HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12227 P 332 , L_ I 22 2.1' P 33>2- fllCdlUC' I- '-fJ:35'OO +<'0"5 h- It I (){}() D/'5f- /000. -~ (HO.DO ~ 10-00 .~ tJ,04',OOO IO-IO-Y ~oo.;> 01 ~ 1'2.... CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD DE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY TIIiIS INDENTURE, made Ihe 'Z~ ~ day of October, two thousand two, BETVVEEN DONALD W. SINCLAIR, III, 1020 Cemetery Road. Sante Fe, Texas 77510 and JO ANN BAILEY, f/k/a Jo Ann Sinclair, 1906 Surry Oaks Drive, New Caney, Texas .77357, pnrty of the first part, and HARRI~; B.. PARSONS, JR.. 56 Cottage Street, Wellesley, M~Lssachusetts 02382. pmly of the lecond part, WITNESSETH, Ihallhe perty of Ihl' nrll pert, In conlidlraUon of Two Hundred Fifcy Thoueand and 001 100-----------------($250, 000. OO)-----------------d ollarl 'Pllid by Ihe party of Ihe second part, doss hereby grant and releale unto Ihe parly of the second pert. Ihe heirs or succellor.. and aallgnl of Ihe party of ths second part forevsr, AILL thel certain plo~ piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvementl thereon erecled, slluale, Iyllng and belng.m.&Aa at F:l.8he]~e Island, Town of Southold. County' of Suffolk and St.ate of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as set forth on Schedule A h~reto. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises in which the said Donald W. Sinclair. III acquired a one-third interest under the Last Will and Testament of Donald W. Sinclair, J'I'. (Suff. Cty. Surrogate'EI Court File No. 251 P 1999)., a on"e-twelfth interest under a deed from,Sarah S. Perz:J:/k/a Sarah s. Cornwell. dated" August 18. 1999 and recorded :lne the OfUce of the Suffolk County Clerk on October 1. 1999 :In L:lber 11992 page 507, aUld a one-twelfth interest under a deed from Bedley C.. Sinclair, dated August 26. 19'99 and recorded on October 1. 1999 in L1ber.11992 page 508. and in wh1.ch the said JCI Ann Bailey (under her f(~rmer name Jo Ann Sinclair) acquired 8 one-fourth interest ultder the aforesaid deed rlE~corded in Liber 11992 page 507 and a one-four-eh interest uIllder the aforesaid 'deed recorded in Liber 11992 page 508. Tl)GETHER with ell righi, Ulle andlnterell, If eny, of the party of the IIrst Rert In end 10 any streets end roads ebulllng the above described premlsee 10 the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances end all the. eslele end rlghls of the party of lhe firel part In and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe pramlses herein gran led unto Ihe perty of the second part, the hairs or successors end assigns of the party. of th" second part forever. . A~lD the party of the nrsl part covenents thel the party of the nrst part has nol done or suffered anylhlng whereby the said premises heve been encumbered In anyway whatever, except el eforesald. . AND Ihe party of Ihe flrst part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants Ihallhe party 01 the nnlt pert will receive the conslderaUon for this conveyance end will hold Ihe rfghllo """"Ive euch conelderatlon as a trusl rund 10 be applied flrat for the purpose of paying Iha cost of the Improvemanl and wUI apply the same nrllt 10 Ihe payment of tha cost of the Improvemenl before using any part of lhe 'Iolal of Ihe same for any othar purpose. The word .party. shall be construed as If It read .partles. wilen ever the sanae of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly execuled this deed the dey end year firsl abova wriltten. " IN PRESENCE OF: ,~~1/#"~1_' iF Donald w. S~ncI8ir. III '1'\Aesu~Q,,"~ ~~~70" Jo Ann Ba:lley ~ Bt.ndenl N,Y.B.T.U. Porm 8002 - &llra.1n and Sale Deed, wllh Covenant _gllnl. O,.nlo," Ad. _ Uniform Acknowfedgment Fnrm 3290 SCHEDULE A to DEED Party of the First Part: Donald W. Sinclair, III and Jo Ann Bailey Party of the Second Part: Harril; B. Parsons. Jr. Deed Dated: October '2.) . 2002 BEGINNING at a stone monument at the intersection of the southeasterly line of The Gloamingand the northeasterly line of Montauk Avenue. said monument being 995.15 feet North of a point which is 481 .35 feet West of another monument marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS"; and RUNNING THENCE along the said Montauk Avenue line South 20 degrees 45 minutes 40 seconds East, 216.08 feet to a monument; THENCE still along said Avenue line South 18 degrees 50 minutes 22 seconds East. 50.14 feet to a monument; THENCE still along said Avenue line South 23 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds East, 58.00 feet to a monument: THEIIlCE North 70 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East. 300.25 feet to a point; THEIIlCE North 21 degrees 48 minutes" 1 0 seconds West, 32.31 feet to a monument; THENCE North 68 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East. 34.75 feet to a point; THENCE North 04 degrees 01 minute 20 seconds West. 310.65 feet to a pOint on the said southeasterly line of The Gloaming; THENCE along said southeasterly line of The Gloaming South 67 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds West. 236.99 feet to a monument; THENCE still along said southeasterly line of The Gloaming South 71 degrees 55 minutes 15 se,conds West, 187.83 feet to the monument at the point or place of BEGINNING. , Numb~r of pag(~S TORRENS RECORDED 2002 Dee 27 03:26:46 PH Edward P.Romaine ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L DOOOI2227 P 332 [)TlI 02-20843 Serial # CcnificUle # Pri<>r Ctr. # Deed I Mungage Instrument I:>COO I Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording I Filing Sl3mps 2J FBr,s Page I Filing Fce Handling. 5. .J!!L Mortgagc Amt. I. Busic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sob Total Spec.lAssit. TP-584 Nouuion or EA-52 17 (Coonty) EA-5217 (Stale) R.I'.T.S.A. Sub Total __Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Hdd fur Appuintment Tmnsfcr Tax /tJlJ1) - 30- Affidavit Man!f:ion Tax Reg. Copy Other Sub Total Jb<( The propcny covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling nnly. YES or NO Certified Cory GmmJ Total If NO. Sc:e appropriate lax clause on page # __ of this instrument. ~ 1000 4 O..trlct Real Prupcrty Tax Service Agency Verification 1 . 004.000 5 Com.muDity PreaervatioD Fund Section Block Lot 1000 01000 1000 004000 Cortsideration Amount $ 250.000 CPF Tax Due s 3.500 Improved Vucant Land 6 SatisfaCliollslDischuf1!cslRelcascs Li~t Property OwncB M3iling Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Stephen L. Ham. III. Esq. Matthews & Ham 4.5 Hampton Road Southampton. NY 11968 TD TD TD 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name Commonwealth Land Tit1e ~nB. Co. Title # RH800224 I 2 ~ SutTolk County Recording & Endorsement Paee This page forms pm of Ihe allachcd Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made hy: DONALD W. SINCLAIR. IIA--__ and JO ANN BAILEY The pn:mi~s herein i!tO silU&lh~d in SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YOR.K. TO HA~RIS B. PARSONS. JR. In the Township of In .he VIU.AGE or HAMLET nf SOUTHOLD FISHERS ISLAND BOXES 6THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (oyer) 111111111111111111111I1111111111 11111 11111 11111 11111111 111111111I1111111 11111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBIDS/DDD Number of Pages: 5 TRANSFElll TAX HUMBER: 02-20843 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 12/27/2002 03:26:46 PM D00012227 332 District: 1000 Section: Block: 010.00 10.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $250,000.00 Lot: 004.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Fili:llg $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SURCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO !!:A-STATE $25.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO TriIDsfer tax $1,000.00 NO CClDIII1.Pres $3,500.00 NO Fees Paid $4,605.00 TRANSrER 'rAX NUMBER: 02-20843 THIS PAGE IS A PART or THE INSTRUMENT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C3. - g gf "7, 7, 3, , 1 1/c(/c(7/t7c)1 Mont" DillY Va,,' Book LL..:), O!, 0(, 11 C4. Page 1 ~0, ~ C1. SWIS Code C2. Date Deed RI!Corded PROPERTY INFORMATION ',Prope.rtYL (no II) locatIon ----STREEr NUMBEr. ~ _i STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-S217 R~..o,pn SOllthold ClrvORrowN Montauk Avenue and The Gloaming STREET NAME 06390 7lPCODE 2. Buyer Name PARSONS LAST NJ,ME,I COMPANY lAST NtMF....COMPANY 3. Tax Billing Address Indicatewht,re future Tax Bills are 10 oesent if Olller t1al1 buyer add'ess (at bottom of form) lAST NAME ! COMPANY ST~oET ~UMeER AND STREeT NAME L 4. Indicate the numbel' of AsslIISBment Roll parcels transferred on the deed L_~~ #of Parcels OR D 5.Dl!H!ld Property Size L- i'RONTFa. xl IOR~ 2 DEPTH ACRES 6. Seller Name SINCLAIR LASTNJ-.M~I(:OMPANV BAILEY lA.5TNJ-,ME."COMPANY ..----.J Fishers Island VILlAGE .L HARRIS B.. JR. FlR&TNAME FIRST NAME FIRST NAME CITV OA TOWI\! STAn Z'PCOOE Pa't of a Parcel (Only if Part of a Parcell Cheek as they ilpply: 4A. Planning Board with SJbdivision Adthority Exists 4B. Subdivision Anproval was Required for Transfer 4C. Pa,cel Approved for Sllbdiv:sion with Map Provided o o o 1l 3 DONALD WoO ~ III FIRST NAME _---.J J. JO ANN 7. Check the bOI( below which most accurlltely describes the use of 1he property at the time of sale: FIIlSTNAM. A~ One Family Rdsidentlal B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential V~cant _and D Non-Residential Vacant Land ~~ AgriculturSlI f~ Commercial J Apartment K EnYertainment I Amusement L SALE INFORMATION 11. Sale Contract Date 10 / 17 / O.L..J Month Do, Yaar j~ /0'2.- /O~ M<:m1h 00, Y\H.r 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sale Price 2 5 0 I 0 0 ,0 0 0 I , , . ("'ull Sale Price is t1e lotal amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the ;orm of cash, other property 0' goods. or tile assumption of mongages or other ollligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate the value (of personal proplilrty included In the sah, ,0 l 0,01 , , . Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill ASSESSMENT INFOHMATIQN 16. Year of Assessment Roll from which intonnation taken lO~2..J 17_ Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transferl I Fishers Island 18 Property Class L2..J~-L 19. School District Name 20 Ta", Map Identifier!:;) I Roll Identitiar(s) IIf mora than four, attach sheet with additional identifierlsll 1000 020.00 10.90-004.000 CERTIFICATION Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest Check the boxes below as they apply 8. Ownership Type is Condominiut"l 9. New Construction on VaCill1t land lOA. Property Located within an Agricultural Dist:ict lOB. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agriculturai District o o o o 15. Check 0"8 or more of th_ conditions as applielIblll to transfer; A B C o E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Bllsiness One of the Buyers ;s also a Seller BlJyer or Seller is Government Agency Of Lending Institution Deed Type not Wtwanty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Balow) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Imerest (Speci'y Below) Significant Change in Propeny Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Prica Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) NOlle .2 8 , LL.Q...J ..J BUYER J clJrtif}' thai all of the items of information entered on this rllrm are tme and correct (to the hest of ml' knowlcdb>e and belieD and I understand that the making vf' IIllY willful false stalement of material filet herein will subject me 10 the urovt'iiono; of the oenal law relath.e to the making and filing vf false instrument'!. BUYER'S A lTORNEY Jfr~ ~~~~,,~. BUVmSIGNATURf IlL. O?1-f12- ~- Harris B. Parsons, JroO 56 ___~ Cottal?e Street STREETNUMBE~ STREE"T NAME (AFTEA SAlEI Wp-llegley I )( 4?~~L~LLa,- ~ ~ \hf\~ ~D. (r-sEl~ER- S-'GNA~<: I MA 02482 STATE ,,'PCOOE 1\))"J.:.l.5.~ (lATE HAm LAST NAME ~~R~fN~::En T,._ TTT (631) _EACOrn: 283-2400 TELEPHONE NUMBER l NE~ YO", mo COpy