HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12396 P 717 II _rd N.Y.B.T.U. FllII1IllC02-lIIIgoin and Sale lloed wIIh C......n IllIOinaI GnInlDr'a A$unJfonn -.11P1*t CON8ULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE. SIGNING llU8IN8TR11MENT.TlU INlI'I'RUM2NT SHOULD BI! USED BY LAWYI!R& ONLY TtlI8 INDENTURE, made the .. day of June, 2005 ') (1 ) " () ,0 71. 7 j ~3~4e/ MARGARET E. BROCKNER I8llldIng at 255 Fred Slreat New Suffolk, New York 11llSll BElWEEN party of Ihe first part, and JOANNE M. YACKO residing 81 255 Fred Street New Suffolk, New York 11958 par1y of the second pari. SUBJECT TO TtlE UFE ESTATE OF TtlE PARTY OF TtlE FIRST PART UNTIL HER DEATH OR UNTIL SHE PERMANENTLY SURRENDERS POSSESSION AND OCCUPANCY OF THE PREMISES OR ENTERS A NURSING HOME OR LONG TERM HEAL Ttl FAClUTY. WITNESSETH, that the par1y of the first part, in consIdllfll1ion of TEN ($10.00) dollars paid bylhe party oflhe second par1, does hereby g/'lnland release unto the party oflhe second part, the heirs or SLI('Q'O"""lS and essigns of the party of the second part foIwer, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, wlIh the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and baing 81 New SuIIoIk, Town of SouthoId, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and dascrlbed as follows: BEGINNING 81 an ilOn pipe on Ihe westerty line of Fred SIreeI 207.45 feel northerly mllll said westerly line from FlsIler Road, from said poInl of BEGINNING; Runnlng along land now orformer1y ofG. F. Grathwohl, North 63 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds West, 159.34 reet 10 a monument; THENCE along land of John ZuhOski 8nd Bruno Zuhoski, North 21 degrees 48 minutes 00 l;econds East 90.88 feet: THENCE along land now or formerly of G. F. Grathwohl, South 88 degrees 33 minutes 110 seconds Easl181.71 feel to said westerly line of Fred Slreat; THENCE along said westerly line, South 23 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West 100.00 Ifeet 10 the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT to covenants and reslnc::lions as recorded in Uber 8505, page 131. SUBJECT 10 any stela of faels an accurate survey may show. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe part of the first part has duly 8xecuted this deed Ihe day 8nd year first above wrilIen. IN PRESENCE OF <~ifr ~~~ ~~ . E. BR KNER TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWlI!IXlIIWIENT. MADE IN NEW YORK STATE SlIde of New Yo1k, County of SuIIllIk IS: SlIde of NewYo1k, County of Butrulk .s: On \he 15JH day of June In \he yIIlIr 2Oll5 On \he day of In \he)'Ul' beIanlmll, the undenlgned p8I-.IIy ~ed beI'ln mil, the underIigned penclI'" IIppend MARGARET E. EIROCK/IER ...,.arlIIIy _10 me at pn:Ned 10 me on Ihe..... of ~ _10 meat pnwed 10 me on the..... of lIIIIisf8cIory Ndela 10 be thelndMdUlll(a).vIae ~ ......a 10 be the indIvidUaI(a)-- nama(a) Ia 1_) aubacrIIIed 10 tIIe.....n InIlrumanl n MlTla(a) Ia 1_) aubaatbed 10 tile wIlIlIn InIlrumanlIUld GIcnowIedgedlo melhll hIiaIlIt'IIIey .....-the_ in ~'~adgedlll melh8l h8IaItallhey _WIhe Ume in hiIIh.JlIIelr C81*1r11aa~ IUId 1MI by hIIIIIl..1l"'lignIbn(a) HaIllaIIIhaIr C81*1r11aa~ IUId lhIII by '*"-IlINIIr lIgnaIunI(a) on Ihe rI, tile IndIviduaI(a) at Ihe penon I4lOft behalf of on the inIlrurnenI, the Indlvldual(a) at the pnon upon behaII of which inIII-'-<l-.cI) IICled, InalIumInl which the irlcIlIIIcIueI(a) IICled, ......1Ied the InalIumInl ~ ... allDeaflld~' ~... (...... n aIb of nttr.....11IIdng ttwlGlln...: ~ ...) 1A1IBN1..... .....,............ ....- ~..IIM~.. ~D I'!t<...h II ___10,,-....; I TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACIr- IOnftMENTSI8 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE &qte (at Ilillric:l of ColumbIa, Territory, at Foreign Counlry) 01 On the day of In the year b..... mil, the unclenigned, peraoneIIy 1Ip.-re personally known 10 me or pIlMId 10 me on lhe basil of SIIlIsfllClllly evtdence 10 be lhe IrdvIduaI(S) whose name(s) Is (al SUblalb8c:l'lo lhe wllhIn IlIIIInImenl and acknowl8dged 10 me thai heI'lII1llIlIIe -.ecr the _ In IIIIIherfth, capac:ly(les), and thaI by hlslherllhelr I/gnalunl(s) on tile IIIlItrum8nt, the lndlvIdual(s), or tile penIOrI upon behalf or whI the lndIvIduaI(s) lICI8cI, IIlllICWId the mtnlmelll, and lhal suclIlndlvldual made such appeaI8rlClI before the und8lllgned the (Ir.-t \lie ClIy.. _ ....- aulxlt_.) In_ (and _ \lie _ CltCounlry.. _... \lie............. --I .....and_.._-........, . '~,..IIlI) BARGAIN AND SAUl DBIID WI1H COVENANTS AGAlN5r GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION 117.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 012.000 COUNrY OR TOWN !lno,.hnfcl COUNrY OR TOWN S11lEBT ADDRESS Title No. MARGARET E BROCKNER TO JOANNE M. YACKO SAFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY 1529 Main Slrllet Port Jefferson, NY 11 m RETURN BY MAlL TO: Katherine Z. Pope, Esq. 1 B Front Street, Suite 2 Greenport, NY 11944 (-"_Ior~_l II'. 2 Number of page. TORRENS 3 Serial # Certificate # Pri...Ctf.11 Deed I Mortgage InSll'1lment Deed I Mortpge Tax Slamp FlillS 4 Page I Filing Fcc Handling TP-584 _-5_ _-2 _ Notalion EA.5217 (Slale) .; ,- ~ Sub TUlaI 7r- ~- Jq_ EA-52 17 (Cowlty) R.I'.T.S.A. Comln.ofEd. 5~ Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Olher _~ _ SubTotal GRAND TOTAL Real Properly Tax Service Agency VoriOeali"" (>ist. Seelion Block IAII -.. ------. - --.. - Stam" Dole ~O~2~5~7 1000 ~MA A UL-4 11700 0400 012000 Initials '-;1 Salisfactions/Discharges/Rcleases Lisll'roperty'Uwners Mailing Add ...:J RECORD & RETURN TO: ,I( Itnl-ef4/Je- 2. f'.oP~ eS'( :l.1 l(' F/i'..-iJNT ST. $ul7"t:""" ~ 6-~ p~ I'rJ N. Y IIQ v.y. REc"OR!IED 2005 Jul OS 01:15:39 PM Edward P;Ro~in9 ClERK OF SUFFCl.K COUHTV L 0000123% P 717 DT# 04-48204 Recunling I filing Slwnps Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolal c'/ Spec.1 Assil. Or Spec. IAdel, TOT. MTG. TAX llual Tuwn_____llual Cuunl'_ lIeld for Apportiunmem Tnmsfer Tax Mansion Tax ___ _ The property covered by this mortllllgc is or will he improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES_____urNO_____ IrNO. see appropriale lox clause on page H _oflhis instrument. CPF Tax DLle 6 Communil PrescrvOlion Consideration Amount $ s (mpro.ed TO It) TO TD 8 Title CompsllY Information Co, Nome Title # 9 Suffolk Coun Recorclin & Endorsement Pa e 'lbis page fonus part ofllle ullachcd b eer) _ mode hy: (SI)1.!CI~"Y TI'PE OF INSlRUMENf) mltilt~ B. /3I~c.KI\J~ThepremiseslK..rcinissillllllCdin SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. TO In the ToY<Rlhip of '5 ()J~ L- b <TOR ftJN C- tn. Y ItC-IC...o In It.: VII.LAUE or HAMLET of IlIJXES 5 'IHRU 9 MUST BE WPED OR !'lUNIT'!) IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILlNU. (OVER) 111111111111 111111111111111 11111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Il18t:rumant. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pagesl 3 Receipt Number . 05-0071070 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-48204 Recorded I At. 07/08/2005 01.15.39 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012396 717 District I 1000 Section. Block. 117.00 04.00 1I!YlOJIIHBD AND CHARGED AS 1l'0LLOIfS $0.00 Lot. 012.000 Deed Amount. Received the 1'01 lowing Fees For Above Inst:rumant Bxempt Exempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO :&:A- CTY $5.00 NO :&:A-STATZ $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie8 $0.00 NO RP'1' $30.00 NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Tran8fer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pres $0.00 NO Fee8 Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER. 04-48204 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE IHSTROMBN'1' THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Hamaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:J(www.orps.slale.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FPR COUNlY use ONLY C1. SWIG Code !. I y, '7, 7. t;r, g"; PI . C2. Dot. Deed_ e.f ( '?! lit. I~)I .'. -, ?, / ,?1 ~- C3.1IoaIr. PROPERlY INFORMAllON c.. P... I ""'-1 LocoIIon ';;5~ I p~');) STJIEET...-I aJ1lil.I ....... S IJ J nfr) '- '1> CRY OR TOWN YA C.1i. () LAIT NAM[, COIIPMY - iii a..J ~ 1.)1=;=0 t.K. I I /(~ '("" I "'- '5 ~e-r REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPER. 'I' 8EIMCES RP - 5217 ....ZI7... WI .:To I+NNf: fr\. ....- 3.4-1 f'r1^R..6--ItI4-..,- F.......... ,.. a..k 0lIl or men 01__ _~. A. _.......... to ~ A Sell .1\INen Relllivw Of Farmer Re&.tP.w 8 Solo 8eIween Ro&I&ed ComPMles or PIrtn... in BuIi,... C One of 1M ....... .. .... . Sol.... o "'-"'........ Gov.nmonI_", l.andlng__ E Daad TVPlI ... w......, "' ....... and Solo -'Y BoIowI I' SIlo of __"' l-.lhon I'M '_1_,. BoIowI G S1gnlllconl Chango In Pr_ _ T....... SIll... ,00 _ OlIn H Silo or _ illncludod In.... PrIcI I 00... u........ F...... Affocdng .... _ l_l't _, J ..... ..- N_ I.AIT NAW!./COMPANY ....- 3. T..: IndicD where fuCure T.. 8iIs.. to bllln!: I ....... n__....._..'_alfannl. -- LAIITtMII5,CIN'lIN\' 5-.n-...,...LIIANDa ..., NAMI! 4. indicate... number 01 A__ ........ RoD ,...... ......... on.... deed ""''''''- I I. or Parcolli OR D Pen: of . P..reel 5.o.d I -, Slz. Ixl lOR I -s nmwr PUT IICPI'H S.SoIlor Noma ,,"I__~c." Net- LMII&WIi/~ fIalllAll[ 7. Chedc Va. bu: beIDw whIah moM: ...... .wy..... tM... at the propMty III: the time 01 &ale: ^~0nI F"'ly_1II1 n 2a<3FomIIy_ C ReeidIntIilI V8Clnt Unci o ~1"..nlUnd I SALE INFORMATION I '1. .... Contr_ Data E~AQricuI1"" F Common:ioI (i ApartmInI H EftllIIUinmenI J AmuIIrntrq ~ Comm.nily_ J 100_' Public_lei L ..... I "" I y- ...... 12. Dele of ...., T....... -- le.. I /\ I () 'f' I --, "" - , ,,1),0,0 I , , . IF.II.... Pric:o iI...._......... ".;d"".... _rty'....udIna......... _,. ThiI .,.,...... ...., be In the form or call. OCher proptr1y Of goodI. or me IllUmptIon of IDOftgIg8I or DIIw abIIgadana.l ".... tOUttd 101M,.,..,. .... ..... ImOUIIt 11. FuI .... ...... L.... '''-'''''-'''- I ,D, 0 , 0 I __In"'_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dolo ohould ""loctlh.llI.... Fln.1 .. -ont RoII.nd T.. Bill 'L Y_"" ....A_from I V whIcfI ~.. .....tIo.l. .... ' In.T__V_laI"_In"_L..--. ,s. -. CIou t:J,.,I.oI-JJ ,L___I N~ S1JFRJ L.K.... , ; .5.r-.() 01 , 2O.T___I..._tIlmoro__._____1 /()1Jf) In - 'i - I.L ,..-rIM.: ITATP IP_ 100001l'",aI._I:'-*___ .,. PlorlnIng BooI<I with SuIlcIMlOoll Authorily E-. 0 ... I$o~'" iIIon AppmvaI_ ReQuIred tar TnnIar 0 4C. _ __ for.......-...IIo....,_ 0 t;; 1:'-*"'__ ___Iy: .. OwnerItUp Type it Condominium .. New ConIIrucdon on Vac:ant LaIMI 1M. PIapeIIy &.ac.Ied whhln In Agrtcullura1 DiIlrk:l ,OI._-.__-.a 1NI .... prGpIIty II in In AgricuIWIaI DiItrict o o o o I I CEIITIFICAllON I l..nuy.....u ............. __..............I'unn............ _n.............1IQ' _........ _.... I __ _.... moIIInil ...1II)'.1II'uI,...._..._r..._.III~-ID....--................. -1O...........-IIIIos...__ !!!ID!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY o~ _ r}n. 71j/"~h</D<" .4"'**~ ,,;; v ~. .'/ roO ,., ,.. ~ t;;:; 0(' ( I ~ ,::>7f...cf7 r STIIDTIWMK/I ~W"",UUI t<lew ~ ~rf7.)LI<... /Ii I.( II'? )f. ....,- _coot ""''''''- ..." ..- B!.I&!! ~~d f PA~I tJ..l("/nS' .....- '.......... ..-.. NEW YORK STATE COPY