HomeMy WebLinkAboutJohnson & Maino . . James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 23, 2008 Mr. John Costello Costello Marine Contracting Corp. P.O. Box 2124 Greenport, NY 11944 RE: RICHARD JOHNSON & PAMELA MAINO 7617 SOUNDVIEW AVE., SOUTH OLD SCTM#59-6-9 Dear Mr. Costello: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wed., July 23, 2008 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of RICHARD JOHNSON & PAMELA MAINO applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance, original application dated December 31,2007, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed application be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and specifically Inconsistent with the following coastal policies: Policy 6- Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem, Policy 6.3 - Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands, Policy 9 - Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold, and Policy 9.4 - Assure public access to public trust lands and navigable waters, and, TI 2 . . WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on July 23, 2008, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure, as applied for, do not comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, and, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the structure, as applied for, will have a detrimental effect upon the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, for the foregoing reasons, and based upon the application's failure to meet the standards contained in Chapter 275 of the Town Code, that the Board of Trustees deems the proposed project to be Inconsistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, based on the size and location of the proposed structure, and, . BE IT FUTHER, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees DISAPPROVES WITHOUT PREJUDICE the application of RICHARD JOHNSON & PAMELA MAINO to construct a 3'X 10' ramp onto a 3'X 27' fixed dock with a 4'X 8' end section, canoe storage rack and swim ladder, as depicted on the plans prepared by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. last dated June 12,2008. This is not a determination from any other agency. Very truly yours, 53 6P:' ILL mes F. King,~ent oard of Trustees JFK/lms .... 1 / Pam & Rick Johnson 7617 Soundview Avenue Southold 911 6/07 ~i:R-L -, "" _-1G"~~_~ -- . . ,'h.".,~ / ...ot"\~(4 ..../ I~ v/.on:u /.JOO~/~ r#w Pam & Rick Johnson 7617 Soundview Avenue Southold 9/16/07 t:7:>W ""~ V/~ LO~/~ .-I/w t/ IfJev t.uoc..-.p;. ....,rle" 4""~" '.. -;::::>.......0 ~...,...I$" ~~-. . - - '. 59-0~r; -1- h"\"OOJ........ ..:..... DIM will. c............c;n.....AdlI............~.... ....1111.,. :... C;o:uaIL1' lUURIAWYD 1UQRIt:llCiIlCINCnIlIINSnUME."'lI' - THIfi INTRUIU,'nIlIOlILD B'_ED IV IAWVatSmiU' TIllS INDENTURE, made thelB'~ day of Augusl, in Ihe year 2007 BIITWEF.N iA'4- Alice Ranieri.. OUrviYinll_ by Ihe enlirety, resldina III 7617 SoundYicw Ave" SoUlhnld. NY 11971 pony oflbe n... pon,and . hIInIw. ......lohnson and PImeIa Maino, raidinl at3 Duke Cowl, FllIRIingville. NY 11738 porIy of1"" ...cmd pon, , WITNESSETH, thallbe party oflbe firSt pori, in consIdcnIIiim ofTcu Dol.... and 01....... valuable COIIlIidodlioa paid by Ibe pony of1be ICCOIIlI pill. docs hereby tpMI and re....... unlO the party oflbe IICCOIld pili, the heirs or _and _.... of1be party oflbe ICCOIIlI pon forever. ALL thai ceIIIin plot, piece or pon:el of Iaad. with Ibe buildinll" and improVClllCl1IS 1hcreon crecled. sihl8le. lyin8 and bcIna in the SEE SCHEDULE A ATrACHED HERETO Tax Map DesillDlllion Disl. 1000 Sec. 059 Reinlllbe same premises conveyed 10 Omalor herein by deed dIIed Sf1.2IB I R!IlClId<d in Libcr 904B PlIjJe 128 on lIIt!Illl in.... Suffolk Clerk's nflic:c (COYCl1 Tax 1.019) -and - by deed dIIed 912S/54 lllCOI"ded in Ubcr 37641'1ge 256 on 9/27/54 in the Sullblk ClcIlt's office. Blk.06 Lolls) 9,14 Premiscsknown II 7617 SoundvU:w Avenue. SouthoId, NY TOOIITHrlll with 011 ri..... ride and inlereSl, ifaay. oftheponyofthe nmponor.lnaad lOaaySlreelllllll roods lbullina the ~ prcmi... 10 Ibe _ liDes 1hcreof; TOOIITHER with Ih lIJl/HII1CI1lIIand aJllbe _ and rig/dsofthe pallyofthe first pon inand 10 IIIIid peniaca; TO HA VI AND TO HOLD the pmaises herein paaled UOIo.... party of the second pori, Ibe heirs or_1III _.... of the pony oflbe second pan forever. AND the party oflbe fim pon """,,""IS that the porty oflbe rUSl pon his DOl done or sulTcred any1hia1 whereby the said pmnises have ...... eacumbend in aay way............. cxcepI as aforesaid. AND the pony oflhe firslput, incomplian<ewilh Seclion 13 of the Lien Law,_ IhIII the pony" Ihe rllll port will rec:clve lhe considcralion for Ihio conveyoncc ond will hold the rilht 10 roc';"" sw.i c:onsidmdion as IlrUSll\Ind 10 be applied r... for the purpaoc ofpayina.... COS\ orlbe im_DlII> will apply the '"""" IilllIOIboJlllYmcn1 oflboCOll of the impJOvcmCllt before usingaay portoflhc I01aI 0 1M IIlIlI1C for any othe.. purpooo. The word "party" sbaJl be conllNCd u inl nood "parIics" whenever Ibe ...... or this iado._ so requires. IN WITNT..ss WHEREOP, the pany oflhe Ii... pon hu duly CXCCUICd this dc:cd the day and)ar fin above wrlaen. IN PRESENCE OP. Lta4?~#~' Alice Ranieri ! . . mLE NUMBER: FNP-01401 TAX LOT B Amendld 8/15107 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that cerllJn p/ot, piece or percel 01 lend, IltuIte,lyIng and belnll at Soulhold, Tawn of Southold, County 01 Suffolk-llld StIte 01 New York, boundld Ind dllCllbed .. foIlowa: \ . BEGINNING at a point DIIrk1ll11 the ICIUthweslerly cornar 01 the premllll dncribld .. Parcellln a Deed from John A. Muir iIIllI George G. Muir to FIolInc:e S. Kramer dated September 5, 1153 IIId rac:onIed In the OffIce of lIIe ct_ of lIIe County 01 Suffolk Sep\lmber 8, 1953 In LIber 3574 PlIIII385. IIId pOint of blglnnlnlllllln8located on the no~ Une 01 SoundvIew AVlnue which II a point dIItant 2038.0 feel eoulhwlsterly frDm the Intellldlon of the nOlthwtllerly line 01 SoundvllW Avenue with lIIelClUthweslerly line of Kenny'. Roadi from Hid point of blglnnlng; RUNNING'THENCE North 40 dlll_11 minulll30 neonds Wilt, 345 feet to apCllnt; THENCE North 49 d'll_ 48 minutes 30 IICOnds East, 125 fill (Deed) 103.08 fill (Aclull) to a polnti THENCE NoIth 40 deg_ 11 mlnulls 30 neonds WtIl, 100 fie!, more or lass to a point on !hi onInary IhoI8l1ne of GrlIIt Pond: THENCE In a III111l'111 soutI1wIeterly cItIc:tIon IIonIl the ordlnlry 1Il000llne 01 Great Pond I dlsllllce of lIbout 155 flit more or Ias. to Ilnd now or formerly of Bellono: THENCE IIong .lld 1Ind. South 40 ~ 11 minutts 30 neonds East lIbout 133.00 fill (Deed) 134.50 fIIIlAdull) to the soulll.1lerIy comer of .11d pnmIses; THENCE In a southerly direction -II lIIe ere of I curve beerlnll to lIIeleft end hlVlnll a IIdlul of 170 feet for a distance of 267.04 fill to I point; . . -l THENCE Soutll4O 11.-11 mln.... 30 second, Ell!, 181.58 feet to I point on IIIe IIOU1hWllllrly IInI of Soundvl8w Avenue; THENCE North 42 dig,," 14 m1nutlS 10 llCOIIdB EBSt, 30.26 feet to I point; THENCE North 40 dBgl88811 mln.... 30 secondB Walt, 189.08leet (DeId) 177.80 lilt (Actull) to I point IIIong lhl 8IItIrIy, lIde oflha PrIvIlI Road; THENCE in a IlOIthllly dlnctlon IIIong the Ire of I cum belling to lhl right IIId hlVlngllldlul 01140 feet for I dfltlnce of 2lI8A3 feet (DeId) 219.91 feet (Actulll) to a point; THENCE South 40 d8g1'11111 mlnutBS 30 seconds Eat, 298.99 feet to I point on lhe n~tllly line of Soundvlew Avenue; THENCE Ilongllld northwnterly Unl of SoWHlvllw AvenuI, North 42 dig... 14 mln.... 10 1ICOIId, Ellt. 30.28 feet to lhl point or pilei of BEGINNING. ;IV" 5r/1~.A \0 '.f.......... 1'ft.At e. e l 11TLE NUMBER: FNP.o1401 TAX LOT 14 Amlnded 8/15107 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL lhlIl certlln plot, piece or parcel 0I1IIId, IItute, lying IIIlI being at Soulhold, In the Town of Southokl, County of SulfoII and Stale of N_ York, bounded and dllCrlbed.. foIIOWI: '. . BEGINNING at I polnl marbd by an Iron plpl HI 011 the northlll1lrly line of I c:ertIIn 30 foot private road (hnIrudtar cIIICrlbed~ (which point II North 40 ..,.. 11 mfnuhtl 30 .-.dl Wilt I dlltanc:e of 255.0 feat from the InlIrIec:lIon of thellld IlOI1heIlIterly fine of IIId private road with the nortl1wlllterly line of Sound VI_ AvenuI) (lIId IntenedIon being South 42 deg- 14 mlnutee 10 I8COnde Wilt I dJlIlIIIc:e 01128.10 fl!el from I concrlte monument Ind land now or formerly 01 Carl ReIter); RUNNING THENCE Ilongllld northlll1lrly line of IIId 3D foot private road, North 4D deg,", 11 mlnutee 3D lecondI Wilt I dlllance of 90.0 feetj RUNNING THENCE along the eoulhutterly Une of I ctItIin private belCh, , hlflllnlfter deacrlbed (and at right Ingl.. to IIId noltheeeter/y linl of the ptlvate road) North 48 delJ88l48 mlnulel3D eecondl EIIt, I cIIItInce of 125.0 feat (Deed) 103.08 fill (Actull) to land now or formerly of CIrI Reiter; RUNNING THENCE alOIIII Mid land of Reller. and pilling through I concrlte monumen1 HI on IIId Une South 40 dill'"' 11 mlnut8l30 lecondl East, I dlllance of 90.0 feet to I poInl RWked by In Iron pipe; RUNNING THENCE along land of Martin (and para/leI with the northw8lterly boundlry Ilnelbove dllCrlbed) South 48 deg..... 48 mInuhtl30 _ndl W..~ I dlltance of 125.0 fill to the poinl or place of beginning. TOGETHER iNITH the right to the use of e right 01 way over Ind the right to the UM of the fYllowIng delcrlbed JlIrC8I (1IId rlghte being In common with others Ind IUbjecl to IUCh IIIIOnlble 1III..1IIlI I'IIIIIllIIonl M John A. Muir and George G. I..wr may from time to time il1lpol8~ which comprI.. certlin 30 fpat private rolli. Ind I prIV1l1 belCh: BEGINNING at an Iron pipe set 011 the northweste, 'I line of Sound VI_ Avenue, 128.10 feel eouthWllterly along Mid --- -_.~ .--.---.-n_'._._....__...__._____n.__.. . . nOlthwelllll1y tine from al:OllQ'ete monument lit on said line at the soulheal8rty com. of land of John A. Muir and George G. Muir and the southwlllClrly comer of land now or fDnMrly of Carl ReIllIr; and RUNNING THENCE lilt foRowIng COUIIIS: 1) North 40 __ 11 minutes 30 _dl W", 345.0 flit; THENCE 2) North 49 d8grH148 minutes 30 HCondl E... 125.0 fell to aid IInd now or formerly of CII1 Reller; \ THENCE Ilong salclllnd now or fonnerly of Carl Reitlf, NortII40 cltgre.11 minutes 30 llcondl W.... 100.00 fell. more or 1..1. to the shore of Gml Pond; THENCE lOulhwlll8rly along said shore of GI'IIl Pond 150 feet, more or 1_; THENCE lilt following COUflll: 1) South 40 dlgre.11 m1nu.. 30 _ell Eul, 133 fell. more or _I, to an Iron pipe: THENCE 2) On I CUM to thtltft hiving I redlUl of 170.0 ftel,l dIIlInce Ilong said CUM of 287.04 flit to an Iron pipe; THENCE 3) South 40 degrtll11 minutes 30 _dl Eul, 181.58 feel 10 an Iron pipe set on IIId norlhwlllerly line of Sound VIew Avenue; THENCE along Illd northWllttrly line of Sound VIew Avenue, North 42 dlgrtll14 mlnutll10 IICOnell Eul, 30.28 feel to an Iron pipe; THENCE lilt following courses: 1) North 40 degrees 11 mlnutll30 HCOndI W.... 177.eo feel; THENCE 2) On I curvtlo lilt right hiving a rsdIUI of 140.0 feet, I dletance along said curve of 219.91 ftello an Iron pipe: THENCE 3) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 IICOndI Eul, 298.19 ,...10 an Iron pipe III on said norlhwtsterIy line of Sound VIew Avenue; THENCE along IIId norlhwllllrly Une of Sound VIew Avenue, North 42 degre.14 m1nul8810 IICOndl Eel!, 30.28 fell to the point or place of BEGINNING. ti,-,J.)I~d ~ tI-..'~(I..- r'""'i~ . "'''C'II'M)~I'DUlI'''''''''''''' NIt" ........lI'Cl'VI.1'I SIIlearNewVork.CololIy.r $... .f'kI\"- OlI....~'C'clayar A_I....._2007 ..................lpod. PC...-llJ-" I... AUce....1tri __Iy_.. .........-.......IIIt_ar-.." _..belllelndlvicbwl(l)__IIII(....)-.1Iod Ioh willi. ..........1IIlI_toW'rqlftome.. ~ _...._I..__I\y(..~IIId...by __i' lipo1uI<(l).."" .............. 1IIdMdua1(o~...... __ -.rar_.dlcllldiYlduol(lllOIGd._dot ow...... 1JJ.JNj"'~ IlIIor .." -- lit- UIli'~""""'.WfrHl.YNaW ...n.cJl'o:ar. lNewVllItcS_IoaW_-"""CeIIi_1 SWeafNewVllItc.C_a( ,.. On.... cIoy.r ill....,... .....................;pod, -'ly """""" Il0o _..... .........11Ie r......."""-"'. wi... __ I lOft .........Iy IoqlOiIdId. ...... be... by 1M cbdy -. dW....... 1Ild""l'....hMhrhbey_,)I. (Iftlw~of_ilt...<i(\, Irtdodrrltr.......__ .-/lor. /1""1' drtrotfJ:... -.eIIIley -t,) I.... ....lndi.....1 dacri.... in ad wIIo _lhe........ 1_.....Id_.........._,.....IIId_.1d eXft:alf lbe _: ad..... lIid wkncIIallhl: _linN....... riled hlsihonlhdr 1IIIlIO(s)................... IIMCMIiI a SALE OEm wmt CCllV8WITIi MMIII1' lMWn'OIrIACrI 'TIllE NO. fNP.01401 AIIco A_ TO RicwdK.____ F1DEUTY NAT_AL nTLE INSURANCE COMPANV OF Nf:W VORK ""'~"lll "'_tIw FIdoIi/J1 /)(ffmo<F' .........v.n. .......11l1li____ . ...ACrotw....r;; MTITIWIlUUPf"""'1JIi NP' 1IK.sr..JI''''~ . _.rNewVort,CounIyof J.. On.... cloy of ......_ belbft........_.................ly~ pIIIOIOIly known..........-..... m.......1I af _.....,.._10 be iIII ilIdl.....~I)...... _J II I.., IUbKrtbed 10 dIe.....in iIIIIrInIInI ad lelulu" """ID_dIIl --.,_*_Ioh_ ..,..;o,(ial.... ..... byh_.........J...... _..... lndIvllMI(l~......___r.r_....Ind_~I) ..................1_ Lilli 01Il0o"'* - ... ,."...,IDIIlKtIfJnIlM..... ....J7'An:GM.I~ 10000.r_... FompOanenl-"",,- Celli_I _.r CounIy of IE On.... clayof' .10...._ belbft....Ih.~_lIy_n:d _11y_lOm............................., 1IIl*""Y_00be.... 1od1vl....1(s) ...... _,) 11(...1 ..' Ld1ulhewiahiD___ICbcr~T~...IO.._ 'cIibeIlIloy_dlt_"_~ia~lIlId IhIIby_........,I......-...... 1nd1v1d1lll(1~......__......rof_ ....ind_~I) 1CItd....._.... _... ..........ladl................ IppUIMCetdnlllt~. ~ .... (I..." lite.*, u/odw pn/JllctlllIII6tIM....." lite """" or CIIMD).DI'ot6crplIlCtlJJw...~. 1 .llUWfll~ DlSl1llCT SECTION BlOCK LOI' COUNTY OR TOWN '0ll0 OIl 8 811ld14 - _OIl A1AoquootOl I'IdoIIIr_TIlo_~.,_.,llItc ~m ....To PatEicia Moore, Sa 51020 Main Road Southo1d, NY 11971 Number 01_ ~ DII dHII1I1II will be public recan!. ....... ,..,. .11 Boc'.' Bearlty Numbe,. prior II recanting. DmI I MOIlp&IIlllIlnImCnl Dood I MaIlpp Tox Slamp 3 ..... I FIN.. f.. '_!In, TP-584 P1'J1S 5. Jl!L Nu.ation EA-51 171Cou11ll'1 IlA051l7fY R.n.5- -\ \ CmIm. of . A16duYiI Certlfird Copy NYSS__ Other Sob 1bIaI 9- ~ "(~~.,~!:~ 1. f~....,..'."" ~ ',.., 'l.. ,_, q V'~""""-.d ""1'-4'~j . 5. 00 15. 00 Sub 1bta1 /K I . ()- a.....1braI RIel Pmpmy Tox Service A_ lleriliootioo . ~~-P Secuon 114"., Block 0 Loi .. ~3 1000 05100 0100 001000 ~ I" T S 1000 05100 OIGO OltOOO RDTY A 6 SoIIist..:tlw. -RECoRD" IlIlTVRN 11): , \'o.-t rl Ci(l Il\DD~ /e'..si: ~ / Oaf) (nCli/\ f\d 5'_~o\ll, tJY \\ q, I MIlIto: Judllh A. ~. SuIIoIk County Clerk S10 Center DrMt. RIv8the8d, NY 11801 -.auIIDIkcoU~rk . REClJa'oEl> 2007 Sea D7 091.u:~ All JUlllIll A. PIIICOI. Cl.EllK OF SlFRJU( m.tIIV L DOOOlml P 2!'6 DTI 07-04015 Ilecoodlna I POlIlJ SWIIpI ~lO' ~Amt. 1._Tu 2. Additloaol Tu SobTOllII S.....JAniL or S......IAdd. rar. MTG. TAX Dual 'Ibwn _ Dual County _ Ileldf...A~ . 'l'nulsrcr.... ~_ Man~ion Tax . Tbo proporty _ra1 by IIIia I1IOrlpp is ...will be illljllDVrd ""'_"'1"" r.mily dwelllo. only. . YES or NO UNO.... ~... .1........ ""_01 is 'menl. - 5 CPF Tox Due 5 / fib- 11) .... Tld.. 7 11t1e Com lnIoniJ8l1on 8 & Endorsement Pa Thi._fonuportoflhc_ ~e~ . lSP1lC1fY TYPE Of INsnwMl!HTl --fr-\, L.L R. 1)111\ i 0 ,... The pmniles hemn is lilUllled in SUffOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO 10theTOWNoI SDu..1'h...\A ~'''('~'''-lO.rA :r-~~tl cl'ln lnlbtVILLAOE ~1M~.\6. t'naiA.n orHAMLEToI S"t,l.""-,,)A BOXES 6 TIIRU. MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RIlCORDINO OR FlUNG. (....-I ......by: . lalmllllm IW IIIII.MII ~m 11I1II1 1IIIIIIalllln 1m all sUPPOLlt COmrrY CLBRlt UCORDS apPlCB UCORDING PAGB Typa of I...t~t. DDDS/1lDIl IlUmber of Pag.. I 7 Raoaipt HUmber . 01-0083515 TRARSPBR TAX BOMBBR. 07-04015 Diatrlcta 1000 Deed. Amo1.u::Lt I .eaor4ed. At. LIBBR. PAGJh SeGtioa. Block, 059.00 08.00 IlXAIIDlBD AIID CIIlUUlKD AS POU.OIfS $440.000.00 P"II,,/PUiag COli liA-crr TP-584 RPT Truafer taz Received the 1'o11ow:Lng ..e.. J'or Abov. I'U8trument lIx_t HO HO HO 110 110 110 ll&Adl;.ag Ift'S SIlCIlG liA-srATJ: Cart.Copiaa BCrII COIIlIIl. Pre. .... Paid $21.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $50.00 $1.780.00 TIllIIlSPIIK TAX 1l1DIB1IK. 01-04015 THIS P&GIl IS A PART OP TIIB DIS'1'RDIDJI'1' THIS IS ROT A BILL Judith A. P".eala COUllty Clark. Suffolk COwlty .- 09/07/2007 09,44.55 lIII Lot. 014.000 D00012521 296 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 f5.800.00 $7.741.00 ~t HO 110 110 110 110 JIO I I I I I I al ~ 8 < ~ ~ !j :I> iiI . - II i i II Ii tin ! i E IQtt ~ i ~ I r U 5 n iJ! I f II i p f ~ it'll Ii iii I Ii ,1(, I ~ ~ i ,d I i II t i ~ ~ I !h- z a ~ ., I r f f I rU h 11111[111 J J I (f I" ~ I f i I lit ~ r i i i I!I r {I-'-' J Ii! 1,7,o,'ttrr"j 'I'll = H!llIrnr I fUlfil" i Iii i i! ,lftilf!,I' tllh hr ;; III f tft-wf llli,! Hi huH I filii i r III i f I DODD i . a ~ .. .. .. n rll If {It II ~ " if { ~ . .. J i o I :t> ~ -:- I (' i\ ~nJ '11i f p , i'U : II' Iii I ODD !l ~ . . , ~ I ~ i Ii ~ z ~~ l- n ~,.' Ii ~ . ~ ~~ ~(\ 1~ \" Jl 51 :e .. ;!'" 03 ZZ ill me> ! It ~~ at ~ Sa :DI, iI ~~ ;"'U~~ ~~ Ii I · ~ I I ! ----<II . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Town Hall. 53095 Mai, Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York jl971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete Section I of this form and give to Town Clerk's Office (agency Freedom of Information Officer). One copy will be returned to you in response to your request, or as an interim response. ===================================================================================== SECTION I. /'1) /"1" r TO: 11~\tb\\!.IIl..S (Department or Officer, if known, that has the information you are requesting.) RECORD YOU WISH TO INSPECT: (Describe the record sought. If possible, supply date, file titj-r tax map number, and any other pertinent tformation.) VOI'- e(~,^~-f {;;/L cJO\t~ (VIA INO / (/0gKlj . Printed Name: Signature of Applicant: -J o\1-tJ J. (V\~ (;L- "..ICA i/flC-"tJ) LcJ "--v'; );yfJ- I Mailing Address (if different.J!;om above) : Slip 7J 0'17.3. Telephone Number: Address: ---------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ ] APPROVED [ ] APPROVED WITH DELAY* [ ] DENIED'" Elizabeth A. Neville Freedom of Information Officer Date * If delayed or denied see reverse side for explanation. . . SECTION II. (For use by Freedom of Information Officer only.) Your request has been DENIED or the reason(s) check below: [] Confidential Disclosure [] Part of Investigatory Files [] Unwarranted I nvasion of Privacy [] Record of which this agency is legal custodian, but cannot be found [] Record is not Maintained by this Agency [] Exempted by Statute other than the Freedom of Information Act [] Other (specify): Your request is ACKNOWLEDGED. There will be a delay in supplying the requested record until Reason for delay: SECTION III. RIGHT TO APPEAL YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO APPEAL A DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION IN WRITING WITHIN 10'DAYS OF THE DENIAL. .CONTACT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD (see below). THE TOWN BOARD MUST RESPOND TO YOU IN WRITING WITHIN TEN BUSINESS DAYS OF RECEIPT OF YOUR APPEAL. Southald Town Board Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southald, New Yark 11971 Telephone: (516) 765-1800 . . SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 7 Receipt Number : 07-0083515 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-04015 Recorded: At: 09/07/2007 09:44:55 AM District: 1000 LIBER: PAGE: 000012521 296 Deed Amount: Section: 059.00 EXAMINED AND $440,000.00 Block: 06.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 014.000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Page/Filing COE EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $21.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $50.00 $1,760.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM Comm.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,800.00 $7,741.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-04015 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County Number of pages -;r . This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp fEES 3 Page I Filing Fee ~1O Handling TP-584 5. J!!L Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217~ RPTSA\ ~ 'J Comm. of ~ Sub Total 9>-_ 5. ()() Affidavit Cenified Copy l\'YS Surcharge 15. J!!L Sub Total )R J g- Other Grand Total Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification O(!Jq" 000 00 Lot 0<1 0600 009000 ~ 0600 014000 SatisfactiOl. 6 -RECORD & RETURN TO: ~C\-tr1 cia. Il\oor~ I €'Si :f 10"*0 (Y1nil\ M )OtA'lno\/t I tl/y \\ 'l'll lress Mail to: Jud~h A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 www.suffolkcountyny.govlclerk ,~".. -..,.;-,....' Su 8 . REcm;:[:>E[. 2(1)7 SeD 07 Ij'j: 44: 55 Hf" Judith H. Pascal~ CLERV OF SiJFFOLl< COU~jFJ L [{IIJ012_521 F. :296 t'T# 07~1}4015 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec.lAssit. or Spec./Add. Tar. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointm~ Transfer Tax ~_ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # _ of this i tnlrneOf 5 CommWlity Preoervatlon Fnnd CPF Tax Due $5 Consideration Amount $ / Improved ,; Vacant Lapd" _ TO 10 TD TO Information orsement Pa e t[+\; c.~ R 01 "';" t'. This page forms part of the attacbed --.J)Q e J.. 'SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of 50lA:t ~b IA ~"r}.\arJ. JNhl\ <I'Jn In tbe VILLAGE \k, m <;>,\0. m a ,t\.() or HAMLET of Sl9tA-I-\." \ J BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) I -IMPORTANT NOTICE- If the document you've just recorded Is your SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE, please be aware of the follOwing: If a portion of your monthly mortgage payment Included your property taxes, 'vou will now need to contact vour local Town Tax Receiver so that vou mav be billed dlrectlv for all future Drooertv tax statements. Local property taxes are payable twice a year: on or before January 10'" and on or before May 31". Failure to make payments In a timely fashIon could result In a penalty. Please contact your local Town Tau: Receiver with any questions regarding property tau: payment, Babylon Town Receiver of Taxes 200 East Sunrise HIghway North L1ndenhurst, N.Y. 11757 (63!) 957-3004 R1verhead Town Receiver of Taxes 200 Howell Avenue R1verhead, N.Y. 11901 (631) 727-3200 Brookhaven Town ReceIver of Taxes One Independence Hill Farmlngville, N.Y. 11738 (631) 451-9009 Shelter Island Town Receiver of Taxes Shelter Island Town Hall Shelter Island, N.Y. 11964 (631) 749-3338 East Hampton Town Receiver of Taxes 300 Pantlgo Place East Hampton, N.Y. 11937 (631) 324-2770 Smithtown Town Receiver of Taxes 99 West MaIn Street Smlthtown, N.Y. 11787 (631) 360-7610 Huntington Town ReceIver of Taxes 100 Main Street H,\.illt.ipgton, N,'i ...11 743 (631) 351-3217 Southampton Town Receiver of Taxes 116 Hampton Road Southampton, N.Y. 119()8 (631) 283-6514 Islip Town Receiver of Taxes 40 Nassau Avenue Islip, N.Y. 11751 (63!) 224-5580 Southold Town Receiver of Taxes 53095 Main Street Southold, N.Y. 11971 (63!) 765-1803 Sincerely, Q,<..J ;~J a. It..... ,. - Judith A. Pascale Suffolk County Clerk tiSI': ACK.NOWI.f:DGMf:NT FOIlM Bf:LOW WITHIN NEW YlRK. STA r, liSt: ACKNOWLEDGMENT I'fJIlM BELOW WITHIN .1Vl!.SHTl! 0,'...,. )': Slate of New York. County of 5>\.\ {f-v\ 1<- }ss. State of New York, County of }ss. :;1'1"'- On the~rd day of August in the year 2007 On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Alice Ranieri personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory personally known to me or proved to me on the ba..is of evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the individual(s), or the that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) instrument. 1Ju~7-~ acted, executed the instrument. W.. LHaII -, aNewVOIk ND.01 =1 Qualfiedin CourIyn My Commission . hJ/}"X;NT FORM BELOW FOR LiSE Ol'TSIOE ,"iEIt' Y9RX srI TE ONL Y: USE ACKNOWLEDGMENT f'OIlH SEWW WITHIN NEW YeRK STATE ONLY: {Out of State or Foreign General Acknowledgment Cenificate} {New York Subscribing Witness Acknowledgment Certificate} State of New York, County of }ss. State of County of ss: On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he/shelthey reside(s) in personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) (If Ihe place of residence is in a city, include lhe street and street subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that number, if any, thereof): that he/she/they know(s) he/slle/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) instrument; that said subscribing witness was present and saw said acted, executed the instrument, and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the execute the same; and that said witness at the same time subscribed hislherltheir name(s) as a witness thereto. (Insert the city of olher political subdivision and the slale or counlr)' or other place the acknowiedgmenl was taken) BARGAIN & SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS 1000 TITLE NO. FNp.01401 DISTRICT SECTION 59 Alice Ranieri BLOCK 6 LOT 9 and 14 TO COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk Richard K. Johnson and Pamela Maino ~&I!\sIAt~VI Fidelity N.tlon.1 Title Inau...nce Company of New York Return 8\1 Mail To FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Patricia Moore, Esq. Incorporated /928 ~4ppreciate Ihe Fidelity Difference ~ 51020 Main Road ~'embet New York Stale Land Tille Asso<:ial1On Southold, NY 11971 . .u. - NVooo - .....i.... Sa...... wil' ~ ....... G~Io'" A,. I....id.~" C......... (SI.... S'HI) INY.') CONSULT YOUR LAWYER IUORE SIGNING THIS INSTRllMENT _ nus lNSTRIJMENT SHOlJLD BE IISED Bl' LAWVUS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ day of August, in the year 2007 BETWEEN J,'1 Alice Ranieri as surviving tenant by the entirety, residing at 7617 Soundview Ave., Southold, NY 11971 'chard 'IIi......Johnson and Pamela Maino, residing at 3 Duke Court, Framingville, NY 11738 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the flISl part, in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns' of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE A A IT ACHED HERETO Tax Map Designation Dist. 1000 Sec. 059 Being the same premises conveyed to Grantor herein by deed dated 5/22/81 recorded in LiOOr 9048 Page 128 on 8/6/81 in the Suffolk Clerk's office (covers Tax Lot 9) - and - by deed dated 9/25/54 recorded in Liber 3764 Page 256 on 9/27/54 in the Suffolk Clerk's office. Blk.06 Lot(s) 9, 14 Premises known as 7617 Soundview Avenue, Southold, NY TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ifany, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-descriOOd premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and win hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and wiH apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as ifit read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: I!tfP~ d~~' Alice Ranieri . . TITLE NUMBER: FNP.01401 Amended 8/15/07 TAX LOT 9 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marking the southwesterly comer of the premises described as Parcell in a Deed from John A. Muir and George G. Muir to Florence S. Kramer dated September 5, 1953 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk September 8, 1953 in Liber 3574 page 365, said point of beginning being located on the northwesterly line of Soundvlew Avenue which is a point distant 2036.0 feet southwesterly from the intersection of the northwesterly line of Soundview Avenue with the southwesterly line of Kenny's Road; from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West, 345 feet to a point; THENCE North 49 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East, 125 feet (Deed) 103.08 feet (Actual) to a point; THENCE North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West, 100 feet, more or less to a point on the ordinary shore Ilne,(lf GreatP~ndj THENCE in a general southwesterly direction along the ordinary shore line of Great Pond a distance of about 155 feet more or less to land now or formerly of Bellono; THENCE along said land, South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East about 133.00 feet (Deed) 134.50 feet (Actual) to the southeasterly comer of said premises; THENCE in a southerly direction along the arc of a curve bearing to the left and having a radius of 170 feet for a distance of 267.04 feet to a point; . . THENCE South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, 181.59 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of Soundview Avenue; THENCE North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East, 30.26 feet to a point; THENCE North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West, 189.08 feet (Deed) 177.60 feet (Actual) to a point along the easterly side of the Private Road; THENCE in a northerly direction along the arc of a curve bearing to the right and having a radius of 140 feet for a distance of 208.43 feet (Deed) 219.91 feet (Actual) to a point; THENCE South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, 298.99 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of Soundview Avenue; THENCE along said northwesterly line of Soundview Avenue, North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East, 30.26 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. W 5 0 ~t.A \0 f'fAAl4<\.. ('1 ~ II ~ . . TITLE NUMBER: FNP-01401 Amended 8/15/07 TAX LOT 14 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by an iron pipe set on the northeasterly line of a certain 30 foot private road (hereinafter described), (which point is North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 255.0 feet from the intersection of the said northeasterly line of said private road with the northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue) (said intersection being South 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 126.10 feet from a concrete monument and land now or formerly of Carl Reiter); RUNNING THENCE along said northeasterly line of said 30 foot private road, North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 90.0 feet; RUNNING THENCE along the southeasterly line of a certain private beach, , hereinafter described (and at right angles to said northeasterly line of the private road) North 49 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 125.0 feet (Deed) 103.08 feet (Actual) to land now or formerly of Carl Reiter; BUNNING THENCE-alo~said land cl.Reiter,-ancipassing through .a~ncrete monument set on said line South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 90.0 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe; RUNNING THENCE along land of Martin (and parallel with the northwesterly boundary line above described) South 49 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 125.0 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER WITH the right to the use of a right of way over and the right to the use of the following described parcel (said rights being in common with others and subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as John A. Muir and George G. Muir may from time to time impose), which comprise certain 30 foot private roads and a private beach: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set on the northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue, 126.10 feet southwesterly along said --., . . northwesterly line from a concrete monument set on said line at the southeasterly corner of land of John A. Muir and George G. Muir and the southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Carl Reiter; and RUNNING THENCE the following courses: 1) North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West, 345.0 feet; THENCE 2) North 49 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East, 125.0 feet to said land now or formerly of Carl Reiter; THENCE along said land now or formerly of Carl Reiter, North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West, 100.00 feet, more or less, to the shore of Great Pond; THENCE southwesterly along said shore of Great Pond 150 feet, more or less; THENCE the following courses: 1) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, 133 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe; THENCE 2) On a curve to the left having a radius of 170.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 267.04 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE 3) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, 181.59 feet to an iron pipe set on said northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue; THENCE along said northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue, North 42 J1~arees 14 minutes tnseconds Fut, ~Q.26 feetto-arliron pipe; THENCE the following courses: 1) North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West, 177.60 feet; THENCE 2) On a curve to the right having a radius of 140.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 219.91 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE 3) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, 298.99 feet to an iron pipe set on said northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue; THENCE along said northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue, North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East, 30.26 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. ~h~~d "f'", ILtpJ(1..A? r....'i~ . . Donald Wilder, Chairman Lauren Standish, Secretary Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., February 13, 2008, the following recommendation was made: Moved by James Eckert, seconded by Don Wilder, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of RICHARD K. JOHNSON & PAMELA MAINO to construct a 4'X 10' ramp up to a 4'X 18' level fixed dock section with a 3'X 10' seasonal wooden ramp onto a seasonal5'X 18' floating dock secured by (2) 4"X 4" posts. Located: 7617 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#59-6-9 Inspected by: James Eckert The CAC Supports the application with the Condition "Thru-flo" decking is used on the fixed dock and the ramp and floating dock are seasonal. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried . . -, ';) <::. ~- <3' ~ 1- ~ (. ,~ \"S ~ . . James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 South old, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Board of Trustees Field InspectionlW ork session Report Date/Time: Q. ~ 1?---l)O RICHARD K. JOHNSON & PAMELA MAINO request a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 10' ramp up to a 4'X 18' level fixed dock section with a 3'X 10' seasonal wooden ramp onto a seasonal 5'X 18' floating dock secured by (2) 4"X 4" posts. Located: 7617 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#59-6-9 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound _Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of above: Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: iLChapt.275 _Chap!. 111 ~other Type of Application: V W etland _Coastal Erosion _Amendment _Administrative _Emergency _Pre-Submission _Violation _Planning Info needed: ~r +D .\\.9'l1 ') "(LA'; ~"bL:01-~ \2.; l,a.. ~\~UC-~ 3~lC:rpp~r -\0 4~~ <:C2 ~ <L '3 y:J ~ 7 ,.. .f:.'lC' c-ll'r K. Modifications: Conditions: Present Were: 0K.ing ~.Doherty _P.Dickerson /D. Bergen~. Ghosio, Jr _H. Cusack_ D. Dzenkowski _Mark Terry_other Form filled out in the field by Mailed/Faxed to: Date: Environmental Technician Review QV!"OW /upC;lJl(OS: Pam & Rick Johnson 7617 Sound view Avenue Southold 9/16/07 ~I~~ ___ ,.;C'Q-G" -~ ~ ,-16- .~~_. '. ar; - . -.I . . ./~..,.,.~ "...&'"\~"- .../1__ v/.wru ~oo~,,_ ,""w . Pam & Rick Johnson 7617 Sound view Avenue Southold 9/16/07 ~ ""~ VI4"C.U LOOA!.J_ .-Ijw 1/ 1(4..., t.uoc J.<.P; .-I/<!!" 41' ~A ~ --;:::>'--.0 ~-7"$ A-..t ~_ . . I ~ ~ ,# . 'ORPCl...... .....C...,. ...."'-...~ ----+----- .,. ...=....... k\::'~-:" ~I '"''"'' N"'-'''''' 0"'." (1) ~'" ",::'- ,~,....~';,'.,,~ ~;::~;. ~---;,- ~:., .~ "", . ~ ..~. .... """,,- -..."'" """."" NOTICE _,.",.-...".."""",,1(1\ "',....,...r$.."".''''.''''Ol "'".." """" '" "'" ~.......,.., "T><JUT_~_~T" ...._"U,~""""'. (i) COUNTY Of sUFFOlK@[I'R"'- ReciPropertyToxServiceAgEflCY Yj '" '" Cal.nt,Cont.~NIImI wI- . '.. .\I:>J.[~ml;. .. ~ ".'" SOUTIIClO SE:CTIQNNO -. 059 fJl;lIItIlIl 1000 f'ROPERTYWN' + 1211 '-"'~'" ~"","'TL,_".'''' -- ""'~ 12.1'''. ",,12." '_'N 11.1'''] .....'~ -.. .T. :';~:,f=:,-'~-:'-c:df ,-:'*: -4 }~';'":[-::?::t'~';~::;;j;'x : ."., ';;-" - OFFICE LOCATION:. . Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 Main Rd. & Youngs Ave. Southold, NY 11971 . MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 To: Jim King, President Town of South old Board of Trostees LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ n Iln rc: \r;'\\\ '""f""~[C:(i'lIf,U \J LL; \ \ '0 b\\!l _...~ \' \----. , i\\i 0'''0 ,I I \J U Jut. 2 ~~ /)1) j--~ \ vUe. '.' .,_ ~I-'I"!" SC\1tIlQ,'~' -"" 8f1:'\"rl 01\n'.<,',r:es From: Scott Hilary, L WRP Coordinator Date: July 7, 2008 Re: Chapter 26S: Waterfront Consistency Review Wetland Permit for RICHARD JOHNSON & PAMELA MAINO SCTM#59-6-9 RICHARD JOHNSON & PAMELA MAINO request a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 10' ramp up to a 4'X IS' level fixed dock section with a 3'X 10' seasonal wooden ramp onto a seasonal5'X IS' floating dock secured by (2) 4"X 4" posts. Located: 7617 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#59-6-9 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 26S, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (L WRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the L WRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with the denoted following LWRP Policies and Policy Standards as outlined below and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. Great Pond. also known as Leeton's Lake is a unique natural and recreational resource unlike no other in the Town of Sonthold. Great Pond is a natnral resource that provides benefits includinl!: ODen SDace. habitat for fish and wildlife. water qualitv enhancement. floodinl! and erosion protection. scenic value. recreational and environmental education opportunities. The Town recol!nizes the ecolol!ical. economic and aesthetic values Great Pond has to offer. Policy 6-Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of South old ecosystem. Policy Standard-6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. A. Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of the Southold Town Board of Trustees laws and regulations for all Andros Patent and other lands under their jurisdiction. . . The annlicant must demonstrate that the followin!! dock standards have heen met. nursuant to Ii 275-11 Construction and oneration standards. ~ 275-11 Construction and operation standards. (2) Docks. (d) Review and approval of dock applications. Before issuing a permit for a dock structure, the Trustees shall consider whether the dock will have any of the following harmful effects: [I] Whether the dock will impair navigation or be located in areas of high vessel traffic or vessel congestion; [2] Whether the dock will unduly interfere with the public use of waterways for swimming, boating,flShing, shell fishing, waterskiing and other water-dependant activities; The nronosed action will imnede navi!!ation of small watercraft and interfere with public use of the shoreline such as wade-fishin!!. [3] Whether the dock will unduly interfere with transit by the public along the public beaches or foreshore; [4] Whether the dock will significantly impair the use or value of waterfront property aq;acent to or near the dock; [5] Whether the dock will cause degradation of surface water quality and natural resources; Great Pond's natural environment is the home to a multitude of nlants and animals. Activities and structures alon!! the shoreline can notential dama!!e these ornanisms. their hahitats and the comnlex food wehs that sunnort them. When structures such as docks continue to !!row in number and size. there can be an adverse imnact on the near-flhore ecolol!V. Structures on lakes. such as docks. can have direct. indirect and cumulative imnacts on these sensitive habitats. The increasin!! number of docks aIOOl! the shoreline of Great Pond has the potential to del!rade sensitive freshwater hahitat bv makin!! chan!!es to the hottomland. and water column. as well as shadin!! vel!etation. Durin!! dock construction. activities alon!! the shore mav cause sediment and contaminants to enter the water column where thev mav interfere with rearin!! fish and fish food items such as insects. nlankton and al!!ae. Shadin!! bv imnronerlv desi!!ned docks and floats mav reduce or eliminate the !!rowth of aquatic ve!!etation. an intel!ral Dart of the lake food web. Preservatives from treated wood mav seen into the water and sediments around docks and mav cause lake sediments to hecome toxic to aquatic ornanisms. [6] Whether the dock will cause habitat fragmentation and loss of significant coastal fish and wildlife habitats; Habitat fra!!mentation could result in a net loss of fish and wildlife habitat essential for snawnin!! fish such as Larnemouth bass (Microoterus salmoides). [7] Whether the dock will result in the destruction of or prevent the growth of vegetated wetlands, sea grasses including eelgrass (Zostera marina) and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) or shellfish; [8] Whether the dock will unduly restrict tidal flow or water circulation; [9] Whether the dock will be safe when constructed; [10] Whether the dock will adversely affect views, viewsheds and vistas important to the community; The cumulative imoact of docks on Great Pond could adverselv affect the viewsheds and vistas imnortant to the communitv. [11] Whether the cumulative impacts of a residential and commercial dock will change the waterw~ or the environment and whether alternate design, construction, and location of the dock will minimize cumulative impacts; and There are onlv a few docks on Great Pond and because of the size and nature of this bodv of water. the notential cumulative imnact associated with the build out of docks on the shoreline would adverselv imnact the water bodv. [12] Whether adequate facilities are available to boat owners and/or operators for fUeling, discharge of waste and rubbish, electrical service and water service. . . The proposed action is private. noncommercial and will not support a pattern of development that enhances communitv character nor nreserves ""Public" access or Dub.ic recreational activities. Policy 9-Provide for puhlic access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. Policy Standard-9.4 Assure public access to public trust lands and navigable waters. A. Provide free and substantially unobstructed passage along public trust shorelands. E. Provide access to, and reasonable recreational use oj. navigable waters and public trust lands under water. The proposed action will proiect approximatelv 43 feet into public trust waters and therefore will impede and obstruct the public use of such waters. The applicant eniovs "reasonable recreational use" of Great Pond via a cleared path to the waters ed!!e, The path is sufficient for the launchin!! and retrieval of manual powered water-craft (see Fi!!ure #1 below). The area also offers ample stora!!e for such water-craft (see Fi!!ure #2 below), '1 (Figure #2. . _ I . \_~~~ .....\- Ample shoreline storage for watercraft on applicant's property.) CONTINUED . Policy Standard-9.4 Assure public access to public trust lands and navigable waters. . 2. Permit limited obstruction of public use, including navigation, in navigable waters: 3. Obstruction of navigable waters and underwater lands is limited: b. to the minimum necessary for access to navigable waters. The minimum is determined by evaluating the following factors: (i) the extent of the use's dependence on access to navigable waters, (iii) the size and nature of the body of water, (iv) the natllre ofpllblic lIse of the adjacent waters, As indicated above. Great Pond is a si!!nificant freshwater fisherv offerin!! diverse fishin!! opportunities throu!!h-out all seasons. When fish in!! Great Pond. the shoreline corridor is the primarv meaps of access when navi!!atin!! small water-craft and wade-fish in!!. Therefore the proposed action will impede and obstruct upon access to the shoreline corridor. inhibitin!! these water-dependent uses. In addition. user !!roups of the Peconic Dunes Camp Suffolk Countv Parkland utilize Great Pond for numerous water dependent recreational uses. The proposed action would further impede and obstruct upon those recreational uses of park patrons. (v) the traditional means of access lIsed by surrounding similar uses, (vi) whether 01' not alternative means to gain access are available. The applicant eniovs alternate means of access to Great Pond via the Town's ri!!ht-of-wav off Lake Court (see Fi!!ure #3 below). This public access is conform in!! to launch in!! ofsmall craft such as canoes. kavaks. and aluminum boats suitable to the size and nature of this water bod v (Great Pond). (Figure #3. Public access to Great Pond off Lake Court.) c. by extent and characteristics of the developable adjacent upland area and its ability to support in-water development for the water-dependent lIse. d. by potential adverse effects on natural resources and their lIses, and e. by potential adverse effects on Pllhlic safety. . . Water-skiin!! is indicated as a proposed water-dependent use on the Coastal Consistency form filled out bv the applicant. The size and nature of Great Pond does not support water-skiin!! as a recreational activity and further the use of !!as vessels on anv inland freshwater resource in the Town of Southold is prohibited pursuant to & 96-17. Therefore, the installation of the proposed structure mav promote power boat use and Ilossiblv the followin!! ne!!ative imllacts mav result: 1. Degradation of water quality 2. Impacts to submerged aquatic vegetation 3. Contamination from fuel discharges (if power vessels are proposed) 4. Erosion on shorelines, and 5. Re-suspension of bottom sediments and turbidity Chapter 96, BOATS, DOCKS AND WHARVES ~ 96-17. Internal-combustion engines; mufflers. A, No boat propelled by an internal-combustioll engine shall be operated 011 allY inland fresh waters in the Town of South old except in emergency or rescue operations or by peace officers in the performance of their duties, [Added 8-10.1971] If the A!!encv (Board of Trustees) makes a contrary determination ofconsistencv, the A!!encv shall elaborate in writin!! the basis for it's disa!!reement with the recommendation Pursuant to Chapter 268 Waterfront Consistency Review. ~ 268-5. Review of actions. H. In the event the LWRP Coordinator's recommendation is that the action is inconsistent with the LWRP. and the agency makes a contrary determination of consistency, the agency shall elaborate in writing the basis for its disagreement with the recommendation and state the manner and extent to which the action is consistent with the LWRP policy standards, ~~'- .~.~.._' _ : ~ .r_::t _ ....\l<<:~e:,.. ~~.7; . . ." """. Ii' .,i'....~.... - ~ ~ . . ,.' . ',~. ~-. ~. .-.;,~ J..t: ;..' ./fl' ,. ">it ".: . Cf-.J. '::.-l.'!1r-: 'I-" <I.. .-: :r~..,., l' '", 11f. ,...... 'M:ll-~'.>f''J-..'l"< ..c.-..<!.".~,L.;: ~. .......-, . - """. ^,," .\.,'~:).<.""-';--":' ~... .-' ,!~"?'. .;,. ..~'. ~ _...,.....,,~.,. .'.r ',';> . ", ,.,-,<.,,~. < . ,'< . .IS '<4','1. '.~"" . ...-~.. ;.r '. ~'- ,'C ... ._" ~.e' .'\....;$o.'40~-t.:'.-',.I-- ..."".;:.::,.... '.0; ,": ,~ I}.>;,. '.)l~. ..",4."'~. ..'~' ..,~.:;, ".~" "4' 'I "'. - _ '.+ '. .......... ,... JC:. I r' '..;. --".' . ~ .....t- "~~".4'... '. ., '-:.' ", .. - ..~ !i:l""~:;~ ~ -~ti.-- , .- .~_.-. "-u-<'f. :', ~ ,~;;., "4 I~.~i.~':."<<'~ ':~..'~~~~_P, "._..~~t;,-, .~.-'~-:,.:-:.~' ;-,~_~,,>-~'f J .t~. ". '~iY.J"." .... .c.. ..-..... '. .'.r'A~~''I'... II '-., , ~ ,.,,, , ....'Mo' '-." ".'t.,;.o J ....~I,tJ~ ......x:.'ilrL_.~_..l"_~_.,....;..'i,..J,II;;.,;i,,.,..j .~f.J-_ . " '.' ,'';,;. ..,d' ,,~,;,~ - ,,~;....""".;..)t. ..~~~ .1. .,--0. ~!I",<~..... . - ..\r .... _ ,- ,.....~Pi'~...'.. r"--' "', -: -':"-;.. -t:-..':'1; ~# .,-..;~-., -'.J;':.. ,,';'..1., to? " .e, lE:.Jl.Il...... ~,.. ;t.;;.y... ""':. _.'i(!O!t'~."".. .' j.' .. 'j'; (Figure #4, Johnson & Maino parcel.) Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. I r: live Search Maps - Windows Internet hplorer ~~. iti""-"~...,,,",__ , " -.!'y~ t X I""'" Fje Eat View Favo-les Tool< Hot> ~ Go"'ild~ S. ~ (/ _... ;'3"""", ~o.d. ,."........ ' ,----, I L..Sendto. , -"- Coosi<C. .. -s. 1'1:""5",,,,_ . s . [) ~. GJ.page . t) LWeSellfctl I MSN I WlldowsLlVe UniledSlates I cashbac ~. UveSearch 8u~illP~s or j:xatllJrl Maps m 6u~lne~~e. People CollectIons locatIons Web ~ Welcome e Directions iJ CollecbOl Sharf e2008MICJosoftl Pnv~ IleQal AdvertIse I Webrnl!sters I Developers I Help I """ ~""'"'t .,t ~r/;start lilAd.:beRem-[tw.. f\iIFoioViews [pc}eod.. t::llVt~archMaps W '~RICHAROJCH.l5ON ~ (J live Search Maps Windows Internet hplofer GJ@ , "1"- i:li' t x Ie:'';; - p. ~ 'II ~~ - - -""'!!~~ f6e foil: VieW FavcrtM Tools ~ Googlts:~ -~G<>"';$1!)8. ~ 'Cl-- !9>'"""" ~o.d<. ,........ '~, .- " ~11",,""''''_ r ] ~5erdl:O'" , 0-- ~oI-'"- h'.~ ~.UPaQe.OTods. Lr.eSean;h I hlSN t Wfldowswe Unetlsta\e~ 1 cashback I SJ1fl1l l!J Uve Search Rllsmess 01 lr)f <ltliJl1 . Maps m 811~irl~~\e~ People Collections LOCil!ions 'u'oeb ~ Welcome ~ DirectIOns a CollectlO/ls'" ~~ SNce ~nnl t, 2008 MICrosoft I Pnvacv I Leo.,1 Advertise I webmasters I Developers I Help I Feedbad .", ~"''''''' +,100% . '!1'.start 1~I~R~_[lW 'illftlio~'lews-{PClCod. r:L"'eSe~(hMaps W 'QRIOiAADXltt6ON. ''3[)X~-MIoO$of. ~944AM (: llVl! Search Maps - Windows Intl'rnel Explorer ~@ ~ t.. ~~'~.,-""'f_"""'"' ,v 't xl!,;:.-q.. -: p. Fie Edt View F$VOrhs Tools Iie\1 Coogi<;C- .~l':"<ll-It) e - ~ , <:z """,",,- ~3"""'" ~,!Jl:",,""d>- 1""d>I~1 1'Ched<.. '\Al.tiX.ri\. ~:. ~H :!t5eOOto. 0"'"",. ~~ s. &1 ~ .UPaqe."Took. lIVe Sellrm I I.lSM I Wfldows L....e Vn~ stales I CllShbllt:k I Sign rl o Uve Search Business or locahon -Maps m 811'1Il~"~1o People Cofl~ctlons lOC/lhOM Web ~ Welcome &1 DirectIons fJ CollectIons'" U St-are ~nnl tl2008Ml(:rosoft I Pnv"cv I Leila! Ad"ertlse I webm/lS':el"1' I Developers I Help I feedb"ct "'"' It Ic<_ +~ 100% . ::),stiln lilAO:beRe4der-[lW.. llfFoklViews'[PC/Cod. (:L"'e~arch~ W :raRICHAADXltNSON.. lQ'1eatpordl-r-.oos" rgllreatpond1.-MIl;ros ~946AM ... I . . Special Groundwater Protection Area (Southold) Critical Environmental Area (CEA) Map #3 Effective Date of Desi nation: 2-10-88 Desi natin A enc : Suffolk Coun (, .. Cl- v " LIT T L t: S. (I U T..H 0 L 0 ' ,VOl/r/l JiRArE , , 1.5 3 Miles @ For Adjacent CEAs see Maps: Mill Creek, Goose Creek, Richmond Creek and Beach, Cutchogue Hartlor, V\lestCreek, Down's Creek, Robin's Creek, Hails Creek, Base Map: DOT 1 :24,000 Planimetric Images Deep Hole Creek, and SGPA Map #2. Disclaimer: This map was prepared by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation using the most current data available. It is deemed accurate but is not guaranteed. NYS DEe is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the data. Please contact the designating authority for additional information regarding legal boundary descriptions. SGPA Maps 1 through 9 represent a portion of the SGPA designated as a Critical Environmental Area. 1 inch equals 1 miles (1.-2,-9 0' -2~-9 0~-01-q O~.~O-<;I 0<;1-0(1-0 0<;1-,1-0 11-02-00 01-11-01 05-2'-01 12-06-01 1-25-0 02-11-0 <;1-16-0 02-19-0 07-16'0 0(1-06-01 11,01-01 Q~-~O-O 11-02-06 11-27-06 2-22'07 N ]11'''~ f ~ , o -N- ! I 1i ~ L ~,...Alln E --- C ~,"""I..tLlno E N Sn--I \IlDnI D ~~~ _1..,,"- --r-- lUl....ioI""9Oicl<iIIoIg.lIo. (21) -~ -----. -- ....................--., "~- t<vl11l'" " -.. 1l!.lACdlorl2.1A ,-~ _td..... 12.1ACo;I -~ S<hOOlllotr~'ln ,~ """"""....""l'" -. l.N.ESS ORAl,.. OTHEAOl5l:, ~, PROl'OlTlES @ __A__ '" olT_ ,~ FOI.lO.1I'IG OlSTRlC1S. F....lIotr~t I.... __F__ 1lo.....1lI...~t \... ..... , ~.. 0.0 1Gt..-.tr~t Ilno --0-- 1Oo....\:"'III...""l... _~T__ 'M " HYllRAtiI --- llltrt DIftr~t Uno __L__ ~1II...lI;tllno--A-- '"'' n... ..~ ,~ ~~, .......lIItr~. line -, 1000-,..0I.tr~tlilWl .. -"'" USTElATEA ;.-ll>trI<tU'" -, NOTICE l.WHTENANCE,.lLTERA1lCJI,SALEOR OlSTIltlll.JTDI~ANYPOR101OFTI€ 5lf"H".~ Ci.XJNTY TAX lilAI' IS. Pfl(JlIflIl"ED "THOOT'll!TTENPElllSSlCI'I~TI€ RE.lLPRtf'EllTYTAXSEAVlCEACD(:Y. e 'COUNTY OF SUFFOLK CD Red Property T ox Service Agency CoI.ntyCenter River"heod.NY mal .' SC.lLEIMFEET: M , 20ll .. ." ~. ''''~ SOUTHOLD SECTION NO '" '" "''''~ 059 '" ." """,,,. 1000 PROPERTY MAP COlIi'ERSM'lNUAT!:, Auq.2',n1S . "'~ . . .,. IT ,~ ......, ---_.~......". _T~ "_"~'''' . . COSTELLO MARINE CONTRACTING CORPORATION DOCK BUILDING. JETTIES. BULKHEADING . STEEL & WOOD PILING. FLOATS 423 FIFTH STREET . P.O. BOX 2124 . GREENPORT,NEWYORK11944' (631)477-1199/477-1393/477-0682' FAX (631) 477-0005 May 6, 2008 Southold Town Trustees PO Box 1179 Sp\Jthold, NY 11971 [5),H l< I H ~ \fU MAY - 7 2008 l1JJ RE: Johnsonl Maino Properly Southhold 1m Board of Trustees Dear Lauren/Enzabeth: Enclosed is a copy of the requested property deeds. I am requesting that this dock application be placed on next mOnth's public hearing agenda. If the Trustees have any questions regarding this project, feel free to call Jack Costello on his cell, (631) 90201811. Jane P. Costello Permit Manager Enclosures (;Ii"d ,)i0'i ":fP ~ cJ. ~ . . omce Use Only "'. _Coastal Erosion Permit Application :::i2Wetland Permit Application _ Administrative Permit Amendment/fransferlExtension ---LReceivedApplication:~ ~eivedFee:$ a ~ _....eompletedApplication~.J31Ib? '" _Incomplete _SEQRA Classification: Type I_Type II _ UnIisted_ _ Coordination:( date sent) /CAC Referral Sent--ll. 'BM ___!fate of Inspection: -2:1' () '" _Receipt ofCAC Report: _Lead Agency Determination:_ Technical Review: --d'oblic Hearing Held: ~., I Q! _Resolution: Lull2.P ...., _.-" ----"l \ '\ \ _J ...-..--'- n ~ 3 \ ',887 \..-.,---'." Address Phone Number:( ) JD31. ~%- 4!J~8 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 5'Q - {, - q Property Location:..1.Lll7 ;=))/1 l,(h/lf.vU Avt.V\\,(Q (provide LILCO po~,l.ld~ld location) AGENT: f~v,Wl_ ~~h-achKq Gv I':> (IfappJicabJe) \ Address:f1) &J'j. Jl~ I 6~4- Phone: W31 L\ 11- Llgq (l)J<\Y <j, cy~ \\~~() - . . Board of Trustees App1ication GENERAL DATA Area Zoning: 3,') ';2()4 ,35 . Land Area (in square feet): Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Prior pennits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date _ No prior pennits/approvals for site improvements. Has any pennitlapproval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? 2-No_ Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): -, 4It Board of Trustees ApPlicat~n County of Suffolk State of New York - r MaVlVll Q ( lo BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND RMS THAT HE SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED, IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICA TroN, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTA TIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION, SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Signature DAYOF~~20 07 ......_ V:EPuRONICA F. ClOONE: ,-, bllC, Stale of 1VeW"'~ n..~.o.ICl4661406 .... Cam/iiIii!'lll",!,.~k COu!llr 1GII......"lIlleC. 31. 2flO9 ~Board of Trustees ApPlicat~ WETLANDITRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA ..-.- Purpose of the proposed operations: Area of wetlands on lot: .3(J/fJO square feet Percent coverage of lot: f!l) % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: ,;( 0 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 0 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? X No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated?+cubiC yards How much material will be filled? loll" cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited:~ feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: MIA Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: ~ h Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): , ~lvt wi \I ~ ~\\Ae ~V1(),{ .cL.~i ~.U(LV1f1~ - . V ied , io fe -~i51 wd.vu.-Vt f1 5Wsrkt.2ltVIA J . . . James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Ir. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of __-I1H_tltt1d_'4-Ol1.Jl.lJ.Q.Cl._'1:__ib_!JJ.Jdf1!._'7.r1at-1Vir COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, ,Jo.rt Crk"lfJ \0 , residing at being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the I 0 day of Jw'1.C , 20<6 I personally posted thc property known as by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held i 11,,4, ~ l./LL 18{ ~ tnR - 0'1 Wlll txv..t tJ,'(J) m Dated: S~orn to before mc this Ie: day 0~20o-Q, OJ ~I\ ~_(j:J \-\ Q H j~ Notary Public CYNTHlA M. CUSATI Notary Publlc...~te 01 New 'Ibrk No.OllAllllOO507 Qualified in Suffolk Coun,ty, J Commillian ExIliIll$ Oct 20...,(4.. . r-- 0- >- z o~ c 0 "@ -5 ~ 5 "rn " . E g " c 0.. ~ -~ r.n.~ C ;> 00 "<:-00 o CO ...., ;:IN -000 ~C/)_ fj::::~ "_"l '" C o::.f'.~ . . "-~ ~- -= ~' -<::-:-~~ ~ ----- , ----~~~ '. ~ I I COSTEllO MARINE CONTRACTING CORPORATION DOCK BUILDING. JETTIES. BULKHEADING . STEEL & WOOD PILING. FLOATS 423 FIFTH STREET. PO BOX2124' GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944' (631)477-1199/477-1393/477-0682 . FAX 1631) 477-00U5 AUTHORIZATION FORM I, RiC-~Q{\~ K. 'J;ltVlSOh ownerof ho~ (Name) - (BusinessIProperty Name) 5cvv~ D 1& located at 7ft:?1 '7 .Sot-(",JI/c'.p(~) A-w I' do hereby give Costello Marine Contracting Corp. the authority to act as agent in my behalf in applying for all the necessary permits for work to be completed at my above referenced property. /1 ~ '67 Date RdA D~-h_ _0 Signat~ -- . . 617.20 Appendix C S~~e.n~,!ronTel1talgua'ity Revi!t~ SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNUSTJ?P ACTIOt:'lS Only PARTI-PR~ECTINFORMAnON 1. APPUCANT/SPONSOR Co.!l?aUO /774/Z'/-/5 ~AC'T~':; ~P. 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality 5ocrr#t>GC> County ::5G...r=-..,."t:t<:::.. 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmllrka, etc., or provide map) 7~/7 S"G>..u:> V /ez:.v .Ave. ::5o"~<-r=>~ N.y, . 1197/ :S<;::r"w /dOo-,5t?-~-q 5. PROPOSED ACTION IS: urNew D Expansion 0 ModIfication/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: .Cc""Sn::;I.vcr A 4',< IO~ RAMP ~P70.A 4'i-18'L..-."._ r/)(""-:> Voc:-<: 56-.:-r/0<./ ""-'rrH A 3'>'-/0' -S.......:s.,....J..<U.. <-uo.o~R~p. &>;<o./ro .4~'~/t1!J~::><SA-n','JU... -PG".<lr/..y~ =r::>e>c,-" <:S-<'r-r.~~.". '2-4">,-4"PO$1"'5. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: . Initially - <=> - acres Ultimately"::':O - acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ~es D No If No, desaibe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? ~idential D Industrial 0 Commercial D Agriculture 0 ParklForestIOpen SpaceD OtI1er Desaibe' .' ... -- 'p~~~ ~~~~C6_WA~~r 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NawOR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY oTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCAL)? . ;. "," [j}'fes D No If Yes, list agency(s) name and permllIapprovaJs:' "v"fS De::. , ~ys D,:,s,.AceJe~ TO'f-tOf""c ~~G.r-:J 11.' DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTL yliALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? D Ves @1(io If Ves, list agency(s) name and permllIapprovals: , 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? DYes rg-No ICERTlFY THAT THE INFORM,ATlON PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUJ; To THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Applicant/sponsor name: ~ .J.'UI.4"'~ ~<?;,;,.w~~ Date: /O!/D~~ Signature: . ~~-;;l.'~~ . ..... . '. . If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state aGency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with IS assessment OVl'R PART II - IMPACT ASSESSMENT leted b Lead A en A. DOES ACTION EXCEED ANV TYPE I THRESHOlO IN 8 NVCR/!. .~fflr.,P17,i1?\ o Yes 0 No ."""....., .' B. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED RE\iJEW A8PR9Vl~1D FOR U~~!~l?.~C'l70N~I~,6!~VC~, ,P.Af,lT,617.5? "No, a n.gative dedarationm8Ybe.upel'Mdedby.~herInv0lved.ncw.< ,-."f, r},. i ~f'':;.,';tt.; ::;-j.,....'_,!.,~. ",' I ,t'; OV.s ONO' ;.:, ':"',;....,.f".....,...,~..l.,",:, ".'"" ';"...,,~ ,....:,.. C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTs AssOCIATED WITH THE FOLlOWING: (MSW.IS m.y be handwrlll.n, If legible) Cl. existing air quality, surface or groundwater quallty or quantity, nols. 1ev.Is, .xlstlng tnIfIic pattern, solid waste production or disposal, potential for .roslon, drainage or flooding p~~:. Explail1 brie"r-'~ ,.. ;"~'r .... '. .... . . . If yes, coordinate the review process and use the FULL EAF. . ;~ .', ,;' ". " ". "1" ,.\.':'-",<" ,-,'\".,.<':; _' .,.._ _....... ":;"':;"'" ," ... ,', ...:.,. '. ":""_" ,.. C2.Aesthelic, agricuttu;'I,' arch';';'iOgiC8J, 'h~~ Or oti..; n:du.;.J ~r Cllltunllreaourcea; or c:omm~~ity' or neighborl100d charact.r? Explain briefly: p ~. '" . . .~.,', ' .. C3. Vegetation or fauna~ fish, sh.llfish or wildlife SP,\IcIaa,~nmc.nt h8bita~, or thr.atened or .ndanger.d spacies? Expiain briefly: ':._' ~,~':."\. ..; .-...... C4. A community's existing 'pl.ana or'go8ia as olftclalJy lIdojlW.f"" a ohang. In use or Intensity 01_ 01 land or Oll18r natural r.S9~S? Explain brl.fly: C5. Growth, subsaqu.nt d.v.lopment,. or ....Iated activities 1Ik.ly 10" bel/lduced by th. proposed action? explain briefly: ,< , "-'" '.- --,- "- ':>.-,,' '::'-,-;.',' ,',. ~ ~'. \ l'. '.~ " ,..........\ ,~ -, ce. Long tenn, short t.rm, Cumulative; or Oih.r"IIecfa',~,~~~c(l~ ~1~~? ~!al~~brl!oflY!.: "'""'.::'- ... .h.j_".... .,' .~. : C7. Other impaeta (inclUding changes In us. of .Ith.r quantity or typa ol.nergy? Exillain bri.fIy: . .~ ';':.].1-"" -, :. d' " '. ,',': I' ~ D. WILL THE PROJECT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAUSED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CRITiCAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA (CEA)? o Yea 0 No If Vea, .xplain ~riefly: " ," ;.;; E. IS THERE, OR IS THERE LIKELV TO BE, CONTROVERSV RELATeo''TO'P6tEimAL: AOVERSEENVfRONMENTAlIMPACTS? o Yea 0 No If Yes, .xplaln briefly: PART III . DETERMINATION OF SJGNiFIC:~N~r;rrQ ~. o:omplehldby Agency)' " ,,' , INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect Identifled above, determine whather tt is substential, large, important or otherwise significant Each effect should be assessed in connectiOn with Its (a) aettllJg.(I,..~rban opural);.(b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If nec8aaary, add attachments or ....f.rence supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient d.tail.to show th~t all relevant adverse imps'*., hew .b"".J.c!en1i~!l,<I,and ad~ua~eiy add....~llll.: .:Ifquastion'd' of part Ii was checked Y.s. the det.nnlnation olslgmficance must evaluallllhe Pbienti8llmpact 0(1he Proposed action on the environmental characteristics oftha CEA o Check this box If you have identified one ormorePot.ntially .rvaofslgnmc.ntadve... ;,;,paCts whiCh MA V occUr. Then Proceed directly to the FUL EAFand/orprepareapositivedecJ.ration~"\'i',' "','"" ",', _' _, " ,".' , \, .... , ' " .. ,', "" '- ," ,- --, -' ~, ".J o Check this box if you have det.rmined, based on th. in,ormatiOn and' anafyils above and any supporting dOCUmentation, that the proposed actio WILL NOT r.sun in any significant adv.1SO envlronmentallmpacta AND provide. on attechments as neCessary, the r.asons supporting thi determination. Name 01 Laed Agency . Pnnt or Type Name of Responsible Officer ,~ ~I~ AQ.'~ ' ...',.:1,"',- ,.:C;;': ~",":'..~." ;,~>i-.. , I'>.J HUe of Responsible OffiCer . ".' ., ;'~', . \ Date .'-,..,: Signature 01 Responsible OIftcer In Leed ..AQ!ncy ~~. ~ '..~. slgnalu....o, Preparer (Ir.dmerenl fromresponslPIe officer) ."'." :~!" ; .. T~~R~~JtdnhV\~ . . . LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete Ihis CCAF fur proposed actions that are subject to the Town of South old Waterfront Consistency Review Law Tim assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency III making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Perll/irs and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the prepar:erof this form should review the eXempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Soulhold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action vvill. be evaluated as to its slgni fic1Ult beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of South old Town) 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy. standards an~ conditions contained in the consistency review 111\\ Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified poor to makll1g a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the L WRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the L WRP pollC\ standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is,available in the following places: online at the Town ofS()uthold's websltc (southoldtown.northforknet),the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION . SCTM# 6q ~ q The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dep!. 0 Building Dep!. 0 Board of TrusteeiXI 1. Category of Town of South old agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, plarming activity, agency regulation, land transaction) o o (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant; loan, subsidy) (e) Permit, approval, license, certification: ;KJ Nature and extent of action: ..' (~ r ;:~~ :~~':~~~2"' c1c ~(l~Il6{ :9X/~oct 7eCllif~JJy (~)41'x4"j1ci-S~ Location of action: 7(0[ 7 ~uJ.1d VIllA) AVfI'l'At'.. l'St,uth!J Site acreage: .7 8g Pr~sent land use: 51~qlLJ~W1ll~ (I'.Sldi./ll (d Present zoning classification: .:z 10 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) NameofapPlicant~rr7M ~l1V1r1etLMa~V\f) (b) Mailing address: ,-? ~ It J. F7inUl~~~1l38 (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( )~CO -4tcJ,8 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes~ NoD If yes, which state or federal agency? -1\'(?tf"[ _ N ~'7Cl::57 At {St I I DEVELOPED COAST POLICY . Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Nves 0 No D. NotApplicab)e r "::1: \~Q <>,'<. S~ A+k.cU oct Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See L WRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria o y~ 0 No Li~.tAPP"'ob" . ( 8/"'nSo .s::." ~koCl' '. . , ': Attacb additional sbeets if nec. . Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See L WRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria DYes 'ti:I N~ 0 Not Applicable , ,~~ S'" Atioc W Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural reSQurces from flooding and erosion. See L WRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ' DYes 0 No ~ Not Applicable A., j . ~1"'Q<:1d S. ~k{J Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of South old. See L WRP Section III - Policies Pages 1 ~ through 21 for evaluatloncriteria DYes 0 No ~ot APPlicab;e ,. .. 8(o~ ~ . AHackol Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III _ Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. o Yes ~NoD Not Applicable ~eo~~ ~.-t' ~o~ '. " . . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect. and improve air quality in the Town of South old. See L WRP Section III _ Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. , , o Y~s DN~ Not~Plicable n \~a.<<1" ~p Afk&.tlJ/ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation In Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous "">tao,,, ..d W;:'['. S" L WRP. Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. DYes 0 No LfNot APP~ea:sp S Mir.LzJ fit PUBLIC COAST POLICIES . Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section 111- Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. DYes It No 0 Not Applicable F?eCl..30 <;~ .4++17(' itoJ . Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations~ See L WRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. 111 Yes. 0 No 0 Not Applica~ ~_. j '. . H~~~ ~('". Ajin(lto r . . Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, .the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See L WRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. DYes 'ro No 0 Not Applicable _ /I t R~a~ .. ~ n AI+a(' k nfJ Attach additIOnal sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See L WRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. DYes 0 No ~Not Applicable (=:? c;- jff /' =+ If'a!'>..n ~ ~t7 totf,. Attach additional sheets if necessary . Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See L WRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. DYes 0 No M:i Not Applica.ble . j '1' -ReA''''''' <::;,." .Ai'tzlr t,,.,j Created on 5/25/05 11:20 AM ". . Date: To: Proposal: December 26, 21 . Southold Town Trustees and Mark Terry Construct a 4'x10' ramp up to a 4'x18' leveled fixed dock section with a 3'x10' seasonal wooden ramp onto a seasonal 5'x18' floating dock secured by two 4"x4" posts. DEVELOPED COAST POUCIES Polley 1 Foster a pattern of development In the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preselVes open spac:e, makes efl'ident use of Infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastallocatlon, and minimizes adverse effects of development. Our proposal is consistent with this policy in that it a dock structure that will be utilized by the property owner to access his boat in order to access larger bodies of water. Our proposal makes beneficial use of this waterfront location. Waterfront property is the only appropriate location for a dock. The addition of this structure will not increase adverse effects on development. Polley 2 Polley 3 PreselVe historic resources of the Town of Southold. This project location has no significant historic resources. Enhance visual quality and pi otect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. Our proposal will not have a negative impact on the visual Quality or scenic resources. Any disturbance to the indigenous vegetation during the initial construction is expected to re-establish its self within a season's time. The size of our dock structure is appropriate for this area. We are proposing a small 4' wide structure to access deep water then place a 5'x18' seasonal float to service a small boat. NATURAL COAST POUCIES Polley 4 Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. Our proposal has no impacts on the flooding or erosion of natural resources. Polley 5 Polley 6 Polley 7 Polley 8 Plotect. and Improve water quality and supply In the Town of Southold. Our proposal will not have any impact of the water Quality or supply in the Town of Southold. Plotect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold's ecosystem. Our proposed dock facility will have minimal effects on the ecosystem. During the initial construction there will be a disturbance to the ecosystem but this area will easily re-establish itself within one season. We have submitted applications to all other governing agencies (DEC, ACOE, DOS) and we will adhere to any special conditions placed on this project in order to protect the wetlands on this site. Plotect. and Improve air quality in the Town of Southold. Our proposal will not have any impact on the air Quality in the Town of Southold. Minimize environmental degradation in the Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. Our proposal will not influence the environmental degradation in the Town of Southold from solid waster and hazardous substances and wastes. PUBUC COAST POUCIES Polley 9 Provide for publiC access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. Our proposal will give the property owner the ability the access his boats and engage in the recreational use of coastal waters. The dock will not inhibit others ability to access these same waters. , ; Page 2 of 2 . LWRP for Johnson . . WORKING COAST POUCIES Policy 10 PI~l the Town of Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water- dependent uses in suitable locations. This is a waterfront piece of property. With the addition of this dock facility the property owner will be able to access his boat to engage in water-dependent activities such as kayaking, fishing, site seeing, water-skiing and swimming. Policy 11 Promote sustainable use of IMng marine resources in the Town of Southold. Our proposal is minimal in size so there won't be much impact on the living marine resources. The dock will be only be 4' wide minimizing the shading of the existing vegetation. The structure will also be constructed a minimum of 3 112 feet over grade allowing for significant sunlight penetration. With adequate sunlight penetration, the wetlands will continue to thrive allowing them to maintain their function of providing food and shelter for small fish. Policy 12 P. otecl agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. Our proposal will not have any impact on agricultural lands in the Town of Southord. Policy 13 Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. Our proposal will not have any impact on the development of energy and mineral resources. I ~.... -.... . ._'.0 ,. ~,. . 1 ~- COSTELLO MARINE CONTRACTING CORPORATION DOCK BUILDING. JETTIES. BULKHEADING . STEEL & WOOD PILING. FLOATS 423 FIFTH STREET . P.O. BOX2124 . GREENPORT,NEWYORK11944. (631)477-1199/477-1393/477-0682. FAX (631) 477-0005 June 16, 2008 Southold Town Trustees PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Johnson Dock Proposal located at 7617 Soundview Avenue, Southold 5CTM# 1000-59-6-9 Dear Trustees: In response to the June 16, 2008 field inspection for the above referenced project, enclosed you will find revised drawings illustrating a 3'x10' ramp onto a 3'x27' fixed dock with a 4'x8' end section. The proposal also includes a canoe storage rack and ladder. if )C t{ ftJ$ t If any additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact me. Enclosures (C''-''-CC'-__ '.' ,.', ~-[C. 1[" I'" -'.... , . I ," II. "' I- '.,; I ~i L t:' [ .... .---, L, I - /! r--- I _'I" d I. ii LV J UN; 7 2COS 1\7' !,~-C:l v' ._!'=_:: : , I ! . L-____ j Southoid TO';'" BC2rd of Tr;ist~~.) . Y' ~*' 1SlJ,Hr" :J~"""O $ ~J~C.T Lc<:,..A"T'IO/to.l d 1i"",1 "'.4-0 .- vie,,"",,"'''' MA'P - - - - co ~oo?T. -""'OpO:$i!!O : COMSrJICUCTA ~')C IO'1filAi\ll~ ONrD A !:J'gZ7' FI"16%:'::D4:I<:.1tt: ~ITH A 4')C,~'~","~"6cr'D"" AND:A <;ANOftl :t'J"'CMIA....e ,.::zAc::.<c;. l/VsrAu.. 1_ ~_,_ 'ADOG1Ilt. I iL I' \ :.\~r-" lil 1)\ JUN 1 7 , I \ L- So',:thQid Ti:Nn Board of Trustees Act:6$$ : ,t!)y ~__O 'm~ ...,tI1"1"ttlJ~;-.. Jl.""1.A ., y ~/t::.A/oJ.,. PAMELA"""" ']2IC/./ARtJ.,jOH/o/50N \ .3 'CU~. CAlI,,"r ~ ~._".,t4V""", ,..,.y; /17." __"7 :SOCHJ~ v,."." 41 VS'. .:5 -.... .",:-. '='. ,..,.)1. I '~71 1IIk:7'....../oo..-5'V- ."-9 J"'~ ~ UDr!J ___....".,. h4 ~~.,.~: #: ~ -- -___~- _ .w"..,..C.,.,.. ;-.i/l'-- .a""~ 'P._..,,_lI",.... 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'. . .e '~...6; ilZA rlDN AP1fIY.1C,AN.,. ~AMetA "-0 ;il/C~D JO~NSO^", :3 z:u/~& Cc>v,q; FAAlNt'~VIUe, tV.y. //73>8 7tE.,., 1Soc..wr.:> VIS,.." AV60. 5o~,N'Y, ""7' lSC7"M '000-5'7. <o-qr JUNt'/t!.U08 Ot:r. 10. 2D07 ~.IIP ..,.,: C-"~ ---MAle_.~.. "1~_..<::_. /,*.11'-- :II~ ~.. _...~ Il'o>>'l II.,.,. (6.,) <l-77-lIr" ~~l!ei G #IF 7 4" 4" X po ST ____________ Iii I. <D' -I a.;.:G~RT M"'N1&e~ _~o.E ;Q:AC:'" ~""4-",,...p 'i!:"r6N~eo l a.-,,~- >- ~7,<2/1"'~ep."5 , , PLAN 3' 4' ""'-:'IC 4"4- PO:Jr:!1____.... ~r,<Z{'"'6eIit5 A~L/~.,. ;PAMELA + ~C~D -'OU~ \, #, .3z;>.,_COV/CT .. F4J1Y>tJ/~6v/"-e, .IV.y. //7~ 7G./7 Sov,",,= V/E~Ave. - .sO"'rHC:>'O,-H:.~.j/"17/ Scr_ /000-5"7-<:;;-"1 .Ju~ dt. ,e"'Cl8 z:>ecN:(N~ .- --1"'"- "'" ,.. I " ( ,::"'10& J' G""G;. c:;A.... "I ./ I:!"rl:!~o= ~ D~ S~I"PPRr Nl6Nte>e"" I ; ..4NI-I TN ~~.5' ----.-....---.-- CROSS -SECT/OAf RAe I~ DETA IL :S.s4S0NAL' CAwOlF $7'QRA$,E - - - - o BF!: ~"#P~: ~, --- - 1tIfAIJe"",. t:>q _. ... t:r'1N.C...,... )0.#,8_ .:a~ -.-'__AlP; .."t'. "'P4+ U,.') <Io77-Nr., SIo/l!i!:T 7 #IF 7 \ c . S 96-16 SOUTHOLD CODE S 96-16 S 96-16. Regulation of personal watercraft and specialty prop-craft. [Added 4-6-1993 by L.L. No. 4-1993] A. No person shall operate a personal watercraft or a specialty prop-craft unless each person riding on or towed behind such vessel is wearing an offshore life jacket (Type I, II, ill or V) approved by the United States Coast Guard. B. No person shall operate a personal watercraft or a specialty prop-craft unless such vessel is equipped and fitted with a United States Coast Guard approved device for arresting carburetor backfire. C. No person shall operate a personal watercraft or a specialty prop-craft unless such vessel is equipped with at least two ventilators fitted with cowls or their equivalent for the purpose of properly and efficiently ventilating the bilges of every engine and fuel tank compartment in order to remove any inflammable or explosive gases; provided, however, that if the vessel is so constructed as to have a greater portion of the bilges under the engine and fuel tanks open and exposed to the natural atmosphere at all times, such vessel need not be required to be fitted with such ventilators. D. Any person operating a personal watercraft or a specialty prop-craft equipped by the manufacturer with a lanyard-type engine cutoff switch shall attach such lanyard to his or her person, clothing or personal flotation device as is appropriate for the specific vessel. E. No person shall operate a personal watercraft or a specialty prop-craft at any time between the hours from 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise. F. No person shall operate a personal watercraft or a specialty prop-craft within 500 feet of any designated bathing area, except in bodies of water where the opposing shoreline is less than SOD feet from such designated area and in accordance with speed regulations and restrictions as provided by local law or ordinance, but in no event at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour; provided, however, that nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the launching of such vessel from designated launching areas or sites. G. Every personal watercraft and specialty prop-craft shall at all times be operated in a reasonable and prudent manner. Maneuvers which unreasonably or unnecessarily endanger life, limb or property, including, but not limited to, weaving through congested vessel traffic, jumping the wake of another vessel unreasonably or unnecessarily close to such other vessel or when visibility around such other vessel is obstructed, and swerving at the last possible moment to avoid collision, shall constitute reckless operation of a vessel. H. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any performer engaged in a professional exhibition or any person preparing to participate or participating in a regatta, race, marine parade, tournament or exhibition authorized under S 96-18 of this chapter. 1. All persons operating a personal watercraft or a specialty prop-craft must comply with all applicable provisions of New York State Navigation Law S 49. [Added 1-16-2007 by L.L. No. 3-2007] 96:8 04 - ]5 - 2007 , " , ~ 96-17 BOATS, DOCKS AND WHARVES ~ 96-21 ~ 96.17. Internal-combustion engines; muffiers. A. No boat propelled by an internal-combustion engine shall be operated on any inland fresh waters in the Town of Southold except in emergency or rescue operations or by peace officers in the performance of their duties. [Added 8-10.1971] B. No person shall operate a boat propelled wholly or partly by an engine operated by the explosion of gas, gasoline. naphtha or other substance without having the exhaust from the engine run through a muffling device so constructed and used as to muffle the noise of the exhaust in a reasonable manner. ~ 96-18. Aquatic events. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the Town Board of the Town of Southold from issuing special permits for aquatic events, boat races or other such events under proper supervision in limited areas for limited periods. ~ 96-19. Bathing and swimming. [Added 4-6-1993 by L.L. No. 4-1993] No person shall swim or bathe in the mouth of Mallituck Inlet between areas designated by buoy Nos. 3 and 5. ~ 96-20. Scuba diving. [Added 4-6-1993 by L.L. No. 4-1993] A. Scuba diving shall include any person who surface dives to explore underwater, hunt, fish or photograph while using any self <ontained underwater breathing apparatus, but shall not include bona fide salvage operations displaying proper signals. B. Scuba diving is prohibited in the entire area of the Mallituck Inlet or in any waters where the same may interfere with the reasonable and proper operations of boats or within 150 feet of any public bathing or swimming area except for duly licensed commercial shellfish harvesters who shall comply with the regulations of Subsection C below. C. No person shall engage in scuba diving without displaying the international diving flag or authorized skin diving flag of suitable size adequately displayed by a float. buoy or boat at all times and without a person of suitable age and discretion, other than the skin . diver, in a position as lookout. Such person shall not permit such diving flag to remain in any area unless such person is actually scuba diving in the area at the time. ~ 96-21. Spearfisbing. [Added 4-6-1993 by L.L. No. 4-1993] No person shall discharge any apparatus designed for use in spearfishing within 200 feet of any lifelines or bathing floats or, if there are no lifelines or bathing floats, then within 200 feet of any public or semipublic beach regularly used for bathing or swimming or within 150 feet of any person bathing or swimming. 96:9 os - 0] - 2006 .~ ..~ {l ..f:~ ' ~~~ , V 4 . \" ''\. . ; ~ .~ " :-.... ~ "'f- 10<: '\ ,( , .'1 ~ '" "" ~ . ,,,~ ,...:iI I:" '= ~ '" l;;. ,'" . , d.,tj' .I' C", -,'. ~-I. ' O' '0" "".;..... ~~...,~ '\. .. " .~.,. ~~. '~iZ \. ~ \ .' , I. "\ \, 't~\ L. r -~~9"1.-' -. " '\ \: "-~""_~"_; <10 1 -Ie;;':"-=-- ... ... ?~..,- _. __ _'. :=> ~., v, .: ._.~ Y"" ~. l ...... .. . }o </:. ..'fr \..--~. "[10 ^.~,., _--:::;.,r: 11 ,Iii /'t. ..---- ,- Ii: /' .:} ,/... /" r~'~~~/ t f . " '4.i.... 1 I 'Jr1.1 /< 10 0/: t'- / ~.! - .. f~' I.;. tJ (t; t: ',.' :"." I N Vii. /' OJ," ., , I.l ~I," ";, , " /41 I" . r~,. "',,; '9 'Y.-; 101, "',. ~ :"}! . ",: I :'".; }~ ..~UN-17-08 TUE 03:26 PM VRD ..V" V \ \ \ ~\ , , ~, ,./ ',,: ~. "', ;ij ". '.;; .-10 ;..., 'J} O-i.' "'1- l. f'ii- !to,... r ". cJ., f 'l~ 11' Zi ..i > I .. . ~., t- -'" i I ! :I i (L I. j L~ j'::; i / i eo :../~:~T.. l4J.2:.!r .. , "'!''' {~'. i ",' ~'I b -, i Ie ..~t'.' . l - 1 (' ;, .:~ ;" . I ----...-...:- . .....:...'... ...__....._~..::.C%~..::.-"_.____............. :..:'" "j", ,',' i...." ~ .:) V~ ~S.:!....~t;'.' (\ v t:~ \'4 . . 09 ./ ! ./ .- .t....;..- .' ~ o ~ . , g E f'- .' I;) 'r '-,- J';{; tI q .. ".~ ~ . ~ 4.....~h~. . _.- 'l ... ~'->' IN '. . -- -4 "/,,/ c!>: ,:"1 t; 'I. I:::. < -ii t, V) 4 C\ ,,' " .., .. 10,1" , , ~~ ':I o r- i ..;~ ,'" -. -. ,::.-..", C<)\l.c. ,,"0(">". Li ~. e. "f:.t~:' :,I..-:--,';:'~~'.r~;'~.;...." ~....."; .,'" ..fM .'.' '.. " '., ''''''''~'..' ......,. ..~. . 'I',' P.03 "t :,. \ , ., .., "-., \ , , ~ i l~ . .1 ~ .. ,,-.... ~ , O. !. .- '" v ." lk' .,., r; U . .~ ". I I I ~ I I I I - I' Ii ~ o I I ! /.- I I I I ,.~,. il \ d :1 il "-~"'-~'~', ! party of the second part, I I 8S0UlhhOld Town f I WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of oard of Trustees ! II Ten ($10. 00) ----------------------------------------------- dollars, ^~....'.~r:'1i: lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid ., !I by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or " ,i II successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being iti:mi at SouthQ~d, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk I and State of New York~7Dounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a pipe set on the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue 150.96 feet southwesterly along said line from land of Joseph Terp and at the northeasterly corner of the premises herein described; ,running thence along the southwesterly line of a certain 50 foot right Ilof way hereinafter described, South 41 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds 'lEast 103 feet to a pipe; thence along lands now or formerly of John A. Muir and George G. Muir and parallel to said southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue South 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds West 105 feet; thence along other lands now or formerly of the said John A. Muir land George G. Muir and parallel to said 50 foot right of way, North 1141 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds West 103 feet to said line of Sound " II View Avenue; thence along said southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue, !iNorth 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East 105 feet to the point of Ii beginning. H I:. TOGETHER WITH th~ ri,?ht to use in common with. others a. cer'7ain II rJ.ght-of-way 50- feetln wldth, the southwesterly Ilne of whlch lS' the I! northeasterly boundary of the premises herein described, running from II the easterly COrner ther~of northwesterly to s~und View Avenue. .1 TOGETHER WITH the rlght to the use of a rlght~of,,:,way over and the ii right to the use of the following described parcel (said rights being II in common with others and subject to reasonable rules and regulations II as John A. Muir and George G. Muir may from time to time impose) which II comprise certain 30 foot private roadS'.l8.nO. a"pm,vats:':lJ!eaicn;..,.;.BESlINNING !, at an iron pipe set on the northwesterly line of Sound View Ayenue ii 126.10' feet southwesterly along said northwesterly line from a concrete Ii monument set on said line at the sou.theaster1.y corJ;l~r oflaqp. nCl'N or Ii formerly of JohnA. Muir and George"-G:"MujJ.r, 'ahd'the';,Sl<!'l1.J;thiWe:sterly Ijcorner.of land now or formerly of Carl Reiter~ and running thence the ii followlng courses:- (1) North 40 degrees 11 mlnutes 30 seconds West ji 345 feet; thence (2) North 49 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East 125 I', feet to said land now or formerly of Carl Reiter; thence along said \, land now or formerly of Carl Reiter, North 40'degrees 11 minutes 30 ii seconds West 100 feet, more or less, to the shore of Great Pond; thenCe II I' " II , , \ \" r "\:- .--.';: 1 +:~' 1';- , ,'" , , ~ ..--.. Standard N.Y.B.T.U. Fonn 8007-10M-9-63-Bargain and Sale Deed, with Covenant against Grantor's Acta-Individual or Corporation. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BRARE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY UBER5704 "AGt.4;JU u. s. l. R. 5. .Jf /, ~ s-; THIS INDENTURE, made the 23rd day of February, nineteen hundred and sixty-five BE'lWEEN GEORGE W. SMITH & SONS, INC., a domestic corporation having its office and principal place of business at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, party of the first part, and VINCENT R. D'AUGUSTA. JR. and MARY ANN both residing at Southold, New York, (Kenny'S Road - Box 409) B. D'AUGUSTA, his wife, ~IEH'WEJ1l1 JUN 1 6 2OD8 ~ ".'T , UBER5704 ?AGE 431 southwesterly along said shore of Great Pond 150 feet, more or less, thence the following courses;- (1) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East 133 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe; thence (2) on a curve to the left hav:Lng a radius of 170 feet, a distance, ~i Sl<lj,-.': curve of 267.04, feet 'Go an iron pipe; thence (3) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East 181.59 feet to' an iron pipe set on said north- westerly line'of Sound View Avenue; thence ,along said northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue, North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East :3D.26 feet to an iron pipe; thence the fol:1owing courses:~ (1) North 40 'degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West 177 ;,60 feet; thence (2) on a curve to the right having a radius of 140 feet, a distance along",said curve of 219.91 feet to an iron pipe; thence (3) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East 298.99 feet to an ~ron pipe set on said north- we&terly line of Sound View Avenu~,; thence along said northwesterly. line of Sound View Avenue, North ,42 degrees 14'minutes 10 'seconds East 30.26 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT, ll<:>wE!:v.el1, to the covenants'and res,trictions contained in a certain deed dated September 5, 1953 and recorded in Suffolk county clerk's .6ff'fce":i:n Libe'r 4054 of deeds at page 126. BEING'''AND''INl'ENDEllD'' -eo be a part of premises conv;eyed by Robert H. praat:eiL.:t.o" t.b:e"'sellerherein by deed dated April 14, 1958 and re-cb:r:>aEId'in the office of the clerk of the county of Suffolk on April 28, 1958 in Liber 4453 at 190. r '"'"' ...........~ ...~..-I>-._""~"''''' ," "~.l.:",. "_.,..,.,.,,.. r ... :;) .... I II ~ i !i ~ "" i! II 'I 'I _. , . ...., , . ~ $: .1- .T< " ..0 ". ....J9 ~ I,) I.... -'-.:.! . . "., -1 :< lIBER5704 PAGf,432 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, '. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigus of the party of the second part forever' AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said ,premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration'asa trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same firstto the paymenf of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wri,!ten. ~" '" ( IN ~jiESljONCE OF: .. ......~. .- C., ",; ... 0'". ".'-" 'A;~Jt'l ):7' Xl':.:t. CA;~ :< ;i,,-,,;i,~~....;":..l ;~"',,"..'..~ / .......0 ~ l ~ 'r\ ',.' ,.-,.,,,.. GEORGE W. SMITH & SONS, INC., by: ~r:~~ Daniel T. Smith, President , UBER5704 i'AGt 4;}3 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 55: 5TAYE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came 19 , before me On the day of personally came 19 , before me \ )',," to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. to me known to be the. individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. , ! ~ ; L II . " STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Suffolk 55: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 55: On the 23rd day of February 1965, before me personally came Danie 1 T. Smith to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at KB. Mechanic Street Southold, New York that he is the President of George W. Smith & SOl}S, Inc. , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he sigoed hi S name thereto by like order. On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ~'-P~M,;S.,,/~ MAOEl YN M. BAKER NOTARY PUBLIC, Stof~ of New York No. 52-0133300 - Suffolk Counll:,. rllm .E.xpir. y.grch 30, 196.$: (l) 4-l '0 .0-1 J:: ~ ltl lJ) . '0-1 ~..c: I-J 5.,5 s '" e 0 - .5 ~ '" 0 :€ ~ ~ ::s " -tl Ul -So '0 - .-l ~j:.q '+-40 .0 '" 0 ..c: ~ .- b 4J ~ t::::1 ~ 5 0 l;:: UUl '" " "'0 .p~ ; C _ 0 -.9 0 d) 1:) 0.. ~ ....l:: v C'j ~ f-<Ul;:gO .5'"C1 E-i '" '" ;1jj Ul !:l I.:t< ~ Ul ~~ ~... :z; ~ ~ ii1t; tit!;; :z; I.:t=: ;: CJ =:s< ... ;: :z; .- .. =:s :z; t;\!:' ;...8 =:s r,aill t: ~ u J:: ....H ~ ~ g ~ ~ril~ ~~~ =~= ~g lI1I=ril -"g t~~ ~~~ rillll~ ~g; o Ii': III '" . .. '" ... ... a; :it '" ... C .. Z 0:> . 0' lJ) iii - 00 J:: o Ul ~ ..c: -IJ '0-1 = Ul .. o 'l;j ., J:> @' ~ ~ ~ 8 ., ~ - - ltl ltl-IJ -IJ lJ) lJ) ::s ::s tr> tr>::s o ::s ~ <.... ~ - r - t:l t:l ~ ~ ~ (l) Z ~ i .., 'S .:: i:l ! ~ 2 ;: .. ~ 0 <( Q c'" z<( <(0 ..... .... '" o >- :it ... z s:: o lJ) '0 iii ~J ~. p., 'a:l i:>:: J:: -IJ J:: J:: ~ (l) U ;>, ,.~~ '0 lJ) ltl '0 -IJ O.-l ~ i:>:: 0 (l) ..c: 4-l J:: -IJ 4-l.0-I ::s (l) ltl 0 ...:l::E:Ul :;: (l) tr> ~ o (l) C.!l o Z ~ ... ~ gJ " RECORDED FEB23~ ~~t: l'KLlPP Clerk 01 sutlolk Coum.. AJ.Nno') '.h \ - ',-, IOj ::10>1'1"7' . c:JflS ddl7\I.7~::r J /. 2, r}VWtJON SfJ 'c . JM €z 8]:1 595/ . , OSG,uc:--,---, > iLl. I '. <;ONSUL T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNiNG THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS.'NSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. .10," .... ,..~". JI:.(}f./ (frrll) . f THIS INDENTURE, made the.. :;zp day of January. nineteen huK'dfe'd and eighty-seven , . t6242 ~L587 ' BETWEEN T. o T. .0 CK 00 T><W"'? CHARLES BOCK, residing at 7480 Soundview Avenue, NUJ~ Soutl1old, New York 11971, as'surviving tenant by ,the. entirety of Ida E. Bock, deceased, late of Suffolk County, New York, [1]'!' Ctt~fi~t ",rtj!nfR) lnll JUN 1 6 2008 tw JOHN J. McGLINCHEY, JR. his wife, residing at 9 New York 11545 and ELEANOR M. McGLINCHEY, Wagon .Lane, Glen Head, , ECI01Vl-U $ h f)J...0J;9. F',':;, cr::-r,-rt: Southhold Town Board of Trustees '-'(,;.3.. '"rt7 ~t .... FEB 0 \) 1987 lRI'.N?Y"f( TAX SUFFOLK COUNTY party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) _________________________________________ dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other valuable considerations paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs, or successors and assigns for the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being iKmc, at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a pipe set on the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue at the northwesterly corner of land of Joseph Terp and the northeasterly corner of the premises herein described; and running thence along said lahd of Joseph Terp, the following two (2) courses: (1) South 40. degrees 11 minutes 50 seconds east ~8.62 feet; and (2) South 42 degrees 47 minutes 10 seconds east 84.73 feet; thence along land now or formerly of John A. Muir and George C. Muir, south 48 degrees, 41 minutes 20 seconds west 101.63 feet to the northeasterly line of a 50-foot right of way herein- after described; thence along said right of way, north 41 degrees 18 minutes, 40 seconds west 102 feet to a pipe on said southeasterly line of sound View Avenue; thence along said .line of Sound View Avenue, north 42 degrees, 14 minutes, 10 seconds east 100.64 feet to the point or place of beginning. . 000 . TOGETHER WITH the'rIght to use in common with others a certain right of ::> 'way 50 feet in width" the northeasterly line of which is the south- ~fJ.! i westerly boundary of' the premises. herein described running from the _"c', ~souther:!.y .comer ,northwesterly to Sound View Avenue. .~~? \(;:~TOGETHER WITH the right to use of a right of way over and the right J',;:.,,: ,;;f! to use of the following described parcel (said right being in common ~ . with others and subject to reasonable rules and regulations as John A. l' Muir and George G. Muir may from time to time impose) which comprise certain 30 foot private roads and a private beacru '\./ '1 -{ BEGINNING at an iron pipe set on the northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue 126.10 feet southwesterly along said northwesterly line from a concrete monument set on said line at the southeasterly corner of land now or former1yofJohn A. Muir and George G. Muir, and the southwesterly i~..come:r. of land....nm~ or formerly of Carl Reiter; and runnin'J thenc'~ the lrf'ollmving courses: (1) Nor.th 40 degrees; 11 minutes 30 seconds west ! 345 feet; thence (2) North 49 degrees, 48 minutes, 30 seconds east \2;125 feet to said land now or formerly of Carl Rei.ter ;.th811C~ along said i;' land now 0:' formerly of Carl Reiter,. North 40 degrees, 11 m~nu1:es 30 ','seconds vies.t 100 feet, illCJ7e' or less .tothe shore of Gl:eat Pond; thence i' southeaste171y along 'said shore of Great Pond 150' feet, more or less; ", .thence 'the fo11mdng courses: (1) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds . east 133 feet, more 01: less to an iron pipe,. thence (2) On a CUL"f' to the left having a radius of 170 feet, a distance along said curve of 267.04 feet .to an iron pipe; thence (3) South 40 deg;7ees, 1]_ minutes 30 seconds east 181.59 feet to an iron pipe set on said northwesterly line of Sound ;., , Continued.- . . ) ;t.ew,Avenue;, thence' along said northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue oFth 42 degrees, 14 minutes, 10 seconds east 30.26..feet to an iron pipe; thence- the fOllo",i,ng courses: ,(1) North 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds est 177,60 feet; thence 'i (2) On a curve to the right ,having a radius of l40..feet, ','a distancec;alongsaid curve of 219.91 feet to an ,iron pipe; thence (3) South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds east 298.99 feet to an iron pipe set on said. northwesterly line of'Sound View Avenue; thence along northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue, North 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds east 30.26,feet to the pOint" or place of beginning. , '.1,-, Being ,and, intended to be the same premises conveyed,to Charles Bock and Ida Ethel, Bock by deed dated October 1, 1980 recorded Oc,tober 9, 1980 in Liber 8895 cp.256. , .. ' , Jj j' ~ :.i. ii" ,', "1;,,' 'j' ,;cc... .. '. ~ ~ .'- \ ',;' 'jT l' '. . ",:C <-; I'; r :J r,- '''; , J' . " '.(' i ".- :'r " i (l 't. ,"" "', . .. .~' ; . : I . " ~ ..,: ~'i'l,! ! lfV C',~, !' .' II. \..,;"." . . .' t0242 rC589 ",1. TOGETHER with all rights, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads, abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party ofthefirst part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs of successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party ofthe first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party ofthe first part, in compliance with Section 13 ofthe Lien Law, covenants thatthe party ofthefirst part will receive the consideration forthis conveyance and will hold the rightto receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first forthe purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment , . of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires, , ' 1N.I'I/ITNESS WH,EREOF,:;~e,party of,thefirst part has duly executed this deed the day and year firs! above written, IN PRESENCE OF: ' ; '~ ~~ " ,Charles Boe --. "'.," r . ...L'J~Lf.4n;)~u . , .STATE OF N~ YORK, COUNTY OF On the J9 day of Janu'ary .personally came SUFFOLK ss: 1987, before me CHARLES BOCK to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the sam ~ Q~~ Nota Public EDERICK J. TEDESCHI , NOTARY PUBLIC, Stolo of New viJ No. 52-3945400 Quolified in Suffolk Counly c;, '7 ~tommb5ion Expiros March 30.. 19;0:/ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19, before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. illargattt attb ~alr IDrrb Covenant Against Grantor's Acts With Title No. CHARLES BOCK TO JOHN J. McGLINCHEY and ELEANOR M. McGLINCHEY, his wife Standard Form of New York Board of Title Underwriters Distributed by Title USA Insurance Corporation of New York STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 55: On the. day of personally came 19 , before me, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed' the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 5S: . ~r'- ',' On the day of 19 , before me personally came , . , the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument;"with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN Recorded at Request of Title USA Insurance Corporation of New York RETURN BY MAIL TO JOSEPH M. MANDEL, ESQ. 42-11 214th Place Bayside, N. Y. 11361 Zip No. w a: U o ;:;: ~ ~ w 0 ~ ~ fu c 5Q ~ jE l;l w a: > ~ ffi 0 Vl w w Vl a: ::> , I"~, , ~::;',_I. ~18.t Co ).:~ ^'<..~ ,,<.).:_~ '-::~ (\ ~ 4-,'>;", ~ <::>"''';;''.,r" ~ <, ~ -.) ,,,. ",',. ,\~ ~y ,\, \J.... ''\.' ,~~, ,,", . .... -) '-". . 0- "\ "*'" -\.'<;,' (.':.... ,....J (, . ~ . (~~....-;"t:. f^ tli7 I :,'! 'l' "'-'( J ""T~;f' o' ":"~/it ..,~. " "~ " "i'i' ; .',1 r ~ "',,-2,,'~ " '"., .I :\1..:::;p Cf= f-:;;:'OPF:!:.?TY SUQvc=.../60 r=C~' if -$ r! ~:::: ,.: ~\ .11.'i. '1\ ;. t,! r .'\ !) \ I I , II i i il 'I '.1 :~: I; :,1 ." <r. ~,:n ~:":: ~~~~-:. tI :"'_:':~';.".'{' 5:;'::;;~',i.;,; ...J ~ 1 _ <' 1.4; 0""""0 on; .~~ ;II \:.J .;- "'~ . ...... ~',,; _ 5 ..".,-~>~ "''',Hri ," ~ I" ,,,"-" '.---'r-:.~~~ ,. c:-:. . ='-.,.---, ' C)L'I--....< ~._~ . -?I :Scun-;.:::;co .' 'Ii 0: b .'<> :' :5~F;:::::-CL;c CC.'U/'iT'y., .'V. ~~ , , '.~-- ;- :~.. o l' i N :..(~\.\ . ~. I, ..,\""_ '/;f~ 'v .(, -~..:.' ~ C>"",-" ,.' 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JUN-17-08 TUE 03:24 PM VRD 09 P.01 June 17,2008 Members of the Southold Town Board of Trustees VinC(;nt R D' Augusta Jr. 7330 Soundview Avr; Southold NY 11971 Dear Trustees, RE: In response to notice of hearing For R.JohnsonIP.Maino The fonowing chronology of events will help the board of trustees to review this proposal and consider the rights of others. 1- Vincent R.D' Augusta,Jr. & Maryann B. D' Augusta residing at 7330 Soundview Ave. Southold NY Original deed includes the following endorsements; TOGETHER WITH the right to the use of a right- of-way over and the right to the use of the following described parcel (see attachment D'Augusta deed) which comprise certain 30 foot private roads and a private beach. 2- Richard Johnson and Pamela Maino Suffolk County clerks recorded deed Title Number FNP-01401 amended August 15,2007 Tax lot 14 Schedule A- Description also includes the same endorsement Together with the Right oCtile use ofa right-of-way over and the right to the use of the following described parcel (see Johnson/Maino deed) which comprise certain 30 foot private roads and a private beach. 3- Wetlandfrrustees Lands Application Data A- PurpOse of the proposed operation" to provide a small docking facility so that the property owners can access adequate water to engage in water dependent activities. Question: ClarifY property owner and Deeded rights-of-others 4- Short Environmental Assessment Form: B. Box #9 Residential - Private residence / waterfront Question: ClarifY private residence and the deeded rights-of-others the use of a 30 100t private and a private beach. C- Box #12 "NO" As a result of proposed action will existing per.mit- approval require modification. Question: Is consideration given to all authorized deeded property owners? JUN-17-0~ .TUE 03:25 ~M V~D 09 P.02 Policy 9 - Provide for public access answer is NO ... Our proposal WIll give the property owner the ability the access his boats and engage in the recreational use of costal waters the dock WIll not inhibit others ability to access these w.a1ers. Question: ClarifY the NO response and how it applies to other deeded rights-of- others Policy 10 - Property owner will be able to access his boat to engage in water dependent activities such as kaysking, fishing. site seeing, w.a1er skiing and swimming. Question: Water skiing requires pOwer and Southold Town 96.17- Internal- combustion engines (Added 8-10-1971) A-No boat propelled by iIlJ. interna1-combustion engine shal1 be operated on any inland fresh waters in the Town ofSouthold. 5- Developed Coast Policies: Pulicy 1 - Property owner to access only. Question: what about the deeded rights-of-<lthers. In summary, I ask the board oftrustees to consider the deeded rights-of-others As it applies to our rights of passage to use the 30 foot private road and a private beach. The applicants made no attempt to contact deeded property owners when in mct the same easement is in hisIher recorded deed .I ask the trustees to consider my proposed questions as it applies to all with common rights iIlJ.d access. Speaking fur all my family members we especially enjoyed the winter months Ice boating and skating on Great Pond. This is only one e,gunp1e why 1 purchased the land-- it came with a private beach. [respectfully request the board of trustees to reject the Johnson/Maino application. Very truly yours, ~~. , ., 06/18/2017~"3:26 FAX . " Ii!IOOl r-'.-'~'"c --_ '!XI)' J.' Ip 1.1" .ie'.... j I.S ([till, , r--.' '.; I; t, JUN 1 - ^"'3 . / Lv~ L__._ ---J Southold Town Board of Trustees .~ .John .J. McGlinchey, Jr. and Eleanor M. McGlinchey 9 Wagon Lane Glen Head, NY 11545 Telephone: 516-759-0773 Fax: 516-759-5398 June 17, 2008 James F. King, President et al Board of Town Tmstees Town of South old Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 (Main Road) PO Box 1 I 79 Southold. NY 11971-0959 VIA FACSIMILE 631-765-6641 (Three [3J Pages in all) RE: Johnson/Maino Application for Construction on Lot SCT # 1000-59-6-9 Ladies and Gentlemen: We are writing to express our interest in and concerns about the Johnson/Maino application to constmct various ramp and dock sections at the property described in their various application documents as 7617 Soundview Avenue in Southold. Ollr interest is due to the fact that we are the owners of the property at 7480 Soundview Avenue. In addition to the premises known as 7480 Sound view Avenuc, the deed to our propelty contains the following pargraph: "TOGETHER WITH the right to use of a right of way over and the right to use of the following described parcel (said right being in common with others and subject to reasonable rules and regulations as John A. Muir and George G. Muir may from timc to time impose) which comprise ccrtain 30 foot private roads and a private beach:" 06/18/2017 03:27 FAX 1ai002 The next paragraph in our deed describes the property subject to the "right of way over" and "the right to use of' in the identical terms as are contained in the applicants' deed in SCHEDULE A for TAX LOT 14 (on which appl icant' s residence stands) and that descliption is of the propelty described in the applicants' deed as TAX LOT 9, which is the parcel subject to the application for the consl1uction of the various ramp and dock sections and refered to in both deeds as "the Private Beach". Simply stated, the applicants have applied for construction on property subject to the "right of way over" and "the right to use of' ourselves and others. According to the Plan View which was in the Application file, the proposed ramps and docks will occupy much of that portion of the Private Beach permitting access to the body of water know as Great Pond. Due to the presence ofphragmites on either side of the area for the proposed ramps and docks, Great Pond could be accessed only by way of the proposed ramps and docks if they are constlUcted. If the proposed ramps and docks are not clearly designated as for the use by all entitled to "right of way over" and "the right to use of' the Private Beach, we strongly oppose their constlUetion. If, however, it is made clear that the proposed ramps and docks are available for the use of all entitled to "right of way over" and "the right to use of' the Private Beach, we are neutral with respect. their eonstmction; that is, we neither SUPPOlt nor oppose their constmctiol1. Designation for the availability of the use of the proposed ramps and docks by all entitled to "right of way over" and "the right to use of' the Private Beach might bc accomplished by revision of the Board of Trustees Application and the Short Environmental Assessment Form to ensue that language is used to make it clear that the use ofthe proposed ramps and docks by all entitled to "right of way over" and "the right to use of' the Private Beach is intended and ensuring that any and all other applications for permits, approvals, etc. provide that as well. Revisions that we may flnd acceptable might includc the following: Cover sheet entitled "WETLANDffRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA"; change Purpose of proposed operations from 'To providc a small docking facility so that the property owners can access adequate water to engage in water dependent activities" to "To provide a small docking facility so that the property owners and others having the right of wav over and the light to use of the Private Beach can access adequate water to engage in waler dependent activities". Further acceptable revisions might include the following to be made to the SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: Answer to Policy 9; inseli the phase and others having the right ofwav over and t.he right to lIse ofthe Private Beach after "property owner" and change "his" to "their". 2 l' 06/18/2017 03:28 FAX ~003 Answer to Policy 10; same insertion and change as in Policy 9, changing "site" to "sight" and omitting "water-skiing". In sllmmary, if changes to the application to clearly designate that the proposed ramps and doeks are for the use by all entitled to "right of way over" and "the right to use of' the Private Beach are not made, we object as it blocks access to the lake and violates our rights to the quiet enjoyment of the Private Beach. On the other hand, if changes are made, we will not o~ject. One final thought; we are concerned that the applicants made no attempt to contact us with respect to our rights to utilize the Private Beach even though language clearly indicating that such rights are held "in common with others" is in their deed. Our concem is increased by the fact that the applicant's property is currently offered for sale and the property description contained in the on-line offering is, in part, as follows: "Serene Lakefront NOIth Fork Cottage .- On Two Lots _. .. -Ideall!)r Expansion. Owner in Process of Getting Permits For Dock And 4 Bedroom House." The "Two Lots" description and the "Owner in Process of Getting Permits For Dock" statements not only do not mention our rights but seem to imply that they do not exist. Accordingly, we respectfully request that the applicants commit, in writing, to provide us, and all others entitled to the "right of way over" and "the right to use of' the Private Beach with copies of all applications for permits or approvals relating to construction affecting the Private Beach. Very tndy yours, ck?d:~ 3 .07\12/2017 04:22 FAX 1aJ00l 7 B::~~hfO~ Tall'o "ustees John J. McGlinchey, Jr. and Eleanor M. McGlinchey 9 Wagon Lane Glen Head, NY 11545 Telephone: 516-759-0773 Fax: 516-759-5398 July II, 2008 James F. King, President et al Board of Town Trustees Town of South old Soothold Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 (Main Road) PO Box 1179 Soothold, NY 11971-0959 VIA FACSIMILE 631-765-6641 (Two [2] Pages in all) RE: Johnson/Maino Application for Constroc[ion on Lot SCT # 1000-59-6-9 Ladies and Gentlemen: We ""Tite again to express our interest in and concerns aboot the Johnson/Maino application to construct various ramp and dock sections at t.he property described in the various application documents as 7617 Sowldview A venue in Sout.hold. As previously noted, the applicant ha~ applied for a permit for const.ruction on property subject. t.o our deeded "right of way over" and "the right. to use of" such property described in our deed (7480 Soundview Avenue) and in the applicant's deed as a "Private Beach". We appreciate the fact that the trustees have worked with the applicant to reduce the size, scale and scope of the construction contemplated by the application and we note with further appreciation the. changes to the project evident in the revised plans and drawings received by the trustees on June 17, 2008 and discussed at the meeting on the following . 07/12/2017 04:23 FAX " ~002 evening. We still, however, believe that the construction, even as described in tbe revised plans, can and will block our access to Great Pond and can and will violate our rights to the quiet enjoyment of the Private Beach unless applicants agree to certain stipulations. We recently measured the distance covered by open water between the phragmites beds on either side of the proposed ramps and docks and, depending on where you determine the borders of the beds to be, lound that the distance was between 18 and 23 feet. The proposed ramps and docks are 3 feet wide, the proposed canoe rack is 4 feet wide and the applicants already have a small boat on the shoreline (a "Watelwhceler" which will likely by tied to the dock) which is 6 feet wide; the total oftbese is 13 feet or between 72% and 57% of the space between the beds of phragmites. In their original application in !be discussion following !be recital of Developed Coast Policy 9, applicants state that the proposed construction "will not inhibit others ability to access these same waters." We disagree; utilization by the applicants of up to 72% of available space for water access ccrtainly limits the access of others having rights to the property and access to Great Pond (a small pmtofthe public but a part ofit nonetheless). Please note that we do not wish to unduly restrict the ability of the applicant to utilize and enjoy !be Private Beach and to access Great Pond, we do however wish to preserve our same rights in accordance with our dced and with public policy. We believe both ends could be achieved if the applicant would agree to a stipulation that the a permit be granted in tbis matter if the proposed construction not be accompanied, now or in the future, by tbe construction or other addition of any fence, gate, chain, lock, landscaping or other stmcture or device, temporary or permanent, that restrict~ access to the Privatc Beach, to the contemplated construction or to Great Pond. I summary, we respectfully request that this application be made PUrsU<Ult to the stipulation just outlined or, absent such stipulation, that it be denied. very~tntIYYOurs, .~~y/ ~. / . / t. ;~: Co . ) 2 Board ofTrustees -, 1 '1'; r:'\ \ ~\C~:iJ'"'~.\~. ~ r\i_~~_\'!i~!\\ i),! "! I Di\l JUl - ~_~o'O r - soul\\;;id 10wn Bo",' 01 lruslees July 1, 2008 Town of Southold Robert & Dennis Martin-Re -Request for Permit-Pamela & Richard Johnson SCTM# 1000-59-6-9 Sirs As property owners of the adjoining lot, we have been notified of the request to have ramps, a dock and floating dock constructed on Great Pond. We have many questions regarding these plans. We would like to know If an Environmental Impact Study has been completed and If so, could we be sent a copy? We would also like to know If the plans for the docks call for construction with webbed plastic, which allows sunlight to reach the pond or regular lumber which obstructs sunlight from entering the pond and would have a negative impact on the pond's eco system. We would also like to know what the Conservation Advisory Committee thinks of this project. Absent evidence that the project Is environmentally sound, we are concerned about Its long term Impact on Great Pond. Please note that our mailing address is now PO Box 428 Montauk, NY 11954 Thank You u;Q'rJJ!t l ~~ on 0'" ~g .=>.. ~~ = 0= -0 ::;fi5: ::;;~ <>~ ~O dgJ ffi c"") m CS;~2J i.S=:li ffi = ES j .- , j I --' ., '. MAP Or: LAND AT I ,. .. G.REAT " POND NeAI<t.. SOUTHOLD, N.Y Sca tc. ~ ;:,0'.. ," // / / / / , . ; " //' , . (J , . / , ./ / .I ""IQ ~. fQ(fI tr' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' x' .'\ , /. / .~ .!) b~" qf I i I / . ."" .r> <. u" " " " \:;.... -.ot\ "'.,' .fl~', Q C)1,. ~ '>ll , , ':>r /....... ,., /0)/ .......--/ " c,..,. " , "- "", '-\ \ \ ,- '0 '0 'It \ ~ r-' ", I ~ ~ ~/.J '~~- N "'~--------- ~- t) -. , , ... <. . . '=' 1'("01-\ p'\ pe. . " '~-^ -:s;~?+e\'nbc..'" ) \95 \ Ct'1"pvJ, '{,:Jl\"I-Ul.,~\ . '5':'1'\ ':'C> \ I -~ (. ~_ ~ '1.........,.----. , ,,'."'........ }i . .' ,~. \ .L\c.e'r\5cd ~~u.lo("((:.>_\ (":)v'S. ... G,' ,', e'.' \, \"~ ...,,- . \." 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