HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12389 P 633 . ". - - ~ PI~ ROlt th;a& DD all k..... forms,ln. in blac dut. nlll pOl'llll L U 3 7fq f (~33 I ~'C.c.'. q.oo ~UC la-DO loT. II. cO (;/-/0-/0 300& -7'fJio<( .~ i' Form 1002 ~3'UO) .:. Sar.ai. aDd Sale Deed. with COVCIWIU leaialt OraaU~r'l Acts - lad,vidual or Corpdralioll. (SiDllc sMet) CONIlUI.T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGN'NO THIll 'N~EHT -naB INSTRUIIEHT BHOULD BE USEO BY LAWYERS ONLY. nlls INDENTURE,I1IOde 1l1c 1(/'1 BETWEEN day of May. 200S Kevin Connelly residing 3t (No #) Whistler Avenue , Fishers Island . NY . 06390 panyofthc fll51 pan. 1100 Thomas Geniesse and Jan Geoiesse ~ 1mMrU 1.1 f/)lL.~(~ residing at 20 West 16th Street New'York , NY, 10011 . ; ~ pony of !he ..cond port, WITN ESSET H, that the pony .fthe fin. pan, in colllldo..lion oflCtl dollan ond OlhoT valuable considellllion p,"d by 'he pany of the secoad pan. does hereby gnullll'ld nlnse unlO th.: party o(tlle second pan.lhe heirs or IUCCCIIOn and 81li...lJfthe pan)' of rhe second pan f~'Cr. . ALL that certain plot. ptete or poI:ee1 orland. with the buildinp Ind impro\'emcnbi thereon erected. .liihlate, lying and brine in the: SEE SCHEDULE "AM ATIACHED HERETO The premises being conveyed, being the 5WIIe as that conveyed by Woodland Foundation to the Party orthe First Pan by deed dated February 2, 1995 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on February 2,1995 in Liber 11714 Cp 819. iPiJqmu;J 1.,'I:Jir\S.ll ii: ~I I!.::JI!~.I , ttllR . . D'll2G3 8~: IOiifil ". .u.!Glq &lb,., :::r!.r.-ll~.(~ lJ r.'l~t .SI 1 :1 '. ()~In . ~ -tOGEniER with all rilht, title ancl, inklal. ifuy, oflhe plod)' oftbe fuw part. in DDd 10 any.1reelI and IOilds abunin& lhe ,00"'1:- de.cribed pmuilClto rho c:cntcr line. thcnof; TOGETHER with the _llCtlaII<cI.... oil the .lIIte one! ",hIS .frh. pan)' .fthe fiBr part in ond to Aid pmuiies: TO H),VI; AND TO nOLD thc pmniscs kin gJanICd unto tbc party of!he _ ...... tho hcin or :iUCccssun and alsigns of the part)' of 1M second part f(never. '> AND the: part)'oflhc first panco\"e:lI&IUllhu the party oflhc first pan has not done or IUfTercdlDythinl whereby the said premises h3VC been encumbered in any way '4tbatC\o't1', excepc as afoRSlid. A~D the pliny of the first pan. in c:omplia~ whh Sec:ticm 13 DC the Ucn Law, c:ow::nanlS WIthe party first part ,,'ill n."<<i\~ the 'consickrouion tor this con\"C)'IfttC' ud ~ill bold the ri&hllo m::ci\'e mch c:onsideruiC'fl u allUlt fund 10 be applied tirsL fur tbe. puIpOK uf payiq the: aJ$I: of the improvement and "".lU apply tho SlII11C firll to W: payment of COR of the impro\:emenl before using any pan of the 10111 of the same for 11II)' IDlher JKUPOK'. The word "pan)'" shall be toIlItnIed II if it reld "'partiu.. whenever the seruc of so requi~I. 1:11 WIl'NESS WHEREOF, the pany .f'ho fltSt poll h..duly Y Indy.or fir.. obo.. wri"cn. I~ I"RE5D1C'! Of: .1. ' . . . SCHEDULE'''A'' . ~I : ~'~HE CERT~N p\-OT, PIECE OR PARCE~ 'OF lANO, smJATE, L~NG' AND BEING 'IN 'THE FISHERS I~LAND, .. TOWI~ OF.~OlD, COUNTY OF SUfFOUC AND STATE OF NEW YORK, WHIQt PROPeRlY IS MORE . PAltrlOJlA!u.Y DESCRIBED AS FOUOWS: ., BEGIIINlNG AT A DRILL HOlE IN THE WAU: l.ocATEo NoR'THEiu. Y Of wHJSTi.ER AVENUE SAID POINT BEING 21.6<1 FEET SOUTH OF A POINT WHICH IS 5,135.58 FEET WEST OF A MONUMENT MARKING 'THE UNITED STAll:5 COAST AND GEOOETICS SURVEY T1UANGUlATlON STATION PROS AND R\JNNIING 'THENCE NOR'TH 67 DEGREes 13'1~INUTES EAST 100.46 FEET; . . 'THENCE NOR'TH 22 DEGREES ~7 MINUTES WEST 222.55 R:ET 110 A POINT; 'THENCE SOUTH 62 OEGREES 21 MINUTES WEST 100.89 FEET 110 A POINT; 'THENCE SOUTH 22 DEGREES ~7 MINUTES EAST 214.M FEET 110 'THE. POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. TOGElHER wrrn THE RIGHT 110 USE A STlUP OF LAND 20 FEET WIDE AND 100.46 FEET LONG LOCATED BETVlIEEN 'THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF WHlSTlER AVENUE (AS IT NOW EXISTS) AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE PREMISES FOR INGRESS 110 AlND EGRESS FROM 'THE PRfMisEs UH1Il SUO! TIME AS SAID STRIP IS ACCEPTED BY THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS PAIRT OF 'THE PUetJC ROAD KNOWN AS WHI5Tl.ER AVENUE; AND . , 110GElHER wrrn THE RlGKT 110 USE FOR F'lJRPOSES OF INGRESS 110 AND eGREss FROM THE PREMISES 'THE FOLlC)WING DESCRIBED ROADWAYS OR STRIPS OF LAND, IN CXlMMON WIlH RACE POINT CORPORATION, , OWNI:RS OF SAID ROADWAYS OR STRIPS CIF LAND, OR PAIRTS 'THEREOF, AND OWNERS OF PROPEIITf WHOSE LAND IS SI1\JATED ON THE SOUTHEA5TERl.Y SIDE Of WINTHROP DRIVE AND WHICH WAS FORMERLY OWNED BY RACE POINT CORPORATION: . . : A RQ,I\l)WAY IS FEET IN WIDTH, THE CENllERl1NE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE PROPOSEtI NORTHEASTERlY UNE OF TRUMBULL DRIVE, SAID POINT BEING lOCATED 87.19 FEET SOUTH OF A POINT\I\!HlCH IS 5:53S.3S FEET WEST OF SAID "PROS" MONUMENT AND RUNNING THENCE NORlH 67 DEGREES 13 I"IINUTES EAST 606 FEET; THENCE NOR'TH 61 DEGREES ~3 MINUTES I:AST ABOUT 97 'FEET; THENCE NORTH 67 DEGREES 13 MINUTES I:AST ABOUT ~31 FEET 110 THE SOUTHWESTERLY UNE OF LAND OF THE IIDARD OF EOUCATlON;-F15HERs ISlAIID UNION FREE SCHOOL DiSTRiCT' NO. ~ . ',. ".~ ., A RQ,I\!lWAY 12 FEET IN WIDTH, THE CENTER UNE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLlOWS; BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE NORTHEASTERLY UNE OF.WINTHROP DRIVE SAID POINT BEING LOCATED. 26.01. FEET SOUTH OF A POINT WHICH IS !i,SM.I0 FEET WEST OF SAID "PROS" MONUMENT AND RUNNING THENCE NORlH 67 DEGREES 46 MINUTES EAsT 380 FEET 110 THE o;NTERUNE, DESCRIBED AS THE lAST cqURSE, OF THE ROADWAY DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH 3, BELOW. A ROAlDWAY 12 FEeT IN WIDTH, THE CENTER UNE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: .' BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF LAND OF THE BOARD Of EDUCATION, FISHERS ISLAND UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. ~ SAm POINT BBNG LOCATED ~39.20 FEET NORlH OF A POINT WHICH IS ~Ei90.16 FEET WEST OF SAID "PROS" MClNUMENT AND . RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 21 MINUTES WEST ABOUT 609 FEET .' , THE/ICE SOUTH 27 DEGREES 39 MINUTES lEAST AflOIJT 105 FEET 110 THE CENllER LINE OF THE ROADWAY DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH 1 ABOVE. SUa:IECT TO THE RlGl-IT OF RACE POINT CiORPORATlON, OWNERS OF SAID ROAIOWAYS 'AND STRIPS OF LAND AND OWNERS OF PROPERTY WHOSE LAND IS SITUATED ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF WINTHROP DRIVE AND WHICH WAS FORHERL Y OWNED BY RI\CE POINT CORPORATION, 110 USE SAID ROADWAYS AND STRIPS OF LAND COMPRISING A POKI1ON OF 'THE ~lseS FOR PURPOSES OF INGRESS 110 AND EGRESS FROM THEIIR RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES, AS AFORESAID. SUBJECT TO COVENANTS, RESlRlcnONS, EASEMFJITS, AGREE~lENTS AND RESERVATIONS OF RECORD. BEING INTENDED TO BE THE SAME PREMI~iES CONVEYED TO THE GRANTOR HEREIN BY DEED OATE'D NOVEMBER 22, 1988 AND RECORDED DEO,MBER S, 1988 WITH THE CPUNTY CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY IN LlBER 10748, PAGE 363. Aclln_goment taun In New York Stall' o Kevin CanneDy I..J/. . Stale of New YOfk, County of pI-7~/jf On the I{/'de~ of /h#f ,in the ~r 4s , betare me, the underoigned, peroa..,ay !.ired Will tAg personally d:1to ma or p ad to mil on the _ 01 &B1isI.oclOly evidence to be Ihe indIvfdull(l) who&B ..,mall) Is (ore) lubscribed to tho within instrument ..~ lICIInaWIecIged to me that heJshelthey executed the 18me in his/her/thelr cepec:I~(I.." end that by hlllherlthelr lillNlturell) on !he Instrument, the IndMduel(l) or 1I1a _ ""on beha~ of which 1I1e lr>llvldual(s) acted, execuled !he inslnlmal1l. -' ./- MICHAEL RICHMAN NOIIIry Public, Stata ol! New York No. 03.01826892 Quelified In Queena Coun!y.nl..IJ Commllslon Expire. 1<1a1~ AclcnclWlodg....nt by Subscribing WItne.. talcen In New York IIl.te o Kevin COrlnoIIy Slate .11 New Yor1c, County 01 , ss: On thet 'day of . in the year !he ur>larsigned, perllOll8Uy '_red ,bllfareme, the sublcrlbing wit..... to the laregoing Instrument, with wham I em Plnanelly BCqUBinled. who being by .... duly .worn, did depOSl' 000 &BY, IhBt _/they reside(l) In that holBhBlthey know(s) to be U18 IndividuBl described in and who execuled the foregoing instrument; the! ..Id lIlbsa1bing wi"'a.. wel present e~ 88W &BId eKeCUtt, the same; and thai aald witness at the same Urns subscribsd hislherlthelr nama(s) as e witne.. thereto. T1Ue Nc'.: 3009 -1 'IinC7 Kavin eon...lly TO Thomas Geniesse and Jan Geni88Se [ ~:J rl ~ is I ill ~ o ~ .. Il I . ~ .. ~ :a .. j "" ., Aclcnawlodg.ment ta_ In New Ya<k Sllto Ii!I KevIn CamoIIy . ..: State.of New York. Coun~ or . .... ,5S: On Ihe dey of Moy . in the ye... 2005 , bafote me, the underolgned, peroonally appeared Kevin' Connelly oeroanally known to me or provad to me on the bOIl. of SBtlIf8Claly evidenco to be tho 1~lvldu"(s) whoso ..,me(s) Is (ere) subscribed to the within IllICrument 000 acknowledged to me Ihat ha/shBlthey eseculed tho .ame in hlalhar/lhelr cepecity(I8I), and Ihat by hi81herlthelr .Ig..,ture(o) on lhe InsIr\lment. the Indlvldual(l) or !he _ upon behalf 01 which tha Individual(s) acted, eS8CU18d the Instrumenl AcII:nawledgement taun outalde New York Stale o KevIn CamelIy . .Sla18 of . . Coun~ of. ss: .(or lnoert D1.lrIcl of Coi...bla, Tanitory, poo....ion or Foreign Country) On the day of , in Iha year lhe ur>dersigned. PBllonally aPllBBred personallY kr>own to me or proved to me on the basis of oatlsfactory evidence to be !he indlviduel(.) whose nsme(l) I. (are) lubscribed to Ihe within 111I1nl.ment and acknowledgod to me that hel.hBllhey execul8d the oame In hIsIhBrIlheir cepec:lty(ies). and !het by hlIlIherlthllir signalure(s) on tho inslr\l....nl. the IndIvIdual(s) or !he petBOI1 upon beholf of which the Individual(.) ectad. ex_led the instnJrnent. a~ that such ioolvldual mede ouch appelll1lllC8 belare tho ur>d..-olgned In tho . before me, (add lhe city or poilllcal .ubdlvllion and tho oato or counuy or other place Ihe ackOOWledgenMSnt we. lakan). fifstAm8dcln 1IIIIl1n8Im:e Ccnpany 188 &at FIlII RDId Whllt PlaIns. NY 10601 (800) 842-1893 (914)428-3433 Fax (914) 428-0159 DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 9 BLOCK 10 LOT 16 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk County RETURN BY MAIL TO: Irwin, Lewin. Cohn & Lewin. P.C. 845 Thifd Avenue. Suite 1400 NewYork..N.Y. Atln: John Lewin l Zip No. 10022 / .:Joog -"1<(110<; Number of pugCl ,..._-~. TORRENS Serial # , RECORDEr> 2005 May 27 01:17:08 PM Edward P . Romaine CLERK OF SUfFOLK CIJUNTV L DOOOI2389 P 633 DTM 04-42658 Cenilicale # _ Prior Clf. # _ Deed , Mortgage Inslrumcnl Deed , Mortgage Tax Stmnp FEHS Recording' Filing Swnps 1] Gr.md Tollll Mortgage' Am!. \. Ba.~ic.Thx 2. Additional Tax Sub Tala] SpecJAssil. or Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town -..:- Dual Counly _ Held for Appointmenl ::.--' Transfer Tax " :J<;fr.nlJ Mansion Tax The property '~Ivered by this morIgllgC is or will be impl9voo by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate laX clause on page # of this ins m 1.-, Page' Filing Fcc Hundling 5, J!L TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County)"i . , Sub TOllll EA-52'17 (SUlI!.:) Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 rJO- R.P.T.S.A, Affidavit 'Certified Copy NYS SurchUl]~e Other 15 . J!Q.... Sob TOlal ~ 1- __ I 4 Dist. 10,11( _. . - .- - 05020347 1000 OOgOO ~eal Pru~cny , ~~ T ~ fax SClYlCC R SFL A Agency 7 MA Verification . - y 1000 016000 s eommuDity Preaervatloa lI'uad CPF Tax Due s Consideration Amount $ -;J SatisfolCtionsJDischargelllRelewses List Property Owncn Mailing Address ~ RECORD '" RETURN TO: l\TnIl ~rOt4'" l'..."oV p.e ......"IIJI~' LLt.l.tJ Cot/,.J "I- LI!",,".J', .' . ......... , 'i'f{" Tf/Ifl.A AI/~l.JlJe.. SUiTe 1'100 tJ~, '{o(l../l.. I ,.,."/. /. Improved Vocant Land J TO /~tJ TO .~ TO ~ Suffolk CountyJt.ecordina & EndorSement Page This page forms pan of the allached _ .b E.€6 made by: (SPHCIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 7 Title Com n Information Co. Name F,(l..gT I)Ml!4ltA~ c.Tl-1:.. Ti1h: # 2>Odii - "7 'fliO'i ,"(LVloJ CthJI\J e.LL~ The premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK.. TO In the Townsbip of ~O<JTHOLb I"I-b HM: G-€.rJ \ 'U. s: E In 1hc VILLAGE ~.ArJ r~l!."'Il!.ISE. orHAMLfiTof h~"'US IsLA""!> BOXES 611~RU 8 MU!IT BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR ,ro RECORDING OR FILING. . . . . .. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DD'D Number of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0057642 TRANSP'BR TAX NUMBBR: 04-42658 Recorded. At. OS/27/2005 01.17108 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012389 633 Districtl .1000 Deed Amount: Section. Block. 009.00 10.00 RyaXUIBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $715.000.00 LotI 016.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Rv'"'lpt Bxempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $1.5.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO !!:A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2.860.00 NO COIIIID.Pres $11.300.00 NO Fees Paid $14.312.00 TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR: 04-42658 THIS PAGI~ IS A PART OF THB INSTRtJJIlI:NT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Rom&in8 County Clerk. Suffolk County r"L<:ASE" riPE OR PRESS ~,nl"~, "". :VRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ..!:,. SwlS Coda I L/. 7 3. ?{g91 1:2. Dl1elleed Re_d I S ;27 IO:5j CUook , /,.;{.;s8 q~ C4. Po: &.. ~ ~ , u.Jl..'~IIQ.p .ntH, IMMI * 3""8 - ""'fiO'i REAL PROPERTY. T~NSFER REPORT FOR COUNlV USE ONLY STATE OF NEW YORk STATE IIDARIl OF REAl. PIIOI'BnY SERVICES RP - 5217 R...JJ17I1n!Jln PROPER1VINFORMA~ON ..1'1_1 .....- I 5TMfT NUMllEl'l t= . "," L...,s: c,'"' ell TOWN 1A va 2. au.,., ...... :t::""c9 J .~n G ot....'Ere. ~"tI1fl5 C..d. ..I. -t- 1""''UM'/CClMI'ANY aSHIESt.. "',., r..o..v F.J...d,~ /" I.A$TNMII!/C'OM v ,,- .so... n ~L. 0 ...... I q(?Kk f.MTNAMI! ... ,-- 3. T.ll Indicate wh.. futurs Tu 81lallO to Do 1On1 I lilUng jf other than buyer oddre. (at bottom of form) ......... LAST....../~,.,.Y -- S11IUT NUMI[II ~ suw:r NAME art OR 10WN ITA" "COD< S.De. I ' , _ " -,X Size Y I1O\lTF[tT 'M:P*$' . 10nly . 'ert of . P..aU Oledl... "... apptr: 4A. PIInninIiI BNfcl wiIh &Ibdlvillon AuthorllY Ex_ 48.. SutlClivilion ApprCMI WI. RIQuirud fur T"'" C. Parcel Approva:I for SubdN_on with Map Provided o o o 4. 1nd1ut8 the number at a------.rl Roll ~ tnnsI...... Oil 'lthe deed l.J 'ofPII~I. DRD PIIrt 01 I P.rc:el Cl5....H , DR , -:/ e. SalI.- N.... C.()N"'f..~ lAITNAIoIE/f'.IJJIIHIN K."-VIW fN' .... LASTNANI!/CtJ/IIUNI'f FMlUNAIII&. tJ. FuU Sele PrIce ."1-:/5:(),fl,O.O,OI , , . (full SIll. Price I. the lDlaI amounl paid for Ibo proQIrty Indudlna personal property. Thia pilyrn1nt mlY be In the form 01 elm. other propIIrty' or goodI. or tho IllUmptlon of n'lOnQlgol or other obllg.ltione.l ~ round to 'N tJNI'IIt __ doIJM MnOUIIf. L. "~ Aur'c.......' I ~ CooronunOy Sa.... F Commercill J Indultrial 1OA. Propeny l..ocIlICI within DI'I Agril:ulhmal Oislricl G........... K Public So..... 1011. Buyer __. di............... iKlQUng H Enl8rt1lnm1nll AmUlCmOnt L Fonzat ttw ... propeny if in III AgricuI...,e1 DiIIrd ,.. Ct-* _ ar men 01 th_ cardIID.. _ ........... III tnMI-= A Stile BttwMn ReIItfvn or Former Helm. R s.Ia BIIIWMn ReUd Companiea or Plrtnera in Buaineu C One of tho lluyefl Ia -'110 . SeIDl D Buyer or s.u... " Gowmmem Ag.ncy or lIInding lnatitutKm E: Ooed 'rype not Warranty or Bargain end s.lo ISpecify BeIowJ F 51'- 01 FI"ICIionII or Lou then Feo Inr.ora.t (Specify Below) G Sign_ Chango In _ _ T_ so.tuallld Sale D.... H s.Ie 01 Bulinull. Included in Sale Price I 0Ihar Un...... FIClOrI AfIectIng SIlo Pnce (Specify Below) J N.... a..k ... .... M1uw _ th.,..,..ty: .. Ownership Type I, Condominium I. Now ConMruc:tlon on Vocant Land o o o [J 7. Chec;. the bow b"ow which mod M:CUr.teIy d...... the .... 01 the property lit the dIM of ....: A ~ 0... FDmily Rclidlnliw R 2 or 3 Family Relklential C R-'dentllil V-=-ntlllnd D Non.Resldantlal V_nt land I SALE INFORMATION l 11. Sal. Contract Date l ,11-,v5, o.r v.. 12. Date of SIll. I T........ ,/ ;. - It! ,/ 10S I y- 14......t..........of~1 I 0 0 I " --.....- " ~ . ESSMENT INFORMATION - Data oIlould reflOCl 'he I..... FinaIAaeamen' Rolland Tox BlII ...:::;....:::-.:::- I 0 ".C;-I 17. T__V....'...........ln..._ L......- , ; '1000, , 1" Property a.. I ~ "1..-,0 I-l:.::! '.._DIo............ I 1=I"u-~ ,-SLAAJ.b 20. T.. Map ldentillll1a11 RoIlclentlller(sI tit 1RClfW..... faur..u.ah..... willa eddItIoneI ~ertalJ S@CTIorJ 00' .00 I..OT 0'(.,.00 I e, Loc...K 1'0 .00 I CERTlRCATION I I aI"dI)" thD.t . at.... Itrms lItI' InJumwdnn tmtend. ... IIdI fGna aft trur .... I'OI'I"t'Ct ItIt 1M bail '" IIIJ ~ ... bI:IW'J aad IlIndrnallld that tbe IIIIIkiIIJI or any wUWulIblw lIbIIanenl rllIIIIII!rtoI fIK1 IItnIn wII sabjen me ~o lilt ItI'O\'IdanK II die DeIIlII .... nUll" 10 .. rnaIl.IIIIlad flkqc vr IWr.ir IaIuuInenu. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~:!;) r-~ ';;./I~ 11>5 2/> I IN. 1-6"! ~l. #2- ImII!fT NUIIII"" II11W!T NMII! 1AI"IU IAU!I tf.'V, "- 'AS- - -.J" ; -v' rIll$T~AW ;r.1~" .... .... :=(5 ,-' 2faf) 0 ""........-. I- "'-l~ I 10011 ".11 Z1PCODl SEUER ,~\~~~ NEW YORK STATE COPY "- .