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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12211 P 746 _I~)II P1LfCe :THIS INDENTURE, ~ llilIoftnc ft day of t;6'I'T. .1V.t1I~ 1"'''0 BE1'W~:F:N John S. W. SpolTotd. \~1Ih an mldt~'&\I' of (No i~) .Eut End ROilld. P,O, Box 1).4, F~shm lslMd, Ntw York 06390 a.nd M~I S. ~. l:l:lIiding II 1192 Park Avenue:. I:\:e..... York, NC'w '!'",d. 10128, aSW:cc1i:lIOt T~ of !.he Marsm:1 W. Spomml T~ ori:~y ~ No~mbe:r 4, 1971. am:!1lS F.x..."CUi\~l'$ of the estate of M~ Wilker Spofford unlJcr IhI: L.IlSt Will Ilind Te$lllJtlCllt of Mar~t Wlllkcr SpoffOrd: l~ of New York, N'cw York. N-=\~ York S~CourtFiltNo2001-4165. 3 " If ~/ I";" -0-- I pel '(1 whe d:ied on the 7'" day of Ol:tober. two mOlRnd 011I:, piLI1y or tbcfim pcItl. . . d J. S, W, Spo.lToro Wild Miargarct S. Iknlr:ard. lIS 1 ruslcQllf the C. Nil;:bol:u Spoffwtl Trust tWlblUbcd Wldi:!' the wi Will lIllU "' of MlI.rgJn:t Wa!keT Spoffotd with IUl ~ess cJo 1. S. W. Spoflbrd, (No II): East End Road, P.O. tlox 134, Fi:mcn Jmad, New York 063'90, pm)" of the secorn:! pw1. WrfNESSE'fH. lballhe' pan)' 'Of lhe fll$t pcItl. in their capilCity Il$ Ex~ or the l::~tIItc of ~I Walker Spofford, to w'hom certifil;ll!C$ oflctlen ~1ar')' wer-: isN:d by the SUlI'Og:iIIilC'l> CoUlt, New York Count)" New York on Nowmber ~9.2001 and by ",inUl.: of the power and wlhorilYlll'Vtn ill and by $aId IlISl will Md tcst.:lmcnl. undIor by Article II of IhI: E#aI:~ p(lW~ <llld TtuJll> Law. am:! in considcrnllon of Ten (SIO.OO) doUIlf$, paid by1hl: patty oClhe second pan. docs hcn::by plt and release unto tht pm)' of the s..:cond plIl1l., tht lllilriblUttS lltklC~ and lI.SSigns of the pm)' of the secolild pIU1 lOn:wr, ALL lhal c~rtw to plot piece or parcel of bnd. ":ilh tht: buildings lIDCI improvC'n.1A:nls lhen:ol'l erected. rliitWllc. '~WiId bilina In the 'J'OWll ofSoo.thold. CoIlJllty o(Sull'olk, ~ 01' NcVl' York. bctna 11 pmt of \hat portion of Fisbm !mad btlong CO lht smntor (wbil.'h pIIlti1.'S tu.'t\::irlafkr tlli1Ied lbe "Pad':') lying w~ly From the Un", viz; IlEOINNINO al Ihe$Ou~d)' t\lilllC'r orland owned by the Uwlcd Slll1l:lI, ~lIlll1 the fort H. v, Wright Military RI.~rvlilion, Mount Prospect TnlCl.on lhe ~ of Block Waod &iund or the AllllnticOcc:;w am:! tunWn:g thtl'lCC nQrtb:rl)' foUowillilil the .Eut botmdIuy of 1hl: Ridlland or !he Ulrilcd StillilC$ 10 IhI: southerly lilll: of E.ut End Road (lIOmI:limes called Oricnllll AvCftue) and poilll is the oonbcil5u:rly colTlC'rof land of lhe Unile SIatcl;. tbcm:e c::ros.sillilil1hl: ElliS! End ami (aJlowing the same CQum;: lllI the Ie to !he !Iihon: of Well Kl:II'OOr l,If ....Ishcn IsImd Sound; Said 101 Qr parCl:.I of land beiRj; bounded. nd ~ribed It.ll follO\YS.: 11.2 Homesite No, I, Ot.G1.NN1NG at a SlOne 1TIi01lunlC11i1 seton IhI: ~ulhl:ulc:tlysidc of II roud fony fret wide. uid mOllUimenl bcil1\l Wl1:)"(OiJr Md IWI!1Dt)'-one hundn:dIM Ii:c;t Sollkth or & poinl whJ.::h LS twmly-nine hundred and one nil ruur-)lImdl'cdJlbs feel West of lIllOlhIl-r tmli"VlIIl1CIlI markin,g lhe US, Coat lIndGcodl:tic Survey Trhlnlll,11ation Station "Cboeomount:l" (willl;b Mid hocomOWl.1 2" monutnl:n1 is IOClllCdon the summit of the higbeSl hill on F"B ts1WK~ N., y, ::l.boutlWO Md one-q~ miles Wcst of tbC' .Eutc:m end of f'IJlwB I.JWnd lIDCI 1iC$ South SC\'tnllNlinc lk'grC'ttS tWL'itlI)'-nil'lC minull!:s and rOl1y~si;r; ~OJOOs E.ut of North Dumplil1tl Lipt in FtsOOI'1i Islllnd Soundl; and running lht:ncc North IWenty-l:\ll/'O minutcllllnd t~l1y liI:'COtllb East fOIC)'-cipt. and SCl/l:1Ily-onr: h.undtl.'dtbs fcct lD a s:Wce ;W\ on the North~)' sldtC of Ri,~ mad; tht_ NOT'lh twtnIY'IWf.l mlnuleli and thirty fi<<OndsEmI fO'Llr hundred and four nd r0l1y~ hundredths fcellO the shore or IZi~ 1ll1md Sound; thtoce.. willi tile ~ of_ 'Sound, Nonh.c:igbly.two degrees fifty-four miDUlC$ ami forty $CCOI1ds EllS! mtcnl.y-live and . 'l.Iilldredlns f~"C1. Sol.llh sill'ty'otWQ degrees thirty-four mmillCS lil'Id forty ~ ~ QI'IC huncl:n:d wneli<<ti and rony-IYl1Q h~ fed, North eighIy deg~ and !en minutes Eat sc:venty- Sill .&nd twcl~\'''ku~ feet. South lifiy-seven dqj.n:c:s fill)'-lWO minu~ and lhiny $l:COnm &il finy Md $Cventy.scven hundn:dths f\X'1 and South Ihitl)'--eight dCBrocs mimIles and 41\, \ 8 IhittY$eCOnds 'ElIst C'i~ly""inc: and lwo hundredlhs feet 10 n sblk.c; thence SOI.IIh Ihilty-lWO tpCC$ thiny.tive milllJlC$ olld Ihin)' llCCOnds WUI two h.Lmdrr;d and 1i:CVCXItec'll and tWCIHY ~ feet Iu 1lI. sl3ke; lhl.'nCc Soulh Com dl:'~ 4nd ~lllC mlnmc Wat one- humlil'ed lIlld~ ony-si.x W1Id sixEeen.tlLmdn:dths 6.."C1 to Q .s.l3ke; and thel'lCC l;;u....'....."1 NQnh i:ighl)" 31(p .jlbt dtlltccs tort)' minules andlwcnly KConds WCSct twohw~ ii1it1d lhirly fa:1 10 the plac:c of ! beallllling< 8iE1NG "Nt) INTf.NPEO TO 82 Ipcrion of me pRmim (~rlOd .. HoIlIairw No. I) _..,... III $*-w Wflkc:r, as TI'Iil$IlIc OrR Marpm W. SpoffOl'd TNII. ~dmd No~ 4,11111. by deed from tUprIlI; W. Spofford ditIOd l\Io~ 17, 1912bdRC'Onlcdoa NOllCmbcr27. 1972 "llM SlItTca ClxtIlly Clert's 00lft ill 1.._ 7290 pqc 392. TOOE,THER: wilh aU rip.. tide ~tnd ia~ if WI)', of' tbI:: plitt)' or tbI:: first pIU1 in and COWl)' S~ and mads Ilbulung the abo"~ dacribcd PfCmises to the ccnler lillES thereof. TOO!,TRER with the lIppu~:cs.lIPd mo tbI:: .c::sllIt~ whieh the Aid dcecdem hlId IU tbI:: till1!l: of ~:den~'s dead'! in .lllIid pn::mhc:s,. and also the mate ~. whieh the party of the first pa.n' has Of has pOwer 10 conveyor dll>pOi>C c.f. w.bcthcr individunUy,or by virtue of ~ wilt Of olhcrwuie. lltld TOGETHER with all of the "Sin, litle: and inlel'!::5l of the plitt)' of the liBI put in lIPd 10 !he lands ~~ndet lhe wl1t<!n of Fish!:l"li IslllDd Sound adjolnitli SIIid pmnises and t~r with !he lIPpUI1~1'IlU'Ices lltldaUlhc C$~ and right of the pIU1y <lfthe firs! plitt in and to said pn::mix:s. .TO HJ~ VE AND TO HOLD tile lK'emisn heretlllWttcd Wllil!he party of !he K'COnd pan, the dl5trib~~ft's Or S~li$OtS and lmiWrfll orllle pIllty orllle ~ plitt tOl'\W\:r. M'D till: pill'ty of !he first plitt e:ov,manlS that the pill'ty of the fif$1 pIU1 has IlOt dcnr or suJrcred anything whereby Ine said PfCm.ise:s IllIve bcal incumbered in aI1)' way whlUevcr, cxccpc llS aforosaid. AND Ule patt)' of the firSl plltI. in llOmpliancc; with Soction 13 of tbe U= Law, Wnvemmtl _ !he plI:l1y to lhe fim pIItrl willl'CCC'ivlC lbc t:OlUidcrWOtl for this eonvcyaIlCC and win hold 1bc riJ,ht to l'CCC'ive such .COIISidcl1ltlon as a tl1M Cund 10 be lIppl~cd "fit for lbc PIilrJlCI'5IC of payinllbc cost or the illtlprovmll:l\l IItlld willl'lpply lhe iAiII1C first to the paymmtof tbI:: COlI: of the i:mprovcment before Il'ling !in)' pm of the 1C(a/ of the AmC for nn)' other purpt:*. The: \Yord "'plI:l1f' shall be (OMtt'Ueo as if ~I rclld "panics" whenevCl' thr::KIlllC of this ind'c'IllUl'e 50 rt:q1JIi'I'l:$ IN Wr:rNESS \VHEllEOF', Ihc ptlft)' of the fim pitt hllS duly tX~ Ibis deed the day and' . year finlt above wrillen . ohn s(~~ooi1;s~'~Of e Mugan:l w.. SpOfford Tnm ooJ!~Y Ntlvcm.ber 4, 1911 and lIS Executor of the Esl.alc of Marga.tct Walla:t SpOftOrd flv S, -kb-C: , ~-cIl. SlII::CfUOl TI'l.ISke of the M W. $pofford Trull oriainlll~)' \'!al;cd November 4, WI I and as Execueor of the Eswe (If Marpl* \Volker SpotTonI N.lmh:r .lip.... 1l.:JiRRENS ~ ~ 2llO2 s.p :0 lh ~ 2? Il" E~d P .ltoNlmr a.EIllC {F StIF'l'tU: .COl.tIT'I L POOO1Utl 1>146 OT' oroeeol ~ri1lll# O:1tW.o,llt" _ Pmlll'or, If _ o.:.:d I MllfIPllJ: l.n~lrnm<:1l1 .~ I MO/tillIlC Tax SWIlP fB":5 ~dlfll.' Fi1inl SWnpi 2J ,~ I Fllm~ fL'1: Hoodlin!; "..5114 011 MMI. AmI. t &~ 1'lu 2. Ad4ilicmil TilJ fiub'lbl:i:ll SpccJIU:41 N~ ('r EA.-52 111CnulJl~1I SubTOtal A~"~... ~), Rt-J. Q'Pl! Ollw' Id .-...: Spec.1Add. TOT. ,MTO, TAX Owl T(>WII_ Dulll C~_ Hdd IN' Appointmcb -' 'ffWllil.:r 1:1.11 ~ _ M~TM 'Ilk: pn.p,:tl)' ~n:d by 1M man~ i.lI IJf will Iw improved by 3 one 011'1_ fafnily dwellInG 'Wy, YES llf NO IrNO,_~"d__lIll "c:J:2 plI'" If 01' UlIli illsVulllenl. EA.5:!l1lSllllcl R.P:TS.A, 3v-:.- __2~ Conllll, ,)( Ed SubT,1II1lIl _~4_ - Cir.tllllln~l .......JO (p ~Dt~l Il.._~:..- R..'lli ~I 0203.1626 1000 (1)300 0200 OUOOO Pn'PCfl)' Tu Scrvi<< A~y Vcriflaitiun 1 Di,....", ,..., 5 c---i1iU1&f.:t7 Pr.n.,....,~ ...... CoJ:lBlderatkm Amount $ ~ cpr Twc Due $ Impn....C:Ii 7' SlUillrlal:dMdDi~iC'l\IRclc--~ W!<l Pm$IICI"lY Ownch MWlina ~ -!J RECORD lIl: Rlt1l1i11..1" TO: VIA It e "'i- ( A-Se 1/5 s 1JVpA..,ll.e () pfLf' /fA (Y? ((' /! r /lJt).}J 'I a1t1:; 17/"/ 1 TIlle Com 1tJ6:.;1- J7ff 7 Cu, Name Tille:. ~ Suffolk, County Recordinl & EndorsementPaae Tht~ poge fn~ pwt "f lhe il!.1lOI;'llcd ~ (J ee tJ. .1...- mIlde ny; ISPl:!CIFYTYPE Or 'l'anctlMENTl drv LU Sf6~ ~ . lbc: pn:miIGlw:n-in i~ m.UlIkd m . 'r S ,!'3I'v~ t?-:.~ SUf'R)L1( COUNTY.NRW YORt.: ",c(fiI'Hll,7S "1l([$~'S ~ ,;)-A:;""..,..,;s rL)./72, //7 TO In lhe TnwmJllpl'f ~ (;/.../ J~lw ~ ~'J. fA f7:;/?1(J (l~ In Ilk: VltJ..AGE 1iJA.r1~ ~ , ,.& NK'd/1P A!" Rt4'/#tt1!k- H"'\tl.ET uf BOXES' nnw I MUST BE TYPED OR PlitlN11ID tN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 RECORl>It4G OR RUNG. VlIQUIit l.and TD ....J m :: :;z: . rnr.....tien 1111111I111I111II11111111 ~IIIIDII I 111!!111111 II I Mil strPFOLK COtJ'lft"l CLElUl: RECORDS Ol"FJ:C:B RECORDIlm PAGE 'l'YPe of XQI!lt~t: Dl!IX:'CI8/DDD ~T of iP&llllUlIl .. 'riI:MSI'1IR TAX NtJKBD: 02-08801 Rec::or6G<< I At. t.:I:BI:a: PllQE : Ot/2712002 111.5127 AM D00013211 746 oi.c,riet; I 1000 8.<:ti~1 Block. 003.00 OJ.OO auamm JWD CllAItGXI> AS lI'Ot.I.OWB $0.00 Lot: 011.000 J:loeod Amo'W11:, Recei~ tbe FollOWi::lg r... PI)%' P1l98/1'1l:1.n51 COB EI.-<:TY '1'1'-584 lU"1' '1'ran.fillr tl.x $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Above XQ.t~Qt h"""':pt NO R......, H.n" NO filii ~O HO D-STAft NO cert.Copie. NO 8C'TH NO C~. Prill. 11'... Paid $5,00 $15.00 $.15.00 $C.OO 80,00 $0.00 $106.00 IX _' NO NO NO No Ill) NO ftU8l"llm '1'JJt IlroXBD. 02-08801 naB P.La& Xlii A PUT OJ' T1IJ: :DlS~ Itl.'brard p. Raaalne COUDCy Clerk, Suffolk County ~ ". PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING 0 FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// or PHONE ( 18) 473-7222 i RE~L PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK ~TATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES I I I RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3197 I 1. Property L- I fR.\VA1f (<'OA \) oFrl Erts-r END .&),,:J> Location STREET NUMBER STREET NAME L- CH0c..O~OutJl' COIJ€E' I FiSt"lER..<o. '<:'/.AINl> !J/ 2,Buye, I .1;h~wwS.LJ. s'PorR#.D -t !l1J~t4Ur S,8eN;'~ 7RuSlEes iJF nilE Name I t',~~':~M~7-YAS Sfv(fJr~ TKuS."- v..IL/w;;'~f 1JMf1?~€T I)Rt)(GI( LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent I S~ ~(FVj2.J> I :JVHJJ S. W, Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) : J Add . LAST NAME I COMPANY , FIRST NAME ,eos ~ ~ 6,4~ ~Np Rurl,) I Po Box /3LJ hSVl~R~ !<"Il VI 0039~ STRE:;T NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN ! STATE ZIP CODE I a39~ ZIP CODE I s/QFfii;p 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels trans1ferred on the deed [3] (Only if F!art of a Parcel) Check as they apply: I # of Parcels OR Part of a Parcel .. . . .. 0 4A. Planning Board with SubdivIsion Authority EXists "1 C JI 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer D ~:t"JFR'h I x~ It ~~kt< Ish FFJ't2bAC't~c~ir;RI;;'J'~:t:TbA~;"~7/~7;;oV;ded 0 3rmf;r"'~~IJJ, SIJI-h)~)) It !IIAP~4it:l( ~~~/f.91 t~VS1 eE5 j I L- I LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 5. Deed Property Size 6. Seller Name A ~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land D Non-Reside,ntial Vacant Land E~ Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment / Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check Ithe boxes below as they app!y: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Pro~rty Located within an Agricultural District 10B. BuyJr received a disclosure notice indicating that ~he property is in an Agricultural District o o o o 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the lIse of the property at the time of sale: :.:.. . '1. Sale Conti-aClDute Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Sel!ler is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Frac1lional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant qhange in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None [Olive 14. Indicate t~e value .of personal 1 I I I I ,n .0 0 J II / A. property Included In the sale ~,. ftf.l(l n I'~~~." WJlIC(!b$I!lIe$l F!IM~A$H"Meai IlIJlI lllidTiocllml Month / hlv Day Year 15. Check one or more of these cOnditions as applicable to transfer: . \ '" -t~l~ltil Month D., Year A B C D E F G H I J 12. Date of Slll'1 Transfer / / 02- 13. Full Sale Price , , ~ (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or othel' obligations.} Please round to the nearest whole d lar amount. ,-0- o , 0 I IAOl'f<)1T f,; Wi II ~ ItI-/.i:E~ S () FFo~)> 16. Year of Assessment Roll from 1 which information taken 17. Total Asseslled Value (of all parcels in transfer) 1 ; ; Z:B. ro.o.O , 18. Property Class I 2-. ? D 1- LJ 19, School o;51o';ct Name I Lf +Y6D~ ? -2 - 1/ I C{ \ K 10..- (DC 0 t:_~I'j ., , I certify that all of the items of infonnation entered on this fu,rm are true and correct (to the best of my knowl~e and belief) and I understand that the making of an. Y.. willful.false.mttemii, of ~. herein will SUbjld me to the provisions of the penal law relative tq the making and filing of false instruments. ,., ,,/'/\.). J..,:, YER (-- . 8UYER'S ATTORNEY I~;j;f~~/ Sj:C,lh:.,;) I (Vf'7jOl-- R~'rr(~RF~RD BUYER SIGNATURE .eA s...,.- e~ KcJ4.DDATE No*" ~.Jf-A I,y )12-- ~Iq STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) f(S.rle~~ 20. Tax Map Identifi,er(s) I Rollldentitier(s) (If more than four, a,ttach sheet with additional identifier!s)) ha*) I /Jf,o ~K I q We. 5t'12 {" Y\ .z.O-r q 3- L - ( J Cf{()(Of~(Ol.{N-r CO()E; LAST NAME I tJ ,AJ It'! ,20 r FIRST NAME ) B::; 00 .Jr: STREET NUMBER AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER IS. I )J~ UbYjo CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE ."~' /.1 /')\ . ,(. l""J I lICe- SELLER SI~ATURE ;'L1. ; ID!Jj!! ) , f. .".1.-:j. "- \ c_<. fd ' '/, " .>("-~-~~'I........., "...1 '::'/";f!. 1/, I (,t- DA1"!: ' . \ '~, " "- " I " I"" I / I I~\\i t>>e>>. 4o.~ IN I ..J.--1- ----- 1'01 - 0( "', ------------- ----- '/~ - ----------- / I - - ~.- /' .? -\.'Q , I I y " Nr:,,,, "-4 I>~<:>!<y ~ I ! I I , I /