HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5484 P 473 298--sta_1'7 Fo... E. Euoeutor'. Deed. indlyld.,.l0< c..tpo<.tlon. . Lu....".. l..c:., u,w.u.NOC..".L1.M." c:,,_.Pl:Jlc:....... ."o,,_~.t.: ...w..V,,:.. \ > ~bt~ u~,~5484 p'",473 3Jnbenture, Made the and sixty-three 31st December nineteen hundred day of t }!ttluttn PETER P. MeN. GATES, reB1d1ng at 15b East 37th Street, ~ .[ ~ J1~' ~~. i ~ C~ty~ County and state or New York, and JOHN M. GATES~ JR., residing at 901 Lexington Avenue, C~ty, County and state of New York a$ executors of the Estate of Ellen Crenshaw Houghton under the last wm and testament of Ellen Crenshaw Houghton late 01 901 LeJdngton Avenue, New York City, New York, deceased, part ies of the first part, and PETER P. MeN. GATES,. residing at 156 East 37th Street~ City, County and state of New York, and JOHN M. GATES, JR., reSiding at 901 Lexington Avenue~ City, COWlty and State of New York parties of the second part, ..it11tssrtl), that the partieS of tbe first part, by virtue of the power and authority to them given in and by said last wm and testament, ~"'I6I""L,....;.'oc<<JlZt probated by the AW'rogate of New York COWlty~ January 9~ 1962 (File No. ~ P33162), and ~n consideration of ten dollars lawful money of the United States, paid by the parties of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto the part 1es of tbe second part, their he1rs and assigns forever, ~ those certain tracts~ pieces or parcels of land, w1~h the bu1ldings and improvements thereon, situate, lying~ and being' on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and state of New York~ being a part of that portion of Fishers Island formerly owned by Fishers Island Corporation (which portion is hereinafter called "The Park") lying easterly of the follow1ng line~ viz: BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of land owned by the U~ited States, known as the Fort H. G. Wright Military Reservation,- Mount Prospect Tract, on the shore of Block Island Sound or the Atlantic Ocean and running thence northerly follow1ngthe East boundary of the said land of the United States to the southerly line of East End Road (Sometimes called Oriental Avenue) and which point is the northeasterly corner of land of the United states, thence crossing the East End Road and following the same course as the last to the ahore of West Harbor or Fishers Island Sound; Said lota or parcele of land being bounded and described as follows: Homesite No.1, more specirica11y identified as Lot #4A on a cer- tain survey made by Chandler and Palmer, Bng'rs., Norwich, Connecticut, dated June, 1962. BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Easterly-aide of a road forty feet wide, said monument being fourteen hundred and fifty-four and ninety-one hundvedths feet North of a point which ~s eleven lm5484 PlGE474 hUbdred and forty-six and twenty-two hundredths teet East of another monument aark1.ng the U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Stat:1on If East End 2" (whlch said IlEast Bnd 2" monument 1s located on the summ1t of the_~lgheBt hill East ot~~Bt Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y. and lies South fifty-four m1nutes West of Latimer Reef Light 1n Fishers Island Sound); and running. thence Northwardly, along the Easterly slde of said road, (and following the arc of a curve to the left whose radius 1s one hundred and ninety and twenty-six hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point 1s North seventy-eight degrees eleven minutes and forty seconds West) one hundred and forty and seventy-two hundredths teet to a stakeJ thence, still along the Easterly side or said road, North thirty degrees thirty-rour minutes and twenty seconds West one hundred and sixty-tour and ninety-hundredths reet to the shore or Money Pond; thence, with the meanders of said Pond, North seventy degrees and thirty-one minutes East rorty-nine and fifty-six hundredths feet, North fifteen degrees thirty-eight ~utes and thirty seconds East twenty-five and ninety-six hundredths feet, North fifty-one degrees ten minutes and ten seconds West fifty-two and sixty-three hundredths feet, South sixty-five degrees fifty-three minutes and fifty seconds East eighty-three and twenty-six hundredths feet, South twenty-eight degrees and thirteen minutes East one hundred and thirty-nine and fifty- nine hundredths feet, south eighty-seven degrees forty-four minutes and forty seconds East one hundred and twenty-seven and ten hundredths feet, South sixty degrees forty-eight minutes and ten seconds East thirty- eight and ninety-five hundredths feet, South twenty-five degrees forty- nine minutes and twenty seconds East thirty-four and forty-four hundredths feet, South eighty-eight degrees ten minutes and twenty seconds East ninety-four and five-hundredths feet, and North twenty-two degrees fifty- eight minutes and fifty seconds East forty-seven and ninety-hundredths feet to a stake; thence South fifty-two degrees ten minutes and forty seconds East one hundred and fifty-five and forty-four hundredths feet to the shore of Block Island ~oundj thence, with the meanders of said Sound, South thirty-two degrees thirty-six minutes and fifty seconds West'seventy-seven and fourteen-hundredths feet to a stake; and thence South eighty-seven degrees seven minutes and thirty seconds West four hundred and eighteen and eighty-five hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing one and ninety-one hundredths acres, more or lessj Homesite No.2, more specifically identified as Lot tl3A on a certain survey made by Chandler and Palmer, Eng1rs.. Norwich, Connecticut, dated June, 196~. ~INNING at a stone monument set on the northerly side of a road I ~'h,t~ feet wide, said monument being twenty-two hundred and ninety- six and ninety-five hundredths feet North of a point which is eighteen hundred and twenty-five and sixty-seven hundredths feet East of another monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic survey Triangulation Station "East End 2" (which said "East End 2'1 monument is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers leland, N.Y. and lies South fifty-four minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence Westwardly along the Northerly side of said road (following the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is two hunired and seventy-two and sixty-two hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South one degree, twenty-three minutes and twenty seconds West) one hundred and five and ninety- seven hundredths feet to a stakej thence, still along the Northerly side of said road, South sixty-nine degrees and seven minutes West one hundred and ninety-five and eighty-five hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the right whose radius is one hundred and twenty-two and fifty-five hundredths feet and the direction of "'hose radius at that point is North twenty deCrees and fifty-three minutes west; thence westwardlY still alone the N~,therlY side of said road (and following the arc of said curve) seventy-five and eighty-eight hundredths feet to a stake; thence, still along the NortherlY side of said road, North seventy-five degrees twenty-four minutes and twenty seconds west fifty-thy'ee and twenty-four hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the left whose radius is three hundred and twenty-six and one_hundredth feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is south fourteen degrees thirty-five minutes and forty seconds west; thence westwardly still along the NortherlY aide of said road (and following the arc of said curve) eighty-six and twenty-four hundredths feet to a stake; thence North thirty-two degrees twenty-two minutes and twenty seconds west one hundred and thirteen and ninety-one hundredths feet to the shore of Fishers Island sound; thence with the meanders of said Sound North sevcnty- three degrees and ten minutes East one hundred and thirty-three and ninety-one hundredths feet, south siXty-eight deGrees twenty-six minutes and thirty seconds East eighty-seven and nine_hundredtbS feet, south fifty-six degrees ten minutes and thirty seconds East one hundred and siXteen and seventy-siX hundredthS feet, North seventy-eight degrees thirty-three minutes and thirty seconds East eighty-fiVe and seventy-hundredthS feet, North forty-five de~ree5 thirty-eight minutes and forty seconds East one hundred and twenty- five and eighty-BeVen hUndredths feet and south seventy-eight de- grees forty-two minutes and ten seconds East forty-five ond twenty- three hundredths feet to a stake; and thence south twenty-seven degrees thirty-six minutes and fifty seconds East seventy-fuur and eighty-one hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containinG one and tllree_hundredths acres, more or leSs. JI1J~'~/ FA,) --;; .:Jl ~ ~1O ,.", " ,,," ---.l .:Jl Homesite No, 3, more specificallY identified 8S Lot 32 on certain survey made by Chandler and palmer, Enc'rs, Norwich, connecticut, dated June, 196A' BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the southedY side of a roaG thirty feet wide, said monument being twenty-one hUndred and eiGb',y- one and twenty-seven hundredths feet North of a point which is fifteen hundred and forty-nine and sixty_hundredthS feet East of another monument marking the U, S, coast and GeodetiC survey Tri- angulation station "East End 2" (whiCh said "Bast End 2' monumen'c is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N,Y, and lies south fifty-four minutes ~est of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island sound); and runninG thence south thirty-five degrees forty-nine minutes and thirty seconos East five hundred and nineteen and forty-five hundredths feet to the shore of lllock Island sound; thence, with the meanders of soid sound, south fifty-three degrees two minutes and ten seconds west two hundred and forty-seven and eighty_hundredthS feet and souch thirty-five degrees eleven minutes and forty seconds West eighty- five and ninety-two hundredthS feet to a stake; thenco North fifty- twO degrees ten minutes and forty seconds West one hUndred and fifty-five and forty-four hurdredths feet to the shore of Money pond; thence, with the meanders of said pond, North sixteen degrees forty-four minutea and twenty seconds East forty-two and seventy- one hundredthS feet, North fourteen degrees forty-nine minutes ond forty seconds west thirty-five and seventeen-hundredths feet, North siXty-two degrees fourteen minutes and thirty seconds west siXty- four and forty-one hundredthS feet, North fifty-four degrees fifty- siX minuteB and thirty seconds East sixty-nine and siXty-three hundredthS feet, North four degrees nineteen minutes and twenty seconds EBst one hundred and seventy-two and forty-nine hundredthS feet, North sixty-one degrees sixteen minutes and twenty seconds West one hundred and eighteen and fifty-nine hundredthS feet, North seven degrees two minutes and fifty seconds west eighty-nine and sixty-eight hundredths feet, North thirty-five degrees thirty-two .minutes and twenty seconds West sixty and twenty-two hundredths teet and .orth ten degrees forty-eight minutes and ten seconds West fifty-one and eighty-one hundredths feet to a stake set on the southerly side of said road; thence EastwardlY along the SoutherlY ~1de of said road (following the arc of a curve to the right who~e radius is two hundred and ninety-six and one-hun- dredth feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South one degree forty-seven minutes and thirty-six seconds 'west) sixty-six and thirteen hundredths feet to a stake; thence, ~Btill along the Southerly side of said road, South seventy~five degrees twenty-fOur minutes and twenty seconds East fifty-three and twenty-four hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the left whose radius is one hundred and fifty-two and fifty-five hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North fourteen degreeS thirty-five minutes and forty seconds East; and thence Eastwardly still along the southerly side of said road (and following the arc of said curveJ ninety-four and forty-six hundredthS feet to the place of be- ginning; containing three and sixty-three hundredthS acres more or less. Homesite No.4 "more specifically identified as Lot 3C on a certain survey made by Chandler and Palmer, Eng1rs., Norwich, Connecticut, dated June, 196~~ BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the southerlY side of a road thirty feet wide, said monument being twenty-two hundred and sixty- five and ninety-five hundredths feet North of a point which 1s eighteen hundred and forty-one and eighty-eight hundredthS feet East of another monument marking the U. S. Coast and GeodetiC Survey Triangulation station '''East End 2" (which said "East End 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y. and lies South fifty-four minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island sound); and running thence south twenty-seven degrees thirty-six minutes and fifty seconds East one hundred and seventy-one and sixty- three hundredths feet to a stake; thence south six degreeS thirty-five minutes and thirty seconds West sixty-three and thirty-two hundredthS feet to a stake; thence south twenty-two degrees forty minutes and twenty seconds East two hundred and eight and ninety-three hundredths feet to the shore of Block Island sound; thence, with the meanders of said sound, south forty- five degrees thirty-five minutes and twenty seconds West seventy and twelve-hundredths feet and south sixty-one degreeS and forty- two minutes West one hundred and three and thirty-five hundredths feet to a stake; thence North thirty-five degrees forty-nine minutes and thirty seconds West five hundred and nineteen and forty-five hundredths feet to a stake set on the southerlY side of said road; thence, along the southerly side of said road, North sixty-nine degrees and seven minutes East one nundred and ninety-fiVe and eighty-five hundredthS feet to a stake markinc a point of curve to the right whose radius is two hundred and forty- two and sixty-two hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is south twenty degrees and fifty-three minutes Eastj and thence Eastwardly still along the southerly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve) one hundred and eleven and twenty-nine hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containinG two and sixty-four hundredthS acres, more or lesS. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the parties of the first part, if any, of, in, and to the lands lyinG between the mean high water mark and the above described premises, and between