HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12253 P 825 DISTRIC'r 1000 SECTION "<>9.00 BLOCl( 02.00 LOT "'6.oOQ. '. eea-.:s -'043 ,(" ";" QuiIddIII DellI ~..CarpanIic. CIinP hd) CONSIILT YOtlRlAwva auou IIGMNG TBIIINSI1WMIItT _ TIDIINl'J'RlIMEHT IBOULD H DUD ay LAWYBIII'ONLY THIS INDEN'I1.1RE, made Iho 27 -,4. day of June BInWEEN ..:..L 1 I ~__ 2002 "" Ill/I)J/,q FISHERS "ISLAND CIVIC ASSOCIATION. tHee with an address of Hain Street, Fishers Island, Mew York 06390 } C;j 2 / /...- -la. , party or Iho fUll port, IIld ISLAND HEALTH PROJECT. INe. a New York not-for-proflt corporation with an . address of Main Street, P.O. Box 344, Flgher. Island. New York 06390 l- ii" 17/11'11"/# party orlho -.I put, wrrNISSmf, IboIIho JlIIlr 0I"1bo Iinl pori, ill ................ 01"... _ paid by Iho party ortho -.I plot, cIocs hon:by --......1IIId quildllim UIIlo Iho party orlho _ plot, Iho bein alucc:ouon IIld UIipI of Iho party oflho -.I port-.... ALL Ibat ocrlIia plat. picco a pon:d of IIIId, wi... Iho buiIdiDp IIIlI ~ Ihereon -.1itueIe, Iyiopnd- ~~d_ 8. more particularly described in Schedule A annexed hereto and made a part heraof. 1 TOGE'I1IER _ oIlripl. ~tIo IIIlI iImaI, ihll)', oflhoporlydlbo Iinlport in IIIlIID Illy _1Ild"""," _iIIg , Ibo -. deIcn'bod pR:IIIiRIlD Iho _I.. thoroof'; TOGE'I'IIER with tbo ~ IIld oIllho__ rigla or... JlIIlr oftbo rUII port in aad to soid pRIIIiIcI; TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD Iho ___ ....in JtlIIIlOd lIIIID tbo party ortho -.I port, tbo boinIa _1Ild wi..,. or... party dlho -.I port-.... AND ... porly dlho lint port, in OCII1lIi.... with Seclioa J 3 of tho Liea Law, hen:by ........... that Iho party or tho lira.... ,..ilI........Ibo"""'*_lirdlil_....... will bald tbo rigb!to noccive IUChlXllllideralion U 11rUII flllld to be oppliod _for tbi _ oI"poying Iho_ ortho impnly-.tlllld wiD oppIytho IIIIlO ruolto Iho payIIIOIIl oI"tbc _ ortho improvoma>t before wing Illy portortbclOtll orlho...... rallly __. Tbc _ "party" ...... be CXlIIIIIUod u ifil nod "penia" '""""'- tho..... orlhil............ 10.......... IN WlI'NESS WHEREOF. dle porly dlbo lira pit'" duly exa:utod lhiI cIcod tho day 1IIId)'ClU' rlllt Ibove wnllcu. II< -.:&001 INC. By: Sl:I1.lWVLE A Parcell ALL that cc:rtain, plot or parcel of 11III(\, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate lying BIld being at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, being bolDlded BDd described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intenIection of the Northeasterly line of Oriental Avenue and the Northwesterly Jine of Crescent Avenue, said point also being located 2417.82 feet North ofa point which is 2003.32 feet West ofa lJIODumcnt marking United States Coast BIld Geodetic: Survey TriaDplation Station "PROS" BDd thence running along said Oriental Avenue 1ii1e North 3?- 43' 20" West 144.99 feet; thence North 52 . 16' 40" East 74.67 feet; thence South 37" 43' 20" East 142. feet to said Crescent Avenue line; thence along said road line South 50" 06' 20" West 74.73 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.25 am:s, more or less. BEING a portion of those premises granted to the party of the first part by deed of West End Land Company, 1ncorpol'lltcd dated June 6, 1966 and recorded JlIDe 13, 1966 with the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in Volume 5973 at Page 17, as . corrcc:ted by a certain Corrcc:tion Deed dated August 31, 2001 and recorded October 9, 2001 . . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 .1111111111111111111111111 StJPPOLK COUNTY CLERIC RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of l:nstrument s DBEDS/DDD Humber of Pages: 5 TRAHSPER TAX NUMBER: 02-41433 Recordeds Ats LIBER: PAGE: 05/30/2003 01:29s37 PM D00012253 825 District. 1000 Sections Blocks 009.00 02.00 BXAMl:NBD AND CHARGED AS J'OLLOWS $0.00 Lots 006.002 Deed Amount. Received the Following Fee. Por Above l:n.trument Bzempt Exempt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Bendling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SURCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $25.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIDII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $110.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBERs 02-41433 TBl:S PAGB l:S A PART 011' TBJiI: l:NSTRtDIlDIT Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Number ur p&gn TORRENS j Serial # RECOROeD 2003 flaI,j :JO Oh29:37 PII Edward P.RoMiline CLERK OF 5l.FFlU<" COU~Y l.. D000122Sl P625 DT' 02-41433 Ccnifieale # PrinrOr.# D<<d I Monguge Instrument 3 Da:d I Mong.ge Tax SlOmp HiliS Recording I Filing 5lamps IS- - fag.: I riling Fee Hundling 5. 00 ~ - TP-51l4 Nutation ~ - 34 - EA-52 17 (CA,unly) Sub Toral &t) - EA-S217ISIa'el 30 - R.P.T.S.A. -Comm. of Ed. ~. 00 Affidavit ~cd copJfJ 5"- r.~ - Res. Copy Sub Total 15' - Olh.:r 1/.6 - Grand Tot.1 Mnrtl:li!C Ami. I. &sieTax 2. Additional "PJX Sub Total SpccJAssit. or Spec. lAde!. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ OWlI County Htld for Appninlmcnl Trun.rer TllX .~ Mansion 1"01..'( Seelion Block The property ",'overed by Ihis mongagc is ur will he improved by u one or 1wo family dw~lIinJ nnl)'. YE.S ur NO If NO. ~ appmprialc 1W!. claus.: on ,\,P I"l:"'_"rlhi.i" "'" o!:l- 5 eo_WIity PNaervatlolll'wld Rl:ul Propony Tax Service Agency Verificatitm 1000 00800 0200 006002 Consideration Amount $ 0.00 Linda U. Margolin, Bsq. Bracken, Mar901in , Gouvi., LLP One Suffolk Square Suite 300 Ialandia. NY 11749 CPF Tax Due S 0.00 Imrruved Vacan1 Land /' J TD TD -1D TD 6 Sa1it;fllC'lion.YDiAC'hargcsIRclc:lscs Li!\1 Propcny Owncn Mailing AddrcM RF-CORD & RETURN TO: 7 Title Com n (nronnation AQOBBOGOB ABSTRACT CORP. 632-5-7343 Cu. Nilme TIlle' 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pus.e rurms part of th.: nltached Quit.claim Deed ISPOCIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) lT1ikIe by: ~i.hers I.land Civic Aea'ciation, Inc. The prcmi5C5 herein i" siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. 1U Island Health Pro1@ct. Tn~ In lhe Township of _.........!2..~ In"'" VILLAGE or IIAMLE:.,. ur Pi.hers I.lan(l BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR ro RECORDING OR FILING. h)\'er)