HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 329 IL P ( 000 ~ q ~ q -I ~ . (:."JIu't-c'L../G~,f .Jt!Jcr.!.tq J-,.fJ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING lHIS'iNITRUIlENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOUm BE USED BY LAWYERS DNL Y o/;q,:!. .09,,,,,/"/1'.0'0 11+" THIS INDENTURE, made the day 01 February, 2 , BETWEEN REV. ZENON A. SMILGA and GLORIA PYTLIK, both now residing at (no II) Winthrop Drlve, Fishers Island, New York 06390, party or the first part, and ANDRIUS MONTVILA and RENEE LaMARCHE, both now residing at4 Goulding Street, Hollistan, Massachusetts Ot746, party or the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, In conslderatlon of Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand------- -------------- ---($525.000) -__________ doUars paid by the party or the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party or the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns or the party of the second part Iorever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Fishers Island, Town or Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as set forth on Schedule A hereto. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed, dated June 30,1998 and recorded in the Olliceofthe Suffolk County Clerk on July 14, t996 in Uber 11904 page 575 and also by deed, dated February 2, 2001 and recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on February 15, 2001 in Uber 12102 page 629, .......... ........ . " TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, il any, of the party or the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with'the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party or the first part In and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLO the premises herein granted unto the party or the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part Iorever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or surlered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party 01 the first part, In compliance with Sectlon t 3 01 the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration lor this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust lund to be applied first lor the purpose or paying the cost or the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment 01 the cost 01 the Improvement before using any part of the total or the same lor any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as il It read "parties" whenever the sense of this Indenture so requires, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written, Pwv,~ .A,~~ Rev. Zeno A. Smilga QL.u.:- . JQa h. ~ Gloria PytJik The undersigned, as successor in interest to Race Point Corporation, does hereby waive any and all rights ~ may have to purchase the premises described on Schedule A hereto lrom the party of the first part pursuant to the rlpht of first relusal recited in the deed recorded In Liber 6360 P8IIe 557 or any such right set rorth In any other instruments 01 record and does hereby consent to the within conveyance to the party of the second part. The roregoing waiver and consent shall apply to lhls conveyance and shall also be deemed to apply to all prior conveyances 01 record to the subject premises but shall not be deemed to affect any rights of record the undersigned may have to purchase the premises in the ruture from the party 01 the second part or their heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns. fhI AIIIItICan 111I ....._ CcIIIpIny 188 East Past RDId WIIIIIt PIIIas, NY 10801 (800) 842-1883 (914)421 3433 FIx (814) 428-0159 FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By ;!.. -r,. ~ Peter O. Crisp, President Standwd N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 - Bargain and S.. Deed. with eov.oant ~B1n" Granlcr', Acts- Uniform Acknowledlilmenl TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of Naw York, County 01 Suffolk ... On the '7I!l day 01 Fabruary In lhe year 2005 before ma, the undersignad. personally appeared Rev. Zenon A. Smilga and Gloria Pytllk personally known 10 me or proved to me on lhe basis of salisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose nama. era subscribed to the within Inslrument end acknowladged to me that thay executed the same In lheircapacities, and lhat by thair signaturason the Instrument. the Individuals, or the person upon behalf which lhe individuals acted. exacu18d the Instrument. (Ii Slale 01 New York, Coonly of sa: On lhe day of in the year undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names .... subscrilad to the Within ;notrumenland acknowledged 10 melhat heJoheAhay 8ll8Culed the same in his/h8rllheir cepacllies, and that by thalr signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf 01 which the Individualo acted. executed the Instrument. befora me, the ROXANNE SPAULDING NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK No O1SPRll~lI4? au^, 111111 IN Sill I UI K C:llIINIY Io1Y COMMISSION I.XI'III.S Alii;. 9. 20Q( knowledgmsnt) Notary Public (sognature end offies of Individual taking acknowledgment) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slate of Florida SS.: On the I rr day of ih!u.lo.U,Vin Iho yo.. 2005 bafore me, lhe undsrsogned, personally. appeared Peler O. Crisp personally known 10 mo or proVed to me on /he besis of satisfactory evidence to be lhe individual whose name is aubscnbed 10 the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the sama in his cepaclty, and Ihet by his signature on lhe inslrument. the Individual, or the person upon behalf 01 which lhe Individual acted. execuled the instrument. and thai such Indlvidusl made such appearance before the undersigned In the in fV\(M..'U.~ Ck~ (Insert lhe City 01 other politicsllsubdivislon) _P.- IIY 00'".10'" 1IIl3llllll1l' EllI'IIEI:.u, 14, lID ...........-,NIr......... In lhe Stale .of Florida. a . . ~ fl. IV .IU--'Y't'VnuA.) (olgnolllle .nd oIRce of 'ndlviduallaklng acknowledgment) Notary Public REV. ZENON A. SMIlGA IRl GLORIA PYTUK TO ANORJUS MO/'fIVlA IRl RE/IEE UfMRCt-E DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 009.00 BLOCK 09.00 LOT 018.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk - Southold STREET ADDRESS (no #) Winthrop Drive Fishers Island, NY 06390 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Tme No. CLC 311485 RETURN BY MAIL TO' STMIlAIlO fORIIllF NEW 'IOIlK IlOARIl OF 1III..E UIIIlERWRf1Bl6 Ilia1rIxIIedby RESERVE lllIS BPACE FOR USE Of RECORDING OFFICE .- _.. --". -_. --.. ,,'C AMI"" ~ FilSt Amerk:iln 1'It:1e Insurance Company D' New yDnt Tille No. 3008-511557 SCHEDULE "A" ALL lliAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, smJATE LYING AND BEING AT FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOllTHOLD, COUNlY OF SUFFOU<, STATE OF NEW YORK, BOUNDED AND DESOUBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY UNE OF WINTliROP DRIVE. SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 62 DEGREES 21 MINllTES 00 SECONDS WEST, 236.40 FEET FROM THE SOl1TliWESTCRLY UNE OF EQUESTRIAN AVENUE. SAID POINT ALSO BEING 692.29 FEET NORTH OF A POINT WHlOlIS 4723.95 FEET WEST OF A MONUMENT MARKING THE UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION 'PROS" AND; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 39 MINllTES 00 SE<X>NDS WEST ALONG LAND NCN/ OR FORMERLY OF THOMAS JR. AND CAROLYN J. DOHERTY, 201.S0 FEET TO LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF JOHN C. EVANS; THENCE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 26 MINllTES 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE LAST MENTlONED LAND, llD.B3 FEET TO LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF WILlIAM J. AND PATRICIA J. FAULKNER; THENCE SOUTH 27 DEGREES 39 MINllTES 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE LAST MENTIONED LAND, 2D1.6O FEET TO 111E NORTHWESTERLY SlOE OF WINTliROP DRIVE; 111ENCE NORTH 62 DEGREES 21 MINllTES 00 SE<X>NDS EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF WINTliROP DRIVE, llD.B3 FEET TO THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. lHE policy to be Issued under this report wm Insure the title to such buildings and Improvements erected on the premises, which by law c:onslltute real plllJleltY. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY: TOGETHER with all the right" tltIe and Interest of the party of the fll5t part, of In and to the land lying In the street In front of and adjoining said premises. , , -. Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certific.atc # Prior CIf. # Deed . Mortgllge Instrument nCed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES J. Page I Filing Fe.: Handling 5 JIlL TP-584 NOlation EA-S217(Coumy) i, EA-5217 (Sl:.Iie) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TolllI 3J Cooun. of Ed. 5. ..QlL Affidavil Q:rtifiC<! Copy !u,g. Copy" Sub Total Gr.lI1d Toial / 5;;2 - Olh!,r ,- 4 DislriCl I I I n_, 00900 0900 01BOOO 'I', 0".1 Real Pro!lCt1y Ta.'t ServlL'C AgeDt'Y Verification \ .--- ---. '--. 6 SatisCactionIDischargcsIRelCllSe Lisl Propeny Owners Mlliling Address RECORD &: RETURN -CO: ';';.f ,<1"...",-,_ T~.:7" -.I".__.~" C -/.:::J ~ J J "T~ -~.1 II. :':~_:..-" N""......:-1.'I., ;i /'''7 kf[;.....hn- - .. ~ K..1/~1( (Sn 7 RECORDED 200S Feb "23 !J3: 45::l8 PM Edward P.Ronaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY l 000012373 P'329 DTII 04-301~ Recording I Filing Stamps "" Mortgage AmL 1. Basic Tax 2. Additionnl Tax Sub Totul Spec. I AssiL or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Duo.! Town _ DwI1 County --:- Held for Appoilllmcnl_ Transfer'I1tx ;:;) J lJ1)-- _ MlIIIllion Tax The property covered by lhls mOlgagl: is or will be improved by a one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO ," If NO. sClluppropnale IlIX clause on page II of !his inSlI'Umclll. -1(-0 5 Communi Pn!SCI"VlItioD Fund ConsidCllltion Amounl $ 5~ I7J1) - $ 7e;" trD K. CPF 'I1tx Due Improved /' Vacant Laud _ TD /trn> TD TD InConnation 8 Co. Nwne nOel..]"" If-. r & Endorsement Page made by: This page forms part of Ihe aUlIChed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~L~. "2.".-, 4 f;., c...~" -i 5/or-,~ p~ f(~ TO The premi9is beroin is 9iliWted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In Ihc Township of rSo u ".fJ... 0 ( j -A"~n'~.. fl. .'-1";/c .... InlheVll.LAGE 1<....1 ....I~" L'1. ""'4.,,(-<- or HAMLE1'of F;, L .,,- I. 1._ ~ BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlLINa ( nVAr\ 11111111111111111 11111111111111 11111 1111111111 1111 1111 1I11I11111111111111111111 StJPFOLlt COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument, DBBDS/DDD Number of Page., 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0020281 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-30126 Recorded: At. 02/23/2005 03:45:38 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012373 329 District. Section: Block. Lot; 1000 009.00 09.00 018.000 BXAMINBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount. $525,000.00 Received the Following Fee. Por Above Instrument Ex-.pt Bxempt Pege/Piling $12.00 NO HeDdliDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS saCRG $15.00 NO BA- en $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,100.00 NO COJIIID.Pr.. $7,500.00 NO Fe.. Paid $9,752.00 TRAMSI'D TAX NUMBER: 04-30126 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THB INSnOMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romain8 County Clerk, Suffolk County CI. 8WI8 Cado PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.slala.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ,* STAlE OF _ YOIIK STAlE IIOAIID OF IIUI. _TV IlERvas . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ,'-/7.,3~~,'1, C2..DWlDtood_d I JilI-i.3/~...S C3._ I J Q3.""13.JC4.p_.37.9J, PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 &1'1-1:17 ....JNI I. Praporty I 295 Winthrop Drive .-on ...... ....... 1I1lIU'..... Southold Fishers Island 06390 ClTTgIlrow" ......... ...- 2.s..... Montvila Andrius N.... '-MI' NAIll' 'QJMIWIY rlllTNllIII: LaMarche Renee ....., NNA ICDWMrt -'- 3. TI. 1~\Ilhn......TIXB...lrOlDbcI... I Sling if otMf""" buyer ..... 1M bonorn of form) I'" flAW:, CIOIU'NfY -- -- allll.,........ ANa ,...... NAM! QIYClRICMN PATI .c:am 4. IndIcnt the ......... of A.__ -.,.,. RoII__......._ 1 I 'ofPlircel. OR D Plrtor.PlIre04 ....IH 10,,1 OQO' .5 ~ 10nlr........._~.__ 4A........""'lIoordwilh-......horilyE.- 0 ...____bT._ 0 c._AppmW"'s'''~'''''''_"",_ 0 s._ "- SIze rllONT~ Ixl ..- ....... S1Dllga lq'f1UMf/~ Rev. Zenon A. ......... Pytl1k 1.AlIT-'/e;eJMIMY Gloria F"J~ 1. Check the box below which moft 1lCCU""" ....... the UN ., _ prCII*tJ .. thI .. 01 Mill: , ^~ Ono Flmily Relidtntlll B 2or3FIIIIOy-I"'I~ C ~ YlClnl 1IInc1 D Nan.D-U I..... V-=-nt Und I SALE INFORMATION ~ 11. ... Contr.ct Dete t::~_..... F CornmoocioI G -.. II Enttl1linmenll """-lNnt I ~ Cammunky_;co J _ K _So_ L For.. ~....__....._: & o.w..ttJp Typ. .. Condominium I. New ConItruaIIon on Vaant Land __L__...Ag_oI_ "'-.-.---. tlW die PIOPIftY " in 1ft Agrlcu.,,.. OiIIrict o o o o 01 ....... 11. a.- .. 01 ............... .... . at........ to-""",: I OS """ I OS - ^ B C o F. I' G II I J SUI ...... RNIIiwII ar Fornw fWC/v. s.a. ...... Re&IUd eornp.n. or ......... in BLllineD 0.. of the BuprII II 8110 . Senor Buyer Of Soller 'a GcwornmonI ~ or lending lrEitUlion Deed 1VPe naI W.rrpty or a.rpIn and BIle (Specify Below. SaIl of FractJonaJ or ~ thin Foo InanM ISpocify BaIowI Slgn- a..na. .. "'-'Y _ T_ 510.... Iftd Solo 00... sn of SuIt,.. " Induded In SaIl Price Other l.klUlUII FIClIOfI AtfDng 8M Price (SpecIfy BekMt None 12. Dat. 01 .... I Tr.,lft, 02 I \\ Do, 105 y- ...... 1.. fun .... PrI. . 5 , 2 ,5 ,0 0 ,0 . 0 , 0 1 , , . IFull Slle Price lllhe talAl .mount paid kif rhl propeny including PI~",I property. Thl, ~Iflt m.., be in 1bI form of cuI\. othlr Pl'OPIrtv 01' Ooocft. or tho ....mptlon of . rTIOI1gIges or om., obIigalion1.) """.. IDCInd 10 rile ,..,.., whole ..,. MIOCHIt 14. In..... ... ..... of ,....... I . 0 . 0 I 0 I .....-rtY ........ III ... .... . ~ESSMENT INFORMATION. Datllhould ..1I1Iot the 11_ Fino' ~1Il .""" Roll lnet Tn Bill ... y_.. A__ _.... _ I 0 4 I 11. T.... _ V.... I" II _.. .._ I which InIor....uon .... . . , , 6 4 4 6 . , , ,I.....pony a_ 12 ,I , 0 I-LJ I.. _ _ _ I Fishers Islsnd 20_ T.._Ido_IoI/...._.. ..__............___ _~I 1000-009.00-09.00-018.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I ftIIII'y - In III "'" Ilo:mo III """"""'.... -.... .. INIIlInn 1ft ,_ .... __ I...... ..... '" nv IuIowItdae .... boIIdlllld I ....._ ..... III. ........ of ny wDHtd r.... 5---' or........ rlld hrrrfn 1tHl........ aw lit'" ...... l-.. rllhe .... ... rtI8Ihw &0 die ....dlll... .... or............... BUYER SUYEJrS ATTORNEY ~ 021 oaT! 105 Kelley lAIT_ John -- 4 Goulding Street IlIlIll.......wUIALQ (212) ---- 850-0691 5'1111' NUll... ..........- Hollis tan ""'''''''''''' IHA SlATE 01146 ,..- H!MB NEW YORK STATE COpy G,~'l"-V ~1.-tt.i.. IlUtIlIlONAT'" 0 ~?/ 10S \