HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 345 ) ,"oJ , L. I~:> 70 f 3~) 1(;{X)-0- (-If-j ..,...11I & ..Ie d..... wtlh CIMIni'" q&uIII ".,............ or corp. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFOIlE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY TillS INm;NTUK~:' mad. on J'"bru.ry ~. 2005 KETWf.~:N J3mes V. Righl~r and Anne R. Righter, rc.~iding 3t 68 Be3,:on Hill, Bosll'n. !'vIA 20108 purr)' or.hl!' Ilnt IM......ad , Bry.m N. D3nforth. re~idinll at III ClIseadilla Purk Road, Ithaca, NY ] 4850 Itar1)'.rlh"'C'C'D1Id p.n. WITI'it~'iSETII, ,hOllh. I""'y of ,h. til1llJ:U\, in .ansid.....ion ofTen Dollors orul ndIc. wl..blc ..,...id.r.lion paid by ,he "",'y of Ih. 5L"Cunll pan. dOCl hrl\."'Y grant and relL'u>>&! unto II~ rurty UrlM scmnd ran. Ihe heir-'i nr mctellS(lri Bnd migns of, the rmt). orlhr: S&:~und pUrl l'-'rever, . Al.L thai c:enuin plot, pia.'l' or parcel afland with 1M buildings and improvernc:nlS Uteroon en:clL'\.l. situalc, lyina:; IInd bting Ln Ihl: Town of Snulhokl. COlln'yofSulTolk .nd 51010 .fNew York being mo..IUII)'dcscribcd on Schedule A o"""hed hereto ond mad. 0 """ h."".f Ilt.:ing 1M SilITIC rremiSCI c:un\'Cyc."'C1 to gnlntur herein hyt.lccd. Wiled (1I171Rti und recorded ?JII/M in Uber 10075 pagL' 5.l', TOGf:T1IHK with all riWil. lith: and inlen:st, Ifany. ufthc: pallyaflhr tine ptln in and 10 Wly JiIrCClS and rouds abulnng dw llbuve th:scribL-c.I pn:miscs tn the .:enter lines thereof, TOCiE11IHR with the- :appunrn:uw:n and all the!' estDlr.OO righls ofrhr party of the linn pan in :met 10 flaid pfC'rniSl."S: TO IIAVE AND TO IIOI.L) the pn.omllk:t herrin 1'.....Inl..."'llInlo the petn)' urlh... ....('UlId 5'tUn. the hC'ini lIT !liU':..:'L'liStlr5 ;md :lSSigns orlhe: I?'"tYOflhc 5L"C:Ond p.:In (oltV\'r. AND the parlY oflhe first pan covernU1Ui thai the pallyoflhe lirst: pan has nOI done or sutTered Bn)1hing whereby the cILd prcmiSt:s h:l\'c ltL'\"II mcumben."tl in any ""y whatevel'. I~XCepl :IS :afureSaid: AND Ihe p3J'ryarthe (irst purl, in cOlnpliilna: wilh SeellGn 13 orlhc Lien l.:J.w, Nvt'nanlS lhalthr party urlhe nrsl pari will recC'lVe the consider-III ion fClI this convey:mcc and w:ill hold the- rishtlo I"Cl:civc IUch conl~r8liun as:l bust fund 10 be- applied nrll fUf the purpose: o( paying the- cOSl or,he- impnwcmenl and will apply the same firstlU Ihe p:I)'rDCnt of the NIl. UflM in1pl'Ovemcrll brfim: using any I't1n oflhe lotal oflhe samC' for any nlher purpose .n1l: wurd "parly" sIuIlt be eonSlrucd as iril read "parliesD whenever Ihe.senR orlhlli indcnlUrc!in rC~llIirl'S. IN WITNI::SS WUI-:RI::OI;. Ihe p3J1y uflhe nDl ran h:.as duly C'xl.'l:'ulcd Ihis dc-oo Iht day ;unl year first ubuvc: wrillcn. IN I'KK~f.Nq: m': ~ fi. ~~I''--c- Anne R. RiShlCf . '. ACKNOWlIE'DGMENT IN NEW YORK BlATE (RPL 3n-.) Stltr of "Ie" "ark. Count). of \VKfl'hClter 5S On. __ .-' 200_. bcfi.'re ~, lite undcrsiAJ1ed, p<T$Onully ul'fl"ur<<! pen;on.lI:r kn"",. to me or prow.! 10 mo on the basis of satisfaclory c\'idel1C't" 1t1 be the il1l.lh.itiual(s) whose nDmo(s) ;:1 (.re) suhseribt.'lI to the within instTUmcnl DOl' ac:knnwlellg~,1 t('lll14.:' thai heJshc/lhey execUled 'the sam" in hislherhheir eapueily(ies), .nd lbat by hi.lhrlC/lheir Sig.~3iUn.'fs) Dllllu:' instrument. die indivhlual(sJ'. nr the person upon hehalfofwhich the individual(s) .cted. eXL"f..'uled dlL' instnlnlCnl rll""~{lJtJ""t\'.yirJil:JJti"III""a:IH"U..~" ACKNOWlEI)GMENT OUTSl)!. NEW YORK ITATE IRPI. "....'1 Sratr of MUMthuRII'Ii County of .J~-./~~ S$.: On ft'hruw'y 1.1[.21105 befime me, the undcrsiJl't'd. flC"""ally upp<'ar..,1 JDrl1CI V, RiJhter and Anne R, Riyh'.. pC'rsunully knuwn In me ('II proved tu mr un Iht bll5ili of 53tis. faclory covidrnL"&: 10 be Ihe indi,"idual(s) whose Nlrncfll ill (arc) subScribed to Ihe wilhin in!iitro~nl and xknowlC'dp,I:d 10 I1'K' ,h., h"'."r,lhey, hC/lhey excculC\1lhe IitImC' in hislhcrllhcir l'apaC'iI)1ic'sl. and Ihal by hi~cr/lheir .!'ignatun:(sl on the inSlrurMnl. thr in<LIi- vidu"l!s), or ,"" p."..." upon behalf of which ,he indi.iduulCsl 3C1cd. eXCl'll.IIOO Ihe in"rulnL'rIl, and lhat such individlllal nt.lde sUI:h l.lppt""JIr"oInC'e bell-trc Ihe IIndcrsisnftl in (1UItrt dt1" tit pdIIr1i'1ll ..wIY'b;.. ,,-4 "tiff' N"""'" ., oJIW",.,. <<DOlI"" -.."'...,' ..-<J-~ //L.~....4-~ ~&L/6~'..J (SIp.'1f*\:! 1P.,.'.1fi'" ~{iIfflIrlJII.' MII"lllllj,"""""/x'..c"Irt' MARIE B. CrlOAKE NOT.4RY PUBLIC MY COW:lilmHl EllPlhES Afh:!.23, 2005 ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY SUBSCRIBING WlTNESS(ES1 . Slllf ur (:nllnl~' of liS. On personullyappeared hd'ilR~ nlC, [hl' undersigned. Ihe subscrlhing wilnLUn) In Ihe forrgnins instrurmnt. \\;Ih whom I am person.lly acqUDlIIlcd. whu. being by m. dul)' sworn, did c1cp050 and illY Ihtlt h..-lmellhcy rrsidC'tsJ in 'rf. ,,,. pi.Jn or' ,..,/Mrt(Y ir;" {I ri,.,.. ,,.,.,,..tIw~.,,,/,,,.,'ft',,~.II.'I".'~~ thai helshellh~)' knCl\\ts)to be the indIYldlud(s) described In lInd who ,,'xccutN Ihe rUI'\."G,uing inslnuncnt; 111m said suhscrihing WllneS5ll's) \\'US ("'''ere) pn.-sent and saw snid exeeuK' Ihe .!l:Ime: OInd thai said wilnl"!L~es) at the Slllne lime sub.5Crihcd hillhCl/IlK'ir allmd'sl us D wilnL'SsCn;) lhc:reIo. 10 i[lalcn rm'.riJL' Nrw Ytri Sldll! illff11 ("il.l. r)r [MliUral subt#i,oision and Sla(e or r'tll",',,' or tHlu:r pIQ(,~ nC'knoM-II"l/"IIIIL'nl ,alt.lt!n Ami lhal saul lubmibins ,,"ilnC'Sli(~S) rn3de SLlch appearance before d~ undr:rsigncd in 1I1f'1l1",,.tfllll"Jllrro/llftItriJlaJi,,,,i;''''''''''';;'''''''ClIII SI:CrlON III.OC;K 1.oT COllNTY OR TOW'" 6 I 4.001 South"ld RI!T\JRN BY MAIL TO: Stephen L. Ham. III, Esq. Malth.... & Ham, Attorneys 38 Nugont StnIeI Southampton, NY 11968 Zip No. Ilargain and Sale Deed wrrH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Ro,YrYt ".,. spKe far UR DlIIHordIng 0II1c. -, . .... ....-" . IUD '.U. ................,.,M;II SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION AMENDED OZ/14/05 AU. that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Fisher Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, belngl bounded and desaibed as follows: . BEGINNING at a monument on the southwesterly line of Crescent Avenue said monument being located 5960.73 feet North of a point which Is 3667.96 feet west of a monument marlcing the United States Coast and GeodEOtlc Survey Triangulation Station "PROS'; RUNN.lNG THENCE South 15 degrees 3!1 minutes 55 seconds East, about 694 feet to the shore of Hay Harbor; THENCe southeasterly about 33 feet all)ng the shore of Hay Harbor; THENI:E North 24 degrees 14 minutes t) seconds East about 4B5 feet to an iron pipe on the southwesterly line of Crescent Avenue; .' THENCE North 36 degrees 16 minutes II seconds West, 73.00 feet along Slid avenue line to a monument; THENCE North 63 degrees 30 minutes '10 seconds West, 416.75 feet along said avenue line to the monument at the point of BEGINNING. . SUBJEcr TO right a way In favor of John S. Guest over a portion of the above described tract, said right of way being triangular In shape and Is descrlbed as follow: BEGIN!NING at a point of beginning of the above desalbed tract and; RUNNIING THENCE South 15 degrees 3!I minutes 55 seconds East, 50.15 feet; THENCE North 78 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East, 60.56 feet to the southwesterly line of Crescent Avenue; THENCE North 63 degrees 30 minutes '10 seconds West, 81.47 feet along Slid avenue line to the point or BEGINNING. .I -~'\lII ., Certificate of TItle .... Number of pages ~ TORRENS RECORDED 2005 I'I.ar 14 10.40.46 AM Edward P. ROlla i Ill! Cl.ERKOF SlFFOlK COOllY... L 000012376 P 345 011 04-32459 Serial # Cenificale # Prior Clf. # . Deed l Mortgage InsllUment Deed , Mortgage Tax Stamp fEES Recording' Filing Stamps :TI Page' Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. J!!L Mnrtllage Ami. I. Basic fu 2. Addilinnal Tax Sub TOlal SpeeJAs.qjt. or Notation SA-52 17 (County) SA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Suh Total Grund TOIaI \~- Spec. ,Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinunent TrolOSfcrTax ~ 10.0. ~ MllDsion fu -' ~ ~ -=--- The property ,-overed by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO J If NO. see appropriate taX clause on pIlge # of this insllUmrm. ~ M Qlmm. of Ed. s. ..Q!L Affidavit Certified COI>y NYS Surcharge Other IS. J!!L Sub Tlltul ~Dist~00~Scction006.00 I Block 01.00 Lot 004.001 5 eo_UDity Pre..rvatioD I'1uul , Real Pmpe Tax Scrvie Agency Verifieatiol 00600 0100 004001 Considerati $ 1.680.000 .ltJ.600 v CPF Tax Due Imprtlved 61 SalisfaclionsIDischargesIRelCllliCs List Prc.perty Ownel'll Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO. Vocam Land _ TO -.J D Stephen L. Ham. III. Esq. IIatthews & Ham 38 Nugent Street Southampton. NY 11'968 TO TD ~ 7 Title Com n Infonnation Co. NameCommonwealth Land Title Ina. Co. TItle# RH04301758 Suffolk County Recordina & Endorsement Page Deed .~ iJ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) This pIlge forms part of the atllll:hed . made by: JAKES V. RIGHTER and ANNE R. RIGHTER The pn:mises herein is situated in SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the nlwnship of In the VIll.AGE or HAMLET of FISHERS ISLAND BOXES II THRU 8 MUST Be TYPED OR "RINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO BRYAN N. DANFORTH SOUTHOLD (over) 11111111111111111 Hili 1111111111 11111 11111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 S'WPOLK COUNTY CLBRIC RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBEDS/noD Number ,of Page.: 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0026363 TRANSP:&:R TAX NUMBBR: 04-32459 Recorded: At. 03/14/2005 10:40:46 AM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012376 345 Distric.t: : Section. Block: Lot: 1000 006.00 01. DO 004.001 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed ADount: $l,6BO,OOO.00 Receive.:!. the Following Peesror Ahove Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/F:iling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATIi: $75.00 NO TP-5B4 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transf.lr tax $6,720.00 NO Manaion Tax $16,BOO.00 NO Comm. P:~es $30,600.00 NO Fees Paid $54,272.00 TRANSPEll TAX NUMBER: 04-3245g THIS PASB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romain8 County Clerk, Suffolk County I ~?, -LR" ,l?',rl , , C2. Date 1- ...._ I e.~ I <,? I '~.!-, , 0._ I ,/,..l...~, ?, CIC4.P_L, .~, $L,51 PROPERTY INFORMATION "-L .- no II IT.....T...,..... Crescent Avenue' ......- L ~,&~old ..- L n"nf'nrt-h NuDe LAlJ'rNMll'/CXJIIIHMY L """'T NAMI lOlJIINM't .. Tn ""- ......Iulu.. r.. BlIII... '" be.... L -r'\ & .1t'IA..Tlt .... ., eM thin buror IddraII tM baUom of knnJ --.Jt!..,.. Addr-. . I.AIT lIAW, CQIIMW L t;'.o. 90'" 1.li.7 ' I Ttt.AcA. ITNIT....... AND muT NAMf an' 01 ~ ............,.........01.& --nl Roll..... b_....,.............. * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF JOEW 'ORK STATE BOARD Of REAL _RTY IERVICE8 RP . 5217 ....uI7I1n'JIrJ F'5her.s .IsIcc.nJ ........ ..<<lilt Bryan N. _r_ _r_ '&1'.1N1 ,.}. _r_ 3 . 0.1 I 1,J.III~IS\> 1'4. c;(lDI o "'Sl'llt"~AppmnlMlFllq&aredfDr"""'" 0 c.""" ~ forSubciWlkln with....,_ 0 , I ."'Porcole DR D Penol.Pe.... 1OnIy1_..._____ U._...._wilhSol__~ S.=:.... il s,.. Ixl 10111 ...... -.... "'''''' ..- No... L Righter l..flIT NMIE 'CDIIPANY L RiCl'hter LMT HAM' Ic::oMMNY James V. ...rNMIL 1. Oteck the 1:10. below which molt .....-Iy..... the.... of the prGpIIrty M: the tIm. at ....: Anne R. -,- E ~ Ailrlalllu.el ~ Cam<nunlly Setvlco F CcloweRieI J 1.........1 Q __ PubllcSeMoe H _'/_ L Foml A~ One F.mllv RcUSanlIIII R 2or:IF..-Uyflesldenll.a C Relkleml.. V.:.nt Lind D __ v..... Lend I SALE INFOR~ 11..... Contr_ DatIl 9 I 20 I 04 I ManIt! Dlr YMr _.3 /2.. I or 'lE" 1.IIfe f _I MrntI c,., v_ 12. Date 01 .... I r,...,. -....---.....- I. 0wn01>hIp...... Ccnbn;nlum .. NIw ConMruc:don on y"*,, LInd __"-_""""""'DleuIcI ,.......-.--1ndIoeIing IhMtIlI~.in.,AgrIcultwllDillria: o o o o 1&. .,... OM 01' more of... .....a..- . ........... ~ A s.Io s.twaen ~ or Former .......,. a ... &.tween RllIIIld ComPII_ or fWInerIln Bull"... COne"'''' ............._ I) Buyer or Sdor II CcnammDI4 Agoncy or L.IncIIng I~ E Deod T'/III_We,,_ or _n end _18__ " _ 0' F_, or leD........ _I"""fy _I G S_tChe....ln _ _ T_......... Sole 0- H SIll or Bulineu iI Included In 81. Price I ~ Un...... "- AII_ Solo Price ISpeclfy SoIowI J None L. ,1.6,8.0,00, , , . (Full 8I1e Prill>> II tho lcee! amounIlMid for 1110 propolI.y Including pnonIl PfOPtrty. lbit "VIMnlnyy be in the form of cnh. other propercy or good&. or 1M -.npdan at rnanpges o.r cnMr obIipUona.1 ...... tOUnd fa ",. nellWI/t.... doIW iImOUIII. ,..-.....-....- I , -D-. 0 . 0 I properly Included 11II 1M.. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - IlaIa ......Id retllCllIle _ Fin.' _m.nt Roll .nd Tex Bill ,1. FuI .... Price ,I. :;:...,..:=-.::- 10 . 4 I '7. T__Y_Ial._lnlr__1 , 1 .1. 7.0 .0 , , 'a.~c_ 12.1 ,n I-LJ '1.IchDaIDillrictNlrne I Fi Rhc.rA Tal.nt"l 21. T_ Map klllnllft.-latl RoI .......... CI ........ fDIIr. ..... aIIMI: willi .........IdenIIIIIICaU ...-1-4.06) liOO()- OOfo,OO ~ -(/l.OfJ - 00 'i. 00 I I CERTIFICATION I I mtlI)' - oil ellIIo...... IIIlafonnedan _ I. .... &.nil ........ ud -.... '0111Io'" "Ill)' ........... _ hoIW\'" I _ .... .... meIdag alllQ wIIlIdr...._ur_Illd_w11IOObJo<1_latbr .........-11I11Io_ III.. _1a1llo-.......lIIIIIBeI_......---. !!!!!m IIUVEIl'S ATTORNEY !:~:: 11\ :~~orth.:fJaL I CMcA9l.LM f'ANr-~l>- 8.,.,14 ., I "-/51S/ \ 'ft\,IItUl I ,J L...l~ 9'$"& art~TQIIf" ITATI' Z1PCCXlf ~. 's V. Ri' t.. I , C<- -- 1.... ~~- "' '), ~ olj ...........- Anne R. Righter ,.... I1NIT HlJliIMII .1".' NAMI WTPlIALD I' WI N"IIt R;:Im III ~~P" T. 631 _.".. 283-2400 """"""'..-. NEW YORK STATE COPY