HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail/Scopaz HouseSOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PUBLIC HEARING Apri18, 2008 4:40 PM COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 170 (Landmazk Preservation) of the Town Code, the Town Boazd of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday. Apri18, 2008 at 4:40 P.M., Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road. Southold. New York as the time and glace for a aublic hearin¢ to consider the designation of the VaiUScoaaz house on the town's register of Historic Landmarks: the house is located at SCTM 1000-63-6-16.56755 Main Road. Southold. New York . The property owner has requested and the Historic Preservation Commission has recommended the property for inclusion on the town's register. The file is available for review during regulaz business hours by contacting Damon Rallis at the Southold Town Building Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Damon Rallis at the Southold Town Building Department (631) 765-1802 or Damon.Rallis@town.southold.ny.us. I have a notice that it has appeared on the Town Clerk's bulletin board in the hall, it has also appeared as a legal in the local newspaper. I have several communications. `Supervisor Russell and Members of the Town Board, received on April 8`h, that is today. I am unable to attend this meeting due to a business commitment but have asked the Historic Preservation Commission to pass my comments along. (This is signed, by the way, by Valerie Scopaz, the current owner of the property.) I submitted my home for local landmark status for two reasons. The first is practical, I understand the aesthetic and economic values of protecting Southold Town's unique historic and architectural chazacter. The second is sentimental. My late father spent countless hours, during the span of more than 25 yeazs renovating this house from a dilapidated `handyman's special' to it's present condition. It was a labor of love. I thought it a fitting tribute to his efforts to nominate the house for landmazk status. I hope you agree. Thank you, Valerie Scopaz' Included in this is a map and a couple of comments about the house itself. The main house was constructed in 1858, the kitchen was added in 1873. Prior property owners go back to 1658 when the Smith family started living in that area. The home is on one of the first settler lots, settled in 1658. The lot was in the Vail family for five generations, perhaps six. Likely Vail owner, Peter Vail, left Southold for Guilford, Connecticut in 1775 and this house was the headquarters of New York Governor Tyron during the Revolutionary War. The existing house contains portion of the previous house, which we think what is believed was there even prior to the house that was built there in the 1650's. What else do we have on this? We did have a recommendation from this, from the Historic Landmarks Commission, although I don't see it, supporting its designation. Here it is. On March 18"' of this year, the Southold Town Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to recommend that this property be placed on the Town's register of Historic Landmarks. Thank you for your consideration, James Grathwohl. Public Hearing-Vail/Scopaz House Apri18, 2008 SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody like to come up and address the Town Board on the designation of this property as a historic landmark? (No response) Can I get a motion to adjourn this hearing? This hearing was closed at 5:18 PM . %r~ Eli beth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Board -Letter yJw;iw"~ ~,~~~e ,~,~ a Board Meetifig of April 8, 2008 RESOLUTION 2008-373 Item # DOC ID: 3774 ADOPTED THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-373 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 8, 2008: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby designates the Vail/Sconaz house located at SCTM 1000-63-6-16, 56755 Main Road, Southold, New York, as historic and add to the town's register of Historic Landmarks; all in accordance with Chapter 170 of • the Southold Town Code, the recommendation for designation by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission, and acceptance of designation by property owners. ~~QY Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski ]r., Wickham, Evans, Russell • Generated April 10, 2008 Page 48 #8~ss STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once a week for 1 week(s), successively, commencing on the 3rd day of April, 2008: / / .-. - ~ Principal Clerk ,-, ,~ Sworn to before me this ~ I day of / ~--, 2008 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the provisions of Chapter 170 (Landmark Preservation) of [he Town Code, [he Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday. April 8. The property owner has requested and [he Historic Preservation Commis- sion has recommended the property for inclusion in [he town's registerThe file is available for review during regulaz busi- ness hours by contacting Damon Rallis a[ the Southold Town Building Depart- meal. If yqu have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Damon Rallis at the Southold Town Building Depart- ment (63t) 765-1802 or Damon.Rallis@ [ownsou[hold.ny.us. Dated: March 25,ZW8 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Neville - Town Clerk 8765-1T 4/3 _ 1 `L ~ ~ l~'~ ~~~~ ~~ CHpI,TINA VOLINBKI --.p~~RY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. O1-voc 105050 :Stta4fl9d In 3u;t,,lk County . ~; oramisslon Ezplres Fubwary 28. 2012 RECEIVED Southold Town Clerk Supervisor Russell and Members of the Town Board: I am unable to attend this meeting due to a business commitment, but have asked the Historic Preservation Commission to pass my comments along. I submitted my home for local landmark status for two reasons. The first is practical. I understand the aesthetic and economic values of protecting Southold Town's unique historical and architectural character. The second is sentimental. My late father spent countless hours during a span of more than twenty-five years renovating this house from a dilapidated "handyman's special" to `• its present condition. It was a labor of love. I thought it a fitting tribute to his efforts to nominate the house for landmark status. I hope yon agree. Thank you. Valerie M. Scopaz April 2, 2008 Valerie Scopaz • P O Box 1655 Southold NY 11971 Dear Ms. Scopaz: Pursuant to Southold Town Code Chapter 170-5, you house has been recommended for inclusion in the Southold Town's Register of Historic Landmarks. Enclosed herewith is a copy of the Legal Notice designating Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 4:40 PM as the time and place for a public hearing about the designation. Also enclosed is a certified copy of "town Board Resolution No. 2008-310 setting the public hearing. Very truly yours, • Linda J. Cooper Deputy Town Clcrk Enc. (2) To: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector From: Linda J. Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk . Dated: April 2, 2008 Re: Pending Historic Landmark Designation The Town Board has scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 4:40 PM concerning a designation of Historic Landmark for the Vail/Scopaz house located at 56755 Main Road, Southold, and SCTM #1000-63-6-16. In accordance with Town Code Chapter 170-5, no building permits or demolition shall be issued with regard to the property until the Town Board has made a decision on the proposed designation. • LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • lJ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 170 (Landmark Preservation) of the Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday Apri18, 2008 at 4:40 P.M., Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold New York as the time and place for a public hearins to consider the desisnation of the VaiUScopaz house on the town's resister of Historic Landmarks; the house is located at SCTM 1000-63-6-16, 56755 Main Road, Southold, New York . The property owner has requested and the Historic Preservation Commission has recommended the property for inclusion on the town's register. The file is available for review during regular business hours by contacting Damon Rallis at the Southold Town Building Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Damon Rallis at the Southold Town Building Department (631) 765-1802 or Damon.Rallis@town. southold.ny.us. Dated: March 25, 2008 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Neville Town Clerk PLEASE PUBLISH ON Apri13 2008, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, Y.O. BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Historic Preservation Commission Town Board Building Department Town Attorney Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Valerie Scopaz Planning Department STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the ~ day of , 2008, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Public Hearing Vail/Scopaz House 4/8/08 4:40 pm lJ }r~iabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sw~ rn before e thi8 day of , 2008. ~~~m tary Public • LYNDA M. BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 01 B06020932 Qualified in Suffolk County Term Expires March 8, 20 ~ Southold Town Board -Letter ~~~~~~`~,~~a ~~~~; '*~+ au• Board Meeting of March 25, 2008 RESOLUTION 2008-310 ADOPTED ltem # DOC ID: 3719 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-310 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 25, 2008: RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 170 (Landmark Preservation) of the Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday. April 8, 2008 at 4.40 P M Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the designation of the Vail/Scopaz house on the town's register of Historic Landmarks; the house is located at SCTM 1000-63-6-16, 56755 Main Road, Southold, New York . The property owner has requested and the Historic Preservation Commission has recommended the property for inclusion on the town's register ~q~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman • AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans ABSENT: Scott Russell Generated March 27, ?008 Page 2S Telephone (631)765-1802 Fax (63])765-9502 ,~; OF SOUlyo~ ~`~ • ~O ~1~00UNTY,~, .,~/ C~ 3-~.~-v~ Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMORANDUM • To: Supervisor Scott Russell and Southold Town Board members From: James Grathwohl, Landmark Preservation Commission Date: March 20, 2008 Re: 1000-63-6-16, 56755 Main Road, Southold, NY Cc: File c- On March 18, 2008, the Southold Town Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to recommend that this property be placed on the town's register of historic landmarks. Thank you for your consideration. • Valerie M. Scopaz January 22, 2008 James Grathwohl, Chairman Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Vail/Scopaz House 56755 State Route 25 Southold, NY • Dear Mr. Grathwohl, Please accept the attached application and supporting materials in support of my petition to have the afore-noted residence placed on the Town's Register of Designated Landmarks. If additional information is needed, please let me know. Sin rely, ~~~i U~t/~<Y~ Valerie M. Scopaz • P. O. Box 1655 Southold, NY 11971 z_ wu`i aroa 1 P arrr uaauaa tt~~ 0(lpl maxi r , i ! ;~. • i s., .; ~ P ' _ uY6t '~^~'45a+3~'se OlON1tl05 ~^ AlOidfla d4~~~ ~~ ~ ~y.,_. ..._. _ ,.''+ .'~f ~ ({ a r ~ - a a..~ a s.a r l C: "d +~ ,,tea x ` -.- .-`"`'w&P'IIL~Tli iTS.x~ /'A ~ - ..I~• , ±a: ~ ar.. f ~ `~ ~•i• Z .>~ n ~~ ~s I r• .~. O~~y ) a .•. ' ~•~• •Ji: 1 'F V` r• v~•on , `~t i • y~a • •m ~ ~a4 a fC • ~ ~~ r ~ im ,~na ,w•x •• ryNli X ~~ ~ w' 1 a a .e •~4 ,f t Ii ~ - ! • •• a 0 r Ob 1 f `, ~ ••~• ~ 3rv • 4 ~ .~ \P t \.~ #' MJ 5)11 J • l•.a• ~F ' ~•~ S') ,~ ~ b){ yb ~.. I lr /N ~ O. e 'IE a• ~ t ar V - ~_ ai• . ~ l t •+\ _ ) • .`s ~~ owx,not •o ab/ IMIx m• n• • a ~a P~ b . o,^ rr i \ . ••~~, i ~ ~ ~ 'r ' ~~/ ;//i/~/ •,,. / //i~~/ j;~/~,/i/ •~ i .•aw ,.. ,•. ,,, a. ~ ~ ..,. // j M P ~ ~ / / -. O w h r ex • ' ~ y' ^~ 44 / ~~fj~ ~///r/// ~// dY ~, ~~. ~.~~.. ~ .. '~a•a / ~ ~' • a ~ y , .~. { a .i. r~ `at \r ~ :oa~/ e..~.ao~.~n.,~\ ~ aaz• ~~... - • • Fact Sheet for Scopaz/Vail House at 56755 State Route 25, Southold, NY Tax Map #: 1000-063-03-16 Distinguishing Features: Main House constructed in 1858. Kitchen added in 1873. Kitchen back door, scratched in glass: Alfred Vail, owner Kitchen back window, scratched in glass: H. R. Vail Mazch 18, 1900 or 1908. Also the initials LAND, possibly Lucie A. Vail Dorsch. Pantry door consists of two white pine boards, one of which is 19 inches wide. Kitchen addition contains one 12 by 12 divided panel window, with original panes (save one). The house is on part of a settler's lot facing Town Harbor Lane and is included in the SPLIA file. Prior property owners: • 1658 Robert Smyth 1682 James Patty 16?? Edward Patty 16?? Nathan Landon 16?? Samuel Landon ???? James Landon Peter Vail (b. 1726, d. 1782) (See attached information regarding use of his property by Governor Tryon during the Revolutionary War. There is another Peter Vail listed as living in Southold around this time, but the location of the subject lot at the foot of Town Harbor Lane, at its intersection with the Kings Highway, down the street from the town wharf was located appears to be a logical place for a military headquarters.) Peter Vail, Jr. (b. 1762, d. 18??) (son of Peter Vail) Russel Vail (b. 1789, d. 1868) (son of Peter Vail, Jr.) William. B. Vail (b.1816, d. 1882) (son of Russel Vail) (W.B_ Nail's sister, Lucie S. Vail was born in 1822. In 1842 she married William A. Albertson, who may have owned the property and house to the west.) Alfred R. Vail (b. 1848, d. 1932(?) (son of W.B. Vail) Harry R. Vail (b. 1874, d. ??) (son of Alfred R. Vail) 1926/32 Lucie Vail (later Lucie Vail Dorsch) (b. 1878, d. 195?) (daughter of Alfred R. Vail and sister of Harry R. Vail) The house and the lot probably was split off the original settlers' lot around this time. Remainder of property .vas later sold to Rubsamen, who constructed another house ou that property, to the east, next to Overton.. The Scopaz/Nail house was renovated around this time to incorporate modern conveniences such as running water, hot water heat, electricity and a bathroom. The double central fireplace may have been removed at this time also. 1960 Scopaz/Forosich 1970 Scopaz ~'•° ~~kgre~ ~~ ~ yya ~ro~n tong Island to L'onnedsiu =. z}); and, destination not given, Joshua Reeve. (C. [2q) In Dec., X76, Capt. David Landon paid him for bringing goods to Cann. (C. t68) is long account of expenses (C. t77) shows that, in Sept. and Oct., r776, .ode from tl,e Refugees noted above, he bmught twenty-seven heads of mikes, a total of i57 passengers, and their effects. This was under the rect,on of the Committee of Saybrook. (Page tbq) On Dec. 24, r776, is account was returned to him for proper audit. (Page [6q. Also A. zs. so C. rz7) On Apr. zz, t77g, among others, he receipted for the claims of [pt. Richard Spink and Capt. Peter Latimer. (C. [77, t79) Ae signed the Association, in [77 (H. tz); another of the name signed, Huntington. (H. 2q) A Jol,n Vail was Serjt. in Col. Smith's Regt. -. 3z); another was Corp. in Col. Drake's Provisional Regt. (G. to) Pd- tes served as follows: Col. Smith's Regt. (G. 7); 3d Line (G. q6); Weis- :f~h' Levies (G. S7); 6th and 7th Dutchess (G. 68, 6g); and rst Orange. "ensus of r776: Males-above so years, i. Females-above [6, t; der t6, t. (A. 55) He was b. about r7zo; m. Abigail --_• d, ae q, [807. His children were: Elizabeth 5, b. Aug. to, x745, m. Reuben rdineq d. Mar. z6, [8z6; Esther 5, m. Dec. 27, t763, Grover, son of Ben- jamin L'Hommedieu (See L'Homme- %; ~ dieu); Capt. Elisha 5, above. (VaIl Gen., P• 46) A John, m. Sarah 5 (Aaron, zd, q, Aaron, [st, 3, Job, rst, 2, Maj. Rich- rAIL JONATHAN 4, CAPT. (John rd [-Bull) Smith. (See Smith) 3, 2, Jeremiah t; brother of the Refu- s, Capt. Benjamin, Jeremiah, Capt. John and Peter, One)-From Southold Guilford. In Sept., r776, with nine in the family he was brought over Capt. Thomas Lcete. (C. q4) He was at Guilford, Mar. 6, [777. (See :ipt, in Capt. Jonathan Bayley) One of his name, from Brookhaven, ied the Association, in [775. (H. zo) As Capt. of a ship (page 239), he Cato Dec., rr 7[GhetbrouglaPto Guilford partoft[the effecRt fuand in Fome ~s the families, of the following; Stephen Bayley (C. [?); John Boisseau [3); Ruben Brown (C. IS); Israel Case (C. t6); Nathan Corwin (C. 34): I. Anna Hinclunan (C. 7t); Joshua Horton (C. 7z); Recompence Howell 74): Elisha Mulford (C. ro8); Benjamin Paine (C. [zo); John Tuthill tss); Freegift Wells (C. tss); Capt. Barnabas Horton (C. [6q); Wid. citable Tuthill (C. t7o); Abijah Windes. (C. ffiQ In Dec., [776, Capt. id Landon paid him for transporting goods from L. I. (C. r68) In Apr., he was permitted to bring Joshua Terry and his family from Southold. 36) He was also Capt. of an azmed boat (Page 2t8. Also Records ,e State of Conn., z. uo); and, as such, Gov. Trumbull, on Aug. n, sent a letter to him advising caution. (Page 2oz. Also D. r6) ,e Jonathan who served in Col. Terry's Regt. (G. 8) and in Col. Smith's . (G. 38) was Jonathan 6 (Jeremiah 6~ 4, 3, 2, r). His dau., Lucretia ], as a pensioner ~inl[8 au., Mary 7, m. Samuel Newbury, (See Newbury) 33, age 75. (" N. Y. Pension Roll," p. 4zq) pt. Jonathan ¢, Census of [776: Males-above t6 years, 2; under t6, 3, Aes-above r6, z; under [G, 2. (A. 65) He was b. Sept. t6, r736; m. daY 3~ [757, Hannah, dau. of William Horton (See Horton), (z) Wid. - Clayton. He was drowned at sea, Oct. 3, t8or. His children Seth 5, b. Nov. 6, t757, d. Nov. z, r78o; Hannah 5, b. Apr. t[, i76o, n. 28, i83S Jonathan, Jr., 5, b. Oct. r8, i76z, m. Clarissa Norton, d. u, x844; William 5, b. July zz, [765, d. Sept. [z, [784; Lydia 5, b. 4, 1767, d. Nov. t6, [853; Phebe 5, b. Jan. i6, [770, d. Apr, tr, [807; is 5, b. July 5, [774, d. Jan. 8, Helen 5, b. Nov. [, r776, m. ^ Jeremiah Parmele; Sally 5, b, pyZ~rjt~, ^[`//~~ [5, [779, m. John Garfield, d. ~ ~+ti. 9, i8o5. (Vail Gen. PP~ so, sr) IL JOSEPH 5, CAPT. (Stephen 4, Thomas 3, Jeremiah z, [; brother tomas, below)-From Southold to Stonington. In Sep t., t776, he lees Long Island to Connecticut -Vail -Vail 6 r 7 moved himself, five passengers and goods, to Stonington. The claim was receipted for by Capt. Eliphalet Budington, in May, [778. (C. t6z) As Capt. of a ship (Page 23q), in [776, he moved William King, Jr., to Lyme (C. q2); David Howell, to Saybrook (C. 76); and James King, to Conn. (C. 2oz) In Nov., r776, he moved to Conn. the effects of James Wells. (C. 193) One of the name was Lt. in the 3d Westchester (G. 7q); a private in the same Regt. and in Weissenfels' Levies (G. 7q, 57); and a pens,oner. (" N. Y. in the Rev'n," p. 273) He was b. at Orient Point, Dec. 2q, 1748; m. Deborah Beebe. It is re- ' a~~ ~~ , i~ ported that he had seven children. (/' O_A_G~ He removed to Franklin, Delaware Co., N. Y. (Vail Gen. p. 79) VAIL PETER (ONE) 4 (John 3, z, Jeremiah r; father of Peter, Jr., below, and brother of the Refugees, Capt. Benjamin, Jeremiah, Ca t. John and Capt. Jonathan)-From Southold to Guifford. He removed to Guilford about [775, and d. there. (Vail Gen. p. 47) The removal was probably in x776. His house, at Southold, was the headquarters of Gov. Tryon. (Page [76) Census of 1776: Males-above so years, t; above r6, z; under t6, 2. Females-above t6, 3. (A. 5) He was b. in t z6~ m. Se t. zo r o, Bethiah, dau. of Jud e Samuel Landon See Lan on an. 30, 77 z. is c ildren wer ~ arne 5, . y.; emtma 5, m r753, m. Jasper, son of Jasper Griffmg (See Griffing), d. May zo, t8or; Nathaniel 5, b. in t755, m. Mary Hall, d. Oct. 6, [80[; Joshua 5, b. Aug. t, 1758, m. Sally Saltonstall, d. [8zo- - t8z5; ter r. ,below. (Vail Gen. pp. 47, 8r, Sz) VAIL P R.-5 (Son of Peter, One, above)-From Southold to Guilford with his father. He served in the 3d Line (G. 46); and in Conn. (G. gq) He was a pensioner. (Vail Gen. p. 83) A Peter, Jr., was a pensioner s. in [833, aged 7t (" N. Y. Pension Roll," p. qzq); also in Conn. (G. 99~ A Peter, Jr., of Brookhaven, signed the Association, in r775. H. zo He was b. in t76z; m. Nancy, dau. of Johu Boisseau (See Boisseau); d. Oct. q, 1844. His children were: Russell 6 b. c. t 8 , m. Amy Smith, d. June [4, x868; Elisabeth 6, b: Jan: t7, r7gr, m. o err Norcott; Ezra 6, b. in t7gz, not m.; Esther G, b. Sept. [q, t7gq, not m.. (Vail Gen. p. 83) VAIL PETER (TWO) 5 (Peter 4, Jereariah 3, z, t)-From Southold to Middletown. (Vail Gen. p. 74) He was b. Sept. r [ 749; m. Thankful, dau. of Jolut 3 Griffing (See GrifCmg); d. Oct. [5, 77g6. She was b. Jan. 6, [75z. His children were: Peter 6, b. Dec. z6, [777, m. Sarah T. Luther, d. in t87o; Sitas 6, b. Nov. 5, [77q, m. Persey Jennings, d. Mar. q, t856;~rohn G, b. June z6, r78t, m. (t) Elizabeth Edwards, (2) Deborah Tournier, (3) Prudence Reeve; Sarah 6, b. May z7, x78,3, m. Benjamin Corwin, d. Sept. i, [832; Jasper 6, b. May 8, 1786, m. (t) Mehitable Halsey, (2) Sophronia Edwards, (3) Mrs. Mary H. Ruland, d. May -, r87z; Charles 6, b. Oct. t3, r788, m. Elizabeth Van Houton; d. Nov. 2q, [878; Thankful 6, b. Oct. r3, [788, m. Wells Terry; Martha 6, b. Feb. r6, r7gr, m. Josiah Goodale; Gamaliel 6, b. Mar. 6, [7q3, m. Harriet Wells, d. Sept. r7, r876. (Vail Gen. pp. 74. 75. r34-[40) Young's Gen. states that Peter 4 (Jeremiah 3, 2, t) had a son, Silas 5, who m. Elizabeth, dau. of Judge Thomas Youngs. (See Youngs. Also Vail Gen. p. 45) Daughters of the same Peter 4: Mary 5, n,. David Wiggins; Mehitable 5, m. Thomas Wiggins. (See Wiggins. Also Vail Gen. pp. 44. 46) VAIL SAMUEL ( )-Samuel 3 (John z, Jeremiah i), removed to Orange Co., N. Y., soon after [ 7{t. (Vail Gen. p. 3q) Samuel 4 (Daniel 3, John z, Jeremiah i) d. in t777. (Vail Gen. pp. 55, 56) He may have lived rn some other place beside Southold. Samuel, the Refugee, on Jan. 7, ,780, petitioned for relief from the Polt tax, in Cona. (E. 32) In Oct., r78o, Capt. Jabez Gregory was permitted to bring his effects over fmm L. I. (F, 2i) He served ,n Col. Smith's ^~ Regt. (G. 7, tb, 33); and probably in '/v/ Conn. (G. qq) A Samuel, m., Feb. z7, r776, Mary Rodgers. (Smithtown Ch. Rec.) HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SOUTHOLD TOWN BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM DATE: o,Ir-iL~ ~I J~L'Z3'~ OWNER'S/SPONSOR'S NAME: ~~~ /'L(L ~~ , c~`~r4 ~- ADDRESS: ~~, ~ r f lrS S / .r CITY/STATE/ZIP: ~J~UI ITj~~-%~ i'~y L~ jI~I7~ PHONE: Ida S S~-~ ~ ~- • ORGANIZATION (If any): IDENTIFICATION 1. Building Name (How commonly identified): 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DESCRIPTION 1. Building Materials: a. _ Shingles b. ~ Clapboards c. _ Stone • d. _ Bricks e. _ Stucco f. _ Board and Batten 2. Structural System: a. Z( Wood frame b. _ Masonry load bearing walls c. _ Metal d. _ Other 3. Condition: a. Excellent b. ~ Good c. _ Fair d. Deteriorated 4. Integrity: a.LC-On original site b. _ Moved If so, whenv c. List major alterations and dates, if known: i+'j 7h%.S /~ t r~%K>~c L1 r~1~ i%JNL iti [:f=.i:`/~2r`fZ HL RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY r pu..' a. _ Barn b. _ Carriage House c. Garage d. _ Privy e. _ Shed f. Greenhouse g. _ Shop h~ Gardens i. _ Fence j. ~ Landscape Features k. _ they (Explain): Address: 5L~`_~ 5 >Wr'Hrt County:5-c{FGc7t~ Town County Tax Map Number: Section Ownership: a. _ Public b. ~ Present Occupant: Sc`~LF Use: Original: ~S/D~ t:c Block ~_ Lot _~(~_ Accessibility to Public: Exterior visible from public road: accessible: (Explain, i.e. By appointment) ~~~~ ~ N ~r~Cz ~ '~ ~ ni ~ vt," F~ I rti v %1~~-~ ~ c~ THREATS TO BUILDING a. _ None Known b. ~ Zoning c. _ Roads d. _ Developers e. _ Deterioration f. _ Other (Explain) OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (Including interior features, if own; ind'cate if~bpui/ding or structure is, in an historic district): IVQ~l/ ~u.'/1~ ,d7"~/l°~ yJgi 1~-~t'~/12~[..t'/~ ." ~'Jil~~i! ~sv~~nsi /,^ • SIGNIFICANCE 1. Date(s) of Initial Construction and Major 2. Architect: N~~%Ke~rvn. ~~t;vi 3. Builder:,~l.~,#-/GxCryvr~ ~(s^Z,cr 4. Historical and Architectural Importance, took place, etc. „Sfi~l f efpa~eet~rn~ 5. Is structure, place or~`ite presently on any so, which one(s) and on what date (s)? ~ if any: residents, s register that you know of? If MISCELLANEOUS DATA In your estimation, why should Landmark? this property be designated a Southold Town `Je-may '' ~~i ,' /~ 5~'. ,~~~c~_ . d~.c., • O 1775= SOURCES OF. S /Ll /i ~°u ~ " U l/ ~ r ~N~ > ~u~x.ae Attach photos of facades of building/structure/site visible from a public street ~~~71;fz ~-„~ well as of significantinteriorfeatures, i.e. fireplaces, mantles, stairs, etc. as J~nva-~ _~: appropriate. Attach Survey Map or Sketch of Location. ~`O~'`~ AGREEMENT L`.ozn. yv:C ~~..~ /t is understood that by the filing of this application, and following the inspection and ~~~"' evaluation of the property recommended for landmark status, that you are requesting the services ~r~x ~+_,~ of the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission to help you conserve, protect and ^'I`;i,~, preserve your historic property. Neither the Commission nor the Town has fiduciary ~-- responsibilities for any recommendations it might make to you to accomplish these conservation goals. The Commission's recommendations to you are not binding, but non-conformance with ~ a"F these recommendations could resul in denial or revocation of Southold Town landmark status. -~ .ow,2zv[, ,~w,y Signature (s) ofApplicant (s): ~~~"'t-u-~' °"i'~- ~ ~~~' ,~(~;~ ~0 Date: ~ +~~ ,..~d17 "~ < ~CtiC.Q /" -"`. Forward completed application with required attachments to Southold Town~lLd~~~~ 1 Historic Preservation Commission, Town Hall, P,O. Box 1179, Southold, NY 11971 ' TRANSMITTAUROUTING SHEET FOR __ BUILDING-STRUCTURE INJ[FNT[~RY F(7RM __ (For Office Use Only) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date Received Date Initially Reviewed by Commission: Date Scheduled for Ins ection: Date Inspected: / Inspection Team: Comments of Inspection Team: 7. Recommendation: 8. Date of Final Review by Commission: 9. Action: _ Approved _ Denied Date Submitted to Town Clerk for Official Notice: 10. Date Applicant Notified: 11. Date Plaque Presented at Meeting of Town Board: • • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY • t8U1LDINGSTRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM SD ~~ UNIQUE SITE N0. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS.AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK ISIN1474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold~SPLI~ DATE: nr rv 7987 • YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Road "f ELEPHONE:(~,76) 765-7892 Southold, L.i, N.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Development Office IDENTIFICATION ~ ~ ~ ~ - 1. BUILDING NAME(SJ: A R Val 1 hour 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOwN/CITY: Southold VILLAGE: 3. STREET LOCATION: Main Road. north side near Town Harbor Lane 4. OWNERSIIIP: a. public ^ h private ® _ . 5. PRESENT OWNER: Sco Dal nDDRESS: same ° ~ 6: USE: Original: - ~ Ra8 denoe Present: Reslden e 7, ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes ® No ~ ' Interior accessible: Explain pESCRIPTION ` .. ...-.. ~.. ~ ~ ` ,• .. . K. Bl11LIlIN(: ~"`' ' ~ 'a. clapboard ~` ''h: stone ~ ~ ' c. brick ^ d. buarJ and batten ^ MATIiR1Al.: e., cobblestone 0 - f. shingles ^ g. stucco ^ other: rL STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints SYSTEM: b. wood Irame with ligtu members ^ (if knrwn) ~ ~ ~"c. Tnasonry IoaJ bearing walls ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ , -• ~ d. metal (explainY brick foundation ~e. other ~ , ' 10. CONbIT10N: a.-excellent ® b. good'^ - c. fair ^ d. deteriorated ^ I I. INTI'.GRITY'. a. original site ^ b. movcJ ^ if so,when7 - c. list major alterations and dates (d known): • SD-RSM IX-3 Ii. PlrorO: From south-west -Front and west elevation 13. MAP: N, Y.S. DOT Southold Quad - ., ..~-°t~~ ,,,. ~ _ ~`' 4 ti r ^ ~- ' ./ - ~~.. _. . z ~ ,.. ! +. , ~ i i .T_. ~ ~' ~7~~\ -- :. °i~ i a. IS I b. Ti1RhATS TU UUILI>ING: a, none known ® b. Inning l] e. roads C7 d. derelupen O e, demrinrarion ^ f. other: RELATED OUTItCI LU1NG5 .\NU PROI'GR'I'Y. ~• a. hxnQ . b. carriage house [~ t, ga rahK ~ d. pdrv ^ e. dred O f. greenhouse . i g. shop ~ h. gardens ~ i. Iands.apt feuure.,• j, uJrer: SURROUNDINGS Of TIIL BUILDING Khrck more tfuu our if ncicscarp): a. open land ® b. woodland ^ _ l'. 52alle/ed bUllding5 d. denuly budr-up Q e. uommerc.ial ^ 1'. mdusrrul ^ g. residential ~ h. other. [7. INTPRRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROIRJDINCS: ~ ~ ~ r Ilndi:ate i( building yr Slmcture 1s in en hislori: dislritt) • On historic Main Road, in low density rural residential area. 1'hA house lies Fairly close to the street. with old handeomr± treys along the street front. I$. OTIIER NOL\gLIE FEATURES OF flUILDINC AND SITE (including inltnor features if known): 2;-story, 9-bay, side entrance plan gable roof, Italianate house. Semi-wrap-around porch with decorative pierced sawn spandreleF tapered turned columns have square pedes- tals and Crowns articulated with half-spindle motif on each face. 2/2 windows. SIGN I FK"ANC'E I'r. UAIF OF INI11A1. CONS'1R14:T111N _PY'101^ t0 11378 _____,_,_____._~ BUILUI:R: _.. .~..._.~_,. • ]0. IIISTORI('AI. AND AR('flITLCTUKAL IMPORTANCE: ArR. Vail house in 1909. Wm. Vail in 187311858• This old house contributes to the historic character of the etreetscape. .I. souRCes: Chace. Man i Suffelk Countv. 1858 1.>>. rrrrnfr: Horm prepared by Rosemary Skye MoritL, research . assistant. SD 77 239tid 20S659LI£9S 1d30 9NI0'1If18 OlOH1f105 0260 8002-90-£0