HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12392 P 881 , L 1.;.(:=;(1;2 \' Ii:) bl .. /1'/ Lf-II EXECUTOR'S DEED (INDIVIDUAL Ol~ CORPORATION) STANDARD NYDTU FORM 8010 CAU1'IOS: 11115 AGREF.\IE!'.-r S80111.U HE PKf.PARED B\' ..,. A...roRNE\' ......0 IlE"It-"WED B\' ATI'oa.'o:,'s .-oR SELLIORAND P111lCHA.~EIl BEJlOIlE SiGNING. JI" THIS INDENTURE, made !he t ~ day of r., " 2005 berwcen JOSEPH H. GIBBONS, as Executor of the Last Will aaol Testament of Ollila Oveharorr. deceased, residing at 1380 Grathwobl Road, New Surrolk, NY II'Sli party of thc first part, and JOHN IMPELLIZERI, mldiag at 7 Summerfield LaDe So., Aquebogue, NY 11'31 pany of !he second pan. WITNESSETH, lhat!he party of the first part. to whom letters ltestamentary were issued to JOSEPH H. GIBBONS by the Surrogate's Coun, Suffolk County. New York. and by vinue oflbe power and au!hority given in and by said last will and testament, and/or by Anicle II oflhe EstaleS, Powers and Tru~lts Law. and in consideration ofS585.0oo,OO dollars, lawful money of the United Stales.. paid by !he party of !he s~'i:Ond pan, docs hereby grant and release unto the party oflhe second pan, the distributces or successors and assigns of the pany of the second pan forever, ALL that cenain plot. piece or parcel of land, with !he buildings. and improvements !hereon erected, situale, Iyinlland being in !he SEE SCHEDULE 'A' An'ACHED HERETO TOGETHER wi!h all right,tille and interest, ifany. of !he party of !he first part in and to any strocts and roads abullingthe above described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appunenanccs. and also alllhe estate whiich the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises. and also the estale therein, whieh the II'8f1Y of the first pan has or has pc,wer to conveyor dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD Ihe premises herein granted unto !he party of the second pan. the heil's or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, AND the party ofthe first part covenants that the party of !he filst part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any wlY whalever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants !hat the party of the first part will receive the consideration for Ihis conveyenee and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a !rust fund to be Ipplied first for the purpose of paying, lhe costs of/he improvcment and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement befole usinll any part of the total of the same for any other purpose, The word "pany. shall be construed as if it read .panics" whenl",er Ihe sense of this indenture 50 requires, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the plrty of the first pan has duly e:l<Ct:uted this deed the day and yell' first above writlen, ftd.~ NYSSA R~ldmIiaI Real ~ Fanns on HulD~JC:I. (9100) .1- COp)Ti;hJ: Capsotl'" I)e'iclopmcnl SOIIEDULE A Corfl1NUATION , . Tide Number: RES-05-32485 DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 11 7.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 011.000 ON THE TAX MAP OF SUFFOLK C'OUNTY ALL that certain plot, piece ()r parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon '~rected, situate, lying and bein,g at New Suffolk, TD.wn of Southold. Cpunty of Suffolk" Slate of New' Y OJ\(, bounded and described as follows: '.. BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the westerly line of Fred Streel, 100.0 .feet northerly along said westerly line from Fisher Road, said point of beginning being the northeasterly comer ofland of Florence Grathwohl, from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE along said land of Gralhwohl, north 73 degrees 45 minules 50 seconds west. 151.33 feet to an iron pipe and land ofFishcr; THENCE along said land of Fisher north 8 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds east 61.54 feet to a monument and land of Livinglrtone; THENCE along said land of Liivingstone north 21 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds east 75.0 feel to a monument; THENCE along land of Chanlay, south 63 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds east 159.34 feet 10 said wC5terly line of Fred Streo::t; and THENCE along said westerly lIine two cowses: (I) south 23 degrees 27 minuua 00 seconds west 72.45 feet; (2) soulb 8 degrees 38 minules 30 seconds west 35.0 fcello the point or place ofBEGINNlNG. Schedule A 20f2 ... STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ) 55.: ) On the' l"'liay of ~ ;)..D()) . 2005. before me, the undersigned, personally appeared JOSEPII H. GIBBONS. persona~ly known to me or proved 10 me on the basis of salis factory evidence 10 be the indiv!idual(s) who..e namc(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the within instrument and acknowledged 10 mc that hc CxeCLlted the same in his capacity(ies), 'Ind that by his signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, execuled the instrument. NOTe~ - RclIlIIl D. lIIDaIn N/lIaIy IluIIIiI. ... Ii N." VllIk No. DIOR..... QudIed In _ Caunty CommIosIon EllpIIu JaIl 3. :ID~ NYSHA RcoidcnlilLl Real. F..start: Fomu on Iiot.DPcsI 49/001 -2- CopyriBlu C.....ft.llcvclopmcm ,. ~ 2] l Number ofpages TORRENS 1 RECORDED 2005 Jun 16 11.24.02 IlM Edward P.Romaine CLEJlI( Of SUFFOLK COUHTY L 000012392 P 881 Dr# 04-45158 Serial #_ Cenificale # Prior elf. # Oe'o<I I Mortgage Insl"',menl Deed I Mongage Tax Slamp FEES Recording I Filing Slamps ~ Page I Filin,g Fee ~ Mongage Am!. Handling TP-S84 L Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Not:llion Sub Total EA-52 17 (<County) .. Sub Total GRAND TOTAL 1'~f). /' Spec J Assi!. Or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Oua' Town_ Dual County_ Held for ApponiDnmen~A __ nansrer Tax ~ Mansion Tax _ The propeny covered by this mongage i5 or will be improved by a one Dr Iwo family dwelling only. VES_____orNO_ If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page # _ of this inStrument. EA-S217 (Stale) RI'.T.SA ~:=& ID- Comm. of Ed. s~ Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Total Other :IT: Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verification Stamp O~5~~ 1000 1l"700 0400 011000 RewA A UN-G .~ :11 6 Communi Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S Dale Improved Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List ('mpeny Owners Mailing Add~ RECORD & RETIURN TO: Vacanl Land Initials .3 /() . Thcaas KallllllDt:ousakis, Ibq. 350 Fifth Ave. Suite 71~3 !lev York, MY 10118 TD TO TO r g Title Company Information Co. Name Regal Title qency TilleN Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page "Ibis page fonns part of the attached Deed made by: (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSlRUMENT) IlSU:J:1l OF OLGA OVCIIAIlIlFP TO JOlDl IMPELLJ:ZIlIU The premises he~in is situalcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. SOllTBOLD In the Township of In the VILLAGE. or I IAMLEr (If "eN.r v 1'-1=0'-1'" BOXES 51HRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRlNfED IN BLACK INK o.\lL Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 S'lJPJ.l'OLIC COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OJ.l'J.l'J:CB RBCORDJ:NG PAGB Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number . 05-0063960 TRANSJ.l'ER TAX NUMBER: 04-45158 Recorded. At. 06/16/2005 11.24.02 AM LJ:BBR: PAGB: District. 1000 Deed Aml:>wzt. Section: 117.00 EXAJlIIIIBD AND $585,,000.00 FOLLOWS Block. 04.00 CHARGED AS D00012392 881 Lot. 011.000 Receive,! the l'ol1owing Fees lror Above Instrument Bxempt Bxempt Page/F:Lling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA- STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tranef.,r tax $2,340.00 NO Comm.Pres $8,700.00 NO Fee. Paid $11,192.00 TRANSi'B1l TAX NtJKBBR. 04 -451511 THIS PAGIi: IS A PART OF THE INSTRtIMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County C'.SWlSC:odo . . . PLEASE "TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stale.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1~t,?0,~fUJ * CZ.OoteD..dR__ I/UI/L I(.';)j"" '.. ~ F C' =---- C3._11 /.'~,?,9', :aC4.P.geL.J. ,~,' / I" . PROPERTY INFoRMATION I "-Ll45 l..Gation S11l!fTNUMI!lIl STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF IlEAl. PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 ..p..g17"'~ Fred St. IfII!l1' NMII ~ v Suffolk L !:no'\!!!i! lei """,. ........ 11956 ...- 2.Suvw Nom. LT"'f...'~1 ....,-, Jolm NIIT""'-'E L LAST NAUf I COIIPMI" ......... 3. Tu. Indil::me wtwII futul"l TIM Bil.l... to be -m: L Billing il alhor thin buyer eddrta 1M boIlom of tonnl Addr.- LAiTa..w(/COIIIPAJrroY FIIlST~ L 'TRUT ....." AND S11IIlT MANe: t. 1ndIuI... ........ of A_me", Roll ,..... tr_fernd on tM dMd an DR 10Wlll STATE Z.COIIF 5. Ilood L ........ Siz. FROIIITf'EET I KI .."" lOA I 'N;,d . o o o JOBeph H.. as !zecutor of the Eetate ~f fl'lSTNAK Oip O."",h-Lvrr 1OoIw1.....0I._0'-___ u.. Ptlnnlng BoIrd with Subdivision Authority EJIiItI .. Subdivlllon Approql _ RequlNd for Trenafer C. P.-eII' Approved 101 SubdMlion with rap PnMdad .. of Parc... OR 0 PIIrt of . Parcol .. ..... N.m. L Gibbons UST ~"'_, COUI'ANY . L LAST NAM5 ICOIIMM" FIRST"": '1. C21-=Il the Oox _low whicb most ..:uratllly deecribl1l tNl Ute 01 the propmty at 1M II... of ..... 3 IU 01" I 05 v.., I ~ Cammunlty_ J Indulr:rill 1Gl. PI'OPMY ~ within III Agricultunll D1llricl: K Public SIMco .. Buyor flClived. cb:IaMI noIicII indicItIng I. Forut tbIllhe P'OPIR'r' illn an Agricu.tn1 Diltrict 1" a.dc... ..... ale- ...siIianI_1IppIcab1l1o '11''''''-: Salt Brnnen IWItIvu or Fcrmor Relalivoa SM e.w..n ANted CompanIp or PartMnlln Busln118 One of the &uy.rl II ,110 , Seller au.,.. Dr SeDIr II GCMll1lmInt Agency or lAnding lnstilLllion DIId 1YPe NIl W.fhlnly or BMo-In .nd SIll (Spldfv Below) SM or FFllClIonII or L.. thin FM InI.ntIt ISpacify BDlow) Slgnlfant Owlge In Property 8ecwun TPIIbIe fbtLd .nd SIll, DatIlII s.ao of IMJ...... illnduded In SIll PrICII OIher Unusual fKlOl1l AhctIng Sill Price CSpecify Below} Non. 0.-....__......._ .. ONMnlhlp 1YPe i. Condominium I. Now ConItnx:r.lon an VlCltlt Land o o o o A ~ 000 Flamily Resklentlll 8 2 or 3 Flmily RIIidenI:'aI C Rnidll1Iill VaclnI unci D Non-R.ldenUI V_nt Land I SALE INFORM~ 1 1. SIll Contrll:t On, E~Agtio:...U'" F Cal"lVl'llfNl G ..._ H Emertlinmenll AmUllmlnl 12. 0.. of SaIl' I TrtMfer <); (S IIclrWl Dir, I (j \': V.., _on 11. Full S... Pri=e ,5,8,5,0,0,0.0.01 , , . (full 54110 Pricc! is NIaIII amount paid forlhl prvperl.y including persoNI property. Thia pavmenl Irn-v bI in tM Form of CIIh. orhtl propMy or gooell, 01' IhI UItoI'IIPIion of mortglgll or l)lhIr obIlgationL) PfH..1'OUIId fo 'N...,..,'~ doIW ImOUIIL L, ,.. - .he ..... III .......' I 0 0 I -_"'lho_' . ., ...-..,. !II,. I ASSESSMENr INFORMATION - Do.. shoulcl ..fleet Ihe 11_ Finll Au_.' Roll ond Tox Bill I ,..V_III____, which IntomtMlon tHIa I 17. Tidal....... V....lof ,II pWaIa In 'InnlhrI1 1.. Property a.1I I dJ. . bl-LJ ,.. _....... Nomo I SCn.~ \ <l , I ; a. Tu MIIP "MIIII~ I Roll klMllillisJ PI more thin tour. ..... .a..t with additional klint...,. lOOO-1l7-4-U 1 I CERTlFlCATlOID I m1II'y IhoI 011 III ......... III ...._... _.......1IIs I.... Oft..... .... _ n..... _ III Ill)' ................ _fl_ I ._ ................. <I..,... \ - III_1lon he_ wtlllll1Ioct......... .....- "r.... .....10.......... to"" -iDs ...._<11 _.............. ) BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY r'- JJ -0) l<... ""'N ero\lS'~lC.IS I "T'ho -<:..~ OAT! LAlTNIW! MIT...... r . TMlJItIBnI ~d. Sf. STNI1IUlM: CAPl'Vl &\LEI -.... Il.LI.I'ttONLNUUHR '" t.v S ~+-h. \ I< UN""'" t.I"'C 1T"'It 1\ qrc. ,. .... ~~ NEW YORK STATE COpy -,; I "I..~ ....