HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12436 P 817 L / l.tj -; C- f~n 11.7-l.:-1 t-j, '2 8ilIgain ,Clnd Sa le Deed with CoveE1~ants aqainst GranL.or'! Acts- Individual CONSULT YOUIl LAWYER BBI"ORJ: SIGNING THIS INnRUHENT THIS INSDDHKNT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. 'r.IUS I:NDBN"E'tJRB. made t.he ),7 day of bee.. , two thousand -4;"c... BITNBEN John F. ~~~ and D~.ne M. MCD.~tt re.~din9 at 15075 New S~~olk Aveaue, . N,." Suffolk, NY 11156 Party of the fir9t part, and .~". ':..:. ".;" ~ Cenclant Mobility I'i......,ial COEporaUon baVUlq ofric.a at 40 Appl. Ilidqa Road, Danbury, cr 06810 Party of the second part, IIIX'rNBSSBTH, that thl:!' ~'lrty of t;.he fir:st par:., in considora~ion of :en dollars and other valua.ble consideration paid by lhe party of t.he second part, does hereby grant and release unto the part:!!' ,:>f the B~cQnd part, the hei r"s or SUCC811S0r9 and assigll5 of the part~' of the second part. ro.r:ever, ALL lhaL certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildinqs and improvemcnt:i thereon I!:recled, situate, lying and being; n the See Attached Schedule "A" Being the same premises as conveyed by deed dated 11/112000 and recorded 11/1512000 in Liller 12084 al page 758. The prem:Lses are not in an ugr1cullural district. 'i'he parct!'l is cntirc!1y owned by the tran9fe~ors. I?RBMJ:SSS ARB RO'1' SllBJBCT TO A CIlBDIT LDIB MORT&llQB. . - " ".' ~~~HBR will all right, title and interest, i! a~y, of ~he party of tho first pa~t of, in and to any streetl! tltld roads abutting the above described premises to the t:enter lines ther.eof: TOGETHER. with the appurtenances and all the Elstelte a:ld riQhr.s of ':he party of the first pa~t: in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises llerein granted unto the party of the second part., the hei rs or successors and assigrul r)f the p,!lrty of the second pllrl forever. . ,j1UU) the par-t.y of t.he Lirsl~ part (:cvenanls thllt thQ part}' of the fi rst part has not done or sufCert!d anyt.hing whereby the said premisl!l5 have been encwubered in any way 'trIhatever, except. as afuresaid. .1UfD th~ pacty of the tin~t part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covena.nts Lhat the party ()C the fi t'st part will receive the consideration for this conveyence and wi 11 hold th.e right to receive such consideration as a tru:lIt fund to be applied tirBt tor the purpc1se of paying the cost of tho improvement and will apply the same f.i rst to the payment of the cost of the improver.lent befor.e using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be c:onstrued 8:t iC it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture 90 requlres. XH WXTHESS WBSRBOr, the party of the firsL part has duly execuled this deed the day and yea:r first above writte,n. Stewart Title Insurance Company Title No: ST -S-6050 Policy No.: 0-8831-352570 Schedule A Description ALL thal eertain plOl,piece or parcel of land, situale, lying and being at New Suffolk, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, hounded and described as follows: BEGINNIl"G at the l!:Orner formed by Ihe inlersection of the nOlthcrly side of NI."W Suffolk Avenue with the westerly side of Grathwohl Road; and RUNNING THENCE: from said point of beginning, along the northerly side of New Suffolk Avenue, North 78 degrees 34 mu,utes 00 seconds West, 191.39 feet 10 a broken monument and land now or fOlmerly of Corwin; THEl"CE North I deg/'lll: 45 minutes 30 seconds East, along last mentioned land, 195.65 feet to other land of Diefendurf; THENCE South 87 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds East, alung last mentioned land 190.22 feet to the westerly side: of Grathwohl Road; TIIENCE South 2 df:grees 09 minutes 00 seconds West, along the westerly side of Grathwohl Road, 226.52 feet to New Suffolk Avenue, at the pnint or place of BEGINNING. - NEW YORK STATE NOTARY MUST EXECUTE THIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT s'rATE or NEW YORK) ss.: COUNTY 01, ---1l.Lbn n .1 I On t.he ___ :1'7+1-1 day o( Jl,eeonh".,.. in the year ..&d2.S __ before Ine, the undersigned, ,. ....-t1r~ l!u:leli1l ~n OlInd fnr c.:::d.... .......t9o', personally appeared John F. l~cj)er.._ott personally known to me or proved to J~e on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be thA individual (s) w:hose na:ne (s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument. and acknowledg,.d to me that he/she/they eKecuted the same in his/her/their capacity!ies) and th~t-by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrumenl, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf ot which the indi.vidual(s) acted, executed the instrument. STATE OF NEW YORK) ss.: "'- COUNTY OF A I hr1 n, 1 , On the ~7- day of D ~ndcrsigned. a notary public in and for said state, M ,,~ , the personally nppeared Diane M. ~cDermott personally known to m~ or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose narne(s) is lare) subscribed to the wit:hin lnstrumc,nL and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/lheir capacity(ies) and that by his/her/their signature Is) on the i.nstrument, the indivldual(s) ot: the per.son upon behalf o~ which the i.ndividual (9) acted, exec:uted the i.nstrument. )A, rv-J~~ ~J 1 n lfA- ~p~ nTLE Bargain and 8al. WITH FULL COVr:NAN NO. LINDA ... "" .ALI "'" . NOTARY PU8U0 c~ Qlunlyaf @ 81m at .. AIbMf No. 4&4.4711 *i~~6 IIR, "'.....II._.~n Explr.. NaVIImblttl 000-1l"1.00 UO :)2 TOWN Suffolk = TO RECORD AND RETURN BY MAIL TO: Vi.II,ibuled by Levine. lIof.<le"... & .F',anglc J / 6 Main SIr,,"'1 Puughtupsle. NY .1260/ 845-17 J-2040 fax 1/45-17J-39:'5 RESERVE 1rHIS SPACE FOR USE OF FIECOROING OFACE ,. 1 Z]. '- Number of Fl:lgcs TORRENS RECURCEv 20(~ F~b 21 11:3a,l, AM i. ClERi<: OF Sl~''=OlK C\JI..ItIT'/ ~ [;00012436 p 817 Mil 05-2'31~' -, Serial # _ Certificate # ___ Prior Clf. # Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. Jl!L Deed I Mortgage Thx StDmF I Recording I Filing Stamps FEES 0 I Mortgage AmI. I 1. Basic Thx 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssil. or Deed I Mortgage Instrument 2J TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Sllate) R.P.T.S.A: Sub Total " If NO. se pagc # Comm. of Ed. 5. ..QQ.- '~ Affidavil Ccrtified Copy NYS Surch'lfllc Other 15. J!Q.... Sub Total Grand Total \<;).../ , I :::;] Dist. "!!!; Rcal Properly Tax Servicc Agency Verificalion ~~O~6~99 1000 \ ~EAP A ~8-FEB 11700 0'60'0'01'4002' 5 Comm , Improved Vacant Land 61 SatisfactionsIDischargesIReleascs Ustl'roperty Owners Mailing Acldress RECORD &: RETURN TO: TD \ tJZfl) 5M.4f1 e. 1YJ000u, €,r'l. LEVI/J/!:, 1/ds:-srarTW',( ~ HANG/(, ICs(J/$. .d l~ /l)AoJ P1IU..t.. IbUyllK'e:€'?~-IEI AI' y /..~4tJl TD TD ;;= 7 Title Com Co. Name: r Ii Title # i Sr - S - /6D S"l) TIuffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page , B~~t:AIAI AIIIIJ SAte! /Jnd) (SPECIFY TYPE Ci)F INSTRUMENT) I The premises hercln i. situated in SUFfOLK CO~. NEW YORK. Information This p3ge forms pan of the attached made by: .-J;H,IJ ? /1'), ))~7T AN'/) fJJ 11",6 In. /J7.t:. /Jah1# rr i In the Township de I In the VILLAGE i l2,.tI'IJ~A714A1 or HAMLET of ~N"eu' ,fUPRUC . BOXES IS THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK O~Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR Pll..ING. TO tle-N.0II#7 /l'IbSILITY hN';i,I/t;/AL.. Sli.l7HtJi..Ll (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 lmPFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number. 06-0017487 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-28134 Recorded: At: 02/21/2006 11.38:19 AM LIBER: PAGE: District. 1000 Section. 117.00 EXMI:INBD AND $1,1510,000.00 FOLLOWS Block. 06.00 CHARGBD AS Deed AD10un t : Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/P'iling COE EA- CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer taJI: Comm. P'res $12.00 $5.00 $5.0'0 $5.0'0 $30.0'0 $4,600.0'0 $20,000.0'0 Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATE Cart. Copies. SCTM Mansion Tax Fees Paid TRANSFB~ TAX NUMBER: 05-28134 THIS P~GE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL 000012436 817 Lot: 014.002 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.500.00 $36.252.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE: OR PRESS-FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON-FORlI1- - - - INSTRUCTIONS: http:// Www:qrps.s\8~e.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT '1. Cheal! _... ..... ctf..... eondIIIonI .. "~-10 ~ A Sale Between ReIativos or Former Rcrimivcs B Sale Botweon RoIetGd CampaniB or hrtn.... in Buainua C One of .t. eu.,.,. II alia . Selle. I) Buyer or S.II. Is Govurnrnonl AgIIncy or lending Institution I~ Deed Type not Werr.nly or Barglln and SaI. CSpKIfy Billow) F Sale of Fra:Elonal Dr lila man Fee Imer'lI (Specify Below) G Signlflcam Change in Property Between Taxablo Sta1uS and Sale 0111 H Sar, of BUllneal it Includod in Sale PrieD I Other UnUlU.1 FlClors AUuc:liny S.lo Prica (Specify Balowl J None I I CERTIFICA1!2E:T:" I ~rt1I')' dual I or illim.'i or inftll'DUlllilm ftIIeftd 011 ... IUrm an I~ .. correct IIQ lilt bftl uI my klKMitcIar and brUrI) and I ader.dMd th:Illhc rmlIklnK of Mil) "iDf'1J ! tmfnl Gf l'IIIIlrrIaI ract IwnID MUll !IUbJtd DlI' In IIII' DI'Ot1~ nllhe DmIIIIa,,' nIlIIln! lalbe IIIIIIr.iIqc end fIIInR of' t. lnIIl'WIII!IIl.. BUYER BUYEIrS ATTllllNEY MOBILSrThll~~fiY.tl.F..\~V~TION I#.J,nlos- FOR COUN"TY USE ONLY L-f. /p, ,.3, g~ C2. D... Il8d Recorded I MoOS" I : II ~...tp I C3.Book I }, ~'L/,0,/'IC4.p.,.~~,.I, 7, PROPERTY INFORMATION l I.Pr_L 15075 l.oc8tion STRICT NUMII[fl'.' ,j} Cl. SWIli; Codo ]~EW SUFFOLK AVEKUE SoTlltll fINII[ L s.P.!W.'.2.!:D ~L_ 2. Buyer Nom. L G.M~.1...~.wTT.ITY FTNANCTAT. CORPORATION MST IlIIAME L LA6 T NAME , COMPiHv ....1'..AMf 3. T.. Indica wta.re future 1p &iU1 .... 10 be urn L BilUng if other thin buyer edelress eM boaam of form) Add_ LAAT....../~N'f' L 8'JlIlfE'T NUMlfft AND SYRetT IIIIAAIf: c:rrv QRTOW!l 4. Indie.. the number of AeMumenI Roll parat. traneferred on Ihe ... 0, 0 I J , 01 P.rcell OR 0 Part of . P,rcel S.D_" I ~xl lOR I ,{).q,:l1 p- o Size FIIChI H~' DIIP"H """.. &. SelI.r L MCDERMOTT Homo LAST IfAIlR' j' COMP~ '_'NAME L MCDERMOTT I.AI' .."w ,'!"OW........ "'''NAMf 7. ~~"t t:'~:m:- ~:':,~ .:W~_'::::,mou..~Uwp~~.~ :::::: R 2 or 3 Family KG_identlal F Commerd.1 J Indul1rill C Raidenti" V~nl LInd G A,terl,",'" K Public:l Servico D Norl-fl..identi!ll VlCanl Land H Emortalnrnent I Amusemc.on, L Form , SALE INFO~IMATION I ~ 11, Sal. Conll,. Dare ---r J MonOI OIly v., 12. D.n. of Salll I Transfer 01.IOKIOfL, MonIh 0.,. VIIO' , j, I, S. O. ". 0." . (I . 0 I , , . IFulI Sale P,il;8 ia Th, 1000sI amount paid for the property Irlcludlng personal ptOpMV. ThiS Plyme'fU I1\IY be In '11'1. form 01 Cfth. other property 1)1' goods. or the lnumptlon 01 morlgllges or other obllGations.1 ,.,.... rountl tD 1M ,.".,.11 wftOll 00''''' .moUltr. 13. Full S,I. Prlc. l ,.t. Indicne the "..... 01....... I "'i 0 . 0 I 0 I- ~ inc:luclldlnu.....; ; . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - o.ta should reflect l:he 181:811 Final Aueumant Roll and Tax Bill ~ ,.. Veer of A............. Roll from IDS-Iota I 17. TotIIl ......... V"u. Cot .11 ~ In nnsf.) I which In'lM'1MtIon till,. 18.. PrDp.tty CJ... ~~.I ,0 I-U 1..80..'>11'......._. I 20, Tax Rbp IcMntifler\.) I RoD ldentlfieriw II mar. th.n Ilour. .n.h .... with .c:kItIOl'llllldentifi..uU I~rv- 111.(J'tJ- O{,.tJr} - OI-l.OO:z. STAlE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL _RlV SERVICES RP - 5217 D-5!I'.'yn I] ] 2.'\L "RST NAME IT~T[ ZPC01lE IOnIy.P.....P_I____ 4A.. Planning DOlIi'd With SubdMlion Authority ExistI 0 .. Subclvitlon Approval wal RequIred for Tlanslor D c. Parcel Approved for SubdlVillon with Map Provided 0 JOHN 1'. DIANE M. CI-* .... box. .... n they appty. 8. OwnorIhlp Typo Is Condominium e. Now Con.Iructian on V..nI Land ,u. Propeny lDcaIed wtrhln In Agriculwral Dlltrict ,.. 80.,.- rmtived . rllclOlUre noclce inckating that the propeny I. In an Agrlculwral OIIIrICI o o o o , l~dlOOI , , .... F,~n~o.t\ LAlrN&MIr. I M(1.(+'r"\ RflSIN~ /501.) 'tJ~ ~tb~ SlR[[T NAME IAFllII SALEl ~ ~.~ SlMU,IN....'lIB(A ~ ~~~ ~~(pv),~-" I tVJ. "' , I 'i'S1, .. .... nY&!! f.J./>7ju;- DAIt 1 ~ 7 - .;)..1 B'D TtLCPHO... h:III." NEW YORK STATE COPY