HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 126 117.(e. I Sllndard N. y.o:r.u. tiurm 1002 - a.....in and SlIe Drcd. wilh CO\o'CIIIDI apias1 Cil1lntul"l &u - Uaironn Acknowk:dJmL"nI' CONSUL,. YOUR lAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THUIINSTRUMENT .THIS INSlRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY . THIS INDENTURE, made the lbth day of Hay BETWEEN ,20OS, JOHN (J;. FISHER, residing at 1500 Brecknock Road, Apartment 309, Greenport, New York 11944, party of the first Pllrt, and NANSAIIoI REAL T'f, LLC, a New York limited liability company, with an address of 300 Fanning Road, P.O. Bo)[ 672, New S:uffolk, New York 11956, fi:"R3'i .1: f\~r.r..; , JhoV\lllel~:~".J, '2'<1'" 11~\":JJ~~f 0',': ':;f"' ~:J :..~'I \.... :,",' .... ....! ! .,.=1 f.:'~ ..it','J",::,)".;.':" ,j:....:....IIW WITNE~;SETH, that the party of the first pml, in consideration of ten ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hEtreby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, party of the second part. ALL thall certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at New Suffc~k, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as ~Iows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the easterly side of Grathwohl Road at the southwesterty comer of the premise,. herein described adjoining land now or formerly of Kouros co the lOUth, said monument being 187.48 feet as maas,urad along the easterly side of Gmthwohl Road from its intersection with the northerly side of Kouros Road: . F rom said point of beginning running thence along the aasterly sicle of Grathwohl Road, North 5" 41' 10" West 206.42 fleet to a C<lncrete monument and the IOUtherly side of Fanning Road; Running thence along the southerly side 01 said Fanning Road, South 81" 21' 30" EasI375.00 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Tyler; Running thence all)ng said land now or fonnerly ofTyier South 8" 38' 30" West 200.00 feel to land now or formerly of Terhune: Running thence along said land now or formerly of Terhune and KoUIOS, North 81" 21' 30" West 323.92 feet 10 the monume,nt and place of beginning. SUBJECT, however, to an easement In favor of Harry H. Tuthill as contained in an agreement dated July 27, 1951 and recorded in Liber 3246 at page 424. Said easement being in the IOUthwest comer of said premises bounded 10 feet on Grathwohl Road and being 50 feet in depth along land of Kouros. Said easement being for the inslallation of a well, pumping equipment, lank and water main. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same plremises conveyed by deed daled July 3, 1975, and recorded In the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 7, 1975 in Liber 7869 at Page 240. TOGETHER wdh all right, tiUe and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the abovl. described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to ..oid premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of llie second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants lhlot the party of the first part hes not dona or suffered anything whereby the said premises have baen encumberad In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliaooe with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this convevanoe and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of tha improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the CO'11 of the improvement before usin~1 any part of the t01a1 of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be c:onslrued ,.s if it read "parties" whEm evar tha sense of this indenture 10 requires. IN WITNIESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ~~\~ IN PRESIENCE OF Slala 01 New YOl1c. Counly 01 Suffolk .... " SIaIa of New YorI<, County 01 IS: On lhe lbllh day 01 May. in the year 2005 balore nla. tha undersigned, personally appeared JOHN G.. FISHER _ally known to me or proved to ma on the basis 01 aalislaclory avidence to ba the indMdual who.. name Is lIUbacriIled to IhB within insItumenl and acltnowledged to me thai ha aXBClJled the sama in his capacily, and thaI by his Blgnature on lha u1alrument, the'lndividual, or the pone", upon behallof Wh~.thr individualllCled. execuled tha InsllUman\. ; On tha day of in tha yaar before me, the underslgnad, "",sonally appaared plllSCll1llUy known 10 me or proved to ma on IIla basis 01 aalisfBctory avidance 10 be the individua~s) whoaa name(s) is (are) subac:ribed 10 the within Inaltumenl and acknowledged to me IhBt helshellhey e..oulad the same in his/her/lheir capeclly(les). and IhBt by his/herl1heir signatul8(l) on the Insbument, IhB Indlvldual(a), orlhe person upon beha~ of which Ihe Indivldual(a) acled, elt8Culad the insltumen\. 1 divi Z. Nay PulllIO, 81m of NewYorIt No. Il2 .1l87O au.JUIIcIIn 8ulIoIk Caunly . CllmmiAilln Explrea July 31, 20llI (signature end office of individual teking ecltnowledgmant) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slate (01' Dislricl 0' Columbia, Territory, or Fonoign Country) of 55: On the day of in the year balore me, the undel1ligned, pel1lOl18llyappeared peI1IOnelly known 10 ma or provad 10 ma on tha basis of saIisfactory avidanca to be the individual(s) whose name(l) is (ara) subscribed to IhB within jnabumenland acknooNladged to methal haIlIhellhey 8X8CUIed the aame in his/her/lheir capacity(ies), and thai by his/herllheir; slgnature(s) on the insItument, the individua~s), or the _ upon behalf 01 which IhB individual(s) IICIlld, execul8<llhB InsllU.m!'nt"and Ihat such individlll8l made such appearance before the undogned In the ., . in (insert till. City or other political aubdivilion) (one! inserl the Stela or CounIIy or other pIaco the lICIcnowIedgment waslaken) (IignalUnl end office oIl11dlvlduallaking acknowledgment) BARGAIN ANI:! SALE DEED SECTION: 117 BLOCK: 6 LOT: 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STREET ADDRESS 300 FANNING ROAD WITH CO'IfENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. JOHN G. FISHER TO Recorded at Requesl of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAil TO: NANSAN REAL TV, LLC . o;lIributod by MARCIA Z. HEFTER, ESQ. ESSEKS, HEFTER & ANGEL P.O. BOX 279 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 .~on~ealth C~TH lAND TRLE iHauRANcE COI....ANY RUERVE THIS SPACE FOR U8E OF RECORDING OFFICI: NUI.nbcr or p"g.. 'J I. I 2 I J TOItRENS RECORDED 2005 Rug 29 10: 22: 36 All Edward P.Romaine ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTV L DOoo12406 PI26 on 05-04175 &rial" Certificate II l'riorCtr. N [)ce,J I Mungage Instrument IJeed I Morlilllle Tux Slump FEE.<: RL'Cording I filing Slamps :::rr::::: rugel Filinii fcc Cf_ ~ r:;- _ Morlll8gc AmI. lIandling TP.~8oI I. lla5ie Tn. 2. Additional Ta. Notation EA.~217(Cuullly) _~- SubT'lllal c0/ Sub Tolal Rcg. Copy /5_ Sub Tt.al /;?-s-- /'19 /lLJ Spcc.lAs.oil. . Or 5'10(:. I Add. TOT. MTO. TAX DUllI Tuwn_l)nnl Cuonly_ Held ror Appurtiunment (j5 Tra,..rer Tux _ Mansion Tux The rmpeny covcn:d by tiiis'murtgage is or will hr huproycd hy a one ur two family dwelling only. VES orNO_ I r NO, .ee appropriale lax elau.e on page N ___ or Utis in.trumen!. R.I'.T.5.A. _---Es=- 2Xl ~ EA.S217 (SI0IC) Comm. of" Ed. 5~ Amllavil Cerl iliod Cup)" Olher GRA~II) TOTAL ~ KcaII'roper1y Ta... Service Agency Verification Dist. _ _~P.t"Ii".._ ~ _12 1...... . 05033925 1000 111'00 0600 001000 (J:T's-. " ~:;) ----- Inilials _" 7 SalisracllionslDischargeSiReleases List Pmpcrty Owners Mailing Addrcs ItECORD'" RETURN "1"0: 6 ConulIunit Prc!lcrvativl1 Fund Consideration AmoulII $ -0- SllImp CI'f' Tux Due $ -0- I1ate Improved X Vaeanll..nd I1ARCIA 2:. HEFTER. ESQ. I!SSEKS. HEFTER & ANGEL l~.O. BOX 279 RIVERHEAD. NY 11901 TO /1) TD TD 8 Title Company InformatillJl n/a ~ Co. Name Title I! Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 11.is page li..mlS pari of the atlDchc:d DEED (Sl'fL1r'Y TYPE OF INS"IRUMENr) _ . _ m.de by: JOHN G. FISHER 'Ihe pnmlises Ix.'rein is situated in SUFFOLK COlIN I)'. NEW YORK. TO In the TO"1lShip of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE or IIAMI.ET of NEW SUFFOLK NANSAN REALTY. II..LC OOXES 5 '11IRU 9 MUST BE TYl'm OR I'RINllID IN BLACK INK ONLY I'RIOR TO RECORDINU OR FIUNo. IOVr:AI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP FOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Xnetrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number : 05-0090337 TRANSFJl:R TAX NUMBER: 05-0'4175 Recorded. At. 08/29/2005 10.22.36 AM LIBER: PAGB: D00012406 126 District. 1000 Section. 117.00 BXAMINED AND $0.00 Block. 06.00 CJmRGBD AS Lot. 001.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Xnstrument Exempt b""lpt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copi.. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CODIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-04175 THXS PAGB XS A PART OF THE XNSTRtJIIENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR, COUNT'( USE ONLY Cl. SWI& ICod. ,. Fanning Road S.IUTNAII! STATE OF NEW YORK aTATE BOARD Of IlEAl PAOPEIIlY IlEIIV1CE8 RP - 5217 ItN:n....J/In New Suffolk VLMC 119.56 ""!;OJX; 1... a..ck.... mare DIu... oonlll:iaM _........ to tranlllr. A X 51'- &<<ween RelatiYu or FomKlr RotlltNOlI 8 s.Ie 8MWMn RefaIGd Comptniel or Partners in BUlinesl c; One of th8 auy.... .. .18u a SeIDl' o &uy. Dr Seller .. GoYDmmant Aglft.y ur Widing InstitU1ion ~ DMd Type nut Warranty or 8IaI'pin end &.lie ISpeclfy Below) f Saio of FrllCtlONl Of Leu than FeIIlnrerut fSpaclfy BoIOWI G Significant CNl1(Jo In Property BMw8M Taub" Sbdul ana Sale 0.- H S.1Ii of B...nau itllllcluded in SeIe Price I Other Unu....1 FlIClora Alk>ctillg SaIo PriDe [Specify Below) J No.. 2......' L NANSAN REALTY. LLC Nam. I AIT ....... 'cn...N';' .."",NMIII L UIoS: ItIINI/COIIPA'W ~"""~ J. T.. Indi,:;u where future T'1l Bille .... to be aent L BIIIng If Olhr than buver .ddnlu III baaom of forml Addrns IMT",-",t1.llrMY L JUM....IMIIIIlOlANO."'a":'~E CIn'(.IIIrnwN .. ""111_. tM NIlIIbtr of AIMMlNRt: I Roll pilru11 'traMfWNd 0,. the dMd 1 I . ul P.roIls OR D P." of II Pon:ul 5.=... l ... ..."" 1.&.&1 1 ORI ----1 X L- FtIOI\.TFfU OCJITH LS....' N.... L FISHER ....'IoAll'l!/C'(WN,N'I JOHN G. ,...-- L LAIoTt.AWtCCWlP4N" '...r....... 7. CIMcIl the box Wow which most accurst.IV'........ lb..... of the properly ..... tlm. r1I....: ^ ~ One Femilv Ruidanllill E ~ Agricultural R 2 or 3 Flrmlv Rnidentill F CDmm.rcill C RHidltntill VIlCIRIl.end (j ~I D Non-F~I V-=-nILAnd II Engnlli.."._, ~I I SALE INFOR~ 11. .... Conaria Dahl I ~ eorv-;l, Service J Indulu..1 K PublltStlvic:e I. follllll n/a ~-L.,;~ / v.. 12. DIlle of hili I Yr."" 5 ...... / 1& 1200.5 Do.., "'.", ; ; -;-o-~O,OI IFul1 Sill. Pric. ill the 10111 .mounl peG for thlt prnpony Incluc6ng ,-,.,l1li1 proportV. Thi. paymont I"\IY be in tM form !)f ('...1'1, other plopIIrty or Ql:lOdl, or tho -.umrxion nt mortglt\lH or 0Iher obligations.! PfchG round 10 rM""'" wItuIa dulIM amoum. ... ,''- ........... -' I :-0-, 0 c..llJ properly ......... In '1M .... . ASSESSMENllNFORMAnON - Oal8 should "fleellhe IlSlest Final Aaaament Roll and Tax Bill 13. Full S'" Price L. ,..Y....---fnomI03/041I1T___V_IoI..........._1 which inIun'Mtion ..... I . ,.. PrapMy al_ L.L~-W '.._01....._' New_ Suffolk zo. Tax Mep IdlmtlfterW I Roll ....tlflllrCelln more than tour" .ftKh ail... with IlddtdonaI ......1eI1.1) 1000 .- 117.00 - 0&.00 - 001.0011 L- --1 ~MII,j'\Ut &u.'~ ...coO< IOnIy . Part of I '1FCeQ Check II 1My .eppIy: 4A. Pl.-vJq BolId wi1h Subdivillon Authclf'lty UJ.b 0 ill. SubdMllon Apptov.1 Will Requuocllor 1r_'or 0 <C."'" __ for Subdi_ - Map PnMdId D a.cIc ... ..... below _!My eppIy: .. Ownor.hlp Type is Condominium .. HIM' CurwlructIUII 011 Vecanl LInd lOA. PropeltV' lDceted within In Agrlcutturel Dillrict 11& Buyer recliwld . dllduauro noIl&:o indal:lIliflg INr.lhoptDplrty"irt.nAg~Dislrict D D D D ; 11000 ; , -. , I L- ---.l I CERTlFICATlOE] I CI'I'Iify .... .u fIIiM I~ oIln1'aftnlll.... I!IIIfn:d _ ... rCII'1l1 an= Ir1II' and 1.'OITft1Ua IIw heJia 01111)' kDowI. ..... bI!iIf) and I uadrnlUd IhIL 1M n..a.Jna of any wllfuf I.... Mah!llwnL 01 nwIPI'iMI.... _nUl wm..td_1 me IU tbr DruwlhlatN .tlthe .......Iaw rNih.... 0'....1lM IlDd fIIIDa~" ...,.,WaIL BUYER BUYER'S ATTORI\EY NANSAN I~EALTY. LLC .By: -t4"'",", ~A1"'~.~ .5/1&/0.5 IU""I" SIC~m,"" DAlt Hefter ---LUIIIoA"II[ 300 sTIlaT"flJM.rll (631) FanninK Road - P.O. Box &72 SflllR"l'......IAI'TIII.......' ,..,.ccxx. New SuHolk NY 1195& an CIIII 'OWN .rAlt ,.,.,,'" ()~ C- \J~~~ JoT.':'~"':"}1sher 5/1&/05 ,.,.. Marcia z. rlftlTNAM: 3&9-1700 TlLI!PtoONPNlIII.ll NEW YORK STATE COpy r