HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12210 P 246 .- , I , ! , ,~/ .' ,- I I . - -----,""-.-.-- ~-- .-- tQlUlJU YCIIA I..AW'l'II UIQI. Of. 1 ". ~- n4I:I _ ~.' .... ftl.lW'fIU .,. , 'l"HI3 nmDi'TllJl:l, mild. 011 JaDuary 21. 2002 UT'W'IZ:N ~re C. Patt.U01:l AU:ld AIm& Hyde l'atUX'lllCD (ar",/a AIm& a,.M a.o.l:. l'Ilttuaon). ... Tru.&t._ .of the TTWlt UDda17 ArtteI. JI'1.tot of the ._111 d&tllld JlttrWl.ry 20. 1992. by Azrw> Hyde Cheat. Patteracro, aali:r&l1tor c/o ~n...d}'1tUl" Trullt 12 34 l..a.DA:.aa to! r Ptb. IID<:kJo....ln. Dela_re r~y S:u1 te 300-,\ 19707 q - 3 -u' pIil11 <IIf!be fine jl&Z1.W t;U_re c. PattU'a_. .... "t"r:"wItu of the T'nmt lIDIll..r Artie],.. s..concl of the Agee_at datM .I_ry 20. 1992, by A.lme Bycl., Choat.. Patt""...on, an C'u.ntor c / a !,nmd JlI1nlt 'X'1:'U8 t 72J.1o l...t.nc.aaUUc Pu.... IID<:ulluln. IH.'lavar.. ~y SII.U. 300-A 19101 I I r t ! pIil11 Ql~ I!l. IMCCM put, wrrNJ'~. tlw tl>> 1'-" 01 d:.. W I'm. In ..IlIII.w.t!.col of OWl! UI.oo) .wan. fI'iId l...ri,,1 .'''''''1 .f a.. U~ s..-. by tlu. P"rty of ~ __d p.ut. .to.;. Iw.by ,... CII:! rUuo =10 dICIllU'ty 01 \'he ~ jl&Z1. lIla bRn << 'l>OCCU<)TJ 4<14 ..p 01 .. putT of d:.o -'l1lGt ftio_. AU. thu ~.tU!o ptol, pi_ Of pa.1'CC:l of l.Pr:di. YilIa .. I1~O..I'III' .. a.l>J;-~_..... ... Il'IIIIlIIIII. ...... 11"'1 &J:W bGD. on ".tat..lr. raltmd b tbe 1'_ of SoutbeL!. Colmty ot lkd'fol'lt and State of II.." "Cot'~. thl! .._ bct10g bouncl..d ancl d....e1l;'1b.." .. foU_: IMgim:1lng at Il ..toue __t Oil robe _.t_ly 1.bt of IIell lUll A_. ....1<1 _Dt: being UlutM 2158.05 fe-.t oortlutrly ud 2915.67 fat _8ted,. fr_ tblt Un I: cd St:lOr..... eo....t .nd Cltnclet1c tr~.nlP.ll1tiOll StatUm "PROS'" ancl runnl.og flwth S d..-gre",. 1 tidDute 20 ..eOlldIll -..1: 1.115.92 ferer to II llt_ _ llbuUUlg ",...url)' an Bell llUl .vem.le~l:hmlc. _tb WI delP'll.,. 32 .umroea 10 ...,cantlll _lle: 66.90 feet to _arhar IlrODe _t; t.helKfI _itA 50 lIo&reu 12 ..tuute.. :w ....'-end" _Ill: 63.92 feet to another at01:Llt _l1t; tb~ BOUt'll 43 d.'gnu" 30 Ild.l:wt... to IlOleiC""IJ, veat 20.56 fHI: to _ther 8t.QQA! _ At lxl=d. rw> Lult ) l.i.neJ! ..buttiag lloutb4l.ultllrl,. on Eqg....tri.lm ...-; t.heDce nmntIlg north 66 degrees 20 ml:Wt.. ZO aec"nda; _.t 124.68 f.et 'to _t:ber lItm bound located 1942.58 hUlt northerly ancl 3191.67 feet _terl,.,,! ..id Tdal:l&t,U..atl_ :it.arion "P1()S", the wt 11.... llbuttlna IOOIIIroli:nN8ted,. _ lImd _ far",ul,. of \1.0. Kor&lll'l; t.lu'n.ee rum:dJl~ noub"rly ancl ClGrt....terl,. alcma tbct cuu:r1y AU:ld DOrtbuarllrly shore of H.IIy Uarber U. II plua in .. rock. uW 1'111& b.oin~~ locaud 2197.32 f...t oot''therly ancl 3289.90 fe.1; __terry fna -.td Triangulation Srlltiou "PROS"; thence ~'nnfng lIloutb 83 dearee. 40 .umreD 30 ll<:,colld.ll ...lUIL 3S.6.l!i feet to the po.Ult of Mllf....::Illllh the luro Hmo abe1:tlna ODrthorl,. "n lalld u_ 01' fo~rl,. of Har:1a 1'. GaillArd. IIelng the ..- prao1acD C012'RylIId to lUJ.8gra C.. l'arot.reOll BDod .o.nn.. lly"" htter:ll"" (allt:.la AmId> H,do Choate "lltrer_p). ... 1'nuIte... the p111:ty of th.. first parro. by d.ed fr_ ~ Hyde Cboarc PartoT.on, by deerlI dat:lld JIWWlry 20. 1992, and r..corded 10 Officn of tbct Curk of s.u'foU. Colmty em IotaTch ll. 1992" in Libel' 111039 peile ~49. I} z N!#mb\:t 'Of ~Cj; ~ RfCOIIlEC! ZOO;! x.p 2fl 01: (JI,ll ~ PM [Wart.:! P.l(QlUU"" ClE~OF 5UTOlK COONT'f' l 0000122lO P l~6 lln v2-07M'I HUUU:""S Scn;.tfl'! Crfl.ftC.,. " Pti... Cd " t>><d i Mo<1&'4:I< I "':"'tn~n I [lc;ellll Moog. Tax Stamp FEEs !l;!'<"''''nt'' (ibmll SIamI" 4 I"llle f nhng '<0 _-R.- ~ h-- _......:.-L_, -~-- f Mon~. Ami IlIlrtd1m& 11' .SlI4 L IUsk h:< Z ^"(lili~1 T$~ NUI.lIon RPTSA --D7 -~~ -- ---J~ ___.--2 Q~. S.b Te4al O'{/ Sull TOI.' EA-l2 17 otCu"nl,1) O:lltt --\? -/ Sub Totd GRAND TOTAL ~ D 1---- Spec b\nll (I, S4l<<" I Add roT MTC 11\:>: f.>l>11 Tm..'m.., ','.._ Dulll C""nIY. I lead for ^I'PO":i~'_~_ r""",r<fT.. ~ ~ Mll!lliioo T 11., l'hr ~r1y e<lY<~ 0)' tM' mOrlllllSC is or will be .mpro'ed bj . IIn< 0' I"" {limn d_lhnlll m'11y YES III NO I r NO. 11;'(' af>Prol>rUl' I." d~,", .,.. ~!i;~ I __ oll~js i'n5lrul'Jb:'!l1 EA..l21i l Sl~l<} 1\ m4:l'1' C M'lln of' bJ. c,.".m.<.t C<:>py Ktll ""1'> SWl1i' 02035341 .."'..-.-----......."'. /p T S" . (RJ"'EA~ '_ ,~~.sEP~/ 1000 001'00 0300 006000 CPF T,~x 0.." Real Prupert)/ Ta.~ $.crvic:c ~' Verificallon "'" 0('...."....;""_ Illtd LOI ~ Comrnunil I'reservati Co,aid<l'l'!lI;<:m Amount S s: Dill. ImJl'1Y"<!'<l In'illlh V,nn! I.,It<$ 1 SlIlisfl,clionstDischBrgWReJ.case::sl.il1 Property OWlIers Mailing Addrr$ RF.a:mn &.1tf.TIJRN TO, Shf'O- 'j" r-..a.-" .t,.- ~\-~,,~ I t-SOs. ' 5'f'f Le ~ j '^o... fen.... p.,v (. ",.......s;..... J1J~rt. ,JNe.uJ ~ t~ -(,0"<; 114h', -:S'hw.~, ~~ \oc.~~ ; ~D' s 9 Suffolk Coun Recordin TO TO 'It> 'n~~ rag(' ({Jans pan of Lhc i1LUIl:hed __ ... b -_~., '''_t ~.. (SI'fDFY TYPE '~INS'IRUMENT) (1ItlII.o( II/:. C. f4t<.:Ksrr.. ~ ~eU~ ~ fll't1niscs 1""'J'l,'Lr'I$ $'ILUlJI~ m ~5 "r",,-'i.j~5 SUFFOLK COUN'T)', NEW YORK 1'0 In the TOM\Ship of _,.,~u..,~ I J tfll f'Il Or" L C Po..""~.A "7 '111..{s"~1!l)b: VILLAGI! , Of HAMLET of !lUXES.s nnw 9 MUSI' tlE lWW OR PRINTED IN BLACK. INK ONLY f>RlOR 1\) RECO/{I)jNG 00. 1'1 LINH 111111I1111_ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ till IIIIII1 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inntrument; DEEDS/ODD Number of PaqGs: 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-07649 Recorded : At: LIllER: PAGE: 09/20/2002 01:00:34 PN 000012210 246 District: 1000 Section: 009.00 E.XAMINKD AND $0.00 Block: 03.00 CJUi:R.GED AS Lot: 006,000 i'OLLOWS Deed Amount:: Received the Follo"'~n,? 11'_1:1 I'or Pllqlil/Fi ling COE EA.-Cn 1'1>-584- RP"1 'rra.luJfer tax $12.00 $5,00 $5.00 $5.00 $30,00 $0.00 .l!.bove In. trwlIan t Rx.mp t NO Handling NO %as SURCBG NO EA.-STATE NO C4IIrt., COP:UIIJ NO SCT'M NO Comm. pnu :/i'ellll:l PAid $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.0.0 $.0.00 $0.00 $102.00 a:v9"'\F NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER; 02-016'9 THIS l?JlGlt IS A PART OF THE INS'.t'RDliIlDI'l' EdWaId :P. Romaine COWlty Clerk, Suffolk County \ , PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WH N WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217Re-v3J97 1. Property I Location STREET NUMBER I!q1leatr6aa Avenue ~ Bell Avenue STREET NAME .. Southold Fishers Island i I CITY OR TOWN VilLAGE ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name Patterson lAST NAME I COMPANY EllJoore C.. aa Trustee FIRST NAME LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address Brandywine Trust <:o.pany LAST NAME I COMPANY , r,. FIRST NAME 17234 l...nl'sster Pike. Suite 300-4 STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME Bockessin CITY OR TOWN I D E 1 19707 STATE ZIP CODE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed 1 # of Parcels OR D (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they appl\r. Part of a Parcel 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided D D D 5. Deed Property Size Ixl lOR I 'ACRES' I .5 :71 FRONT FEET OEPTH 6. Seller Name Patterson LAST NAME f COMPANY EllJoore C.. as Trustee FIRST NAME Patterson LAST NAME f COMPANY Anne Hyde Choate. as Trust:ee FlRSTNAME A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land o Non-Residential Vaca" Land E ~ Ag,'wlt"", I ~ F Commercial J G Apartment K H Entertainment / Amusement L Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District D D D D 7. Check the box below which most accurately d,,"ribes the use of the property at the time of sale: 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: 11. Sale Contract Date / / Month D,y Year 12. Date of Sale I Transfer I / 11 I 01 Month D,y Year 13. Full Sale Price A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price , ,,0 ,0 , 0 I , , 0 (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate t~e value ~f personal I I I ~I A, I I I 0 I 0 1 property Included In the sale, , . ';~'~;~~NlIml1l';Iil!Di~ Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None Transfer to Trust 16. Ye~r o~ AsHSs~ent Roll from I n ."7---1 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) 1 which Information taken ; ; .I ,C( ('CJ ....J ; , c) 18. Property Class 15( , \ ,0 I-LJ 19. School Of..,;.. Nomo I SDv71"'V\.') # [/132(){( 20. Tax Map lden~~ierlsl J Rolllden\ifierlsl (If JJfore than f~~ attacrshee#rtti"dditjq,nal ide'~erls)l w Q-3.it:, " DiBtric.t 1000 Block 3 I Section 9 ~ I certify that all of the items of infonnation entered on this fonn are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the nenallaw relative to the making and filing of false instmments. Lot 6 BUYER BUYER'S A rrORNEY \ J, j' } . .t' '~., BUYER SIGNATUR!E\\ \"",' -,-:,"t: l .Yp ~ <'-:~o~__ DA1J,.___. ~'v',,,'( C 0 BrlUlClyv1ne u....t """"P<'lly Trulock lAST NAME Sharon FIRST NAME 7234 L STREET NUMBER 1 Anr.ater Pike. S~te 3DO-A STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) 212 AREA COOE 848-8640 TELEPHONE NUMBER STATE ZIP CODE Bockessin CITY OR TOWN DE 19707 ~ :::', -\-0 rl_' ( p(~ +-.....-.. :",-." ";, (.-.~.t;-.~ --""",,,<- ,i, .' SEllEI'!. SIOOATURE .I ~"'t' \-\yO.k.C\CC\\{! ih~r:,(''''' .,.." -,"- OAT< ,,\ tc.~' e't '. ~ ;;"0