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RECEIVED ,,,~. To Supervisor Scott Russell, gislator Edward Romaine, County Executive Steve Southold sown Clerl~ Levy, Congressman Tim Bishop, Senator Charles Schumer From: "Stop the Helicopter Abuse, Now" members, William Fibkins, Kathryn Fibkins, Juliana Robertson, and Robert Corazinni. Contact: William Fibkins, 631 734 8096, FibkinsCa~optimum.net, 5895 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, NY 11958 Subject: Petitions to "Stop the Helicopter Abuse, Now." Date: August 19, 2008 We aze attaching approximately 700 signed-petitions, signed by residents of Peconic, Cutchogue, Mattituck, and Southold to put a stop to the out-of-control helicopter noise and traffic over our azea. The majority of people signed up in a four hour period, 9 AM-1 PM, at King Kullen Supermazket in Cutchogue on Saturday, August 16. We expect to garner 200-400 signatures, hopefully reaching the 1000 mazk by September 2. However we wanted to have the petitions ready for Legislator Romaine's hearing on copters problems on Aug. 19, a meeting with Congressman Bishop on Aug. 20, and the Southold Town Boazd meeting on Aug. 26. Cleazly we struck a nerve! The response was overwhelming with many people indicating that the copter problem has ruined the quality of life in their neighborhoods, often forcing them inside on weekends as copters fly one after the other over their homes, from LI Sound to Easthampton. Many people voiced great anger at the North Fork being "used" and "abused" by the copters while the Hampton's go unscathed, the lack of oversight and compliance which does not require the copters to have flight plans, data about origin of flights and destinations, 6me and day of flights and, as Kathleen Cunningham Faraone, Chair of the Easthampton Airport Noise Abatement Task Force (NY Times, Aug.10) suggests, paraphrasing, " copters are free to roam without compliance and are the cowboys of the sky....they do what they want " Many people also expressed great frustration and anger with the response of their government tepresenta6ves to the copter problem. Many reported that the response to their emails, mail, and phone call complaints were quickly transferred to the pro- helicopter, Eastern Region Helicopter Council, 800 hot line and website, rather than being proactive themselves. Many also voiced the opinion that copters be required to fly the Atlantic Ocean route, that routes be fair and equitable, rather than targeting the North Fork, and that a monitoring, oversight system be put in place that required compliance and data gathering of where and when copters fly to the Hampton's from helicopter ports in NYC, Ct, and Westchester and back, and that the loud 2 engines copters now flying over our area be forced to fly at least 5000 feet, not flying low over homes which results in walls cracking and shaking and children being afraid. Needless to say, why doesn't Home Land Security require that unregulated copters not fly neazby to the Plum Island facility given all the an6-terrorism talk? We believe these signatures indicate that many residents in the North Fork azea have had enough. They appear fed up, angry that the copter problem is just one more issue they have to deal with along with rising fuel, gas, food, and medical costs, and for some people, it appear they have little hope that help is on the way. Their quality of life has deteriorated and their once tranquil life has vanished, for good. And, in a subtle way, some residents now sense the real estate value of their homes is diminishing as they find themselves on a copter route similaz, as one person said, to a MASH base and limiting the sale of new homes as well as summer rentals. - i v: ~uperrnsor xott xusseli, ~enamr tnmxes xnumer, wngccs~au a uu D,s,H,Y, RECEIVED County Executive Steve Levy, Cony Legislator Edward Romaine: -~. The undersigned, being citiDeas living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby~'itia~i 2008 you to intervene to stop and regnlabe the out~of-comrol helicopter noise and tt~ffiitrBTown Clem ~~~`y~ b(as resuttod in the destrnction of our omx quiet and peacefiil way of life. ~~i lYFiNT NAME ADDRESS ~ SdGNATiTRE _ - re - 'S - YYYCCC ~re+ v2 a c~ - _~-- - ~~L To~~i~i/+~G~~~~~- _ - r-~ _ ~- ~~-T-~o--rya--,,,~ - ~~z lN~~~,~r~~.L~-~ - _ ,_~~~ ~~ Z and ~ -- - - ~ - ~ I . 0~ - _ ,: - -- LTV 1. ~ ~ ~~ . ~~c1if [ ~ _ _ - - - _ _ ~~ ~! -._-.. .-... _ _. - _ _r.-_ r_ ~ ~~,p~p~~~~~y~~~ nL\.LI ~ LL 1 V: JUpPM. Sor JCO?x KU3.4~i1t~JIDffiOr lnffiIe8 ACiIIUmQ~ __---p----- l lul ~y ~~ County Executive Save Levy, Coaaty I.egishrior Edward Romaine: AUG 2 6 ;~ j The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby on ~- oothold Town Ci;;,! you m intervene to stop and rogulabe the out-0f~coufrol >ulicopber noise and traffic that has resulted in the d~lruction of our once gaiet and peaceful way of life. __ unlrnrr Ns~ ~rviuFC.c ~ S([~NA'RIRE C (,, ~ (Y1CUµ,C - - T~~t~-- (,~~~ c, -~-T7°CJ~~S~~:-dam - ~ _- _ __ --~~ __-S: ~ __ -- ~_ - a~ ~ ~ ' ' - a ' ~ ~~~~ a _y~i~i! w 1 3 ~ 1- - ~~~ l-n-v~ ~ _ _ . n .. __~__ - - -- ~ - - / ~ L _ '. ~ ~~ .~ -' `~ti! c;~rt - - fk vim _ - ~ - ~j~~ ~ ~17J n~~~~ ~ Y~F l'~L~^~- - ~1~~~j i - - V~ ~' V~} ~ ~ l ~-~~c'~ - r en - t ~'~h u ~~ ~~ n~~ I~o~~~n4~t~ r 1~ i~~r~~~e~ -_ lec - f ,.~.: -. ~~"uc. i J __ 1 V: J11perVL4or A'COtt KIIS.RClIa lenBDOI 1;118rICS ACn1IIitQa I.OL~GA4naR tLt133l~utvYa r~, = x', - . RECD, , ~ ., County Execuhive Steve levy, County I.egishrtor Edward Romaine: AUG 2 6 2~@a The undersigned, being citiaens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petdion you to intervene to stop and ieguiabe the out-of~ontrol l~licopter noise and ttaf'I To M+n Ller~ has resnltod in the destruction of oiu once giriet and peacefiil way of life. i'R1Nf NAME ADDRESS n SIGNAT[JRE -~. ~--~.r .. ... ~=-o r;S -- - - ..d . - ~0 7 ~~ ©~ ~ ~_A w c - - -- - _ '~~-~PJ , ~~ i G u ~ ~al~~~N~~ - -- -- - -- - -- - --- - S - -~ Y=e- - - - - __ -__ ~K/vJ - - -- ~JO~ ~~r52S~~~~~ v - - _ = - G~~}.. a- ~~~in7 ( - ----- ~._ 1 u: Jupervrsor JcOtt xusseL, JCn9Wr 1;118rres JCnum~, wng[cssmau i Lu n>suvy, n~~• ci r cu - County. Executive Steve Levy, Cony Legislator Edward Romaine: i 6 2008 The undersigned, bring citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do heroby petition boutliul~i TOMIR (j k~ g qou to intervene to stop and regalatc the ont-0f-0ontrol helicopter noise and traffic that "~• has resulted in the destruction of ova once giriet and peaceful way of life. -- PR1NT NAME; _-- ---- _ - - -- T[JRE r L J - - ' If's' ~Nf/` '~_ L ~~` `~~fL t~Gt~~" - -_' --- - -- - C - -_ _ ~ _ - --=-~ - - - - - - _ ¢.con'iC. ~n~L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ CU ~.-~h~ C - - -- - - - ~ f~~~ i' :.~e~~~n i, ~c (.~~~~,~ - ~~ Tom, - - _ _ „ N eti __.._..~ . -- - -- - - -- G i ~. - ~'.7 ~_~_ ~~ ~ IM C ~e'a - = r---- - --- !~k3_Q__ ~ N - . .. ! .-~-~'~~ ~~.•l.. ui-iw. -. ~-~.+-'a._.~-~3---Flt-'~.-:_.__,. - _ ~^ -- - _ _ - __ ,. ..._~ tu: supernsor ~cou tcussei-, senator ~:nanes xnumer, ~.ong~essman ""` D'~" "YRECL-lLED Coup Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: 6 :Guy The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hetebp petition you to intervene to shop and regulate the ont-of-control helicopter noise aad tra~t~ Town ~~ has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful wap of life. - ~_~ r - - _ ' _ eCoA/l ~( Cl~ __ - - - --- -- - _ -.._ -~~ ~_' S~ - - --- - _ ~_ - n7 -- i ~ l ~ ~ N1 l~ R l l~ - . D . l o k'i'll-t ~'1'l Qiu%, d~ ~'l ~c.~.~ ~ c ~ (`j ~ f a N~l C tV~i - -~{3Sti°Anne- L-O~Ct$-p .- - ~o0i T.~.,di.e..~-.(~~.~.ffF- r., - - -~ ..- - --Q -- ---7l~acvfl~i - -- - - - -- - - - - - ` 5 _~~ / hKRtN d. ~--.. - ~- - rfT~flc* ~ _l~_ - _ - _ __ U1D__ ~EicvSCfI1LtS _ X90 iec3~ivdo~-_ 4n~!C __ __ ~ _ =~a~,„ Mi ll~r -- - -- ~~ t„~~- ~ ~~ ~~;~ -- ~ - -~5~ ~ - b I i-;~~- - - -~~~u_!nd, anlls~~~~n ~ _ ~;~a:a. ~. c~l.~--` - - - - _ Ql ~ - ~ ~ --- . . . _~~-~~_. TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bish °I~EC[iYED ' County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition ~, y ~ q lP you to irrtervene to stop and regulate the out-of-control helicopter noise and trued t~ +r n CI elrGl~ has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRINT NAME ADDRESS ~~ - - - --- _ _ ___ - _ - S_{'1~t~Y_'-~ C' ~~~ e-er ~_ 9'~ -- -,~ - --Go - - ~ - - ~~- ----~- ---- - -i-F _ l~ - -- - - ~ - ~ ~- - -~u~ - - - - `~ ~ _ ~~ 6 ~' - - - - _ ~.ohK Cwt ,(~- -- ~/ - ~~ - - - _ _=- - _. a _ _ ' - -- _~-/-:'1~1d=~`~- 73.5 wa-4~.~'r-_R~(._ - --= - - ~- v-~-sl-~o ~,f - - --_ -- -- - __ __ T(): Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, RECEIVED County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition ' F ~ ~'' you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-conh+ol helicopbet noise and ~t'rE ion+~n fi~;•t has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE ;~ (si~~- ~ ~S o ~ --~ ~~ -- ~ ~J'L~~~ ~- ~G-C S~~L ~~1//~11 - - - 7 ~/ n ~ J / tfO,C~b __ ~ ,_ - - _ _ / _ ~ i _ - - - - - ~ (~-7DY - -- --- - - - - c~ ~ u r~G ~i'15 -~ s ~~ n I . ` - ~ - 1~~k - _ _ _ '` _ ~a` ~~-~/~- m~+f~ - - =- - - \ ~ ~.~\ - Ci Cif (.;7..; ~~~ ~~_ ~~ ~,~ _- '=ice-,L / t ._ z~~ __ ,-. _ ___ _. -___ ~^ ~// 1 v: aupernsor scow xusseu, ~enaoor ~:narus xmmmer, wng~ccssmnn i.w n,suvy, ' County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: P,(~ (, C!`r` The imdetsigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New Yorir, do hereby petition; e - you to intervene to shop and regahLLe the art-of-control belicopber noise and ttaffc ~ Se ath c I d Te rrn CI erg has resnltai in the destntction of om~ once quiet and peacefiil way of ' --- PRINT NAME TURF . ~ P ~~.. ~~ __ ~- ~h`::f~l : - ~~u ~n~ c e~ - - - - off- ---- _ ~ :: - - ~ '`.Y_- -----_-:_-_--_ " -= _ - - _- -- tg _ __ _- - _ - -_- _ - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - (.cc" ~~x. (-~ iQ3. ~ -~¢- -. ~ -~ 'fir ~~~ - , Q/ _ - ~ IY-r - 7/~ . ~ ~ ~ --- - -. . ,,f/--~~ // G~-~/J// I4i1 i t~ ~J /J ~ vC.~ /~uw ~~D iP F ~ - - -7 / C ~ ~ ,q ~ - - - ~~ - .. cC. - ~, _ d v~ ~e -- - L1 "`~ _ ~ - - __- - -- Ifs 5~ - - - - - 1 -- J _.-~ ~-~-: ., y~ _ ~s y ~OZ-zuT` T_ ~ -. -. _ - - - _ d-,~ ____ _- - -- - - - t~ - __ _ -_ __ 11w~:-~ - _ -- -- ~_ - _ .... _ _ TE): Supervisor Swtt Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, ~.. \. [..k ~ ~. +.1 ' County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-cool helicopter noise and traffiq„! d TJ ~+.~rt t l ,~,•!; has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRIN'PNAME{/ - - ADDRESS SIGNATURE -' --T~~~ir~ ~c.~ - - - - - --- - - '" - - i _ - -G,- - - --fir -> - - ~ > ~ ~`/ - - '~R - -- - - -- - -- K -- `~ SO S ~ I ~0i-;~ - ~ ~ ,_ - _ - -- ~:-- _ _ - ~_. w__ -,~ v k n ~e u `~Y -`~ ~ , c%~ r~ - - °-- Cie r ~1 J~ `K/l ~~(!(i ~ "f- - f - _, ~ _ . - _ _~rI ~ CV1CX, O~ ~~ OI _ ~ - _ -t-r{'~ - - - -r~ _ a' T~ - - - - - ,II ll -1~V' ~_f ~ =-. _ // G0. ~c.i` L ~~ - ~t-'~e !. _- ~ ~~~ _ a$~T Try, - __. ~G- ~ ~/ ~ ` u6~ G -- ~C,~/ - - c~T. . _-__ _ ^~ s -- - - -~€~.,~C~ _ -_ 3s U __ _~ _ _ _ < _ ~~?i2 , ~ __ , .dui "TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, ~~ ,, f ~" , 4 County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: / D The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition GG you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-control helicopter noise and traffic '' ``{ in h'n C,"e; k has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRINT NAME ADDRESS --- cr~re~rrmF - (L-L - s~ 7a ? G - - --- ~111~L( ~~'~~ ~~~ C~Jl6t-SCh hLC `L~C'(7it = -- - - u _ ---- "--= -- _~-~- o~6~s ---~"'_ use ~u_ch~ - ~o - - _--..__ - 1 , ~ ~ - - (~ o~--- J ~ - "~%%i4~ ,~-/~ ~y~r ~~ ~~1~ ~~~E it - -- -- -- - aD - - -- _ _ = --_ 1~ ~ _„ _ ~r_N~_ - -- - - _ ~_ v ~ y rn-~ ~lan~r» _ ~S ~n~-L _- - G9~''~'~-' _ _ ~7 /~/ / ~/V~ r~C1~ ~,/~ rl ~1/M/ z~C-S_L?GI~v~~~s iz~ Cu'f~ /i e rt N ii53S f UQo ~ o "°~ C7`~l =° - r ~ ~ ~~ - --> --- ~-.~ _ ._~a~?[4~--~ ETC ~ - - __ _ _._ -- TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, ~ ~ L _,~, L County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition r ~~ you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-control helicopter noise and traffic' ` ~ `~ Tc vrn Cf e; ~« has resulted in the destnrction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. ~ ~ ,, ~ / ~P~R_INLT NAME ADD~,/RESS - SIGNATURE =~'va.~+-+.k~ lY~-1~~1Q{+i! ice.- ..~ Z1 ~ _.J-.. ~ 4 ~ /' C~ ~6 _ __ . , 3~ ~f~1~ .__r_ i ~~ ~~ t ~~ _ .. -- --- ~:.. ~- 1~ __ _ ~~3 ~- ~~-~~ - -:-_ _ _-. _-.:._ -_-_ __ - - ;~- - z s-" -- - _ :_ -- - -- - - ---- I z ~ -~ - rv/ i,~ R ~ -- - --- =- - f-~ - -_ ~ . ~iHR~rJRA Mt~r1-IEte~s .zoo_cE~rE~?,s-~ MRrTi ~ja?,Gs.__~/~ -- Q~ _ - rte _ t4- r ~ - --- S - _- ! _ - r- - - _ ,_ TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop:"~::; "v',~ 3 County Executive Steve Levy, Cou~y Legislator Edward Romaine: ~ ~- The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition 5c ;;,;.~ Huhn C;.~;!. you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-control helicopter noise and traffic that has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet aad peaceful way of life. TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, ~,. J,`-,~ , ~~ County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition ~~ you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-control helicopter noise and tra8~@' ~ Turn Cf e ~ E; - _ has resulted in the destniction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, RECEIVED ' - County Executive Steve bevy, Cocmty Legislator Edward Romaine: % 6 20QS - The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition Sou°'°sld ~~(ier~ you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-control helicopter noise and traffic that "7~~ __ has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE ,~~~~~ -- __- .~-_. -_- ._ ~ ~ H" _. -_ - - -- - , --_ _ _ _ _ - _ __ ~. L _ - -~- - a, -- _ - r, --- - ~. - -~,---- ` h ~L t uc a~ e..o~ -- - ---- -_ - - - - OO. - ~G~Y/GL~ _ - - - v. _ - - _ _ -- ~' -- ---- -~ a ~~ -- - 5 0 - TU: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition /~~~~ ^ you to intervene to stop and regutate the out-of-control helicopter noise and traffic th~1r ~~?f::'~i T~ ~,~r i It ; 4 has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGMA - - "- - Jac. - - - - ~n --- - -~ - _ - ~ c~ •~~ ~RYL `'1~~1 ~ =_ --~'1~-f-llvtr - -11~~.~i/ ~ -- _. _ -.Y~ ~~ J -- - - ~ ~ ~~ c - - - -' ~ ~~~[ s~10 ~ ~= P~~ ~j - so ;, ~-~ ~ - U - __ ~9_.~ J _Q - - ~" - - - ~ _ - ~r - - - -- - ~ ,c,,_ c K rt J(~i .- __- _ --- - ~ ¢r" IS~a pE u~ ~ 2 ~~ _ ~'~ _-- - -°-6 -LjbZ7_ rs5'a~cTb~-- 1~r_E c~w~c _ ----R! wa°-f?~-_~-e_.C1 t.=~? _ -.-.-~.-- - - Ko ~~,..:..ES_ ~,~-~~~C~_i_~Iv~..: - -_ y ~s~ ._ N._, - TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, ~ < r; ~ ~,._ ..-. County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition you to iirtervene to stop and regulate the out-of-control helicopter noise and ttafficR; ;, I ri ~,',,v/n C I c; H has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRIN'I'NAME ADDRESS n Ai(:NATTiRF i - -__-_ _ -_-~_- - _. _. _... !L r ~- - _ j- ~ -__.- _ _ - - - -- - - - -. _ - .. _. -z _ ~ __ . ___ ~ : - ~ - ~_~- _ z D - - ~_~~ ~- - . -- - _ - --_ -- - - -- - ~- --~- . G -- - - ~ -~~ --. - - - _ __ _ .. _ _ _ ~_ _~c_ _ 7~ V 7~'7~ Y' lr-Z JN / --. ~~ ~ Wp _i - - -- _Y~~ - ~_ _ _ s,: - _ ~ ~ - v _ ~ - - q ~~II~~~ ~e ~ _ -- __ r+ r -f- ,~j ~. ch Z2flsr~ - - - - ._! f~~ - - ,f _ _ - i 3_ - - - - 3 _G~E f~_.c'c_ ~N'~ µ - _ _ ~h- -P ~,c15 mot,- - ,~-Z G ~/ , - - --- ~ _ _SZ-N/'E. (ENED/~S =. _._-. _Q4-C /{EN~yS_ G~.,,;~KOM~¢_ .~Tea_ ~C TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop,,.,:': ~:' •. .:G County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition ~ "~ you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-0f-control helicopter noise and tra$~~' 7~a~` ~"'~~ ~ { ° ~' ~/ has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGMA ~~ _ __-_ - . --_ _ i(~ {'~r~h'-- ~ - • -- -- - - J ~5 ~ Uv 1'f' ~ ~~eq/~Jcr~~ G~ -- 6 e.-t-~~ ,~ ms 18u,~,-i~-r~.~ ~.(~ ~ ~~+ - --- - - ~ s - -- ~ - - - -- ~~~j N F-• SrTA~c~ 3~ F<n s„ Ll_wa~rt /}v'r ,. _ ~_ ?~ v P - - - - Ego~t/ i9~% ___ _ - - - ~_ - _ ,_ U ~n S - ~rs~ - - - - - - "SG - - - - - - - - -- - - 2 ~R_ t~ l~l_F3rG - -- - - 3s~ u,~"'"~- Lam- - - __ - --- ~o_ f¢k - -- ~ _ _ a.~ ~'s: - _-..- VT l.~ _- ~l~ T4: Supervisor Swtt Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, ~,~~Lr,',~~ ' County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: ~~ The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition you to intervene to stop and reguhtte the out-of-control helicopter noise and tca~ ~af~~' i i; v.r~ CI:;~4~, has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRINT NAME Ai)T)RRCC ci(;1TiATTiRR -- J ~~ ~f -=-- _ - _~. - - _~--- -_- -~-~ r --;-. ~~ 1?~1~_ ~2~ "~ZAiL = - ~ - _ - - --- ' ~ -_ I_ - -- - ~ ~~r ~ ~o~r, lei s -(1,, - eezc~~ --o-zed ~~~ =tee ~~ _ ~n ov~-ho~~ - -- - O~- IZ~ u -~N. __~ ~7~G- Jo:vln~ `NFU N-l/ ~ c~~Gl._.p'~ _ U U c~ tom' ~ l~~ - - , -- --- -- - _ b ~ - - -- - -- - ----- - ~~~- 3 - - - \ - y _° p~ j'~ /VC ~rVV i~/~/ i~/' ~ _ . ,~ _ _~^ ~~VL/t,:L,, L~'fr ~LZ'vv.__.. ~ " / , , - _0 ~/ ttII ~_ .. _-. , _ ~_. _ - __. TE): Supervisor Scott Russell, Stnator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, ~,-~-a „y,M County Executive Steve Levy, Covnty Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition / / you to intervene to stop and reguhite the out-of-control helicopter noise and trafliet~iaC ° ' ` '/' r~ ~' has resulted in the destmction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. TE): Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, "~~`.:':;`d"7 ' County Exceutive Steve bevy, Cotmty I.egish>xor Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition Snut;;,;j,1 ,~ ife;'~ you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-co~rol helicopter noise and traffic that has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. - l'RIN'P NAME `` ADDRESS I _ - .-__ v r r - A~ _ ~~ N -~, ~L~= YiCt~a.: ~tu~ _ ,. ~~15 vL SQL .__._ ~~ f 1 - _ _ _ ~~~~ f - - - - ~lA~ ST - - ~ - -- -- - ----- - - ---- = - -_~._ ~ e _r~ _ v - - - S ~~ - - _- ?SIR- Qif +Cs, - _ - - - - - - - - - - ,~~cf P ~h ~ ~ ~ _~ r ~ ~~ a ~s' _ acs->l,.l ~'~t ~co _ ,--~~=s~. - --- - -~~ - ~~ G ~f-. tad - - ~ -- _ ------ - __ _- ~_ - TO: S rvisor Scott Russell Senator Charles Schumer Con REC[lVED - ~TPe gressmsn Tim Bishop> County Executive Steve Levy, County Legishrtor Edward Romaine: il ^~ The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition i ~ C(A ~~ you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-0f-co~rol helicopter noix and traffic that has resulted in the destniction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRIN'P NAME wnnuFCC ~~~.r. TTro~ L'~~~~~~ o s ~ po -- - - - _ ~3 - - ~~/ ~ /7~i'TY~~e ~ ; quo' ~ - - - - - _ - - --- ~~s~ -- - - - --- - ---- - --- - - - - ~'~ct (~ ~~=~~ ~~ r~~el't~id - - __ _ _. l - _~- --~-5'h7 - Ica ~x r L ~,/_~ - ~ 13a l3 ~-~~~--~.; - ---~ ~~ ~S ~,dD - - ~ -. TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, ~~ ~.:',' is County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Edward Romaine: The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby petition ~~~i~'~;:,;ri T~r~;erit you to intervene to stop and regulate the out-of-control helicopter noise and traffic that ~- has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. _ PRINT NAME Ai~RF4C --- ---cr~s~ma Q ~ - ~~ _ _ -- _-- -- a; - - ---- - - - -- - - - - ~~ _ - - ~ z1,, o 3 a ~~~~ - - F - - - - -- - _ _ _ . _ -- _ _ _ ~~ _ _- Ct ~ ~-o. jo~dAr K.~~~. ~-~ , ~ T~ d, c~-~cG vQ N~ - - , -- -,-_ _ ~_. e. _ - - -- - - ~ ~ ^` ~~ ~~~ _ W ti ~ 1, G - ._~,~3~ ~f5v~i y ;'u l_5 vh1~_,~ ~ Hu.,~.. ~L,o.~,._ "l~ n-.5~ -- _ . til - - ~ -f - ~~ ~ l~r T - _ ~c 1 CNrrl~U u ~ -_ _ _ _ ,,; __ U TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tim Bishop, County Executive Steve Levy, Cormty Legislator Edward Romaine: ii ~, The undersigned, being citizens living in Southold Town, New York, do hereby pFtition, , you to intervene to stop and regniate the out-of-control helicopter noise and traffic that ~/ has resulted in the destruction of our once quiet and peaceful way of life. PRINT NAME AIITRFCC err~i s mr mo +~rt~A ,. ~ ruck -- -_ _ - _-----__ __ : ~yo __ ~ - ~;fj~ _ ~Yl1'~tl~/• ~It~~ - _ _- - - - ---:: - - -_ _ - - tz7~- - - s . _ - ~_ ~u~~ a7S ~5~~..~u~ ~- ~ = -- .~ Uv_ -~~--- -- 31 n-p-=~ ~=~-.a4 P~ -- -- ~~.A-7v~h~~ - f' ° -~©X_33 / _ - - ~6 K~- ~~~+ti~~E- - - n - - - - f` ~- - - - ~ - - - ~G - - - --- - - - ------ ~~, r~ _- _ _ _~ Qc Eorr ~ _ -- _ _..~ -r _ __ c Tc ~i~ o ~~ ~" ~ ~ SS ~ ~ ~ c _._. _ _- __ ~ ~ I 1 G 2 ~.. c -~ ~~b V6~16Y 1 t): A'UperYi30I A'COtt 1U133et1, JCnatOl lnarte3 xntmlCi, Wng[csunan 1 wt nisuvy, County Execirtive Steve Levy, Conntp Legislaaor Edward Romaine: ~ ~ "' The undersigned, being cit~zeas living in Southold Town, New York, do herby o~p~ p1~/ t ,, . i~= ~,~ yon m intervene to stop and regulate ~ rnrt-of-control helicopter noise and traffic that has resulted in the destruction of our onx gaiet and peacefiil way of life. ^ - -.. - -- -- _ L. Q n a - - _ - _:..^~ - 'n _ _ ~ -- - 5 t~ -ap T b~ J1i - --- - --- - ~/ -, - _. - o v _ . ~ ~ ai ~oQ - - - -- - . s~ ~m+ ~~fiT - -- Ulu ~ - -- - - - __ _. _ - - - °-__ -=-~- - - _Y -- - _~ -- _-- - _- _ __ ~ _. -_ l~ - _ -- .n3Ti3o,S8,a Ina Pus lamb aauo mo3o uo~lonx~sroP atA nt paginsai seq --- ~A o~~ Pne as~aa aagdia~~t I~o~-30-~ ~ ~ ~Ws o~ ate? a4 nod ~~(~%1 i" i~iii~t~.fcl~i oP `fio.I "SDI `~.L PI~oS nt Sa~wtt su~¢gio Saro4 `PeuBumptm ate, 7 'u ;; , i ~ :ams~I Pas"sP3 a^~ d~ `deal seals a.-ignxxg ~ `~EH ~..L J `~fiaS ~I~f~ S `II~ZI ~S j-S ~O.L . _ __ - _ - TO: Supervisor Soott Russell, Stna6ur Chazlea Sc]~umoer, Conger Tim Bishop, R ~ C ~ i\'.'J t;wmty Executive Steve Levy, Crnmtp T..egislator Edward Romaine: • ~ T~ ~g~+ Ong citians living in Southold Town, New Ya}~ do henry petition r~rP~~oi~i Tu~~+n Qeii. yonao intervene to stop. and regglate the art-0~oontrol I~di~ noiao and traffic tbat __ has resulted in the destnaxion of our once quietand peacdut way of life. Pit1NF NAME ----__-~.-- -- ~' -~- - -- s o %~ --~ ate; ~G !J2 1~ , ~L - -- -- - - ~- =-.~-. _ . _. ` ` ~ ~ -- - / ~- ~ - - - - - - -~~~ -.ems _ _ - ~ - ~---~ ~~ - - - _ 1" . - _, _p _ ~~ - ~l - usf nom::. , ~1 rr- ~2 - _ - ~ 5 - - - - - -~.~ - - - ~-- - - - ~ ~ , _ ... 9 ,- - ,_ ~o~~_~4 _ men. ~cu~ - _- _ - - _-_-._- -- z .. - - 0 _ -- _- ,~ by . 1 -_- ~ r - ._ ~` _ _ -- - °~t .- =~~~-n~c - - - _ ?ate t~~y'~sl~„~ - __ _ ._ ~K1 - fe _. _- - -- ~-~~ ~E- - - -- e`. < ^~ TO: Supervisor Scott Russell, Senator Chmles Schumer, Congn~an Ton gixhop, ~'~' Cwmty Executive Steve I.c+Y, ~Y ' Edvvai+d Rose: e The ~~ being chime living in Southold Tawq New Your, ~ ' J ~1i j/0II t0 IDtCdVC~ tD ""'Y aad the Ollt-Of-0DIIh'OI IIE~ICOpi~d npLSe 8O~ t[$~IC tliSt .. __ bas resulted in the d ofour once goiet and pearxfid way oflife. / , --- - - -- 2(~" Plt1NFNAMB - SIt~iATURE ;~~-~n='t~t3~~~°=tf7_ acct i~~cJ ,.v-.~q~a~ _ ~x `~ - 1~ ~ ~ t/+t/Qs l ~~4.i;/c . ~~~ 11~ y1~4 _ - ~ , >F , ~ ._ fem. _ - ~ - -- ~ C t - `~ - ' - - ~ C~ -,t~ L - _ - ~ - -- ~' i _ -~zi~~~ -~t~~r~J: TO: Supervisor Scott ill, Senator Charles _ ~ ,~, r~ 1"ffi Ham, ' cavmy ste~e may, ~ ~~ Edwma)tomaine: ' The , i~g eatiaena ~ in Southold Town, iAe9v Yot1S do ~~ ~~~~ iuti^rn Ci,r'~ you to intervene to stop and ~ out-of-control helicopter noise aad traffic that __ bas resulted is the deshudion of our once genet and peacxfiit way of life. PitIl1FNAM6 _---------- - SK~iATf7RE i,,~.-~~~`i"i33TT ~~J°~-=~--~9/ ,~. _ ` ...ter-s~"i// " r , _ ~ __ _ ,;~ ._t - - fo~1,.:, mz ~ rr ~ ~ - ~- -- ~r ~ v'q _---- tip- ;r~d ~ ~~ -- - - -_ _~_ -.. - P ~- ~k~ E ~ ,tilA4~iaa1. - " ~ -- - - - - '~-6- B---- ---,~ - ---Q , - ~_ - ~{~ ~,~ _ - - - - - - ~r~~ ~ ~~ ~~ -!!. ~~ - )KC ~) -- -- _ _ SAD 5.,~~` _ _ ' - - _ u