HomeMy WebLinkAboutMud Creek 1980Telephone 51G - 7G5-3783 May 20, 1976 Carl Eisenschmeid, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer Division of Waterways Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works Yaphank, N.Y. 11980 Dear Mr. Eisenschmeid: Please be advised that your applications for maintenance dredging for creeks in the Town of Southold were approved at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Trustees held on May 17, 1976. Enclosed herewith, please find a permit, together with a covering letter for each project. In the suggestions offered with the enclosed permits, we realize the difficulties involved in obtaining permits from all the various agencies. However, we feel if these changes can be made without undue delay or expense, it would be much more beneficial to the areas and we believe more acceptable to the residents of the various areas. Perhaps in future applications for dredging, if you could let us know before any surveying is undertaken on these mainten- ance projects with regard to disposal areas, we could be of assistance in determining a more lasting result by having the spoil placed in the most favorable location. In all cases, the further removed from the dredged area, the better, in our opinion. Any assistance you may require will be cheerfully given. Very truly yours, Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairmen Board of Southold Town Trustees ABG/bn cc:file r111Y:1. ~ a ~~~F F UL Telephone S1G - 7G5-3783 ,"O. 1971 May 20, 1976 Carl Eisenschmeid, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer Division of Waterways Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works Yaphank, N.Y. 11980 Dear Mr. Eisenschmeid: Regarding the proposed maintenance dredging project at Entrance to Mud Creek, Town of Southold, please be advised that this application was approve at our meeting of May 17, 19'76, permit attached hereto. However, it appears that it would be much more desirable and much more beneficial to all concerned in this particular project if the disposal area were shifted to the southeasterly portion of the shoreline shown on the map where much .erosion and loss of beach nourishment has occured. The area indicated as disposal area would soon be washed back to the entrance unless much further removed from the project. Very truly yours, C~~~2 Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees ABG/bn cc:file Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO...'!.13~..~.......... DATE: May....17.,....~.9.76 ISSUED TO Suffolk._C.oun,ty...A.epaz~twent of ..Pub3.a.c....Works ,~uflinri~tt#inrt Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held onMay....17_.,....... 19_..7.6.., and in consideration of the sum of $...x1o...fee. paid by ,,.. _.Suffolk..C.ounty...Dept. of. ]?ubl~,'c_Works ... Division of Wate~~yyayys of .Yaphank,....N..Y..........1.'19F3Q ...... N. Y and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Maintenance dredging at fhtrance to Mud Creek, Cutchogue, Town of Southold. all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Th by causes its Corpora+e Seal to be be subscribed by a majority of the 5~FF0(K ..... o\~ c~Gy ~ s ~ e said Board of Trustees hsre- affixed, and these presents to said B~oard,~/as of t Isis--da-tie. ~ -~ N T O • ~ . ' '~ TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permittee residing at N. Y., ss part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand aced presctr'be to the fol- lowing: 1. That the said Board of Trtstees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages, or claims for damages, of suiu arising directly of indirectly as a result of any oper- ation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittce will, at his of hu own etcpwsq defend ~y and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes full liability with to ,ect thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board Of Trustees of the Town of Southold 2. That this Permit is valid for a period of mos. which is considered to be the estimated time required ro complete the work involved, but should tirtvmstances warrant, request for an extension may be made to rite Board at a later date. 3. Titat this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes ro maintain the strucnue or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that anth- orization was originally obtained. + 4. That .the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board of its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating applicatioq may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Boazd. 5. That there will be no tnreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein aud~orized. 6. That [here shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the Seach between high and low water marks. That if futwe operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the work shall tause unreasonable obstrumon to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without ezpenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittce of the completion of the work anth- orized. 9. That the Pezmittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be requited sup- plemental to this permit which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. '' PEi~v~y~ ~~,_ has been i ued t®: ~ }~ ~ m ~~~N~ ®j under the Environ~nenta~ ~onsereoati ~x~~, Article 25, Title 2 ~Tida~ ~e~~a~ ds~ ~'u~z.-- m~ -- ermit /administrator New York State Department of Environmental Conservation WR-93 Dat lss~aed xp~ration ®a; c ett 9za-sett COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, P.E., L.S., COMMI3310NER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, 11990 BARNEY A. EVAN3, P.E., L.S. CNIlF DlPUTY COM MISSIONtR WILLIAM 3. MAT$UNAYE, JR,'P.E., L.S. CNItF tN 61Ntt R November 10, 1976 Town Qlerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Mrs. Elizabeth Neville Dear Mrs. Boken: Re: Your telecon request of 11/04/76 - Mud-Creek Southold, New York Please find enclosed, the material you requested. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, ~~ C. EISENSCHMIED, P,E. Principal Civil Engineer Division of Waterways CE:vg Encl. (1) copy D.E.C. Permit (2) Mud Creek maps Dated 1976 BOARD OF'TOWN TRUSTEES 'D'OWN OF SOUTHOLD SI3FPOLK COUNTY '; Telephone ~, ,.:~ ~ r ~ '~ L 51G - 7653753 C.~~',r,,~( c-s ~~`' Southold `4~ L ~N~`~''~~i1971 November 22, 1976 Paul Stoutenburgh Bay Avenue Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 Dear Mr. Stoutenburgh: After numerous N.Y.S. Dept. of County Dept. of recent dredging an extension of issued in 1974. telephone and mail inquiries to both the Environmental Conservation and the Suffolk Public Works, I have confirmed that the at Mud Creek, Cutchogue was covered under the original permit no. TW-15271-0051 WQ I am enclosing a copy of the extension letter, the original permit and application, notice of hearing, and map which was sent to me by the N.Y.S. DEC. If you have any further questions, please call me at 765-3783. Yours truly, {/~ ~~ Betty Nevill~ecretary Board of Southold Town Trustees cc:file Enc./ i STATE `)"' i\~"+? YCRiC DEPARTI~CiT OF E?'P;::i',v'iiMrr`.~"i'AL COP?SERVkTIOcI In the Nader cf the Petition of SufFolk County Department of Public '!orks Petition Pip. Ir,,.. 15??1 - 0051 (for To+•`n of Southold) Pt,BLIC ??ARIPiG P?OTICE Pvotice _ hereby given that, pursuant to Title 2 (Tidal hetl^r.ds) and. I~"ti.ci~ 25 of t!:c I~~~ivironieental Conse~-vatinn Laor and 'she :2u1c.~ end Regula- tions for Issuance of Permits under said La{: (5 P?YC~'2, Part G~.^^,), t!:e Depart^ t of ~ -on;: tai Cor ervyt:.on *y'i11 cause a public hc4ring to be held iri n'- (1 - ~~ !' Of t41 /' I'eD~rt "en :~~ RUlldlna "'a`{, JtdtP ~~nl VerSl t`J Oi ^'~l,r YorL, gtonv isroo'~, Suffolf, ";el`! York 117c'~ 1st October ,~ i4 7_'00 afternc;n en the da,y- of ~~ , at in the of tact day for the purpose of: a~ 'reerin~ all persons, cor_orations er civil divisions of the ., .,cce of ;`'e*.a Yori: t'rst may. be affected by the executior. of the plans of : Suffol'~< County Dent. of °u61 i c t~'orks Yaehank Avenue Yap~~~anl:, P;e~•, York 119°;~ The project sib is located in various Inlets (Dam P;;r:, Maid Creek; !'Ol dSITi,+~ ; { tl o rt,f9fi'k, eeD F!G"'. n Creek , .!?`dgl:'S !~0 i r' , ~{AP1eS (;NPek, and a~rushes Crnekl uil {rithin the To~.•m of Southold, SuffiolP. County, ?!e{~; 1'crk. T!le Det'1 t10ner 0Y'ODOSeS tO m31"nt2il?nCe dredge the ?~7OVe nar•:,eS Sites dud Cl ect" the inlets as an. aid to navigation, apprex?mately 500 - lnnn cu. yds. v+ill 0O removed at etch site and the dredged material placed on the adiacer.t upland. pler.s for erhica have been filed {rith the Tidal ?etia no-s Pe=-:it A~;ert. .-epartr.:ent of ~nviror_-nental Conservation, a-.d _.re new in his office in Stony Brook, ?;~`:: York ~ {.mere t'ae same are open fo.r nub'iic inspection; and. ('~; deterzininE whether said rlars provide for the pr:,per and safe construction of all wor!. connec'ced thercerzti7, end. ei.,ei,her execu- tion cf the proposal {could. adversely ai'fect the heelth, safety ans. `.;eifar~` or' the people of the State or the n~tu_ral resources of `P:e Sc~-te. The pe'ait~ioner furt'rer requests tact t'ae project be certifie;~ t:aet t"ere is a reasonable assurance that such activity will be condnctec in such ' a marrer as not to violate applicable crater qualit;/ starda.rds, pursuant to Section 1101 (a)(1) of P. L. 92-j00. All persons, corporations or civil divisions of the State of =ie{r Yerk, ;rho ha :`e ob.ections to ~~•:e execution of szid plans or ~~_sh t, be ~.e<:rd eitaer in ill'rJr Of or opposed- to Such plans, in order to be hesrd thereor. Il:4St "___° a nCi.lCe of appearance Of SUCK d.e Slre t0 b2 heard. ir. FrT'1 tl^{;, and ;.c duplicate, specifying; the precise ;;rounds of support of cr opposition to the p-station with the Tidal ~Ietlards ermit Ac~ministrater r in the County of Suf i o k ~ ie~r York, on or before the 25t!~ day of Santa.^,~_r , 170 _ilirq for this purpose shall require actual receip , ir. the offic.. of the Tidal `,~etland ?er*.it -_.._n is _ r,o ° ,.rr ,. ;!otic^ of ~,rnenrances are filed, the hearing mini be ~anceil-_d. ' - ~ Dcbed: 77 Aunust 1"74 i`ie{a York L~c<~I ~.~3a1L`„~~,~~^nd PermiC A:.r.~imatrator _:evr ', .,. ,.~. _ : Dee^rtment of bhvirenmer_tal Conservation Stony '`=corgi; _''ew `Fork 1'~?90 T'r?-ic-Fa N1,ad YORE STAT6 DEPAkT24;NT OF ENVll:ON*?E~TA*., CONS ERVAI'lON ' PLR MIT UNllEit ARTICLE 25, TITLE _ (TIDAL !:' .LANDS) OF THE EVVIRON'~1ES'lAL CONSERVATION L<A>] :1PPLICA NT PE'R ^111 VO ,~;~~ nn~.~ n;i ~;-,a pii i. n... ~,r nqn ca ~'r-n' V rnir_.. rnpnr>.r n;-~ nC p;;el j(` .Ur\n V~ APPLIC:,:\T'S ADDR LSS APPLICdAT IS iIEREf;Y PERMITTED T0: - - _ -_~'a~•~t nnanrn ~i r,~dnny r111'l eln tV~,~ !"i^.n f'.nC ^'.1? ~i^..i li.,'.. !l rfi ~;Y":a;S 1T1. hl~p "~'n•,; ;p of ': n~!t hn~,;. npi~^ilPC ,,^p~r, j. E it?'2 n!~,^~>'r~ r!I ICi '^P• n~. fRi~ ~ :1 Pln ~'/v !'!~t Cln ~G~o _ __- Ila y,6nr~ i;, r•~nc ^rn ,l• ^n- Vn'io ^1^Pf [' ~iy $r^,1f S1S Tai^'~ rl:i(~ pR.!TI p0^r(. ~. l!'.~Pk -- __ n n ~; 'h: i i rI ,.1 Ti_'an r;. nliin °iiF p.-.l ±t n;! tr !'. C n p. LOCATION ~ TOWN, COUNTY SECTION OF TiD?.L lJET1.AND TO iv'!{iCH 'Lt'.IS PERMIT APPLIES c„, ,1.,,.,n NOTE: (a) This permit does not relieve the Appli. rant of responsibi Li ty for damages to riparian owners or others. (b) 7f tire stnlcCUra or work herein authorized is not coc.pletod on or beiure ^~ ?^ 19 ~- or upon the completio^ of the inventory of tidal wetlands for this area pursuant to Article 35 of the Environmental Conservation Law, whichever ~.>ccurs first this permit, if not specifically extended, shall cease and be null and void. ~mnTTi nv~ 1. The permitted work shall be subject to inspection by an authorized representative the Department of Environmental Cooserva- ~`:'^ ~~:!::~ :nay order the work suspended if the ~..'u!:< intcrc~t so requires. ~. The Applicant shall file in the office of the Local Tidal Wetlands Permit :administrator a notice of intention to commence work at least ~ days in advance of the time of commencement and shall also notify him promptly in writing of the completion of the work. 3. As a condition of the issuance of this permit, the Applicant has accepted expressly, by the execution of the petition, the fu 11 legal responsibility for all damages, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whomever suffered, arising out of C~a project described herein and has agreed to indemnify and save harmless tho State from suits, actions, damages and costs of. every name and description resulting from the said pro- ject. ' 4. Any material to be dredged under this proposal shall be rea:oved evenly without leaving urge refuse piles, ridges or deep holes across the bed of the tidal wetland. 5. Any material to be placed ns ;ill either in the waters of the State or on shore above the high-water mark, shall '.. contained by a suitable bulkhon.l _. . structure to prevent anv ero s,r fill back into the waters of t,~.. 6. There shall b~' no un reason:,bir interference with navieation by the work herein authorized. 7. The Department reserves the right to reconsider this approval at anv time and after due ^otice and hearing t:~ con- tinue, rescind or modify this permit in such a manner as may be found to be just and ecuitable. IC upon the expiration or revocation oC this permit, the modlCication oC the Cida1 wetland I~creby authorized has not been completed, tiro Applicant. shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and insuchtimc and manner ^s the Department of Environuiontal Consc rvation may~require,remove all or any portion of Cheuncompleted st.^~cure or fill :;nd restore the site to itsformer cuncii[inn. No claim shall be made against the State ~~!. New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 8.° The Stale oL New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the wort: herein authorised which may be caused by or resu it Irom future operations undertaken by the State fir any purpose, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue Irom any such damage. 9. If the display of lights and signals on „ny work hereby authorized is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as :ray be prescribed by the United States Coasc Guard small be installed and maintained by and ac the expense of the applicant. 10. All work carried out under this permit shall be performed in accordance with established engineering practiras and in a workmanlike manner. 11. This permit shall not be consCrued as conveying to the Applicant any right to trespass upon the L:mds of others to perform the permitted w. rk or as uuCh.iiiz- ing the impairment o~ any right, title ur interesC in real or personal property hold or vested in e person not a party to the permit. 12. Nothing in this permit shall Ix~ deemed to affect the responsibility of the Applicant to comply with any applicabtc Pules and Regulations of the L'. S. Arn~ry Corps of Engineers or any other govern- mental agency having jurisdiction. ADDITI0IAL CONDITIOSS: 1~. ^am onnd - f'r~dnina should occur from snut!i si~1:~ of hridnn (poute 75) to Point ,lust brirnn: formnr Mallard dam, thence in a southa,~^st dirCCtion. Flats to east should not be ~'isturhad 14. Spoil to he placed on beach to west. ~redc7inq to a maxi~um of 5' bnloar~'Li!. 14. ^oldsmi*,h Inlr+.. - ^rAdninn as rieaded only to alleviate stacrnant con iitions. S?o~l to be n a€ed nn h?ach to past of inlet. ('refine to maximum Of !;' hPlo~•! "L'• 15, nnen ante Cr~~eU- ^redainn of mouth only, Sroil t.r, bn depositnd on hnach ±0 51eSt. 1F, ,yam^s Cree~•-''~rednino of mouth only. Snnil is to he deposited or, bead? to east. 1~ ^rushAs rrne!~ - ^redainn of mouth only, Spoil is to he denosi±ed en beach to west. 1". ti't=tie !'rent - ^redoinn of rtcr!`h only. Spoil may bn deposited to east and/or ~•res± of cm ek moo*h es necessary. 1^. "ud ^rnnk- rredninn is to h~~ done w!inrn "ud nr?e!~, Fast freeM and !'aya,ater love enter rote, nnue Nar~,nr. Spoil is to F„~ r~enns~ted To gyres*. of mouth. 'n. ^redeinn in all instanr_as is to he e maxir,um of l;nn cu. yds. ~1. ^n~licant ahall ha lid?,le fcr any damac!e to ad.laC~'nt ':latCrwav rnsul*.inrr from ar.y phase of ±he oermirted construction. The Applicant in accepting this permit signified his agreement to ^bide by the condi[ions set forth above. . APPLICATION DATE ENPIRATION llA1'E ~t'lih"I'I' ISSUED ^,/0/74 it ^/~n17ti ~' In/274 BY (PERMIT AD?IiNISTRATOR NAiE ANll ADDRESS c.A-8 (3/74) • V±~~ r rl°r;.Tle;; For, ao1;ATrn;IUr: rE::raT FOR AL'LEGA1'IO\ Ol' 'LriE STATE OF T11)Al, WETTdI?a OR ADJACENT Ar;Et+S , -- -- - ----1'l~:au t~ "r r~ri:+t cL:arl~' in i I::r;ul in;.tnicril+n:; ,+clu+: oc;:o:c c~~e,;ll,~i;.s; t.iii.:: p~titun:. h. N:1?lE AAU ADllRL"SS OF PE1'ITIO\L•'h Tele ~'ione Number First Nnme M.I. Last^N:+mM I l' 1G-92d-451 Rt1f101 n ~~+• - -- - Screet Address Yaohank Avenue State Zip Code Post Office 11980 NAD1E AND ADDRESS OF OW:;ER (If different from Petitioner) First Name Pi.I. Last Name >,lhorr Martocchia - Supcrvi~or -Town o` Southold Street Address 1 c c,.~.,-l. cfrnE+t, Post Uffice Greenport AGF,NCY SDI;*aTTZNG PETITION State IvY Zip Code 11944 VLOCATION OF TIllAL 1rc.TLAND OR AllJACi;\T AREA 1Sody of Water ITocan as per attached map Southold Locate by giving distDatt Pond,rMUd Creek,aGOl m or body of water: Dce Bole Creek, :widows IIOle, James Creek. ~~4 " Length of 7•Iorlc Section I6. Specific Location ~7. Mouth oP Crceka as per attached maps) Type of Work (Examples: dredging, filling, etc. 9 Removr,l of ::`teals in tho mouth of various creeks in the Town of Southold by land based cranes. 0 (County _ Suti:°olk accepted and identifiable landmark h inlet, Little Creek, t•1 ~r rrf (~. Ln~~ ~) . Wi11 Project Utilize State o~.ned Lang Yes No X ERTEI2T OF lJORI (Feet of neg. channel; yards of material to be removed, dredged, fil.l.ed, etc.) .500 - 1,000 c~:bic yards per cr2~k. Aid to Navigation - - 11. Prnposetl Starting llaCC I72. Appruv.im:tte CumpLetiun ll.~Cc 1974 1974 1~. NA:!li Ai•;D ADDRESS O1•' T4:0 OFFICIAL NL~::SYA1'EL'S OF I,UCALIY 6'[UiltL•' Pit0P0;;L:D 4JORl:S ARIi LOC.1'1'ED Newsday and Long Island Press. _ ~~r;~_ unlT 1 of 2 ... c~RT~ 1~:c:•,~:• 10>; ;14. .~ti.tion, is hzreby made to the ~e:a York S[a[e Department of Environmental Conservation nc,:s:.-nt to Se,tion 3:i-07.02 of. tiu n':iron:-anal Conservntion Lac!. The Petitioner certifies that the above statements are true and agrees that the issuancu of the permit is based on the accu='acy thereof. As a condition to t11e issuance of a permit, the petitioner accepts full legal responsibility for all damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by c:homever suffered, arising out of the project. described herein and agrees to indemnity and save Harmless the State from suits, actions, da,:.aoes and costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. / , ~. ., /, ~ '/ ~ ~ C / Date ~ Signature l~ -? , . :-~. h INSTRUCTIONS 1. Prepare and submit this petition in TRIPLICATE. Use typecoriter or print clearly in ink. 2. Submit with the petition three copies of a drawing showing location and extent of. work to be done. r 3. Petitions by counties, cities, tocros and villages shall be signed by the chief er:ecutive officer thereof or the head of the department or agency undertaking the project. 4. The petitioner must twice publish a "iVotice of Petition" as provided by the Local 'Tidal Sdetland Permit Administrator. 5. If other than owc:er mab:es petition, written consent of the owner must accompany petition. - - 6. :lcceptance of a permit subjects permitte2 to restrictions, regulations or oSligat:ions stated in petition and permit. r ,^,r ~, , ~. ~• R, 2 of 2 . . DI6 [24Jg91 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERE R, P.E., L.S., COMMISSIONER YAPNANK, NEW YORK, 1 f 980 BARNEY A. EVAN3, P.E., L.S. GNI[F D[IUTY COMMISl10 N[R Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Southold Town Trustees Main Street Southold, New York 11971 WILLIAM 3. MATSUNAYE, JR, P.E., L.3. C NI[F [N 6iN C[R April 16, 1976 Re: Proposed Maintenance Dredging at the Entrance 'to Mud Creek Town of Southold Dear Mr. Goldsmith: Please find enclosed, a permit application along with preliminary drawings for the above captioned project. Very truly yours, CE:vg Encl. C. EISENSCHMIED, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer Division of Waterways cc: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia MUD CREEK A/4 -Rev. 8/72 BOARD Oh TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION TO DREDGE and or FILL 1. Does this project involve the use of WETLANDS as defined in the Southold Town Ordinance in Wetlands? YES or NO. If it does, your application must be filed through the Town Clerk,'s Office. NO 2. Applicant's name and address: Suffolk County,,,Department of Public Works,i. ..... ................................. ...... R. M. Katt¢nerer Commissioner ................................ r....................................................................................................................... 3. Contractor's name and address: .,S,uffolk,,,~ounty,,,~epartment of„public„Works; ...... Waterwaxs Divisionr„.Yakhank Avenues„.Yakhank, New York 11980 ............ ........ ............ ....................................................... 4. Explain briefly the purpose of this application:..Remove„shoal„condition at„the ...... ........... .. . entrance to Mud Creek ..... ............................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5. After issuance of Permit, I expect to: (mark with an X) (o) Commence work - AT ONCE ............: ASAP .... X....; UNKNOWN TIME ............. (b) Complete work in - 1 DAY ............: 1 MO..... X.....; 1 YR.............; FUTURE ............. 6. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate as closely as possible the location of this work. On the reverse side of this map, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show the Ordinary High Water Mark and the size and shape of the structure or work. All dimensions offshore of the O. H. W. M. should also be shown and include any free standing pilings which will remain at completion. 7. Provide the following documents: (o) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. 8. Has any previous application for this work been denied by any other local government agency? YES or NO. If it has been, name the agency. ...,...r?° ............................................................... Dote of denial ........................................ 9. If dredging is contemplated, give your estimate of the following. (o) Average depth of water at M. L. W.where dredging . ....................3.......................... ft. (b) Maximum depth of dredging below the bottom . ........................., 6............................... ft. (c) Maximum length of dredged area .............................300 ± ,,,,,,, ft. ............................. (d) Maximum width of dredged area .....................100,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.._....,...,......,,.., ft. (e) Moximum amount of material to be dredged ........., 1, 500 t c yds. ............. 10. If filling is expected, give your estimate of the following: (a) Maximum amount of material required ..................................................................... c. yds. (b) Explain how fill will be obtained and where it will bg placed. .................................................................................................................................................................. 11. In requesting approval of this application, I submi'r that: I am the person accountable for the performance of the work in accord with the plans and specifications attached hereto; I have read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Con 'tions of the Permit. L. S....~v- ::4 :~ ................... Accepted by: Dated: ~ ~~ ! ~/ ~ ~ `~ ~~, .fir... --.•-_ _ ~. __ ___ __ ,. .' ~ - ~ ___. ... .. .~ t- i Y./ A "~, fX/S7/Nd AKIiV ~O se S ~ ~ F lU,~i.K6 O,~/LY°f0 o. o. ,I1L.N! ^ ~~~~~.~~,~ ;°. t~V ~vs~ w ~~` ~' ;::~.. L/A.P/AOL~ ' / TY/°YC/ri l .lfCT/OA/ .vei m ~c,~t EAST °~ CvTC.~Gr~ _ o /aw' 1~~ sc~ue i~v Fttr err a ^ , 7.ve-c.~ irtaN,yw.vo. a :;:~ L/TTLf PE~Q4/ ., ear M~ ~_ ~s~ F.~ ~~~I~` . i ~ ~ ,~ ~~ it _, .6f1T~C .S/~o`6 RAr4e' " tv ^ nvrfv F,~oni u. ~ c A H G.S. tvvrr ~ T- ?070 ' P,~Y7f~'JS,EO .NA/.t/Tfi!/FlNCE ,-- -~ O~PEDG/NG /,v ~, MOGVC .4G~eG~GaP ," CUTC//OGUE /1F/,F'BD,? }~_ `' ~ TO/YN OS" SGY/Tf/OLD "~,_,~ i~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OD!/NTY Of 3'Uf%'OL.t; .STATE ~f.t/-Y- (/~, :~' ~' __. RP /CAT/ON Gy C'OUN1Y av,f!/ffOL ~°° - A, 9r~wr~, ~ /-/1- 4 .P..N. ~('.O.H.~C.Pf.C - co.N.~.SJ/O,vf.~ DEPT. PUBL/C s~O.PXS- 1'.s'P/,~iff.Gk' N !~ ! /~ ~l ~,; ~~. Y~- ~bf~~ ~ 9 ~. l E -- -_..._.. _f 1.0 ~ ~ ~ 7.3 ~ ; Z.3 ~ '"~~''` 5 6.5 9.3 4.7 d.1 8.8 ~~ ~~ ,~ x ~ _ _~ ~,~~ ... .~ q 9 ~ 'r . d. d ,~~ ~ ~ f3.~ ~ z 5 ~~ 8 T f3,0 fZ.6 ~ _. ~ -' Vii/ x.3.7 , .., ~ ' _ F . ~~ ' .~ vi.. / ~~' O . M IM SC.4Lf /.(/ i'EET V O ` ~ 'V 2.4 7.¢ d.2 8.8 dqq. 5. U.~ 8.6 /. Z ~* yyV~~- F! `V ~~ ~, r'L ~- ;~5 ~. ~` is +: 'V ^W~ 1 V .~' 0~ ~~ ~.~ 0~ Q~ ~~ 0 (~-1 ~ O Q~ O ~O ^` ~. W ''; ~,' ., '~ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ;01VOlf Road, Albany, New York 12233 September 16, 1976. - .• - W t~) Suffolk County Department of .Public Works Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, NY 11980 Attn: C. Eisenschmied Division of Waterways Gentlemen: `~ _.. .. .. .. ...: .... l.l.?~, Ifs X~,tht" 34}gi?Yri{XXXX Cammiss loner Peter A.A. Berle RE: Permit No. TW-15271-0051 WQ Extension of Permit In accordance with your letter of September 9, 1976, the expiration date of the above permit is hereby extended to December 31, 1977. This letter is an amendment to the original permit, and as such, should be attached thereto. All other conditions shall remain as originally written in the permit. If the structure or work authorized is not completed on or before the new expiration date, or upon the completion of the inventory of tidal wetlands for this area pursuant to Article 25 of the Environ- mental Conservation Law, whichever occurs first, this permit, if "not specifically extended, shall cease and be null and void. Very truly yours, ~~~ Louis M. Concra, Jr. Central Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator nc: D. Larkin IMC:SJZ/scs March 31,1976 Mr. Alvah Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Trustees Town of Southold Southold New York 11971 ' Dear Mr. Goldsmith: We, property owners of Norwold, have notice that the opening of our channel at the north end of Mud Creek is getting smaller. We are concerned with two things - First of all, if the closing channel is preventing a healthy marine life all the way down the wetlands and secondly, if this closing of the channel is a natural closing or is it a man made one. We would greatly appreciate it if you could advise us of what is happening and direct us in correcting the situation. Very truly yours, Gerald S. Wells Geroge Verity Dale Butler Gary Doroski ~"