HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 672 10/12/2005 14:59 FAX 716 631 9120 SARBENT COLLINS LLP IdI 002/004 ",' . ;. : .: ~it Claim Deed This Indenture, Made the~day ofOclober, 2005 I' .1 t / I C,! .. I L i ( i Between Ridlard L. Dalkow.1d resieling &II 271 G10amiug Extenion; Fishers Island, New York 06390 . Grantor, and Rlcllard L, DaIkow.ki IUld Elizabetb DalkowJld residing &11271 Gloaming Extension; Fishers Island, New Y oek 06390 Grantees WllflU8It1Jr, that the Grantm(s) ill c:onsidention of One aDd No More Dollars (S1.00 &: no more). lawful money 01 the United Slates. paid by the Grantee(s) does (do) hereby remise, release and QUIT-CLAIM unto the Gnmtee(s), hisIhCJ (their) heirs, distributes and assigns, forever, All that Tract or Parcel of Land, lee Schedule" A" attached. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the Grantol(s) in and to the said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the premises herein grllnled unto the Grantees(s), and (their) heirs, distribunees and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor(s) has (have) hereunto set hislher (their) name(s) on the date respective oflhe acknowledgements for each below. . ~~wi Richard L. Dat wski STATEOf Omflec.h'u..d- ) COUNTY 01' NtW t+a. VQJ'\ J n; On the ~day ofOc:tober, 2005, before me,!he IIIIdcnIcned. persoll8l1y appared,llldJw L. DtllUwskI penooaIly IaIoIOllCO me or proved to me on !be bais of AlislKtory evidcace to be the individual (5) whose name(s) is Care) SllbKnDecl to the withi. instnllllent and ackn_Jedaed CO me thu heIshe (they) exccllted the Sllllle in hislber (their) capac.i\x'(clpKlties), and !bat by hislhel (their) siJll8lllre(s) on the instnunent, the individua1(5), or !he person on whose behalf of which the individuaJ(l) acted, exeeulld tht instrumenL ~~ NOTAIlY PUBLIC SubscIiIled and SWorn 10 bIlfora me I Notary PuhIlc.hlndlorCoulllyol N~.f\ ~~:~onnecllcul,1hIa day 01 I ?M') """'8111 111\ ~ Notary Public My Commlaafon ExpIres FlIbRllry 28, 2007 i- ^'~.. "'- .' to_ .~,;. -~.\., .. ..,.. .. ~'I; J.. ~.J.. r 3' 'lri" c:C. <,~' o L'., . , , , '<~' .' I.rt; " . ~..' eo.. . -,' FiIK AmedGm TItle 11I$I/1iI1IOI CtJm/NIny ~ NtJw Yoni' TIlle No. 3051-1OII6!J0 ~ AU.. TIiAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEl OF lAND, willi the buildIngs ancIlmJllOVl:ments thereon erected, situate, lying and belng on fishers ISland, Town d Slluthold, County of &IlfoIk, St1111! d New Yarlc, bounded and demibed as follows: IlEGJNNING at a IIIIlne monument It the SDUtherIy amer d tile henIIn ~ traa, said point being 1490.34 fIIIIt Narth of iI point whIdIls 162.71 feel: east d lnother monument IIIlIrlcing the Us. Coast and GeocIetk: SuMly Triangulation StiI1lon "PROS'"; and thenCle running north 40" 23' East 94.49 feet to anaItIer monument; thence North 40. 23' East 13.5 feel: to thelhcn of West Harbor, these two lines abutting 5lIlIlt1euterIy on land of AraslrllowJdI; thllllC8 nmlng nartrn'. !sterIy a1ang the shoIe of said Hartxlr 45.0 feet; thence southwesterly Ilong AId share line 17,0 feet; thence narthv. I...1y IIong SlId &honlllne 5 till; thence SOUIh 340 24' West 75.0 feet; thence South 40. 41' Eut 42.45l'ect to the point rllleglnnlng. The IlIsl: two lines abut northWesterly and southwestllrly an land now or formerly of FIstlers Island FInns, Inc. TOGETHER with iI rlllllt of way over the nllIdwly IlCtvndIng southerly I'rlIm the above desalbed Inlet to the highWll'f known III Tha Gloaming. THE polity to be issued under this report willlll5Ul'e the title lD sud1 buildings and Improvements erec:tId on the pn:mlses, which by law lIIIISlltute real prqJerty. FOR CONVEYANaNG ONLY: TOGlTHl!R with all the right. llIle and Interest. of the party of the first part, of In Bnd to the land lying In the stnlel: In fnmt of and adjoining said premises. , . .... r" Number of pages TORRENS 3 RECORDED 2005 No\! 18 10:33:20 RI'I Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012420 P6n DTI 05-15626 Serial # Ccrtilicllle # Prior Clf. # o..ed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps 3 Notation /- ') _ Sub Total ~i- d-. Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal Spec.l Assi!. Pag.. / Filing Fo:e Handling 5..00 5- TP-584 or EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217(State) _~_ R.P.T.S.A. Real Propcrt Tax Serviee Agency Verification . ,. ...h -- . .. '""., foou 1000 01000 0900 014000 Spee./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for APPOintme~ta"""" Transfer Tax _ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage i or will be improved by a one or tw family dwelling only. YES or NO Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Sun:harge 15. 00 Other 4 . -.. ..,.... If NO. see appmpriale tax clause on page # of tlJis instrumenl. ,/ 10- 1- Oc;.; Commuaity PreMrvatioD FaDel sideration Amount $ . 0 $ Improved Vacant Land 6 SatisfactionslDisehargeslReleascs List Property Owners Mailing Address RECOlD & RETURN TO: S"p'(.5~ ~ ~O'hIl\JSLt:P f.p ;llfS~~,e(~O{ ~:;;/( \.Unl\'~~"nlt\ ~r 14/d-l'J-f';;)7 TD TD /0 TD 7 Title Com n (nronoalion Co. Name Title # 8 Suffolk Count & Endorsement Pa e -L'"l, This page forms part of the atl:1ched / Q9-'YC\\.l~\( ~ (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) made by The premises herein is silUllted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the 1uwnship of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES "6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYI'ED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO c \) A--\ ~ LtJ5. 'L l ~JcA. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0120581 TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 05-15626 Recorded: At: 11/18/2005 10:33:20 All LIBER: PAGE: D00012420 672 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Section: 010.00 EXAMINED AND $1.00 Block: 09.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 014.000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Page/Piling COE EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tlU:: $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM COIIIIII..Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $149.00 Exe NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-15626 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THBINSTRUMEIlT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COU~lY USE ONL Y C1. SWIS Cod. PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY\1iiHEIIi WRITING ON FORM -- INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.S18te.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT I )',7 ' J .;;'. fl, f-I .l.l. / / l ~-.: I C4. '_1 . is.'? ..:LJ it- . ~ .. ~"!PI .;, STATE OF NEW YOIIK STATE IIOARD OF REAL I'IIlIPBITY SERVlCiS C2. Del. IlMd _eel C3._ PROPERlY INFORMA110N 1............, ........... RP - 5217 IlP-JJI7 .., JIW STII"rN~" ~ 2.== ~~~, I "'Dc...\ ~~S ~ LAST~/CQMII'MIY .I ....... e\c..k.o..~ L. ,...- E:\ i z.a. Loc::-W\ rlAllN1011W: ~'ib 3. T.. IndicllIt whctnt 'UlUftI Tax BIIII .. to bo IClnI: IInlnl if ClIh., thin ..,., Ildd~ lat baIlam of Iorm) I -- LAIr.... lCO#ININt FIlSI NAMt STiliin' ....1[11. _D I'TflEn ill.....! ClTYOftTQW*\l RaTt Z1P'CODI: .. ........ the nlilllMr of A...-.m Roll pilraII 11''''''''''' an1ha .... .LJ , of P'Telts DAD IOnIy. Pon... P_I a......._ Pin of . P.real ..- Pr-', Size ~xl .ItOhT'f.rr ....... IORI .1,/;... -w 'K.idla \'lA L.. 4A. PlMni"ll Board wilh Subdivilion Aulhorily hillS .. Subdivlllon Appnw"" ReQuitld for Tr.nsfer c.. PlIAI ApprO'ild for SubdivlllOn with Mil) Provided o o o ....... No... l).1~~\ "IIIIT "AMI lAIr I'lIAK I COM"_'" "'IIS' NMIk 7. ChM:k the box Wow which mad .~y dncrfbn the UN 01 thl prDpIIrty at the tim. of ....: A~ One f.mll., ""identi.t R 2 or 3 Flmllv Aesldenllll C Residential VR_ lInd D Non-Rcl.I....... VICInI Lind I SALE INFORMATION l ". Sal. ContNCt: One R ~ "'ricu,,,,,.1 ... Commercill G Aplrtmcnl H Entertllnrntnt I AmLlMfMnt I ~ Cornmunity Service J Industrl8l K Public StrvicI I. Foresl -....----- .. ONnel1lhip Type I, Condomtnlurn .. New CoI'IItrUCIion on VlICaI'll umd 1M. Pft)peI1y LocIItd WI"thin ... Agriculturll Oillrict 1" Buyer reculved I dildolurc noIil:D indc.lng tIW: the propIny . In Dn AQril:PAur81 DiIIric:l o o o o 15. a.oIr. an. .. maN 11II __ _....._ _ J r M ......- 10 tn...r.r: 13. Ful .... Price .>\\\"00 hI) ~()~ , I I . (Full Sill Pric. Ia IMtat8lllmOld _ fgr II.. property inducing PlI'IOMI pro.-ny. Thll PlyfNl1l rnlY '- In the form of clsh. ather property or good.. or me ..Iumptlon of mong'ges or olh,r obIigIUo,.." PIN.. round ro rhe ttNIVII whoM doll., .mount. ,0,01 Silo BeIweon Relative. or Formal' RoIItlYOll SaIIi &acw..n RoIIUd Compllnin or Penn.ra in BUll,... 01'1III of the Buyerl it .., e S.n.r Buyer or !MIller I. Govammem Apncy OIl Lending IlWIitution Deed Type 1101 Warrlnty or Blrgain Ind Sill (Specify a.k:lwl Sal. of Fnllclianll or loll lhan FcI8 Intorut CSpacify BekJw) S1gnlflCl" Olenge in Prop.rty Belween TlXlble StM..- end 5,1. DI1 Solo of Bulh"lOllII Includod In S.1a Price OU,., UnuIUIII F<<tol"l Aflecting 51" Price C5PKify Below) None C'.A.ti\ m - I ""' I v... 12. D.,. of .... I r,....... 10/ I~ /05 - Doy v... 1... Ind.... thII .... at..,...1IIII I I 0 I 0 1 prap.rty' InIIIudlld. in 1M .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should "'''ocIthe la.... Final A.........nt Rolland Tax Bill 1" Year at ~ru.1It RoIIIram I 0,51 17. l.... -...... V....lof all p...llln 'In....r. L..... which lnforrMtion tllbn ; ; 4..J 0.01 I 1.. Property CI.. 12. \ ,Ol-LJ 1.........lHotrIctN.... L.fis.her~ :t:iJAV\d ~~nDJ 20. Te. Mep Id.....rCa) , Roll .........1.1 CIII'nOd thin four. .n.ch IheM wtIh ..tclitio.... IdentlflerCl1l L-lDM - \.O.::.9.=L4- I I CERTIFICA nON I ftrtify IhDI .u nllhl' bflm " inf'Ul"lRlltluD en1tn'CI GO lid", form .n lrue MId C'OIT'ft1 no lhe t.Ic or my .nnwh!dat MIl heIIII) unci 11I"l"Jolund thai IhlE InakllIfl t:I UI)' ..-11"'1 ra. *1e......1 III' muln'ild .... htftI. wla :wbjfc1 me .., .... IN'4I,Wnm ur tItr DfnIIllnw llWdl\'e to __ JaIIIdllIt end minK nI' ... IR~ ~_ . ~_rh. ......-- ~_ _ JIWa.....IO /~ &V71/"'vJ:, I N I cha In..... .G....TUIIIE Do\Tt ~ rMlI NAIA ~t ~ &llfACOOI (,01- 5100 ILLLI'HO'U -.-.:" R5V1ers \?1t:..VId en., lIII rOWN N'I IIAT[ 0(,090 ...""'" NEW YORK STATE COPY '-