HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12392 P 118 , I'> L_ I. '"", i \ ') ! I . ~ ) (- (/ -l LI ... CONSULT' YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIONING THIS INStRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USEO BY LAWYERS ONLY !to THIS INDENTURE, made the l' day of May, two thousand five, BETWEEN GEORGE G. GUIMARAES and MARY ELIZABETH GUIMARAES, 5404 Moonlight Lane, La Jolla, California 92037, party of Ihe first part, and A~1b A~ UNf~ill\)~ olU~-~ALf ~.,.. e, niB 1111 JIll:; I J _ J MARGOT CONGDON, I " II .' 'I, 85 Pembroke Road, Darien, Connecticut 06820, and JAMES BALLENTINE ~JEANNIE BALLENTINE, as tenants by the ent/rety, 461 Middlesex Road, Darien, COMBl:tlcut 06820, as ., ~ . ,~ an undivided one-half interest, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party ofll1e first part, in consideration of One Million One Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars-. -----.---($1,185,000.00) --------------;-dollars paid by the party of the second p,art, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,-lhe heirs or successors and assigns ofthe party of the second part forever, . ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situat~, Iyir.g'. . and being at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more p3rtictilarly bounded and described as set fOI1h on Schedule A hereto. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE: Ihe same premises conveyed to the party of Ihe flrsl part by deed dated December 19, 1977 and recordedlln the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on December 23, 1977 in Liber 6367 page 56. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, If any, of the party of the first part In and to any streets and roads abuttlng the above described prell1lses to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party clfthe first part In and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covllOants \hat the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND Ihe party of Ihe first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants \hat the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the rlghl to receive such consideration as a tlust fund to be applied first for thl! IlUJJlOse of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of thlt Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any Other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If It read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p8J1y of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: "~6~ (~~4~ Ma." ElizaltBth Gulmanies l:iland8rd N.Y.B.T,U. Form 8002 - B.-gllln ,md Sale Delld. wiIh eov..", au..t GfWltor.. Al;:C, _ Uniform Acknowledgment ,""' , ------- . .-....- .- S-9384 Amended 5/24/05 AMENDED DESCRIPTION ALL Ihal certain plot. piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, I)ing and being at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold. Count)' ofSufTolk and State of New York. being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monumem on Ihe easterly side of Monlauk Avenue. said monument being 1548.63 fect north of a poim which is 605.97 feet west of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS": RUNNIJI;G THENCE North 44 degrecs 22 minuleS 00 seconds East 74.36 feet to an iron pin; RUNNING THENCE South 77 degrees ]4 minutes 51 seconds East. 168.98 fect 10 an Iron pipe: RlF.\'NING THEKCE South 03 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds East. 114.34 feel to an iron pi pe: RU?I."NING THENCE South 11 degrees 44 minules 05 seconds West. 89.00 feet; RUNNING THE:'IICE South 81 degrees 21 minutes 48 seconds West, 14l.S5 feet 10 an iron pipe on the easterly side of Momauk Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Montauk Avenue the following 3 courses and distances; 1) north 14 degrees 25' 55" west 17.5] feet: 2) north 27 degrees 00' J 5" west 137.21 feet; 31 north 01 degrees 26' 30" east 67.52 feet 10 the poi III orplacc: ofBEGIN1'\ING. #1 '0 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE .'\1:. Slale of I~ew York, County of Suffolk sa: On ~1ffi day of May in the yaar 2005 before me, the undersigned, pefllOnally appeaJ'Bd Geo!lle G. Guimaraas and Mary Elizabeth Guimaraas personally known to me or proved to rna on the basis of satisfactory widance to be the individual whoae name are ....bacriblld to lhe within inslNmentend acknowtadgad to me that they axllCUtad the ..me in lheir capacities, and that by their signature on the Instrumen!, the individual, or the person upon behalf of ~ Ihe indlviclual acted, eX8ClJted lhe InsINmen!. ~""6""AdJ .L.... u!tI-..:,,,, =fA ~ Public V (signature and office of Individual laking acknoWledg'ntnt) ROXANNE SPAULDING .-.., _ i NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF NEW YORK Nn.DI5PBI1394? IlIlAIII II II IN SIJIIO! K l:lIl1NIV llV &OMMISSIUN I XI'IIlLS AIIl;. U, :'11i:i8 Slate of New '(ork, County of os: '. On the day of in Ihe yaar betorw me, the undereigned, pefllOnally appeared personally known to me or provad 10 me on the basis of satWaclory evldence 10 be lhe Individuals who.. names are subacribeclto the within Instrument and acknowtadged to me that ha/sheIlheyexacuted the same In hillherllheJr capacities, and lhet by their algnatunss on the inalNmant, lhe individuals. or the pefllOn upon behalf of which IhB individuals acted, exacutad the ,nslrumenl. ' , . Notary Public (signature and offica of IndMduallaldng acknowledgment) ...!. ....... . . , ~ . '. '"". \. 'I' :: ~ t,,;... _ -;. ~ ."'\ ~ '-" \, '- - ;, <:'~'-" C:'/". . ,,,:TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE ;.....l..."":..~..~L......-.... . ',' f;'Sla:a-(orDislrict of Columbia, Tarrllory, or Foreign Country) of ,...,.. 't,"'I.:.~ ...._~. ,. On lhe dsyof in lhe yaar before me, the undersigned, personally appeared os; personall:~ known to me or provad to me on lhe basis of ..'isfaclory evldenca to be lhe individual(s) who.. namecs) is (are) subscribed to the within InstNmenl and acknowledged to me that helsheIlhey exacuted the amain hisllwllhelr capacily(ies~ and that by hisllwllhelr slgnatura(s) on the inslNment. the individual(s), or lhe penon upon behall of which the indlvidual(s) acled, eXllCUtad the instrument, and thaI such Individual made such appearance before lhe undersigned In the in (insa'llha City 01 olhar pollllcal subdivision) (and Il1IIerlll1e Slala or Country or olher place lha acknowledgmant wes laken) (signature and orrlC8 of Individual laking acknowledgmanl) GEORGEG.GU~S.d MARY 8JZA8ETH GUIMARAES TO lJA~ID CONGDON.d MARGOT CONGDON.ld JAMES IlAU.ENTlNE .d JEANNIE IlAl.LENTlNE DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 010.00 BLOCK 09.00 LOT 001.004 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK - SOUTHOLD STREET ADDRESS (00 II) Montauk Avenue FishBrs Island, NY 06390 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COIIENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. 5-9384 RETURN BY MAIL TO: ITNfDMD iFORM OF NEWWRC BClMDOF TrT'LE UNDEmMUTERS 01_ by RESERVE 1M1 SPACE FOR USE OF RECORDING OfFICE Number of pages TORRENS Serial It _ Certificate It Prior C1f. It . . Del!d l Mortgage Il15trumc:nt Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp 2J I'f':l".s Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 1..10 5. ()() Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TOlal ~./ Comm. of Ed. 5. (Xl Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Succharge Other IS..!1!L Sub Total I' /5J. ~ Gr.md TOIllI -:l 1000 .!J Dist. Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Block Lot O~OOO 0900 001004 09;00 05021971 1000 -;;T~T S"- f RCMA A \ UN..o 6 Satisfaclioll5lDisehargeslReleases List Pnoperty Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Martin R. GilmarUn.nEsq. 0.._ 200 North Sea Rosd. ".0. ~.t \~\ Southampton, NY ~ \~ 7 RECllROEo 2005 Jun 13 03:1B:07 P/1 Edward P.Rouif'l& ClERK OF SUFFOUC COUHry L ??oo12392 P liB Dr. 04-44573 Recording I Piling SllImpS Mortgage AmI. I. Basie Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Tr.msfer Tax 1.17tIO. '_ Mansion ~_ The Y covered by this mortgage is or ill be improved by a one or two ~ ily dwelling only. YES or NO 5Co Consideration A I ,185.000 CPF Tax Due 20.700 Improved Vacant Land :l= Co. Name: Ls er's Tit TItle It S-9384 ~ SutTolk County Recordina & Endorsement Page This I,agc forms part of the attached ~ Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: GEORGE G. GUlMARAES and I!lARY ELIZABETH GUIMARAES 1bc premises hen:in is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township nf SOUTHOLD MARGOT CONGDON and In the VILLAGE JAKES BA.LLENTINE and JEANNIE BALLENTINE or HAMLET of FISHERS ISLAND BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 111111111111 11I111111I11111 1111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 StlfFFOLK comrrr CLERK RECORDS OnICZ RECORDDlG !tACD Type of :ID8tr1lm8Dt 1 DBBDS/DDII llulllber elf Pages 1 4 Receipt mumber . 05-0062803 TRAJlISJT.R TAX Il1tJHBERI 04-US73 Recorded: At. 06/13/2005 03118.07 PM LIBBR: !tAGBI D00012392 118 District. Section. Bloclu Lot. 1000 010.00 09.00 001.004 u:AllDilIm JUiII) CBARaID AS FOLLOWS Deed ~UDt. $1,185,000.00 Received the FOllowing Fee8 .'or Above InstrumeDt b-wt ........."Ipt page/riling $12.00 110 Handling $5.00 110 COli: $5.00 110 IIIYS SIlCIIG $15.00 110 1I:lI.-C"l"Y $5.00 110 II:A-S'1'ATB $75.00 110 '1'1'-586 $5.00 110 Cart.Copies $0.00 110 RP'1' $30.00 Il1O SC'l'K $0.00 110 '1'ran_fer tax $4,740.00 110 lIaD_ion '1'ax $11,850.00 110 COIIIIlI.Pre_ $20,700.00 110 ree_ Paid $37,442.00 'l'RAHSI'D '1'AX IIOJIBD. 04-44573 'l'HIS PAGII: IS A PAll'1' 01' 'l'BB IIIS'1'lUlIIBIII't 'l'HIS IS IIO'l' A BILL Bdward P. RcIIIalDe County Clerk, Suffolk County ---- PLEASE TYPE lOR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stals.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 1t.f.1, 3, g, t, ~ C2. o.te ,lie'" Rocordod I.:i:. 1 ~y .3, ,~r; C3. Book I I,.~,,J, tj,djl, C4. Pagol..L I , ? PROPeRlY IINFORMAllON I I. .......... L (no') LoatJon FOR CQUNlrY USE ONI.Y CI. SWIS Codo W I~_" REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YOIUC STATE SOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERI/ICES RP - 5217 KNJI7R..,J/t'P' Montauk Avenue STIU!ETNL/IIIIHI SIJUdiTMMIi L Southold CITVCllliI'OWN 2. Buyer L Congdon N.... LMT NAIl' I COM'.t.NV L Ballentine LAST NIlIH!. / COMPAkY Fishers Island """'" 1_ 1J __J Margot ,......... 06390 I ...""'" James and Jeannie HIII'NUIIi 3. T.. indicia wMI'8 fUlure Tu 8iIIs ani to be tII1I: INIIn. . ",,",.... .....' "_101 bottom '" _, L Addreu lAITNAIII!/~ 1VlST...... L S1'JIEET NU,..flt AND 51.if"AMI; OTrClRTOWIll "An: "'''''''' ... India... die ........... of Aunamana Roll ,.reels b.nlfernd G.n tM dMd L.. 1 , of P.ruts OR 0 Part of a Parcel 5.=... I .... ---1 X I fftONTfElI """ 10,,1 'AC:IOU 1 .0 .5 I IOnty If hrt ... . ...... Oulc:k . th., ~ 4A. PIInnino Bow with SlIbChllion Authoritv Exllll:l 48. Subdivision ApptOWll wu Requirtld for Tr.Mt.r iIC. PaIWI Appn:Mllt tor Subdlvllian wl&h Mlp Providad D D D II. ...... Nom. L GuilDaraes .....'NQI[/CO.....urr George G. and Mary Elizabeth ~taIrNAllt L LAltNAMUCi~ "IIIS'NAIIE 7. ChlMOk the box billow whllctl mOlt accurately delctlb_ the 11M 01 thII property lit: the tin. of sale: M21 1 28 0... 105 v.., I ~ Communily So.... J Indullioll 10A, Property Loceled within an Agricu'ul1lllMtrict K Publk Selvic:e 108. BuVW l'KIiwd D dildo5uto notice indicltlng L For'" thlt dw propetty II in an AgI1cuttur.. Dimrict '1. Ct-* 0.. or ... aI tta.. condilioM.. oIlIlIIIiable to In.w.: A Sele Bocween ReIaivM or Former Relativ.. R Sale Botwcton Rallied Companie. or Plrtnara in Buaineu C One of Ihe Buyenl I. also . S.U- Il Buyer or S.ner Ia GowmtnOnt Agency or Lending Inltilution H Deed Type not Werr.my or Bargain Ind SaIo (Spodfy Balowl r: SIll. of Fraon..l or Lau lhWt Fee Intenttt ISpeclfy Below) G Significant Change in Property BiItWIllN'I T.xabIo Status and S.lc 0at08 H SaID 01 8us1noa ia Inc:.lUCIed in SIll. Price I 0Ihe1 UnueulI Factoni Affecting SaIo Pril::o (Specify BekJwJ J NDrw QMCII the __ below .. they apply: .. Ownorahip 1VPu i. Condominium a. New ConWLll:tion on VllClnI und o D o D A~O" "....Iy R.._,.", 8 2 or :1 r.milv RG&idllnl... C R_idential VKlnl I"and D Non-I:tolidentill Velanl Lano I SALE INFORMATION r 11. s.Ie Contrlld 0... E ~ Ag,I,""u,.' F ec:.nmen:itIl G Ao_ H EnW1ainmen1: I AmUMIIIlltl1 12. Date of 5.1. I Tranllf., 06 1 6~ _ Ooy 105 Yau 13. full &.1. ,... L, ,1 .1 ,8 ,5 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0. 0 I , , . (Full S111e Pril::e illhe total lmo.... paid for Ih. property IndulSing petlQqJ property_ Thla pIIymenl, INy ba in thtt form of cuh, other property 01 good.. or the ......mplJon of mortg.gn 01 DlMr oblig.l.tJrlLl PIty. round to Ih.,..,.., whot. do"", MJounr. 14.IndIc..th.tv"'or~ I I J ,0.0 I () 1 prapll'lylnllludadin1he", , . t ASSessMEN'r INFORMAl1ON - O'lllhoukl reflect the 181811 Final Aueumenl Rolland Tax Bini 16. v... at Au-* Roll from t 0 15 I 17. Total AMIlIMd Value lof ell ...Is In .........11 whlClh Inforrn.don tabn ; , 14700 ; '8. Property a... LLJLJ-U '9......."'_Nam. I Fishers Island 20. T.. MlIp IdlntJlhlrt. J Ru.IIMntifier(., Uf 1'1'lOI'II th... 10.... .n.c:h ...... with MIcIII...... IcI.ndfI.1sl1 1000.-010.00-.09.00-001.004 I I CERnFICAllC~ I artily IbII .1 of the iIan:. at iafDnllllIloD ftdcn'rd on 1bb; form UIl! lrut aDd corn:d till Ihc "I or ray kncnrttdp and bdIefl MIld I undmlIand IhalIJu IIIIIIdq ftI. -." wtIIfuIlill..: sIaIemnI of IIII&tataI tald hnTin will sulljed .. 10 Ibr DroddorJII of.,.! DI!IIIII .... reladw 10 .... -.IUD. __ IiIinK or.... hIInnmIL ~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY (\-~:lIllU7~~1 (\L'O~/05 ~IT\W DA,f/L lfl, l-L 1~iJA}p1)ln ~L ~iw -~-~~~ th'nAJ Cl'TYOlITOW'N IrA'RI ZI.-COIlI Gilmartin ....,.-- Martin R., Esq. ......- (630 .... .... 283-1800 ,II........ NUMIOI / L ~Lu~ /~L1W! NEW YORK STATE COpy 05/-;'7/05 D'" -' ~