HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12215 P 748 , II. L\ 22- \ S P 1Lf-8 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER 1lEF00E SIGIIIlNG THIllINSTRUMI!NT .TlllllINSTRUMENT S+\OULD BE USED BY LAWYERS 0Hl. Y nus INDENTURE. made 1he i" "" day 01 October. two I:bousand two. lJETWEEN BRENDA T. ESSElt. also known as Brenda Callaway. 24 Wel1ingl:on Road. Locust Valley, New York U560, 7- 3- ~,2 party 01 the Iltsl part, and THE ]1EN!lY L. FERGUSON KUSEUM, IIIC., a chad table corporation ,organi,."d and exiating under the lava of the Sl:ate of New York, .,1th 1I:a principal office ..t (no I) Equestrian Avenue. Fishera leland, ,N",'-Yorl< "0"63-9"0. I ,'\ ;party 01 the sacond part, 'WITNESSETH. that lhe party ollhe lIrsl part. In conslderB1lon at' %ero---($O.OO)- ______ ~ _ do1IlIl'lI paid by the party ollhe second palrt. does hereby granl iIlld release unto the party 01 the second part, the heirs or SUCCe&1lOl'S and asslgnll at the ,party 01 the second part forever, ALL thai certain plo1, p1~ or puree! 01 land, wiIh the buildings snd IfIllll'OVemsnts thereon em:Ied, siluate, lying and being iA-lAe at FiBhers Island, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and Stal:e ,of lIew York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth on Schedule ... hereto. BEING AND INTENDED TO liE the sa.e premises conveyed 1:0 the parl:y of the firat part by deed recorded on December 22, 1980 1n the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk 1n Liber 8933 page l80. TOGETHER with aU rIghl. lttle and,lnteresl, II any, 01 the party 01 the IInII part In and to any slnlets and roads abolllng the above described pmmlses to the cenler Unas IhereoI; TOGETHERwllh tM appurtenances and aU Ihe eslllle and r1ghls oIlhe party 01 the Iltst part In and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOlD the premises herein granted unlo the party of the second part, the heil1l or successors and asaIgns 01 the party 01 Ihe secondpartlorever. AND the party 01 the fil1ll part covenanls the! the party 01 the firsl part has not done Of &IIlfared enylhlng whereby the Beld premlse8havs, baIIn encumbered In any way whalevar, eXcept a5 afOlWSld, AND the party 01 the fitst part, In compliance wllh Section 13 01 the Lien law, covenants thelthe party 01 the first part will recelYa Iha consIdlItaIlon for ll1is conveyance and w1111101d the right to receive sud1 conslderalion as a lrustlund 10 be applied flrsl: for the purpose 01 paying IIIe COIit olthelmpovemant and will apply the - IInII to ll1e paymant 01 the cost (If the fmprovement before Il$lng any part 01 the tote1 01 the sema lor any o1hef purpose, Ths word .party" shaD be conslrued as 1111 read .parties. when ever the sensa of Ihls Indenlura SO r!!qulnn, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of Ihe IInII pari has duly execuled this deed 1M day and yaa' 1lts18llove written, IN PRESENCE OF: C?x~l cr ~)C Brenda T. Essel< ..ta. Sl.nhfd N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002. SIIllJ1t1n end SM Dud. with Cowntwtt..........' Gr.mot'iAd. - Ui\lIOtm Aduw:NJtadpdinl Fnrm 3290 ) SCHEDULE A To Deed Party of the First Part: Brenda T. Essex P,lrty of the Second Part: Deed Dated: THE HENRY L FERGUSON MUSEUM. INC. October I b ,2002 ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Fishers Island. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York. more particularty bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe 011 the southeaster1y line of a road. said iron pipe being 10000lted at 3602.29 feet North of a pOint which is 1048.62 feet East of a monument marking the United States Coast and GElOdetic Survey Triangulation Station "NIN"; and RUI'IINING THENCE Soulh 49 dl9grees 43 minutes 48 seconds East. 416.1 o feet to a point; THENCE South 41 degrees 33 minutes 43 seconds West. 300.00 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE North 49 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds West, 442.77 feet to an Iron pipe on the southeasterly line of said mad. said iron pipe being at a point of curve to the right having a radius of 667.31 feet clnd the direction of whose radius at that point is South 50 degrees 57 minutes 37 seconds East; THI"NCE northeasterly along salid road line and fOil owing the arc of said curve, 101 .15 feet to a point; THENCE continuing along said road line North 47 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds East, 200.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING. II 2 l Srrial #_ RECORt>E() 2002 Oc~ IS 03: 54: 27 P1'I EdlHlrd P. RoDaine ClERK Of SUFFOLK COl.IIll'l L DOOOI221S P 748 DT# Q:2-111197 Number o( pagel. TORRENS C<<tifteale #_ PriorCl[ /1_ Deed t Morlga&e Inslrumenl Deed t Mortgage Tu Slamp FEES' Recording t Filing Stamps :D !'age t Filing F ". MonKD&c AmI. llandling TP-584 I. Basic Tax 2. Additioml Tax Notation Sub Total EA-52 17 (Cuu:nly) __ _ Sub Totll EA-52 17 (SIal") SubTOLll Sped Ass;l. Or Spec. Mdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town lJual C"unly_ Held (0' APflUltloomr' . . TransrcrTax _ Mansion Tax The property COym:d by Ibis mon~Igl' is Of' will b. improved by a une Ilr IwO ram i1y d~lIill& only. VES ...NO lr NO, see appropriate lax clause on page /I _"fthi. inslnll11C1tl. If) 1(" tJ;). 6 Communi Prcservlltion Fund Consideration Amount $ 0 ItP.T.S.^- J1J/ Comtn. or Ed. _--1~ Affldayil Certiricd COP)' Reg. Copy Othl'T GRAN!) TOTAL I Reall'ropcrty Tn Service A.gc:ooy V...iflcalioo. I ... ,0_ I n kw-It - , 1.n1 1000 01)100 0300 009002 CI'F Tax Due s o SlamI' ~ Improved Initials . . 7 Salis(actlonslDischargC'SiRcleases Lisll'roperty Owners Mailing Add RECORD & RETUI~N TO: Vacanl Land Stephen L. Ham, HI. Esq. Matthews .. Ham 45 Hampton Road Southampton. NY 11968 TO '1'1) TO =:l 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title # Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa~e This fJigt' fomlS part uflhc atlill:hed Deed (SPEOI'Y 'IYPE OF INSIRUMENT) mad" b~': llRENDA T.' ESSEX The premises herein is silualL-d in SUFFOLK OlUNTY. NEW VORK. TO TIlE HENRY L. FERGUSON KUSEUH. INC. In the Township of In the VilLAGE or HAMLET of SOUTIIOLD Fr~Hp.R!; lSl.ANO BOXES 5 nlRu 9 MUST IiEIYPEO OK I'RlN'ffiD IN BLACK INK ON!. Y PRIOR TO RECOKDING ORFlLlNG. (OVERI . . I111I111111111111111111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I111II1 Rill Mil RIIIII SUI'I'OLlt COUN'rY CLl!lR:K RECORDS OITICE BCORDING PAGE 'f'ype of Inatrw:lr.mlt: DEEDS/DO!O NUIIIber e,f l'aqe.: 4 'l'RJl.Nsna TAX NOMBER: 02-11897 :Recorded: At: LIBD: PAGE: 10/18/2002 03:54:27 PM D00012215 748 D:i.at:.z":i.ct:: 1000 Sect:i.on: Block: 007.00 03.00 ~ID ANI) CBA'Iu:1Im AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 009.002 Deed lIac.unt: . .P&ge/Filing COE ZA,-C'l'Y '1'1'-584 RP'l' .'l'ranafe2: tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 11o;z; Above Inat:.z"wlaent l!Cx8lllpt NO BancUing NO :errS StIRCBG NO ZA,-S'1'A'l'E NO Cert . Copie. NO SC'l'M NO COIIIlIIl. pre. ll'_. paid. $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $102.00 l!Cx8lllpt NO NO NO NO NO NO :Receivecl the Following i"ee. TlilARSl!'Ial 'lAX l'IU1lIBE1l: 02-11897 '1'BIS pAGJ: IS A PAIl'l' OJ!' 'I'D ntS'1'JWHEN'1' Edward P.RGDaine County Clez:k, Suffolk County liSE TYPE OR P INSTRUCTIONS, http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNiY USE ONLY Cl. SWlS COd. ,'" . -.".;; ,4','7, 'S & ,S? ,'7, i' /1:'-2\' Year C2. Dote _ltecOrded LJ:OI / ~ o h " ',.Cay / . <;J1C4.I'8!I01 .7,<'/,<5, ~.llOQk I /..< ..::4 , pflQl>ERiY INFORMATION 1. Property I Location (no #) STREET NUMBER Southold private road off East End Road STREET NAME Fishen, Island 1)6390 ZIP CODE CITY OR TOWN 2. Buyer Name THE HENRY L. FERGUSON MUSEUM, INC. LAST NAME I COMPANY LAST NAME I COMPANY 3. Tax Billing Address Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) LAST NAME I COMPANY STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 1 5. Deed Property Size Ixl lOR I 2 'ACRES' ~ FRONT FEET DEPTH 6. Seiter- Name Essex LAST 'NAME I COMPANY Brenda T. 'It I LAST NAME I COMPANY 7. Ctlesk the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: ~ ~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E ~ Ag"'"""'" F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment / Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest VILLAGE FIRST NAME FIRST NAME 8 , FIRST NAME FIRSTrlME REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SER'fIC~S' RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3197 FIRST NAME ST~TE ZIP CODE lOnly if Part of a Parc~) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided D D D Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicajng that the property is in an Agricultural District D D D D 11. Sale Contract Date 15. Check one or more o' these conditions as applicable to transfer: SALE .INFORMA lION 12. Date a. Sale / Transfer / / Month 0., Year 110 / 1& j)2 Month 0., Year , 0 ,0, 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal prope.rty. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property- or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 13. Full Sale Price 14. Indicate t~e value ~f personal I I I I I ,0 I 0 I 0 I property Included In the sale, , . IAS~S~i\lTINFORMA'l"lON.D'I.!slloukl rolflect tnelatest Final AssllssmMI floij and t.~ Ililll 16. Vear of Assessment Roll from p which information taken 2 , 17. Total Assessed Value lof all parcels in transferl L. l 18. Property Class p 1 1 , I-U 19. School Diot,ict Name IFishers Island . , 20. Tax Map Identifierlsll Rollldentifierlsl IIf more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier(sll 11000-007.00-03.00-009.002 A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution DEied Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale ISpecify Below) Salle of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Si!;Inificant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates SElie of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None Gift: of vacant land .. ; 2 1 , o 0 ; l-~-q.;). 1 l :a:lltl/jICA'l'lllf-j .l .. , . . I certify that all of the items of infonnation entered on this form are trbe and correct (to the hfst of my khowledge and belief) and I understand that the making' of any willful false statement of materW fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the pena] law relative to the making and filing of false instruments. trun!! . THE HENRY L. FERGUSOIrHUSEUM, .INC. Bv R '.). "A.-A)....-L. 10/ I(? /02 ~ER SIGNATURE DATE Robert J. Miller, Treasurer (no #) Equestrian Avenue Ham 631 STREET NUMBER STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) Fishers Island 06390 NY CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE / - SEl~ER . 1=-,/, .- (-/.1-. . ....j, . I I" I . '-_ '','OJ\ ~1O/ , b /02 SELLER SIGNATURE Brenda T. Essex Dm LAST NAME AREACOOE BUYER'S ATTORNEY Stephen L. III FIRST NAME 283/2400 TELEPHONE NUMBER CITY !TOWN ASSESSOR COPY ./