HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 780 r 'l '''5 t--, ^. tr;. 17-1-)/,10 Jj 5C' ~ II S,ondanl N Y.D.1' u. 1'0"; 8002. n.pin ond SalolJc<:d. with C......., ..., Onll".... Ao" Unirorm Aoknowlodamcld CONSUI.T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING lHlS INSTRUMENlTHIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY ntlS INDENTURE, made the 13th day of December ,2005, BETWEEN BEVERLEY L. GREENE, JOANNA W. LOMAS, and CHARLOTTE JORDAN GREENE, all reSiding at 500 Stephenson Road, Orient. New Yorll11957, as Co-Tustees of the Unified CredilTrust under the \Mil of Grace Beverley Lomas for the benefit of John W. Lomas, as to a Ninety-Seven (97%) percentlnleresl, and BEVERLEY L. DISTRIC13REENE, JOANNA W. LOMAS, and CHARLOTTE JORDAN GREENE, all residing at 500 Stephenson Road, 1000 Orient, New Yor1< 11957, as Co-Executors of the Estate of John W. Lomas, as to a Three (3%) percent interest, SECTION 017.00 __._ ., .. .,."".1, ~ ," .. BLOCK party of the first part, anJlT'EH oS AI:'I;f.j~1 ,'" "(v.' ~.'~ . ..'~.:' ; , . :' " , 01 .00' BEVERLEY L. GREE=;~~~~!~lwJ.o~~ and CHARLOTTE JO~i5AN GREEN E, al;~siding at 500 LOT Stephenson Road, Orient;)New Yor1< 11'957', as tenants in common, w~hout right of survivorship, 011.006 [~i:.:tt.- ,::~a",..~,,,,:J 1..J:~:":.'lh':U 008.000 party c,f the second part WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, In consideration often ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or suooessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, . ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Soulhold, County of Sufoflk and State of NewYor1<, more particularly bounded and described on Schedule A annexed hereto and made II part hereof. !l;:T'l:::'-I.IoIl:::"W.l )I'",Yv.',~ 1.... C'I:~'''' ,a-I. ~.o'; '('!.". I,; .. This oonveyance is given without consideration and as a distribution pursu1.~f~: t~~;~ms'9f the Last \Mil and Testament of John W. Lomas, deceased. t .~,.. ,. ;. '.: ;'" .-' . -; ": BEINe.; AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the firsl part by deed dated April 27 , 2004, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on ""ay 6, 2004, in Liber 12317 at Page 722. , TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER w~ the appurtenanoes and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second parl, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the seid premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AN 0 the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants lhatthe party of the first part will reoeive tile consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same flrstto the paYll1ent of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word .party" shall be constrlued as if il read .partles. when ever the sense of this indenture &0 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. '. UNIFIED CREDIT TRUST UIWIO GRACE BEVERLEY LOMAS FOR THE BENEFIT IF JOHN W. LOMAS IN PRESENCE OF I. ., .. SCHEDULE A PARCEL I: .:" '!. . '.~' .' . . , . . ALL that certain plot, pieee or parcel ofland, with the buildings'and irfipro\;cments thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the Village or Orient. Tuwn of South old, County ofSulTolk and State of New Vork, constituting all right, title and interest, ifany, of the party ufthe lirst part in and to any streets and roads abulling Plot X on a certain map entitled, "Survey of The Cedars". property of Mary H. Stephenson at Orient, Sullolk County, New Vork on the Illh day of July, 1906, as Map No. 421, which said plot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the northeasterly side between monuments 16, 17 and 12, by land now or lormerly belonging to Clarence F. Birdseye, on the southerly side between monuments 12 and 13 by Plot R as shown on said map; on the westerly side between monumenL~ 13 and 14 by Private Road as shown on said map. on the southwesterly side between monuments 14 and 15 by Plot W as shown on said map and on the northwesterly side between monuments 15 and 16 by Plot E as shown on said map. Excepting Iherdrom a 50 x 100 foot piece of Plot X, which pieec was previously deeded to David L. Gillispie as described in Libel' 2846, cp 521. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to Beverly L. Grcene, Joanna W. Lomas, and Charlotte Jordan Greene, as Co-Trustees of the Unified Credit Trust u/w/o Grace Beverly Lomas for the benefit of John W. Lomas, as to a ninety-seven (97%) percent interest, and Beverly L qreene, Joanna W. Lomas. and Charlotte Jordan Grcene, as Co-Executors of the Estate of John W. Lomas, as to II three (3%) percent interest, by Deed dated April 27, 2004, and rc'eorded in the Office of the Ckrk of the County of Silll"olk on May 6, 2004 in Libel' 12317 of conveyances at page 722. S..C.T.M. #1000-017.00-01.00-011.006 PARCEL 1[1: ALL those two certain pieces Ol~ parcels ofland, with thc buildings and all other improvements thereon, situated at Orient, in the Town of South old, County ofSulTolk and State ofNcw Vork, and more panicularly deseribed as (1) Plot G, shown on a certain map entitled "Survcy of the 'Cedars' Propeny of Mary M. Stephenson a\ Orient, Sutl"olk Co., N.V.,"/iIed in the SulTolk County Clerk's Office on July II. 1906 under file number 421, less that segment of said Plot G which begins at a concrete monument set at the intersection of the southerly line ora certain private road with the boundary line between Plot G and Plot C, as shown on said map; running thence along said boundary line between 1)lots G and C, S. 32" 40' 20" W. -112.0 feet; thence through said I'lot G, two courses, a~ follows: (I) N. 24' 53' 20" W. -65.17 feelto a concrete monument; thence (2) N. 32' 40' 20" E. - 58.0 feet to a concrete monument set on the southerly line of said private road; thenec along said private road, S. 76' 25' 40" E. -58.22 leet to the point of beginning; said excepted ponion containing 4,675 square feel. (2) Reginning at a monument set at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Kings Highway {old Main Road) with the boundary line between Plot C and Plot G shown on a certain map entitled "Survey of the 'Cedars' Property of Mary M. Stephenson at Orient, Sullolk Co.. N.V:', filed in the Suffolk County Clerk"s Olliee on July 11. 1906, under file number 421; running . thence along said boundary line between Plots C and G, N. 32' 40' 20" E. -222.83 feet; thence through Plot C, two courses, as follows: (1:~ S. 24' 53' 20" E. -49.68 feet, to a concrete monument; thence .' .~ (2) S. 44' 44' 10" W. -200.62 feel 10 Ihe point of beginning. Containing 4,672 square feel. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE Ihe same premises conveyed 10 Beverly L. Greene, Joanna W, Lomas, and Charlotte Jordan Grcene, as Co- TruSlees oflhe Unified Credit Trust ulwfo Grace Bc:verly Lomas for the benefit of John W. Lomas, as 10 a ninety-seven (97%) percent interest, and Beverly L. Greene, Joanna W. Lomas, and Charlotte Jordan Grcene, as Co-Executors of the Estate or John W. Lomas, as to a three (3%) percent interest, by Deed dated April 27, 2004, and rel:ordcd in the Office of the Cleirl( oflhe County orSutTolk on May 6, 2004 in I.iber 12317 or conveyances at page 722. S,C.T.M. lOOO-017.00-01.00-00:g.000 (~\ ' I , ;t '1 ~!\ ~\ ~~ \ .~\ t' . ~\ t~ :~ ~ '1 ., .~ '~ 'ii \ , \, .-;~. . ;j ',1, '\' t ": JJ !;~ ~ il ,~ " .:.' '~ ''\ '~';. ", ",';' ,~ .~ ";.., ti,1'h. , . '~\ .., .~ "~\ I' ( , . ':1 ~ . \~. ~ ~~t! " ., " '!~~'I ,. ., ,,' ,.- .~ .' ' .' " j' ., " ~ .~~ ~i' " I iJ " .. I ,. .,. !~ State of New YorII, Ceunty ef Suffolk ss: On the 13 day ef MC/. in the~_ 2005 befere me. the undersigned. personallyapptlllred Beverley L Greene pel'llonally known te me lOr proved te me en the basis ef sati.fBClory evidence te be the individual.. whose nam811 Is subscribed te the within instrument and acknowledged te me that sha exacuted the same in her capacity. and lIlat by her signature en the insllumant, the individual. lOr tha pelsen upen behalf of whi individual acted. executed the Instrument, ....~"'dgment) , bile, S_ of NewVlllfc No. 52-6830070 Ouallliedln SulIolk County Cornmi8&ion ExplresJuJy 31, 2008 State ef New Yerk, Ceunty of . Suffolk ss: On the J.a. day af ~ . in the year 2005 before me, the unclerSl\lned, pel'llOnally appeared Charlelt8 Jordan Greene pel'llenally known 10 me lOr proved ta me en the basis of satisfactory evidence te be the individual whese name is subscribed te the within Instrument end acknowledgedte me that she executed the sarne in her cepacity. and that by her signature en the instrument, the individual. lOr the person upon behalf of which I ividual acted. executed the Instrument. MARCIA Z. HEFTER Nof8ry Public, SIII8 of New Yarlc No. 52 !1I3DlI7O Oualified In Suffolk County Commission ElcpII88 July 31, 2008 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH CCIVENANT A.GAINST GRANTOR'S ~.CTS Till. No. Beverley L. Greene, et al. TO Beverlc'y L. Greene, Joanna W. Lomas and Charlone Jordan Greene DiBlrlbuled by "monwealth COIlllONWEAL TH lAND TITLE INSURANCE. 'Co_ANY ... State of New Yerk, Caunty ef Suffelk ss: On the /3 day of Ae-. in the yesr 2005 before me, the undersigned. personally appeared Joanna W. Lom.. pel'llOnally known ta me lOr proved te me on the belis af satisfactory evidence 10 be the individual whese name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the &erne In her capeclty. end that by har signature en the Instrument, the Individual, or the pel'llen upon behalf ef which individual aded, executed the inlllumen\. I taking acknowledgment) MARCIA Z HEFTER I\IcQry Public, S18I8 of NewVClIfc Na.152-683097o r-~~~~ In Suffolk County -'.'- Expj,.. Ju/y 31, 200lI SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request af COMMONWEALTH I.AND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAil TO: Marcia Z, Hefter. Esq. " Esseks, Hefter & Angel, Esqs. 108 East Main Street P. O. Box 279 Rivertlead. NY 11901 RESERve THIS SPACE FaR USE OF RECORDING aFFlCE NUlHhcr I)" p,..~es . ........................--.....-----~........ '.lJ .' . RECORDED 2005 Dee 15 03:24:56 Pl'l Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFO..K COUNTY L 000012425 P 780 DTfI 05-19531 TUlUlt!:NS -.......---.-....--------- S~li&l1 # t:':cltilicutc :i PrilJrCIf. >> .-.............-..-.-........--.-........-...--. ne.d I Murlllug" 11I5II1IIlIelll lked I Mullgage Tux Slump 1(c(;Ulllillg I Filiu&:. Slmup:i :::cc: FEES I'age I Fililll~ Fe" MlIIIW'l:"AlI\l. 11u.llllillg I I. Uusil,; #111:< '1'1'-584 2. .-\..h.Hlillllul Ta" NI.lillioll ::;Ilb rolal "A-52 17 (CIlIIIII}') I<.I'T,::;-^. ~.i~. . .-M SllI:..:.lAs..'iil. I!r Spec,IA.hl. Sub '1'"".1 EA-5217 is,,u!,,) TOT. MTG, T,\ X Sul>T.~1I1 ------ 00;7""""- /7+-((j) Dual TuwlI__ DUll I CIIUIII}' __.__ Tr~I~~~c:i:::,:I"I<>nilll~~:'l V=_n_ Mallsi-\lI '1';'11\ w_. .._ __ n_ Tht: llrtlPCI'I)' c.u\,c:,.~d h}' Ihis IIItll"lgil~": is HI' will he i1uPlovccJ hy lj tlll~ UI" hvu f.lm ily II\\o'dlillgllnly. YES III NO ,._ If Nn, s~&:' illlprupritllc lax dUlIsc on Img.: 1/ f.flhi.. iuslonnen!. CUllllII,url:~. ,_____1 i'I.!L_ "niLlalli, (crlilicLI ('.IIPY Keg. CUllY Olher ClIIAND TOTAl. ~ -' 1000 01700 0100 011006 100,0 01700 0100 008000 6 CUllllnllllil\, I'resc.-vulioll Fund C')11Ri"lcrulioll '^IIIO:;;;_~_--6_ CPF T.." D.." $--e-=-- 11Il1'hIV~d -.--.tL HCi,ll-n1IJL'l"ly 'Iilx SCI'\'ic~ Agency Vc(ilicalil~11 Disl. S"cli... IIlu"k IA.l r-'--.- _.... --- SllIIlIp 1\lle IIIiliids i i Sill isl"u;li""slOischarG~sllleleuses l.ist-I>rtll",rty c),',;-;;c;:Si.1I1ilillii A;I;i,cs IIF.COIUJ &< IIETllRN TO: Marcia Z. Hefter, Eeq. Esseks. Hefter & Angel, 'Esqs. P. O. Box 279 108 East Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Vill',1II1 Lan'" 7 -/LL- Tn TO Tn K Tille ClllIIlllllIY 11I~'''lIIlillll ('0, Nam&: I Till" 1/ Suffolk County Recording; & Endorsement Page 'Il.is I'"!:': lillms IXlrl "r I he, i111'll:hl:\1 De eeL ..__lIIu.ll.:h)': (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTIIUMI:HT) Unifl ed Creel it Trust u/../o of Grace BeverleYll - I ,- - I- .:_ .. ___ __." _______ --_ 0: pn:l1l1,;cs I\:..CIIIIS sllm,h::l 1\1 Lomas and Estat.!'_of Jo!:!!t,~. Lomas SUFFOU';' COUNTY, NEW YOIII-:. TO IlIlhe TIl\\1lshil' IIf_ Sout_~~~~ Beverley L. G,reene t Lomas. Joanna W. Lomas; hlllre VILLAGE Charlotte Joz'dan Greene III' IIAI\-n..ET of Orient BOXES 5 TIUlI) I) MIIST IlE TYI'EDOR l'IUNl'ED IN IIL/\CK INK ONI.Y I'IUOI{ TO RECOIIDING Olt' FlUNG. -_.-----~ IOVERI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DlID Number ()f Pages: 5 Receipt Number : 05-0130278 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-19531 Recorded: At: 12/15/2005 03:24:56 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012425 780 Distric1: : 1000 Section: 017.00 BXAMINED AND $0.00 Block, 01. 00 . CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Lot: 011.006 Deed Amount: Page/F:L1ing COE BA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $15.011 $5.011 $5.011 $5. OIl $50. OIl $0. OIl Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cert.Copies SCTM COIIIIII.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the Following Fees For TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-19531 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Roma1ne County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. SWI!i Cad. PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:J1 www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE ISlal 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~,?, "'?,.f?,'9,rl STAlE OF NEW YORK STAlE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C2. DaY Deed Reconlod it. I j.;J./(r/&/.n ". Month ;ay VOIr II 'I""'tC4.pagoL, ~$?,Ol '"". -CI RP - 5217 0. Book I /'.;1., v..j , . PROPERTY INFORMATION ."41117 lit, JNf I. "'-'" l Im5 ~in ~oad Road LoCIItlan .'.-IT NUMII!Il ;rD eDsOD "RU.I.... l Southold CITVCllllTOWIiI Z. Buyer l Greene, Nomo v.s'""" 'COWAN'( Greene, l Lomas LAS' NAMlI I COMl'M'/' Orient 1 119571 ZlPaJDE: ........ Beverley L. P1R1'!IIAM' Charlotte Jordan Joanna W. I'IIlSTN...... 3. Te. Irlldale wh.. t\lture rell. Bills Ire to be IIInt Billing il OIher than buyer odc!roulll bonorn ollonnl L -- LA!lTNAME ICQMIIAIIIY '1IlST~ l 51N!I!T NUWDtJI-...DSlRI.'" HA.... ern DR TOWN !lTATI! Z1PCODl! 5.:::.rtv 1 BIz. I X r F'IOtl.r..~ ...... IORI ""... 1 . 8. 31 IOnly if Part of . Perall C""'-: .. 1II.,y IIPpIy: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision AuIhority Exilll D ... Subdivision Approve' MI. RlKIUited for Trensler 0 4C. hreel Approved for Subdivision with Mep Provided D t. Inclicdll the number of AHenmlnt Roll ..reef. tr.MIerrecI on the dMcI 2 J . of Peleell OR D P,rl of D Parcel 5. loll., l Nom. LAST NAM[ " COMPANY Unified Credit Trust \l/w/o Grace BeverJ,ey Lomas ......... L Estate of John W. Lomas LAST HAM[ " aJIIPAaW f'UlITNAME l ....... / n/a I 0., Y- OIecII t" box. below .. they 1PPIv': .. OwnMWhip Type is Condonlll'lium I ~ Cammunily Service 9. Now CoNtruction on Yacenl U1ind J InellIllIlel 1OA. Property Lcx:.IZsd within en Agncullure' D11Uk:1 K Public Service '" Buyer ~ e dildo..". notice Indicating I. Forell IhM the property i. in en Agrlcullu'" Ditlrlct 11. a.u. _ 01 mate of __ amdlllans _ .,...uc.bIe to traIWIer: A S,I, BOIwoon RoIGt~ elr Former AoIItlvu II Solo Between R,1uoc:I Companiol or Partnenr; In 8uSIl'Iess C One of 1M BUYI,. I, 1110 , SeDo, D Buyer 0' Seller Is Gcwomment AgerIG., or Lending Institution 1:: Oeod Type not: W.'''ntv Dr Bergaln and Ssla ISpec:ify BelOW) F S,1o of FNClion,1 or Leu therl Foo Intwut (Specify Below) (j S10nifiCllnt Change in Property 80twDan TulllM 81.114 end Salt 01 1-1 Silo 01 Bulin_ illncluded In Sule Price I Other UnusuII FDClora Affeding S,. Pnm CSpacify B.IICJll1ll') J None D D D D 7. Check the boa beklw wtllch molt IlCCUre'ely dMcriba the u.. of the pI'OIMIty .. th.,m. of ..Ie: A ~ One Femllv "-aid.nli,1 B 2 0lI' 3 Family Rel;identiai C RllIidenci.. VeClnlllnd D Non-ReSidanlial Yecanll111nd I SALE INFORMATION . 11. Sal. Conllract Date Ii ~ Agncuku,,,1 f Commarciel G Apaltmllnli H Enmrtalnntanl' Amusemenl 12. D... of Sal" Tran"'r 12 ....... / 13 Dor /05 y.., 13. Full Sal, Plica , . -ll- , , II . II I , , . (Fun Sala Price is lhe I0Il1 ernount paid for the property inclUding poria'" propany. Thi. paylTlllnl may be II'l the form 01 ash. OIhlf property or Pcb. or the euumptlon 01 mortpge. ar other obllg:Dlions.) ".",. rountllO rile n,.,." whdtl do"" ","ount. L 14.IftdIcM:.the..elueaf~_ I .,:,0-, 10.0 I property induclld In the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dot. Ihould ..Old dlo 1_ Fino! Ao....m.n. Roll and Tn Bill 1&. Y'U' '" ~mMIt Ron from I 0,4 which Information ...nn 692 L71n 17. TotaIllbuued Valuelof ell puce.. in tr......,1 ; ; 1 270 ; o 18. Propwty lei.. I-U laScho.,IIlhtri.._ I 473802 20. T,. M.p IdMdHler(a) f RoIIIdmtif_11) II maN than tfOllr. enlch.tIed with addltlonalldtntil'iIl(lJl 1000-017.00-01.00-011.006 1000-017.00-01.00-008.000 I I CERTIFICATION I cenif,. IbMI. all oll'" ikm5 Gf' IDInl'lllllliua II!nlfnod on Ilhil FornJ aft I".. and l'UmP\t cte dJc .,. ~ my IuIu1tk'CI~ and beIhd) and I u~ dlDllbr n....i.. f ",WM ..... nwnl DI' 11IIItrrtal r8d henin .11 MIbJtd __ to the DmYboiPm or.... 1Il"U11ew ftIIdJ". lu tt.. ....kI... ad DIiD& PI''''''' bIliIruml!'lU. BUYER 1:1/13/05 BUYEIl1lATTORNEY ~.l:!/13/05 12/13/05 Hefter Msrcia Z. D4T'1! lAST MM[ 'NT"""; 500 Stephe~son Road UIlU.,NIJllHiR STIlUI NAMaIAl'nllPUI 631 369-1700 .... """ n,~I'ttONfM.lMll!R Orient NY 11957 ~''''''' 1Z /13/05 Z /13/05 1"2/13/05 NEW YORK STATE COpy . TUNI .."