HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12427 P 722 L I /LI" )' . , 11-r (i" . ) r I f 1'/- / BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAUTIO!>: nlls AGREE-'IENT SHOULD BE PREPARED IIV AN Al"roRNEY ANll REVIEWEll II\" A.ITORNEYS FOR SEJ.I.f.R Mill ~UKCHASER ~I!FORE SIGNIl'iG. TillS INDENTURE, made the 7" day of December, 2005 between GIULIANO LOMBARDI and MAURA LOMBARDI.his wifc. re~iding at 218-49 Sawycr Avc., Queens Village, New York 11427 party ofthc first part. and STEVEN E. LOSOUADRO. residing at 701 ROUle 25'\. Rocky Poin!, NY 117711 party of thc second part. WITNESSETH, Ihat the party oflhe first part, in eonsidLTalion ofTen Dollars and othcr valuable consideration. paid by the party orthe second part, do.::s hcreby grant and release unto the party ofthc second part. tbe bcirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AI.L that c,rtain plot. piece or parcel of land, witb lh~ buildings and improvements thereon erected, situatc. lying and being in the s.:r.: SCUEDULE A KrrACHEI) (In:SCKIPTION OF PREMISES) REING AND INTENDED TO BE the sanle premises as conveyed to the party of the first part by d~ed 2/\3173 and recorded 2123/73 in Liber 7349 cp 22. TO(;ETHER with all right, title and intercst~ ifany. of the party orthe first part in and to any streets and . roads abutting th~ above described premises to the center lines th~reot: TOGI::THI:'R with the: "ppurtcnancc~ and nil the esl:lte and rights of the party oflhe tirst part in and 10 ~aid premises, . TO IIA VE AND TO HOI.D the premises her~in gf'dnted unto the party of the sL"Cond part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. .~NI) th~ party llfthe first part. covenants thatth~ party of the lirst part hlL~ nol done or ~uffered anything whereby the said premises ha,'e been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND thc party of the first part. in compliance with ~~~tioll \3 of the Lien Luw, eov~n:lOts that the p:lrty orlhe first part will reeei,'e the consideration for this conveyance and will hold (he right to receive sueb eonsiderntion as a trust fund to be appliL'CIlirsl for thc purpose of paying the cost oflhe impro,'ement and will apply the ~amc lirsllO the payment of the cost urlhe improvcment before using any part oflhe tolal of the sam~ . for any othcr purposc. Thc word "party" shall be conslruL'CI us if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the party of lhe tirst part has duly executed thi~ deed the day and year first above wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~I/~~.Y L~!.nA,,4t. llANO LOMBARDI b,~uk-" ~ MAUR,\ LOMBARDI S\'SlM R.:sidmti.1I RC;ll E~It: ""unll!; "II I-lntDnC5lt9't)1!11 C"'pyri~lu Cap5l)Ra ~\.~lopmen~ .1. .~ SUNRISE ABSTRACT LLC. DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at New Suffolk, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Fanning Road. distant 140.00 feet westerly from its intersection with the westerly side of New Suffolk Road; Said point also being the northwest corner of land formerly of Krukoski, now or formerly of Thomas & Beverly Christianson; RUNNING 'THENCE South 05 degrees 51' 10" West, along said land of Christianson, a distance of 146.11 feet to land now or formerly of M.D. Kelly; THENCE North 84 degrees 08' 50. West, along said land of Kelly, a distance of 137.00 feet to land now or formerly of Frank & ,John Ruckel; THENCE North 05 degrees 51' 10" East, along said land of Ruckel, a distance of 146.11 feet to the southerly side of Fanning Road; THENCE South 84 degrees 08' 50" East, along the southerly sid~ of Fanning Road, a distance of 137.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. State of New York } ss: County of Suffokl :1 On this 7'h day of December, 2005, before, the undersigned, personally appeared GIULIANO LOMBARDI AND MAURA LOMBARDI, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to the be individual(s) whose name(s} is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies}, and that by hislherltheir signature(s} on the instrument, the individual(s}, or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. l ./\~ '-..... Notary Public - MARY KcLAKOWSKI NoI8IyPublic, Stateof NY No.01K0487006SuffoIlCly. Comm. Exni- C)eot. 2.2006 ~YSl:t.... RrskJC'ntial keal Estate fonns on HOlOt-=S. 19/11nl COJ'!.'righl Cap50n" DcvC'lopmcnl -2- "40 , ,./ . Number of pUl,'es TORRENS Serial # Certificale 1/ .____ Prior Clf. # Dccd . Mortgage I n.~lrumenl Deed' Ml>rlgage Tax SlUmp 3 FEES Page' Filing Fee Handling ____---ol. JllL 5'_ 1'1'-584 NUlaliun EA-5217 (Coumy' ~- I~~ 3oQ) Sub TOlal ;;7 EA-5217ISlale) R.P.T.S.A. COIllIll. of Ed. 5. Jl!L Atlidavil Certified Copy 01./.5 d~.;7~ . Reg. Copy Sub TOlal Olher ~ Gr~nd TOlal :J Dislricll. Real Property Tax Service Agency Veritiealion , . ~05~~O~54 1000 REAP A ~_c - 11700 0600 033000 ---..... I ;033.000 5 6 Salisfacliontniseharges'Relcase Lisl Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: STEVEN E. LOSQUADRO ESQ ~ '-19 . ROUTE 25A ROCKY POINT NY 11778 . RECORl)EIl 2005 Dee 28 11:13:52 Rn Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COLHTY L DOOO12427 P 722 Dr# 05-21016 Recording I Filing Slamps Mongage Am\. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOlal Spec.' Ass;\. or Spec. , Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for APPOinlme~ Transfer Tax - _ Mansion Tax The properly covered by Ihis mOlgage is or will be improved by a one or lwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropri"le lax clause on page # of Ihis i . rument. ,... -7-dJ Communitv Preservation Fund Consideralion Arnllunl S 235.0000.00 S 3.200.00 CPF Tax Due Illlpro\'L'd Vaeanl Land TO TD TD 7 Title Company Information Co. Name SUNRIS..: ABSTRACT Tille 1/ 622-5-2201 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part oflhe atlnched BARGAIN & SALE DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) GIULIANO & MAURA 1.0MBARIlI made by: The premisis herein is silUlIled in SU,""OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In Ihe Township of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE ur HAMLET of NEW SUFFOLK BOXES 6THROljGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED I~ BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING TO .STEVEN E. LOSQUADRO 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 1111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGB Type of rnstrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of PageB' 4 Receipt Number : 05-0133659 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-21016 Recorded. At: 12/28/2005 11.13.52 AM LJ:BBR: PAGB: D00012427 722 District: Section. Block: Lot. 1000 117.00 06.00 033.000 BXAMINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $235,000.00 Received the Following Pees Par Above rnstrument Exempt E7""'lpt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $940.00 NO Comm.Pres $3,200.00 NO Pees Paid $4,382.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER. 05-21016 THrs PAGE rs A PART 01" THB rNSTRUMBNT THrs rs NOT A BrLL Edward P.Romaine Co~ty Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR .PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM -. - .. INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stato.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1 ~" ~, 17, 5"- r I * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C,. SWlS Code STATE OF NEW VORl< C2. Oate Dood Rocordocl I L? I ~~ IOy,- I STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES .Y .... RP - 5217 C3. _k I /...l , Ji';,;J ,p. I c.. Pego 1 ?,.;l ;2- I , - IU....:I., lie, JRF PROPERTYINFOR~TION I 1._1 1150 I Fanning Road 1 LocItion "",I!I!TNUM8En S11II!ETNllM[ 1 New Suffolk 1 1 1 an OR TOWN ...... ""- 2. Buyer 1 LOSQUADRO 1 STEVEN E. I Neme LAST '\lMl[ 1 txwPJIoN. ,-- I I I LAliT "AMi' J COUNN'I '''1 NAMf 3. T.. IlIdicMe vwher. futura TDX BilI,.-c to be Hnt I 1 Billing if other th., buyer address tal boIIOR! (If farml I Md.... L.A:i1 HAM&. I COWAN' '"'"KT ....MIl I I I , I Z1PCDDI: 1 5TNET.....-...cR UolD II'/"fIUT ....M[ CI1V 011 TOWN ITAll .t. Indle'" tt.. IlllmUr at AlMumem I 1 I . of Perclll!l ORD IOnty If PM: of . '-cell a..k as they "ply; Roll p..-uh tr,.erred on tM deed . Plrt of u Purcel 4A. Planning Board ""ilh Subdhti.ion Authority Elriltl 0 S.Dood .B. SajJdivllian ApprOVlU w. Required for Trensfer 0 -.... I .J X I lOR 1 . , '0 .4 ,6 J c. PllaJI Approved lor Subdivision wCh Map ProvidlCl 0 Size fRONTfFI"r .."" ACIlf$ e. Sell... I LOMBARDI 1 GIULIANO 1 Nom. lAST N...tCOMPANV P.IIBI HAM, I LOMBARDI I MAURA I LAST NAME , COII'A...... MIT "'AM. 7. ChKk the box "ow wII.. most _..ettlly clnerl.... the u.. of tINl ~ It the tl.... at ....: ChIck U. bun below _ they Ippty: .. OwnonIhlp Type I. CoNIomlnium 0 "~ 0.. Femil, R.oMIe,.;.1 E ~ Ag,",.I...al I ~ Con.m"ty Sofyiao 9. New Conlltructlon on Vacant Lend 0 II 2 or 3 F.milv Residential P Commercial J Industrial 1M. ProPlrtv Ltuted within an AgriclJ.lural Dill:rICl 0 C X Rolidantilll Vacanl Land (,; Aptrtmont K Public Service 108. Buyer rOlOeived a dildolu~ nolica Indicalmg 0 o Non-Residenlial Vacanl Lend Il Entortainmenl/ Amusomcfll L Fenlt Ihll Ute propolly is in .n Agriculund DiItricI , SALE INFORMATION I 1&. Check OM or mor. cd th_ conllllloM _ .ppll...... to tr......: .- 11. s... Contr.ct DMi I 4 I 21 I 05 I "I- SIIe Between FkIlaUvos or FOnnllr ReI.tiYOll __ Do, Y1lllr HI- SIll Between RelaIOd ComponiDl or P.rtnon In Billine.. Cl- Ono of Ihe Buya... II .10 . Seller 12. Dettl of 81.. I Tnlllf.r 1 12 I 7 I 05 1 DI- Buyer or SeU... il GoverttmCllll -'gooey or LDndlng Inslitution __ Do, ,... EI- Oeod Type not WmrrlllllY' or Blrgllin .nd SlI. (Splcify Balow) F Sale of FrecbONlI or Lou IhDII Fe. IrItwes1lSpecify EMIowI 01- Siglliftclnl Clilng' in Property BetwHn TIll8b1e SI.1uI Wid S.1e 0- 13. Full "I, Price L , , ,2 .3 ,5 ,0,0,0.0,01 tl - Sal. at Butlinell illncluded In Sale PriCe , , . .- (Full Sale Price is tho 101" ilImounl peid lor IhI property Including pe,.,n. propeRV. J- OIhIIr UnURu. Faclofs Allocr:ing SaID Pric:e (SpecIfy BcJow) nus peymonl mav bo ill Iha lorm of cash. other propany or goods. or th. HMlmptiOfl of Nn.. n\OrtQ.ges or other obllgations.1 PIoIw rolJlld to Ihl111NrnI wholo dol"" .mount. - 14. lndk.llte 111_ vel... of perso.... I ,0 , 0 , 0 1 PfIII*IY Included In t'" .... ; . , . . . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should ..f1ocl'heletesl Final Asoesamont Rolland Ta. Bill I ,s.V_oIA_IRoIl'am 104 051 17. TotII A.......s VIIu_lof III perce" In Ir.......ll ~ , , . . ; ,5 ,0 ,0 1 which Information tell..... . , , 18. Property CI... LL.!.....!J-LJ 19. SchoDl DIstrict NIIrne I MBnrlUC'ft./ n.. -/rh3Uf I I 20. Tu: ,.. Id.nlifler(al/ Roil IdIn....rCs) (If mOl" than four, ItlldI shMt wItIIldditiontl id_nlifi_I~1 I 1000-.117 -6- 33 I I I I I 1 ..J I CERTIFICATION I I a."I1ify 1I1II1 ... or Ibr l&rmlo III' ial'.....UIIlun ~nlen.... 1111 lhiI ronn UR' true ;and ''tN''I'\'C'1 (to ._101 uI my kn&N1fdIr unci IM!IitO und I ulllkT5lll'" thDllJIlo n....intI: or 1111)' ".illrul rallol! WdL'IIICIII oIlD111cria1 I'ad htn'in "ill MlhJlI!t1 lilt 10 lite Dnwild.....,. ell' the Dl!nullu... rcWlhl' 1u Ihl' mukina uad lilirqe, nI',..... inJdnalnl'n15. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY -~~IJ,1"i~ LOSQUADRO I STEVEN E ........... "...TNAfIIl. 701 D "=1 Route 25 ~3\ I -=r~ ~ - 4 0'1-0 5Tlllfl NUM8iR S'l'IIl[[T ....M(. W1U1 SALD ......... I.L ......ONI! NlJM8[R Rocky Point I Ny 1 11778 CITY Ollt TQWt. SIAfF Z1'CDnF SELLER NEW YORK STATE tj~!f...~~rL~~ , COpy '....hl =>~ ..,..