HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12225 P 689 , .. G- P N.Y.S. TRANSFER TAX STAMPS $1,260.00 ~ I 2-2- ='-- '-> ( b~' f/7- 2 -( L ,,,\ i ~'-l ~T--o;;;> So FI....11I tclJfl~ ('iI9IJ) - ~tJ~1 - Harsllin .:&00 Sui.:: DeC\.!. \\"ilh CuvrnWII,. arairu.1 Grmnur"5 AC'h-lndividllal ur ClJrpunUian. (..ina;:ico AIH.'C'I' OO"ULT YOUR LAWYWII ....... ....... TMla ............IIT - 'I'll" ...........urr SHOULD _ U"D .. LAW'I'_. GIlLY. THIS INDENTURE. made Ihe BETW";EN 61:h itnd- November 2002 &J.a)'of PHYLLIS A. ROSS', residing at 2400 Grathwohl Road, New Suffolk, New YClrk 11956; pany of the Iirsl flar1. and ."RANK T. KLOS and LOIS A. KLOS. as Husband and Wife, both residing at 1025 Stillwater AvenlLle, Cutchogue, New York 11935. pany of the sC\."1lnd part. \\'ITNF...sSETH. .har .he p:Jny uf the lint pan, in C(lnsider.uion (lr len duUars and uther \'aluahlc con!\oiderdtion paid hy the pany l,"If .he scc-ond pan, d~s hereby sranl and rclca...c unto the p.:lny of Ihe !<;Ccllnd pun. the he-irs OT succeSSOTS und ls....i~ns of lhc pany nf th(' sCI..'und ran fnJ"e\'eT. ALL Ihal certain plnl. piece OT palrcel ~"lf I.:md. wilh thc buildings and impmvemCnL'io lht'l"C'on cn'ClC'd. siluale. lying. and hcilll,!.:izxrIl:. at New Suffolkl, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and descr1.bed 8fl follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the easterly l~ne of Grathwohl Road at a po:Lnt distant 84.22 feet: Southerly from the Southwesterly corner of land now or fonaer,ly of Del G1orno; I RUNNING thence along land now or formerly of Ross South 74111 29' 40" East. 150.00 i feet t.o a c.onc.ret.e monument; I!. THEl\CE along land now or formerly of Grodski II the following two courHes and . distances: (1) South 210 17' 0011 We~st 75.00 feet. and II (2) North 74': 29' 40" We~st 150.00 feet to the easterly line of Crathwohl Road; THENCE along sa1.d Eastey'ly line of Grathwohl Road North 21 III 17' 0011 East 75.00 II feet tl) the point or pls,ce of BEGINNING. BEIKG AND INTENDED TO BE, the same premises conveyed to the party of the first I pare b~, deed dated September 27~ 1988 and recorded in t:he Suffolk County Clerk's Off~ce on November 14. 1988 in Liber 10735. page 168. II I. TOGETHER wilh all TiC:hl. lill(' and illle~St. i( any. or Ih.... paTly of Ihe fiTst part. in and hI any suc....(s anti ru,ltls atluning Ihe ..lhCl\:e-tlcs~Tibc.l.! pfl..'mi"ics hl the Cl.'lIIeT lilies Ih....n:uf: TOGETHER Wilh Ihe ill'(luTlcllallc.:....:O .lI1tl allth.... ,,'slaIC: anl.! Tighls (II" Ihc paray "rlhe fie'sr potn in and In sail.! pT....misc...: TO HAVE ANI) TO HOLD Ihe- prel1li~s hcn:in ~T;Jnlctl unw [hI.: r;lrly of Ihe s,,:,,'olltl pJTI. th,,' heirs Or ~u...'('"'~s,,,lrs imd a:"S1~lIs nf Ihe p.lrty t1fthc sc..:oml pan fUTt!\.cr. AND Ihe pany III" the firsl paTI cO.....~Jl;lOls IhuI 1he pUTly flf the IiT:<oI p,an h..!'> nut dune lJr SlIlll:rcl.! anYThing wh,,'rct'ly th.... si.lid rm.:mi:-.I.:s have heeD cn....umb....(\..J in tiny way whalc\'cT. I...:(........fll :1:-. ~Ifo..c:"o..id. ..\:Xl) rhc 1'.lrly Ill' thc !in.t pan. In l..'tHnpli;'lIu:e wilh Sc".tion I J IIf Ihe I.iell Law. ....O\....Il;lIH~ lhm the r.tr.y nf Ihl..' first paT' \'\'ill r~L'ei\'e the I...on"'id....lralion ft~T Ihis ~I..IIIVe-vunt.'e- ;'1I1t1 will hulu .hl..' rich. Tn Tccci....I... SUL.h L'OIl.;,itlC:T- :.lIioll us At 'Tusl fund III he al'pli~d fiTsl fm.th.... PUTJ'll...~ tlf I'Olyin~ the ensl ur Ihc'impTOn:ml..'nl OllIlI will apply [he S;lmc fiTsl III Ihl..' payment of the C(lsl urlhc impTtlVcm...nl hl..'fllTe using uny POl" of (he h"ltal uf .he !<o;lm.... fOT ,;tny nlher purpus..... The Wtlrtl "parly.' Shilll be L.u/lsITU,,'lj :I~ if it .......iltl..r:lrliC:-,.. wh....nc\"cT th.... s....ns... tlf Ihis indemun.' SII re4uires. IIN \VITNF:SS \\'IIF:R..:OI.... Ih,,' p.ln)" of the fiTsl pan has duly c:u-I..'uted Ihis deed Ihl..' d~I)' ant' ).'l..'.!r lir.... UhllVl..' wrillcn. I... "IH;SIi:"'O.:r: UI< ~~. ~ OJ ~ ' 'A/ hy11J.s A. Ros I AcknowlectSllement uken In NIIW York Sbrte State of N8YI/ York. COUlnty of Suffolk On the 6ch day of November. in the year 200Z, before me, the undersigned. personally appeared PHYLLIS A. ROSS personally ',nown to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory lwidence to be the IndiVidual" whl:Jse n8me(~ is :Inol) subscribed to the within instrument and 8c::knowtedged to me that .../sheltka executed the same in xtIblIherlA:llteiR capacity(WJi). and that by :i:iflher/lbetr signa'ture..) on the instrument. the indiYidual(X) or the person upon l~eh81f of which the indivldualCs) acted. executed the Instruma . '--- .~ IINI't LlXI FllL1S ~-'_II_- lIDO! _.___ Q...... I .__......1O.2Go~ Acknowledgement by Subscribing Wtlnee. tak.ln In New York State State of New York, COUI'lty of On the day of , in the year the undersigned. personally appeared . before me. the subscribing witness to the foregoing InstrumEl~t. with whom I am persona,lIy acquainted. who being by me duly sworn. did depose and Sl!y. that helshelthey reslde(s) in that he/shellh~ know(s} to be the Individual described In and who executed the foregoing instrument: that said subscribing witness was present and Sl:lW said exocute the same; and that said witness at the same time subscribed hislherltheir name(s) as a witness thereto. Title No.: PHYLLIS A. ROSS TO FRANK T. KLOS and LOiS A. KLOS. as Husband and Wife Distributed by Chi<"a~'11 Title Insurance Company w " ~ !i1 IS 8 ... '" ~ o ~ '" o ~ II ] Acknowledgement unn In New York State . ss: State of New York. County of .55: On the day of . in the year the undersigned, personally appeared . before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (Bre) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/herllheir capaclty{ies), and that by hlslherllheir signature(s) on the Instrument. the Indlvldual(s) or the person upon behan of which the individual(s) Bcted. executed the instrument. Acknowledgement taken outside New York Stille . S8: . State of . County 01 . as: .. (or insert District of Columbia" Territory. Possession or ForeIgn Country) On the day 01 . In the year the undersigned. personally appeared . belare me, personally known to me or proved to me on ~he basis of satisfactory evidence to be the indlvidual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/lhey executed Ihe same.n his/her/their capacity(ies). Ihat by his/her/their signature(s) on the Inslrument. the indiYidual(s) or the person upOn behalf of which the Indlvk:tual(s) acted. executed the instrument. and that such individual made such appearance before the unders;gned in the (add the city or political subdivision and the slIite or counlry or other place the acknowfedgement was taken). ] 17.00 SECTION BLOCK 02.00 LOT 012.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SOUTHOLD . RETURN BY MAIL TO: I L Zip No_ [i:2 J Number of p8ges TORRENS -3 RECORDED 2002 Dee 17 11:03.09 AM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012225 P689 011 02-19561 Serial#_ Certificate #_ Prior Of. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps ~ Page I Filing :Fee Mortgage Ami. Handling TP.~B4 I. Basic Tax .2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total EA-~2 17 (Counly) Sub Total Comm. of Ed. ~~- Sprc.lAssit Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town 1~.ld Dual Coun!y_ ionmL'111 _ I dJ..4> 0 EA-S217 (Stale) R.P.T.SA 3:J GRAND TOTAL Cf1 ~. 6 an Ion a The property co will be impro dwelling only. YES nrNO_ If NO. SCe ap r(1priate tax clause on page # _Oflhis instrument. Affidavit Certified Copy ReB. Copy Other Sub Total s Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificat;(m r"':-' C'.....;._ R.I......... .....t_ Stanlp 1000 11700 0200 012000 -1.300.00 Date Improved x Initials 7 Satisfactions/DischargesIReleases List Property Owners Mailing Addres RECORU &. RETUI~N TO: Vacant Land Pau:L Camin1ti. Esq. Cam:Lnit.1 & Gibbons. LLP 533j~5 Maf.n Road - P.O. Box 992 Soul:hold. NY 11971 TD TI) TD 10 ::::J B Title Company Informatiun Co. Name All1ance Abstract of New York Title /I A13480F 02S . Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page .Ihi, !,age fonno part of the attached DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSlRUMENT) __ made by: I'HYLLIS A. ROSS 1he premi'iCS herein is situated in SUFFOI.K COUNIY. NEW YORK. TO In the To\l\o'l1Ship of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE OT HAMLET of NEW SUFFOLK FRANK T. KLOS and LOIS A. KLOS. as Husbund and Wife /lUXES 5 "lHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR !'RINTED IN BLACK INK ONI. Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (OVER) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DOl) Number of Pages: 3 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-:L9561 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 12/17/2002 11:03:09 AM D00012225 689 District: 1000 Section: 117.00 EXAMINED AND $315,000.00 Block: 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 012.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees I'or Above Instrument Bxempt NO Handling NO NYS SURCHG NO BA-STATE NO Cert.Copies NO SCTM NO Ccmm.Pres Fees Paid $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,260.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,300.00 $4,659.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Filing COE EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax TRANSFER TAX NtJMJ3ER: 02-19561. THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THB INSTRUMENT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 Cl. SWIS GClde ~ 7.JJ? ~ZJ ~ ,. cz. Date Deed Recorded / .2. / / 7 I .c:'-.~ MOn1~. DIY Year C3.Book L/,,) ,...2..,...) , STC4.P.9.~,b ,fl,1' 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Property L2300 Loeiltlon !;TREE~ NUM8ER I -- Grathwohl Road STREET NAME (Town of Southold) L CITYO~TCWt>. VILLAGE 2. Buyer L KLO S Name lAST NAMll C;OMI'ANY FRANK T. fiRST NAME L KLOS lAST NAME iCOMI'ANY ~IRSTNAM._ 3. Tax Billing Address Indicate where future Tax Bi Is are to be sent if othH than buyer address (at bottom of form) ~ ;Asr"AME/COMPANY L STRHI NUMBoR AND STIlEn NAME CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of A84essment Roll parcels ttllnsfelTsd 00 the deed L _--------lJ # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property SIze 150 L 75 ~xl FlWN1HET ~OR: . DePTH A~' 6. Seller Name ROSS PllYLLI SA. FlflSTNAME lAST NAMElCOMFANY L'>'ST'IAMEfCOMFANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the wI;e of the property at the time of $Ule; A~ One Fanily Residet1tiBI B 2 or 3 F'~.'TTily Residential C Res;der'r~;al Vacant Land D Non-Re!,idential Vacant Land E~Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment I Arnusement I ~ community. Sarvice J Industrial K Public Service L Forest I SALE INFORMATION I 11. Sale Contract Date 07 / Month 22 / 02 Day Year 12. Date of Sale I Tran,fer 11 / 06 Month Day / 02 Vas, 13. Full Sale Pric!' 13.. 1 I 5 .I_.~~J.~ , , . iFull Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property incl'Jding personal property This payment may be in the form of cash. other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obliga~ions.) Please round to the nearest whole dol/ar amount. 14. IndlClrte the vlllue of personal, 'I 0 I 0 0 I property included in the sale, , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the late:lt Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16. Year of Asses=.ment Roll from whlen informBltlon taken I 0 2 I 17. Total Assessed Value lof all parcels in transfef"l L. 18. Property Clas~ 2 1 0 ~~-LJ 19 School Districl Name I New Suffolk 20. Tax Map Identifier(s) I Roll Identifierls) Of more than four, att.~ch sheet with additional hHntifier(s)} 1000-117.00-02.00-012.000 L- CERTIFICATION --.I L~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 Rp.5217R...3I'n New Suffolk LOIS A. FI~ST NA.t,oE STAn lOnly jf Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Autt-ority Exists 48 Subdivision Approval WIIS Required for fransfer 4C. Paccel Approved for Subdivis'on with Map Provided Check the boxes below as they apply: 8 Ownership Typa is Condominium 9, New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located with'n an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received II disclosure notice indicating thatlhe property is in an Agricultural District , ~~...:' 5 .., 11956 ZlPCOOE ZIPCOOE o o o o o o o o O-.J 15. Cheek one or more of these cDlIditions as applicable to transfer: A Sale Between Reiatives or Former Re:atives B Sale Be:ween Rel,lied Companies or Partners in Business C One of the Buyers is also a Seller D Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution E Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sala (Specify Below) F Sale of Fractional or Lass than Fee Interest (Soecify Below) G Significant Change in Property Between TaKable Status and Sale Dates H Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price 1 Other Urlusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Selow) J None BUYER I certity that aU of the items 01' information entered on this form are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any \\illful fat'lt:' stawment of ma1~rial faet herein wiD subject mc to the provisions of the nenallaw relative to the making and filing of fal.'le inortromcnts. ~-~ F-tMtWlt~~u1<los d10;)3UL_ /~ Caminiti , 1 info/f)') OA-E i.ASTNAM~ Cu~",' h( :;T~E T NAME 'AFTER SAlol f'd 631 STREET NU"JIeER AREA CODE Np'A,'S-,-fi:.\ \::: C!T'1'OETOWN -~ l---ij STATE ZIP' COnE SELLER (3 V /.J ./.?'.-1d/ SE RS'GNATURE Y~Y..L~(l?if'-KOSS 11/06/02 OATE BUYER'S ATTORNEY Paul f-1RSTNAME 765-5900 TEL~PKO'lE NVMBE"l NEW YORK s1AT~1 COpy j