HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 313 .) I '! J 1 '1 I rJ L- .-- 1,- tV P33 .' , " 7- J- Q SlIIIIdard N.V.B.T.U. Form 1002.11...... lIIdSllt I>ccd. wilhC_II.....G........ACII UnifomA.k....1c<ftmmt CONSUl. T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENlTHIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS iNDENTURE, made the 13th day of December BETWEEN .2005, JOANNA W. LOMAS and CHARLOTTE JORDAN GREENE, both residing at 500 Staphenson ~08d, Orient, Naw York 11957, DISTRICT 1000 SECTIONparty of the first part, and 017.00 BLOCK 01.00 BEVERLEY L. GREENE, residing at 500 Stephenson Road, Orient, New York 119.~7~=," !' !Ii::::' .~ mo.{.:.tl~'''r.,,:'iE: -. ~ ";' .'.:.:i C'7i .. ; ....:1 _ \"--".~'J.'. ~ ... f"'."___ r-~rli",\.:......:..;. . . r'oAJ 1....' ".. LOT 008.000party of the second part, WITNESSETH, thai the party of the first part, In consideration of ten ($10.00) and other valuable'consideration paid by the party of the second part, doea hereby grant and release unto the party of the second. part, the heirs or successors end assigns of the party of the second part foraver, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon enscted, situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, County of SufIolk and Slate of New York, mOl8 partlculaJ1y bounded and described on Schedule A annaxed hereto and made a part hereof. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the seme premises conveyed to the I!lIrtY Qf th~ first part bv 1leed dated December 13. 2005and recorded In the Suffolk County Clerk's OffICe on ~21I5/05 in Liber 12'll25 at Page _..1JlP TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any streets and reeds abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereot. TOGETHER wijh the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to seid premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or sucx:essors and assigns of the party of the second part foraver. AND the party of h'1e first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whensby the said pnsmises halle been encumbered in any way whateller, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive sUch consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as if ij read 'parties' when ever the sense of this indenture so requinss. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly e cuted this deed the day and year first above wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF ~~~ rIo11e Jordan Green ,. . SCHEDULE A ALL those two certain pieces or p:m;els oflo.nd, with the huildings anQ all other improvements thereon, situated at Orient, in the Town of South old, County of Suffolk and State orNew York, and more panieularly described as (I) Plot 0, shown on a certain map entitled "Survey of the 'Cedars' Pwperty of Mary M. Stephenson at Orient, Suftblk Co., N.Y.," filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July II, 1906 under file number 421, less that segmenl of said Plot 0 which begins at a concrete monument sct at the intersection of the southerly line of a certain private road with the boundary line between Plot 0 and Plot C, lIS shown on said map; runninllthencc along said boundruy line bClween Plots 0 and C, S. 32" 40' 20" W. -1 12.0 feet; thence through said Plot G, two courses, as follows: (I) N. 24' 53' 20" W. -65. I 7 fcetto a concrete monument; thence (2) N. 32. 40' 20" E. .. 58.0 fect to a concrete monumcnt sct on the southerly linc of said private road; thence along said private road, S. 76' 25' 40" E. -58.22 feet 10 the point of beginning; said exccpted portion containing 4,675 square feet.. (2) Beginning at a monument. set at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Kings Highway (old Main Road) with the boundary line bt:tween Plot C and Plot G shown on a certain map entitled "Survey of the 'Cedm~' Property or Mal)' M. Stephenson at Orient, Suffolk Co., N.Y.", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Officc on July I I, 1906, under liIe number 421; running thence along said boundal)'line between l'lots C and G. N. 32' 40' 20" E. -222.83 feet; thence through Plot C, two courses, lIS Ib!lllWS: (I) S. 24' 53' 20" E. .49.68 feet. to a concrete monument; thence (2) S. 44' 44' 10" W. ..200.62 fcet to the point of hell inning. Containing 4,67:! square feel. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to Beverly L. Greene, Joo.nna W. l.omas, and Charlotte Jordan Greene, as Co-Trustees of the Unified Credit Trust u/w/o Orace Beverly Lomas for the benefit of John W. Lomas, as to II ninety-seven (97%) percent interest, and Beverly L. Greene, Joanna W. lomas, and Charlotte Jordan Greene, as Co-EKecutors of the Estate of John W: Lomas. as to a three (3%) percent interest, by Deed dated April 27, 2004, and recorded in the Office of thc Clerk or thc County of Suffolk on May 6. 2004 in libcr 123 I 7 of conveyances at page 7-'F.., ,,-Ib "'d- '2, . S.C.T.M. lOOO-OI7.00-0J.00-008.000 State of New YOlk, County of Suffolk as: On the) 3 day of ..&t.c- . in the year 2005 before me, the undar8lgnad,.BBrsona~ a~ Joanna W. LoIn.. lfM c.lMf'f~ Jor""""t,;~~n~ personally known to me or ptOVlld to me on the basil of satilfactory euidanca to ba the individual whllS8 name II lubacrlbad to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thai she exaaJlad the Ame In her capecity, and that by her signature on the instrument. the Individual. or tha person upon bahaJf of Whi1 individual 8CI8cI. ex_d tha Instrument. (S~:~'j~~~~~edgmanQ MARCIA z. HEFTER NcbIry PulllIc, ... 01 New YarIc No. 112 r-n"u Quallfted In SulfoIk CclunIy CommIssIon ElcpIIIe oluIy a1, llOlIlI Slate of New York, County of Sl: On the day of In tha yeai' before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satilfactory evidence to ba the individull(s) whose nama(s) il (ere) lub8cribad to the within inlllrumenlend acknowledged to me that heIlIh8lth8y exllCllled tha aeme In hlslharAheir capacity(i811), end thlt by hlslharAhair signature(a) on the InsIJUment, the Individllll(I), or the person upon behalf ofwhich thl indivldull(a) 1ICIlld, executed the instrument. (signature end offi~ of individuellaking acknowladgment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS T11l1 No. Joanna W. Lomas and Charlotte Jordan Greene TO Beverley I.. Greene lliIlrilUled by "monwealth COIUIONWI!ALTH I..AND TITU! INSURANel C"oOIIPANY . . Slate of New York, County of Suffolk aa: On tha day of in tha year 2005 bafore me. the undersigned. person Illy appeerad ~h. I_tb. dordan-GNeaa personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name Is . aubecrlbad to the within ill8lrUmenl and acknowledged to me that she exaaJlad the same In her capacity. Ind that by her signllure on the instrument the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individUlI actad, exaaJlad the 1n8IrUment. (signature end office of indiuidllll laking acknowIadgmenl) SECTION . BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAil TO: Marcia Z. Heller. Esq. Esseks, Hefler & Angel, Esqs. 108 East Main Street P. O. Box 279 Rlvemead, NY 11901 REIIEIIVE THIll SPACI! FOR USI! OF _NO OFFICE "ulllber IIf pUl:C:S ~..._..... . C!--' '-~'U L }.J . '/'OIl1l1lNS RECORC>EC' 2005 Dee 1~ 03:01:40 PI1 Edward P.Romai~ CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012426 P 313 Dr. 05-19914 ---~ ~"ri.11I CCflilic.;:llc II Pli'd'CU:1l ~_._---. ("lee.11 M"rlll"lle IlIslnllllelll llee.11 t.l"rtll"IlC Tux Slumll H.:cunlillg I Filing Stallll'S ~ FEES Pilgc: I Filin!; Fe!.: -~- ==1= MlIrlgllgc AmI. 11.lldlillg TI'-5H~ I. llusi" -r"x 2_ 1\lhliliulIUI Tax NulillilU) IU'.T.S.A. -- n~- ~t:2- - ..30 ill SlIlJTuluJ rJ?" SlIb Tulal , 1;A-52 17 (CIIIUI'}') ClUIIIII.lIrEd. -__.____1'")(1- AJli.lavil lL-.__ /l.'crlilic" c0Y~V 5 _ I(Cll. COl'Y ~llC(;JAs:s:il. Il, SIlec./Ad.l. EA-5217 (Slule) TOT. MTll. TAX SlIbTclla1 Hunl Tl'wlI _'___ Dmll C"IIIII)' __ 11c:I&.II(1I ^1'(lllniullIllclll ~ 'Iiansl,-:r T."x ~_,. ~ _ Mallsi"11 Til~ .1111.. IlloJlCny "u\'~r~\1 by III'. lIIurlguglJ IS ur will he ilUllr,lved hy II UlI'; ur 1\\'11 n.llnil) d..cllillgllllly. \'ES ..rNII__ I f NO, S~ UPllnllJrialc.= I;IK cI:m:it: 11I1 pag...: II -- "rlhi. ill.lnllllc:rll~ /e9-/J .oS 6 CUlIlIIlIlI1ilV I'n::s.:n'ulioll 17, 11,1 . - Consi,h:rutinll l\.1I1(HlIlI $ Other / ~~ ----.--- " . _L._~_ G1tA~D'TOTAL -.L.~?- ~ Iteall~, 'I.::ny Tux s..'fvi~c ^gellcy Vcrilical illll - nol... 1.:....li..lI. . Hlllck. _ 1000 01.700 0100 008000 I,~ Slilrnp :~ CI'I' '1'.." nile s nille Iml'cuved --- IlIiliuls VUl..:lIl1ll.illld 7 S"lisrllcti"nsJDisdIU"I:\.;sJl~e"'"scs USI I'rnpcrty Owners Muilillg A.ld..cs: IU~CCllm &: 1~F.TUltN TO: Jt) -.-.----- Marcia Z. Hafter, Eaq. 108 Eaat Main Street P. O. Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901 'I'D 1'1) '1'1) 8 Tille COllllluny Infol"lnulioll Cu, Name T Tille /I Suffolk County Recording & Endorseme~lt Page ~- 'Ihis pnge I\H111S pill10flhc lIllllch",1 _ .!leed ___ (SI'ECI FY TYPE OF INS'lnUMEI-rI":, Illude h)': Joanna W. Lomas and Charlotte Jordan 'Ihe I'n:llli~'S herein is silllUl,:d in SlJFFOI..KCOUNfV, NEW VOIll';'. .__..JiUJ:.lIe TO IlIlhe 'I'llwlllihil' or_._~~~~_hold III Ill<: VILlAGE Ill. J IAM!.ET or Orient ____---Buerrey L~ Greene UOXES 5 T1IRU 9 MUST BE TYI'ED OR I'IUNTED IN III ,t\CK INK ONI. Y I'IUOR TO REO)RDINCi Ol~ FlI JNG, - ,-_. lOVER) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111 111111111I111111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/ODD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number : 05-0131233 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-19934 Recorded: At. 12/19/2005 03:01:40 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012426 313 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Section. 017.00 EXAKINBD AHD $0.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 008.000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/FHing $12.0el NO Hanclling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5. Del NO SA-STA'l'B $75.DD NO TP-584 $5. Del NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.0el NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $157.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-19934 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orps.stete.ny.us or PHONE (51 B) 473-7222 FO.R !=OUNlY USE ONt Y C1. SWlS Cod. I /.J 1/1.. MonUl " C4. 'ege L tt:?r.;: 1 .., .3 ,/, 1l '* REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~ '7- .:J,f;,g f/ I STATE Of NEW YORK STATE BOARD Of IlEAL PROI'ERTY SERVICES C2. Dill. Deed _rdod C3._ PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 ....J.l17.., WI 1'-1 .......n 625 ITRHT MUM_ Stephenson Road S'lIillN.IiMI: 2. Bupr N.... l L Southold Ql'f'0II10W1r1. Orient ....... 11957 ,.""" Greene LASI 'UNl/CClN....." Beverley L. HKSI NAIll: L lAIT NAME I COU"ANY "MT NAIll! 3. T.. Indat. whttw future T'I( Bills ...10 III Ant L Billing if GIber lhen buyer Iddreu 1M boaom ollorml """.... LASr ,.,....'toMNN't nuT..... l ~ET NU.vKJIllHC I'TN'PT UfI'lI' C-1"D11I~N ITAT[ .."""" .'~I Slz. tIIONl....r I X I 'ACN:I 1 .0 COnly . PM '" . ......1 a..cIl .. ,hey oppIy: 4A. Planning BoMi with Subd"'on AuthDfIly EJlIas 0 .... Subcivislon Approw.1 w-. ReQuirICl for TrlMW 0 C._App.....-dlorSulldl__Mop_ 0 4.1ndIc... thl number of ~t Roll pen'" transferred on the dNd lJ . of Parco" OR D P.rt ur . Percel D[P'I'M lOR I o I 8. .... N.... L Lomas LA5rNAllEtC~~" Joanne w. .".,...... l Greene LAS r NMtI i C'C*PM'f' Charlotte Jordan r'IIlITNMlIe }. Check It'l. bo.. below which maa .caur...ay desarll_ 1M.... of ,Iw pra~ II: !h.tl.... ", ...1.: a.dr. the ~ below _1hQ.....,: a Owno....p Typo .. Condaminl.... o o o o A~ One F...... "".....nlial 8 Z or 3 hmlty RftIdontilll C ROlldentl.1 VIlCIrI. Land D Non-"-ldentill VICIni Uind l SALE INFORMATION I 11. S.. Contlm Dale ...... I lloy I v.. I ~ tommunl1y!loN;c" J Induwlal UtA. PropQrry lOCltld wIIhIn . Aorlcutluflll Dilr.rk:l K Public S4rvic. ,.. 8""" rtcttived I dilcUuI'l nobCIlndlClilllllg l Forltll lhlll Iha PIUIIII'ty is ir1 an Agriculu'lll Dlltrld 1S. ChM:k ... ar ~ all ..... ........._ _ ......... lID .....-.r: A Sal. Between Relathlal or r=om. A_I~ II Sale 8elwHn- R....... Camp""" or '-rener. in Bc.In... C 0.... oIlhI B"VI'rl is .110 . Sell., I) 8uyer or Selfeor is Govemrnem Agoncv or lending lnllbutJon I: Deed Type nalI Warr.nty or 81r(JIIln Md SarI (Spaclfy Bal'awI F Sal. of FlKtIaMI or Lne Ihan F_ Interllt ISpecify BekJw) G Significant CNmg. in PrO"", Betwoon lwutbkr SIIIUl .nc1 We 011 H SeI. of Busl,..... Illndudlld In Sakt F'rlce I OIher UnUlu.1 FllClOr. A"oc:t1ng 5810 Price (Specify BelOWI J None .. Haw ConIIluc.1ion on VICIni Land Ii ~ Ag.;cuku." F' Commercial G Apo......., II Enlertainmenl / Amusement 12. DM. of .... / Tr.n..... 12 ...... I 13 I 05 Oar v.., 13. Full s... 'rice , ,.,.0-,0, II I , , . IFull SaI. Price is the lOUIl..-nounl paid far the propenv iocluding personal pto,.rty. ThlllYYmll'll MIIy bel III the form aI cuh. OIhtr praporly elr t,tOOdI. 0' IhI luulJ\P'ion of martgllga 0' achar obliplioneJ PINM round 10 III, nlHlfftl wIIoIfo dr*r MnDUIIL Settlement of estete 14. IndIat. the v..... 01 perMIIIIl I ",:,,0-. 0 I It I prctpIrty Included In .... .. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dote Ihould rotlact th. I_I Flnei Ao....m.nt Rull ond Te. Bill ,... v... vi A.......-n RoIIlrorn I 0 . 4 I n. lobi A..-.d VaIu. tat"l ___..... In 1r..flN'll _1nI.....-....... ....- ; , 1 2 6 0 0, , 1L 'r~rty CJau L2 , 1, 0 I-U IS. S.hoo~ DIolrI.. Nom. I 473802 20. Tax rw.p I*nlIfiIrtsll RoIldlrmlllerlst lit more 1..... 'our, .hKh ..... with 1lddJdo...1 kt.nIIIIIri~1 1000-o17.00-01.00-00B.000 L I I CERTIFICATION I I ar1IIl'lIlIll aD vi "'" ....... d Infunnadun ..._ ... """ rorm.... ,_ om! """" lID IIIc ..... or my "-"dill' .... bolltl'llllld I __ IIlIll ... ......... or..., wIIftIl ... s..lftnllll of ...terIaI fad hereln _II MIbJtd lilt In lbe Dn,,""" Qf Ibt DIIULI II" relalh.. Iu dw ...... and rDIatr: ..I'r.drtw SnIoInll1wnrs. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~J~ L. ell OQ..(.c~1 12/13/05 " IIGNATIIl'I DAU Hefter Marcia Z. .....- .......... He 625 Stepheneon Roed "lIU.I JIAIIIlIAFTP&aLII 631 "JIt[INLl"-'1I NIEACOOl I 369-1700 IILi~NUMIf.II Orient tr.'VOftTtlWIII INY 1'''1i 11957 &>wx HY&!! r:~ ~e.......r_12/13/05 I!"~~ DATI: NEW YORK STATE COpy ". _. -"-'