HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5527 P 264 1 ... -~ ~ '" ~ . . 0 . . .... II ii ,,,,,",,.1 N. Y. B r. LT. F",m ZOO4'11.IS_6M_Quudm.. O..d_Ina,v,.lu,1 M Corp""';"" (,ing" ,h<<tl II C0N5UL~"'''UlLLAJ'~I. BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTIlUMENT SNOIAD 8E USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. '.IBlR5527 PAGl264 THIS INDENTIJRE. made the 30th day of Novemb~Ibineteen hundred and BETWEEN DAVID B. HORTON and STE:1tlAHT '.~-. Y. HORTON, both alxty- thr'Jo rcsldL');- at Main Road, Orient, Suffolk County. Now York. II I party of the first part, and STEWAffi' 'N. Y. HORT'!i and FLOR;'<;NCE T. HORTON. as i tenants by tho ontiroty, both residing at I'.ain Road, Orl~nt, _',uffolk County, Now York, p&rty of the second part, wrrNESSE11I, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars paid by the party of tbe second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or IJU('.CeSK>n and assigns of the party of the second part forever, AlJ.. that certain plot, piece or ~I of land, with the buildings and improvement.~ thereon erected, sitllat~, Iyingandbeingfl# at orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and describod as fallaws:- Northerly by land now or formerly of ~m. Young and Samuel Young; Easterly by land now or formerly of Frank Dormanj Southerly by the Highway and Westorly by land now or formerly of Hortense Knox. formerly of Honry A. Holmes, said promisos aro also more particularly bounded and desoribed aa follows: BEGINNING at III concrete monument on tho Northorly sido of tho Na1n Road whero the division line betwoen premises about to be described and land of Cookerill adjoining on the West intersocts the said Northorly side of Main Roadj runn1ng thence along said land of Cockerill North 100 0)' 10" East 156.90 feet to land of MacKay; thonce along said last mentioned land South 790 29' 30" East 108.9) feet to land now or formorly of Dorman; thElloe along said land of Dorman South 70 35' 40" West 191.22 foot to the Northerly side of Hain Road; thence alone; the Northerly side of Main Road North 630 18' 30" West 122.27 feot to tho point or place of beginning. BBING AND INTENDED to be the samo premises. tho ono-third interost each of the parti~s of the first part, as tenants in common, in and to which were heretofore oODTo7ed by the parties of tho first part to Hartha to:. Horton b7 deed dated November 17, 1961 duly rocordod in tho offic8 of the Clerk of tho C~t7 of Suffolk on March 12. 1962 in Liber 5137 of Deeds at page 29. This doed is given for tho purpose of vosting all of the right, title and interest in and to the promises heroin convoyod in the parties of tho socond part. TOOETH~ with aU ricbt, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streett and roads ahuttinc the above deJcribed premile$ to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtena~s and aU the tstUe and rigbu of the ~ of the first part in and to said premisel; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premUeI berein jTaftt.ed unto the ~rty of the second part, the heirs or successon and usips of the party of the JeCODd part loreYer. AND the a-t1 01 the int put. in compIiaDc:e with Section 13 of the Lien Law. hereby coveaanu that the party of the 6nt part wiD reoer.e the COIISident.tioa for this ~ and will bold the rigbt to rece...: IUCh c:onsid- eratioD.. a tneIt WDd to be NlPHed 8nt for the pur'pOR of payiDc the cost of the ;......._._nt and win llpply the... 6nt ftI the paymeat Of the 0Mt of the improvement befOft uaiaa: an)' put of the total of the same for ...-- The WOI'Cl ~ IhaD be COIIItnIed u if it read "partiN" whene'Rr the IePIe of thill iDdentun! 10 requirn. IN ~.......... the party of the 6rst part baa duly eacuted this deed the day and year first above -- I...-caOf': .tJ~ ~.~ (L.S.: ';'ti:A-r1'-Y~ (L.S. 1~.IO it. '1 s..-. N. T." T.U. "'1Oll2.~ ....o.L .... 0........ 0.--. Aoo- WftoIuI. c:.,.n.lIlI(II-P~) ~,~~_.~ ~_.._. _~ ..-a.....,...........y. 1.ID55!7 1Wi2fi6 U.5 l. R. 5. ._I:..L.f..l.a.. :n-~moiIe'" 30th ""''' _,.._or .___ 81ltt7-thr.. ...&"1'........ MAR'!B.I M. BCit'l'OJl, zo..ld1Dg a't Main Road, Or1ent, 8a..ttollt Coau.'tJ, ..v YOz.+lr:, \ _.~--- STBW&.RT W. Y. HORTON and PLORlDICE T. BORTOW, as tenants oy the entlrot7. both residing at Main Road, Orient, Su.ffolk ... .. .. .. . o . .. ... County, Now YOrk, party of the aeoond part. ~k"" that the ,party of the 6nt part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other yaJuable consideration paid by the party of the IeCOtId part, doe hereby gnnt and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SUCCes.50rt and auigna of the party of the aecond part forever, A1J.. that o::rtaiJ}..P.\O;t piece or parcel. of land, with the buUdiDp and iay.... "' tbereoo. orec:tcd. situate, lying and beinc'" ~t 0r1811t, TOWIl ot Southold, Count,- ot Sut'tolk and State of New York, bounded and dOllorloed as tollows:- Northerly by ~Dd now or t'ormerly of Wla. Young and Samuel Young; Eaeterly by land now or formerly ot Prank Dorman; Southerly b7 the Highway and ltostorly by lal!l.d now or tONeri,. or Hortense MaX, formerly of Honry A. Holmes. said premises are also more particularly bounded and described as f~11ow8; BEGINNING at a concreto monUllent on the Northerly side of the 11am Road whor-o the division line betWeen premises about to be dosoribed and land of Cockerill adjoining an the West intersects the said Northerly side of l1ain Road; running thenCe along said land of' Cockerill North 100 03' 10" East 156.90 roet to land of MacKayj thonce along said last montionod ls.nd South 790 29' 30" East 108.93 foet to land now or formorly or Dorman; thenoe along said land of Dorman South 70 351 40" West 191.22 feet to the Northerly aide or Main Roadj thence along the Northerly aide of Main Road North 630 18' 30" 'wiest 122.27 foet to tho point or place of beginning. BEING A..~D IN';:'ENDED to be the same premises. an undivided two-thirds interost in which was oonveyed to tho party of the first part V David B. Horton and Stewart W.Y. Horton by deed datod November 17. l~l duly recorded in the Offico of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk ~\ March 12, 1962 in Liber 5137 of Deeds at page 29. This deed is giveIt' for the purpose of vesting all of the right, title and interost in and to the promises herein conveyed 1n tho parties of tho second part.