HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12221 P 730 L (?-ZZj e 730 WCB-2 Kr". 8199 (unironn .n:k,) D:latr.1ct 1000 Sectioni 117.00 n(ICk 04.00 tol: 024.000 (11-Y-2Cf Stdi.tucl:"l:_ Y. 8.1. U_ hun .OO~ ~ ~B-u"'lrl J1Id 5~'" ~, .lllt. C4rmlUlt I,Ain11 GtJtlttl'"1 ^1~l._Ir:dlY~I,I..j:j Ilf Colpdlt.rtiOft ('lotI. thHt) c.o"'T ~ur.W1''' __ JI_a TIII5 __-TIm ~ _D.. _" ur._ ....y. .,.... 11IIll1NDENTURE, made Ill. 30 day 01 Oc-to bl!' r ,in tbe )'..r 2002 BETWEEN MICIlAEL J. FlUlEl..E and MARIA FEDELE. His Wit.. reaiding at 70S Fanning Road, New Suffolk. New York 11956 plrty of lhe lint part, ud HARlA FEDELE. residing at 70S fanning Road, New Suffolk. New York /1956 party 01 llIe second put. 91,............... tbat the party olllle fiB! pan. in (:OfIJidenlion 01 Ten Dollars and oc!Iu ....we ~ paid by lhe party olllle second part. c!oeI haeby IflIllI .nd .-.Jeue unto the party 01 llIe second part, llIe heirs or .11__....... and U5igns 01 the party of llIe second part I_vcr. ALL tbat cerWn pial, pi_ or pual ollaad, with the bWJdincs and improvcmento ~ ertClcd, .sitval.e, IPlII ud beilll*'* at New Suffolk., in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. and State of New York.. bounded and described 8S follows: BECINNINC at a monument on the northerly Line <>f Fanning Road (Charll.,'s l.ane) 275.00 feet easterly along said northerly line from Fred Street; said point of beginning being the southeasterly corner of land of Caruso. from said point of beginning; RUNNING along said land of Caruso. North 08 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East 193.81 feet to a monument; THENCE along lend of the party of the first psrt. South 83 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds East 107.24 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Howard; THENCE along land of Howard. South 02 degrees 36 minutes 40 seconds West 164.61 feet to an iron pipe on said northerly line of Fanning Road; THENCE along sstd northerly line. two (2) courses; 1. North 84 degrees OS minutes 50 seconds West 2.50 feet; 2. South 83 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds West 126.52 feet to the point of BEGINNH1G. SAID PREMISES being known as and by 70S Fanning Road. New Suffolk, New York. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to Crantor(a) herein by Deed dated 4/11/2000 and recorded 4/27/2000 in the Office of the Suffolk. County Clerk in tibet 12038. page 394. TOGETlIliR with..lI rigllt, litle aoo inter..t, iL...y. 01 lhe p.:trty 01 the fir.. !'Srt In and to 811)' ~ ud mads aWlIing Ihe above d=rihcd premi_ to IlIe cenler lin.. Ih....,f; TOGETHER will> the appumnlltlCeS nnd all the ..tale and lights of Ihe pArly of the fir.. part in ....d 10 said premioes; TO HAVE AND TO HOU} lhe premise. herein granted unto llIe party. of llIe seeood port. llIe~i~~~ ~.. of the p.:trty ollhe s<cond pArl lore""r.'.~""" EM>! ,~ 110' Clll'.veoeaee I'I~ COWW!~'IW E"b!,,,,,, I 0'':~\:l0l.'2 1l04G\A ,.....;;;!C 01 MG."'./PlIl 110' OJ"!"''''-?-.'' 9~L'" ANn the p"rt~ of the first part ~~.!Wtf.~~.hl'.i;.I1;x..~ llIe fir. part hu not _'<ir-.a~nything ..-hereby Ihe said ,remises have bmi 'fijPimllf~.!n a~y whale.er. Cxcq>l ... aforesaid, . ANn lhe pol1y, n lhe. first part. ,!, com,plian<.- \i-~th'<~ian 13 oIlhe. Uen Law, ~anls ~l llIe party of ,h. first p:ut Will recaln lhe eonsidenot1<>n for Ih.. c:cmrayance and w.1l hold the "gilt to r..,a,,'e snch consid. er:ulon ... a trust fund to be' applled first for llIepurpose 01 paying lhe coot 01 the improvement and wiD apply lhe sarna fir~t to Iha 1X>)'lltent.af IlIe .oot 01 the improvem.nl belore using .ny pari of the lot&! oIllIe _ for .ny other purpose. The \\'Ohl "P'lM)'" shall UeconstrUC!'d as j( it read ';panif's" whcu.evltr the RNC of this indetnure 10 requires. IN.WTl1USS WHEREOF. the prEy ollhe firsl part hao duly """"utcd 1lIil: deed lhe day and )'<'i1T ll.... allovc 'WT11~n. ~~ C1IAEL F ELE ~ JPl'lIk. MARlA l . STATE Of' NEW YORK, ,n.: COONTY OF SUFFOLK) On the ~day.... k.\olx..r in tho ~ 2002oer..."..... the ~.ponana/ly......w..JMichael J. Fedele pc:nonaIly known.. me or provt'lIlO lilt en 1M basis .fJ&1i1fldory ..itk:na: .. be tho indi.idualll) Whooe......cl) is l_l...bscribtd t. .he wiunn iM<nImI:nt ond aclcnowle<lpd 10 me tltat hd_y cxmnal 1M ..... in bislb.,lth.ir capocjly(icsj, ond tltatl>y hlsiltl:flthei, silP"'tmc(.) on 1M inslnJmml. 1M individual,ll. Of the _ upon _If.r which Ih. individual(.) llcted. cx_ the inslJ'UTnt'nt. . STATE OF NEW YORK, , SI.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On 1M ~ day or 4cIoikl' in tho ~2002 btforc me. m. undeTsigned. ponana/ly eppoaro<l Mar 1a -re4e Ie ponana/ly know.. 10 me Of pmveClO me on the bas.. of sall.foctory CYiclcnee 10 be 1M indi.illusl,s' whnse lIIm<(l) is 1_) subscribt<I '" tho within iM1rIIm<nl ond aclcnowledgcd to me _ heishelthey .s-= tho... in hirlh<:rllhcir c:apocity(i"l. ond tltat by hi_Ii......"".' "" the: IMlnlmCIlt."'e ind..l<Iual(ll. or II>< """"" .port behalf of wh.eh the l.di.id...1(11 acted. ......,c<I!In: instfUmtfU, --~~d' l.dMd..llakl.la.kDO~ MAU<ltI '. NoWy PubIlo 01 NellI 'ItIlk. . For ....0_1........ tak.D In 1'1_ YDrk Sial.: . No. O1MJ\1lOl1SUI My c.,.,~.:lwi3ll ExpItM .10/2ll/2005 ~""'s:.~1'> NASSAU CDJ4 ... SUrt" Dlstr1c1: -afColumttla, TRT"Itory, 'PoUt'SSu,n. or fomlll Cont,., /~~.~~ ... ... n.a of tadMdDal taltlDC Hk__1 IIARRET MI\lJClM .,., I'\IIIIlO Clf NellI.... No. O1IWlC1l1f1n My c.,.....tMIon ElqlI8e 1~ In.: On !In: _ day or in the yexr _ bc{OIll mo. lhe undmisn<d, per$DMlly appwc<l per$DMlly kno.... t. me or proved 10 .... on tho basis of misfactory .Yitk:na: 10 be tho indi.idual(sl whnse lIIm<(.' ile"", l..bscribtdl. Ih. within inwuntC!l1 ond a<lcnowlc<lCcd to "'" tltat hd.sheIIhcy ....UU<t tho ...... in hi"",...lthcil c:apocity(icsl. thaI by Inrlh<:rllllei, signalU1C(s) on 1M instnnncn~ 1M individual,s), or tho """"" upon behalf.r wIli.h the ,ndi.,duall')llcted. .Stc\lled lh. 'ns"".....,. and .hOl ....<~ lndi.idwd made ....b appeIJ1IJI'" ber_ 1M undersigned in tho . (I...... tlM: oily or <>Thor poli.ioal 11Jbdivision and 1M $IDle tK' country or olher place the lc:k.nowh:dgmc1u ';V85 Laken). st<<ututt aDd omc..llf 'DdMdua' uldnc Hk......Io<I_' .. For adtDlJWittt<<;tJ'iftlU IlkeD otltskllt of New York State.. ....... &IIll ..It .rlll WIIH CoVENANt AC^INH GR""N'lOa'$ ACTS T1TU No. MICHAEL J. FEDELE and MARLA FEOELE 5ECTION ] 1 7 . 00 .LOCI< 04 .00 LOr 024.000 cotrNTY ot. TOWN SUFFOLK TO MARIA FEDELE _._ AII!.qu<II or Fint American n""--..~ <I_Y_ o ..ruaN .'Y. IlIAII. TO:. . . ~ ~~ ..a ,., ~ j ... IT..,....,.. fOIJIil Of ldW 'fC'8 ~ Of f'fI\I u............:_ DU"...,NJ b," Firsl American Title {"II/Tanee Companl/ of Nelli tbrk ~ Robert Re1ehelscheimer. Es~. xalb 6 Rossnfeld P.C. 283 Commack Road Commsck. New York 11125 ""'.... '- K I a I .I I . ! i . . .. . , 8 Title Compaoy Informntloo Co. Nom. Title 1# Recordin & Endorsement Pa - e " / . ,,- . Number or It TORRINS U-2 -.3 SerllllI Clrt!nUIe II Prior or. /I 0mI1 Mortp.. bultumOl1I Deed I Morl.'Ie Tu Slwp F.B8S 4 file I FlUn. Pu --- IillKlllna TP.". s- - _S'_ N-otall1>" SA-5t17 (c"unlY) EA-52 17 (Slate) IU.T.SA )"' - Sub TOlal ,ir- ..:=3Q ill (Jl! ~ Comm. or Rd. s~ Amdufl CertI.fIed cOpy Rts..Copy. OIh.... --.- Sub Toll! /-- 7..) Cjv-- ().S.' ORAND TOTAL Real Property T.... Selvk:e DIal. lllcllon Lot lOa . -.-.---.-.-- - Slimp 02~18 1000 11700 0400 024000 Dote :1 Robert Re1cbelscheimer. Esq. Kalb & Rosenfeld P.C. 283 COIlllll&C k Road Commack, .New York 11725 , Suffolk Coun 11ds Jlll&O forms put of lho lIttached l \- REl'IJIlOED 2002 Hov 25 11: 20. "" All Edward P.RooaiMe ClERl( OF stFFOlK COlMfY l ??oo12221 , 7 P 73'0 T. dI- -1lo!> lbconllna 1PIlInl Slemp. Mort.... AmI. l.lIulcTlIll 2. Addlllooal Till Sub T 0111 SpIeJ.....Il. Or Spec./Add. rOT. MfG. TAl< Dull TaWIl_Dull County_ Held ror APPOrt!OMllilf .74 Trlll.fer Tu . :::t;;;;::t-_ MlnoiOll rlx _ The property covered by I"hi ruMPle II or will be Improved by . on. or 1100 romlly' dweJllIIIOllly. YES orNO_ If NO, .ee IPproprlllle fiX e1aulC On 1'11111 _ "frill.. lnllturnenl. 6 Commullit Preservation ., COllslderatlon Amounl $ d CPF TIIJ( DUll S mproved ......- VlUlIll.and TD TO TD 10 . DEED (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) M1CHAEl.J. FEDEl.E and MARIA FEDELE ',ode by: 111e premises herein is situated In SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In UIIl TOWlllIbip uf _ Southold llllb: Y!LLAOE Or HAMLET of New Suffolk HARIA FEDEl.E BOXES S nmU9 MUST BE TYPEDORPRlmm IN BLACK INK ONL YPRlOR. TO RECORDlNQ OR. FILING. I 111II11 II1I 11m 1111111111111 111111111111111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUN'rY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Insu\IIIl8nt: DEEDS/DDD NwlIbez of Pages: 3 'rRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-16597 Recorded.: At: LIBER: PAGE: Distr1ct: 1000 Section: Block: 117.00 04.00 EXlIMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above In.truaent Exempt NO HancUing NO ns SU1l.CBG NO O-S1'Ai'E NO Cert.Cop1e. NO SCTH NO Comm. Pres Fees Paid page/Filing CO!!: KA-C1'Y 1'P-584 Rn 1'ranafer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 '1'1'\A1IfSFEB 1'AX m.lMliI&R: 02-16597 THIS PAGE IS A PDT OF 1'D INS'I'llt1MBNT Edward P.ll..olaaine County C~erlt, Suffolk County 11/25/2002 11:20:44 AM D00012221 730 Lot: 024.000 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $99.00 &....."t NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM iNSTRUCTIONS: hllpJl www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE IS181 473.7212 tJ73~,t,1 C2. Do.. Doed "...rded LlJ l'~ I w-r l'~~ '\ '1"" " , C3. llook l -;:::J-, 1 C4 .09& . FOR COV'\l] Y i,;sr ONLY C1. SWIS Code ~.'; -~ PROPERW INFORMATION 1, Pn:peny If:I<UilM 705 Fanning Road $fA('il'l'IflVl' ,,"', ((. ,,",.','" m?"Y.t:11,21.<i ~iJt.:.","f" 2. Buve~ N#tI1Ci FEDELE ,..>.;r, ""''fir . ,;XA1rANV~"~~' Ci~:;;-' "'~'1i,:;j~M/" To> tmlh~9: A~!t kditM,' '.'Y'",2ft' hJ1U(f 10l~: i::iiW Me:" Oi MiH it nnw 'h~r. (;,");ijt ;;if{HiOJli ;.lIt !:xl11<ltTI 91 ~wm ';;;;w",l,..-, -",-0:""'~~ <4 IttdiwU fM "UmMf C)j AUUlimilU'tt Roll ~ ttafdMrHd Oil th. dIIttd i! .Jf Parwl;; OR 0 rdfl (It il Ptjft;,cl . "".. PrapM't' Sl:~ . + "I x OR <.r:-9;;$ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STAn: IIOARD OF REAL Pfl:oPvrrY SERVlCES RP - 5217 w~'l.n~,tov:' New Suffolk ...~...1 I 11956 'iilc0t' jCNJtv If Part: uf It PafGcll Cill;!:Gk as- ~.,. ilpptv: 4A PIll/mOld S:.Mtl with 5.Jhdivifiiof' !qttlt)t'w bilt$ "8, SUi:XII~j~io" Al;mr,w;\ Wi!l~ l'l$('jlil!?() 11;\1 h>>tojllJ 4C, ";:Fd:': A:.;;'IrelM!!.1 'M SjjbIhljrici:~ wi:h "h~l ?""'''''t$1 o o o FEDELE '-";-Hl k~.fCHAEL J.. MARIA 6. s.;4/0t NIl"HI' ,'EDELl:: '.;:".1 ""...\<[..t,';I.Oj>;o.>;-.- 1 Chlttk the: bOolI: beiQw wl'lidi most IttGllUtlHy o..C:t1bd the IJ" of thlll'prop4I'l1y .t tlkt urn. of .illI" A~ On". ziJ...r<", fl"'l:idt";<<, '.' )(H3filmIlY."""'''''''''' (' RF~dwl!tlill 'JJ!~lIm '-fli'I:. l) , Ntn.Ri<iilr1i'lt\tlill VlIiUlrtt ...i.H'td H~""'''''''''' f; ;;'O"'I""'I!-n:o(w G Ap.jHtrmml H Enf11ltilinw'Jni ; Am#:HufuvlC I..~.. <.(1",,""1/>+,' s.~JV;('-' J: hddI1"lf K ::!.,p',;: $,H~'O;; 1 ,_, 'C'Q<'Wi! Chccll; ttw bu~ tmow <Jt. lhov -Pfd'V; 8, O....~"'rup typll ill' CoJ'!domin';I!"fi 9, Nrw CQrlI\.tNr:tion I,tl VUutrll LA.nrl o o o o 11. &lie ContfltCt O,~ , X R C I) t I~ G Il I J lit CMdi. oaf!' CMmO<<! or tha'!W ~ n~'o tf1ll.....: Sill" 6t11WI:<;rl I1clatw,;!'t N fhl'ffi{,j Ro;I;~ri~1I\ Suh' Euy....'t'ep P,.;l;i:ed CC1'1rH'\ifts {l( F'm't!V':!:5 i" BI.i~P&1if; D"'t' 01 ibt tbYHHj 'll ,Fit;< ii Snllclo' l:!'tt';-e. 'v Seliw :.,; GQyt'fI'lmot"r Age",;.,!, ,jf l.JJ1"dinl} ''1s!illJtiOfl 0001r,,'pe; n<lo\ Wtll1Mft'{ t'lf 61lrgf<.';'\ ~\",rt SflW, iSWlf'i Q6ltY-hf Slldl fl' f'nli:hrMfll. or Ll'l$$ tpan fill\' IMfJr~ ISPAc;tv 8e!ry"vj s.f1'1mCill\. (; '1IW'9fl irt Pt(JPflIlVEk.'lWHFl Tm"3b::t $tlll\J$ 11M 8$11 tM\~ $.uit!'nIUHMI'-tS$ ili 111l:;',Ia""il II"' S.,lli Prkv Othct U:1':l1,1il FdU(I'S. Nful;I,r,n S"i. r~l~ t$:;'j}I'/W H.rkywi :\lornl SALE INEORMATHJN ,:t. Oate of Saill' IT raMf.r 10 3D) 02 MiY41 D-ilY '~, -0- II II I , , , . ihl!; S;ol!;' f'riu;,; i\i.. lhti tOUlI ;:;m"u~t (>>itJ 1'0/ 1,.,11 J;Vupt'rty inclm.lin-;; pt.tsWlill pn'ip!!"tlj! rh!1i rn.jji !It" in Itm term tli t;M(i'L <Jt'1f,lr\HX1;:;!)I"I'( tv >;'Umtl\', w 'Wl:Ilil,,,~'tI((V' pf w "rnee (I0-iloll';(O"ji l"'fN!1W '0:,""1 !t); (fW '~Nf wlm!c delklf smo'mt 13 Full Sa.h!o Ptkc L 14 indiarte 1tw \/~~(; of penQ"l'l -0- PfOperty Inclwled kl 11'1. StIli. ASSeSSMFNT lNFORMA.Tl0N . Datil. s1'101J;{j reliect tlt$I~~.eS1 Final ASSIll$l'>'rt"em Rnl! imdTa:t Blli 16 'fear of~.nt RoIH fttln'l: 0 2! 17 10141 AwI:UlJl<i V.;lPl flrl .wJj ...-..oJ, Wi m<<1"f.,i whkh imonTWlitlntl taken -"-,,.) .'_.....' ltl~I1VC1,,~"l ~\O,_! New 5uF-follL I Hi S<:hoql Llb;~ N4Im. 10 r... M"fJ IdtmltMlm:iv I Rml \dentiHttrl51 Ht m<tt. thll'll ~r, liIttlld1 UlNl 'Wtfh flidditlortflllldentHl.'flll 1000-117.00-04,00-021,...000 ~........J 1OA. ;'rvIJ';'<>h '))f4lHHl 'i'dhu .,,-"winll,IH.<;! DiWl!;;.l 100tt f).ul-,{r 'N;.etWlil)j d;l\l;ii:ilw~ flWi!A IMiL1.1liFlg bi\.' 1"'" pn\(l(!i'ti' '" *" :'",.jq.J:;,f;/l! 1';;',hC1 7S0b L..~QJ , I CfSRT1F1CATIOh 1 t't'rtUy lhat Idl nf tho!- ilN'I~ (It ;!llhntl)ltlo()rl i:i'lft~ 0'1 lhk twm !IIi' tru~ (llid ($rrect .to the ~'St ilJr m~ kuow~' iUld hrik>O mwJ ! wKil,'f'4.4mr.l thul tbe makiillt j)f M1~ willful flll",,-, ~kmtJH {II' lIUrtrrriUl flk'1Ih1"\.'1ft 'I'l<SI subjt'd ffM: III tIM,- Ofitli~Jl.n~, .if lhl'~~J"'~ t'riah"e lJ' 111(' ,~kil~ mul filhl1:; jJl hd"t, In-.tnuul'n1!>L BUYER y ~n~,,\ , t,:r~ ~"o.'. . "'" 4'..J . ~~ GUi ^ , ,,~/W/IJ1- Relchelach.el1ller Robert 705 , / I ><;"-~r" ""'''', .M-U" "O.\'F,. Fanning Road 631 \~"H~ f, '~",,;f New Suffolk NY 11956 SELLER '< ~"f/jd1.1f "/ , ., -fyI, iAl".... ."f; / .., yr~ ^,ID(~k ..<" . aUYER'S ATTORNEY 499-3800 NEW YORK STATB COPY