HomeMy WebLinkAboutArshamomaque Pond 1982Ol®~IL~llJL®llLLJl 1l ®~YIIl ~~tl~'R7C11~L".Cli 93 ~g'3Il7Lo inc.
January 26, 1982
Southold Town Board of Trustees
Southold Town Hall
Southold, New York
ATTENTION: Mr. Paul Stoutenburgh
The members of this organization wish to go on record as
strongly opposing the proposed condominium development (of
twelve 22 story buildings and a full size swimming pool) to
be located on Arshamomaque Pond opposite Southold Town Beach.
To build so large a development on less than two, acres
of land will surely create pollution problems for marine life
and wild life in the surrounding areas. One third of this
site has been declared wetlands by the New York State Depart-
ment of Environmental Conservation.
To add cesspools and detergent sludge to the area will
undoubtedly damage the delicate balance of Arshamomaque Pond
for harvesting healthy shellfish and may damage water wells
situated nearby.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Very trul yours,
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(/Jarvis Verity
cc: Mrs. Ruth Oliva
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Southold ioti•;n Supervisors
Southold, New York,
Dear Sirs,
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YE GADS! How could this have happened? During this
su~mer, hundreds of steel rakes have invaded our waters,
strip-mining the sea bottom! ~Te don't carry *aeapons -
.Thy s ould you?
Z ::ave been chosen the representative of the under-
water community of Arshamomaque Pond, where once green
sea fronds waved gently in tae clear blue •aaters; only
a ruddy graveyard remains....
Cannot the collectior. of shellfish be restricted to
local residents, be limited by a quota system, or, better
yet, only permitted to thoes willing to dig t•~ith their
Yours, most ear~n~es~tly,
Sam Clam, esq.
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University of Conn.
Storrs Ct.
June 1~~ 1981
Southold Town Trustees
New York
Dear Sirs:
For the peat month under the auspices of the
American Museum of Natur al History we have been study-
ing the breeding biology of the Common Tern, Roseate
Tern and Black Skimmer on the small island across from
the Port of Egypt Fishing Station. We have accounted
for 1,300 Common tern nests, 4 Roseate Tern nests and
33 Black Skimmer nests. It is by far one oP the moat
concentrated bird colonies. on Long Island.
It has been brought to our attention that the
eastern end of this island will be,partially removed
as a result of the dredging pro~ec scheduled for that
area this year. In order to provide for minimum impact
on the birds it is our recommendation that the spoil be
placed 300 feet west of the preae nt eastern tip of the
island (see map below). To dump the spoil elsewhere
could endanger the existenc® of the colony.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,
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~CU~LPJLJY. LU.I~u-cu.t.
Cameron Fausbman
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~~, Tom Laffey
University Co n.
Storrs, Ct.
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