HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12438 P 639 117- &- IS- L P-~3,f- P ,=,31 ~ Ctuitclaim Deed ....., .. ... ..............--.......................,...................... ..............-.................... ..... . ..... ...._...... . __. ._M.. :\ ,I: , II I' I I by fi~t party, Grantor, wIlasepoll aft." address ~ 10 IeCllI1d part.,. Grantee. w~ose pe51 aft~ address is \;,,\,",.. ~ -.,." t.1.~.\ "'. 1HI!; QUITCLAIM DEED. executed this ~t- day of ,('),.k -t, ~ - ___ 20~. FhLN~ ~'~lc:. - ' . ' 'PI,' ". ~ IJ..A.~ '.f+.;-r..-... iJy'.""';:; J:=-..~ '~~~ o.~Lj~'t~ . 1'(, -,r-- rlL.~. t .. A... '.' . \ f' .... \.:""." j . .J~-::3-t/) WI11NESSETH, That the .aid first party. for good consideration and fOf the sum of 0 Dolla~ (1 .? l) ./j/, ) paid by the salid second party, the/eceipt whet'eof is hereby acknOwledged. does hereby remise. release and quitclaim unto the said seCOl1d party fOfeVel, all the right, tide,. inte/est and claim which the .aid fi~t party has in and to the following described parcel of land, and improvements an~ appurtenances thereto in the (ounlY of ~ - Slilteof-1Y~toWit: c;ec- C;~"-"<l...:>\'" R R.~~ )<)?.> Is New ~{f()IL Jh,~ . '" /V'e.w Su/ldli:. 'Ylt. IlitJnJ> St.Al~ h ,~ .~ q:. ~r"3 'i"'7 117". -I.-Ie I~Ol':J."''to1:'9J~H Ihdl~" 'c. ': .I~::: ,:01'0:.".. '=t y1atd1 8_:" 'L; ,(lEt 'c1";J~J :NlcSiII._ rJ t"~r~IO r!...~~~ I I Page 1 _w\O(l..an o ... 50cJQI UrcliI, U( LFl9l!I.a..,au:t , I~I WITNESS WHEREOF, The said first pllrty has signed and sealed these presenl5 the day and ~ar fi~t above wrinen. Si9ned, sealed and delive<ed in presence (II: Si~nature olWitness: ..,).. - r::..g-- .- ...r:_ ... nil Print name of Witness; :.J-IIIJIII ;~~ r~~.lfll Si,gnatureOfWitne5S:~~f~. ~.. printnameoIWitnes~'ET1I- ,fo41E . . Signature?fFirstPartY:~4L-4~ Pllnt name of first Party: i==,-.-. ~ ~ ,.~".I\_'" ~/ ?y~ k.tll.,-L P,int name of Second Party: P__i.'J:.. J '-J _L. ~ .R~& ~Jdc. " Signature of Preparer Print Name 01 Preparer J\dclress 01 Prepare. _ ~t:~~;';~~~~fd,L } On nft~~ ..2~bo,'oreme.y-- I. t,Lial. ~ appeared !'I'K.,\' l. -':;A<1~'L.^- ""i;f'K -- L o...~ -I-\ll.S'k.. personally knlown to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evide el to De the pefSOn(s) whose name(s) Islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same in hislhe</their authorized Glpacity(iesl. and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(sl. or the entity lIpon behalf 01 which the ~"'on(s) act.!d, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. AI 1'\'- C',. ......~. 'Si~l/otary HB.EN ... CUClCClI ...., PubIIo, _ a1,... 'llIoII *11 m. QudIIMlIllIUIIaIk CDuIIIr 'IWm e.par.. 1/--'".. ..s..."c~ Affiant ___Known~U(ed 10 Type 01 10 _ (Seal) Pogo 1 -~"""" OllllM5mQI.....uc Ul9I-RftIMlD' c; c\-uzc\u~ ~ "'D lhallracl or parcel or lond situate. lying and being in the Town of Soulhold. in Ihe County 01 Suftolk. ShJle of New YOIle. bounded ond ckKaibed as IoIJows:- BEGINNING cillhe InleBec:tion of lhe nor1herIy Ine 01 New Sunolk Avenue with the easterly ine 01 GrothwOhI Road and being the southwesterly comer 01 premises herein desaibed; running thence along lhe easterly me of Grathwohl Road Norlh 2 degrees 09 minules 00 sec:onds Easl a dlslance 01100 reel; ruming Ihcnce in a general easlerly dlrecficln along other land oIlhe party 01 the lint part a di$1onc:e 01178 leel. more or less. 10 a point; funning lhenc:e In 0 general southerly dlrecllon along olher land of lhe party ollhe rnt part 0 crlSlanc:e 01130 reet. more or less. 10 Ihe northerly line 01 New Suffolk Avenue; running thence in a general wesierty crrectlon oIong the northerly Ine 01 New SUIIoIk AVenue North 78 degrees 34 rTInules 00 ~9c:onds west a distonce 011 n Ieet. more or lest. 10 lhe point or plac:e 01 beginning. BEING FURTHER desalbeld as loIIows: BEING DESCRIBED in ac:c:ordonc:e with 0 survev prepared by John C. Ehlers Land SUIY&yOr. doted OcI0b4:lI' 27, 2QO.4 as lolIows: BEGINNING al the Intersection 01 the northerly tine of New Suffolk Avenue with the easterly One 01 Crolhwohl Road and being the southwesterly corner 101 premises ~eleln desc:rlbed; 11 T1tENCE otong Ihe easlerly Ine 01 Grathwohl Rood North 2 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds East 100.00 leel; 2~1 3:1 THENCE Soulh 8i' degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds EasI181.16Ieet; THENCE South 0/. degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West 128.33 leet; "1 THENCE North 7l~ degrees 34 mlnutes 01 seconds Wesl 172.98 teello Ihe palnl ond placEt 01 beglming. . BiElNG AND INTENDED TO BE the mme premises conveved 10 Fronk Hajek. who died a Iftdent 01 Suffolk Counlyon AI'" 1. 2llO2. by deed doled April 19. 1954 and recorded Aprl23 1954 in ti,e Office 01 the Sulfolk County Oerk. In Uber 3683 Poge 122. . S"ID PREMISES are IcnoIom Ond designoled as Oislrk:l 0100. Section 117. BIoc:k 6 and lollS on the SIIIIoIk County tax map. S,IIIO PREMISES being known as 1S30S New Suffolk AYenue. Soulhhold. New York. Si~B1ECT loony slate 01 facts an accurale survey may show. covenonts. agreements. restric:tlons. IBSelYatioll5 and ulil"y easements 01 re<:ord.lnduding but not imlted to righls. coyenanlts and reslrlctions In Uber 3683. page 122. l(lGETHER with an righl. Iitle and inlerest. if any. 01 the party 01 Ihe fist port In and to OIly slreels and roads abutting the (move desc:nbed premises to lho c:snter lines thereof: TOGETHER with I~ 'Jppurtenanc:es and a111he eslate and rights ollhe porly 01 the rn1 port In ond to said prermes: TO HAVE AND TO HOlD the premises herein granled unto the party ollhe second parI the heirs ,or successors and assIG"" 01 the party 01 the second port lorever. . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS F'IRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSll\UC1l0~S: hn~JI www.orputate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-1222 FOR COUNTY us~ ONLY [:'f, 7,3. 5'.t', r; * C2. ""'" Oood ,_ L..J I r? 1,tJk, I ." =~.c;~.:,,,~~:w " .~~' M-=----- New S.....~/I:. 4ve.. \. ~,-- PlftT_ U ~ L......_ Ilk.,) -5))1!DIJ,,- ~_'f1rD Id '.!DE: L...,._,_' ..uJ ~!~~ / ",~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS Coch STATE Of NEW Y(WC. STATE IOARD 01' REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 "'~17""JWr -- -.--J ,...,.-J ,.j Fr4.Nk. 9- R",s~ -.--J ~~- a.'" Incic_w~IubnT...BiI"_to~..,. I -FIt 1f~,*"lnbuyoer.dd.-I:.boIlomoflorml L- Ad... l.QT_'COII'f'AN. _r_ -.--J L- _T_ItANDIiI...J:T_ Dn'DII~ "An -- 4.lndlt..Ih....... 01 ~\I .........er.n.t........,ttNtd..td lIofPart:e1s DR 0 P.rtof.Pln:eI 1Onlt'.,......."--IIChKl_~1IPPfv: ~~, 4A. PlMnitlg IIoIrd wIIh 5rJ:ldhl'ollon Aulhorr, ExIlIB _ SiDtMMIn ApprcMllIIMI Requind lor T~ C. Pwml,.f,ppoand for Subchilion with MIp ProwIdMl o o o ~ .... _ L___lxl Sin fIlQNTl'\!l'T DlnH A:~~L ~/I '-----iD'r_,COY'........ lcol .~ 1i~.J/L -1 f..-r_1 ." a.ct:_.........._~eppIr- L o...n.nhip T~ iI Condamirllum r ~ .... ...... I ~ Co '*v ServIce .. "... Con.tndion on VIani unci F Comrn-rciId J lndullri" 1M ~l..caMdwlll*tan~OiIlricI ~ AcJII:'" K NIl: Seriice ,. &uv- rKIMId . diltbln notiot inlicll.lng H EnWrhIlnlT'lllnt/Anll......nt L fa... 1ha1NP"lPIr1y II in anAgril;ullul'lllratricl 1S.a..- oM ..__al_~ -........-~ ^ r- s.-. ~.....tlYM Dr Fonner,....ivM B ~ ~ ReIcMf Companiol 01 Plnners in Bu.in_ C One of1he Buyers is.so. W_ o Buyer Of s.t.r!:ll Go-nmanI Agency Ot \Mllflf'llill~n E o.d Type ... Wlmlllty or BIrpIn ItId S. [Spudfy 8eloolvl F S...ofFl'Il:tionIlorI..aMUalnF_..,....~smc-I G Slgnlfant ~I In PropIrty Sat--. 'llIIabIe S1Itua Ind s.-. DltaI H _ SlllloIS...... illncludldlnSl"~ I ~ 00- t.IrIiIsuI6 FIClOnAl'iKting s... PrimlSpocil'y8llow) J ~ NonI o o o o - ~~1aI bcAI bIj_ Wll'hIIIh molt _ul'ltely....... thI UN of till pII,....-ty _till Ii_ ......: A ~0II1 F..mUv Rna.tlll is 20r"3FIII1i..,R..~ntill C Rllk*aill YlClnt llnd D Non-Rakilnllll YKlnt llnlil I SALE INFORMATK~ 11....Corltr~Dtot. - "" I -1 ,- ~,,~"""I T......... I/O I/O ~ "" - IO.JJ -, ., l~"Fyfl"'''_PitM~, ~ ~. ,B,~ "]'-".;- ~,.. (Full SI'" P,-g ~ t_toPllmOlllN IlIid fDf thI prol*tY including pII-.I propllrty. this prfmCIlI may_In the lunn ol' ~ IIlhIr propIfty or goodI,. or IIaI.wmptlonol mortgIlgIllOlOl"roZll~ions.l ~rDUPdlOlhe_I&'fMlIII""".~" 1.. .,...... .... ..,...... , ~ ......,-tYbludld"'......; ; . 1 ASSESSMENT INI:ORMATlON - Dabllhould I1lDect tnel8t8ll final A..enment RoUlnd Tax 81111 11. ::~~.=::' = fNm L_~ n. TouI "--I y.....l~rf III,........ tr.......1 t..L/~2J-u "..............-li Ms.) . , ~~ g~LL~ ) ..'_;'_'~a.. .,~;;;~:;:;-;;,-:{.~_;;:~-:;;;;- 11'1." - pl-,.- ~/S;tl!.,6 (Xx) - II ,/- 010 - a IS .L.J I CE CATION.J I cn1Ify tt.t" III tbr MImI ollal~ eallWellna IhII fond 1ft Intr .... aJI'1'ftt (to ... ... 01 my ~....... bd!f)'" I ..-en"- dIIII ... ... old)" wWbI t'Ihr IUllmlealvl...dftiIl r.n 1IrTdn..... ..bjfcI_IO 1II.........tIIonII oldlr DIIIlII.....I'\"IItIwIO~....InR_lII.blcoll'alw InIIr1aWnII- ~:;::~ \ BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~~~~JI~!Q#~J~r- 16(, ~~-nj~.J/~ '1JI(IT_R ....:l:T_"'""-..;1 -.- --. -- lUIi___ 5:1. .:j~ 1/1'1 Cl'l'VOlITDWN Fr l..,..~. ~~/ .~.>~ !giQ r . , 1/~,6.I NEW YORK STATE COPY " "i.....~ Number of page. TORRENS t-/ Serial # Certificate # ___._____.__ Prior elf. It Deed I MIJnguge Insuumcnt D<ed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEliS 2J Page I Filing Fe~_ / :1_ Handling j. 00 .----::--- :) TP-;1l4 Notiltion ;)7 EA-52 17 (COUIllY) ___~~.-S EA-521? (Stalel.~z.r- R.P.T.SA ~L2~_ t1:1 Sub Tolal Comm. of Ed. j. 00 ------- - ~ ( Ccrtincd i:op~~=~S '-- ". :.! NY;:) ;:)ul't"narge ._____~ ~ Sub Total /30 /57 Other Grand T(llal ~IDiSI. Real Property Tax Service AgC'ocy Vcrificaliun ] Section I Block Lot 6~~ ,~:~c~ .~~ 1000 11700 0600 015000 ~ S:llisfadionslDischargC'slReleases li~t Propcny O~~rs Mailing Address <::IRECORD-"'-IlETURN.TO: \ -.-.----.-- ---.-... ;C.k.A;./ Ie> /.-/ '" .r.e,k.. I/gi. 1;;i.~k/~,l7,p JY'--.:0 H,a' /v,;, . //-?-86 7 Co. Name nlle# ~ ~ RECORDED ';!l)06 Mar" ')2 01:31:!! PM f;". CtE~~ OF 51JFFo..Y. CQI.tITV L 00001243B P 639 Dn 05-2957. Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Aml. 1. BI1.'\ic l'.ur.. 2. Additional Tax Sub Tot.1 SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Du~ Held ror AppolDtDlen __ Tr.msfer Tax __ __ Mansion Tax The propeny covered hy this murtgage is or" will be impn)\'ed by a one or two family dw~lling only. YES or NO ____ If NO. see appmpriatc tax clause Qn pa~c # _ lBhiS in.\lru~nt. '5' CommUDlty Pre""rvatiOD Flmd s Improved VacantLmtd __ TO _J.D..-_ TD TD Title Com n Information Suffolk County Recordine & Endorsement p~ This page form~ pmn ur the a1l3choo /Y ~ A {II maJe fly. '(SPE~~~~ST.!UMEI~I:!"r~ ;:;;,4 ,d- -/~;;9 .7",-=:- ,f. The premi~s herein is sitlUlted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. C):)t }\-II '" LcL---- 'rAO ...c;... . . / /-~4A-/,~ . &JI'/';- ,l1?rf/ AZ--- In lhe Township of In tit<: VILLAGE or HAMLET or BOXES 61HRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORIJING OR FILING. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DIlD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 06-0021471 TRANSl"]!:R TAX NUMBER: 05-.29576 Recorded. At. 03/02/2006 01.31.11 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012438 639 Distric1: . 1000 Section. 117.00 EXAlUNED AND $0.00 Block. 06.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 015.000 FOLLOWS Deed Aml)un t . Page/Filing COE EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transf,er tax $12.010 $5.010 $5.0'0 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG !!:A-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM COIIIII\.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $157.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the 11"ollowing Fees For TRANSFER TAX :NUMBER. 05-295'76 THIS PA(IB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL