HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12438 P 583 ;t;:' ./.,:1 00 ~ O' ~o ~. ..9- 1000 5 - 0'0-00 " - lO.CO t.: -- on- 000 .4,? "'X- <" L ( .::24-3 \? f 0-g?:J "L.. v"," -;l. I 8'.) 1.1 ~ F.:'Jrm \I'! IHoo!.-- Yarpin and 5.1. Deed. wilh ConuzlU ...inn Granlor'. AclS - Indivichlal or CO'PPDlion. "(Sul.llc .heel) ) CONSULTl'DUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT -THIS 1N8TRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWVERS ONLY. '!~ , Date of Conveyance February 1, 2006 28tb day of December, 200j .THIS INDENTURE, '!lack the day of J.IHIUA1iY. ..lQQ4.. BETWEEN Mario Zanghelti, Jr.. Anna D. zanghetUt and Ronalhangheni" " . -as to her life e8ta~!_!nterest residing at <no #) Whistler Avenue , Fishers Island. .iCDD ID B8 Tenanta in common , NY , 06390 party of lht lil'llt part. and Z&S Contracting Inc. residing at Bex :!02. , Fishers JSloilld .-. ; NY. 00390 p3nyofLhe~pan. WITNES~TH' WI the pany oflhe tirstpart. i.n con~idttation Dften dollars IDd other valuabk:corWdenlioo paid bythc ~y . of the second does hermy grant and noleue unto the put)' of the sccood part,lhe heirs or IUCl:eSIOB OIInd assigns oew pliny of lhc!Croadpart . . ALL thai cenain plDl,. piece or pan:el orland. 'Ai.Lh the bWldincs and iJ'nprovnnemslht'rcon c:rectcd. s.ituate, lying and bring in lhe See Schedule "A" Anached hereto. , The premises 10 be conveyed are the same as conveyed by Deed dated March 24, 1983, and recorded on April 19, 1983 in Suffolk County Clerk's office in Libcr 9344, page 298. TOGEnII!R wilh .ii ripl. lillt: lInd imerest, if .ny. oftbe party oftbc fant part. in and to In)' ItRCtI and 101. abuning tbe above- licsmj'l.;d ~mi~s ~ Ihc: ccnla' lines thereof; TOO~IER with Ehc appurtCnIIncca and all the esIaIc IUd. nplS aCIhc party ortlle liRt pan in :md to.~d p..cmises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pmniiCI hc:reiD J,rmCed UIllO,the party of the second part. the hein or !lucce5lOl'1i.md ll.uigns of the J>>rty orlbe second part fon::vcr. ^""TI the pany ,~rthe firR pMt COYClUU'llS thai. the party oflhe flm put has not done or sufTercd anythina whereby the said premises have bem encumbered in any ...y whatever, cxa:pt as afOreSlid. AND the pany oCme rim pan, in compliance "ith Section I] oCdX' Lien 1.IIw, C:OvmllllS dui1 the PIfIY Om pan will m:ciVe the consideration fer lhi5 conveyance und .ill hold h: right 10 rc..ch."C such COIIsidcrution lIS a tnlS& fund to be 3ppJicd tint for the purpnse of payina the cost of the i~mml and will apply lht same fil'l'l to the payment of &he COd l;'f Ihe ~pro\l:mCI.II kfon: usinS any pan o.flhe lOlIIl oflhc:.llllC fOI" any other purpoIc. The ....-ord ""p:uty" shill be ronmued at if it read "'pGrtics' whme\'eI' tho SCrtlC' oflhi, indenture 50 n:quirn. IN \VITNESS WHEREOF. the pany o(the fint.p:If1 has duly Cxmlled thisdccd thc day and year flr1t:tbo\'t written. ...-- .~/? ~l'.ff Anna D. 'Zanih~1 r6~~ ." a ~~at.?t I Rona~i "" /0 I - ._).., . - .~ I '7......~. , . ". .,1' ., .. SCHEDULE A / . DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 010.00 BLOCK: 10.00 LOT: 002.000 " on \he Tax Map of Suffolk CoIIDIy ALL that certain plot, piece or pared olland, situate, I~ and being on Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold;CoWlly of Suffolk, and State ofNcw York, the same being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on 'the Southerly IiDe of the Road known as 'The Gloaming" at a mere stone which is located 1165~3'1 feet north and 38.52 feet west of U.S. Coast &: Geodcctic Triangulation Station "PROS" and from s:lid poini; RUNNING TI-lENCE South 34 degrees 41 minutes 00 secondS East,l n.10 feet to a point ona boulder; ~CE North 85 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds East, about.63.oo feet to the shore of "The Co:ve", the last two 1m abutting the southwesterly and southertyon remaining land now or formerly of FishCl!llsland Fanns, Inc.; . ., THENCE in a general northeasterly direction along the shore of-rhe Cove", 66 ~ feet; TIlENCE running North 23 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds West, about 118.00 feet to a mere stone on the southerly side of "The Gloaming" abutting DOrtheastcrly on the remaining land now or fonnerly of Fishers Island Farms, Inc.; . THENCE South 80 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West,along the southerly line of "The Gloaming", 152.10 feet to the,point ?' place of BEGINNING. , Acknowledaement taken In New York StMe ~.. , ~, - i_ .,. ~ ~""",,~~~bn In "'~Sp . .., ~ . -. .. .' .. t<.u~ Acknowledgement by SubKrlblng WltM" taken In New -- D_~..Jr,,_ DAn..D.~ State of New York. County of . IS: On the day of . , in Ihe year the lM1derSlgnod, ponlONlBy __ , before me, the sub&criblng witneaa 10 the foregoing inatrumenl. wtth whom I .... ........By IcquoinIod. _ bolng by me duly oWom. did depose and sey. th8t heIshe/lhey rell6de(s) In that -.nhey 1<tlcM(1) to be the 1ndiv1du81 deacttbed In end who executed the foregoing Inslnlment; that lNIld subsafb6ng wttnesa was present .rat I8W saki execute the ..me; and u.t lNIId wttnesa 81 the same lime subscribed hlslherllheir name(s) as . witness thereto. Title No.: L- V 0'\ .2'!J II Mario Zanghettl. Jr., ~onald Zanghatti and Anna O. Zanghetti TO Z&S Contracting, Inc. .[ II Dislribuled by JId8tt5t . I o I ~ ~ ~ 2 . ~ ~ . :! ,. a Acknowledgem.......Un outBIdll New York State o MerlaZanghetlt.Jr..RonIId DAnIWO.Z8nghet11 .Slate 0/ rll1rl<,c-hat/-, Ccunly of. . NtIV I.ondlJiJ '(or In_ DIotrid 01 Columbia. TBlTiIory. Pooseoslon or Fo.,,;gn Counlry) On the 'I1f" day 0/ ~r. In thl _r a:l2i before me. the und8rlIgned, perwonaDy 8ppellred Anna D. ZaTlghec ti. Mario Zcnghett1, Jr.. and RonalJt%anghr.tt1 personally known to me or proved 10 me on the balis of utllf8clary evidence to be the IndMdual(s) whose n.,.(s) ,. (Ire) IUbsctIbed to the within Instrument end acknowIedgec:llo me thlt haI_ey _ the oame In h_rllhelt copaaly(loo). and that by hlolherllhei' 1lgne1Ure(1) on the In""'ment. llie Indlvlduol(l) or the penon upon boheW 0/ which the Indlvldull(l) acted. execuI8d the Instrument. and that luch Individual mllde such appearance before the undel"llgnedln IhB 51: (add the city or poIiUcel IUbdMslon and Ihe sale or country or other place the acknDWlBdgement W8I taken). ~ 7'JJ.,Ib." ;VIJ/ru.c; ~ ~p 'l/tt/O~ ,_ DISTRICT 1000 SECTIOND10.00 BLOCK 10.00 LOT 003.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk" RETURN BY MAlL TO: II Mk:hoBl J. Robot1s 401 Bn>acIwaY Now York. NY Zip No. 10013 " .. '1- 2 Number of plies TORRENS RrolRDED 2006 Mar 02 11'32,06 All Serial 'I CLERK OF SUFFOlJ( ~TY L DOOOl2438 P 583 D1I05-29527 Cen.ificate if PriorOU Deed I Manple Ins~r:nl Deed I Mortpgc Tax Stamp FEES RecordinG. I Fil;l1~ S131111" 4 Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 fJ- "5 ,-5= Mortgage Aml. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional TIU R.P.T.5.A. Comm. of Ed. .=;'- --::::::;-z- - -t!_L - 20 _ .1I2 Sub Total Notation .EA-S2 17 (Counly) EA-S217(S....) Certified Copy Rog: Copy ~ = SubTOl8I GRAND TOTAl. 1M L/. J ,1-/ SpedAssil. Dr Spec. INJd. TOT, i-ITG. TAX Dual Tvwn_ Du.1 Cnllnl)'_ Ileld for Apponion Tran!lifer Tax Mlnsion To The property cove 1hi, nyorlpgc is or will be improved by. ooHr two family dwelling only_ YES urNO If NO. see appropriDlc Iu clause on page" _ ormis instrument. Sub Tolal 5 tllL- AffidBvil Other S1amp Real Property Tilt Selvice Agency Verifica.ion Dill. Sc4:tion . Block T.n. .. -- '1000 01000 1000 002000 "~ , CPF Tax Due' 6 Communi Dol. Improved Inilials ) Vueanl Land 7 SalisfaclionslDlscnargeslKeIcases List Property Owners -Mailing Add RECORD'" RETURN TO, 1'YI~d..(2~ ltOI f6~ ~ '1.,J.... YlY; (00!3 TO TD TO 9 Suffolk Count g Title Company Information Co. Nam. LANDVIEW ABSTRACT, IHC. 1'1'1.# I.. v A GAl & Endorsement Pa e This P"lI" fonns port of the .,l8l:hed nuuJe by: (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSIRUMFNf) 1YI-';" Z~"::;LfI.. ~tl I- 12- ~ J I'-!L Z. ----:- -n; TO In the Township of Z. 6 $ t?.-.7:..... ,.J-a J-.. The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~^'. tL~ In the ViLlAGE < ..J or HAMLET of ;;~ .JA~- I BOXES 51lIRU 9 MUST BE TIPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONl,Y "RIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber : 06-0021373 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-29527 Recorded: At: 03/02/2006 11:32:06 J\JI LIBER: PAGE: District: 1000 Section: 010.00 ti:Yl\MINBD AND $800,000.00 Block: 10.00 CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument b-.pt NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Filing COE BA - C'1'Y TP-584 RPT Transfer tax Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cart. Copies SCTM Comm.Pres Fees Paid $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-29527 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01" THB INSTROMDlT THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012438 583 Lot: 002.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,000.00 $13,152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLV WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUcnONS: http~' WWW.orpo._o.ny.uo Dr PHONE 151BI 473-7222 FOR COUNTY usa: ONLY t'f, 7..J 8. t.' '" .......__ L 0,..:{ ,tl(;" C1_ 1 /. <? 'i. .3, ~ C4.': l.s;e.3. ,* REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REI'oRT C1. 8WIS CDcIe BrATE Of NEW YORK ....An::.oARD OF IIEA1. PImI'ER1'Y IEIMCES RP - 5217 ...11.. MI' PROPERTY INFQRMAnON '.=1 .r:T~ Gloaming Road -- 1. T_ ~""'''''''''''_m.''' .... It'_o.....~.baalIm~1Drm) I - 1JlI'I'_1~ ...-r.... , I 06390 I ...- I , I , IJl"~TI , ~~ , Southold CITY___ Fishers Island ....... I. ..,.. I -- Z&S ContractlnR Inc. UlIR'IMM!'~ -- UISJ_'~ -~ srMIT....._~_ tnYUII_ s. ::.., I ... 'xL zltlllllll'tti I Zanghettl - 1001 ~ ......,...........a.t........,..a,: ..._---........-- 0 .. SubdIwIIk:wl AppIowII_ RIquIqd for r.... 0 . 't 1-, c.__..__...._ 0 Anna D. Mario, Jr. -- .t. ................., a l ..... ...... ....,.,... on 1M .... I 1 I 'ofPwc... CIIIOPartof.,...... L_ -- LM'_'~ I Zanahet.ti 1AlTNA-.1~ Ronald 11.. -- 11......... PI'- a.t;.. -.- Wa. _ tIwr Wr: .. aw...tIIp Type" CandamWurn I ~ CommuIIIly &.va I. NIw c:o..n.don on V... a...I J IncMIrW taA. PrapMy L.ocdId WIltIJn III AgrbilInlIIIItItt. K NIle s..w:, .. ~....... cIIc:IoIln nodal ~ L For.- IhIldllJllGPlWlYtllnll'l~DIIUb . 'II. a.dI_ or __ .,............ _.........1nIIIIIIIr. A r- "'~~gr'Farmer.....uw. B ~ .......... IWIIId CompeniII or ,...,.. In .....- C r- ON orU.....ilaIIo.W. D .."..Ot.......GonrnrMnIAQartt:torlAndlnglnlllMlon B r- o.d Type.... w.nn.v or ~ WId s.r. l8pKIIv IWowI P 811eolFrKtklnaICIf~UUtnF-.""""(Sp8d1Y1IIowt G SignIIII:ara a.ng.1n Propenv ~ T.... &raba _ sg u.. H ....,.........Ind....lns.ll...... I Ohr Unwwl FKtorI AffIcdng 8IIe PrIDIi 0iI*ftV ...... I X_ o o o o J. CheIII............. whIdI ...........,........ lite......,..........,.......... af--= , A~'""F__ .~--, B Z or :I IWnlIy ........ F eonv-doJ C ftrIIIdInUIIv.-t..... G ......... o NQar. "V...UN! II EnIiIrt.I~''''"'-nenl I SALE INFllOMAnDN I 11.....~DIIIII I 10 , 19 , 05 - ... V- 11.. EJ.a......,,.....,... , 02 , 01 'lWi - ... V- ~ ,B,O, 0, O. O. 0,0.01 , , . IFuII SMI"Itl;IIilthe1Dtal1mllUftt pIIIcl far,,, prapIftY 1nGIucIng...... prlIpIrty'. ThII PIYftIIIII.....,- bIIln 1M form of-". ad.- propertyorgDOdl. oru...m,don 01 ~~ClIIMr"""ioMJ ,...,...,,.,....---oMnOUllC. ,.........._-............... I . . . , . . . 0 . 0 I .......". ...., , . I a9SESHMEHT INFORMA1lON. o..lhoukl rdIct: the 1-..: FlNlI ~ Roll Hd lex Bill I District 1000 , , Sect1on010.OO I I ,. 4 1 0 0 I I , , , I I I I 11. :"gf~='" ~ 11. T..___..YI*.I.W.........In--., I ..-- ,:1. \ ,OI_tdU ,..___1 .. T__~ ,............... _.............................. ~ I Block 10.00 I CER11FICATION I [.., ...... fI... ... rI~...... .. _............ -..c (III....... ...., bOMedIr.... 1lIIII).... I ......... .. "'IIIIIIIIIII . fII..,....MIIl~ rI.....r.t__ ..lIIIIdId........ ..........~.....__ ~..................... .........1Wl. IBl!m BUYER'Ii ATTORNEY --~()~Ji r-. I..,P-' no' 7, Gloaming Road ~_ nMl[fNMll!WIIII..u Lot...oa-:<<m' 00;1.000 In" Roberts Mi.chael -- -- 212 Z26-4925 -- --. Fishers Island .....- ,NY 06390 r ...~ ...- NEW YORK STATE COPY - a-----u ~'I-. ~-I '0'