HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12208 P 193 . t' , .,' . ~.~ t.~ ~ /' .,,, I 1\~' ...... -- 10 l.il>O OIl) , .1)00 , .r_....."'.......~lC/!lYtfrullllOtf N'YIXi~ " ~ffl.Id1(1.' $&lc Dted ..r\h .~t1'&MC...."~. A:lilI .l~ CII _...-_ "'.......... ~UL T YOO!1ll \,,4 WVUl, "'!OU SIGNING mlA II'lUllUMlNT _ nus IJII'$T1IUMIIKf sl<<llJu:! .lIHJIlIY tJI WVEll5O!111.. V nUSlNDENTUiUl.. made Ih" :2 6th ~ of BETWEEN SKMU; C. ALEXIINDER and AGNES ALEXANDER, his li/ifl~. both residt.nq at Gi9S New Suffolk Road, New Suffolk, NY 11956 ... ugu at , 'nlhe)'ellf 2002 l- I aaoS P f'~~ plIl'l)' of [he nIl" Jl"r1, ..nd 117-5-;;).7 ROBERTA CROPSEY, residing at 376Sanborn Road, '1"J,lton. NH 03216 pIIirly. of Lbe lICCond part, wmu:ssETR, In,allhe pury of Ull: first plIfl. in l;oMidenuion ofT Cl1 Dolt&r$ UKI olher VIIluaillc c::onAdcnuion paid by the pari}' Qf Ihe 5lX01Id plll1.11~ bCJ1:oy granl aM rtlcuc unlO Ille plIl'l)' of the f<<ood piII1, lhe beil'lor S'UCCetrlSOJ1; and _'grn "nhe pany ~,rlh" K1COl'ld plll1 fol'n'Cl'. ALL Ilw <:enain plO't, plCl;l:or p~l onand, w'lb lhe buildlll.ll311n~ imllrovalWlIlI ~'ft~ s.' lyi.na and bc:ing i! t: NeW' Sutt 0 lie: . Town of Soutll<;-lC!. t:ount you State of New 'iork. bC:fW'1ided and describe<! as. follows: BBGINNXNG at a ,point on the easterly, hne of New Suffolk Road, al: the SOUthwest cornero! the p.renuSElS hereJ.n described and adjoining land fC1rmerly of New SuffolkSttiward. late of Michael Weic~orek on the SOUt.h.; RUNNING '.t'HENCB a.long the ea.sterly line of New SUffolk Road, North I' deg. 03 min. 10 sec. Bast. 30..00 feet. t.o land formerly of J ,8. Maso,n. later of ildna V. MoNulty; IUJNNING THBNCB along said land. South 87 deg,. ~S min. Bast. 85.00 feet to land formerly of N~ Suffolk ShJ.pyard. later of Hichael Wieczorek; RONNING THBNCi along said land. three (31 courses ilnd distances as follows: 1 . South 7 deg. 03 lI1in, 10 sec. West. ""0.00 feet. 2_ North 87 O1l!9- S5 min. WeliJt. 40.00 feet; 3. North 75 deg.. 11 min. West. 45.24 feet to the point or pl.!u::eof BEGINNING. SlJBJI!lCT '1'0 all instruments of record_ SlUNG AND IN'l'RNDlm TO BB the same premis&liI CODveyed to Gr.mtor by deed dated 4/15/9.2 and recorded 4/22/92 in Liber lH54 cp 223_ TOCETUER llIiln &11 righi, title IltId inlCm<l, If My, of the plll1y of Ibe l1:m piII1 of. ill and I:i!l In)' atm:ta IIl'lCI l'OIl!d.Iabuning the ahove-described prc:miscs to the ccatu lines lhetwf; TOGETHER witb the lIflPUI'll:!MllCh and IlIllhe mate .lAd righu of the pm)" of Ibe fint pitt in and 10 gid pl1.:Inilll$; TO HA VI: AND TO HOLD 1M P"l.niJlcs betein gratllcd unto the f"'1it) of the H<:ood plltl, .thc beirs O' I1U~ and Uliips of the JlllM)' of the J.C'OOnd p;11"1 forever. AND ,tbt: pmyof the firsl plIJt WVClllllll1lhallbe PIIl1Y of the lim JllII"I hIlS not done Of wff~1ld M)'tiIillll ~ IDe mdpn:musa have been lnl;ttmben:d ItllUlY WilY whalcver, (l~1 lIS IIfOlUllid. AND .m: piII1)' orllle fll'lt pIU'l,~n COrlll)lIllKe with Sectioo 13 ofl.hc LiCl1 Law, QO_U Ibm l.hc JW1Y of !he fml pat! wlil ~.vc the OOlUulel'lUllfl for tbis CI)l\V(~ and will Mid the righett> receive IiUCb COUid_lioo U llllUsl fund 10 be .ppiied firsl for Ibe p1J'l'pO.K of p.)'I1I8 lbe CGlI orl:be irnpnm:1Il<lnland ~II apply the IlIrnIl rlnt 10 lI::e lllIymlml of the con of lbe irnprovcmcnl ~fll~Ulinll my put of !he lOCal of Ihllume fw my otIw' p1Jt:pO!<' , The WOld "p1lnY"lIIaH be CQll&D'Ua:lIiI int mid "patti",," whmcva: the Kl:I$C ofllilil mdcnll.lil"e so RlCjuitt::l_ IN WlU'lESS WHEREOF, Ihe plIl'l}' ,)f the fim PlIfl hu dilly ~ecule Ililn deed the: da)' and yarn,. abovc wrilUn. 2N I'Il.QU'CE or: .If/d~ !-J N-~"'''''_''' liNE G. ANDER g,,1n a~~Jn~ A .. ALEX"'H~R --.... "_" J It...... till!: 1:0J.K I...., On~or Auqu:st irIb}'lilt 2002 brIitln: -. _ 1m r " \ l*iIl1lo. .lM-wd SHAN! G. ALEXANDER I AGNES ALEXANDER. ~ imMllllll1lll or ~ lD I1lll 011 _llMiIl or ~ C!o'Q._lIIl be -~) --IRIII:(J) it (In) ~ib.d II b ..... --.- 1Id:I_~ IOmedl>ll ~Cll~1h: - ill ttitIIlttJIlOoll ~_)'UIdhrb)l_~4>_.<(.)oo Ihe ---. _ ilIrn"'....l << b ~ ~ bdult'cl ~ llle\ ~.) Ided. l.':l<<lllat llle inlWlTlml. ~QRACEtlEmltClC N tary u lie no:~: =~~ C-'l:trH>S r: i~(1 c-m. !lqlltel ",,,,,/tf'j' 31. . ,./If. ~ ~UlllI~I't>>MIQllUiI: ~Nlt;wf_&az'Qouo (Hrw r..... ~ 11'1I...,., Ad....../..(~~..., Cml:/iI:1_1 Sllll. of N.... York. C01IImy eer I .1.: On IIIc dl)f of In Ille year bfr_ me. IIIc undrn1lpm. pttllCllIllll' ~ . IIIcwblic:ribina w~ 101h!: fOl'1ellOina in:stnlmen!. with whom 111m ~Nn,.~. ""Ilo. be'i:lllb1tMdul)flWOm,diddeposelLl!id say Ihlt Il~ Ilftide(SI ill (1I11ut p1M!If '!/ ..,idmt'll II j. .. t11}t. ~ r/w........ _~"... ~_b!rr. If ....... I~; tbal~D~W(" III be !be iftdlvldual ~ 'rI .wi \II!lo aeculed IIIc f~:ml!l inMn:lmmt; IMI Slid subscril>illlJl "'.mea ..... p~1 aM _ Sliel _1IIc RIllC; Md Illai aid.,ilneD ~.IIIC AI."., time mbtalt.cd ~ir Mrm:(S) M. willlc'll!l Wmo. ~, '7H:E :~ AL~:t::: ,L. J~ AGlUlS ALEXANDER . TO ROBERTA CROPSEY ~by T.P.S. ABSTRACT CORPORATION 3S() OW COUNTAY ROAD GARDEN em. NEw YORK 11530 Niiltiau . 241H.S50 &sUolI< . ;27;HIOoo Fax" 5HH4;?-7500 .. u ij; o I .. o III '" :) it: _ r ~ ~ It. t " '" li ~ ~ . , ScRo f1f "'- Ywlo,. C-, .1) f1f I ) III On.1!la dIy.... ! OlIihe}'lilt ~mc:.1be l.ooeL.:i~~ ~-.Ji I . p:rIIDI'lfLlIy mo-I> I'I'II!! or.~ 10 hi ~ 1Ie__ fIl.....Rh~ aidtocl; 10 he lie ~f) "'- ~f) iI (R) u......... 10" YriIllin .,....,""4m11d1_~ 1O_"~ _... _irlblsil~J~ll.. ~1o),--bybil.t~_"''"'(J)Oll I!la_~!he ~ll-""IllcP.a-.11IpCIn b:W'of~ b ~.)Il*d, ~ihe~.~'iC:l1L I 1/<<<.,.... cj".... I /-;3' -Oln ! ~FrallPfl.OlIi:laNlI1lf lbII'5'rAm~ (OM ofSlak ,,,.FfJf'O'lp ~A,f:MJ'S$.'.~"'~1 .'.~.....,.,~~ .,."....,..... ".,... ,., .~... J&: fC~"__$;'_.c_'~'''~1 On rbe doy or I mlDe l'l* bl!f~ me. tl'Ie und<:ni;ll:llt'd. pmIOnlU)' a~ I " ~n.!1y blcwn w mc -.,.- ~ ~o me (If\ the _i. (tf.llaf~ CYid=" ~t:I be tl'Ie indiyjdu.I(I)~ ~I) ts(_l $'UMm1lell1O tl'Ie WIth", iflmtltllmtllllc! IiCcowkdll'/d 10 me Iha1 ~ e'<CltuIrd [~e same .ill hisi'bel,'tlmr ~it)'(lftl.lldlil<)'his.lbcr' IihciJr IillMiJt1lrtill 001'" i~l. (he lndiYidu&l(.).<< (he pmIOn...- ~lf of "'hieh the Indlvlc!ual(t) m.ed.'QCIl:lIIlod the -b..ll "",...If.. md thai luch i~d....idtH' -mad.: mfh .ppu~ lxi'_ Illc UIIillmiliftlld .,>th" : ,,- ,. ctt. "" "'~.. rxAnJ..., .r./MIl-ui- __ ._ '" ~", of"" pi4/:4 I*" ilI<btowl~t ..." 10""') I I DI$TI\J(T S!i("!'1(lM B~ LOT C(MJNTy Oil TOWN i r ,rrnrn r : N.lI..l HJI"'..A 1il L I 1:11 ~. , fll1f "'..... 1'.J:TlA" 'I'. IoIilJl. 10 II 2 j . ~mkr Qf ll'\II" TOttlllENS ..s Rf.~ :lOO2 Sipp 11 IO'~l28 AI EdlMrt:l P.li'~iOf CUIlK (IF 'Sl.lFFQJ( C':l:Um' l OCOOl2208 P 193 ,'TI02-06031 ~nllLI/ C.:nirlQ\~ . l'rior a r. II Or"" I Mnn:pll.c IIl..""",...r 0mJ I !rtQIlp&1t TIS SI.VT1l> fF.E.<; llKonIiAlI ( Fili'l$ Slmn", ~ 1'_&" I fih,. 1'.:<: q ----.........- ~~~ l\.kIrt:CIlB" A,,~ Hnndlinll TI'.58" ...:~- ~- -) l. ~.Oc r.. ~. ^""'Ui~lls Not__ U';,:!> ^ s ~~""-- cJ:S --- _Ztl=- Sl,IbTol.ll ~~ Sub T "'''I riA. 52 11 (C"""lyl (:nmm....rl'tl -~~ SpocJAwI. (h Spoo::.. tMJ TOT MTG. T"X Clul T ...... Owll C.......y HtlidfotAJ1f'l'rlioomm. ._ "_1... 1'u, il "1K EA.~211 (State) J\mm~'l JJ .....,L M"..'otl Tax The property QCl>cnd: by litis mort.. t>f wll) bit ''''!'<<Inti by I Oft" I,IftWl) f.....I, dwtlli""lonly. Vf,s or NO UNO. SCC ~IIU dasc ~ ~",1 __I'flh.s~. (mIlled C"l'Y ~. Cupy Oll~<< .-......lS Soilb TuIlll 15 9 <f <lRANI) TOTAL. Kal ~y TII)l Service ~ VcriricaU'On r: IJIst Sect!"" B lode 02033718 1000 1110,0 051;10 O:nOOO to"~ IF( DHO A Inl!,,,15 ~ 3' s.isrllCtloo!]DiKIia~wRt:lcasn t'$l'l'mpcl't)' vw!ICn '",,,... IHgAdd 1t.:COIiIO &.liInUIlN '.0: Lot 6 Communit Preservl1liol1 Fund CQnlddcruli.lIt Amounl S 287.0 (11 ~ )0 cpr- T",,. Ou" S 2,740 . ImptVYfll !Me /' VIC.....I I.lnd Pa\ll FAllin Kast, Esq. 540:0 !1errlck Road Maasap-aqua.. NY 1'~ 75-8 TD -.J'D TD 'm =:J . Title Compa.y lurormalion Co. Naillt Ch!ca<JO Title I~ 0,. '1'N l'llkeN 1-1.8 153 ~ 0::Irp: Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page "IlllS ~c fom~ pw:I ortoc llltmclK:d De~d (SPf:O.FY TYPE Of INS'IRlJMl:NT) 114"'4' by: 'ilK' prmlllin hl::n:il:l i$ sIlldcd in SHANE G. . Ilr;e:XANDER " AGNES ALEXANDER SUFFOl..K CXJUNTY, NEW YORK ro ROBRRTII. CROPSEY In thclo",,!!ISlupQ( SOUTlIOLD III Ille \lll.l./\(;~S Of HA..MLEl of NBW SUFFOLK BO:XIP~ 5 '111RU 9 MUST mr TVPED OR 1>6U.NTIm IN BLACK INKONL Y PRIOR TO R&:'OIlDfNG OR flUNG. I '11111111111111111 11111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIII III 1111111111111011111111 SOPFOLJ; COUNTY CLXlUt R.BCORDSOI'I'ICE R.BCORDI:NG PAGE Type. of Inut~t, DBEDS/DDP RuI:Ilber of P-ll"iU.' :I 1'RAUSFBR TAX mIHBBR: 02-06031 aecor'ded. , A.t. LIBER: PAGB: 09/111200:1 10t25h28 AM D00012209 193 tli.trict, 1000 Section. 117.00 S.r.AMINlUI AKO $287,000.00 8loc:lt, 05.00 CItARGlm AS Loti 027.000 FOJ:..t.ON8 Deed Amount: Il.eeeivedthe 1"011'::lW1n9 'eo. For Paqill/:ril.1ng COlt EA- CTY n.S1!4 IlP':i' Trane feu" tax S!'LOO $!LOO $5.00 S5.00 $lO.OO $1,1411.00 Above IIlBtrumant BX"lI1pt tro Handling NO NY8 8WlCHGI NO EA-S'I'AT.lI: tro Cert.Copieo NO SeTH. NO Comm.Prillo Pees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ /;3,987.00 b.... KO KO NO NO NO NO 'l'RANSnl:R YoU: l\fO'M.Bl~R: 0:1- 06031 THIS PAGX IS A PART OF '1'Hlil INSTIl.UM:DlT Edward P.ROIll.II.ine county Cl<\>rk. Suffolk County ...... .... .... PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FlltMlY,WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 287 000 , , , 0 , 0 I , , . (Full SaTe Price is 1he total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.l Please round to the nearest whole doffar amount. 14. Indicate t~e valUE! ~ personal I I r I ~~& I I 0 , 0 I IA~;;;;;~~~_;"~~.~ 16. Year of ~lent Roll from I () ') I which information taken . I ...fI7. Total Assessed Valuelof all parcels in transfer) , , , , Sit~ol ( c 20. Tax Map Identifier{s) I Rollldentifierlsl Uf more than four, attach sheet with additional identiflerls}) Jll-5"-~7 I ~:;~ I certify that aD of the items of infonnation _~ on thlo form an: trne BOd correct (to the best of my knowleclge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subjoci me to the provisions of the _ law reladve to the making and II6ng of false lostruments. "~-- BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ",/,,' ;' .--- /7,...../ .~. ,./ /;.,2.// ~'/.7 ~ . R6~';~OP EyE~ 3 IG Sl\1~ n STREET NUMBER STREET NAME IAFTER SALE) . I.ProPenyL- In:6695I Location STREET NUMBER Southold New Suffolk Road STREET NAME L- cn" OR TOWN 2. Buyer Name Cropsey L- LAST NAME I COMPANY L- LAST NAME,I COMPANY 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other tl1an buyer address (at bottom of form) Address LAST NAME I COMPANY L- STRI:ET NUMBER AND STREET NAME 4. Indicate the numbe~f Assessment Roll parcels tramrferred on the deed \ I # of Parcels CITY OR TOWN OR D Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size . ~,71 L.. "RONTFEET I X I lOR L 'ACRES' DEPTH 6. Seller Name L::......, Alexander LA~~NAME,ICOMPANY / Alexand'er .~ L- LAST NAME! COMPANY 7. Check the box billow which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: ~ A~o"e ',m;!, Re,'de"',' lAg,;,""",,, I ~ B 2 or 3 Family Residential \ F ,. Co m8fc::.i~',. J C Residential Vacant Land'~. \ . "Ap ent~' ~ K D Non-Residential Vacant land-'J H '>.J ntertain t I Amusement L. (~Ifffl\lfl"A!rl<>tl1 Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest 11. Sale Contract Date I 5 I I 16 Day 02 Month Year 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 8 Month Year 126 D', I 02 13. Full Sale Price 18. Property Class ~-u 19. School District Name I if )O~,) 1000-117.00-05.00-027.000 ~~ DATI; /,-\ \ t C{\ ClTYORTOWN ':) 3>) 76 STA.TE 'Z1PCOOE SELLER , >,,/ };:/ ,". r ;/"i~'\< .-d . .'r~y(A.J - ,..- t ""\.\, ',,-:") S"~"a~ATA!~ i \ I Ii'!'; \ .~, '-,e!:- & AGiEs ,AlL ,,' i /'..OJ\.TE ' :~ ,t" / I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAl PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev3JfY7 New Suffolk I 11956 I ZIPCOOE VILLAGE Roberta FIRST NAME FIRST NAME FIRST NAME ST~TE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists D 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 Shane G. .".,."" ">,,"i'"~''''''i,. - '"~"".::"_- .....". r;~____ FIRST NAME Agnes FIRST NAME Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant La'nd 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District 15. Check one or more of these co!ldttions OS applicable to transfer: o o o o A B C D E F G H I J Sale B~tWeen Relatives or Former Reiatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None ; ;). 8() o ; <~ , ~l Kast Paul Edwin / FIRST NAME I p~' LAST NAME / 516 541- 58.tO / AREA.COOE TELEPHO~.tNvM~ / . ~ v