HomeMy WebLinkAboutSterling Basin 1958sport aR~- rsR~~rr WHSREAS, the County of Suffolk hsa scheduled it's dredge work at Steriiag Aasia, Greenport, in the Town of Southold for the purpose of iwproviag acid Sterling Basi1~ by removing fro. the bottom thereof about 200,000 cu. yds. of material consisting primarily of mid and silt mixed with t small amount of sand, and WHSR1iA3, the removal of said quantity of material requires large and adaptable spoil areas for the placement sad settling of such dredged material, sad WHBRBAS, the undersigned warrants that he is the owner of real property hereinafter describe4 in geasral terms, The undersigned does hereby grant to the Village of f3reenpor~, the Town of Southold sad the County of Suffolk, the right, permission to pump sad place upon a cestaia treat or tracts of owned by him, as above stated, and desasibed briefly as ~sd on the forth by the North Road and Breast wiggins= on the at by t3u11 fond and Coraibert~ South by Mabel Rayaos and/or sold Raynor: and on the West by Raynor and Starling Cemetery, th tht right and privilege to pump and fill oi- said land the as dredged from the bottcm~ of said Sterling Basin, ether Math the right and privilege to ley, maintain sad remove necessary pipelines, and to eater upaa the lead for ihs purpo such dredging and filling until such dredging is completed but no event for a teas beyond Juiy 1, 1454. Dated end signed in the Village o! areeaport, ToMa Of the ~ 7 Keay of Septentyer, 1958. ~"/ (( $~ % / N ~. x.7[4 /. T b .~' ! ! ~ f~ • V i I ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ALBERT CASS, SUPERINTENDENT PORT JEFFERSON, NEW YORK Dietsiet L".agiuoer Corps of L.aginees+s 111 bast ibth Street giaw York 3, N. Y. Hess Sir; • TEL.: PORT JEFFER80N 8-0200 - 0201 Ocwber 2a, 1985 1 heaeby apply fos s Was Depsrtmsat parmft to dsoige certain arear is &terling Haria, Greenport. Suffolk Coenty. Ncw Yoek ie aeasriaaas wlth the esclesei platy The dredging of Ss,erling Barin war originally a 17eleral project, whioh war cecnploeed a auzxbe: of ysarr ago. The pseseut project aorers an anon outride a[ the port[en iacluied is rite original prejeae. Yery truly yours, C Albert Cass t~ommieNeaest wf Publia Tw<prktl • County supertaM~eat otAt~ws~e xtlfsAC:h1 • • LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ RTTO RN EY pENERNL STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LAW October 27, 1958 RDDRE55 REPLY TO: REAL PROPERTY BUREAU f03 WASHINGTON AVENUE ALBANY f0, N. Y. Attn. W. A. Conway, Jr. Re: Dredging Permit Sterling Basin Robert W. Tasker, Esq. 425 Main Street Greenport, L.I., New York Dear Mr. Tasker Reference is made to our telephone conversation of October 23rd, regarding your inquiries concerning an application for a dredging permit by the Village of Greenport and/or the Town of Southold. I am enclosing a printed set of the statutes and the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Land Office governing and regulating such permits, and which, I believe, are self-explanatory. As I explained on the telephone, the Board generally makes a charge for the materials removed in the dredging operation. The price to be charged generally is dependent upon the type and nature of the material removed, and its value in improving the upland upon which it may be deposited. Each case is treated indi- vidually and all of the facts will bear upon the price the Board may fix. I advise, therefore, that in making your application you submit such facts as you may have regarding the type and nature of the material to be removed and where, and under what terms the material will be deposited. I particularly call your attention to the regulation No. 12 which requires a permit from a corps of engineers authorized by the Secretary of the Army. If you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to communicate with me. Very truly yours, LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ Attorney General _f ,/ EDWARD R. AMEND .1v,~~~ ~ T, Assistant Attorney"Genera`l` Ott a n.~+~;~ ~ ~ ~s ]1~aari L~1i a~ ~isiir~re ~,. lam. ~M ~Milaut~ s~r~~sott rs t 1~- +~eq^~a~l2art ~t~re ~. 1-1#~sl~ Mr >.ar! iir ~r3l~Ip~ ~»~t #~a Nr lMwt a! ].~, M~ .[ rl~~ 1-i ~trtirrarfi ~ @~ ~w~ ~ ~~MR at a ~~ ~ io ~ '~~ ~ ~ ~ $~ ~s a~rdrr ~! M~~p~#~ ~iNi~ !lri~. pL~s. ~!!~*~~+~~ y~~ids sM s~ ,isw.sa~ 'NrR ~ is~aitM. ra ~u +~ Mr Ewa ~. !~~„ ~ ~ I~' ~~±~~, lr~t qtr i~N- ~ ~ ~ 1wrr~M !s >rNMris~i a .a~a~l...r ~t at pwr ~Mrw wdt ~lr~a..lZ w~w~- ~-1.....It r~fl~ti~r. ~+u r~w- ./~.rrsl~. aMS ~. ~ ~r ~ e .~ .1Y •~r air ttia~ .yr 1s ~rre is i....~~~ .tea s~s,,~ ~. S ATE OF NEW YORK C UNTY OF SUFFOLK 0 fice of the Clerk of the ss: This is to certify that I, Ralph P. Booth, Clerk of the town of Southold, in TOWN OF SOUTHOLD the said County of Suffolk have compared the foregoing cony of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was passed (SEAL ) by the Town Board of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the ..... ~........ day of ......~o,tober ............. 19.565.., and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this .......2:6....... day of .....NRV~i'11b~r........... 1958... Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southo d, County of Suffollc, N. Y. VILLAGE OF GkEENPOkC TOWN OF SOUfHOLD NEW 5d0RK SPOIL AREA RELE:\SE FOR S'PERLIN; iiASIN DREDGING THIS INDENTURE, made the day of October, I958, by Sterling Cemetery Association, for and on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, party of the first part and the County of Suffolk, Town of Southold and Village of Greeenport, muni- cipal corporations of the State of New York, parties of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consid- eration of One ($I) Dollar, lawful money of the United States, and other valuable consideration, payment of which is hereby acknowledged, dc~hereby grant unto the parties of the second part their successors and assigns the right, license and privilege to enter upon the premises hereinafter described for the following purposes: To deposit spoil material on the low areas of land to- gether with the right of access to said areas. All material deposited in mounds to be levelled as soon as it is possible for equipment to perform the work, The parties hereto mutually agree for and on behalf of themselves, their agents and employees, that the party of the first part, for and on behalf of ftself, its grantees, successors and assigns will hold the parties of the second part harmless and unconditionally releases the parties of the second part from any liability whatsoever for any possible claim for damages or trespas or any cause. of action whatsoever arising out of and pertaining to the use of the premises herein described ~y the party of the first part. or parti s It is distinctly understood that the term " party/®of the second part"' wherever used heri.n, shall and is intended to include, in addition to other represent ative,~ and employees of the parties of the second part, the following: The Supervisor of the Town of Southold, the Mayer of the Village of Greenport, their representatives and employees, officers and the officials, agents and employees of the County of Suffolk engaged in the dredging operations at ASte~-ling Basin. I'he land to which this license shall apply is described as follows: Bounded on the North by Bounded on the East by Bounded on the South by Bounded on tie West by 'T'his easement shall expire on IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has hereunto set hand and seal the day and year first above written. L. S. L. S. County of ) ` On the day of , I9 , before me came to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged~•to me that he executed the same. In the presence of S1"A I~ OF ) Notary Public October 29, I958 Boatd of Commissioners of the Land Office Department of State . G~_i I64 State Street „~~ Albany I, New York. ~~ Gentlemen: p The undersigped hereby apply jointiy, each~on behalf of his respective municipality, for a dredging perms for the dredging of certain arbaa of Sterling Basin, located^iRiy,the Village of Greenport,~Town of Southold s~d~-Gon~'ist`--3ttf~fe-ik, New York, as indicated on the attached map prepared by the Gounty of Suffolk in connection with its application to the United States Government hereinafter mentioned. The dredging is to be done by the dredge '"Shinnecock"' owtted and operated by the County of Suffolk, out of Port Jefferson Long Island, New York. The "ShinnecockNS" home port of registry is New York, New York. The material to be removed from said Sterling Basin will consist of mud an d silt mixed with fine sand and will not be a salable substance noro5 commercial value. The material will be pumped onto land privately owned without charge to the landowners. Sterling Basin is a body. of navigable water under the ,jurisdiction of the United States government, with established pier and bulkhead lines, and the County of Suffolk, aforesaid. dredge owner and op•^rator,, has applied to the Corp of Hngineers the United States Army for an operational and dredging permit. County's letter and map of application are attached hereto and made oa part hereof. The said map indicates areas to be dredged and the proposed spoil areas. A copy of the United States government permit will be filed upon receipt of same. 1 The improvement of and increased navigability of Sterling Basin will necessitate the removal of the material aforesaid. The entire dredging and improvement project id a joint effort by three municipalities of the State of New York, The County of Suffolk, The Down of Southold and the Village of Greenport. WHBRBI~ORB, the uhdersigned respectfully request a rdleAgetng-$e! red-€pt dredging permit for the removal of material in said Sterling Basin, Greenport, down of Southold, County of Suffolk, Ne9 York. perv sor, own o outho Mayor, i age o Greenport of~Ca~ie~aio~ ra of the Land Offied~ State street Albany 1, Neer York tientlemeat October 3©, 1958 The vnderaignad hereby a ly faintly cash an behalf of his respoatirre municipa]3ty, for a dredg~ng permit for the of~~Iaea~rggstiain aroma of Sterling Basin laaatad pat63y' ruithindr~ Suft'olk oCounty, Nark, as~in fdicatsd ~bt2aiT~aIIttaata~ mapp pi^+~- pared by the Co~usty at Suftalk in arumeation with its application to the United 5tatss tiovernment hereinafter awntioned. The dredging is to be done by the dredge "9hinnsaottk" eased and operated by the Ceunty of Suffolk,. ou'b of Port Jetterson Ialaml, BTeM 7o3~tc. Tyne "3hintrsaoakrs" home port is I~eM ~Ork, 1Yr11 Toi-a• Thr material to be reaoved from said Stec1~ Aasin x311 consist of mud and silt nixed xith tine nand sad '~rs~, not b~ a salable onto land privatel eased aithaut~aharge to the la~vrrnera Sterling Basin it a body of navigable aster ud tlon of the United Staten Cavornmeut with est bttllcctatad litres, and the Coutrt]- of 3rs~'telk, afo; oatrer and operator, has applied La the p of United States A7cnp for as operational. anCd dried, copy of the ~ottaty+s lettWer and map of sppliaa hereto and marls a part hereof. Tt~e raid sap i tlr 3uriaaict- shed pier and ,sneers ofo! the permit. A are attached to areas to be dredged and the proposed spoil areas. A copy of the United States govertnnettt permit ri11 be filed upon receipt of a9me• The improvemeu~t of sad increased navigability of Sterling Basin trill, tteasssitate but removal of the material afareaaid. byethrN ,,,uniad~ties the fate of ~t X rk,~T~tCef~fort o! su#olk, Tts' Tarym of Uouthold: and the Village of tire®mport. »2- A certified check in the stain of $50.00, payable to the De- partment of State is also enclosed, ~tEFCE+.B, the u~ersl.6=ud respeettully regwst a dredgi~ag permit for the remaeal of material in said 3terlin~ Hasid Oreertport, ?a~a of Southeld~ Ccalnty of Snffollc~ item iorl~. uye sore ~ 0 0 T+-='r 1AiRBBldiNT This AtiRB&48NT, made betrata Harold A. Aagaor, sesidingj at a1S Signal Road, Newport Seaah, California, hezeiaafter called the grantor, ~d tht Yiilage of cirssaport and the Town of southoi, muaieipai corporations with their principal offices at 18 South Street, areeaport, New Yost, hereiaaftas tailed the graatae•~• wITNB3SBTHt ME~ABAS, the grantor warrants that he owns is fee ail that certain lot, pieta or parcel of lead, situate, lying and being is the Town of sonthoid, Couatq of suftoit, State of 1leM lCO. bsieflq described as foliowae Sounded on the North bl' Awtia tA-visonr Bounded oa the Bast bq ®uli Pond; Sounded os the south bq Ssowa t Levine, ! Davisoai Sounded on the l~s! bq Steeling Cemetery, 1- Davison, and aLo ahowa is part oa the attached map martedMBxhibit A, dated Octobtr 23, 1938 ", and 11FiHABAS, tht grantee intends to have dredging conducted within and fill deposited upon the designated areas as sot forth on the httached cap, and MtlBRBAS, it is necessary for the said gsanteea to bave transported dredge siaterial bq means of a pipeline over and upon said propsxtq of said grantor and Eo bare aceaas to said pipeline sad lead upon which it rants fez the use and removal of said pipe- line, an4 rIHBSBnS, said grantae~dasirea right of wry eve:.part said land for said purpose and for the-purpose of depoaitiag dredge mstariai oa said gsaator'e lead as designated oa the afore- acid nap and the grantor is willing to grwt said right of way to grantee for the term of one ti) geas:~ftot the date hereof, ail as hsreinaftsr provided. NtyM TH$RBl~OAB, it is mutwtily agreed as foliowat 1. The grantor harebq greats to the grantee s sight of ray over the land as afosewentioaed of the grantor's as sho~ra on the attached map for the purpose of the foregoing dNdge including entry for the puzpose of acid dredge operation. ~. The grantee rarrants that zeasonable case sad 0iii rill be used so that the deposit of dredge material rill not destr~ graator~a roodiand, and, further thst the dppoaits made is the designated areas rill be subject to reasonable control and uniform grade. 3. The grantor authoriser the gstatee to deposit the dredge material upon the spoil araa located within said property as indicated upon said attached wap. 4. The grantee covtaanta sad agrees to hold harmless grantor from nay suit that wi~ht arise out of the use of the gsaatoz~a land is connection with the dredging operations. IN 1iIT'N83~u 2MHBRBOE, the parties have her4~cnto e~co~auted this agresaeat oa the d~s'r day of Octobe:, 1418. ~Uru..gQ.rE OF VKfrrYP•e'T 7 ~O WTC OF ~yp~L 7NOa.~ ~J ~,' io~tci'~i~-t~ i~a 3+.r~~ of r.ea~r n~" "~io, M Aest~ober 31, 19Sd ~. ~ ~ Psrceit: ;~terlirsg B~usin near 4~r. coalray: Iia aacardanee v~.tt~ our ee at ®atab~r ~-. 1958 our ] s~t~r off' t~obor~ ~'1. 19 +~o~a ~h. drug or ^ter~lirrg Beurin~ z enalase one n- Ica t1a aoint- a~liaaaion at ohe YL~x~1te at aro.rn, and Tc»rc- of ~ou~old tar a ~t~oit !cx tshe d of +sert~ai~a araas o sterlie~g ~uitr. f ~ 1 0~" ti ~y ~t '~ut~a~~aa~rt~s~ ~~ a goo ~ of sn appli~tstiion~ ~~ U. S. Corps of firrgerra for a dredging pe f3l Cert:itird o ies of resolutsions of tbs Y of C1e+seApaar6 Tcvn of ~outirald sot~hori~tLyG~ YiLtagf t~YsU-'~' and T~oilrli Sn~nriaor to exs~lss all dl;s relatiMS to this ~1~ Ib? c~ olS'~«~t-eele+ ©t Lhe Villagw of ~vsr-porls iau is2~ As Z hate aeM#iM , tine is a! tha ersaesnell 3.rt tshis sralGUer. 1'bs sutlblie Cotrnlsp dre~ii, nlslaJa will pertcrrm tst+s ~oait~ is tso 6he rates tsar aeaordiiag Q.o ~- sohodesL,~ and ~,S s~a~~las is :~esvdzha3d Tarn abouts ttae iStrh or DsbaY' l9 . pa by' r Ors halts advi~l the 5utfolla C~n1~ ~gin+rer to eon 1~C'. Ttllsan E. Oou~.. dist~rietr •ngineatr and a~rialt hlat of this dredging pro~eot.. 28 ~Shers ie anrtshi>4g f'urt:Mr required by your ottittr in Chia aat~sr. phase do Hots heaitastw t:a aaarm~inariit ~dtsh ar. Tours ta~-• Soberls ~. Taslasr 8outshold Tom Asitaar:,ar ~~T4a.,- ~. 1 CaSJN'i'Y OF SUFFOLX TOMN OF SOU'Tf~Ld vILLA(3~ t3F t3RABNPOA.T - 1 SPUiL Ait$A RELBASB PC?t 5'TBRLINCi BASYN DRBD(~IN~ ~,.,a,~~ THIS Ih~ll8A1TU1tB, made the ~`~ day of Nst-ewbtr, 195, by the ~ ,~;. ~, . , , ~.;,,,.,wi. St+eg`Urnete7try- Association, for and on behalf of itsei~', fE'i successors snd assigns, party of the first par! and the County of 5uffolic,~the Town of Southold, and- rt, municipal corporations of the State of New York, parties of the ', second part, wITNB3S5Tfi, that the party of ths''fisst past„ in consid- erstion of One ($i) Dollar, lawful money of the United States, and other valuable aonsiderstion, payuent of whicb is hereby aCknow- ledged, do hereby grant unto the parties of the secottd part their anccessora snd assigns the :fight, iiaense and pzirilege to enter upon the prq,ia~a~-. purpose T+~ deposit spoil material on the iow~sreas of land togethe with access to said land is erect dikes, to lay, maintain and remove pipelines and to use other necessary accessory filling and dredging eQuipment. The parties hereto mutually agzsa for and on behalf of themselves, their agents and empiogres, that the party of the fi part, tos sad on behalf of itself, its grantees, successors sad sssigtta will hold the parties of the second part harmless and uneonditionsiip releases the parties of the second part from any liability whatsoever for any possibie~claim for damages or tresp; or any cause of action whatsoever arising out of and pertaining to the use, by the parties of the second part, of the premiser herein described. It is distittetip understood that the term " parties of the second part " whatever used herein, shall and !s intended to include, is additioa to other rsprasentstivea and emplgees of the parties of the second part, the following: the Supervisor of the Town of Southold, the. Mayor of the village of t3reaaport, their sepres~entatives sad eeapiopees, arni the officers, agents sad estployees of the County of Suffolk aagaged fa the dredging operations at Sterling Basis. The land to vmich tnis license shall apply is described as foliows~ Bounded Nasth by North Roads Bounded Bast by Austin Davison, noM or forwerly= Bouadsd South by Auatia Davison, sow or foseaerly{ Bounded Meat by Maahaaset Avenue. This esaemeat shah expire on ,juiy 1st, 1959. xN WITNESS MHSRBf7PP, tree party a! the first part has signed this iartrument by its President oa the ~.`~~ day of Novewbes, 1958 ,' ~2~5 STATE OP N.CW YIDRIC ss: County of Suffolk Ckt IIthe ~--`~ day of Noveabtr, 1958, before sw personally apWsred ~t~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ />'~.1~,J5r4IT+Y r to tee paraoaaliy kaora, rho being duly scorn ,did say that he is the President of the 3teriiag Cesertezy Association, sad that said lnsesueeeaat tras in behalf of said association, by authority of its Board of Trust and s-id I~, (h, ~h~s m~, T+}- acknoMledged said iastrue,eat to be the free act sad deed of acid aaaoQiation. . VAR 7 irauasa-rrs>-q~3S~oo ~ N FF• (~D . Il^~ !o....,,,, '.~.p, n'Ip2 3o'bo. C O P Y December 1, 1958. Attn. J. H. McCabe Re: L.B. 58-174 Mr. Albert Cass Commissioner of Public Works & County Superintendent of Highways Port Jefferson, New York Dear Sir In further reference to the application of Town of Southold and Village of Greenport to the Board of Commissioners of the Land Office for a permit to dredge, in Sterling Basin, Greenport, New York, will you kindly forward's copy of the permit which. has been issued by the. Corps of Engineers ,of the United States Army for the dredging. - If such a permit has not been issued, will you kindly 'advise us the status of the application. We would also 1'}ke to'have copies of the consents of the adjacent owners alon~the dzedging area to the proposed work. McCABE:aca Very truly yours, LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ Attorney General By EDWARD R. AMEND Assistant Attorney General J Bwrd of Coaasissfone;s of the Land Office Dew of State i N State Street Aiba~ 1, Iii. Y. (}eatblaaen: Bas DredSiaB Permtt - $terlia~ Basin December', 1Yii The a~rNersisaed b~rppr sapplasteat the Point application heretofere mach bj tht TarMrn of Suatt~eld aid tha VfilaBe od Qreeapori for a permit for the dredjis~ of certaL areas eL Sttrli~ Hain, loastad party within the Ts~wa et Soatlald sad Part17 wlthia the. Yilia~e.et Qreenport. The. dredge materia! wiIi cen~ist of mad and silt mizNt wig tine Band and will br prcmped, with a pwsititt smaT! enceptioa, apoa htnd balenSiss to privwtr avatars. (ffidirldaals and two oimeNries-. The priaeipal spoil aria consirb of marsh meadow land that has a sartaae Les of mad these (!) m aide {p flat it- depth. (The awrase of Udrteea probiasas 6. i it. ) Dus to the natare and eompesitioa of the dredfe material, it wl11 he neesssar~ to dike the priacipaispoil areato a height d sir (n i..t is e;der to erntain the material what is rrrpeaslpa, n i. espeethi to tape ltoau aw to thsce yaass toe tk material to aettie sad ~itise at nhidt time there wiU be a residual et troDa aa~e to two -feet od additi~al stud Darer tits area. This material will sappert ao sgetatlon other thaa sump weed sad oaaaot be aaitivatcd nor bailt apoa. The pLeiaB of tha dsedSt material on this land eoastitatss a "dampiaj" a[ a worth- less aabstaaca, td~ iposal at which z. e~etremei~r difticalt, and which will sot iacraase th! arame of the said spoil area. Thin atateteeat is t+ased apoa, .amain other thisq~, ohservatioas aaade of the raaalts of prim` dndriuB operations !as the same Sterliaj Bain whioh left ample evidence of the sature amt •tiae at the ntatesial. WSERZirOS.,B, the aadersl8aed raspeattltll~ regrsst a dsedSitK permit tar the removal d'said safaris! wftheat charSe. r, i yor, e ~ ; n •....iMk: ~, .... .. STATE OF NEW YORK LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ AOOR E55 REPLY TO: •Tro RN EV GENEawL DEPARTMENT OF ~AYY REAL PROPERTY BUREAV f09 WABNINOTON AVENUE ALBANY f0. N. Y. December 3, 1958 Attn. J. H. McCabe Re: Dredging - Sterling Basin Griffing, Smith, Tasker and Lundberg, Esqs. 425 Main Street Greenport, New York Attention: Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is copy of letter dated December 1, 1958, to Mr. Albert Cass, Commissioner of Public Works and County Superintendent of Highways, in the above matter. At the time the letter was written the writer did not know that you had filed the application in behalf of the applicants. On November 28th Mr. McCabe, of this office, also had a telephone conversation with Mr. Weber, of Mr. Cass's office, relative to the enhancement of the value of the upland by the placing of dredged material on the upland. Mr. Weber agreed to write us in this regard. We believe this brings you up to date in the matter. Very truly yours, Enclosure LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ Attorney General By- EDWARD R. AMEND Assistant Attorney General r~:,.,~_ ~~ YOARD OF COMMI5310N[RS ~ OF THE LAND OFFIC[ CAIIM IN[ 6. DpA-10 [[C11RAw1 O~ RAR crwlwrwr DEPARTMENT OF STATE . LOVO J. L[T<OtITZ t.._... ..N,~ur.,..~..q...x~.-.:.~.~..,<` .nowr[r osrawwL DIVISION OF THE LAND OFFICE JONN W. JOMN~OM '""'"~~T'kFE •••- ` [u~[wlrnr[arrt or ALBANY 1, N. Y. tiwLK M10wRw i~ecev:her 1', 19rL' Hon . frobart '~ . ""asker, Town Attorney, 4?5 Main -street, Dear Slr: DANI[L J. O•[[I[N •¢A~~u. The Fo=+rd of Comn l-sicrers ~f the T and Cffice at a mFetln~; held December 1.'_, 1958, ;ranted the application of the Town of Southold and Vi]lage of Gree,*,ort, pursuant to the rr wisiors of Section 3, Sub- division 5 of the Public Lands Law for a license to drsdse material 1n Sterlin-r Rasin 1n tine Village cf ;,raenrort and Town of Southold, Suffolk County. The license shall not be issued by the Secretary until a copy of the pernit isai:ed by the Cords of En~ineers of the ti, S, Army and colas of the co~-:~.ents of the adjacent oc~ners have been received. ?t is f~.,•~her recomR~nded that if the ad,Jacer.t owners have rot ccr ar• :. to the dr~dgtng that. the llcer.se be subject to tf elr ripar?8r. rights znd that the 11cer,sP conta?.n a clause inder^rlfv'~- the Peo^le of tha Stata of A?ew °.>rk from all d±:ma~rs x:s claims that said .^.d,Jar.~r,t owners may suffer by r~~s r. ^f such dred~ing. Thg license, 1." rrantad, will ~-e wltgout .: ~~ of lloense fee, Very tr,lly yours, Secretary, ~c,rd o;' Commlrsioners ~,` th~~ Land Office Dv C ' °_:. E . • -- ~. .$Fb/L ~ EX/STiNG 3URFACe ~ A~/1/LEA~ psi ~ ~ ~o ~A ~Y i N ~ 9 MLW - AREA Ta Bf ORE COeO /"O> -, \\ 9` ~ e, ...,. 4/"0 ~' h e ~' ~ v'e - ~v. I ?~ ~ . ~ ~ J~ '~ ja 3Y 't=o O} JP~~ ~::~~ '~U ~ TO~FFEO lom ~ J ~ LPU~E /NG2~ .... ... aY ~ .. ~ +~ 9°.. .~ 52.'. ~ 9 ~~ ~~ 15 ~~ ~ ~ l ~. _ _. -~~ GRELVftld-,F~~~ ~ aoa ~ ~ 5 EX/ST/NG SURFAfE -_ _ "~ '39"~ ~~~ eo/~• M.q H/. ~ APLA /D dF OREOGEp ~' q c'e ~ ~ t ~s G6 .'~ io ~ m2 3 ~' VO ,•0'~. VEQ NG I/A4~fOK 9 ~~ ,~ )5 .oE¢i4Gii _ `__ I ....• w8 .~ 2 200' 2/ HA4~ ° SNELTEFL /S. - TYP/CAL SECT/ONSI '~ .~ N 0 ('Z ei 0 ff SCALE /N FEET .2. ,3ov 6mo eta ~ ~ .ql SCA/.F /N FEET /ERT/CAL NO.e /ZONTAL LOCAT/ON MAP NI TAKFN FF'oM 1/.SCG f/C.Q 4~ CNAF'T NO. /c /? s1 I ~~ 4/~C7 =-~~~ryN ~ .y ~ ~ a Y± :: ~ i•~~~~ _. SP ~~,,, \\ STERLING CEM[TERY ~ i - f ~ a \ i i7QEA~ - ~ =%% 4 ,J~ q Y ~ i MAC 21 YN02 ~ ~~ ~`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I CLEA/ES PO/NT c' ~ E ~<r <q/_ ~ d/zorvN 6 LC//NE ' PL A N .a I~ 0 40o eao /zao /bm F ~W / o A/n s`~b ~Q~~°O SCALE /N FEET ~ /d ~'`T / Yo B M,N~~ °9,~ ~~ ti~ PROPOSED OREDG/NG \~..-~ ~w~ ~~~< in STERL/NG BAS/N Sir ~ s$ dO,Q~\ TOWN OF SOUTHOLO ro~ ~'FE9 SUFFOLK COUNTV•N~Y• \\ ~\ \~~ GREENPORT ~~ ~~ GREEA/PO/PT • `o°~ NAB O.Q v f ab APPL/CAT/ON BYCOUNTY OF SUFFOL K CGMM/+~/G NE,P OT PUB/-/~ !'VO,PK. F'O k~/. //-!T"Fa 40N •NFI'V YO FdK On a motiop of , seconded by be it RBSOLVSD~ that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to ' sign the necessary plans and specifications for the proposed dredging operations in together with an agreement on behalf of the Town of assuring the County. pf Suffolk sufficient easements and spoil areas irI connection therewith and also saving harmless the County of Suffolk from any claims and damage resulting from said 8redging operation. ww,~w*www*wwxwtwwrcwww,kww*•xwwwwwwwwwwwarw*w,tww*wwwwwwwwww~wwwwww,rwwwrw ASSURANCB3 POR llREI3GING UP AT TOWN OP , NSW YORK WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk owas and operates a dredge and other equipment suitable for dredging channels and depositing fill on designated areas, and WHARBAS, the Town of has requestedthat the said ` dredge be used in connection w t t e redging of ~^ wr Tawas of _, as shown on the accompany ng maps an R~ r~. ' apecificat ona, and ~ ~ ~+ WHEREAS, the Supervisor of the Town of bq resolution ,,~v ,,t~ ~ ` " dulq adopted bq the Town Board of said Town of has been f~t ~, , 1, """ ; G ' authorized and directed to sign for and on beha~ tie Town of ~, R - t assurances to the County of Suffolk, in .form satiafactorq ~~;,k,• ~' toto s~Z'ounty of Suffolk that the said Town of will f ll i P ' orm a per acts requ red to bs performed by said own n connection O 's ? ! ~ with the preparation for the dredging operation as aforesaid and 4 I ; , ru ~' obtaining of all necessary easements and rights of way for said ~.` ~' •~~ 'l~ ~ deeding operation and use of areas indicated on the attached map f r s il t th wi n ~ "` o po areas oge er th ell necessary rights incidental to ~~~.i y ~ said dredging operation ark ~.g; ~ ` NOW TIiBRBPORB, in consideration of the benefits to the ~~ ',~ ~ b Town of , as aforesaid, the Town of hereby ' <~ n~> • ~ assures theZc ntq of Suffolk that it will: J~ ~ r" ' (a) Purniah, free of coat to the County of 3uffoik, all ;,,~ •<~^ lands, easements, rights of way and spoil disposal areas necessary ~~q for the new work and subsequent maintenance when and if required for the dredging operations at , all as ahorm on the attached map, and 4 (b)_Hoid and save the County of Suffolk free from any damage resulting from daid improvement or resulting in any way from the said dredging operation or the use of equipment at the said or use of anq spoil area or any other area of acted y sa dre Bing operation. IN WTINBSS WH&R130?, I have set my hand and seal of the own of on this daq of ,19_. TOWN OF I~EW YORK by upervzsor TTEST: er (seal) ( Attached to above Assurance shall be a certified copy of a u taolution of the Town Board authorizing and directing the auper- isor to execute this instrument and to sign the attached ~utiwt lane and specifications.) AGREB.M}iNT THIS AGREEMENT, made in the Town of , County of uffoik and State of Neer York, betweenttltf~ ereinafter called the grantor, and the Toga o , a unicipai corporation with its principal place o us Hess at County of Suffolk and State of New York, hereinafter a-1'feTtTie grantee WITNBSSETHt wflBRi3AS, the grantors warrant that they are the owners in fee simple of all that certain Lot, piece or parcel of land, sit lying and being fn the Town of , County of Suffolk, New York, briefly described ass C description) and also as described on the attached plans and specifications as prepared by ,sad, hHP.REAS, the grantee_'i.ntends to have dredc.!ing operations conducted within and fill deposited upon the designated areas as set forth on the attached msp, and NifiERBAS, it is necessary for the said grantee to have transported dredge material by means of a pipeline over and upon acid property of said grantee and to have reasonable access to said pipeline and land upon which it rests. for the use and removal of said pipeline, sad WEiERBAS, said grantee desires temporary right of way over part of said land for said purposes and for the purpose of deposi dredge material on said part of grantors land designated oa the aforesaid map as spoil areas and grantors are willing to grant said right of xay to the grantee all as hereinafter provided, NOttl THBRBPORS, it is mutually agreed as followss 1. The grantor hereby grants to the grantee a temporary right of way over the land as aforementioned of the grantor's all as shown on the attached map for the purpose of the foregoing dredge operation including the entry for the purpose of the dredge operations as set forth on the attched map. 2. The grantee warrants that it will use diligent care not to damage the property of the grantors (and viii 8 its best to restore land granted to suct+ reasonable condition 3. The grantor autharizes the gr:ntee to deposit the dredged material upon the spoil areas located sithia said property as indicated upon .said attached map. 4. The grantee covenants and agzees to bald iarmiesa the ~,,Y grantors from any suits that might arise out of the use of the grantor's land is connection with the dredging operations. IN wITNBSS wHEREOP, the parties have hereunto executed this agreement on the day of ,19_. WHBRBAS, the State of New ~ia-rk, County of 5uffoik and Incor red Village of Mestham;Oton Reach secc~esize the necessity of the ificial beach nourishment work at Westh~unpton 9each and Quogue the Town of Southampton, Suffolk County, New York, and `+VHBIU:AS, the Stets of h°ew York is desirous of conducting ueh work pursuant to Chapter 535 of .the Laws of 1945 and it will e necessary that certain dredging areas, easements sad rights of ay for said dredging operation and use of areas indicated on the ttached map with all rights incidental to said dredging operation e had, NOW TFtERBPORB, in consideration of the benefits to the fined, assurances are hereby given to the State of Kew York, of Suffolk, its contractors, agents and assigns, that Ca) There will be furnished free of cost all dredging areas, ements and rights of way necessary for the new work and sequent maintenance when and if required for the beach nourish- t as shown on the attached map, and. (b) The undersigned will hold and save ksatssz the State of York and County of Saffoik free from any damages resulting from improvements or resulting in any way from the said dredging anon or the use of equipment or. any spoil area or sny other affected by said dredging operation including the area from southerly boundary of tx:e ocean front lots to mean hi;h water IN WITfiBSS W118RGCF, the undersigned have caused its corposa to be palced this day of , l9~. TRUSTF,E5 G° T1iB FEtE>~HOLABRS Ai`~L~ C~SMONALTY OP 'LHF. TOWN CF SOiITNAMPTON. sy res ent. TB OF N}3H' YORK NTY VF SUFFOLK ass GN the day of , 19 , before me persanaliy came to me known, uho, being by me duly sworn, did ore and stay that he resides at , that he is President of the Trustees of t e res o ders an mmonalty of Town of Southampton, the municipality described in and which cuted the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said icipality; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such icipal seal; that it was so affixed by orderof the Trustees of Freeholders and CommoL~alty of the Town of Southampton, and that signed 2iis name thereto by li.k a order.