HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 708 , ... L/2tWl f108 (~ --Lf:3 .. ONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING 1MIS INSTRUMENT.THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ day of October, two thousand five, HOWlAND D. MURPHY. 11 East 94" Street- 4A, New York, New York 10128, party of the first part, and CONSTANCE M. PAINE, 30 River Road, Willsboro, New York 12968, party of the second part, _' .~::. . WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Nlnely-Seven Thousand Five Huridred and 00/1~ ($ 97,500.00) _ -dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the' seCohcl part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, an undivided one-twentieth (1120) Interest in andlo ' _, All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, being more particularly bounded and described on Schedule A hereto. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE an undivided one-twentieth Interest in the same premises In which respecl/ve undivided one-fifth Interests were conveyed lo the party of the first part, the party of the second part and thnle other parties by deed, dated May 23, 2002 and recorded in the OffIce of the Suffolk County Clerk on August 9, 2002 in Uber 12202 page 268, the undivided one-twentieth interest conveyed hereby constllutlng one-fourth of said undivided one-fifth Interest so a~uired by the party of the first part by such deed. TOGETHER with all righi, IiIle and interest, If any, of the party of the first part In and 10 any streets and roads abulllng the above described premises lo the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estale and rights of the party of the first part in and lo said premises; TO HAve AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been enc:urmered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will nlC8lve the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right lo receive such consideration as a lrUsl fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first lo the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the lolal of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the flrsl part has duly executed this deed the day and year flrsl above written. IN PRESENCE OF: S_ad N. V.B. T.U. Farm 8002 - Borglln _ sa Deed, with eav.n.nt -e....ol 0,.,,,,,'. Act. _ UnIIann Aclcnawleelgmenl '", A" SCHEDULE A to Deed Party of the First Part: Howland D. Murphy Party of the Second Part: Deed Dated: Constance M. Paine October 'l ( , 2005 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land and premises, with the buildings 'and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Fishers Island in the Town of' Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly described as follows: '. . BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly line of Central Avenue, said point being 5416.09 feet North of a point which is 57.24 feet West of a monument marking the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station .PROS": and RUNNING THENCE North 16 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds East, 178.35 feet to the shore of West Harbor: THENCE South 61 degrees 42 minutes 54 seconds East, 106.55 feet abutting northerly on West Harbor: THENCE South 16 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds West, 155.79feet to the northeasterly line of Central Avenue; THENCE North 73 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West, 104.12 feet along Central Avenue to the point of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH the undivided one-twentieth interest of Seller in an undivided one- quarter interest in the Munnatawket Beach, so called, location at Fishers Island aforesaid and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly line of Central Avenue, said point b,eing 5545.46 feet North of a point which is 209.82 feet West of a monument marking the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS": and RUNNING THENCE North 38 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds West 22.02 feet: THENCE North 73 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, 110.65 feet: THENCE North 61 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds West, 88.00 feet, these last three lines abutting southwesterly on Central Avenue: . , THENCE North 27 degrees 23 minutes 56 seconds West,43.63 feei to the shore of West Harbor, ) THENCE South 66 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East, 155.33 feet: THENCE South 75 degrees 36 ITinutes 14 seconds East, 80.32 feet, these last two lines abutting northeasterly on West Harbor: THENCE South 03 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds West, 46.80 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACK- ~I'lllIMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE , " ,"' Stale of New York, County of New YorI< sa.: On IheZ~..tL.day 01 October In the year 2005 before me, the undarsigned, pononaIIyap...-.cl Howland D. Murphy personally known to me or proved to me on lhe basls of satlsfllClory evidence to be the Individual Whose name Is ..bsc:riled to the within Ill8Irumenl and acknowledged to me that he 8ll8ClI1lId the same In his C8paclty, and thai by his IlignelW1l on the Instrument, the individual, or the pllI1Illn upon behalf of which the IndlvldUalllCl8d~ted the Inslrumenl. -.' ~'l~ .~- . " ~ Notary Pub! (s1g[lllJy"I'e;a'!d olflce of individual laking acknowtedgmanl) ~ \,..- ~ l . . . _. . ,8v'iiiWiIOT QAV18 "~"PublIo. 8tid8:af N_ Yark .". . ,. .;.. No. 'O~'DA808I7lI8 ""QQ=I ,~.~ CW,~;I.. O~'l1aidla1,ao 07 ..., . ....... S1ale of New York, County of 88.: On the day of In lhe year before me, the undenligned, personally appelll8d personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individuals Whose names are ..b.w I>..d to the within Inslrumenl and acknowledged to me that helshellhey IIJl8CUIad the sama In hlslhernhelr C8pacllies, snd thai by their signaturss on the Instrument, the Individuals. or the person upon behalf 01 which the Individuals acled, exscuted the inslrumenl. Notary Public (signature and office 01 indlviduallaldng acknowledgment) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slale (or District of Columbia, Tenitory, or Foreign Country) of sa.: On the day 01 In the year belore me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satlsfllClory lIIIidence to be the Indlvldual(a) Whose nams(s) is (are) ..bsc:ribed to the within inslNment and acknowledged to me that hafshenhey executed lhe same In his/hernhelr capaclty(ies), and thai "by hisllwnheir slgnalure(s) on the InslNmenl, the Indivldu8l(s), or the person upon behalf of which the Indivldual(a) acled, execuled the inslNmenl, and thai such individual made such appearance befont the undersigned In the in (lnsellthe City or other pollllcal subdlvtllon) (and Inl8rllhe Slale or Counlly or olhsr place the acknllWledgment wa. laksn (signatura and otIIce of Indlvtdual taking acknllWledgment) HOWLAND D. MURPHY TO CONSTANCE M. PAINE DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 006.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 003.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK - SOUTHOLD STREET ADDRESS (no #) Central Avenue Fishers Island, NY 06390 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED wnH COVENANT AGAINST C3RANTOR'S ACTS TItle No, RETURN BY MAIL TO: srMDMD FORM OF IlEWYORK.... m= TlTLEINl_'__laUI ClIHoaI by RESERVE na "ACE FOR USE OF RECOIlIIINClllFRCE .- .. ... Number of pages " ToRRENS RECOROEC> 2005 HaY 01 09;59; 11 RM Edward P.Roaaine ClERK OF SUFFlU: COIJNTY L 000012417 P 708 DTII 05-13315 s..-rial # Cenificate # Prior Clf. II Deed / Mongage InsllUrncnt Deed / Mongage Tax Slamp FI:::ES Recording / Filing Stamps 3 Al1idavit Cenified Copy NYS Sun:harge 0Ihcr IS. 00 Sub Total Mongage Amt. 1. Basic Tu 2. Additional Tax SubTOllI.I SpecJAssit. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment ::....---' Trun.,fer Tu C) 90 _ Man.,ion Thx The property coveral by this mongagc i or will be improved by a ODe or tWI family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate laX clause on plIge # of this insllUmenl. " - -() ~ Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 S. ..00 '5 NOIIItion ~ EA-S2 17 (County) ~ _ EA-S217(Sl.atcl 7 _ ~- Sub TOIaI Comm. of lid. 5. 00 R.P.T.S.A. Grand TOlal 1000 006.00 4 Disl. Section Block Relll Propcny Tax Service Agency Vcrifil:8lion 5 CoIlUDUDlt)' PIIs.mUon 1I'aD1I 00600 0400 003000 Consideration Amount $ 97. ~oo CPF Tax Due $ -0- Improved t,../ 6 SatisfxtionsIDillChargesIRl:lcases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD" Rt.'TURN TO: STEPHEN L. HAM, Ill, ESQ. MATTHEWS & HAM 38 NUGEt.'T STREET SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 :ant / t1 .' TO TO 7 Title Com Information Co. Name ntlell 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of \he attached Deed <SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by HOWLAND D. M\JRPHY The premise..' hcrc:in is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of SOUTHOLD CONSTANCE H. PAINE In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of FISRF.RS T!:T ANn BOXJ;S 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 111111111111 11111 nlll 11111 II 11111 11111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument I DERDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number I 05-0114551 TRANSPBR ~AX NUMBER: 05-13315 Recorded: Atl 11/01/2005 09159111 All LIBER: PAGE: D00012417 708 District I 1000 Section: 006.00 BXAIIINBD AND $97,500.00 Block: 04.00 CBARGBD AS Loti 003.000 rOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Fallowing ree. ror Above In.trument Bxempt Bxel Page/riling $12.00 NO HaDdling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STA"l'B $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Transfer tax $390.00 NO COZIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO rees Paid $542.00 TRAHSlI'BR TAX HOMBBRI 05-13315 THIS PAGB IS A PART or THE INSTR1DIBN'l' THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRI11NG ON FORM INSTRUcnONS: http://www.orps.ltate.ny.ul or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY . . ,4,1,3cg89 '-:2 / Q..I ~~I I C4.p_IlOK, j~ ;;~~~. tl ~_...-- If - .. 1.. :"~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPOR Cl. SWIS CocIII ::J2"Z, PROPERTYINFORMATH)N STATE OF _ YORK STAlE IIOIlIIIl OF REAL rnurut" __ RP - 5217 1IP-J:11", JIIJI 1'=1 (no ,tL .''''''J Southold cnY OR TQIMI Central Avenue 111IUT ..... Fishers I.land - 06190 ...- z.~ No... PAINE LAIr __, CDIIPAItft' CONSTANCE K. ..., NMI[ LAIT ,..../~AWY HIIII ,.,.. 3.T.. __fuUwr.._....be_ I ..... N _.... ~_lal_ allarmI . - 1 84 Spooner Road .....,........ "'.,...1 ..... .. ........ the .......... at aTI .-4 Roll ,.... L_AL...d on the.... . J FRITZE UlST __, COIII'Mr ANITA w. ....- Chestnut Hill CIT't...~ L :::...v I - ..........,. Ixl ...... 101.1 .~. .4 .0 I I M.A 102467 .,... - QIK COnly..... 01. _ _....,." CA. PIonnI"II_ _ -- Aulhartoy...... 0 - SubdI\rtNN. AppIodI_ Rlqund far T....... 0 C._~IarS.IlI""........whhMop_ 0 I , 01........ 011 0 PlrI 01. ........ ..- - MURPHY lAST ..... , CIDIlIPAH't HOWLAtlD D. -- LUI'*-/~'W .... - ..... the __ at.... property .. 1M ...... at .-.: A~OnIIFIftlI.._ B 2or3F__1 C __LInd D Non" IoI-.dIJ Yecn Land l SALE INFORMAll0N.1 "._~- I! ~ AgricuIrurol F _ (j ~ II ~I"",,,",,""" ~Communlty- J I_rt.ol . Public_ L _ -..--....,." I. OwnonIllp T_ iI CGndomInl.... .. _ c:ar.bur:lfon on _.. LInd - ~-_../9IOuIIu...lliIIrIl:I - Buyor -.-..-..-Jng IhllIho _ loin on........... _ o o o o 7. CIIecIlthe box MIow whIcIt .... - ~.. . -- / "., / v.., 1i. a.Ic.. _.......... _ -. . _ .. - .. to......r.: ___or Formo,IIo_ _ _ _ Componlooor P_ln_... 0nII oI"lIuyn .. _ . _ ...... or Sol_ iI 001._..._. ~ or Lonling __ Dood ~... -IllY or .....In _ _lSpocIfy_ _oIF_or~_Fw_C5pKlly _, SItnlIlcont CIIongo;" "'-'" _ T_ __ ItId S -"'-.....-............. 0Ih0r UIIUOllOI F__ng.... _lSpocIfy_1 Nono .Z._oI_/T__ L1f - / Of / 05 "., v_ .:1......_....... , .9.7,5, , , ,- IFull _ PrIco 10 ... ...., lmount pold lor Iho pro_ InoIudlng 1*_ _. ThIo _l1li moy be ... ... 10... 01...... athor _ or goodo. or.... _mpllon aI mortglllll ar 0Iher .....,,g . _J "'--1OUItd tD rIM....,.., lIIIIoII doIIarMlOUlll. 1.._.._01....- I 0 0 I __...._ . ,0.. . ASSESSMENT INFORMAllON - DdI ohould reIIoclllle ~ Finll Aouum.nt RoII.nd r.. Bin .I.Y_oI' ......--105 II1.T__v_...._In_1 _..10................ . . . , ; .1 n , n .n , . '''PrapMya.. 12.1,0 I-LJ 1..8chooIDIIIrIIIt....IVfa.'hA,..a Ta.1Dftd ZO.T..Mop.... - 101/__111.....__.___ .-. ,",_I 1000-o06.00-04.00-00~_nno I I CER11F1CA11ON I I mdI'y .... oil "'... _ '" bA.. .. ......... .. Wo _ .... InIt MIl _tlo .... _ "'_ ......... ... boIIoIl.... I '. ~ .... .... _ "'''' ...... - _....... '" - loci - dlllldo<t .. .. .... .......... "'.... ....... low -.. .... -... .... IIIIoa "',.. ....-..... 1m!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~t.i...cA.I"'- "..~ 1- .I-'~r ~4~rJ MM....~ Constance M. Pain I 1'J1 '1~ DA.. Ram ...,- ~f"!i'h.n , . .- TTT 30 .nu.T_. River Road ....IT NMIk WlIIIIALIJ . (~u., 'R1-7Aon ...-- Willsboro arvGIIIICMN NY ..... 12966 ....... !Wi!! 1L.Li.)~ NEW YORK STATE COPY InJ~ 1M