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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12227 P 972 L 12221' (J 17d, 7~ 3- 7 St.::.d.~d K.Y.8.'l'.U. Fora 80112: B.r9ain and ..le deed with covenant. 4gaine'C 9:rant.l)r. acta DBBD THIS ~w.-TU"". made th.. 13t!..Jeu... of ~c:e_lHu-. 2002 BBIftlAAIlI ---7 HENRY J. F1GLEWSKID.d I.INDA L FIGLEWSKI 137 WILDCAT HILL ROAD HARWINTON. CONNECTI~UT 06791 par1:y of the first part, and ANDREW STEWART P.O. BOX 132 ~:I;)' ~j' bl'l.o HARTLAND FOUR CORNERS, VERMONT 05049 pa~ty of the second part, Ir.[~SSS~ ~hat the party of the firs~ pare, in con&1derat~on of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, docs hereby grant and rel.ease unto 'Che party of the second part, and the hei~s O~ successors and assigns of the party of the second part, forElver: .ALL that certain plot, piel::e or parcel of land, with buildings and i.mpJ:ovem.ents t~er.on erected, situate, J.ying and being in the Town of Sout;ho1d. Cou.nty of Suuf01k ,and State of New York. Dore particularly desc:ribed in Schedule A atta,ched hereto and made a part hereof. UDrQ the same premises conv1Byed 1:0 the party of the first part by deed da1:ed 10/1.1/79. recorded 11/8/79 i:1'1 Libcr 8725 page 469. made by County of Suffolk. ~TIIBR wi1:h a1.1 righ1:. ~i.t1e ilnd interest, if any. of t:he party of t:he fir,eli:. part in and to a:-ay s~rtilets and roads abu~tlng the above described premises to the center lines thereof; ~T~ with the appurtenances and all chs esta1:e and right:s of the par~y of the first part in and to said premises; TO BAV. AI1D TO BOLD the pre:n1ses herein granted unto the party of t:he second part forever. .AlII) ehe par1:y of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not or suffered any'ching wh.ereby the premise8 have been encumbered in C!llny way whatever. except .IlS aloresaid. AJIID the party of t:he first pare. in c:o:apliance with Sec1:ion 1:3 of the Lien Law, covenants that. the party of the first part wi.1.1 receive 'che consideration .for this conveyance and will holcl the right ~o receive such co~sideration as a trusc fund to be applied first for the purpose of pay.Lng the cost of the improvement and wil.1 apply the saree fi~st '::0 the paymcm: of 'Che cost of 'Che improvement. before using any part: of the total of the samo for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if ic read npartiesn whenever 1:he sense of this indenture so .::"cqui res. m WXTIIBSS WIIBIlBO:r, the l~arty of the first: pac& has du.1y executed this deed the day and year first .ilbove writ'Cen. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~~~~ I'~c:>k' tlENRY J. FI WSKI ~~~ . f2u~' . DA L. FIGLEWSKI Il.'. I FI p.: ""80022648 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPnON AMENDED 11/06/02 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, 'ying and being in the Town or Southald. County or Suffolk and State of New York; BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the southerly side of a Road Forty feet wide. said monument being Five Hundred and Eighty-Four and Nine-Hundredths feet East of a point which is Thirty-One Hundred and Seventy-Fourt and Fifty-Two Hundredths feet North of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Trlangulatfon Station "Nln" (which said "Nln" monument Is located near the Western end of a ridge overlooking the South Shore Of Fisher Island and on the hIghest point between Chocomount and Mount Prospect and lies South Forty-Five degrees Seventeen minutes and Twenty-Six seconds East of a North Dumpling Ught In Fisher Island Sound); and RUNNING THENCE Eastwardly along the southerly side of said road (following) the arc of a curve to the left whose radius Is One Hundred and Ninety-One and Eleven-Hundredths feet and the direction or whose radius at that point is North Two ilegrees Fifty-Five minutes and Four seconds West) Ninety-three and Ninety-Five Hundredths feet to a stake; THENCE Eastwardly (following the arc of a curve to the right whose radius Is Twenty-Four feet and the direction of whose radius at that point Is South Thlrty-one degrees and Five minutes East) Forty and Thlrty- Nine Hundredths feet to a stake; THENCE South Twenty-Four degrees and Forty minutes East One Hundred and Fifty-Two feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the left: whose radius Is Seventy-Seven feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North Sixty-Five degrees and Twenty minutes East; THENCE Southeastwardly (following the arc of said curve) One Hundred and One and Eleven Hundredths feet to a stake; THENCE South Nine degrees thirty-Seven minutes and Ten seconds East Two Hundred and Seven and Twenty-SIx Hundredths feet to a stake; THENCE North Elghty- Eight degrees thirty-Two minutes and Ten seconds West Two Hundred and Forty-Six feet to a stake; and THENCE North Nine degrees and Nine minutes West Three Hundred and Sixty-Seven and Ninety-Four Hundredth.~ feet to the place of BEGINNING. Title Report Numberofpoges TORRENS r I~ 2 I L/- J Serial II RECORDED 2002 Dee 31 03:37:30 P" Edward P.ROIlai"" CLERK OF 5!FFOLK COOIlTV L l'OODI2227 P 972 Dftl 1)2-21362 CcrtifiAIe ._ Prior Of. II Dcocd l Insarumem: Deed, Manpae Tox Stamp FEES Recordlna' FiIl"ll S....."" 4 ....e , Filina Fee Handling TP-~84 Mona-ae Ami. I. Basic Tox 2. Addi.ion., To>< Notadion Sub Tot.. EA-~2 17 (Coun.y) EA-~217 (S'OIe) R.P.T.5.A. Comm. of Ed. SubTOICOI Reg. Copy OIher Sub T-.. /07 SpecJAssi.. Or Sjloc. 'Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual C(NJDly_ Ileld for ApponlOllmen. ~ Tronsrer To>< / I7rtJ MonsiOll To>< _ The propel1y covered by Ihi. mon_ i. or will be improved by . one or two family dwelling only. YES o.NO_ IrNO. see appropri.te tax clause 011 PlI8e" _ of .his inslRlmenL s~ 30-=- Affidavit Ccnined Cop)' ORANI) TOTAL Lot CPF Tax Due s l Real Property Tex Service AlJCIICY Verilicatioo DiaL Seclion B lode. 6 Communi Stamp 1000 00700 0300 007000 1llIIe Improved lni'iols Vacant Land ~ 7 In , Stephen L. Ham, I:CI., Esq. Mat'thewa & Ham 45 Hampton Road Southampton, NY 11968 TO TO TO 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Commonwealt.h Land Title Title tI 8 In8. Co. Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 1bi. page forms pIII1 of the attached Deed made by: (SPOOFY TVPE OF INSl1UJMENT) HF.N'RV .1. FIGLEWSkI and LINDA L. FIGLEWSKI The premises bcrc:in is situa!ed in SUFFOLK COl.NIY. NEW YORK. TO ANDREW STEWART In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of SOUTHOLD FISHERS ISLAND BOXES S lliRU 9 MUST BE lYPEDOR PRJNrED IN BLACK INK ON), Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (OVER) I 1111111 III I 11m 1I11 1111 1111 1111 11M I11111I 11111111111111111 11111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 02-21362 Recorded: At: LIBBR: PAGE: 12/31/2002 03:37:30 PM D00012227 972 District: 1000 Section: Block: 007.00 03.00 lI!YaxIHBD ARD CHARGBD AS I'OLLOWS $250,000.00 Lot: 007.000 Deed Amo\mt: Page/Piling COB EA- C'1'Y TP-584 RPT Transfer tax Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument NO HaDdling NO NYS SORCHG HO EA- STATE HO Cert.Copies NO SCTM NO CODa. Pres I'e.s Paid $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,000.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 $4,602.00 b'""lpt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSI'ER TAX NCMBER: 02-21362 TRIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE IHSTRtDIENT Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE Or.-LY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:// Or PHONE (518) 473.7222 ~, 7. 3, g 2, 9~J Icf C'r /J 7 I I.?,/t/"IJ Month Day Yea' C3. Book L/, d, cl, ;(,11 C4. Page I 1, 1,~, PROPERTY INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWIS Code .... , , .'I'i. ' . \; . .' cz, Date Deed Recorded STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 Rp.S217R...,.3197 1. Property Location ("". ~) STF:EETNUMBER F-l"lWILS .Is L.A,.J!) -.J ~.3f'O I ll~ CODE STF<EHNAME 2. Buyer Neme I ~6 ......U-Oo.,t> rIT'ORTOWN ~:sri=W Aler lAST NAME; COr>.'~A~Y VILLAGE A-N'IJRe.J FIRST NAME L _AS~ NA.V( I GOMF"Ai'. y--~ FI~ST NAME'. 3. Tax Billing Address Indicate where futuf<! T~" Bills arll to be sent if other than buyeraddr-:!ss lal botto:TI of form) L. LASTNJ\ME.'COMF"A"Y FIRSTNA~ Lf:..Q..' Go,., STR:,H r-IUMBF.RANI"JSTREET^-IAMf J CITY OR H.lW,< "''CATE ZIP COOl: 4. Indit:ate the number of Assessment Roll parcels tran!;ferred on the deed OR 0 Part of a Parcel .~#Of.PMcels L.c. IOnly if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Pla'lning Board with Subdivision Authority Existl; 4B. Subdivis'on Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Pa'cel Aoproved for Subdivision with Map "rovided o o o S.Deed Property Size J OR L.c /.~~ L_ ..JxL I'RONTfEET ~krH ACRES 6. Seller Name I_...L"C/ G-(..EWS~ ( LAsrNA~'f/COMPMJ'" L.J.~Gu:z.;.U./ lASl NAME:CO~~ANV JIl'-. . FIRST NAME #6VRy .:r. __~.I ---.J L I.-..JLJA. t:.. , FIRST NAM~ 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the tlme of sale: Check the boxes below as they IIpply: B. OW"9rship Type is Condominium 9. New CO'lstrLJctio'l on Vacant Land lOA. Property Located within an Agricultural District lOB. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultu'al District o o o o Agone Family ReSldsnlial B 2or3Fam:ly Residentia C Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E~A9","""'OI I~ F Commerc;sl .I G Apar:ment K H Entertainment i Amus'~ment L Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest I SALE INFORMATION I 11. Sale Contract Da,te 15. Chel;:k one or morv of these oondition!l as appliclble to transfer: It) IS- I 0'2- I Month D., Year LLZ. / /.3 0.2. I MOfllh Do, Year A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related COrlpanies or Part"1ers in Business One of the Buyers is also B Seller Buyer or Seller is Govemment Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Beiow. Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest ~Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Belween Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is InclLJded in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Pr:ce (Specify Below. None 12. Dllte of Sale J Transfer 25':0,0,0,0,0 , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for \he property including per",onal property. Tr'is payme11 may Ile ;n the fom> of cash, other property or goods, or the assumptior of I'l1ortgages Or ot1er obligations.] Please round to th{J ne<lreSI whole dol/ar amoullf. 13. Full Sale Price L~ 01 NO"v~, 0 , , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bili 14. Indicate the vBluE' of personal property included in the sale o J 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I 0 "1. 17. Total Assessed Vsilue lof all parcels in transfer) L. which information taken ,,--=----.L~ ,I 'Z. ~ 01 , 1 B, Property Class ~~I---.J-L 19. St:hool District Name I FIS!ll~r I f-Ulr....J> 20. Tax Map Identifier{s) ! Rollldentifjer{s) (If more thlln four, attach ,sheet with additional identifierls)) L-.JODO'" 001.DO- O"3..,.,~ Do7.o~ ----.I ----.I I CERTIFICATION I c~rtify that ollll of the items of infunnalion enten-d on thi~ form are true and correct (tv the best of my lwowledge and belieO and I understand that the making lOf any willful falo;e .~tatement of material ract hercln will subject mc to thl' provisions uf the penal Jaw relative to the makilq!: and tiling or false in.'itrurnents. BUY~~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY Az...t..... ~kv.....r ---1 It-ll~oz.. Ii"""", ~npl+V1J LAST NAM~ BUY'!'R SjGN",TUR~ FIRST NAME DAn "311. _L Were-D (2.DA9.~_ 5TREETNUMREl1 STRI:ETNAME IAFTERSALEI (;, '31 7- 9 3~ ~<foo AflEACOoE TElEPHON~ NUMSER ~'f'('AJt) 1'0<1.. c.olLlJl'IUI V'f" (<TY011 lOWr--. STATE 0>"0,{1 Z1PCOOE- NEW YORK STAT:1 COP=----J ~ELLER Ht'.....y .:r. (7)/e..Jr6.., '> MI.k:-{..:r. AI~? ~ J -~-,....~~~" ~2.'/3-0L -L~~SI~ATUfi~~:7:~L . ~;;".-fi:..c.#- .J ..J