HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12390 P 256 " l_IJ2/)C ,~) ') '. . 'J-~'. LA jV l-.J-L~ .' WARRANTY DEED WITH .'IlLL COVENM,.S (INDIVIDUAL AND CORPORATION) FORM IlOIJ Clbn _.~ FOR.\!_ CIooa _., CAurION, THIS AOREEMENT SIIOUlj, 11F. PR~J'AREU IIY AN ATIORNF.Y ANn RI!VIF.W~J) IIY A'I'I\)RNEYS FOR SELLER ANn PliRCHA.~ER BEI'ORE SIONINO, THIS INDENTU/U:.~ made Ihe 11IIIu).. 31 ,2005 , between William I.. Hanley. Jr., an individual, 250 Jungle Road , Palm Bea,h, Florida 33480, party of the first part, and William Lee Hanley, Jr., As Trusl\.'e of The William Lee Hanley. Jr. Revocable TfllSt dalc:d Man:h 8, 1994.250 Jungl... Road, Palm Beach, Florida 33480, party oflhe second pon. WITNESSETH,lhatthe party of the tirst part, in consideration of 10.00 dollars. lawful mon~"y of the United States, paid by the pony of the second part, .Jocs hereby grant and ...,Iea.o;c unl<l the pany of the: second pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or porcel ofland, with the buildings and impro\'Cl1ICJ1ts thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the Town ofSoutho]d, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York as more particularly described in Schedule A allaehcd hereto and made a part hereof. BEING and intended to be the same premillCs conveyed 10 the party of the Iirh1 part by a d,cd from J'lIIalhan Barnes datc:d September 19. 1991. l\.'COnlcd in the Omce of the Suffolk County Clerk in Liber 11341, J'age 540 on September 26, I 99J. TOGETHER with all right. lill, and intel\.-st, if any, oflhe party of the first part in and to any slrl."ets and roads abutting the above deseribed premises to the cenler lines thereof, TOGET/lER with the appurtenances and all the eSlale and righlS of the parly of the first part in and 10 said premises. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlO the party of the second pan, the heirs or sUccessors and assigns of the: party oflhe second part forever. ANDthc party of the first part, in compliance with Section ]3 oftbe Lien Law, covenants thalth... party of tbe tirsl pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right 10 receive such consideration as a trust fund 10 be applied tirst for thc purpose ofpeying the eosL~ of Ihc improvement and will apply the SlIme first 10 the payment or the L"Ost of the: improvement bcflll"C using any part ofthe total of the same lor any ol~... purpose. AND the JXIrly of thc first part co\'cnants as follows: FIRST. That said party of the first port is seized of the said premises in fee simple, and has good right to convcy the: some; SECOND. Thatthc party of tbe second pan shall quictly enjoy the said premises; THIRD. That the said premises are free trom encumbrances, except as afon:said; FOURTH. That the party oftbe firsl part will execute or procure any furt~T necessary assurance ortbe title to said premises; . FIFTH. That said pany of Ihe first part will forevcr wllI1lU1tthc titlc to said premiscs. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "partics" whenever the sense ofthis indL'Oture so rL"quires. IN WITNESS WHEREOf; th... party ofthc first pan has duly exec d this dCL'll the day and year first abovc written. Will' IN PRESENCE OF: ~ Acknowledgment by a Pcrson Outsidc New York Sllltc (RPL * 30'J-b) N\'SBA~ _lial Mal EsIa.. Fcnns (91001 ,I. 01004 Mauhc:w IIcndrr &: ("0,. . mcmbc:r o(thc! l.exisNc..ls Group. l1aJC-ULllDat-s\Docummu\ll:nkY deat.1b: " ;, ." SCHEDULE A A cmtain tnIl:l or parcel of IaDd, Io<:ated II F"uhcn bland, in dul TOWII of Soulhold, CoUDty of Suffolk, Stile of New York, belns bouDded and described u follows; BEGINNING at a IItOIIC: mom,malt SGl on Iho .....Ib....ly .ide of a road 30 k wide, uid monumem beiug :z543.20 r. l1li1 ora point which i. 2400,48 k IIlldh of IIKl&bcr molUlment markinslhe Uuilcd S1IlaI Coast IlId ~ Survey TrialllP.l.non Station "EIIt End 2" (which uid MEaIt End 2" monlllMlllillocaled OIl tbo IUIIIl1IiI of the bigbeIt hill eaII orEIII Harbor on Filbcn J.IiaDd, NY ud !iellOlIth 00 c1c(pee154 mj,...."~ wal ofl..atillUlf Reel Light in FishcJlIsland SomuI; RUNNING THENCE IUlIth 06 dear- 09 minutlllO lCIXIads welt, 335.94 feet to lhB &bonl ofFilhers IIIaDd Souad; lHENCE with the meandm ofllid IOlIIId north 79 degrees 42 miDUtCI SO second. East, 263.23 k; SOL1lh 74 degrees SO minutes 10 --" eul, 110.86 &et; NlIlIh 80 degree. 43 minutes 10 1OCO'lC,I. -. 155.03 feet; South 88 degrees 11 minutes 30 sc:condIesst, 95.05 _ South 71 degrees 18 minutlll SO""""'lldl eat 143.57 teet; Solllh 17 depa 13 mill\ueS 10 IeClOIlIIs eul, 104.65 fwd; South 47 degJ=s 07 minutes 20 seconds west, 57.31 filet; South 67 dqp'ces 20 minldel SO seccmds \WI\, 137.62 filet; South S2 d.... 12 minulCl SO second. well, 337.85 fMl; South 32 degrees 44 minuIlIIIO IIllXlIllll \WIt, 99.86 teet; Soulb 80 dear- 57 minutes 4D .........t. WtlSI, 44.55 feet; SoIllh 45 dcgms 17 minutes 4D ~nda WlIII, 137.89 r.; NlIlIh 23 degreea 34 minutes 20 scc:ondJ well, 282.58 feel; North 6 c\est- 09 minutes 10 IIC:l;OIU!s WllIt, 116.05 feel to lhB mnn,ment, thIl point or pl_ of BEGINNING. .... ,," FLORIDA OF FLORIDA ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF l'ALM BEACH ) On the J/~f day of #~ in the year ..1~S". bl:lbn:""" the ulKk:rsignL-d. personally appeared William l. Hanley, Jr, pel10nally known to me or proved to me on tM basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose namc(s) is (are) &ubscribcd to thc within instrument and acknowledged to me that he cxecuted the SlIme in his capacity(ies), and that by his signature(s) on the insllVmcnt. the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. e~'1YAJ9. ~.'-~ (signature and offi.rof indiWIuallai(nll ackn~gmcnt) (I ~llonll " MJ7'" "I' I11III6115 _I , _1~2lIII5 ~..,Iior...~1NC. Deed Title No. William L. Hanley, Jr. To William Lee Hanley, Jr. Section 00 1.00 Block 02.00 Lot 004.000 County or Town Southold Street Address East End road Fishers Island, New York Rrturn B . Mall To: Gail Miranda-Schmidt, Esq. Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP I Chase Manhatl8n PllI7.8, 56th Floor New Yark, New York 10005 Rraern Tbls S ace For Use Of Recordln Office NYSIIA's KtlMlmli.1 R=ll:stlle FfII'mIIIWOO) .2. i)J004 M:nlbrw IJrrWcr& Cn." membc:rurlhe 1.eA.isNC'xiIOroup. D:..\doa\Har.n.rlil\Documml5\1:1anJcv d,,'C'd..doc .' . -' / Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Jun 01 02:51:06 PM Edward P.RoIaaine CLERK OF SUFFOlJ( COl.tl1Y L 000012390 P 256 1)11 04-43141 Serial # Cerli licalC # Prior Clf. # Deed I Mortga&c Instrumenl Deed I Murtguge Tax Swnp FEES Rccoroing I Filing SlllITIJl$ 3 Comm. of Ed. Affi""vi! 5. J!!L MOr\jlllge AmI. 1. BWlic Tux 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlaI SpccJAssit. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Cuunty _ Hcld for Appointmcnt Trunsfcr Tax y6 Mansion 1'.ax I'ugc I Filing Fee Handling TP.5114 5. J!!L NOlation EA-52 17 (County) EA.5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TOIal ~- Ccnilied Copy NYS SurchlllllC Olher 15. J!!L Sub Total Grand Total ~"5~ The propcny covcred by Ihis mongugc is or will be improved by a one or l wo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprilUC laX clause 011 page II of this inslrum~lIl, d Lot 5 Co_UDity PreaervatiOD FUDd R~ul Propeny Tax Service Agency V~rilicati(ln - - - ----- ---- _. -.----.--- -.-" 05020201 1000 00100 0200 004000 (~~ ,;::"v;'; --- Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improvcd x 6 SutisfactionsIDischargeslRclcascs Ust Propeny Owners Mailing Addre5s RECORD &: RETURN TO: (h It bJ,-rw~ I WoJ.l-b\~~ loy,LLf / ~fU~~ l.f1~1..0\.. NevJ~J N'Y. IOCJO~ ~\. ~~~~ ~Si~ Vacant Land _ ID_\O TO TO is page fonns pan of the auached 7 an Infonnation "'\\.~ S"- & Endorsement Pa e Suffolk Count . 01-ill.'...~ I . t-\6.'^~i '~V"'i ~ '''./1111 ,{ madt b)': l'ili11i..",,- L-<L. \b.,,,, 4 :l'r.)~ !; ~I T...uu: :.AJZ-.. or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Th~ premises hcn:in is situalCd in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ~ ~ -+ko \c\ In the Township of In lhe VILLAGE (over) 111111111mlllllllllllllllllll~ 11111111111111111111 I 11111 111m 1111111111111 SOPlPOLlC COtJNTY CLBRK RECORDS OJ'PJ:CB RBCORDDlG PAGB Type of :InstnuDeDt: DBBDS/DDIl Numb.r of Page.. 4 Rec.ipt Number . 05-0058941 TRANSPBR TAX HUMBBR: 04-43141 R.corded. At. 06/01/2005 02.51.06 PH LJ:BER: PAGB: D00012390 256 District. 1000 S.ction. Block. 001.00 02.00 I2Y\MJ:1IIm AND CHARGED AS .OLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 004.000 Deed Amount: Received the Followil1lJ .... .or Ahov. :InstnuDeDt Bxempt Bxempt Pag./Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHQ $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5.00 HO SA-STAT:&: $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 HO Cert.Copi.. $0.00 HO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'K $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CClIIlllI.Pr.s $0.00 HO I'.es Paid $152.00 TRAHSFn TAX H1JIIBBR. 04-43141 TH:IS PM:&: :IS A PART OF TBB DlSTRUIIBN'l' TB:IS :IS HOT A B:ILL Bdward P. Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:// www.orps.slste.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I 4 . 7 . 3 . 8 . 8 ,9 '1 ,. $TAlE OF NEW YORIl STAlE IOAIIIl OF REAL _RTY__ ., fOR CilUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWlS eode C2. Dote Ileod -- ~ / , It?:::' 0. _ J" 1,:(, ~ 9..Q C4. 'a.. I Q.q p PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 .P.Q17 ..., :wi . ~ ,. -I no , East End Road . LoatIon hIIUT NUMIIUI "..U"'.. L Fishers Island art OR.- I Southold .....- DrCDIII 2. Buy.r Nomo I The HUU.., Lee Honley, Jr. Reyocable Trust ~at.~ I !larcb 8. ~994 lAIT WAW ICOMMIfY fiiiii IWlIE L . ....r IMIIi 1CdM'ANY -- 3. Ta ktdUlO wtIorI rUbl~ Tax BUll _ to be MnI I "ling '''''''-'''-_lM_.''"""I. -- lAfl' NfoM( IIDIIIMhY FlPSTIlAN'E .L SlIIaT........m A'G ..IMUT...... gn UII rowN 'TArr ""- ........... .............- RoI paneIt............ on ... dMcI 1 I 'or P.rce" OR 0 Part of . ',reel ..=..., I Size --..J X I -"'" DI"" I ORI .ad 6. 5 2 I 1OnIy........ _ a.o......._ ....____nAulhorilyExD 0 4B.S'lhdrlillonAppnMl_flequlledbTranlfar 0 4C.P....._fo'__....._ 0 a. ..... N.... L Hanlev, Jr. LAlr"""/~ William TOo -- L lAITfMMl!/~ rlRlrHAIE J. ChIck the bcNl: billow which moll .CCUdteIy ..,... the UN of the PfGPWlY at lhe time at ..Ie: - , .... / y- a.o....__......._ .. Ownuahip Type i. Condominium I ~ Communiry SlIMe=. .. ..... ~ on VllCtInI Land J lncIuIIIa.I . 1.... PnIpMy locIIed wtIh6n .. AgrtculunIl Dllu"acr K PubGc Service '01. Buyer NCiIMd . dildos... notict Indic:ati,. I ~ FcQII tNII: the pnlpII1V II In .. AgrIcultu.. DiIh1cI ,.. ChecIJ ..... or..... of u.. 1lDIIdtIIonI_ ....... to trlltlllr. ^ SeItt s.tween All...,. or Fonner ReI8IMnI 8 Solo BaIwaon ReIMed Campania or P....... In BUllnau cOne" 1M _ II .... . &ol_ D Buyer or SeIIDr II Government Agency or lending lnIIiIutIarI E DIed Type ... W.n1nty 01 EIIrpin and Sale CS_fy BeJowJ F &.Ie of fraIctJoMI or a.-lhen FellI..... (SPKIfy EIeIawt o !l/gnI1IoonO CIlongo" ~ _ T..-.............. """'" II SIlo .. __ ;,,1ncJ.- in _ Prloo I 0Iher Ul\UIlMl F..,.. Al'fec:ling Slile Price (Specify Below) J X None o o o o A~' One '..... _.iel H 2or3F.m11yRelldenll&l C A.ldtnlwl VKMllAnd o Non.fIeIidontWIl V-=--: Land I SALE INfORMAnON I 11. .... ContrICt Dab E~ "'~ultu..' .... Cammercllil G ~I . II Errtof!IIlnrnent 'AmuulMIII 12. Daut of .... / r,....,.. -:I), ~ll as! IiIan&tI DIr v.. 131. Full .... Price . ..0 .0, 0 1 , , . (Full s.a. PricII illhe1'Ol.a MIDIIIII _ for the property Indudlng petmlUll pta~ny. ThlI PIIvment may bet In Ihe form of cuh. ather proparty or goods. or h DIIUIIIpIlan of mortgaget or other obIlglldont.J "..... round to rhe ,...,.. ~ doIW 1InOUIII. L. ,..-....-..- 1 ,0.0 I ___10"'_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dehllhould reflect the Iltest Anal .6w,rt-.em Rolland Tax Bill ,..:-:..:.....:=_10 .5 I ".T___....._In_, , , 7 1 7 0 01 ; ,.._a- 12 ,5.0 I-W '''___' Fishers Island ZD. Tn M.p IdrMtIfierfaI J RaIl kllU1tIIieriII) .. more th.., four, fttMh ahMI willi MIdidonII ~. 1..4:3889 1 2 4 IOOO-ool.CRl- O,;}.oo- CaY100c) I I CERTIFICATION ~ I o:mlf1_.ullllllo _..__ ..II1II_...."""... _now... 111101"" ......... _....._.........-... 01 any wilful rMhellblll!nlelll.......... ... ... wII-.IJjId .. lalbe DI'DWkioIII of lilt ..... ....1'I'IIIIhr III.... maIdna'" .. ot...... b.h__A. ~ h 8UYEWSA~ ""'.....,~ 1 .... 3-"31..0'5'" Sla::_ 1 GeO~i.a::.a .T. 250 1 "Jungle Road 5TllIfT~ IflIftr-.IoVTIIlIALII 212 -.... 530-561.6' -- Palm Beach C1TVOIlT'CJWIN IFL ITAII 33480 "'- g~ IfWO ::?,'.... __lH.ll.1.r~. L. HanleYj' Jr. ~__ ~~~(;(\s-- .... NEW YORK STATE COpy