HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12441 P 824 .. ., ." .... ~ ;>o~'" -;;lo"b - I ..;.. '.~.''': CONIUL!YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 81CJN1NG nt..1N81RU1100.THI8IM8TRUMENT SHOULD BE lJlSED BY LAWYERS ONLY "-~ ' THIS INDENTURE, made tho ~ 1. day of Docomber, 2005 BETWEEN JOHN H, LOCKWOOD, IlISldlng 01 (No Number) North Drive, P.O. Box 1123. MaItiluck, Now Yo", 11952, W. BRUCE LOCKWOOD, JR., llISiding 01 22 IBlond Circle North, Groton Long Point. ConnocticUt ll634O, ond MARY LOCKWOOD OAKES, rooIdlng 01 1 Morgen Street, Untt #11, Powcatuck, Connecticul 06379, as )oInt tenants with light of survivorship, porty of tho fll1ll port, end JOHN H. LOCKWOOD, rooIding 01 (No Number) Norlo Drive, P.O. Box 1123. Mattltuck. New York. 11952. W. BRUCE LOCKWOOD, .JR., residing at 22 Island Circle North, Groton Long Point, Connecticul ll634D, and MARY LOCKWOOD OAKES, IlISldlng 01 1 Morgen Slreel, Un~ #11 Pawcatuck. COnnecticut 06379, 88 tenants in common, party of tho second port, WIfflESSETH, lhallho party of tho hi port. In conoldorolion of TEN end 00/100 (:$10.00) dollonl and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and retease unto the porty of 1110 second part, tho holrs or OUCCOS&Olll and 8&&igns of tho party of tho socond part forever, ALL that certain plot. plEK:8 or parcel of land. with the buildings Bfld improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being In lI1e SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED TOGETHER wIII1 all righi, title and Interest, tt any, of 1110 party of tho fIral port In and to ony s~oets and noado abutting the above desaibed prami888 to the center lines thereof; TOGETHE:R with 'the appurtenances Bn~.a'I__...' tho eslala and rlghls of the party of tho hi p.art.li,.,'iuid iD. said .prain.ise!': .TO HAVE' AND,::r.O HQU) tho premises hert*1 granted unto the party of the ~ Part," the 'heirs or:sui?ce&s0i5 find assigns of ttle party of the second part forever, .. ': " ',."." ','. ,'. ~D. tt)e party of the first part covenants' that the party of Ihe first part has not done or suffered anything .whereby the said premise& have been encumbered In any way \Nhatever. except as nforesald, AND the party of the first part. In compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and wi! hold the right to receive such consideration 88 a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvemernt and will apply the same tnt to the payment of the cost at the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word.':'party" shaD be construed as If It read -parties- when ever the :!lense of this indenture so requires. :~~:"":"~""'" r ..' .... 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe party of the first part has duly executed this deed thl~ day and year first above written. Districl 1000 ;cction 117 ~Iock 005 ~ls~ - 'f8. I .,',' . ~'''"'-.' . ,- .,' '.' .., /., ;;. ; '. '0':' ,. '.r,," . ...,~.., , , " "'10 d, 11.000 IN PRESENCE OF- rd,M= 1:( -L NH.LOC 0 ~ ~B~~OC 000,,# ~ ~'--- ~ts /;. .,' . , Standard N,V.B_I.U. Form 8002 . Bargain and Sale Deed, with Covenant agBInatGrantor"S Ads - UnIform AcKnowledgment Fonn 3280 m..IHi. USED ONLY WHE~ THE ACKNOWLEDOIIENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE StateOfN~,!:OIk.CoUrityOt.'s...o.k .". 8&: StateofConnectk:ut H:~.<:" On .... :?1" day of """"""""" . h.... year 2OO!l On....:Q day of llecerr<- In Ihe year 2005 befDre me, the undersigned, pel1lOnally appeared beIDr8 me, the undenligned, perBOnaIy appeared . JOHN H. LOCKWOOD vI,BRUCE LOCKWOOD, JR. personally known to me or proved 10 me on the basis of perwon&IIy known to me or proved to me on the baai8 01 satllfactory evidence 10 bEl the IndlvkUll(l) whole nama(a) II I8IiIf8dDIy evidence Ie be the fncIvIduaI(s. whoM nBme(s) Is (818) IIlAlocrIbod 10 .... w1ft1n InsInJmen\ end acknowledged 10 (818) IIlIbsaIbod 10 .... within InIbwnenI .nd BCknowlodged 10 me Ih8t he/Shelthey e)~ the same In hlllh8r1lhelr me IhBt heI8heIlhey executed the same in hIsJhertIheir copoclty(lBS). and thBt by 111_ llignolln{s. on IhB copocIIy(IBs), _ _ by ~ slgnotunl(s) 00 IhB Instnnnsnl, the incIvIduaI(!I), or the penon ~ beheIf of vmk:tI instrument. 1he IncIvkIuIl(s), or the peqon upon behalf of which the indivld~I(S , eXl!cuI8d~the n.trumenl (he Indlvldual(s) ad8d. executed the nstrumenl, and 1hBl: such "'---"__ _, Ind rrBde IUd1lQlP88rBnCe before the undersigned i1 the hCOnnocllCut (IIignotu"'ondofllCiiofh_lIIIdng_~) .-1 FRANCIS W, DEEGAN roofry Public. Stale of Ne",YarfL No, 30-596'1892 Ca:ellhed in NlNI8... County Cor....lR..un Exp:na.:~31. iG..l ~aL "klng-~~-4. .~.."~ m BE UllIED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI...EDGIIENT IS MADE OUTSIDE N~ YORK STATE SCate of Connecticut . ~- OnIhB ll'a d.y(~ MARY LOCKWOOD ~ES penIOO8ly known to 1M C)f" proved to me on the b8eII of I8Usf8ctDry evidence to be Ihe Indlvidual(s) whose name(s) Is (8re) subscribed 10 .......... hlllN..... and _lOWiedgod 10 mo thBt hBlsheIlhey 8llllaJIod IhB ..... In h_ copoc:IIyllBS). arxI that by hIIiherIlheIr IIgNlb.lre(l) on the InIanJnB1l. 1hB i~C'), or the peraon upon behalf of which the Indivldual(a) acted, executed the Instrument, I.... IhaI. auch IndIvidu8l made ad! appurance before the undlll1lignacl i1 the ~Clty"'''Ih'''PCillcolsubd_) h.... year 2005 ..: ~",\~'c... _'" mo, Ole undenIlgnod. penIDOlIlIy ._8I8d Title No. '''king s_mentl . --~..A. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED . WITH COVENANT AOAINSr GRANTOR'S ACTS JOHN H. LOCKWOOD, VW. BRUCE LOCKWOOD, JR. And MARY LOCKWOOII OAKES, as Joint T......... with right 01 Survlv"rwhlip TO JOHN H. LOCKWOOD, VW. BRUCE LOCKWOOD, JR. And MARY LOCKWOOD OAKES. T.n..... In cammon _ at Request of COMMONWEAl.TH LAND TIT1..E INSURANce: COMPANY RETuRN BY MAIL TO: STMDARDFORIt ap NMYCJRK BOARD OF TlR..E UNIlBl..._II:IUI CI)MMCJNWEALTlt LAl<<J~ .",'$UICAN('1! COMPANY FRANCIS W. DEEGAN, ESQ. Crowe Dccgon LLP I School Street - Suite 303 Glen Cove. New Y orlc II 542 (516) 676-1121 1lI_" o Cornmom,,:,,~~>ow_ -.... . . , ~ u ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ill B ~ I w'. '" : ~. '. SCHEDULE A ALL that ,:ertain plol, piece or parcel of land, with th. buildings and improvements thereon erecled. siluate, lying and being at N,ow Suffolk, Town ofSouthhold, County of Suffolk, Stat. ofN.w Yon, being more particularly1>,unded and described as follows: f,o.RCEll BEGINNING al an iron pipe on the ell8lerly lin. ofa 33 foot right of w.y over land oflhe party of the first part at the northweslcrly corner ofland of Mason; said poinl of beginning being, S. 43041' 30" W. 225.97 feel and thence S.l~9" 52' 40" E. 122.75 feet along said right of way From Old Harbor Road; from said point of beginning running .Iong said easterly line of said 33 foot right of way, N. 29" 52' 40" W. 50.0 feel; lhence .Iong land ofth. party ofth. first part and through th. wat.... of. dredged canal, S. 87" 55' E. 110.0 feet; thence through the waters of said canal, S. 29" 52' 40" E. 50.0 feet to said land of Mason; thence along said land of Mason, being partly through said canal, N. 87" 55' W. 110.00 Feet to th. point ofBEGINNfNG. TOGETHER with. righl of way 33 ~..t in width from said Old Harbor Road !oOuthwesterly and then southerly to th. southwcaterly comer of the premises for access in commo," with oth,,,,, between said promi... ",d Old harbor Road together with an easemenl for driving and maintaining a w.II, installing and maintaining pumping equipmenl in the pump house on olh.r premises of the party of the first part approximately 150 feet southwesterly of Old Harbor Road and for laying and maintaining. water main from said pump house northerly to the 33 foot righl of way running southwest from Old Harbor Road along said righl oFw.y south.rly, then southeasterly to th. premi.... s.id w.I... main to be .t least two (2) feel underground. The party oFthe second part, for therr.sclves, their heirs, executors, administrators, grantees .nd successors sh.1I h.v.. right of....y and free accesa to all of the can.ls in the Harry H. Tutllill property known also as School House Creek Associ.tion and agrees to p.y . pm rata share wilh all oth.r owners, grantees, and I...... of the School House Cnoek properly of lhe costs of maint.ining .t all times four feet of water at low tide in the canals. Said pro rata sh.re to be based on the canal frontage of the party of the second part, and at the fair market price per cubic yard for such work. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE I"', same promi... conveyed to the party ofth. first part by Mary H. Lockwood by deed dated J.nuary 27,1978 recorded at the Suffolk Counly Cl.rk's Ollice in Liber 8383 at page 201. PARCEL n BEGINNING at a poinl marked by arl iron pip. monument on the easterly side of a certain right-of-way (hercinaller referred to.s "Firsl-Righl-of-W.y,"J which right-of-w.y runs in. conrse North 29" 52' 40" West and ends forty-on. (41) feel from th. northerly side of Canal Number On. s.id forty-one (41) feet being measured along .Iin. which runs in a course North 29" 52' 40" W.st; from said northerly sid. or Canal Number One, (Said iron pipe monumenl heing dislanl On. Hundred and Fifty-Seven and sixteen hundredths (l 57.16) feel measured along the course ofth. easterly sid. of said "Right-of-Wsy, from the northwesterly sid. of anoth.r Righl-of-W.y, which leads southwesterly in" course South 43" 41' 30" Wesl snd st righl sngles from Old Harbor Road; running thence from said iron pipe monument, on s bearing South 87" 55' Ea..1 On. Hundred snd Ten (110) feet to" point loc8ted in Csnal Number Two, on the westerly sid. of said Cans!; running thence allong the westerly side oFCsnal Number Two, Ihe line of "aid sid. being on a bearing South 29"' 52' 40" East ..v.nly-five (75) feet; running thenc. in a COllrse North 870 55' feet Weal, . dislan'" of one hundred and ten (110) feet to th. easterly side of said "First Right-of-Way,"; and running thene'-Northwesterly in a course North 29" 52" 40" W,st, scvenly..fiv. (75) feet along the ...,;terly side of said "First Right-of-Way" to the point or pi..., ofBEGllIINING. TOGETHER wilh th. free right at all times to enter upon snd pass over by Fool, aulomobile., conveyance or otherwise, two (2) eertai>n rights-of-w.y, the first of which is the "First Righl-of-Wlly" hereinal>ove mentioned, said "First Righl-of-W.y" being thirty-three (33) feel in widlh. running in. course South 43" 4-1' 30" West and at right angles from Old Harbor Road, ~, Ihem, th.ir h.irs, .xecutors, administrators and assigns forever. TOOETHER with all rights-of-way, .asements and privileges, and subject to aU COVctl"'''', restrictions, and agrccmctlt as contained in deed from Harry H. Tuthill, Julia M, Tuthill, and Rhoda E. Tuthill, to Carolyn A. Roache. as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of J. Bc:nediet Roache, deceased, dated Augu,t24, 1931 and recorded in the SulTolk County Clerk', office on Seplcmber 12, 1931 in Lib.:r 1602 of deeds, page 457. BEING Alill INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by Mary H. Lockwood by deed dated January 27,1978 recorded at the Suffolk County Clerk', Office in Liber 8383 at page 201. The parties of the first part bein~ the graDl... in the Deed dated January 27, 1978 and rccordcd in Liber 8383 at page 201. This Deed is to cancel the joint tenants with rights of survivorship among the parties in the old,,, Deed dated January 27, 1978 and recorded in Liber 8383 at page 201. ~ ~. ,1'''- ........~- ~-- ~~-:, ~J'!1:'~.,:.-., ~~i~ ",- .AJ~')"':::~ : ~r:;' ..i ~""'%~,--~,-....,.-,,~"""'~-"-""""'~~~~ .~<~ J.,,,,,,,,F.J.~'~,..~1. ..-.~at,.. ~. .~.~,,&;.. . _~.1.....~... _._J"'"~' ~:::1~~'fl~~~~''''' .-1'" , , ~~.__.r'''=_'''"''''~_, ~ ~..-.=....,...Ari.-~-.;o.~.~....~,n ....,!:~~..-:-.~~\...'. . '~~::~~,-'f}';'~~"'-.'" T:pr.;'.. \.-, -~ '. j :~ ......". - "' ....::.. L~, ' Serial N ~CORilED 2006 Mar Z3 1l:22:5~ "'1 Judith R. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOLK OOL'NTV L 000012441 P 824 DU 05-32052 Num~r of plies" S. TORRENS C~rtincaleU____ PriorCtf. " 0mI1 Mortpge Instrument Deed I Molrtpgc Tu Stamp FEES RmJrdiDl' ""ilina S~ps ~ Page J FiliOX Fee Handling TP.5K4 "'""- Amt, I. Duic: Tax 2. Additional Tax Notldion Sub Tolll EA-52 17 (Count)'} __ _ SUbl"<<?W EA-5:!11(SWc) GRAND TOTAL at.\5 SpecJAsliL 0, Spec./NJd. TOT, MTO, TAX Dual Town_Dull COUIII)'___ Held ror Apportionment...t-- TransferTu CP M.nsion Tax The pmpcrty covered by tha morIP&C is UI' will be Improved by. one or two r.mily dwellina only. VES_orNO~ IfHO, see appropriato tu clause on FI3Je" _oftbls inSlnunenL R.P.T.s..A -71.7""" ----',!2U_ Comm. of Ed. _J.~ Affidavit Certified Cop)' Reg. Copy SubTDlaI Other keal Property Tax. Service Agency Va-ifil:ation . . .. , -, 1000 11700 05,00 048001 6 Community Preservution fund Consideration Amount $ Stamp cpp Tax Due s Dole Improved ___ Initials Vacanl land '/. SatisfactiorlslDischargeslReJeases List Property OwneI'S Mailing Addra RECORD" RETURN TO: Crowe Deegan. LLP 1 School Street Suite 303 Glan Cc>ve. NY 11542 TO 'I'D TO -1Q.-- =:] . Title Company Information Co. Name PhiJIpO'Har8NasaeuAaoc Tide II Pohn-2~' Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'Ibis poge rOmlS pari oft"" atlOchal Mary Lockwood 0a1ut8 DEED (SI'ECIFY TYPE Of INSJRUMENf) 'I"" premises hemn is situat<d in SUFFOLK COUNfY. NEW YORK. mlde by: John HI. Lodcwood. W. Bruce l.odcwood Jr .....,. LocIooXld ..... In 1he To"nship of In 1he VIllAGE or HAMLET or SOUTHOLD TO John H. lockwood, W Bruce lockwood, Jr NEW SUFFOLK UlJXES 5 nlRu 9 MUST 81:: TYPED OR I'RlNIED IN IlLACK INK ONLY PRIOR ro RECORDING OR tlUNG, (OVERI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DIDD N'UIIIber ,of Pages: 5 Receipt Number : 06-0029252 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05.-32052 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: District. 1000 Deed Amount: Section" 117.00 EXA!HNED AND $0.00 POLLOWS Block. 05.00 CHARGED AS Received the Following Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO page/Filing COE EA- CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATB Cert.Copies SCTM Comm..Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NmlBER. 05-32052 THIS PAliK IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County 03/23/2006 11.22:59 AM D00012441 824 Lot: . 048.001 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $245.00 Exempl NO NO NO NO NO NO C1. SWIS CodII PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN-Wili'nNGON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hUp:/' www.e,rps.s'8to.nv.us or PHONE 15181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT :it STATE Of NEW YORk 9TATE BOARD OF ~ PROPERTY SERVICES FOI;! COUNTY U5;E ONLY RP - 5217 IINJI7 .... yn PROPERTY INFOI~MATION I 1._L-. I LacnIon .111.11 ,,_~ ~ New Suffolk C1f'l'OIIJ'OWtl OLD HARBOR ROAD "jso~lc! { ~ ---1 I III 956 I ~- ---1 ---1 , , ---1 L-..,'r ~on ~~.JR. ~CJ~~ 1.'" IrlcIil:8Mw.n.........T...EIiII._tat..nt 111"1 "OIlier Itllln ...... i1ddfn1lM bonom oIlonnl L ~ t..\51'1iIMIIl!/CORl"...... 2._ Nom. JOHN H {f." 'llfuCE MARY LOCKWllOD ~..r NAIoII f1~IP_ ~[I_'U.ND.TtlU1_ crrv0ll1~ I I ".. ~- .- 1ONr" Pen GI. '"-rail 0-* _.... oIPPIr- u.. PIIMng &a.Id lIIIlktl SubIhIIDn Aulhlll'ily hills 0 ..SubdIwlikInAlJpronl_IIequI...'llI'Tr....... 0 <<:.P11ICl1I~lurSubdlvillunwhhMIIPPmvidOd D "11TodIMbd.-nwnl_af" _nt I , RoIpII.........r.rr.d_tt...... . !J.D_ ~,.,...~ _I I~~ 11M ~~rH' 0I!1'rH I .oJPllluh I. D Partof,P.1'CII 10ft! . a........ ~aKWOOD ....... t'e1~JR" I OUES ....., MAMI/crMrN<< I JOHN H. w. 'lIRf1eI! I MARY LOCKWOOD ~Nl_ ---1 A~ar.hmil,,~ill R Zo.3F,",dyResldentlll C RIIidenti.1 v.... Lind I) No".IInIdlH1lllIV~lIno:l I SALE INFORMAnt!:!.j 11. SlleCamrlClDm E~_. I~"""""""''''''' r Cgmm~ J hMtrW G ApIrtJNnl K P\.IbicSenril:e H EntlrtlilWllll1l'~IL FllnIIiI a..-........ billow _.., IIIPIr: L OwnInhlp TypII II Condomll'llum ..~eor.truetIorTonYlCllnll.M1d 'IOA.PrupIItyl.ocladwiltjnanAgricuIlulalDlltrlcI ....,.rellIMd.~ncxlr:e1nd1c:ltfna IhIIlMpropenvlslnlnAgrkulluralDlltricl o o o o 7. CIwcII the boll 1M"" wNch _I ._..... d-'b. tM....a4... pnlplrt,.."" taw. III sail: ,2.. 011:. of....",..,... r __ ,,\1 / -.J ,- I 12/ 22 ,200'!..] -- '"' 'N' 15. a.cl_ _ _ 01 theM _____.............. tD tnnIfw: A ~ !We Between RNIives llI' Fonner R"'" H ~ "'II' IIIIwMn FlIlIIId Ccmpsnles or P.rtTWI in &IIi~ C~ OlWoIlI1eluyawlslllD's.u.. I o ~ Buv- Of SIlIIf Is GowrnmenI ~ or lInIIno InIIiIUllan ">- _T,.._Wo,,"'M_ondSolo_.._ : F ~ s.II of FrKtioMI or ~ thin fW IntIraIlSpecify lekwrl G ~ S1gn1lbn1 ChInoIIln Prupmy ~ T.db. SUlu. sr'Id S. o.ta H ~ ~ of IuI"- Is Indudld In 811. Price ! I ~ Other UnusuII FICIOI" AfflCling 51. Price tSpcdfy BIfowI I J L NOf'llt -0- 'S.Fu............ ~',' .,. .~~ IFull SIIe Pric:e ;, ,tie total_urn 1;!Iid for the property incIIIcing p--.I ".ap.,.,. ThIsPI'f!Ml'IIlIIIYlllintheJormolCllh.GIt1IrprapartyorROQlll.or1lle1llUl1'lptionuf mortgIJgftI Of oIhc( obMpI~1 ,.... round 1O""""'1llItJofe doIIIr 'mouN. 14.lndIcr.IMthe......cI,...-..I I , . . __ q 7' ,.JL...iJLJ pNptt1y IndudMI . tM ...., !I . I ASSESSMENT INFORMAOON - 0atII1hou1d J8flec:t thllIIeIt NNlI.......menl Rolland T,ll Bill I 'I..Y_cl~""RllIItrDnlL~ wllkh .....--. ..bn '1..1"rapIrtyClfts I~,I 1, --'-LJ n.T...._v....I'..._.......~ _ _" , () _0 ~ 'l.khaalDlark:tN_1 LOOO ~~ .Q 7()~ , -----.J 20.. Tu Map ...,.,i.,.11 Roll 1dIrr1.,...1 III man thin 10... IttMh..... wtth........ idImiII.,1l1 1.("6' i .. 0 ',.... I Section 117, Block 005. Lots DlT 1 g'8~ I -----.J -.-J I I CERTIFICATION J I ~ 0.1.... 1lI'1fKo Itc.-II,tnlOmUIIIkIn aMnd an Ihtit_.-t lrut Utd nII1'K1 Ullthe ......01..,. bu-.1aIIIr.... beIId'IDlI I ~ dad lbR ~ crlMY ...u1l'Ul1'lllRr.wlftnealoll'lllllHllll....hn'rin.II~ _lodl..lInlriIIonsot.....III'IIIIII........... todwnlklnl....filiDloIlilh!lniI:..-nts. ~ BUYER'B ATTORNEY Ci.-12. // JdIfti' ~jI:'j(KwOOD ' #cAf-., J,:>kbs om DEEGAN ,.,,- FRANCIS w. -,- I Nor'th Drive - PO Box U2:I .,.....,..- '_'T_1wnll~ - Kattituck NY 11952 I I CIl'OIITCJ\IIto 5T1ITi ,,- 516 I 676-1121 __COOl: 1T'l'l'MIINI~ ( ~ , _Llad~-1! fi~ . ~~/~/~'^ NEW YORK STATE COpy