HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecreation Use PolicyKEN REEVES 970 PECONIC LANE RECREATION SUPERVISOR P.O. BOX 267 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NY 11958 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT 631.765.5182 APPLICATION FOR USE OF SOUTHOLD PARKS FACIILITIES PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY TODAY’S DATE: ______________________________________________________________ REQUESTING ORGANIZATION: _______________________________________________ APPLICANT'S NAME:_________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________ HOME TELEPHONE: _________________ BUSINESS TELEPHONE: ________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ FACILITY DESIRED:__________________________________________________________ DAY(S) AND DATE(S) OF USE: _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ REQUESTED TIME FOR FIELD/PARK/COURT USE: FROM: _______________________________ TO: ___________________________________ REQUESTED TIME FOR LIGHTS TO BE ON (IF APPLICABLE): FROM: _______________________________ TO: ___________________________________ NOTE: LIGHTS MUST BE TURNED OFF BY 10:00 P.M. REASON FOR USE: ___________________________________________________________ IS ADMISSION BEING CHARGED? YES___________________ NO __________________ IF YES, HOW MUCH IS BEING CHARGED?______________________________________ PLEASE PROVIDE A DETAILED EXPLANATION OF HOW THE PROCEEDS ARE TO BE USED: ______________________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________ HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The applicant/group/organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Southold, its officials, employees, and/or agents from all claims, lawsuits, hospital and/or doctor bills, actions, proceedings, and liabilities for the loss or damage to property, or any injury, the death of a person, including any expenses incurred by the Town of Southold defending any claims, lawsuits, or action that may arise as a result of the conduct, actions, including the negligence of the applicant/group/organization to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. I have read the attached "SOUTHOLD TOWN FACILITY RULES AND REGULATIONS" and agree to abide by them. NAME OF ORGANIZATION: ___________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT ______________ _____________________________________________________________ DATE PLEASE PRINT (PRINCIPAL/AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FACILITY IS: REQUEST IS: AVAILABLE { } APPROVED { } NOT AVAILABLE { } DENIED { } ?? YESNO CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE REQUIRED? __________________________ __________________________ Recreation Department Supervisor SOUTHOLD TOWN FACILITY RULES AND REGULATIONS SOUTHOLD TOWN RECREATION DEPARTMENT 631.765.5182 1. Permits are required for use of all town fields. Permit applications are available through the Southold Town Recreation Department. 2. Fees for use of town fields must be paid in advance as follows: TIER # TIER DESCRIPTION FACILITY USE FEES Town of Southold, Little leagues, Tier 1 non-profit groups, civic No Charge organizations, local schools, charitable groups, etc. Resident For Profit $25/1/2 day Tier 2 Groups that charge fees (up to 4 hours) ?????????? $50/full day (up to 8 hours) ????????? $200/week flat fee Non-Resident For Profit $50/1/2 day Tier 3 Groups that charge fees(up to 4 hours) ????????? $75/ full day (up to 8 hours) ????????? $300/week flat fee Non-Resident Groups, $25/1/2 day Tier 4 Schools, Leagues, etc.(up to 4 hours) ????????? $50/ full day (up to 8 hours) ????????? $200/week flat fee 3. Town sponsored activities shall take precedence in the use of the facility. If necessary, groups may be asked to change scheduled dates or cancel facility use in the event that fields need maintenance, can’t be played on due to excessive use, etc. We will try to avoid this situation and adhere to your scheduled activity. 4. Persons requesting use of a town facility are required to provide a Certificate of TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Insurance naming the as additional insured. The Certificate of Insurance will not be accepted unless it states all the correct information. It is up to the applicant to maintain a current and up-to-date certificate of insurance. The applicant must sign a hold harmless agreement. The general liability policy should include: Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Damage to Rented Premises $50,000 Med Exp $5,000 Personal & Adv Injury $1,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products-Comp/OP Agg $2,000,000 5. The facility must be left clean and orderly and in its original condition. Trash clean-up after events is the responsibility of the organization. Please make sure teams pick up water bottles, litter, lost and found articles, etc. after practices and games. Trash, garbage, and all other litter shall be placed in containers provided for this purpose, and shall be limited to litter accumulated during use of town recreation areas. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any refuse brought from private property in receptacles located in town parks or facilities. Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit the disposal of refuse generated from park use such as picnics, barbecues, lunches, etc. 6. The responsibility for safety and order during facility use is that of the applicant. The use of the fields when standing water is present, footing is unsure and slippery, during heavy rain or severe weather storms, or following heavy rain will not be allowed. It is the responsibility of the organizations/coach to cancel the event during such conditions. Failure to cooperate with this may result in loss of field privileges as well as it will result in compaction of the turf and unsafe playing conditions. 10:00 PM 7. Lights are to be for group play only and must be turned off by . Use of 10:00 PM lights past may result in loss of privileges for future activities. Individuals are not allowed to use lights for individual use or non-organizational activity. 8. It is up to the applicant to make sure that if food or beverages are to be sold at your events, the vendor has the proper health department certificates and certificates of insurance. Requesting organization must approve vendors. Outside vendors will not be allowed on the facility. The town may require proof of these documents from vendors. NOT 9. Alcoholic beverages or other controlled or illegal substances are permitted on town property. 10. No open fires are allowed. Smoking is not allowed on any town owned facility including playgrounds and park facilities. 11. Consider other park users. Boisterous, immoral, or indecent conduct will not be tolerated. It is unlawful to use profane or abusive language or to conduct oneself in a manner that interferes with the reasonable use of the park by the general public. 12. Use or discharge of any type of air gun, slingshot, or explosive is prohibited. 13. Please cooperate in keeping the rest rooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition. 14. It is unlawful to remove, destroy, mutilate or deface any structure, monument, statue, vase, fountain, wall fence, railing, vehicle, bench, shrub, tree, fern, plant flower, lighting system or sprinkling system or other property in any park. 15. It is against park policy to play car stereos, radios, or "boom boxes" - portable audio equipment, such as tape or compact disc players - so loudly they interfere with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of 75 feet or more. 16. The applicant must assume prompt responsibility for any damage to the grounds while being used by their group or organization. Abuse of Policy 17. The following steps will be adhered to for any abuse of the policy: First Offense: Written warning to team and President/Director of the organization. Second Offense: Suspension of the team or organization from practicing on fields for one week. Third Offense: Forfeiture of a team or organization’s privilege to either practice or play games on Town of Southold fields for the remainder of the season and denial of future applications for permits submitted by such team, group, or organization . Field Permits may be revoked for: ??Unsafe playing conditions (see #5) ??Use of alcohol or other controlled substances at field sites ??Excessive litter ??Cars parked on fields and other grass areas ??Use of foul and abusive language ??Failure to adhere to Town ordinances. Town of Southold - Code of Conduct 18. The Town of Southold has adopted the following code of conduct as a result of its concerns for good sportsmanship in all athletic events. Sports can be used as an opportunity for young and old alike to learn how to engage in healthy competition while maintaining respect for their opponents. All parties involved in athletic competitions should adhere to the highest standards of constructive support for the contestants. By utilizing the Town of Southold recreation facilities, all parties must abide by this Code of Conduct. Violations may result in the loss of privileges at town facilities. ?Participants and spectators will be a positive role model and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy for all players, coaches, officials, and spectators at every game, practice, or sporting event. ?We will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player or parent, such as booing and taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language or gestures. ?We will respect the officials and their authority and will refrain from questioning, discussing, or confronting coaches during the game. If warranted, we will take the time to speak with the officials or coaches at an agreed upon time and place in a courteous and considerate manner. ?We will keep in mind that children participate to have fun and that the game is for the youth, not the adults. Adult leagues, please take heed of your behavior during participation in your particular sport. ?We will provide a sports environment that is free from drugs and alcohol and will refrain from their use at all sports events. ?We will remain respectful of the athletic facility in which we are using and will not damage or deface park or town property. In a nutshell, play fair, be a good sport and role model, and remember the golden ? rule . 19. The applicant/group/organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Southold, its officials, employees, and/or agents from all claims, lawsuits, hospital and/or doctor bills, actions, proceedings, and liabilities for the loss or damage to property, or any injury, the death of a person, including any expenses incurred by the Town of Southold defending any claims, lawsuits, or action that may arise as a result of the conduct, actions, including the negligence of the applicant/group/organization to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT AT 631.765.5182.