HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12464 P 697 ., ; .' J ( 12~LJI P uJ-{ 7 T;'1IS I~~E~T~RE, ma~ the f/'day oftl~ '. 2005 lo~~-q,1 BETWEEN ELBERT M. BURR. residing at 50 Deepwood Road. Easton, CT 066] 2 Party of the firlit part. and ELBERT M. BURR AND DORIS BURR, residing at 50 Deepwood Road, Easton, CT 06612 Party orthe second part, WITNESSETH. that the part of the firsl part, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.001 lIJ1d other valuable consideration paid by the part of the second part. docs hereby remise. release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirli or successors and assigns or the party of the St.'COnd part forever. All those certain lots, pieces or pareels of land situated at fishcrli Island, Town of Southold, Suftblk .County, Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: lots 11, 12, 13. 14. IS. 16,75 and 76 (logether with the rights of way adjacent tl) 10ls II. 12, 13. 14. IS and 16) as shown on "Plan of Peninsula Fishers Island, owned by Charles W,lIedge and Frances G. Horp. made by Chandler & Palmer, Engrli., Norwich, Conn. 1913" and filed inlhe Olliec of the Clerk of the CounlyofSuffolk on March 11, 1913, liIe No. 223. SUBJECT TO covenants, easements and re.'ltrictions contained in a deed dated February 18, 1964 between FISHER ISLAND ESTATES, INC. and ELBERT W. BURR. and recorded n the Ollice orlhe Clerk of Suffolk on February 26, 1964. Together with the right to use for all purposes Peninsula Road. TOGETHER with all right. title and interest. if any, orthe party ofthc ftrSt part in and to any streets and I roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGEl1lER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights oflhe p:u1y ofthe first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the part of the second part, the heirs successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the Iirlil part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien L:iw. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such considerution as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the COllt of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "Party~ shall be construed as if il read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part of the lil'llt part ha.~ duly executed this deed the day and year first above wri Iten. . . ..-~ , . . State of Connecticut ) County of fi,~.v ~ ss: fJ'/~ On the If'lay of ~in the year Two Thousand Five before me. the undcrsigned. personally appeared Elbert M. Burr personally known to me or proved to me ,)n the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is suhscrihed to the within instrument and acknowk-dllcd to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instn.lment. the individual executed this instrument. and that sueh individual made such appearance before the undcrsilllled in the: City of Bridgeport in the County of Fairfield and State of Connecticut. ~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: .....4.......... __ o:-s M,r.,;..,. 1....."==. .I ! , i t I' 1 ~ 1.11_ /1 r: I! ~\ t, , , . . . , ./ '. ., . ., " :/ t. /1 :{ I , . ., ....... -.' Number of pages TORRENS 3 RECORDED 2006 Rug 15 06:35:27 PM Judith R. Pascale ClERK OF SUFFOlK COlilTV L 000012464 P 697 011 06-01975 Serial # CenificalC # Prior Cf. # Deed / MOl1gage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp I-CES Recording / Filing Slllmpll 3 EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total J1 Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tux 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlDI Spec J Assh. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for Appointment/:;/ Transfcr Tax L.. Mansion Tax The propeny cove~ by this mortgage is or will be improvcd by a one or two amily dwelling only. YES or NO Puge / Filing Fcc Handlin!! 5. J1!L < - - TP-584 Notation Grund ToolI ./ R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of : . Affidavit Certified Copy , NYS S~rcharge Other . I I 4 Ois!. r '! Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 5. 00 IS. J!!L Suh TOIal Section Block Lot 5 0501~3 1000 01000 0400 OOgOO~ ,~. 1000 01000 0400 007003/ (RKTI A ~ 1-JY/P I CPF Tax Due - Improved. Vacant Lund 6 SatisfactionslDischargcslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TO Walter A. Flynn, Jr. Goldstein and Peck, P.C. 1087 Broad Street Bridgeport, CT 06601 TO TO 7 Title Com n Information Co. Namc litle# 8 SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Quit Claim Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: In the Tuwns~ip of In the VILLAGE ..' or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU It UST BE TYP 0 OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. The premises herein is shunted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. Southold (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDING PAGE Type of :Instr\llll8Dta DBEDS/DDD Humber of Pages: 3 Regeipt Number a 06-0080038 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-01975 Recorded a At: 08/15!:z006 06a35a27 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012464 697 Districta 1000 Section I 010.00 12YIlJCl:NBD AND $0.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lota 007.003 FOLLOWS Deed Amount a Received the Following Fees For Above :Instrument Exempt E7-.pt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA - C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $50.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $169.00 TRANSFER TAX NCHBBR. 06-01975 TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART OF THE :INSTRtnIENT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Judith A. Pascale county Clerk, Suffolk county . -. .., . PLEASE. TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSmUCTIONS: http;J/www.orps'.state:ny.usorPHONE (518)473-7222 . . FOR COUNlY USE ONLY -1' to a . C1.SWIS Codo I. L/. 7.'.8, (), 6.:Z I C2. Dote OotId _rdod I t I / ,J.----t p ~ C3._1 /, q L.l,b'~.C4.P:1 :~ PROPERTY INFORMATION ,.=, it. - . . \;-. ~ ..."'- Peninsula Road ITN.!T NAM!: Southold OTVOIITQV'fPf REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YOIIIl STATE BOARO OF REAL PROPEIlTY SERVICES RP - 5217 IlNZl7 .... Jm 2...... L Burr N.~ USI~'CDMNWt F~rs Island Elbert H. .......... lIP""'" Burr l.M1 ...., CDII~ Doris 'IaIT ,... 3. Tu IndicN when fUlUrl Tax BIlII....1O be.... _I 1f....,_buywlddrualal_oIlo<mll -- LAST MAMf' I COMf'Nft' ~1l11.&.~wiUoad . flU AN lIME Easton _OI_ I 01 p.reef. OR 0 Part of . Parcel .._.....-01_ Roll p...... tr.......... on the dNd '-::"", BIz. I xl I OR I 'ACN!I 1.0 .0 It FflQNTF6.T ..... FNoT.......l! I C . T 106612 P'''. Ncoca 10nIy.,.."'._1a.>__.....,: 4A. PlaMIng Board with SubdNilion AI4honcy EIlIIU a. Subdivilian Aoprovll wu Required for Trlnlfor cc. P-=aI ApprCMId lor SubdivillOll with Map Provldld o o 0- ..- N_ Burr LAir NMIf I CQIINNY fIIIST.... Elbert M. 15. ChecIr. ... Dr..... ..... _1IItIb.. .... .. lID tNIIIIw: A SeIe Between Relllliws at Former RelMiMl R __ Ra_Componiooat _In Suai_ C Onealtho_lo_oSoler l) Buyer or Seller it Q~ Agency or Lending lnItiIution E Dood T_ _ W.roncy at Sate... .nd Solo ISpocIIy "law! f _ 01_ at u. thon Foo 1__lSpodly_1 G Slenlficanl Chongo In Proporty S_n T._ _.... SIlo 000 H Solo aI 1IuoI.....1o Incl_ In 5.10 "'lco I X Olhor U...uo1 FOCI.,. _I.. 5010 Prioo CSpoclIy _ J Nano LMI NAMl/CXJMfOA"Y ....,- 7. CMcIl: the box betow which ...... __Illy dtIcribeI the use DI the property .. the time of ....: A~ Ono Family _...1aI B 2at3F_IIoI_t1 C ~Veli:lnf umd D Non-"_ V__, Lend I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... ColI..... tt.,. E ~ Ag,lcuhu<ll f Commercill G Apt""""" H EntorWn...... I A.......... ~ Cammunlly 5o",lco J Indu_1 Public SaNIca L Forelt - I "" I v_ 8 I 10 I 04 - "" v... '''-_.._,T......... '3.F............. ;; ,0~0.01 IFull _ "'lco It Iho .... ...... poicIlat tho _OIly ft:IudIne ........ _. Th. ~I may M In the form of cash. other proPIftY or gooU. or die aaumlllllon of rnorrpg. or OCher obI5Qallona.l ",... round Fa IN ,.........,. doIW.1IIOUIIt. a.> tho _ _ nlhoy-rv: .. CMnorahlp Type it Condominium . I. ,.. eon.ruction on Vtant lMId 'DA. "'-'Y l.cctlod _in .n AgricuIIwtll);otricl 'llII.IIuyar_.-.._lndil:oIIncl Ihollhopr_IoIn.._llurtlDlt1rlcl o o o o ~8nd to husband and wife ,..-...-..- I ,0,0,01 __In...._ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DlIllIlhould ...nllCl tho 1.11 Flnol _mont Roll ond Tox Bill 'I. Y.... A_ ._ RoN from I which Wonn.IL. __ I 17. T.... __ v.... I" 011""-10 IT_II ; , ; _--~;'''.- -" '"i ~.,..'~.~.; I 2.1 0 I-LJ...,~..~_~~~~.I Fisher Island S"honl Di..tric.t .-- - 2iI: Tn lOop -1doojoIIIiol",,:r;ROHkiOiiiiiorii III.......... ;";.'~'" with oddi_Ido_. ~"'..._.___ __,. .-' ..---.--\, .._ OM." .". .:...._ . I Section 10. Block4 Lot 7.3 (Row off Penin~lf ROad, re81dence I , CERTIFICATION I I cmff)- ,... .. vi.... I...... ur 1nI'_ ._ ... dIIs _ _ lrut.... ........ II...... .. vi my _Icd...... boIkf) ...d IlIlIdr--.' ....lho llIlIIIIIl/l uroof "1IIIUI1'aIloe....._.r IIIIIkItaI ~ ~ d ouJUo<t me 10.... .......... ur.... ..... It.. ........ 10 .... auoIllniI....1IIIne ur ~ _ -;~;iiUYEIt. ;1 BUYER'S ATTORNev .. ~('. I~ I 1(/ /18 J Ci ~ DATI Flynn, Jr. Uosr NAIll IUYM lIGNA,'" R,D 203 .... <- O'G'L "'COIl< Walter A. FWD'_ 334-9421 U.lUItONl NUMDL.R NEW YORK STATE COPY -