HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 374 ". ~ A 281 . .' ....... , ,. I!Jl~ . c.' , ItUIiIrd N.T.DoT.V. '11I'.11107 . "l'IaIa ......... wllII_ .-.......ldI-h.. "h.,. JULlU. ow...... INC.. LAW .LAIII[ Pu.U.H... ",. OONSULT YOUR LAWYER Im2RESlGNING lHIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD IE USED IY LAWYERS ONLY . . ..,." ,. 1'/,{X) 1'HO~SlltJJl F THJ.'S JM)ENTURE, made th.. ..zo day 01 TOI1l: . .J........._ L. ..d and /lie BETWEEN tJl7nsfip[ c;, t.M' tll/d ~d,cl: R. 1: tkJRHI1Q) ""'~()srE€S . . VI<I/JEJe Rt;II'EE/lfE,vT ...M1"E/J ~/.1~/-'lJ' FaK "1JIE EE},/FFlr 0/= lJlI~l3Ilell m. (Jo,(lll/ltn, C;o J&f.-J r: tiJlIUII E.rtiJ, J.joo E'!ST ..rJ' S,IPEEr SOtrE Ife, N€uJ YMI:: /'I.y. I(JC.~ partyoltheliratpart,:lIIEllEAJ;(Y L. FE,ec;()SON /1'ItlSctiP1 lAic Ft;/Jesr/l!l/1tJ IlvE;JU/F F!sHE.eS /stl/f'/J) NY /)"aqo . party 01 the lIIICOnd part, Wrr.NESSETH, thai th. pa"'y 01 the firll part, in eoaaicleralion of ~~e IIvAl/),cEb WO f/ldV.rIl!Jl:J II";./) 6vE I!PAJ~/l!:E1:J (IJc-?,foo,oo) dolla... lawlul money of the United Stateo, _~~ paid ~~ by the parly 01 tho oecond plI.rt, doeo her"". a roloaoo unlo tIu. party 01 th. _d part, the hein or .ucceuon aod ugna of the party 01 the ALL Ibat cerlain plot. pi_ ,.r r 0 ~~.. the buildinll8 aod imp<o......en.. thereon ..-.1, aituale, lying and being i.. lb. Town of Southold, SulTolk County, Stale of New York, being a part of thaI portion of Fishers Island (Wiiich pOrtion is Iiereinaller called the Park") .lying to the . ea.'Il O)f Peninsula Road, said 101 or parcel ofland being bounded and described as follows: ~ \\\N' Dis!. 1000 BEGINNING al an iron pipe on the South- westerly line of a road, said iron pike being located 3714.66 feel North ofa point which i8 1671.17 feel East ofa monumenl marking the U.S. Coasl and Geodetie survey Triangulation Station "NIN" and thence running South 29"25' 50" Weslol25.00 feet to an iron pipe;.thcnce Soulh 41 33' 43" Wc:s1215.86 feel to an iron pipe; thence North 2f 39' 45" Wes1380.36 feel 10 an iron pipe on thc Southerly linollf said road, said iron pipc being at a point of curve 10 the righl having a radius of 386.00 feel and the direction of whose radius atlhat poinl is South 20" 00' 35" East; lhence nmning South- eastwardly along said road line and following thc arc of said curve a distance of 333.08 foel 10 a point; thence c:onlinuing along said road line South 60034' 10" East 75.00 fcef.lo the poinlof BEGINNING. Sec. 00800 Block 0300 1.01 ()() 1000 and Containing 1.71 acres more or less. S UBJ ECT 10 any stale of filets an accurate survcy may show; , ~ U BJECT to c:o~enanls, restrictions, easements, righls, gntnts and Declarations of record, Ifany, and easements for use of public ulililies; and ""' SUBJECT" to all i!ppJicable laws and regulations of Federal, iitatc and 10cIII Governmental aUlhorilie:~. " TOGETHER wi~1t and subjecllo 11I1 easements, covenailts, agrcc:menls and restrictions contained in ,8 Deed daled April 8, 1986liom Barbam M. Gorham 10 Arthur J. Gorham, et al. Truslec:~ Under Agreement dated April 23, 1948 for the benelit of Barbara M. Gorham and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 6, 1986 in Liber 10052 of Deeds at PC 324. The premises being conveyed are the same as the PI'l'.m.ises in the Deed 10 the Grantor recorded in Liber 10052 Page 324. ," ". . ..-~" ~~. .C - I - 4n_...-.,........_..4_,.......__.....,.,.~.....,..--........,.....t".-:J.'"'l"'~_~""" _., 'M"'"-r:t':..... n~~ 1!:~~~~ . , . . .. " """. .. ..... ''', ":~!.> ~..,).,,;<..,'. .', ~;,~-><-r,,~~::s. '-'..:':. TOGETHER with aU right, tide IIIId intereot, illlllY, of Ih. party of !he fint part in and to any aiRel>> and road. "bulIing tho above deocribod premllea to lb. center lin.. thereOf, TOGETHER wilb tho appurt..ancoa and all !he eatalo IOd rigbta 01 tho party of tho 6r.t part in aod 10 said p:rem_ TO HAVE AND TO HOLl!) lb. premu. heroin gnnled unto lb. puIy <If tho aecond part, !he heir. or ,ucCOIllon and ."illn. of the pal1y of lh. aeoond part forover. AND I:h. parly of lh. fire part eovenanta that ,the party of !he fim part has not done or suffered anylhing wh.reby th. aaid premi... bav. been incumbered in any way wha""'er, excopt"-' alo.-oid. AND the parly of the firat pert, in compUance with Section 13 of the J..ieo Low, covenanla thaI tho party of lhe fin! part will receive the e""Bid.ralion for IIlia conveyance and wiD bold the right to roooive IlUCh conoid. eralioD as a lmat fund 10. he apJ~ied finl for th. purpose of payiDg the coat of the improvement and willlipply Ih. ..me fin! 10 tho paymenl of th. cool of the improvoment beloro using ""y JNlrt of the total of the ..m. fDr any otiLer purpose. The wo,rd "pMClyll shall be CODaltrued. as if it ~d uparlies" wheneyer the ~1lIe of Lhb jndenlUre 80 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; Ih. party of tho 6rst part baa duly executed tbia deed lhe day and year tint above written. -fl'v5r '-'lit ~/;,1/1'~ /4() ll1RMR/I m. G~/fHm ,---.... l~ (--=-( -~Jo( t:NRlsrllJE ~ t!oK -rrtJsrEE ~ ___/v/~-- ..,-REblC/: tf:7: a 'Nllm -r7<'tJ-srEE" / .' . ", . STATE OF M4~S"l.hltSt""S ) : 55.: COUNTY OF VII.K..t S ) On the IOi'"J, day olf June, 2005, before me,me undersigned, personally appean:d CHRJSTINE G. CciX, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisflU:tory evidence to be thl~ individual whose name is subscribed to me within instrument and acknowledged to me mat she executed the same in her capacity, that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of whieh the individuallU:ted, executed the: instrument and that such individual made sueh appearance before lIhe undersigned in the -t..""" 0 r C "54 A..""..., (insert me eity or other politieal subdivillion and the slate or country or other place the acknowledgment was taken.) L... _afIDdM.J__gm~ Nom- Pvblil.. " ~\~ LOmt'\'1:'i4;0f"I e)l.~I(eS Jv't ,,zoos ClOUl",..__ --J ) CITY all HAuILTOH . _ULAn m'.IIW.QlJ1IlII .: ss: lIHI1ID ITATD or. IIlElllla ) On the JU~ 20 21l9iyof June, 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared TREDICK R. T. GORHAM, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of siIlisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged: to me that he executed the same in his capacity, that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of whieh the individuallU:ted; executed the instrument and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the HAMILTON,IIERUUDA (insert the eity or other political subdivision and the state or country or other place the acknowledgment was taken. d ~ffice oi! dividual taking acknowledgment " ~" .101 Esj)C!Sltn consafaltbe u~ StatelorAlulllka Signature, " ~ I : .', \ ~ '. ..,( ITATI OF NIW YOU:. ,COUNTY O' On tho day of penonally came .:/oo:~ ~ , belore me to mo mom, In be tho individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. d-.ibed in and who and acknowledged dlat S'A'I O' NI1I11 YORK. c:ouNTY OF On the day 01 19 . helOIll me perMoaDy came to m< mown, wlto, being by me duly .worn, did depoao Old .uy that ho"",ldea at No. that he ia the o! , the corporation dacribod in and whieh executed tho foregoing inalnlmenIL; that . he knuwl tbe lUll of I~id corporllioD; that Iml flea] affixed llJ aid inltnzment il loch corporate 1N1; that it w.. 80 affixer! by onl.,. of the board of dirocton of aaid corpora. lioll. and thaI he oignod h name Ihe<eID bl' like order. -.r'llain anb ..lr .rdl WITII eo"IJlfAftT AUINIT Gtu..NTol'. Acn TITLE No. ('AflsrilJE a-. '~K fl"d 7TeJ,ck R. r aoRN'II11'), I ~lJJrEGS (Jjll 'Ilu/'11 ~6tJ ~11A'8RiPl1lJ1. SOIl!HHIJ] TO /tEAJ.ey L. FERlJtJ,j"o,J IJ/tJ,fEtJIYIINC aa' ITATI OF NIW YOlK. COUNTY I~F On the day 01 pcnonoUy c:ame )<) , before me aal to me knnwn to be the individual oxecuted the foregoing inotrummt, e:z:ecuted tho same. deocrihed in and who and acknowledged Ihat aa. ITATI O' IIIW TOIl. COD,," OF ... On the day 01 19 . before me penonally ClIme the .ubocribing witne.. to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say t""t he reside. at No. tlutt he Imows to he the individual deocribOd in and who execuled the loregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and S.1W execute the same; and that be, said witn.... at Ihe same time subscribed h name as witness therolD. ()b ~ tJl) O$()O wr 00 1000 COUJIITY OR TOWN SiJfFt)l K SEC110N BLOCK RETURN BY MAIL TO: J"CWAl F WilL S# EStp ~() EIIS"-"~ SrtRE"eT StJlr~ I.f" 8 AlEt<J y()/Ct: /Ill Zip No. IOO,il~ .' to.. '_' 1 2J Number "f pales TORRENS Serinlll Cenifieal.1I PriorCtf.1I Dc:.d . Mongage Instrument 2L Deed / MongOS. 11Ix Slamp FEES Page / Eling Fcc L5-_ 3\\"\ Handling 5 .alL 5 TP.584 Notation EA.5217 (County) 5 ~- 30- Sub Total ~D- EA.5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A.. Comm. of Ed. 5. .!llL Affidavil Cenified Copy Reg. Copy Sub TOlo! 15-_ Other 4 I District ~[;clion 00&000 I~ Real Propeny Tax Scrvil:e Grand TOlnl 0".00 Lot 00/.000 Agency Verificallon 1000 00800 0300 001000 -- ~-- .- -.-. .--- - .. -. ~sfaclinnIDischarges/Release List Pmpcny Owners Mnm.. Address ...:.J ~a.. RECORD & RETURN TO: .;; 1EPHel\l L.. HAM, 11["" ESCil. M~TTHew.."" H.4^'1 38 rJVGcNr S'1X~Err- SOu 'TliA "" Pf"'OI'J I ,J '1 'I 'H.cf RECORDED . 200~; J"I 13 11:~;25 AM Edward P. Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012397 P 374 OTO 04-48755 R.:eording I Filing SUlnipa . Mongage Ami. 1. Ilos;c 1.. 2. Addition.1 Tax Sub Total Spec. / Assit. or Sp""./A<IId. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Du.1 County _ Held for Appointmenl . Transfer 11lx 10m -'_ Mansion Tax . The propeny covered by Ihis mOlgnle is or will bo, improved by a one or two fnmily dwelling only. YES __ or NO If NO. see appropriate lllx clause on page 11___ of this instru~~t. __ ~ S Communll Preservation' Fund Considenuinn Amount S 10~ I SOP CPFTax Duc"; $Js>D Improved Vacanl Land .L TO 10 TO TO 7 TItle Company Infonnation Co. Name COMMONWEALTH Tille. I'\OS30",*" ill~uffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Th.i. page forms pan of the nttached ~e'b Cl\jI.\S","'I~ 6.(01'0 ..... T1\.E1>,tl<- f'l'T. &D~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) As rll." '"If! S IINDE14. ~'"t I'lFAlewr The prc:misis herein is situated in Q-tn:D '~!.....f bo 54Aa.\M ..\.~OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In !he Township of C;cH'THC>L.t> ~A.'f \... Fe.A6..JSo...s MVSE'iJII1 INC.. In the VILLAGe made by: or HAMLET of rlSI'\EltS 1'Sol;.A....i> BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 1111111111 1I1I1111 S'D'FPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFF:ICE RECORD:ING PAGE Type of ~nstrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Page.. 5 Receipt Number . 05-0072510 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-48755 Reco:~ded. At. 07/13/2005 11.29.25 AM L:IBER: PAGE: D00012397 374 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 008.00 03.00 001.000 EXAJaIIlED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount. $302,500.00 Received the iro11owing Fees For Above ~nstrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO Ii:A-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,210.00 NO Comm.Pre. $4,550.00 NO Fee. Paid $6,005.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-48755 THIS PAGl~ IS A PART OF THE INSTRtJMENT THIS IS NOT A B~LL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk C0111Ilty P~SE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM iNSTRUCTIONS: hltp:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNfY USE ONIL Y Cl. SWill Code 11-1: 7. 3,.g,~ * REAL PROPERTY TRANSfER REPORT a. DOlO DHd Rec.rded I . 7 I I ..3, 67 $'1 Mondl DIoy v.... C3. Bool, 1'/, .:1!..3 If, 71 Ct. Page G> PROPERTY INFORMATION I /<<'t'//rt '011~ a ,. "'-" l I ;::,s IfE~S ,.IV/N/). N'.t loc8tion IrnIElT NUWU" ITfltET IIAMI! l . );,vrH()L.b I FISift'KS cny~ V\UAOI 2.::: ~~-((~1'~ L. rEI!CUSt>J'1 /nrJStiWIJ (AI'L-. STATE OF NEW YORK STAR BOARD OF lEAL PROPERlY SSlVICEI RP - 5217 .,.. EAlIJ ~/1b ..4111 Ify WI 5'r1l'1c-r ItIC() c {J(J Po 6tJ 1Ji."c.Jc oJtxJ I.tJT 001000 I ISlA #b I CM.3"jo I ..""" l LAST NAWE I COW'ANV '.'MAM: 3. To I~,cioare wbele Mure Tu: Bil, ar1Ito be MIll L BlUing If other than buyer add... I. bonam of fonnl -- LA5T NAMlI r;t'JIMAIN fIRST'...... l SlIlIlT NUMIP AJtO STRUT NAY! ""'........ "'.'" lI1'CODI ... tndicete ttI. nurnIMIr of .AueumeDt RoD pia.. ~ on the dMcI I II 1# of Pln;el. OR 0 Part of . Parcel ~xl FIIONTFliET DlPIH I Q..I COnly. "'rt at . ....... QD. as tMy IppIy: .... PlannIng Boetd with Subdiviaion AldbGI'IlY ExlstI 0 .... SubdMIion Appruwl w. "~Ior Tr-'er 0 cc. PanleI ~ for Subdivilion with Map PIovid" 0 ..=.,. I Bin . . 1.1. II "'"u L C'Ar';ftE C;; c,;< ((lid t:ed,c.k ~T thoRl-Il1h17rv.rrFcs --nev n7a If/-t al'/d' B,() 6,//,e/M1l1I 117. (JoJe i;;tm L I LAST NAM! tCOMf"AHY ''''T NAME "SelI.r Name 7. ChKk tM boa beklw whIGh ~ naur..., ~ Ithe .... or the praperty lit lb. timII 01 MIa: 13. Full 81.. liaric:. 30~ 5'00 , , . , , . ,0.0 I , , . (Full Sat. Price is the total amount piid kH the property Inchlding peraonal propeny. This paymelnt rNIY be In the form of Clan. other property or QOOdI. or 1M luumlJtion 01 mongagu 1]1 athef obIigationa.) ".... round to 1M,..,... wIIc* doIllIt tmounl. L E ~ ......."", I ~ Communily SorYice F Commercial J Indu.rrlal 1M. Propeny LocIIred within an AgricuIturlll DilUte! G Apuunent K Public Service 1GB. Buyer rIIDIlwd I diIc:IM&n nota indicaling H Enmn.lnmant/AmulOmOnt L For.. d1III:UwpropertyilinanAgriculunllDiIIlict 11. a.- OM IiII' IIIIU'II 01--. c:ancIiIioM.. ....... CD ....-r: ^ Sale B8tw8en RoIatI.... or Fonner ReIIIIivel 8 SIlo 81~ RIIated eomp.nia or Panners in Business C One of .. Buyml II alto a Seller o IIuyu or Selle<" _.. -." or Londmg_'-' E DMd Tn- not Wlnlnay 01 81l'g1Jin and SM (SpKifv BokM) F s.Ie of Frectional or ~ than Feo "'Ulr811 lSpedft Below) G Signifacant Cftange In Property Between Taxablo Statui and &ale o.c.. H SR of &u.lneu .. Included In &ale Pnc:. I CJmer Unusual fector'I AfIM:rlna SaID Prk:IlISpecify Below) J N.... ChecIl ... box. below _ ,..,. apply: L OwnerMip 1rypo is Condominium e. ~ CoNtn.Iction on Vacant L.and o o o o ^ ~ Onl' Flmily RHidtlntill B 2 or 3 Family Rnidtmif,1 C .....mial Vacanllland o Nort-Aeaict.ntiul Vlcant Land I SALE INFORMATION r- 11. s... Coml'_ o.a. 0<;, 1 ,03 1 oS IIbO o.r v.. U. Dne of S.a. / Trensl. ~ I ''1 I 05 I ...... v.., 14. ............ ..... .. _ I 0 0 0 I ptOperty.IlCludeclIn...... ;";" ~ I f ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 0113 should relied tho Ill8It Final AaellMlnt Roll Ind To Bill t 11. :-k:hal~~ ~ hili I 0 , 11 17_ lOCal AI..-d V.... Cat III paI'ClIII, In"""'" I i i .I.~. 0 0 I , ,.. PrGPM1Y (:a.. !,l...L.lJ-w 'B._II_No... I FISHEtlS ISi.lltJJ !:CHOOL. 20. T.. Map IdwIlIfIM1sll Roll IdHtIRerlsl II lIlO,. thUI fa.". dIach ..... wIIh HdhIDnaI .......1.11 413affJ 3.-3-1 I I C1;RTIACAT~ . I ......I'y .... uII '" .... ;..... III.............. _ an U;. ...... ... ..... ..... ........ '110Il1o baI 01 my .......... .... boIWl .... I __ ..... Il1o IIIOIdaa '" OIly "t11I'.'_""""" "'..._ ""'....... .iII.dIjod......... """"*"" 01Il1o _law _..Il1o....... -1IIIaa "'.................... BUYER ~ ~h!c-L.tf.-~.~ I,{.j Ic.r" """'::I"'!": IU'rIftIlllNATUN, ~ D,," / .IHcH6<<y L. FE&;"V.ION mV,JC(Jh1 I\(,C E'qll/:srltlll,.J I1vE,Vul5" 5TNIT NIJ........ I"IJIHT NAMP IAI'TbI........ #A/J1 IlL I S'rE/WEAI L. . LAIr ~ nRIT NAMI[ ~.?I .243 ~.iloo ........ CClOl mD'ttC:lNI NUIIIBt FISH~~~S 1St/lAID I N'I 0'390 QTYOI!: 1(1_ PAll 1I1'CODI r-a \.<;~ ~~ ~S/Pe. s;r:,,",-/'II1/\ ~ ~sf~.... If UP.IU."'FUN' 7 a.r.n. NEW YORK STATE COPY