HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12413 P 526 I I" O,? - <: l' (, I L'" () ), 1 lB' T881-~N.'I'B.r.1I Fo_lIIIu:.......a....... . ...liIlC.'Oloc..........-....D_..... ....,...,:.....-c. I I." ~..... "..f,Kc:elllOr,Inc:.. NYC laG,,a CONSULT YOUR LAWYER 111'0II1 SIGNING ntlS 'NS1RU.wn-THIS INS1R_ SIlOULO II USIO IY LAWYERS ONLY ! ' L /,' I /',i, . - " il '-'I ~' 'J, \,' THIS INDENIlJRE, made on August 241, 2005 ~ Alfred SueBBer with an address at 5055 New Suffolk Road, New Suffolk, New York 11956 -- of.... tint put. and r-", Laura A. SuasBer and Alfred Suesser as Trustees of the Alfred Suasser 2005 Revocable Trust with an address at 5055 New Suffolk Road, New Suffolk, New York 11956 parly ollhe _unci parI, wrfNE5!IEnI, IhaI Ih. pari)' ollhe 6..1 perl, inf~oiderolion 01 Ten 00lI0.. ODd o&Ioer .oluable coaoidenIion paid by lhe party 01 the ..cond pari, d_ herebf[~ 'ood ,.Ie_ unto Ih. party 01 tho -.I part, tho hei.. or lucceuon Ind. ..ipa of the party of the MCOIicl:p!~fo'ie:ver I - AU. thol conoin plOl, pi';" or parc.1 01 IanA;;ill!>m: huildin,.. 000 improvemenlo lhereon .......... .huok. Iyin~ ond boio" in lhe Town of, Southold, ," ncy of Suffolk and State of New York as I ,.... more particularly described in SChadr~a A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Being and. intended 10, be !be same premises conveyed 10 !be party of the f\l'Sl part and. as leDantI by the entirety, by deed dated May 24, 1996 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk' 5 oft'il:e on July 1, 1996 in 11780 page 690 ; whereas Mariann Suesser died on ~h 16, 2002. at which ~ she and the party of !be fint part were legally nwried, resulting In the party of !be fint pan beius !be surviving la1ant by !be ~ty. .' ."""l' ~_ , , ~! tJ ~~~!~i':U.iih:J..iADfiJ!h', lill~ and inle.rr.tt. if UII)". III 11"",lliIrl'" of the Jihl llart ill a~,1 h. iln~ >>lrcell an.' ~ . 21Jj~d.~ atJutiif~~"- .buve d04:rlbed preOlllel 10 thl", celder IlIIel .hen:,,'; TOCETHER wuh the appurlena.aee6 Ollll~ ~liild~i1;iii:.1~,w righlo 01 the parly 01.... fir.. pan in and 10 .aid premi_: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD M ,e ~d~nij\iiiiti~m~ranted unlet Ihe p8rty fir Ihe !'eCond part. the hein ur IUcr:t"IIIUJ"II and .."i@1I.! uf the fJarl)" ()f IIit! N!'f'unn j"II1iJre"~r. , '~""~' , : ,"I' l .... ~ ... :\ND the,p.rl)' flf the fira' pari covenant. that the VUrty ur lhe hr:'t part It.. notllcmc IIr :llulfcrtltl a.n)'thin;: whereb~ the '-Aid prem~ havt!l hr.en ent~umher~1 in an~. "..~. whatever. t"J.cel't .. dureu:id. ' ANI.> the parl~' or lht!l first ~rl. in c(Jml'lilllnce with 5<<tion 13..r the l.ien Law. ':Cl"c"nanbi tiUII tilt' IUl..t)' af tlu. fj,rtll (Wlrt will recei,'e the (."Cm"dcratiun rnr this COII\'C)'Bnce allll "ill huld the right tll rec"e'iv~ Mlch conaidrrali.on u a !rutill.nd In ... applied finllor tho pur"".. 01 poyin! Lhe ....... ull.... impru''OlIICllt and will apply lhe .ome linl lu the payment (If the COlt of the hnprovcmcnt before uaing any part of Ihe htlal of the Mme fur an)' utheor lJurpcw, The word ""parly" than IlC conltrued .. if it read npartia" ".henner the lenle of thil indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ih. part)' ..I ,h. fir.1 pari ho. dulv ..t'C.led Ihiti d..d Ih. .tor and yen iii'll .hoy" written. I.N paE$i::VCt: ....: I -,' c' -: ;., ,- '. . " r4!... t- . Alfred uesse - , Schedule A BEGINNING at D point on the Easterly line of New Suffolk Road. at the Southwest comer of the premises herein described adjoining land of the Estate of Henry P. Wickham on the South: RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE Easterly line of New Suffolk Road. the following two courses and distances: I. Nonh 3 dcgrccs S8 minutes 50 seconds Ea.,t. 26.66 feet; 2. Thence North 3 degrees 46 minutes 40 seconds West, 92.59 fect. to the other land of John Wickarn: THENCE along said land the following courses and distances: 1. South 72 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East. 110 feet; 2. Th= South 79 degrees 00 minutcs. 2SS fect; 3. Thence South 46 degrees East 135 fect; 4. Thcoce North 86 degrees 3S minutcs SO &eCOIIds East. 297.42 feet; S. Thence South 72 degrees 00 minutes 30 Seconds East. 793.50 fect, to Cutchoguc Hmbor THENCE along Cutchoguc Harbor South 32 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds West. 198.38. to land of the Estate of Henry P. Wiclchwn; TIlENCE along said land. North 72 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds Wcst. 1465.0 feet, to the point or place of BEGINNING. ~...... NEW YOIIII.,.ATE CRl'L...... State or New York, County or St)rf,,{ k ...: On ~/I$f- :z..".2.a,3- berore me. the undersipd. pe"o~lI/appemd Alfred SuuBer pel'lllllllly known III me or pnwcd 10 me on Ihe besis of IIllIisrac- 101)' evidence III be Ihe individlW(.) whooe name(.) is <lie) subscribed IlIIhe wilhin insaumentllld """-1edFI1lI me Ihat ho'Aho'1hey ellllCllled Ihe same in billhaflheir capecity(ies). and th. by hi~ir sipIIwe(.) on the insInnnen~ the indi- vidua!(.). or Ihe person upon behIIr or whicllthe indjvidual(.) IlClCd. ell<<Ul<id' L On personally appemd peniona1ly known III me or poved III me on !he '-is or uli.. rllCllIrY evidence III be !he indivilllal(.) whose IIII/IIe(s) i. (....) 1Ubsc:ribed 10 !he within instrument and ackrIOwledaed ID me thai ho'sheI!hey .lleCIIrcd !he same in hiolherf!heir capacily\ie.). and thai by hislher/!heir signaJure(.1 on the inlllllll1lenl.!he indi- vidual(.). or the person upon behalr or which Ihe indivillual(s) ""led. e......rcd the insaurnent, IIIlIl dill .uch incIividUIIIIUIdc such ~ bero.. lhe undeniJned in (lurn dq M' pnlirimI ,1IIIdivin..1IIIIl dIIU III c""" or """"".,....""""'1- Ntt"" ....., fn"",,,,"."" '4k~ of iMi,...llGiilllf ........"."..." IJarpia Inll 6aIr Ikdl TITLE ND.'fIrra ~~~"10~\~ Alfred SueB8er TO LaurB A. Sue8Ber and Alfred Sue88er aB TruBteeB Df the Alfred SueBser 2005 Revocable TruBt i I ... l! ~ 1IC 'll . I ~ ~ " . . .. i :I ~ . t ! ACIlNIlWLEIIIJIIa'__1 Stale Dr County Dr j...: On . personally .ppemd before me. the undlersignal. die subscribinl wi........) III the rorecoinl inlllnlmenl. with whom I am personally KqUolinrecl. who. beinl by me duly sworn. did depose IIIlIl say thll belshe/they reside(., in 'I}'''' p/fa... nJ rr~r i$ In II c;'" i....,.. ,Ite 1II1fff _ "''H' .....,. if....,IwmIft. dial belshe/lhey know(.) III be the individull(s) described in and who execurecllhe ron:- IOinl insbU"""'l: tha. said subscribing witness(es) WIS (were) pre..nl and ..... said ..ecute the same; and IhII said wimess(..) aI lbe lWIIt: lim. subscribed hislber/their name(S) as a wi1lle"(") lherelll. ( 0 V~1:tt1l UIIImk HR' K" SIIIk' fIUffI rlry"r pulukal IIiIbtII..w...fIItII MfIW .. "-,,,,,-,,,, __...~...... And IhIl said sublocribinl wimess(es) made such """"."''''' berore the undersiped in f~,,,,,,,,",,, ~~ n/UtJi.,....,IIMiA" tlt'btt,wlrJplllUI SECTION 110.0 BLOCK 08.00 LOT032.008 COllNTY 011. TOWN SuffDlk UTURN BY IIAIL TO: Jeremiah Mulligan. Esq. CurtiB. Mallet-PrevDst, Colt & KOBle 101 Park Avenue New YDrk. New YDrk Zip N..I0118 .. . " ....."'. c~ . . .-. Number of plgeo TORRENS ''f Serial II Certificllll II Prior Clf. II Deed I MOJ1&8&e IMIrumCllI Deed I Mortaa&e Tax Slimp FBI!S 4 Page I Filing Fee . I S- 5 "lIIlIling TP-SB4 Notation EA-si 17 (Collllly) EA-S217 (SIIII.) R.P. T.S.A. e; _ Sub TOlal -0-_ 30 5zD ;J7 Cornm. of Ed. Affidavll _---1~ CcrtiOed Copy Reg. Copy Olhor .f5"" Sub TOIal ORAND TOTAL l R.eal1'ropcrty TlIll Service Apcy Verification DiaL Secllon _ _. . a.1ook __ -..LoI ~ ..;. "'" "" """ . jS . Stamp Dale lnil;.1I 7 Satisflclio/w[llaC!largcslRoIeDSOI Liit Property Owners Mailing Add RECORD" RETURN TO: - ~c&- \"\v..lli~i\ f~ C1tt~ ~~ct-~e()O<'.,..-t I ~ 'b W\~e. \D \ ~..\:- ~i'Ue . I nVf I '\~ \C)\'\% Suffolk COUll Recordin 3 RECORDED 2005 Oct 07 11,09.46 RM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COOHTY L 000012413 P 526 on 05-10057 ". Recording' Filing SlImpa MortgDle Ami. I. Iluic 'lOx 2. Additionol Tax Sub Tot81 SpocJAslIiL 0, Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual Counl)'_ Held for ApponlonmCll'~ Tnnsrer Tax ~ . ,- Malllion Tax . The property cov,,",d by this mortgago fs or will be Improvod by 0 one or two flmily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, leo BPpropriatotlX claus. on plge /I _of Ibis Instrumon?_~ 6 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ cpp Tax Duo $ Improved VDcant Land TO TO TO Title Company Information Co. Nlm. r Title # -m & Endorsement Pa e 9 This page fonns part of the aUachcd (SPEaFYTYPE OF INSlRUMENr) mid. by: ~\-\'\f'A~ S\\~~er- The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of S\~cld In !he VIUAGE orHAMLETof ~') ~A~C TO \..n.U\().. -po S\lf''S,~e.r- Q\~~ A'"'\ Su ec:...~er BOXes 5 TIlRU 9 MUST BE TVPP.D OR PRImm IN RT .Ar.K lNJ( ON!.v PRIOR Tn m:fY)R!"",,I"> ('II> "" 11\'1"> - . II11I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number I 05-0105654 TRANSPBR TAX HUMBER: 05-10057 Recorded. At. 10/07/2005 11.09.46 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012413 526 Deed Amount I Section. 110.00 llY"MINED AND $0.00 Block. 08.00 CHARGED AS POLLOWS Lot. 032.008 District. 1000 Page/Piling COE EA- CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Above Instrument Bxempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copie. SCTM Camm.Pres I'ee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the 1'0110wing I'ee. I'or TRANSI'ER TAX NUMBER. 05-10057 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRM~ Y WtreN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:J1 www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 16. a..rk .. Of .,.. oI1heu DDnIItIom. .. IlIlPbbII to tnn.r.r: A Sale BetwII.n ReIMives or Former R.lalMlIl R Sale Betw8en RelI118d Complnies or PlRnerlln BUIoinou C X One of tho Buyon lI.1Io .. s...., D BUYllt or $81'-, . Gavornmenl Agencv or .....nding institution E Deed Typo nut W.rlWl\Y or Bargain and Site ISpecify 8IIIowJ F 54lo of Fl'Ktiorwl or Lau thin Fee lmerut (Speclly ~ G Slgniflc8n1 ChIng. !" Property BoIween T.lbIe St8Iul end 5.11 DIteI H SIll. tij Bull,.. Is IndLlded In SaIa Price 1 Other Unusu~1 FKIa~ AffucUnO Sill Prim (Spociry Below, J None .....-................... I ,0, ,0,0 I prIIIWty IncIucIecIIn ... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Doll muld ..noel th.latOll Finll As....m.nt RoIllnd TI. Bill ,..V_..__IloI1......I()~1 I whIcIIlnfannllliDn ....... 17. Tog.......... v..... I. .11 puglll in tr....1 L...-.I...-' ; I !at 032.008 I CERTIFICATION I II.Yftlty thai . or Lbt .... ~ tnrwawIlua. e111e1'td 011 thII r.... an' truI' .... currvd (110 1M bell vi DIY IuurwIedp aad bdlrll .... I undtntaDd dial die IIIIIIUaI fA ...,. wON faIIt ItIitnaeal ", makr'II.I t'kt h<<rln .111 5ubJed .. 10 the nmy"" ell_ DI'IIIII ta. reI8th't 10 tile ~ .... RlIDI cd'....... Inwwat-' !l!n!! BUYER'S AlTORNEY 'rile Alfred !::I,.,~ser 2005 Revocable Trust By: . JUl.).,!! ~~_.,.. I '1.1.05 ~;. Ml'fl1I'" QAn laura A. SUesser ~nC;Ei I Na.r ':::l1'rrnl1c ~ .".11 NU....II ITM.rtlAl\CtNTVlMLl!I lif, 7. J, ~,.g, 'II ./ CZ. DI'" Dlod Recorded I I t7 I 7 I 8.s. I Mom" o.y v.. C3.Book I /. ~ '-/ J ,~C4.p_,.sP(,0, , * CI. SWIS Code PROPERTYINFOR~nON 1'_1 5055 LDcIdon SIlliEr NUMllEII New Suffolk Road IIoTMi1r.AIlI'E 2. Buy.r Name I ,,~.e:T~ffolk I Laura A. SUesser and Alfred ~I'?k\~e """"" S"..aser As Trptees of ~lIun IIMIE LAlIrNAMlIOOMI'Nf'i' FIRITIl;AI/lE 3. Tax Indicate where tutu.. Tax 81" ... 10 be IOnt Billng if omer thin buyer 8ddrea I_ bottom of form) I -- LAS r NAME: , COMNN'I S111UT NUMlkR ANDillRU.T NAW: cnv eM TOWN U . of Plmall OR D P,1t of . Parco! 4. lncliOIt, the number of Aauumlnt Rail .-reels tren.....,.. on the .... I. Dud "_ SIze . .!J.551 ""'" Jx I 01[1'1'11 lOR I fllCNrrt:rr 8. haler NI...I Suesser LAST"'~IC:OWI"<'NY Alf:red ....'rw4 LAlli NAME fCOtII"INY "'STrMMli 7. Chedllhl bax bllow which rncMt Iccurnelv dncrlba 'hi USII at the property .t 'hi ti.- of ....: A ~ One Familv R..idontlal H 2 or 3 fGmllv Relidential c: Retldentill Vacant Und () Non......idenMI Yacllltllnd I SALE INFORMAllON I ", .... COnt.... 0.,. 1;~""icu"U'" F CorNnllCial G Aplrtmoru II EntDrlIIinmlnt I AmUMmont I ~ ConvnunhV So..... J Indullrial K Publ~ So..... L Forest I ...... .., I You 12. o.t. of s-II I Tran..... 8 ...... I 24 Coy I O~ v,,, , ., 0, ,u, 0 I , , . (Full 51'- Prtcl ill" IOtal Imount pt.id tor the prapel1y including parton" property. Thil. pI.,.,...nt rMy .. in the form of CIlIh. oIhtr pt'Oper1y' or voods. or the DllUmption of mortpeoa or at" obligllions.l "....1'OUlId to m. MGf'GSf wItl* tIoIIIr .,-nounl. 13. FuU &.1, Price L.... 1.. Propury C1... ~-u 11. Schaal DIRiat NIl..... I 41':\~S 20_ Tax Map IdentIfIlriall RoIldentil'Wtsl (II more ..., tour. .... .a..t with ..widonallclMnll'ler'CaU Section 110.00 Block 08.00 flllliqal\ ....,- 212 ....- New SUffolk C1rrOllTDWN 11956 """"'" NY 'TATI BJ.I&!l Alf:.~ .." REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF NEW YORX STAll! BOA!'D OF R1!A1. PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 1U"-5117"'yn 111956 Z1,COCI: the Alfred Auesser 2005 "."'1/14"'[ ..... Z1'tDDt IOnIV if Patt 01 . PII_I a.ct; .. they IPI)Iy: IlIA. iPlanninll Baird with S4.1bdivillOTl Authority Ell'w 0 ... Subdivision ApprCMII wu Roquir1ld for T,...... 0 4C. IPII'CllI ~ for SubdIvision wIIh Mop Prayl~ 0 ChecII: the box...... _ they apply:: .. Own..wup Type I, Condominium 9. New CoMh'uctlon on Vacenl Land \GA. Proplfty LocaII:d within &II AQric:ulNlll District 'KII. au.,.. I1IICIWed . disclcmn notica indicMmU !haIth. propeny illn an Ag,IcuIlw.1 DilUia o o o o ; ~.~.OOI , Jeran:i.ah "I NAM[ 696-6040 ....- ..-.. NEW YORK STATE COpy