HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 394 Ie ~=.y - {( { 1,1) C 1~,~lJil Furm 8002 (!i\ll99) - 20M - Oqaia and Sale Deed, wilh' CovcnanllllliDsl Oranlur'l Acla-'JldividUlI or CoIponlion. (smile thecl) CONIULT YOUII LAWYllIIUPOII. 8IGNING THl8 INnIIU..NT - THIIlNnIIU...T 8HOULD .. UUD IY LAWY'1I1 aNI TIIMSINDENTURE,modclhc c: dlIyof December, 2005 UKTWEEN Joseph A. Kaddt's,' Jr. and Laura J. IKaddis, o'c.~ I'D"", ~tJeU'l>>JI (,:r o",:s~ alll1 l:f ~.....,.oJ panyofthelintpan.and Susanna van der Schulenburg, I.&ow..-#-(&, i'L.os~ '12.S0, 'Wlr1......IA"'D I pany IIf Ihe second pan. WITNF..sSETH, Iha.lhe pllity of the fllSl Pll/t, ill consideration of len dollan and oIhcr valuable consideration p';;d by' Ihe pony of Iho leCond pan, docs hereby granl and rele..e ~nlo Ihe pany of Ihe .""ond pan, the heirs or succellon and assig"," oJ Ihe,parly of Ihe second pan forever, ALL Ihal cenain plD.l, piece or pancel of land; with the buildings an!! improvemenb Ihen:on ereeled, siluale, lying and being_~ on Fisher's Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follo~ See Schedule itA" .~ t tached hereto and made a part hereof. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises acquired by, the' party of the first part" deed from Nora Sirois and M~ry Olivieri, as so'le surviving heirs of Nazzarino Olivieri, deceased, and Maria Olivieri, deceased, ,and Lillian Olivieri, Dante Olivieri and ,Richard Olivieri, as :sole surviving heirs of Dante Olivieri, -deceased', da:ted December- 8, ~003 and recorded May 13, 2005 ip Li~er 12387, Page 231 in the offlce of the Suffolk County Clerk. ' , TOGETHER wilh al!.righl, lit:le ~n" inleresl, if any, of Ihe pany' of Ihe lirsl part, in ap'd I~ any IlreelS and roads abulling Ihe aboyc.dcscribed premises to the center linel thereof: lPOI!THBR with the appurtenances and all the eslalC lInd righls of Ihc party of Ihe lirsl pan in and 10 laid prcmlles; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe premises herein grRlIled unlo Ihe parly of Ihe second pan, Ihe heirs or luccessora and alsigos or Ih. parly of Ihe second parI forevcr. AND Ille pori of the linl parI C(tvenanll Ibal Ibe, party of Ihe lirst plrI hIlS nol done or suffered anylhing whcreby Ihe said pr,emiscs have be.n eocumbered in aoy way whatevcr: exceplllS .forcs~id, - AND I~C parly of Ihe firs. par'I, in compliance ;"ilh Seclion 13 of Ihe Lien t.aw, covenams Ihallhe parly oflhe firsll",n will receive Ihe'consideralion for thll conveyance and will holdlhe righlto receive such consider- Dlion liS 0 'nisI fund lo'be allfllled lirsl for Ihe purpose of, paying Ihe Call of Ihe improvement and will apply Ihe .ame lirsllo Ihc' payment ,of Ihe cosl of the improvemenl before uling any parI of Ihe 10lal of Ihe same ror any nlher purpose. ' , The Weird .'panY"lhan be conl;lrued III if.it read'''parlisl'' whenever the sense or this indenture 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe pany of Ihe linl pari has duly execuled Ihis deed Ihe day Bnd year linl above wrinen. .1'< PRfoSl,I'<CE OF: - -,..., ,'~:'/-",;;-: ',~:$ttfEiiu~~~~:~;DE~.CRlp'ijlJ!'I~::::'::'~, "-_,,.._ pO ...:..;.~.~':'.:::~..'.~ """ ':'":. :"':',:":~".'. '(:::"l:..~. t(::'..::.~.~.;':,'::'>':,~~.:,::",,~,:~: .~.:.~.:~'.:' . ...... - -, , '^u: tl',at 'certa;,n plot, piece or,parcel ,of land, situate; lying and' being on Fisher's Island; 'To;"n of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New YlJrk, more particularly bounded and descnbed as follows: BEGINNING at a stone monument on the northerly line of a 40 foot noad known as 'The Gloaming', on lhe, dividing line belween conveyed tract and land now or formerly of Waterhouse, said point being 1212,28 feet North of a point which is 00.6S feet West of another monumenl marking the U. S,. Coast and Geodetic Survey Trlanl/ulation Stallon "PROS";' RUNNING THENCE North 24 degrees ~u minutes West, 99.79 feet to another,stone monument, abultlng southwesterly on land of said Waterh.)use; . THENCE North 32 degrees .36 minutes East, 60.40 feet to an inon pipe; THENCE South 71 degnees 14 mlnule" East, 31.6 fect; THeNCE North 22'degrees 45 minutes East, 31,88 feet;' THENCE Soulh 62 degrees 06 minute!. East, 45,3 feet; THENCE South 21 degrees 22 minute!; East, 128.4 feet to the northerly line of 'The Gloaming"; -I HENCE Soulh 80 degrees 26 minutes West, 120.4 feet to Ihe point of BEGINNING. . , - --...... 1. \ .J ~~- ~.~- .., ' ' '." ~~... --.... I 11( ~-~~ . r_. '~.""'~-M ~.!IiI!-':_~.: ~'::~~:~::.~..'I" ..:".-.....:.. .JI-"~ I It.cknowledgemenlleken In NIlW York SIBle :;Iale of New York, Counly of AcknOwledgemenlleken In New YorKe Sllle , eo: Slete 01 New Vork, County 01 . IS: )n Ihe day 0,1 , In the year he undersigned, pelrsonally a~lpe8r8d , bellore me, On Ihe day of , In Ihe year the unda,elgned. personelly appeared . before m8. .ersonally known 10 mo or proved 10 me on Ihe basis 01 lalisfaclory evidenc.. 10 be Ih.. individual(s) whose nal11e(s) is are) subscribed 10 Ihe wllhln inelrumenl and acknowledged 10 ne Ihat he/she/lhl.y execuled the eeme In hlslhar/lhelr :apacily(laa), end I!hal by hle/herllhelr elllnalura(o) on ,ha 18lnunonl, the Indlvldualfs) or the person upon behall III which he Indlvidual(s) aeled, IIlCDCuled the Instrument. ,cknowledgemenl by Subecrlblnll Wllne88 leken In NIlW orkSlele ' ,Iete 01 New York, em'nly of ,8S: In Ihe day 01 , In Ihe year 10 undersigned, personally appeared , b,fDr. me, '0 subscribing wilnoes 10 U,e loragolng Inolrument, wllh wIhom am personally acqLlalnled. WIIO being by'me duly ewlorn, did .pose and say, Ih.1 halshelthey reslclo(e) in lal he/shellhsy know(s) , I bo Ihe individual doscrlbed in and who l!lC8Cuted the uegolng Instrumenl: 'Ihat saki slJb~ribing witnlJss was resent and saw said xecuie Iha eeme; I.nd thai said wllneeo al Ihe aa",e lime ubscribed hlslherllhlolr nama(5) as a wnnesslherelo. ~t1eNo.: Kaddis von dW Schulenburg ~' rhe JudIcIal TItle losuranee. Agency.LL(: SSG MlmlronecIc Anri.. 888 RtIh 1M. SuIII3700 Hlrrtl"', NY 10528 _ Vart, NY 10103 Sullo 204 8OO-2II.TITLE (14151 TIl: (9141 38Hl711O (212) 432-3272 File 1914) 381-3131 File 811IHAX-9318 .. . :. . . -' " , . .. h! ... o '" i'! a: o ~ ~ .. !l ~ 2 ! I . ..,: ... ..I.. . '. - . : ~. ..... .,"' personally known 10 ma or prqvad 10 ma on Ih. basis 01 sallsfac10ry evidence 10 be Ihe indlvldual(s) 'whooe name(s) Is (a..) subscribed 10. tha within Instrumenl end acknowledged to 'me 'Ihei he/she/lhsy, execuled Iha oame'ln hie/her/their ceP1lclly(les), and Ihal by hls/herllhelr slgnslura(s) on l\le Instromanl, the Indlvldual(a) or the pel'8<l/1 upon behell 01 which Ihe Indl')ldual(s) acled, axeculed the Instrument. AcknOwIadgemenllBlum oulalda N_,Vork Slale . Slale ofConnec ticut County of Fairfield ,ss'Westporl . (or In88rl Dlslrlcl ol-Columbta. Terrllory, Pooeesslon or Foreign ~ounlry) On'the tt;..fIoI day of 0......,1:.,. . In Ihe, year ZX)5 . belore me, the !lnderslgned, personally eppeared ~ A V-1..I'_ Jr --' I.a.JJ:a J. I<ail:i~ '^-""t-' . . N1liC:j, . co. LJ personally known to me or proved 10 me, on Ihe basis 01 saUsfactory evidence to be the Indlvldual(s) whose nama(s) 10 (a..) subscribed 10 Ihe wllhln Inslromenl and acknowladgad 10 ' ma thai lIlIlIIIlIflhey axeculad Ihe aame In IOIDM(/Ihalf capaclly('aa), Ihal 'by lOIlIOOI(Ithalr slgnelUrela) on Iha lnslrumenl, Iha Indl,vldual(l) or Ihe person upon behalf 01 wIhlch lhe Indlvldual(s) ac1ed, execuled the Inslrument, end Ihel such IndlvldUl!1 mede IlUCh appea..nce before the undersigned In Ihe '100 01: \ob4u; L, canty of Fairfield, an State of CanectiaJt (edd the city or pontlcal subd1vlslon end the .Ilite or counlry or olher place Iha acknowledgement WOB lakan). . Michelle Landry ,iki&!J!-AfiIlO~ My Commission Expires: GI3aI_ secnoN 010.00 09.00 LOT 009,000 COUNlYORTOWN Suffolk BLOCK RETuRN'BY MAIL TO: ,~ JACK S. LIPSON Attorney at law 830 I'ost Road East Wrslpon. ConnrcticU\ 06880 . ~.~ .,:. ; ~~ .,! ... .'! '::".,.. ., . . ". . .; . 1: " (cn:1OI ..~. . r--: /JO/lO . 4 D"lri(~ction c/{O:.dll.:J~ _vr.:.tHJ__ _1.0; V~/'-4t:70 5 Commimit ~erv~till~ lr~Dli ., . Real 1000 01000 01100 0011000 CO~idenllio;'A;noll~l. .. $ ..775;'DDt>' Property . . . . ,., ThxServici, CI'FThxDue :.-.. .' ...:.$ /1'" -,S7:Jr)- .. Agency . .Verili~.atioI1 ,": .--.-------- --'.----- _._-. _____,__ _...J' .~~. aCHOnJDisC~lrgesIRelCl1Se Li~1 p~)perty Ow~cts Mailing Add,:,"s. . ...,:..J ~""'.. ... .;. RECORD & RETURN TO:. . .. ... . . . ",tfctli.etJ hl.~ lZZ;. .6f/2,....... . . . . /.'ltlfll4e~' V-~A.<.-.:.-:. ..:. ... . ~Jj'.)V'-<-f:eAJf.~t!:.. . 7 . 1'\11. COInpany InCorma.tion ;,j-~~ ~y ~,jiltJ.. , /19/pR.. Co. Name .COMMON\VEAI.TH'. . . . .:. 'nlleli.-,r(1I0530~';;..<R...:.,.:..'.:.'.'.'< TI:uffolk County Reco~dii1.g & Eildorsenlenf Page>' . . . . . .. .Thi'; I'l'Ce fo~ns p~i1.of Ihe allached ,. .lJ e.-e..lJ ... ., . ':... . .... ... .:.." m~dc: hy: . .. .J,. J-;''';;?i 1..1;: .1 if. /.'~:r ... (SI'ECIFYTYPEOFJNST~UMENT). ." 7.:. t:[ 0/ I. ;; TIle premisis herein is situnted ip.' . UJ.,c,<:#. . (j" Ivtddi<r:... SU""O~K COliNTI.1'IE\NO~K. .. . J:, ... "To /. f"/ f I"Jnthc:T~~nsh.ipof.~UTdd~~. "" . ur~'A/N-? V.:?,Jd~~AJJOrfrn~hevli.LA~!!',';-i:'r', "T-:/, ~,,'. .", ' ' "orHAMLETof rlJ'IfG4 .-LJ'. ,f;JlJ ""'. BOXES 6 'riffROUGlI 8 MUST HE TYPED OR PRiNTED IN BI.ACK' INK ONLv. PRIOR 'TO RECORDING OR FiI~ING. , . (~\'er) 1 ~. Number. o{ pages 'TOR~S Serial II ' .Certilicaleli Prior tiC; /I ::'. Dc:ed . Mortgage Jnslrun~ent . Deed I Mortgnge .....x Slump .......~.. '/.2,_. FEES ... ; Page I Filing Fcc.,' Uandlin'g. 5. JIlL. .r;- ~, TI'-584 NOlalion EA-52f7, (County), EA-52J7 (Slate) ..17_ ..75. ;x).- '..'d7' , Sub Total R.P.T.S.A. Comm. or Ed. 5. 00.' Affidavit . Certilicd Copy . Reg. COPlI /OLC- /_~C;L '"lZ . Sub TOIII Other .- i.5 Grand Totill ,", . . ., '., . . ..... ; . ., RECORDED ; 2005 DE<: 20 iO'Ol:50 !'1M . Edward P. RomaIne , , CLERK' OF SUFFOlK COUNTY , I: .DOOO1'2426 " P'~94 . 't>T#05dm2 , I .-' '. Recording I Filing Stamp. . . .. " . " Mortglge AmI. 1. Oasi':Tax . ," 2. Addir.ional Tax " " .', Sub lbl~1 ' Spec. I Assil. . . ,. ., " or Spec, I Add. . TOT. MTG TAX ' , , . Dlial Town _ Dual, County..:....::.... I"old forAppoinlment--:..'. ' "..:. , . Tran.,{e.. Tax; '-'01 r' ~~ ;.:....: ~ MOlUiion Tax' .'. . The .Properly' covered hy ihis ;i1ciignge is or will be improved by a, one or two family dwelling only:.;:'.,. ~ ... YES __orNb. ~ If NO, 's~e aPl'ropri'I~, in~ C1a~"c ~i1 . ,page,II_~~ of this instrumen}: ,;;,-. '., '. ..... .... .. /d -':!...,-U,J .' Impru\'ed Vacanl LBnd' ....:...~, ,., TO TO 'I'D .... " 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 ~IUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument. DEEDS/D!)D' Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0131395 TRANSFER TA:K: NUMBER: 05..19992 Recorded. At: 12/20/2005 10.01.50 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012426 394 District: 1000 Section. 010.00 EXAMI:NED AND $775,,000.00 Block. 09.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 009.000 POLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the :l"o11owing Fees For Page/P:Uing COE EA- CTY TP-584 RPT Transf'~r tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $3.100.00 Above :Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM Comm.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.500.00 $15,752.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANS PER TAX IroMBER. 05-1999'2 TH:IS PAGE :IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMEN':f THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk C10unty FOR COUN'TY USE ON L Y CT. SWIE; Code - -----.--- PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:// www.orps.slate.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~t?, 7.?:?7' C3. Book I /, ~ , (,/,..;2 , CI C4. Plge L PROPERlY INFORMAT!2!!.J 3.~,YI it I . . . . . . ~-' .or " . STATE OF NEW YORK STA1IE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVIClES C2. Date Deed RecOlrded I J;2. /;;2.0 10rl Month Day 'tur RP - 5217 ItP-J.J:I7Itr..W1 ,. Pr_rtv L Looatlon SIRHI HUM." The Glollming, Fishers Island SIMl{f N"M~ L Southold OlYOftl'QloOjN VIllAGE I 06390 I ~.- 2. Buy., L von dler Schulenburg N.m. IA-'" NAWJ/COM.ANV Susanna HR51NAMt- L L..-5'l'" HAM[ I COMP...,..... ~IJlS.T "AY[ 3. Tn ~ndicatll whe~ fn4u,. T.x Bill, a,. to be..nl L W lLa.t~PI"t:. M I r..LCa..... ~ . I Billing If OIher rh.n hu~~ .ddra.l. bottom of form) ~. . Address IAfl''''''M!ICOMf'...h,. L ? o. 1100'" Stt 0 ?tL.."/tJE"fl::HJ STIl.En NUM!I[R AND SnlUT NNIle' CITY all TOwN ~IR5T"""W I ,.J..:r I Q9C'I l. I STAT! :m"c:tlI:.; 5.DNd PropertY Size --.J X L- rRO~lFH; DLPlIl lOR I . .0.3 7 I -- IOnIy If PIlrt elf . PIreeIJ QaecII .. they 1PPfY: 4A. PI.nnlng lJ;&uird with Subdivision AUlhorilv ExiS:1 0 CII. Subdivislon Approv.1 WlS Required far T..nsfer 0 oIC. Parcel Approved for Subdivision wilh Map Provided 0 4. IndiCll1. 1h,. numlMr of AaNum.nl Roll pare.111 lranal.....ed on Ih. deed I . 1 J 'ot P'lcels OR 0 Pert of . P.rc.1 ..5.1.... N.m. L Kaddis lAST ~f (COIIPAN" Joseph A., Jr. r1PSTIIlAIlI[ L Kaddis Laura J. UST N.IMF ICOMPANY FTII5TNMtE 7. Check the I:MNI below which meat .ccurllt.1y dncritJ. ... u. of the propIIrty .. Ih. time of ....: A ~ OM Family Rcsidllnlial B 2 or 3 Family RHid.nlial C ReSidential Vacanli L.lilnd D Non-Residentktl v.leDnt Lund I SALE INFORMATION r 11. Sale Contlf'ct On. E ~ Agricultural I ~ Community Service F Commercia,l J Indullri./ G Ap,utm.nt J\ Public;. ServiU H EnhN'tllinm'~nll Amuumltnl L For.t D** the bani beIow., they apply: 8. OwrMrshCJ T.,pe is Condominium 9. New CorlStNction on Vacant L.nd 10A. Proparty l..oc:.aled wilhin an Agricultural Di.ritt 1aB. Buyer raccived .. ditdosuf8 notice Indie.ling thall: the property i. III en Agricullural Ddtrler. o o o o 12. D... of Sill. I Transf... 09 I J I 05 -.. Yaar 12 I q I 05 I ...... l>oy yo., 15. C...... .... or mare at.... aoncItltDnS _ .,~"""'- 10 ....,..: A Salo Between Rol'bVOl or Farmer Rolativea B S.1e BalWeen Relatlld Companies or Pann.", in Business (' One of tho Buyers LI also . S.II.r D Buyer ClI Sellor i. Govornm.nt Agency or lending INlitution E Deed Typo nul Wammty or 81l'Q1in .nd Sale (Specify Below) f' Sale of Fraction.1 or Less than Foo InlOlOlI ISpeclfy Below) Significant Change in Prop.rty Between Taxeble Status Ind Sale o.t &lIe of au.iRe. iis Included in 5.10 Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting SIlo Price fSpoc:iI'y Bolow) No"e 13. Full Sel. '''1''1... , 7. 7. ~ ,(tJLO ,0. 0 I , , . (Full Sale Pril;O is the 101,,1 .mount peid for 1M property inc:luding personlll property. This payment me., be in Ih~ form of calb. other property or goads. or th. ..sumption of manUlI9l1S elr alher obUgations.1 PIea_ routtd ra the '1(NI1l~sr wh_ doIl.ar amount. L 14. Ind.. t~,. velu. uI penonal I. ,. 0 , ,. . 0 I property .lCludld In .... ..., , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Oltl should ,"lIocllhe litIS' Flnll AI.......ent Rolland To. Bin 1&. Vear of "--.ment Ro~1 from I 0 . 5 I 17. Total A.....ec1 VII... (of .11 pllraf8 .. tnn.....I' which Inlormedon tak.r'I ; ~ ; 2. 4 0 0 , 18. Property Clan 12:,1 ,0 I-U '....h..ID_No... I Fishers Island 20. T,II: Map Identifi.-1sl/l'oIldentifi.ril) IIf mora th.n felur. atIIICh .... with .ddIIloftlll ~ntifi.rl.)J 1000/010.00/09,00/009.000 I I CERTIFlCATIi~ Il'l:nif)' _hill 110 01' 1ht ilKms of' IlIf'ormatlon. l'IIInwI oa Ih;,; lunn II" lrue und C:UI'Tft'I flo &he bool 01 my knuw......AC' and beUeO Ilnd I lIIIIk"l'5l.l1nd thai It.: meId~ vi' any wHIrI,a) I.~ mdeall/'nl of motniul rlld .....mn wUII.uiUm IDl' 10 lhr DnlvisIrIM rtl1he DL"IIilllu.. matkt' Ir.t 1M I11l1ldnll .od nliDJ, 01 llIbor 1n.llilrUlneal.... !Y!m BUYER'S ATTORNEY 4vs--. ... _oh ~ ~.f~ l"/'" I" r IlMIlSIGIIAI1JMl , ~TE G(D W&l.._......li,~U.. I~.I"'. ~'J,., I c:.H~flIl6 Sfil.8f!'r-SoJl'K31:>( STfI:E'fT 1Io.,'IIIIER STN:ET NNoI[ WTEIl SALkI Ham lAST NAAlIIf Stephen L., III MIlHAMIi h~1 ""'^co... ?R"l._?L.OO I"L~"''IIUIUII'R fA.! ,rrAfl1'" tl=r cnvOl'l~"'1I' !lr.n o~'11..0n lIPCODl SELLER #:..~~ ~/:tl= NEW YORK STATE COpy - .s...