HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12440 P 875 I IfP '-l ., . ~... oS' \)e.C- ~~ ';.. ) <::; 7 ' ' '. c'- L ,;;... '1 '+l 'f ,) - \ \ (c..u) - (- ~~; . 4--1 , CONSULT ,roua LAWYR. DEHH:I! 5.CRaNa ntII DllTllUMa.."T-THIS INS1WUMIN1' IHOULD.. USED.... LAwna I . -.-- - 1__ 11II51ralEN1llRE.. modo the 7 ..of.!, cIO, of '&" t "'... 4.. Lvu'T BElWEl!N \ William D. GalJIarc:~ Executor of the Estate of Kalharine M. GaillaId. deceased. of 17 M:eetlng HOuse Rd, Greenwich, CT. pony of tbe !iDI put. .... William D. Gaillard and Peter S. Gaillard, as tenants In common, pursuant to the terms of ArtIcle Fifth of that certain Trust AgreE,- ment executed by ICatharine M. GaIllard as of November 10. 1994. qf 17 Meetlng House Rd, Greenwich, CT. pony 01 tbe .....io.l put, . " ....&&nc.DDl:.ld, dzu tbe JII'I1 of die &:I.part., i.a. - . A....w. of Tea DoUan:.. CliIlbI!r 'nIaaIIIE '..uio poid by tIoo....,. 01 duo __ put...... benby ...... .... .-.. ..... the _ of tbc __ put. tbo beD or ............ 01 the....,. .If the __ put _, AU. fIi,,; .......'...... pieoe Dr puaJ ~ -. - the baDdiIrp _ ......_ ' *""'" onaaI, _ IJiaI' aDd. . _ i i r located .~"'FiBhers Is1.nd, Toim of S~01d II C~ty of Su.ffallt. State of Nev YOrk. beina boundB:l and described as fall Bevlnnlnq at a mODuaent on the We.terly line .qf Bell Hill "venu... said 1I0naaent bel.n9 10Cllted 2368.21' feet North of a point vhicb Is 2918 feet 'West of another lIonaaent'llarkin9'the UnIted Stllte.. Coast end GeodetIc survey Tr lan9u1atlon Statton .PROS. and tbenC:t!' runnlnq along said Avenue line Horth 4- 48' 10. East 321.25 feet 1t.O an iron pipe .t land nov or formerly of Marie L. C.ralllard -et al.; thence Nazoth 800 IS' 25- Vest 102.50 feet to an il~on pipe; thenC4! South 22" 19' 44" West 8S.50 feet to a monument; .thence South 0'" 49' 26" Bast 104.26 feet to a IlOnu.ent, these th%:ee lines abattlng Northeasterly" Northwesterly and Westerly on. said land now o:t' formerly.of Marie Lee GalllaZ'd et al.;. thence South 34'" 17' 46. East 186.62 feet to the. 'point of be91nnin9. abuttln9 South- veste:t'ly on land now or foZ'.erly of Jobn Planten Gaillard et al. Being ...~.portlon of the premises conveyed by LDuise~ Jf. Boverl!l to Marte Planten GaIllard by deed dated Septeaber ~!9, 1913 recoJ:'11ed in Saffolk County Clerk's.. .Offlce In Liber 856, Pi!lICJe 582. 't~:utIliK a180 vith- all right, title and Interest elf the party of the first part' In anll to the foreshore 1yln9 belCIV the h19h "ater 11ne of Hay Harbor. 'J'odETJma with tbe -right to use ..and uintaln the vater ser- vice l;:ttpe l..ding to th'8 dwelling on the above-descrlbed pre.ises, said I~ipe beln9 lDcated on land now or foraer1y of .:John Pl.anten GaIllard et a1.. ..aId pipe extendin9 Northwesterly frOll J1e,ll HUl Avenu., Bnd being locateltJ adjacent to and Southwesterly fro. the last descrihed l1ne In the above described pre.lees. 'roGlrrHER, _.u ript, <i1IO _ Ial_ il .." 01 .... put, 01 .... 6na put ia _ '0 .., ...-. aDd ,rmd.o ........... d1e __ dacribal .......... lD .he ........ 6aa _, TOGETHIDl_ the .PI"'........... :md aD .... _. ' .... ric!'" 01 the put:, 01 the fir. put in _ 10 ooid praaiIa, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.be,......... _ _.... -. tbo....,. 0111oo -.I JlU1,.... hmo'or os.....:uoips 01 'iJepmyol...._....._. j ~j .\ND the ...., of .... 6na poR ~Is tIm the ....,. 01..... lint pan ilia _ ..... Dr ...If.rod "",.1IiDc lri1a'eby tbe aid ~ laft hem ~ I ...d ill allY w.y .b4.._ czmpt as aIareaid. .AheN~~ pe"YiII" ..... ~~~~~f ~ Scaioa IJ of.... u... Law, _. that .... _ 01 ~- pan. W' ncawe Ma- ~~ or Ibis _".'"... aDd. ..ill bald the riPi 10 ~ ndI C'DIIIid- ::0- .. ~ .......~ 10 be apptiall ....lint jorof ........,-- 01 po~.:- ~ 01..... . _ and will oppIy ....e ...-.1 to U~ pIJIIIImt 0 CDIt -.......__ ...... my part of the IoIal of die .amt .... .Iay otbe:r 'PJI'POR. . ,,)rhe word '.,.n)." sbaJ11x: manraN as ir it rad IOpanies" whenfttt the RftR of this inclmtare 10 ftqtIira.. , ~-:;:--.T..tz;;~-.._~ L:' -- '7f1f}cY'.fi.:&t !{' ;;; t.J;LU_ \ :</lI.~i1")' ~{-7 fl lP " (--,( ryr,,"- , . ! (b.;d.>fez.'z~ ': ~n . 'Ii" . . '5-1 jlDU : ~f j l~ jl Ii I . ; ~. ! lii i l~ I ilr ~fil I ji 1 I If .11 ,I I \S .~t .~. ~1 i ~tii; I:.~ 'I ' U ' I I I 1" ].1118 * . $.5 '!II -lL j KRIII!l.I.~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ , ~i!~ ~!, ~i.sl..l:i~ -, .:3) ''';~ I iI...s'S \ 'f.! L, " ~ ~~ <:> l!l r .. 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',~- '1 .tj ,~ - L."..:.,;.;.,] ~--> ~ '1"'111.&.11'1 "..IIIWlI.... .tn.llcn ttn,f nvolC: C1I11.Mln b...~ .-- ....-.- , I I ~ ~/,tl :-J.' , "' ~ -.:.....-.., .-'- , ~- , s~ -..-/1 / " ~ _to / Number of page~ TORRENS Serial #I Certificate # _______ PriorCtf. # ____ [)erd I Mortgage Instrument (ked I Mortgage Ta.'l: Slamp ]J FEES Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 -----~ 1 00 -------,-r- _____L NOUllion SUbTOlal----,-+ / EA-S2 17 (County) -----!:2r _ EA-52 17 (State) --lL R.PT.SA ___._~30 iJil Comm. of Ed. 5. (XI ------. - Affidavil Certi fit."d Copy NYS Surchaq;e -----~ ~ Sub Tolal Other Grand Tolal ~Djst. Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification ] Section I Block t( -; Lot 06000406 1000 00900 0300 004000 /--:::----. /~. l' S'. (RSMI A) \1l.:1-'AN~ ......---' 6 Satisfacllol1lS!DiSl"harges/RelcuSC5 List Property OWT1Iers Mailing AddreslJ RECORD'" RETUltN TO: William D. Gaillard 17 Meeting HoU88 Rd. Gree",wlch, CT oe831 RECOROED 200b I'Iar If, 04: 12:40 P~I Judith A. Pascale ClERt< OF SIFOLK COU\ITV L 0000124<0 P87:i Oil 05-3i315 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Taxr" 2. Additional Tax SubTotal Spec.fAssit. or Spec. IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX J f. Dual Town _ Dual Cou.nty _ Held for Appointment _./- TmnsfcrTax ~ ~ Mansion Tax ~....:.... _ Th~ propeny covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES I or NO ..---' UNO..",.. pagel /. priate I louse on - f lhis. SlnJrnent. ./ "}.'.:>o-o,," atioD P'aDd ount $ - () - $ -0- Improved Vacant Land TO TO TO 7 o loConnatioo ~ Suffolk County Recordine & Endorsement Pa~ This page forms pan of the attached ),EE.~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTI made hy: !;CTIl-;-r.. or yfin1f\(J.nJr ''-1. 6n I,-t.~_ L....IIl.'r;"iI~.....!,Un-il\ C:x'f<... Th~ premises herein is situalc.."lI in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of --Sab rJol () L) In tbe VILLAGE TO tVILL,(h.~.ilLIlR) . ~ER~. ___ (;11 ''-L'''') or HAMLET or 01:"",,,,( If, A-.J~ 1l0XES 6 THiRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. In......r\ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 S1tJFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DlDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 06-0026829 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-31315 RecClrded: At: 03/16/2006 04:12.40 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012440 875 District: 1000 Section. Block. 009.00 03.00 EXAMIllfED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 004.000 Deed Amount, Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.01) NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.01) NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.01) NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.01) NO CODml.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX :NUMBER. 05-313:15 THIS PAGJ~ IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk. Suffolk C'ounty > PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS; FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM , . . INSTRUCTIONS: http~/ www.orps.sl.t..ny.us or PHONE ISla} 47~7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 14. 7. 3. &: tf~ * REAl PROPERTY TRANSFE.R REPORT C1. SWI& Code C2. Oa" OaM' "",wOo. I () .3 I I (" I O~ STATE OF NEW YORK I STAn BOARD OF fIIEAL P9IIWERT1r &fRYICE8 L( r:J': 0" ~:O;) RP - 5217 C3._ u.f,:;L, 4', I ~ C4. ....1 "..L...J '''Qn..JiIn PROPERTY INFOIRMAl1QN I . "-L- I ."l.~L(. IHLL A,,"',","c. 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OwMnhlp TypII is Condominium 0 ^~ Om '.m", ._.... E~ Ao,,,",,,., , ~ Com_ S...... .. N.w ~ on VllUnI \..and 0 B 2or3F_liIyRe.identi81 ... eomnwn;lIIJ J InduItriII 10A. PTopvrty L.OCMlId within Il/I AcIrbl1nnl DiIlrIa 0 C RaidentiaIV_rrt.....d G AplII1melll K "'bk SeMce lI..IIuyoer~.IlIIclosu...nDlIcIlndlaan; 0 o Non-RMidlllllilll VKIrII L.nd II Enlertllinmad '............mer\ll L Forni _ltIepropel1yl.fnanAgricuhuraIDiltJicl I SAlE INFORMAlll~ 15.D-* _or_dl~_____"""""IClI........., 11. &.I. ConIrIC1: D.u- ,vA- I I I -.J A s.lo ~ fWltIvw or Former RltIMIv8 -. "" ,- . s.lo a.--.~" Comf*lle$ or Pan,.. In EluIl~ C_ ar. of tI-. BuveR i8 allO a Sill... 1Z. D8tllot..../lr....... I I..... I~ f#Ol:) fl I) Buyor or SIllier 15 G~mment Agency or Lendi"lillrlllhLltion ..... "" ,- E Dwd TY1MI not W~nIY or Slrpil'l Met SII.CSpteity BeIow') F_ SA or Frecdon.1 or t... lhlln F-..,. ISpeciIy Bd:M1 L.........l.... 1\1",? ~~r.$'~~~L&: G_ S1g1111iQn1 CAlI91n Propony ~ T..bIII !OtuIlIld s.... 0... 1J.fuII....PrIDll , -L.JlJ H S..ofB....~.irlcludldlnSlllePrD , , . I ~ Oltl.... U~I FIletIor5 Al1ectIng SIIIlt PriDI lSpeciIry BeIowI iFull SIle Priceillhel'Otlllllll1ount l*dfo. IIWproper1ylnduclil'lll ~I ~~. Thi, Plymern n-.y be in IIW fclrm 0'1 tWl, other proporty or goo" or ~ .......,n 01 J __ rnortgegn or <Mher obllglllons.l p,- round ftI 1M ~ wIIoM ddW .mocmt. lZ...G.tl4 LTG-}. ...,-phJn~EIL FtU)t\TftAA-lT 1..h:I~'ttw_..of~ II AlaT ~(',!.I~1J-a,I.& .L.JLJ .A6.r5"~"" ~.rr prgperIy Indud.d . lhe .... ' . P~()Vlr,a...J.r , , . I ASSESSMENT INI:oRMATION - [)aU should reflect. lhe lalnt Final Aaeamenl Roll .nd T.. Bill I '" V..rd___.nRoltr.A L (J ~ 17. TotII ""--I V"'" Ie' .. ........In 1f-.hrJ I , . {p :~ () VI whId! infonn""NltMMI -----'-- , , 111. PropertyC... L2d~~-LJ 11. Sahoall*lrict: NIl.,... L h...sff€.K.r ISLIho/~ ,<#-JelL. -----I m T.. Mop ktIn1IfIllill , ADlldllftlllllrUJ III,.,. ct.n '-. IItIth ...... with ......... td"""'-'WI I '1 '7"3 'If>'1 q ._~-<f -.l I -----I I -.l I I I CERllRCATtQN J I eenll)" .... III of Ibr hmi of ~ rDIeIWI un Ihi5 rona are ...' end evnm 110 tbr .... of.., bI~ ... brIIrfI ... I undrntIInd "'11 die ..... lJIIIR). lI'IW ru"~t vln'IaIITtII r.n hnTln ..II:'1Uhjed _ au thI~ DI'1I'I"~ uf 1M...... ..... rrIIilkf 110 lhe .......J1- lima vi..... ~ ~.UYE" BUYER'S ATIORNEY let>' \ J'/U J.;-:-~~:II""\w '...../"71<,)/0. FA- I I ~" , ~,- -,- ,.. I 1..../iF..ln^'? klnlA./C po,..", I ~ETIOUIIll[~ ..'11I.I1"_....,.........., -<- ~-~ G f'.€(;.J/N 'e. l/ I c.'"r I ()t. r~. CIlVlllIlOMl ~.n M= 1iW!!! NEW YORK STATE c;.rM~ "~n+fI(<J,J(,:.,..,. (;1) 'lL(Tp.) COpy /U """ ~ :or (.Iv,,_'" , h/..<> ,b'J ,