hI touI lmounl paid fat ... property including pemonIII ~. This peymsM nwy be In tkI form of cnh. ather prOl*lv or goads, or 1M IllUmplion or moftDIDN or other obI1gdlonLJ ",... round Ia ",.,..,.., who,. dol,.,. oIInOUftt 14. IndicIII th..... DI penoneI I 0 0 I __In...._. '. ,II ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dolo should ",f1l1C\ tho .....1 Finol Ao'O"""'d Roll ond T.. Bill 1.. V... of .a_~___ RoIIIrDm I 0" wNdI WOrmMlon.... . ':!. r 17. TDtIII....... V.... 101.0 pa.... In .......,., I ; ~ 2 6 0 0 , ... ,.. _ c_ I 3. l 3 !-l.ll I" Schoot _ _ I -4'FI'" ~7.3HOr;l zo. T.._IcI_olI RoI_ol C.......U....four._......"'u.__, IDlIlIr- 015.00; 09.00; 003:()OS" --- ..-------- I 'CERTIFICATION ~ . I cwtIfy .... .. '" IIlo I..... ,,_ _ _ ... r..... an .... .... ...... lID tbt bal or my _.... ud bdIoI) _ I .....- ..... .... IIIe mMlnK i'lliii)' ..... ....1IIak....... 1'1.......... ..... hITeln ,,1I1Ubj1d .. 10 .... rnttd... or 1M ..... .... I"eIIIIfto 10 .. ....... .... ... of.... IIIIIInunraIL BT'qfl' . BUYER1I ATTORNEY J & A Real Estate - U : BY: -A&'AAIf)/4_. J'I/ I 8ft}./{/OS Tcbin (. Robert D. ~,~ LAlTNAMt rllSTlIAI4: 2 ""'" NllHaH Ferry Street .INCl.T NAIll WM IM.II 860 447-0335 -.- ,-- New Lorxion arvOll.TOWN c:r I 06320 SJAIL D'I;(,Q. ~. . . - '~ .....:...., 81~f1" NEW YORK STATE COPY ---